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    1. Vulture585 9 yrs ago


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I'm going to have to drop out of the rp for a while. Work is getting hectic and I'' going overseas soon. When things calm down, I'll come back
<Snipped quote by Vulture585>

Rebekah Green

"Apology accepted, Toto, and yes, you have my permission. Just, before you do the changeover, you should bring the new Totem back to me so I can do what I can to protect it. Like you were saying before, safety first with these things, yeah?"

With a wide, toothy grin, Toto's body becomes almost translucent, turning into a blue mist that is sucked into Rebekah's backpack. "Thank you madam," he whispers. He then thinks to himself, "Now, to find someone who isn't such an absolute bore." Toto allows his incorporeal body fill all available space inside Rebekah's bag, attempting to find the vial containing his totem. Upon locating the precious container, Toto transforms into a swarm of sand fleas. As one, they slip out of the backpack and silently fly away with the vial in tow. They fly out the room, leaving just a small blue monkey sitting on Rebekah's shoulder.
That's perfect
<Snipped quote by Vulture585>

Rebekah Green

"No, Toto, I don't" Rebekah said, this time turning to face the dragon at her feet (the jerky's growth slowed significantly)."I will respond in time, but remember that there are other, more capable people responding as we speak, that you yourself have just confirmed to me that there is no longer any immediate threat, and that I'm trying to help out someone else here. I'm going to be a hero. That's what we do."

"You may call yourself The One, The Only, but you'll have to realise that actually, you're not the only one who can make demands on my attention, and that sometimes, other things will come first. OK?"

Rebekah paused a moment, and found that she was leaning over Toto, hands on hips and breathing much more deeply than she had been. Perhaps an apology was in order.

"I'm sorry, Toto, that was too harsh" she said, dropping her hands and leaning back. "Perhaps all that craziness affected me more than I thought. Just give me a moment to finish up here and grab my things, then we can go and I'll think about what to do next. Is that better?"

Thin tendrils of smoke spiral upwards from Toto's scaly nostrils as they flared with discontent. He responded to his mistress, his voice quietly dangerous and full of energy in Rebekah's mind, rumbling like the thunder of a distant tropical storm. "Madam, do not allow my subservient manner of speaking to fool you into an inflated sense of self worth. My name reflects not the need for attention, but the fact that if properly utilized by a sufficiently creative individual, I would be the only aid of which they are ever in need. If my people demanded the entirety of our masters' attention to be appeased, we would not have shackled ourselves to creatures as frail and simple-minded as humans. We would have submitted ourselves to beings whose true natures, much like ourselves, cannot be contained in a physical form."

The One The Only shakes his head and briefly stretches his wings before disappearing in a puff of indigo smoke. Once the smoke clears, an adorable kitten is left standing on the floor. He deftly climbs Rebekah's body and rubs against his mistress' cheek while purring softly in her ear, "I'm sorry Miss Rebekah. I spoke out of turn in anger. We will do whatever you think is best in your pursuit of becoming a 'hero'. However, I do have a request. I tire of my totem and would like to find a new one. Do I have your permission to go out and seek something that suits me? I will leave a shadow of myself to assist you, of course."

@Mistress Dizzy

Is it just a plastic water jug or is it something...ornamental?

Something like these?

Does she carry around a bag or something interesting that a djinn might like to use as a totem?
@Vulture585 I would be happy to go along with that. I'm kinda lost for Kassy at the moment... I want to do something with her but I'm very uncertain as to what.

Remind me, where or what is she doing now?
Rebekah Green

Toto was back, winding between Rebekah's legs, now as some kind of dragon. She wondered if he was just showing off with his shapeshifting now, or if he always changed shape this often. "OK, thanks anyway" she whispered to him. "At least we're all safe now."

Rebekah wasn't buying Arachne's talk of being totally fine, at least not as much as she claimed. She'd fallen hard, banged her head, and taken a worryingly long time to get her bearings and stagger to her feet. Still, she could understand the other girl's desire to appear strong and self-sufficient in front of her new classmates. If she said to back off, Rebekah would.

"Morning classes have just been cancelled," she told Arachne, "so we're all free until gym after lunch. And speaking of lunch, I don't have burgers, but I can whip something up if you give me a moment."

It took a little bit of digging, but in a few moments Rebekah found a stick of beef jerkey in her bag, and pulled it out for Arachne to see. She then grew it to about twice the size it had been, snapped it in half, and placed one part back in her bag.
The remainder, she handed to Arachne before beginning to grow the dried meat again. "Tell me when to stop" she told her.

((My apologies, I hadn't realized that you had posted))

Toto growls quietly at his mistress' apparent disinterest. "Madam, do you always respond to threats with such...passivity?" He asks Rebekah telepathically.
@Vulture585 What would that entail?

Edit: Infinite beef jerky is a hell of a trick... Could she do that with sunflower seeds? I love those things.

Sorry, I was in the middle of nowhere for a few days. Basically, Toto would just be around to help one of your characters. He'd do whatever they said more or less, while trying to keep things interesting
Dizzy, would you like to become Toto's owner?
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