Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Congress of Nations, December 14th, 1814-January 1st, 1815

The Civitan Imperium lived a short but fierce life. Faced against the Combined Nations, a myriad of regional and Great Powers, the Imperium pressed at the periphery with the snake of liberalism holding it's bloated, corrupt regime afloat. The conflict originated in the Civitan Revolution (1799-1801), an equally short and brutal affair that saw the rise of liberalism and an open plebiscite that elected Titus Junius Cato first as it's Junior Consul. Within three months, the Senior Consul was dead--and Cato reigned as the First Consul. His position gradually evolved, first to the Consul of Greater Civitas, and finally to the First Citizen of the Civitan Imperium.

First Consul of the Civitan Imperium, Titus Junius Cato, circa 1801

Cato's first conquest was the War of the Southlands (1801). As Junior Consul, Cato led the Civitan XX Corps against the Duchy of Mille, who had long been supplying reactionary elements lingering in the wake of the Revolution. Added to the list of deplorables was the Saarturian monarch Sebastian X, the great ancestor of Civitan nobility whose family prided itself on Civitan independence. The war ended shy of four months, with the Civitan XX Corps galloping through the Saarturian mountains to destroy Sebastian's personal army, then turning to the west and defeating the Mille Royal Army fourteen days later. The Treaty of Vieux saw an end to Saarturian independence.

The old borders (both political and social) are erased, and a new, egalitarian order is installed to replace them. Bleeding heart liberals and mercenaries from abroad flock to the new Greater Civitas, eager to fight alongside the Consul's rapidly growing (and well paid) army. For his aggression against his neighbours and his support for revolts all across the continent, foreign kingdoms now label Titus Junius Cato "The Great Tyrant" for the first time, and resolve to defeat him. Around this time, Cato gives his nation about facing the might of the Combined Nations of the Continent, which is the term the united coalition takes on.

The Tsardom, and all of its dozens of nations, declares war against the Republic of Greater Civitas. Before their collectively massive armies can be fully mobilized, however, the Great Tyrant invades western Vornehm, laying siege to the capital: Vorenheim. To slow the mobilization of the Tsardom's massive manpower, and incite chaos in his new enemy's lands, the Great Tyrant begins actively funding and arming revolutionary movements all across the Tsardom's many member-states. A number of the smaller kingdoms, unprepared for insurrection and with hated rulers to fuel them, fall, either to peasant revolt or to mercenaries loyal to Titus. In the chaos, most of the Tsardom's armies are sent to quell revolt, rather than to aid Vornehm. Most of what reinforcements actually arrive in Vornehm originate from a state outside of the Tsardom—an expeditionary force from Aontas, a kingdom opposed to the Great Tyrant, helps to break Vorenheim's siege.

Civitan naval might overtakes Vornehm's, taking command of the Smaragd Sea and thereby opening up Vornehm to new avenues of invasion. After the assassination of Aontas' Queen, Maria II, that kingdom's army is escorted back to their homeland by the Great Tyrant's fleet, essentially defeated. Aontas' Parliament then votes to reorganize itself as the Republic of Aontas, and sends a portion of its former force to join the Civitan army in battle in Vornehm. With the various situations in the eastern Tsardom only escalating, and little to no reinforcements arriving to aid their plight, Vorenheim falls. The Tsardom's forces retreat eastward in disarray, chased from their homes by Titus Junius Cato's might. Civitas firmly controls both land and sea. Again triumphant, the Consul of Greater Civitas declares the formation of another new state, now encompassing Vornehm as well, in a grand ceremony in fallen Vorenheim: the Civitan Imperium. Titus Junius Cato, of course, becomes the Civitan Imperium's First Citizen.

Azreka and Dallin intervene. The allied kingdoms, fearing for the future of their monarchies and terrified to have such a powerful foe at their border, declare war on the Civitan Imperium and begin to mobilize. Titus swiftly moves west, along with the rapidly deployable elites of his army, leaving the remainder of his force to slowly continue the eastward push into the Tsardom. Whilst Azreka and Dallin assemble a massive army in Livonia, some eight times the size of Titus' own escort, the Tyrant pounces. A fake messenger arrives in Livonia, informing the army there that the Imperium's navy has gone through the Gilbradian Strait and is launching a massive assault on Saxor, located far to the north-west, through the Merabou Bog. The commander of the army in Livonia buys the ploy, and rushes most of the force north-west, directly into the Merabou Bog, to reach Saxor as soon as possible. The much quicker Civitan army circumvents the forces left in Livonia and catches the main Azrekan army in the rear after they've entered the bog. In one of the bloodiest battles of the war, more than half of the gathered Azrekan force is either killed or wounded, and the rest flee deeper into the bog. More than a dozen Azrekan fall for every fallen Civitan. Titus then sabotages the roads leading to Livonia from the north and west, before retreating back into Civitas.

- [b]Action 1[/b]
- [b]Action 2[/b]
- [b]Action 3[/b]
- [b]Naval Ship Assignment[/b]
- [[b]Demobilization[/b]] - [Mobilization]
- [b]Research Priorities[/b]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Empire of Vornehm

"We need to improve our tactics, our weapons in this war! The unity of the Imperial Tsar will not get us through this alone!," shouted a leading military theorist, Loren von Anshlaus, in a meeting over the status of the war.

"Neigh! To go further would be to go against what our creator has intended for all of humanity! Heresy! Heresy I tell you!," counters the court Theologist, Anriech Vonsheen, actively condemning any more funding to the military out of fear of being smited down.

"Silence you fools!," voices the Emporer who has been sitting quietly whiling listening to his court converse about how to shift the tide of the war. The man shifted his eyes among the court, thinking of what to do and stroking his beard ever so lightly. Religion, he could not abandon it or else he would lose opinion of the nation. However, there would be no nation unless they adapt to fight their enemies.

"I am sorry Anreich, but we must heed Loren in this matter. We must fight for survival and we must make new weapons if possible!," the Emperor announced, causing the theologist's face to become sullen while the theorist's became filled with glee.

"I will not let you down, my Emperor! I will leave immediately to begin planning!," Loren stated, gathering his materials before walking off and expecting his Emperor to provide the necessary funding to his experiments to help and win this war. However, the theologist slowly walked out praying multiple times over to have the sins of the nation be forgiven.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Empire of Gilbradia

circa. 1811

The city of Wolsey had grown over the centuries from a collection of villages and hamlets, river crossings and road-side inns into a thriving capital city. Since 1342, the simple motte and bailey fortification constructed by the ancient Azrekan invaders had grown into a palace of magnificent eloquence, nationalism and enlightened leadership. The great halls extending from the first ring-works were adorned with paintings done by masters across the continent. In the more private chambers and annexes one would find artifacts and oddities from the furthest reaches of the empire-the colonies. It was from these distant shores that vast amounts of resources were culled for the prosperity of the Gilbradian Empire. It was also from these chambers and halls that King Richard Stuart II and the Royal Ministers considered strategy and oversaw the daily operations of the empire...

"His majesty is hardly an idle monarch you see?" the gentleman was saying to a lady of some grace. Minister Peter Richards, sitting beside her adjusted his woolen collar and tugged at his scratchy black coat as he spoke. The lady was Abigail Maynard, the wife of Sir Jeremiah Maynard (the General of the small but effective Gilbradian army), come to meet him for tea once the meeting was complete.

"And you Mr. Richards?" said Abigail coldly. "How is it your presence is not required in the council chambers?" Abigail narrowed her eyes at the minister dressed in black.

Minister Richards smiled automatically, and stopped fidgeting with his clothes. "Your husband is with his Majesty at the moment, my lady. The King prefers to meet with his ministers individually before the full cabinet meeting. In this way I believe he knows the nature of each mans mind before conducting business of the state-" Blackpool stopped suddenly as the doors to the Council chambers opened.

Before the General walked two Royal guards in the dark red and black uniforms of the home guard. They carried sabers in hand and a long stabbing knife or bayonet in their belt. Behind them came Sir Maynard in full military uniform, a much embellished version of the Royal Guards uniform.

"Abby!" said the general eyes gleaming, saber rattling. Blackpool stood and helped the lady to her feet as Sir Maynard greeted the pair.

"Sir Maynard, how was your meeting with-"

"Splendid Peter. Your up next I believe. Hope your on your toes today my dear number cruncher. The King is certainly on his!" Sir Maynards' voice was full and rich, a man of excited personality. He took the arm of his wife and bid farewell to Minister Richards.

A stack of ledgers, charts, papers and notes were stacked several feet high upon the kings desk. Peter Richards entered the room carrying his own heavy stack of documents that reached up to his chin. The minister stood quietly waiting for the king to greet him. He gazed around the room wondering where the ever-present servants had scurried off too. It was quite some time before King Richard Stuart even noticed the Minister, and by that time Peters' legs had begun to ache. Eventually Peter coughed absurdly into his clenched fist to gain the attention of his Majesty.

"Thirsty Peter? There is a pitcher by the window. I sent the servants away. They are quite distracting don't you agree?" said his Majesty.

Peter nodded to his liege and gave a slight bow. "Yes, your majesty," said Richards plainly. "I have the figures for this season if your prepared to review them your kingship?" said Blackpool setting the stack of documents on the desk.

The king nodded and pulled a cord hanging on the wall. A light bell sounded from somewhere beyond the chambers and two clerks dressed in royal red appeared a few moments later and began dissecting the Ministers reports. The King gestured for Peter to take a seat with him by the grand window. Although he had been appointed minister nearly a year ago, Peter was still taken aback by His Majesty's casualness.

The King was silent for a moment, staring out of the enormous window that overlooked the River Walsh. Peter felt himself holding his breathe in nervousness and tried to relax. He began to speak but the king interrupted him.

"Do you know who Wolsey was Mr. Richards?" said the King. Peter shook his head.

"Are you referring to the city or the castle M'lord?" said Peter.

The King smiled. "Neither Peter. Wolsey is from the old Gilbradian tongue. It is a dead language-a relic of our Azrecan ancestry, but it is of interest to me nonetheless. A man should know his roots eh?" said the King smiling.

"It means Wall-Sea, and it refers to this great island nation," the king spoke without looking at Richards, gaze fixed on the river and the city below. "The sea surrounding our country and our colonies. It is a wall. You understand?"

Peter could only nod, not knowing what to say.

"Sir Maynard insists we need to increase the size of our Royal Army. I disagree. I say it is the navy which needs the most support. You and I both know it costs a fortune to maintain a navy. Armies are cheaper of course but are much...riskier. Given the state of the continent I have yet to decide. Admiral Lacy wants more ships-Sir Maynard more battalions. I ask you Sir, can we do both?"

Peter was already pouring over figures in his mind. The King was asking the impossible, and, yes. Yes it was impossible to maintain the caliber fleet the Empire already possessed and increase the Royal Army. "No, my liege. I do not believe so. Unless..." Peter trailed off.

The King grimaced. "The colonies."

Peter agreed. "The colonies sir. You could sell them off or bleed them dry, but might I suggest a recourse?"

"Of course," said the King.

"It is not my place your Majesty, but there exists already adequate armies on the continent. Why should we bleed Gilbradian blood; god forbid it come to that again; when allies might do it in our stead? Speaking it aloud sounds grotesque, but when it comes to the Empire, all must come before it."

"I had considered it Peter. Neutrality may have saved this nation before, perhaps it was the sea and our navy or the tenacity of our people-but the time will come when we must side one way or the other. I have much to think on. My thanks Minister. I shall see you at the full cabinet meeting. You may take your leave."

Peter stood, bowed and left the Royal Chambers. He found himself shaking walking down the halls, having spoke so plainly with the King. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he said aloud. Odd glances from passing servants silenced the Minister, who would whisper and gossip on the already odd behavior of Minister Peter Richards, the man who sits with monarchs and suggested policy well outside his own expertise to a king!

And yet, Peter could not help but think of his own career and the much coveted knighthood-perhaps a granting of land? Titles? All was possible in the coming years and Peter knew to his very core, that although he would not live to see it, the coming century would change the world in ways no man could anticipate.

EDIT: Changed character names to reflect my nation sheet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kingdom of Plebina

Spring of 1803
Outskirts of Tarantina...


The roar of the cannons echoed through the air, only to be cut short by the responding sound of gunfire, screams of men in pain and the ever-going tune of a regimantal horn-blower. The cannons reloaded, though they arsenal of cannon balls were rapidly shrinking for every shot fired at the enemy. And further down the fields outside of the city, things weren't looking any brighter. King Alfonso saw this, clear as day, and yet he was somewhat accepting his fate.

Ever since the revolutionary uproar over a decade ago, he and his council had been growing concerned about the prosect of an invasion. The Civitian Republic, now led by the Great tyrant himself called for the "Need to spread the Revolution to all peoples of the continent. King Alfonso and everyone else knew better, and the invasion didn't come a surprise.

It was the very scale of it and the clearly visible success of the Revolutionary Army that frightened them.

Four weeks had passed since the first skirmish began, and now the forces of the Civitian Republic was knocking the capital, while King Alfonso was doing his outmost to repel the invasion. He had ordered his generals, advisors, admirals, clerks, everyone to ready as many troops as possible in the last-ditch attempt at stopping the Tranian juggernaut. And it all came to a grand finale there, outside the city where King Alfonso had been born, grown up and reigned his country as he thought best.

"General Halfi! How is the situation at the southern flank?" King Alfonso put down his telescope and turned to the gentleman riding up to him, blood running from his forehead. "My God, you're hurt!"

-"Your Highness, I am afraid the situation is rapidly deteriorating; 1st and 6th Royal Guards have lost most of their men, 5th and 31st have retreated against my orders, and the remaining regiments are desperatly fighting to hold the mill and bakery..."

"How much longer can you hold then, General Halfi?"

The bloodied gentleman didn't answer, simply staring blankly into the eyes of his King and taking a last deep breath before falling of his horse. The King rushed off his own horse, grabbing his general and trying to shake him awake. Nothing.

"Ave Maria....May God have mercy on your soul, Silvio Halfi. You served your country well."

The sound of distant gunfire had by now been replaced by the visible silluetes of soldiers wearing the enemy's uniforms. King Alfonso stood up, taking one last look at battlefield in front of him, thinking hard on his next move. His forces were bloodied, close to routing in the face of such overwhelming force; on the other hand the capital would pose the last point of resistance to the invading Revolutionary Army, and thus effectivly announcing the Plebian defeat: His defeat.

"General Bergamon, I order you to take General Halfi's horse and give the order of retreat to the southern flank."

-"...My liege?"

"You heard me, Marsi. Retreat the men into the city alongside the rest of the army, we cannot seriously hope to beat them in open combat like this. It's a massacre already, and I will not tolerate it."

-"...Even if it means we concede defeat?"

"Yes, even that. If, and when Tarantia falls into enemy hands, we will have already evacuated the government, my family, the treasury and everything else not bolted to the floor. The Civitian Republic might have won the battle of Plebina, but the war shall continue until we've been granted victory by God's hand! Maybe not tomorrow, or next spring, but someday we shall march home as victors. Now follow my order, or I will be forced to do it myself!"

The Kingdom of Plebina was officially defeated by the Civitian Republic a few months later, before being integrated into a larger Lavarotti Union. The Royal Family, alongside the government, General Staff and many others managed to flee the country and continue the fight against the "godless revolutionaries" until peace once again returned to the continent. But the ideals of the revoltion had left its ideals behind, and so the seeds for future troubles were planted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Kingdom of Dallin and the Kingdom of Azreka

Summer of 1812

Merebelle was currently stationed in the capital of Highwall. The massive city being both a beautiful sight and a strong fortress in its own right. It had been built during a time, when the great barbarian tribes had ruled these lands - and for all their curts of being brutes, the tribes of these lands knew how to use stone.

The city itself was then, some centuries ago improved upon - it still retained its older feeling. Like ancient warrior spirits were watching over its inhabitants - since no invasion had managed to wretch the Azrekan people from this city.

She was currently, sitting with several other prominent leaders, both military and foreign - two Colonels and a noted ambassador from the Kingdom of Dallin. Her father was commanding their men on the front lines - he was known for being the typical Azrekan; hard, gruffy and meaning hard-work instead of sitting in a stuffy castle. Instead that honor was left to Merebelle Light - she was in charge, of keeping the supplies running, reserves on the move and aid coming through.

“Our forces, are strong. But they have been reporting heavy rain,” spoke Merebelle, trailing her hand on a map - she was mostly around to ensure, that royal decour was held and that anything went approved by the Royal seal. “Colonel Jubarkin, make sure Wargroup White gets that extra powder they need. Water can be both a pain and a blessing.”

“Yes, Serah Light,” replied Jubarkin, having his aid write down the needed orders that needed to be done. He and his fellow Colonel Abathur was in charge of the Suppliment and Reserves Division - or in short, both were now arm-chair soldiers whose job was to make sure the front stay supplied - hence being the ‘main powers’ currently in the Kingdom. Merebelle was just there, to make sure that no rivalries would threaten their campaign against the Tyrants of Liberalism.

“-further more I-” spoke Merebelle, before somebody barged into their room, breathing heavily. It looked to be a messenger, and judging by his outfit and appearance - somebody who had travelled a long way.

“Your Majesties, I pardon the sudden arrival. But-” he spoke, handing Merebelle Light, a letter. Said ‘Princess’ soon opening it and her eyes widening heavily.

“Our….Viscount….Archibald Light...is dead,” she said, with sadness in her tone - before it got tinted with anger. “...murdered by assassins! This became personal - I want these Tyrants burned on the stake for this, cowardly act!”

“My lady, if I may speak!” the ambassador said, finally rising from his seat. “The assasins could have been from other nation, not from liberal tyrants, someone who wants to see your country become vulnerable and weak.” he said, moments later, however, he shook his head.

“You must also remember your duty as the head of the family and produce an heir, should you die, my queen!” he says with a knowing smile. “And now to the reason I came here my lady.” he said clearing his throat.

“The new king Adelius Odrius asks for a royal marriage between our dynasties, to finally tie our eternal alliance together. He also wishes to say that should you refuse this, the Kingdom of Dallin will still support you without hesitation against any who may threaten your rule!” with that, the man now waited for the new queen’s answer.

She looked at Jubarkin and Abathur - whom didn’t look as offended as one might expect. “He does make a good point, Viscountess. We are at war, and the death of our previous leader might hit the nation hard. Stability is required.”

“So my father, was just killed and you people are already expecting me to ‘get busy’?” she asked, rather insulted at that.

“It’s the brutal truth of this war, Viscountess Light - some other kingdoms have been destroyed in this senseless war,” spoke Abathur. “Azrekan has maintained its stability due to our sheer strength and will. Many of us have worked, and done things we dislike - but it has been for the betterment of our nation. You know, what your father would say?”

Merebelle sighed at that, shaking her head. “The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few,” she grumbled, rubbing her head. “Alright. Fine! Send word to your king Odrius - ambassador. Stating that, we will be married - under the conditions that any son or heir, that would take the Azrekan throne would take the surname Light. And it happening, AFTER we have crushed these upstart peasants. Until then, send word that an engagement can be arranged for the time being - to lessen the fear and ensure stability.”

The ambassador shivered for a moment and said, still smiling. “My lady, if all children will have the name Light, then our king’s own dynasty would end abruptly here. He is the only one of his dynasty left. At least allow that the second son keep the surname Odrius so that our own people may be at ease, my lady.” the man, wishing to seem respectful, knelt in front of her, hoping that it would make her at least a bit more lenient.

“I suppose, we can work out the surnames later. Its the request that the sons who would want to rule Azrekan have the Light surname - so my line wouldn’t die down. Any other smaller details we can work out after the war.”

The ambassador was a bit distraught at having the continuity of the Odrius line called a small detail, however, he felt relieved that the queen had accepted the terms and bowed before her. “I will send a messenger to inform his Highness, though I am quite sure he will agree to your terms, my lady, may your rule as eternal as the alliance between our two nations!”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

Winter of 1814

A cold wind blew through the snow-covered crushed stone streets of Kienne, leading the northern city's war withered passers-by to stop for warmth next to the pyres dotting the city's roads and courtyards, illuminating the frigid night in their warm glow. All over Kienne, and all over Aontas, the cold and darkness of winter was broken up by flames, their merciless lick fuelled by the propaganda of the revolution. The flags and banners of liberals burned away in great piles, painting the industrial city's smog a shade darker, and casting more than a shade darker the fate of liberalism in the new, old Aontas. The armies of the revolution, once thought invincible, who had cast away Aontas' kings and given liberty to her people, now found themselves cast away in turn. Every so often, the sound of silence that permeated the Aontan capital was broken up by gunshots, the firing squads of the monarchists sparing no ammunition as they enacted their impatient vengeance upon their long-time foes, the blood of senators and of presidents painting the snow beneath their polished shoes a dark crimson. Republicanism was dead, smashed to oblivion, the fires engulfing its symbols—and its writings—as much the bludgeon of its demise as the shot embedded in its faithful's hearts. For the many who had supported the revolution's ideals, the value of the purges was not in defeating their convictions, but in impressing fear unto their believers. Fewer men were willing to die for what they believed than were willing to claim to. And for those loyal allies of the monarchy, who had quieted themselves those long years under the republican yoke, the death of the republic was met with cheers; in conservative circles, songs erupted into the cool midnight air louder than a crack of thunder, the anthem of the kingdom and odes to the nation and her greatness bellowed with the pride and ferocity a man can only possess whilst wringing his rival's neck. From the ashes of the republic, the revellers cried, the kingdom would be born anew: a phoenix, greater and prouder than ever for enduring her trials. The birth of a nation, in fire and in laughter and in blood and in snow, had begun. The white lion of Aontas roared.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 30 days ago

The Kingdom of Kalpia , the Enlighted Country

Kalpia Years 1800-1814

The Kingdom of Kalpia was one of the nations that maintained their neutrality during the time a great war ravaged most of the continent , many nations saw the Kalpian neutrality as something without a reason , but the fact is that the Kalpians had their own problems going on a war would make worse the delicate situation in the country. The delicate situation of Kalpia now called the Kalpian Succession Crisis , consisted of basically several pretenders arguing about who should be crowned king of Kalpia , each one backed by some branch of the royal family , some powerful aristocrat or even someone pretty rich from the bourgeoisie , either way most of them could not agree to give up the throne to anyone else because such was the way of the Seguthars a noble family that is known for their proud members no matter how small their position in society , this attitude has backfired several times in the history of the Seguthar and their possessions over the continent and most recently it had given birth to a king proud of his fanatism to the Kalpian religion of Malaritic , a religion that because of their conservative manners was frankly the origin of the succession problem as the king had little to no encounters with his queen and preferred to pass the time in the church , the priests considered him worthy , while the nobles thought of future trouble .

The king was called Santilt Seguthar I , a king that had leaded only one war on his entire life who after receiving a shot that put him near to death , pledged that if god saved him , he would forever follow all the teachings of the Malaritic religion until his death and sadly that was the case and it can be said to be the origin of the origin of the Succession crisis.

Back to the succession crisis there was a certain person from noble birth called Tariathus that presented himself as pretender to the throne and rightful successor of Santilt, the name of Tariathus had heard since the last king with the same died in a horrible way after he had be thrown to a dungeon and left alone with a jar full of Serranthian snakes , but that had happened in 1642 and few remember the story behind his imprisonment and it's not like someone cares about a king long ago death that may have done something very impressive or stupid to deserve such fate.

Tariathus was backed by the most powerful branch of the Seguthar family after all he was the son of the nearest cousin of Santilt and for the for that it branch it was a pretty obvious choice since most of the other pretenders weren't as close to Santilt and the throne as Tariathus , someone born and raised in the high nobility of Kalpia , someone with a lot of esteem from the previous king as he was the only that gave him company while he was at the great cathedral of Kaniarus and also helped him in his research to find holy relics , something that was fun for the young Tariathus but that also required a lot of dedication and patience from him , the moment he was selected to be the pretender of that branch of the family many hoped that he did not catch the fanatism of the previous king , something that they found out when Tariathus was found in the bed of one the court ladies , while the real reason behind that is that the poor lad broke the curfew after staying till very late to practice with his new horse and just entered one of the many rooms to sleep , the lucky lad didn't notice that there was someone in the bed and even more the young lady in the bed was someone that could be said was his fan and pretty much stayed quiet after the events.Tariathus was praised by his parents rather than punished and the king Santilt never knew what happened something that thankfully maintained him in high esteem.

Back again with the Succession crisis Tariathus while aware of the situation was almost never informed of the behind scenes actions , that his supporters had to do in order to secure the throne for their chosen one , even thought assassination was an approach that everyone decided not to use , things like sudden problems at home , bad headaches , rumors , debates between families and under the table deals between factions , one of those deals involved the holy cross that one of the most holiest kings of Kalpia wore hundreds of years ago , something that certain family desired the most in order to prove the rest of the families that they were the true preservers of family relics and history.This is a good example of why proudness will never stop to be the characteristic trait of many from the Seguthar family.

The most Tariathus had to do during his time as a pretender was to convince the rest of the aristocracy that didn't involve with the Succession crisis with a long prepared speech that he was the right one to be king , since until the moment of his coronation Tariathus was kept in one of the many mansions of his supporters , because they didn't want to risk anything especially rumours and popular scandals , things that could easily happen if one of his rivals really put himself to it.

At the end , Tariathus was crowned after a long and inconspicuous ceremony , where most pretenders didn't appear for some reason , Tariathus now with a crown changed from the easily manipulable guy to a more direct and proud guy , it is rumoured that his stance in the mansion of a certain mystic lover changed him the week before the ceremony , anyways this sudden change came well to the nation as his crowning at the age of 23 was well received by the nation , maybe because they were tired of old and long bearded guys that passed during their middle life crisis or maybe because he was a promising ruler , however , most nobles bet for the former as they were tired as well of that kind of stuff.

Tariathus during his first two years of rulership learned many things and decided to invest in education , in order to not met more common folks that believed that the earth was flat and that the clouds were made of farts and also to improve the economic situation of the country in the long run , he made his army one of the most elite in his little region of the world by recruiting only the best soldiers in his realm and sending the rest to study or do something useful with their lives ,because of this poor John could not accomplish his dream of becoming a general a la not-Napoleón and had to study in the of the newly constructed universities of the country , with his administration skills Tariathus was able to make his reforms quite easily and for some reason the branch of the family didn't mind that they could not control him as they loved the new gardeners that could read them books to their children while they could go bet with the rest of their high class friends and also get drunk and experiment a la "la bella vida" style.

And so is the year 1815 and Tariathus looks like a promising ruler or just some king that got some common sense.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


TURN 1. October, 1814 to March, 1815.


For the first time in fifteen years, the Continent had known peace. The Congress of Nations had convened and decided that the fate of the Civitan Imperium would not be as harsh as initially intended. The colonial power, which retained the majority of it's overseas holdings, was a necessary evil to ensure the powers of conservatism remained in place. A single provision in the Treaty of Vieux (1815) did come into effect in January, 1815--the only lasting effect that would maintain the new government of the United Territories of Civitas remembered the effects the Tyrant had wrought: The Civitan army was allowed at 80,000 men and not a single one more, lest the UTC incur the wrath of the four other great powers.

January was a shuttering and sickening cold, especially in the Norstran lands of Aontan, Svealand and Marnland. Horrible snowfall packed the countryside and turned travel into a daunting affair for only the most rugged--or foolish--travelers. The snowfalls maintained their ferocity into mid-March, with the annual freezing of ports in the north such as Torrik, Aontas.

The Blizzard, by Aontan artist Gustav Ergil during the Blizzards of 1815

The Smargad Sea claimed it's usual rough patches, with light snowfall in Vornehm and the Tsardom dotting the rural countryside. These snows were full and fanciful, unlike that of the Norstran lands, which were anything but. Life in Civitas returned to normal. Their merchants braved the roads, Consuls Constantine Andius Felusia and Quintus Gowius Tritus both got to work, picking up the pieces the Tyrant had left in their wake.


-[b]Action 1[/b]
- [b]Action 2[/b]
- [b]Action 3[/b]
- [b]Naval Ship Assignment[/b]
- [[b]Demobilization[/b]] - [Mobilization]
- [b]Research Priorities[/b]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Grand Kingdom of Dallin

TURN 1. October, 1814 to March, 1815.

Incoherent noises were passing through the room of the Dallin parliament buildings. Yet again, the ministers, the governors of all the regions in the country and nobles were arguing about what to do next, yet none could convince anyone else to their point of view at all. He would be amazed if this parliament would be able to decided upon anything in the future.

It was easier back when the king of Dallin decided what should have been done, nobody would have bickered and instead, all the nobles and governors would simply have nodded in agreement to the decisions of the monarch. It was all thanks to Titus Junius Cato and his Civitas Imperium. The combined armies of Azreka and Dallin faced the much smaller Civitan army in combat and shamefully lost.

With the army in shambles, some nobles of the realm almost decided that to avoid the wrath of the Civitan army was to turn their proud kingdom into a republic. However, the royal family was loved and a royalist faction was founded should liberal faction of the country decide to depose the king. However, the liberals were not idiots and decided that outright banning the monarchy would tear this country into a civil war, so they did something that appeased both the monarchists and allowed them to turn the nation into a quasi-republic.

They allowed the king to remain as monarch of the nation, but only in name. In truth, he had little power and was only a figurehead of the nation rather than a true monarch like his female counterpart in Azreka who had absolute power over her people.

"Quiet!" a large booming voice that both disrupted his train of thought and quieted all the bickering in the room. The man who had done that was the Minister of the interior, Aldius Hennan. "We're bickering like children, while our once proud kingdom is slowly falling to pieces, we need to be more united if Dallin is to prosper like it once did!"

The booming voice quieted down the lesser people such as some nobles or governors. But another man arose, a old man in his mid fifties. He had soft features for a man engaged in politics and a soft voice, this was Odrian Karmill, the minister of Foreign Relations. "I agree, while our economy is among the strongest on The Continent, it has grown quite stagnant, so I propose that we establish a trade agreement with our close ally, Azreka, that will help our economy quite a lot and strengthen our relations with our good ally."

Not many people argued with this and while they did not agree out loud, most of them murmured support of this decision. Odrian, with a pleased smile on his face, sat down back in his seat, though he knew that the man had many more ideas in his head.

"Good, and now that our economy will gain strength, I propose that were begin retraining our armies!" another man about the same age as Odrian rose. His features, however were much harder on the man, this was the Minister of the Army Pettrus Matthius. "Our army has grown too lax since our defeat, we need to show that our military is still one to be reckoned with!"

Nobody dared to contradict this man, not because it was such a bright idea, but because the man had a very intimidating figure. Almost everyone murmured in support of this, but mostly in fear of the large man not because of any other reason.

"I am glad to see that everyone is on board with these ideas, now, let me propose my own ideas!" Aldius spoke, and everyone looked at him with interest, even Adelius was slightly interested of what proposition this man offer. "We need to improve our nation's roads, but we must also research better ways to improve our economy other than simple trade routes!" he declared and many people agreed, among them, Adelius.

"Nay, we must improve our army's strength!" Pettrus Matthius declared. "Azreka may be a strong ally, but we must be able to take care of ourselves, we can't count on them for protection!" he shouted and quite a few people declared their support for that notion.

Adelius, wanting to prevent the room from being erupting into a incoherent mess of voices rose from his seat and declared. "Then we will have a vote for this!" Adelius declared. "Everyone will write which of the two research options they desire and after we will count the votes."

A ballot was placed in the middle of the room and slowly, one by one, each man placed his opinion in the ballot. After about 30 minutes, the final vote had been placed by Adelius himself, for he was selected to count the votes from the 100 people.

After counting the votes for a few minutes, Adelius raised his had and declared. "The votes are as follows, 48 votes for focusing our researches in economy, 39 for focusing our researches on the military and 12 people are indecisive. It had been decided, we will focus our researches in ways to improve our economy!"

- Action 1: Trade Agreement with Azreka= +4 Economic Rating/year
- Action 2: Military Exercises
- Action 3: Build Road between Odria and Ovelius
- Naval Ship Assignment: None
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

Empire of Vornehm

Amongst the Empire, the people were nearly up in arms over the lack of control that the Imperial Tsar had over its subjects and the lack to uphold defending the nations within it. In the town of Bookhagen, some nobles talked among themselves over this issue and the this dire concern.

"There was no excuse, the real threat was not the insurgency that the Imperium had placed within the nations of the Imperial Tsar. Nay, it was the Imperium itself! They knew where the fighting truly was, yet they abandoned us! What is trust with the Tsar if he does not uphold his promises?," A noble, Alex Volgrand,sated with his fellow nobles. They were gathered around a round table, complaining about the idiocy of the Imperial Tsar.

"It is not truly their fault, if the insurgency had continued then the Imperial Tsar would have fallen early in the war. Surely they would have come to our aid otherwise," A mister Wilhelm Teichert stated, understanding the problem that the Imperial Tsar had at the time.

"Nay! It was their mobilization that was the true problem! They took ages to fully mobilize and by then Vornheim had all but fallen if not for the help of those treacherous dogs to the north. It was both the Imperial Tsar and Aontas that was truly the ones who had brought our downfall! It was their faults that the Imperium had devastated the Continent!," Ott Huelst bellowed, gesturing out the window. He was the one who would have to bring this issue up to the Emperor, something that was nerve racking.

The others quit their bickering to listen to Ott, most of the other nobles even looked at him as he would continue. "If this nation is to survive, then we must cut ties to the Imperial Tsar, lest they disappoint us again. My only hope is that the King considers this in great detail and no doubt the other lords shall be lodging the same complaint. I have received orders to go to Marnland and discuss the relations of our people, maybe even get in a trade deal. Now gentlemen, who wishes to partake in dinner?"

- Trade Agreement [With Marnland, by sea = +11 Economic Rating/year
- Increase Relations [+3 Relations with Marnland]
- Appoint General [Wenzel Von Sydow]
- Naval Ship Assignment - None as of now
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
-Economics [High = -3 Economic Rating/Year]
-Industry [Normal = -2 Economic Rating/Year]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Happy reading. Collab-post between me and Claw2k11)

Azrekan Kingdom

In the streets of Odria, a large group had arrived. Namely they were the delegation of Azrekan - alongside their Viscountess Merebelle Light.

Many a whispers had shrouded the city, due to no small fact - that there was a marriage to be planned between the monarchs of the two countries. Most of the smallfolk were abuzz about this, for they know that large feast is currently in the planning to satisfy both the nation's interests.

Likely so, there might be whispers amongst the ruling powers - the Royalists and Republicans. While the King lacked power here, in Azrekan his word could be law manifest - many a man of power, were wondering about their status and position.

Soon enough, the delegation stopped infront of the Royal Palace, now the Parliament of the Kingdom. Flanked by a hundred Azrekan Kingsguards - stepped out Merebelle Light, dressed in a simple yet artistic white-golden dress. That was both simple yet beautiful.

In front of the magnificent power waited about 50 Infantry of Line all, decorated and armed, though with no intention of harming anyone. In front of them was Adelius Odrius himself, dressed in the most expensive suit he could possibly wear, a fine dark blue suit with a shirt beneath it. On his left was a man close to the same age as the king, he was wearing a more simple suit to show his modesty. On his right was a older man in his mid fifties wearing a military uniform displaying the many medals he had earned for heroism and skill in combat.

Adelius gracefully took the hand of the queen to help her down from the carriage. “You look absolutely beautiful, my lady!” he said and and lightly kissed her hand. “I am glad you could come here, most of the preparations for our marriage have been arranged, you only need to rest and watch.” he said before turning towards the two men before him.

“My lady, this is Aldius Hennan, my minister of the interior.” he said and the man bowed before her, though his smile seemed rather… forced.

“It is an honor my lady!” he said, yet again, with a forced smile.

“And this is Petrus Matthius, former head general of our country and now the Minister of the Army. From what I know, he had served with your father during the war when our armies were united.” he said, presenting the older man.

“My lady, it is an honor to finally meet you!” he said with more genuine smile. “Your father was a great man, I was sure to make one of the assassins I caught to feel the pain he felt a hundredfold!” he said. “And now that I look at you, I can see in your eyes the same determination he had in his own.”

“Thank you for this welcome,” she replied, courteous and mild mannered as all. “I hope we have a chance to talk, before we proceed with the celebration. As I understand alot has changed here.”

Adelius knew what she meant. The monarchy had lost almost all of it’s power to the republicans, yet he forced a smile, but before he could say anything, Aldius Hennan spoke. “And for the best might I add! The previous Azrekan monarch dragged us into a war in which we lost most of our army alongside with theirs”

The general flushed with anger but chose not to insult the man in front of the viscountess and simply nodded, a tad angered to say the least.

“But we haven’t come here to discuss politics outside, have we?” Adelius spoke. “Let’s head inside and discuss our politics inside where we will have food and wine aplenty!” he offered, hoping the viscountess would not become too angered.

“I would love to,” replied Merebelle, dancing around that insult. “Although, many known - that anybody is vunerable to an assassins blade Mr. Hennan. Victories and defeats have happened throughout history.”

She accepted Adelius’ hand at that - letting him lead her inside, where they could discuss politics behind closed doors - where royal decour wouldn’t be much in the way.

The gardens of the palace were exquisitely decorated with some hedges trimmed to look like past heroes of both Dallin and Azreka among which she could see that a hedge was trimmed in her own father’s likeness.

However, before long the group was lead inside the large building, which despite now being decorated for the wedding, was almost devoid of people with only a few servants around and some higher ranked officials. At the end of the room were two thrones, one belonging to Adelius himself and one in which he hoped that Merebelle would sit.

However, they did not stop there, Adelius led her and the two men in another room, a large lounge, already with two other people inside waiting for them. The lounge itself had a large fireplace on one side of the room. There were quite a few armchairs in the room and a large couch made of the finest satin.

Adelius led her towards the couch itself and seated her next to him. “Now… we will have to discuss what we dislike most.” Adelius said with a sigh. “My lady, I trust you had some propositions?” he asked her.

“Of course. Say Mr. Hennan - how does this governance of yours work? Do you have parties? Or groups?” asked Merebelle, asking rather calmly from the man who had by all rights, insulted her father.

“Not really, my lady, we have 100 people, most of them nobles and governors from the country gather here and we simply vote on what we should do. Much better than having one person make a decision which will affect the lives of millions, am I correct?”

“Really? I thought, your republican and liberal policies stood for equality and freedom?” replied Merebelle.

“It does, my lady!” he said smiling proudly. “The people have the freedom to elect who they want as their heads!” he answered. “And if the people don’t like who is leading, then they are always free to vote to take the one they don’t like down!”

“Oh? Then I presume, that are a few farmers among your elected? Peasantry from the countryside? Or a merchant or two?” asked Merebelle, letting Hennan, step into his first trap. “And how does this removal work? Do they have to wait five years, before the next ‘election’ or can they just come to Parliament and take him away?”

“In local councils, yes there are merchants and farmers, but not in this one. If they want to bring something before us, they send a representative and we’ll discuss the issue. The removal is more of an emergency move in case a certain minister is too tyrannical, really.” he said before asking himself a question. “But how are farmers and merchants represented in your nation, viscountess?”

“Through the local courts. Starting from the county, then city, and moving up to the royal court. If anything is needed - a peasant can reach even my ears,” she spoke. “But a question - wouldn’t removing a tyrant be hard? Especially, if the same people to remove them are in the tyrants pocket? How can a system function like that - if the likelihood of corruption might be the entire electorate? You can’t do much, if the electorate says ‘no’ to removing a minister - the people hate.”

“But it isn’t up to the electorate, it is up to the people, if they decide that they’ve had enough, then there’s little the ministers or the governors can do.” he said smiling deviously. “And how would it work if a monarch were to be a tyrant, hmm? What would the people be able to against that other than launching a full blown revolt?”

“If you know your history - then you should know, that such rulers haven’t been in power long. Since even a monarch, is dependant on some form of restraint. Be it via the aristocracy, military or other nobility,” she spoke - getting ready to step on his weak point of liberalism. “Who does the electorate, hold respect to? Who keeps it in line? We have seen from Civitas, how much ‘the people’ are in charge - when you have a charismatic individual and enough followers to spread such an idealism.”

“In those cases, then a majority of people choose to follow that man, and those that do not like it are in minority. I never said this system is perfect, my lady, but it has worked for us, my lady, we have no unrest in our lands!” it seemed that Hennan was starting to get a bit annoyed.

However, before a full blown argument would erupt, Adelius intervened. “My lady, please, we have not come here to have arguments about which form of government is better, we have come here to discuss how our two realms can come closer together, am I correct?” he asked, hoping she would not push the matter further.

“For now - you said it yourself now system is perfect. You have just gotten lucky. And I do not say this to demean you, just to get an understanding of you. Your government is based on an ideal - and like in older times with religion, it takes only one person with enough charisma to topple it. The reason why most fear or hate your governance is because - the Great War showed us a very bad side of your belief. What did you expect would happen, if Civitas arrived here? Cheer? He would have torn it down and built it upon his own image. Power always finds a place to rest its head. Most kingdoms believe that you are upstarts - most of us, we have had only one role in our life. To lead. It is why we were born and groomed to be. You lack the history of Gilbadia, where such a system has been in place for centuries - and the King has still power. You are basing it off, the system of Civitas - which caused so much death. Your way of leading is ‘safer’ but it’s also more divided - if Azrekan requires aid - how soon would you be able to get going? A month? Two? Six?”

“With a monarchy, it’s basically it - the monarch decides and he pays the price, right or wrong. If your choice makes the people suffer - then what? Most kingdoms here fear - that a ‘idealistic’ government is replaced by something worse. You shouldn’t replace old and tested traditions, with the shiny and untested ideal - not everything that shines is gold, Mr Hennan.”

The man was left speechless, unable to cope with just what she said. However, another older and more experienced man intervened, Ordian Karmill. “My lady, I would love to answer that and I will when there will be more time, but now I will only say, each system has it’s perks and it’s benefits, but none are perfect, there will always be problems that system will have. But now, please, I believe you have come here to renew our alliance and marry our good king here, not to debate political systems.”

“I know. Basically, with the war and all - my country has agreed to holding more open border trade - to increase trade. But also, they want to establish a more wider military alliance as well - more defensive. Although, they have been having doubts - if the current government can hold up to these promises.”

“We will uphold all these my lady, we have been allies for centuries, just beacuse our government changed, won’t mean we won’t come to Azreka’s aid. The people of Dallin have died for Azreka in the past and viceversa, we will always uphold our alliances.”

“Good to hear, we can go to the signing of papers later,” she spoke, hearing the wedding bells start to ring in the Palace. “Well gentlemen. Time to make history, I guess.”

- Action 1: Trade Agreement with Dallin (open borders)
- Action 2: Build Road with Dallin (Livonia to Ordomil)
- Action 3: Trade Agreement with Gilbradia (via sea) @Polybius
- Naval Mission: Merchant Escort
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities: Military (High)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

White Lion Post

Norstran Leaders Convene in Kienne, Discuss Infrastructure Cooperation

The Foreign Ministers of Svea, Naarden and Marnland arrived in Kienne today, travelling by sea to be greeted in the city's docks by a formal delegation of the Royal Aontan Navy. The representatives of the eastern nations of Norstra are meeting to discuss infrastructure in the region with their counterpart in the Foreign Ministry of Aontas, Aleksander Stenseth, as well as Jørn Norgard of the Interior Ministry. Data released from the Interior Ministries of all four countries involved in the discussions has concluded that both the quality and distribution of infrastructure in the Norstran region has been declining over the past fifteen years. Minister Stenseth attributes much of the issue to neglect over the course of the Great War.

"Political strife, both foreign and domestic, always results in negative consequences for ordinary people. Furthermore, the republican administration active in Aontas over the course of most of the war was extremely hesitant towards expanding trade relations with the rest of Norstra, limiting their incentive to move forward on this issue. The current administration has clearly demonstrated a much greater willingness to both improve relations with our nation's neighbours, and therefore improve northern infrastructure." Asked about a timetable for these improvements, Minister Stenseth said, "We can all expect major progress in the months and years ahead."

Interior Minister Jørn Norgard made his initial statements at the conference on the need for increased investment from all relevant parties. Infrastructural deficits in Norstra cannot disappear from the actions of any one kingdom alone, he commented. The Minister also made note of the especially severe winter plaguing Norstra, ehe effect it is having on settlements in the north, and how the poor conditions accentuate the Aontan government's push for pan-Norstran cooperation.

"It is the men and women living in northern communities that suffer the worst because of our present lack of coordination," he said. "I am hopeful that we can make progress in these talks and move forward. Kienne is willing to finance some of the first steps, with the consent and participation of our neighbours, but it is essential that the actions we already have slated are just that: first steps. A strong Norstra is not a Norstra that is defended and improved upon only by Aontas. A strong Norstra must be a Norstra wherein all nations and all peoples work hard to improve their own affairs, to the mutual benefit of their neighbours and their neighbours' own efforts".

Initial investments in roads and bridges on the part of Aontas are expected to begin construction in the early spring, after weather conditions improve. The first of these initiatives, a major roadway in northern Aontas open to both free commerce and defence, is planned to be constructed between the major naval thoroughfare of Torrik and the isolated eastern city of Austurby, near the Marnish border. Potential new international roads, uniting the infrastructure networks of Aontas with those of Svea, Naarden and Marnland, are in the preliminary planning stages. Progress on those plans is expected to be made as talks in Kienne move foreward.

Action 1: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Marnland. [+3]
Action 2: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Svea. [+3]
Action 3: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Naarden. [+3]

[Demobilization] - [Mobilization]

Naval Ship Assignment

Royal Fleet of Aontas; 1 First Rate, 5 Second Rates, 4 Sloops, 8 Frigates. [Home Port Kienne (North Eastern Sea)]
Ducal Fleet of Folamisar; 1 First Rate, 6 Second Rates, 5 Sloops, 7 Frigates. [Home Port Kardal (North Eastern Sea)]

Research Priorities

Army — Low
Navy — Low
Industry — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]
Social Thought — High [-3 Economic Rating/Year]
Economics — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
Avatar of ONL

ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kingdom of Plebina

Turn 1 - October 1814 to March 1815

The warming sun haning high up on the sky was a welcoming sight to all citizens of the Kingdom of Plebina. While the coming winter was much harser further north on the continent, the still kind sun gave a pleasent autumn breeze to everyone across the land, especially those lucky enough to live a the coast. But the pleasent weather also symbolized something else, something much greater than just a nice autumn day;

It symbolized the happy ending of a turbulent season of war, death, destruction and madness that the war waged by The Civitan Imperium had caused. While the end of many Plebian soldiers' lives, it had also caused a change of minds and culture in the Kingdom, though luckily that had been put an end to earlier that year. Still, ideals were easier to bury than to kill, but that was tale for another day. For now, the citizens of the Kingdom of Plebina could rest with a sigh of relief that peace had once again returned to the land.

Perhaps more than others was King Alfonso Sebastian I, who had only returned to his homeland a few months earlier after the revolutionary forces' retreat. For many years he'd lived in exile, but was now overjoyed to return to the home he'd sadly left in hopes of one day returning. And thanks to the Congress of Nations, he was confident that his kingdom, his home and the home of his subjects would be untouched by the perils of war for a while longer.

But what after that? Could such devilish plot like another revolution take place again? Could it happen here, in his very motherland? These thoughts raced through his mind as he walked through the crowded corridors of the Royal Palace in Tarrantia, windows on his right overlooking the splendour of the ocean and the sun, fishermen and traders doing their lot in life. A gentleman, wearing a white wig and red governmental clothes managed to bump into the King, and hastily bowed for his Majesty and apologized. King Alfonso turned quietly around, staring at the man silently before looking out the window and finding a smile on his face.

"We would most certainly have bumped into yourself, taking the beautiful view of the ocean into consideration. It's not every day One truly appreciates the wonders of this land. Now be careful where you walk next time, you have better things to do than to stall Your Majesty."

King Alfonso did not wait for a reply, and simply turned back to walk down the corridor again before turning right to a pair of large doors, guarded by two Royal Guards; he actually recognized them as survivors of their last stand outside the city 11 years ago. In an orderly fashion and manner practiced over many years, they presented their arms and proceeded to open the large doors for their King, who himself saluted them and entered.


The room which King ALfonso entered, was a large room with a tall roof, large glass windows facing out into a massive courtyard which was the Palace's front entrance, guarded by plenty of Royals Guards and others alike. The room was brightly lit, mostly by the sunlight itself and the reflections for a large mirror at one wall. At the other wall was a painting stretching all across the wall, depicting a scene from the glory days of the Ancient Empire that once ruled those lands, now long go and a far echo from the present. In the middle stood a long, wooden table, chairs surrounding it and a throne-like chair at the very end, facing the massive doors.

All the men that had previously been sitting around the table and talking amongst themselves, now shot up from their comfortable seats to greet His Majesty as he entered the room, meeting the eyes of everyone present as he walked past them. "Please, be seated. We have plenty of work to do, my friends." The king said calmly, sitting down at his designated chair and smiling at all his men. "So, let us commence the first proper meeting of government since peace once again returned to our lands. Bellino, would you be so kind as to start?"

A tall man, clearly balding but with a fine comb-over slyly trying to hide said baldness, stood up and bowed for the King, before turning to the other men sitting around the table. Manfredo Bellio was the foreign minister. -"Very well, Your Majesty. Gentlemen, honoured members of His Royal Highness, King ALfonso I of Plebina's government. As we are all aware, You Your Majesty best of us all, the Great War made formal diplomatic relations with our neighbours unfortunatly difficult. Now we can all rest assured that he Congress of Nations made peace possibly and permanent, but the same cannot be said for our foreign standing, especially with our largest neighbour."

"The Kingdom of Boccia." The King calmly commented. The foreign minister turned quickly, if a bit surprised but quickly regaining his wits.

-"Yes, Your Majesty, Boccia. They too felt the scorn of the Great War, and they too were joyful of the lasting peace we are enjoying now. But our relations have been severly hindered because of the lack of a proper diplomatic channel of communications."

"And I assume you are about to propose I give you my blesssing to open said...what did you call it, diplomatic channel?"

-"You're just as wise as you've ever been, Your Highness. Seen as we are both dutyful members of the Imperial Tsardom, an action such as opening an embassy would only be benifital for us all. We and the Kingdom of Buccia have been on friendly terms for years, not like the time of open rivarly before, and so a segmentation of our future friendship should be a priority.!

"Very well, you have my support in said endevour. Let it be written down and confirmed, and let us all hope our friendship grows in the coming years. You may be seated."

"Mr. Moscaritolo, I believe you have been eager to speak through this whole session?"

The meeting had already gone on for about 45 minutes when The King ordered his Minister of the Interior to speak, to which said man did. He was a younger looking man, easily the youngest in the whole room with his still not balding head and vivid mustache fitting his face. Lazzaro Moscaritolo was his name, and he had a still long career ahead of him, which meant that he took his job all the more seriously.

-"Your Excellence, thank you for your patience. We have all dicussed and come to agreement on many important areas of this country's future, but I must add one more detail to this; With the retreating Revolutionary Army fleeing Plebina, several of the main roads were badly damaged. Partly due to the army being on a fighting retreat, and partly due to them intently saboutaging them in order to help their advance."

"But most of the roads have been repaired, have they not? The farmers and other rural inhabitants have the traditional road-maintainence work laid out for them, do they not?"

-"Yes, Your Majesty, but sadly not all. In fact, one road in particular should be duly noted..." Moscaritolo produced a map from his bag, resciding behind his chair and now layed out in front of the King himself to look. An area in the north-western part of the map had been circled out. "As you will see, Your Royal Highness, the city of Lilla lacks any major infrastructure connecting it to the rest of the country. The road was badly maintained during the War, and the mountainous terrain has made repairing it quite impossibly by the peasents alone."

"...So Lazzaro, is there anything that can be done to eliminate this problem? I cannot imagine what life must be trying to reach Lilla without any major roads leading there."

-"There is; simply put, Your Highness, I would like to ask for the funding of a governmental construction-project to repair said road; possibly even improving in such a way that it will last longer than the previous route. Would that be possible, Your Majesty?"

No one dared interrupt or object the proposal by the Minister, seen as their saying had little effect to the decision King Alfonso would make, unless asked for their opinion. The King quietly nodded, reaching for a pen and signing the same map he had been given earlier. "Give me the proper documentation for me to sign later, this will work as a reminder for now."

The session of Govermnet was coming to a close, 'finally' many of the members of Government would think to themselves as the sun was slowly setting and leaving the large room more and more in darkness. Lamps and candles were brought in to give some light, though many were already getting ready to leave. The King seemed like-minded, until he caught a hand raised up just in the corner of his eye. "Yes?"

The balding man rose, the man who had brought up the first topic of the session actually; the Foreign Minister, Manfredo Bellio. -"May I bring up one last matter for us to attend to?"

The other men sitting around the table, including the King himself gave a look of surprise at him. For the first time in the whole day, someone had not adressed King Alfonso with a proper title. The room was silent for a moment, people looking back and forth between the King and Bellio, before King Alfonso broke the silence.

"If you remember to adress me properly next time, then please, let us hear this last matter of yours, Manfredro."

-"Eh...of course, Your Majesty, of course. I am terribly sorry..."

"I asked for your topic, not for an apology."

-"Of course, Your Highness. Anyway, trade is something else that the War sadly hampered, and the effects are still felt to this day. While trade is slowly coming back to their normal levels of wealth, I am under the opinion that we should perhaps help it on its course."

"...What do you propose then, Sir. Bellio?"

-"A trade agreement. Specifically with the Kingdom of Kalpia, Your Majesty. There are several goods that are in high demand in Plebina, while the same can be said for them and our goods. While only traders from both our kingdom and theirs have mentioned this, I believe a direct iniative from our goverment to theirs would be benitifial for us all."

"You know I have never been excellent with money or trade, Mr. Bellio, so I put my trust in you and your expertise in this matter. If no-one objects to the proposal of a trade agreement between the Kingdom of Plebina and the Kingdom of Kalpia..."

No one raised their voice, their hands or eyebrows, only looked at each other and quietly gave their nods of agreement.

"...then I suggest you write said proposal and offers it to a Kalpian diplomat. But first I would like to congratulate us all on this grand session of Goverment. Finally the Kingdom of Plebina is back on due corse, just like Almighty God and Fate herself intended it to be. This session of Govermnet is over, and the Council is dimissed."

The whole room was quickly emptied, leaving only the King and a seemingless advisor alone standing at the window, looking out.

"Tell me, what is your opinion of Tarazzo?"

-"The Free City of Tarazzo? Well, they're famous for their culture, especially their operas and litterature."

"And the Osladian Empire?"

-"...I don't think I'm fully following you, my King."

"No...no it's nothing, I was simply trodding in my own thoughts. But perhaps I should make a royal visit to their opera houses?"

- Action 1: Increase relation with Kingdom of Boccia (+3 Relations)
- Action 2: Build Road - Collogium to Lilla (-35 Economic Rating)
- Action 3: Trade Agreement with Kingdom of Kalpia @Murtox (+11 Economic Rating/year)
- Naval Ship Assignment - Merchant escort
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities:
  • Army (Medium)
  • Navy (Medium)
  • Industry (Low)
  • Social thought (Normal)
  • Economics (Medium)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
Avatar of LordZell

LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zeelian Empire

Envoy to the Kingdom of Saarturian.

With the war finally over, King James thought it best to begin opening negotians with those around the empire and those that were at odds with the former empire under the tyrant. As such a prominent figure among Zeelian nobilty was chosen to represent named Jupiter Hez. He would begin laying the foundation for what was hoped to be a long friendship together.

Military Expansionism

King James under the advice of Minister Durham began to look into military affairs going even as far as to appoint a prominent noblemen who has come from a line of distinguished military commanders named Lucas Falkand. The Minister also advised that wargames should be held so as to better prepare the army should another tyrant rise or should as the minister hopes Zeelian wish to expand their reaches and step into the world stage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 30 days ago

The Kingdom of Kalpia , the Enlighted Country

The New King Tariathus had two problems that required his immediate attention in his third year of mandate , the first one originated by a very unfortunate casualty and the other by his spending on education , one out of two that he did not cause , looks like he is improving and his people really hopes that he continues improving and not suddenly changes like many other kings and power hungry maniacs that history likes to remember so much . After consulting with his advisors and long sessions of drinking tea & coffee , he finally found a solution that could solve both problems or at least 2/3 of it.

The first problem was about the government itself that he had inherited from the last king , a government that was somewhat efficient where the average age was 40 years old , that mean that people would start to die like a domino after a certain time and replacements were required , this cycle happen to go accordingly with the coronation of the young Tariathus , as the day after the coronation the priest that preceded the ceremony died of a heart attack , the royal butler died a week after and the royal gardener the hour after . Because of that the following weeks Tariathus had to oversee the hiring of proper replacements for them and the others old men & woman , after a month or so he was informed that the minister of the army and the minister of foreign affairs had died after drinking too much in a party , everyone was pretty sure that they were way after their middle life crisis but for some reason that didn't stop them from having some fun with the friends.

And so Kalpia was left without an army minister and a foreign affairs minister , their post would take quite a while to fill out and it was not that they really needed right now since the great war victors left pretty clear that any war would have their deserved punishments and because of that everyone thinks they are ******** , anyways Tariathus had to wait untill his advisors told him who could (but not necessarily be ) a good choice , his advisors obviously picked obvious choices , generals that did not seen any war , administrators that could barely speak foreign languages , between others . Tariathus felt like his advisors were just teasing him before presenting him the real candidates but to no avail THOSE were the real candidates , so Tariathus set himself to search the right people for the right post , until he found the adecuate ones , one was called Giselbert Fridumar from Kaniarus and the other Archembald Leutwin from Husburg , both well educated men , by the standards of Kalpia , and also well versed in politic and administration or so he Tariathus thought , Archembald at the very least could speak 10 languages about 10 times the languages of the real candidates , Giselbert had a voice like no other and could direct men on his barrack like no other , he also knew many strategies and tactics that were supposed to be known by every Kalpian general and he also travelled a lot in the country so he also knew the terrain of his homeland , he finally sent them to do their job as ministers and set up to fix the other problem.

The money problem solution needed that Giselbert made a proper trade agreement with honorifics and else , to the nation of Plebina a nation that was also trapped in the Inner sea along with Kalpia , Tariathus thought that the previous kings certainly had a lack of something in their heads as none of them had proposed the Plebians or any other nation a treaty that could last till today , he seriously thought that they had conspired to make his rule a long and painful one , but then he remembered Santilt and those thoughts left his mind , for the lucky Giselbert an envoy carried a proposal for a trade agreement between the two countries and so Giselbert only had to fill out and send a proper response something way easier than done , but Giselbert proved capable of at least doing something similar that his predecessor , this somewhat fixed the economic problem of Kalpia , but future policies were still to come and poor Giselbert would have to do more paper work in the future and nobody could stop that.

-Action 1 Trade Agreement with the Kingdon of Plebina , +11 Economic Rating/Year Sea Trade
- Action 2 Appoint Minister: Giselbert Fridumar Minister of the Army -5 Economic Rating
- Action 3 Appoint Minister: Archembald Leutwin Foreign Minister -5 Economic Rating
- Naval Ship Assignment
The 1st Royal Fleet (Port: Terson): 3 First Rates , 4 Second Rates , 4 Frigates , 4 Sloops --Inner Sea [Merchant Escort]
The 2nd Royal Fleet (Port: Wular): 3 First Rates , 5 Second Rates , 3 Frigates , 5 Sloops --Inner Sea [Merchant Escort]

- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
- Army High (-3 Economic Rating/Year)
- Navy Low (0 Economic Rating/Year)
- Industry Medium (-1 Economic Rating/Year)
- Social Thought Medium (-1 Economic Rating/Year)
- Economics High (-3 Economic Rating/Year)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The following is taken from "History of the Oslads: The 19th Century and Beyond" by Dr. Igor Resnick.

"The Tsar marches through Cividium" by Aleksandr Segorovich, circa 1815.

In the immediate aftermath of what would become known as 'The Catonianic Wars' and the Congress of Nations; The Osladian Tsardom stood at the center of the world stage as the dominant power on the Continent and the controller of the Imperial Tsardom at large. Across the continent her armies and the armies of her allied states began the long march home. However, despite her status, the Tsardom was wounded. Of all the nations having fought in the war, the Imperium took the greatest losses. Between the major revolts within the Tsardom and the marching armies of the growingly infamous Titus Junius Cato, the Tsardom was shown to not be the impenetrable force it was thought to be. Within the post-war Imperium there had grown two opposed factions. The states aligning with the Emperor of Vornehm, and those aligned with the Emperor of Oslad. In the coming years the schism within the Tsardom would be known as 'The Emperor's Game' and the political impact it held on the already weakened Tsardom would change the course of Continental history.

While documentation had become commonplace during the Catonianic Wars. The state affairs of the Osladian Tsardom were, at best, unorganized and many official information simply lost to time. Thus, historians have relied heavily on the personal journals and diaries of Noblemen and Women as well as military and domestic officials. In the memoir Kirigin Tarasovich, the Governor-Magistrate of Kazinogors, we read the following.

"When Tsar Lubomir's army marched home through Volinski there was joyous celebration. Crowds of men, carrying their young children on their shoulders, cheered and women wept and threw flowers to the parading Iron Guard of the Tsar's personal army. However, I felt no joy in the sight, only tension. In the days prior to the Tsar's return to the country the ruling regency informed me of the recent accusations of our Vornehm allies. On the streets of Vorenheim the people openly mocked the Tsar and his authority, calling the Imperial elections a fraud. Thus, as I watched the men smile as they once again saw their motherland, I could only feel tense as I considered the thought that they'd be marching away again soon."

While the fears of the Governor-Magistrate are still debated today as being valid, the aforementioned quote shows the anxiety within the Osladian state of upholding the peace that had been bought at the Congress of Nations. Through accounts of witnesses and members of Tsar Lubomir's family, we know that in the following months of 1815 the Tsar personally began correspondence with Emperor Jörg Reiter to discuss the events of the War and how to end the apparent schism. If these correspondence were successful is up for debate however. In addition to attempts at easing tensions with the other Imperial Emperor, the Osladian Tsardom made moves to engage in contact with 'the buffer Kingdom' of Plebina. Though the two states were within the Tsardom, little contact between the two nations even in the midst of the Catonianic Wars. The Tsardom would, in coming years, make multiple moves in which the formerly isolationist power began to spread her wings diplomatically and establish herself as more than the wielder of the Imperial crown.

Tsar Lubomir II, also known as 'Lubomir the Great'

On the topic of the Imperial crown. In November of 1814, only two weeks after the Tsar returned to Oslograd, a Imperial Diet was called and to be held in February of 1815. Delegates and royalty from across the Imperial were requested by the Tsar personally to make preparations for travel in late January when the winter would begin to weaken and the few roads that there were would clear. However, due to the winter not budging as intended, the Imperial Diet would not begin in full until mid-February.

Once all delegates had arrived in Oslograd a series of inter-Imperial debates began. All nations wished in their own ways to see their nation would be safe from another Civitan Imperium or equal foe. The Osladian delegation, consisting of the Tsar and his council, were quick to call for unity within the Imperium and that only through unity and brotherhood would all nation stand together. To cement the Tsardom's 'unity for new century' the Osladian delegation called for trade agreements and relations improvements between all delegates and a opening of economic markets between the Tsardom's states. Though much of the agreement would need to be tweaked, by the end of February the formation of what the Vornehm delegation called the 'Volksmerchant' was crafted. The Volksmerchant would be a trade union agreed upon by a majority of the Tsardom's states that would, in essence, promote free trade and more open borders between members of the Tsardom. Opponents to the act, predominantly nations already distrusting of Oslad and protectionists, decried the Volksmerchant as merely a ploy by the Tsar to centralize the economy of the Tsardom into Oslograd. However, regardless of her opponents, the treaty went into official decree on March 1st and merchant guilds across the Tsardom made adjustments to fit the new laws into their charters.

- Action 1 Increase Relations with the Kingdom of Plebina (@ONL)
- Action 2 The Agenda of the National Diet - Formation of the Volksmerchant
- Action 3 Increase Relations with the Empire of Vorenhm (@Lauder)

- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]

- Naval Ship Assignment
1st Osladian Imperial Fleet - 1 First Rate, 4 Second Rates, 6 Third Rates, 8 Sloops - Coastal Patrol Duty
2nd Osladian Imperial Fleet - 5 Second Rates, 5 Third Rates, 8 Sloops - Merchant Escort
Osladian Merchant Fleet - 10 Privateers - Merchant Escort

- Research Priorities
Army - Low
Navy - Low
Industry - High [-3 Economic Rating/Year]
Social Thought - Low
Economics - Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Empire of Gilbradia

Turn: 1 / October 1814 - March 1814

The cabinet of ministers met without incident in March of 1814. A full Parliament would convene later that winter, but no later than March of 1814.

  • His Highness, King Richard Stuart II, 53
  • Minister of the Interior: Peter Richards, 45
  • Foreign Minister: Aidyn Bowers, 61
  • Minister of the Army: Jeremiah Maynard, 77
  • Minister of the Navy: Mauricio Mullen, 44

Office of the Admiralty

The office of the admiralty, under direction of Minister Mauricio Mullen ordered the Colonial Fleet, (4 First Rate ; 10 Second Rate ; 26 Frigate ; 2 Sloop) under command of Captains Lacey, Pierce and Hyde to remain in colonial waters until further notice. The remaining ships will continue to protect the Gilbradian Coast.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

King Richard Stuart has invited nobles from the Kingdom of Hathoway to the Capital of Wolsey in Gilbradia for a formal meet and exchange of customary gifts. The King and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aidyn Bowers hopes to increase relations with The Kingdom of Hathoway.

An envoy also arrived from the Kingdom of Azrekan with an invitaton for increased trade between the Empire and our continental friends. King Richard Stuart has signed the agreement. In addition, an offer of increased trade with the Veldlands, forever friends of the Empire, has been proposed.

- Action 1 Trade Agreement with Azrekan @NecroKnight +11econ
- Action 2 Increase Relations with The Kingdom of Hathoway
- Action 3 Trade Agreement with Veldlands [@LoneWanderer] +11 econ
- Naval Ship Assignment

  • Home Fleet ; 14 First Rate ; 34 Second Rate ; 30 Frigate ; 26 Sloop (Protecting Gilbradia)
  • Colonial Fleet ; 4 First Rate ; 10 Second Rate ; 26 Frigate ; 2 Sloop (Protecting colonies)

- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
- Army / Low (0)
- Navy / Normal (-1)
- Industry / High (-3)
- Social Thought / NONE (+2)
- Economics / High (-3)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

Empire of Vornehm

Zeelian Empire

Kingdom of Koravia

Palace of Vornehm, March 15th, 1815

The Palace of Vornehm, home to one of the most historic places in all of the Empire, was active in its most usual fashion of maids and servants cleaning what they could. The palace servants were not the only things that were lively, in fact it was the throne room that was filled with life. Emperor Jorg Reiter was busy entertaining an ambassador from Koravia, a mister Willecz. The normally hollow , grey hall was filled with servants who were carting food in an out, entertainers doing their best to keep his majesty and the ambassador. 

Sandwiched neatly between the empies of Vornehm and Zeelia, the Koravian Kingdom was a steel hardened nation which had been tested in the mettle of war and diplomacy for over five hundred years. Albert Ganush Willecz came from a family forged in that very flame. The Willecz name was well recognized, fathering the Great Marshal of 1786 fame that defeated a Zello-Vornehm Army. Better still, Albert had managed to sneak around the mandatory military conscription in favor of a less exerting vocation: the foreign ministry. It was by the end of a pen, not the sword, that attributed to Koravian independence. The end of the Catonianic Wars had seen no such changes in foreign policy.

Still, the Vornehm certainly took their time in seeing diplomats--especially from such lowly nations as Koravia. Albert tapped his fingers across the hardened oak table for the third time, watching a pair of Vornehm jugglers finish their routine. "Master Emperor, have you taken notice of the late hour? I must admit, if the Kaiser does not make himself known, I may yet have to retire to my chambers."

"Kaiser Conrad is taking an awful long time to arrive. Perhaps he has been held up? Needless to say the lack of punctuation annoys me." Reiter admitted with a slight sigh coming to him. 

"I wonder aloud still, Master Emperor, I know not the reason a representative of Koravia has been hailed here. Surely, we have done no wrong in the eyes of Vornehm or Zeelia alike?"

"You nation has a been a mildly close firend in the eyes of Vornehm thusly matters that involve Zeelia and Vornehm may affect your home. While we may not always send people to keep those relations ripe, we do appreciate the passion of your merchants and artisians. Vornehm may have decent education, but we seem to always lack creativity," Jorg explained.

Suddently horns could be heard from outside the room and the wide gates into the hall opened and entered the Kaiser himself in a simple outfit of red and grey. He was flanked by two of the elite guardsmen and a small band playing the anthem of Zeelia. All eyes had turned to look at this small gather after the anthem the Kaiser had walked towards the Emperor and bowed most graciously "My apoligizes oh great Emperor of Vornehm, the road to the capital was ever long especially with the lack of infastructure that was so wrongly destroyed by the tyrant Cato and his army. I do hope that you and you guests might forgive me." He said as he continued to kneel before the emperor.

"Not to worry, Kaisar Conrad, now that you are here we can begin our discussions. I hope you do mind that I invited an ambassador from Koravia, a mister Albert Willecz,' the Emporer stated, making gesture to let the Kaisar rise.

Ambassador Willecz made no attempt to stifle a very real yawn. He paused, just long enough to allow Emperor Reiter to greet the Zeelian Kaiser, then stood himself, bowed and offered his own greeting. "Hail, Kaiser Conrad. It warms my heart to see you've finally arrived. I too can understand the difficulties in navigating the road in the destruction wrought by the Tyrant. Given the late hour, I was hoping we could begin our discussion immediately."

As the kaiser rose and nodded "I agree shall we head to your personnal officer emperor Reiter?" before turning back to his envoy and dismissing them.

"Nay, we can discuss here," Reiter stated before standing and announcing to the staff and entertainers, "Leave us to discuss our matters in private." The Emporer sat back down in his throne, watching as the staff left the hall, guards shutting the doors behind them on their way out. "Now what is it that you wish to discuss, Kaiser. Surely, you have come here simply not to indulge youselves in our simple pleasantries."

The kaiser gave a small chuckle before smiling. "Of course not Emperor, while the terrible war has ended the ambitions of nations have nought. Your empire so wrongly betrayed by the Imperial Tsar, and I know myself and my cabinet prayed for your empire and the defeat of Cato yet after Cato defeated the best army so easily, we couldn't have hopped to stand a chance yet I know I can never forgive myself for letting our brothers to the north fall without support from the south." James gave a humble bow before continuing " This is why I propose an alliance" James was cut off by the ambassador almost caught off guard.

"An alliance?" Willecz nearly spat, turning back after watching the guards depart and the doors close behind them. "Vornehm has long maintained the peace in the region not with treaties or bayonets, but rather a steady hand under the guidance of the Old Faith. It belies the region that an alliance between Zeelia and Vornehm might turn that very balance off it's side--enticing the Lavarattian states to turn to one another for aid, or worse--a Kalpo-Civitan pact. An alliance, while helpful to the Zeelian throne, would do well to hurt all outstanding nations in the region."

"But we have all seen how good the Imperial Tsar has done to help maintain this peace," Reiter said in an unamused tone of voice, eying the Kaiser up and down for a few moments of silence. He continued with the same unamused tone, "Mister Willecz is correct though, our peace has been long standing until that damned tyrant had come and those barbarians to the north had betrayed us. How can we be so sure that we will not have any lasting effects on the political nature of the region? After all, the Zeelian army does rival that of Vornehm in size, this will more than likely frighten many other nations."

The kaiser nodded "Allow me to address you ambassador first." He turned towards him - "The old faith maintains honor through battle and politics. Thus is my intention as for the Lavarattian states while they may share themselves culturally they've yet to be reunited in decades and even still many of the northern states hold ties to that of Zeel it is my intention to reclaim these lands and perhaps keep the states in check. As for the Civitans they shan't dare disobey the treat or the empires of old would jump upon them in an instance. I should hope this ends any concerns you have." James turned to the Emperor as his tone has grown much more fierce then when he offered the alliance. " The North indeed betrayed you but not through fault of their own they at the pressing of the educated Aontians pressured their northern brothers to side with the tyrant. I believe however should they get reassurances from a southern neighbor such as yourself you'd be more receptive and less likely to hate or even attack the mighty empire." James then hushed back down giving room for his two counterparts to address him.

"If the Vornehm were as weak minded as to buy such an endeavor, the Koravians would have long turned loose their best snake oil merchants into the Vornehm's heart. The Zeelian Empire's army is bloated. Corrupted. An alliance, as I have bespoke already, would do little than rile the hearts of those which have only just died since the ending of the War. The Tyrant has been defeated, do you wish so soon to become a second one, Kaiser?"

The kaisers face turned from calm to anger "How dare you, I hadn't hoped to even give that inclination. I had merely hoped to strengthen our empires for the betterment of all. For when it takes one commander to bring down an empire respected and based on military we should all be fearful and Zeel can't let that happen again to their northern brothers thus, why I personnally came to offer these ideas and an alliance rather then some nameless diplomat."

"Enough blood has been spilt, Kaiser, enough hate has been seen. Even men with intentions can turn and lash out without being provoked. I have seen this twice. And while yes, I keep the Faith dear to my heart, I cannot let it dictate my actions. Just think of what other nations would see if an alliance between two seats of great power came into play. While I do respect you for coming to me with this matter, this is exactly the reason why I brought an ambassador of Koravia, to have an outsiders view," Reiter stated, not being phased by Conrad's sudden burst of anger. "Tell me, do the both of you see that axe up there?," he said, pointing to a hand-axe above the hall doors. Made of smoothed iron, a firm pine handle keeping it together, blood coating the head of it.

"What of it?" Ambassador Willecz asked. The theatrics were not lost to him, but the overwhelmingly dramatis personae of such events were usually lost in Koravian lore. More the theme tha the story, it was said.

"Yes Emperor, it seems very nice from, your time in battle?" James asked rather curiously

The Emperor looked them both over before going on to tell them of the axe, "That was the axe of my brother, Adolf Reiter. A kind man, a man loyal to seeing peace prosper over the entirety of the Continent. He was my best advisor until the war came to our doorstep. He died thinking that we had won, thinking that he had died to see Vornehm drive away the aggression of the Tyrant and pave the road for peace. He was against ties outside of the Imperial Tsar, thinking politically as well as any man here would. Thus I have to uphold the expectations that he had set for me, an alliance may only corrupt me in my age. You are young, influenced easily and acting on impulse rather thought, you have not truly seen the devastation of war and I hope you will never have to. Thus, I will have to decline your invitation to an alliance as of now. I am sorry."

Satisfied, the Ambassador of Koravia offered his thoughts and prayers to the Kaiser and Emperor respectively and retired to his room. Koravia lived to fight another day.

As the ambassador left the kasier nodded "You say I am young and that I have yet to see war, yet if I must confess; I joined Titus Cato on a few missions many of the times I rejected but under threat had the occasional war. Each time his victories were nearly flawless no matter the skill of the men or the size of the army. He had the hearts and the minds of his men and people which is why he was victorious. Thus I must do what I can for my people with or without the help of our northern brothers. Should you decide to change your mind the offer is always open and you are welcome at my court any time." The Kaiser nodded before retiring to his room as well.

"Thank you for your time, Kaiser," those were the parting words of the Vornehm Emporer. There he remained, sitting on his throne with the discussion still buzzing through his mind. The man stood before going to retire with his wife, already asleep while he would lay awake in thought. What would come of all this?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Winter of 1814 ~ October
Millares, Batigefalé

Since it's foundation in 1330, the capital city of Millares has grown from two villages into the massive city it is known. Castilla Palace stood out as it was the tallest building in the city, made out of limestone. Construction lasted 13 years as hundreds of workers died while building the palace from the ground up. It was finally done in 1465 as the entire palace with inaugurated on King Florinio Castilla's thirty birthday. It included a dome, cloisters, statues of several religious heads, corridors, an inner garden, an infirmary, and a library. The throne room wasn't added to the palace until the Ávila family had the crown in 1730. After the Ávila Revolt ended, the Medellin-Varejão families took over the palace and made it their home. Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II and her Ministers usually have their talks in the meeting room on the weekdays. The families make sure to stay away from the Queen's meetings as guards are often posted near the room. Of course, they have been doing this for almost fourteen years since they took the crown away.

"It's pointless. We are already in debt, the people want things to be normal right away. It's impossible to fulfill their request." Rogelio Alvizo told the other ministers as he went to his papers on the situation in Batigefalé. The Batigefalé government was in debt and it work take them seven years to get out of debt with the amount that they are making at the moment. The education of civilians is at all time low as only five percent are educated, despite Mariana offering free education. And the unrest is also growing in all of the provinces. Another revolution could happen if they don't fix the economy among with the education. Alvizo was the Minister of the Interior and a family friend of the Medellin. He kept track of the Medellin's earnings, now he was figuring out a plan to fix the economy.

"Things are also messy in the army. Morale is low and we are limited in guns and cannons. The Queen needs to start fixing her country before it's too late." Maureo Jaquez, the Minister of the Army, said to Alvizo as he looked at Interior's papers. Jaquez was the leader of the rebellion against the Ávila family during the revolt. He led his men to several victories at the start and end of the revolution. The Batigefalé Army had seventy-one thousand soldiers, twelve thousand cazadors, fourteen thousand cavalry, and four cannons on standby with low moral and half of the army was ready for an attack. That is why Jaquez created the Reformation Act of 1816 as a way to increase the preparation and moral of the army. The act would also cut the entire army in half, saving them for debts in the nearby future. It was a big risk to cut the entire army in half, but it would benefit them in the near future.

"I agree with you, Minister. She needs to start fixing her nation's military. The navy is terrible and we don't have any first rates." Iliana Jairo Orantes responded after Jaquez was done talking. Orantes had been in the navy for most of his lifetime and saw how terrible the Ávila family was up close. He joined the rebels as soon as they took Millares and worked with Varejão-Medellin families on ways to fight against the Ávila Navy. Now, the Batigefalé Navy is shameful as it only had twenty-two sloops, fourteen second rates, and twelve frigates. They didn't have any first rates as it was too expensive to build one due to their debts. He managed to look at Jaquez's reformation act and supported it. Orantes hoped that a similar act could be made for the navy as well, but that would have to be for another time.

The three men waited for Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II to start the monthly meeting. The double wooden doors opened as Mariana entered the meeting room to see her usual ministers, waiting for their Queen. The guards shut the doors as she entered the room and walked towards her seat. The three men stood up until the Queen took her seat as they waited to present their reports. "Terribly sorry that I was late. My family was keeping me back. I am ready to hear about your findings." she said to the men as she was ready to hear the reports. Alvizo was the first one to speak.

"My Queen, the economy of Batigefalé is slowly growing back. But, we are still in debt and the provinces are growing more unrest. It has been fourteen years since the revolt ended, but the economy is still bad. We must do something before it's too late." Alvizo spoke as he looked at his papers and back at the Queen.

"What do you suggest we do?" she asked.

"We need to establish several trade agreements with other nations immediately. I already have a list of potential countries that would most likely accept our agreement." he said as he grabbed a piece of paper and read the list that ranged from the Kingdom of Dallin to the Kingdom of Aontas. The Queen was interested in his report and suggestions that he offered. Now, it was the Minister of the Army's turn to speak.

"Queen Mariana, I am here to tell you that our army is morally weak and not ready for a possible invasion. We are limited in the size and I don't believe that we are able to handle another revolt in all of the provinces. Unless, you do something about our army, your families' hard work would of been for nothing." Jaquez honestly told the Queen of the situation with the Batigefalé Army. The Queen nodded in agreement as she heard everything that the minister spoke as she was handed the reports.

"Interesting." she said, "And what do you have in mind to fixing our army?"

"I do have something worth your time, my Queen." he answered her question as he pulled out papers on the rough draft of the Reformation Act of 1816. The Queen took a look at it as the Minister explained it to her. "My Queen, this reform act will reshape our army into a fighting force in the matter of a year or two. It would also save us from going into another debt as half of the army will be cut. It will be easier to train fewer groups of men. Of course, things will be changed and moved around before it becomes official. But, I wanted you have a look at it and give your opinions on it."

"Thank you, Jaquez." she said as she handed the papers back to him. "I will go over it with you once I have spoken to the Minister of the Navy."

Orantes nodded as he began to speak about the report until the wooden doors opened, revealing Inquisitor Cuarto La Madrid. He held a letter in one hand and his sword's grip as he walked towards the Queen. The Inquisitor was one scary person as stories of his actions surfaced during and after the revolution. He's the one that knew where Prince Lucero Ávila II was at. La Madrid might be one of the last Inquisitors as the Batigefalé Inquisition is coming to an end. He put one knee on the ground and put his head down as he said, "My Queen, I am sorry for interrupting your meeting. But I have urgent news about the Ávila family. Our spies found them at Gilbradia." Everyone in the room couldn't believe the news as the Queen grabbed the letter and opened it up, interested by the sudden news.

"How did they managed to find them?" she asked the Inquisitor.

"They tracked to a port in Azreka, where the family booked passage to Gilbradia during the war. Mister Lucero wasn't willing to tell me anything about their location, despite me 'asking' for the last several years." he told her as he got up from the ground. "I had my spies sent all over to search for them. It took years, but we finally found them in Gilbradia."

"Thank you for this news, Inquisitor. May we see each other again." Mariana said to the Inquisitor.

The Inquisitor nodded as he said, “I look forward to that.” He walked out of the meeting room as he closed the doors and went back to wherever he came. The Ministers were interested in the news that the Ávila family was finally found. Rogelio Alvizo looked around and finally spoke, “My Queen, you must think about asking Gilbradia before you do something terrible. They are able to wipe our navies and armies in the matter of weeks. If they manage to get their support.”

“Don’t worry, Alvizo. I have this under control.” she ensured Alvizo, “We need to ‘butter them up.’ and then we can ask for the release of the Ávila family. If we have to, then we can bring up their crimes against the people of Batigefalé.”

“Agreed.” all three men said at the same time.

“Alright, let’s get back to the meeting. I believed that Orantes had something to say.” the Queen looked at Orantes as she asked.

“Yes, I do have something about our navy. It also needs reforming into a powerful and respected navy. Our navy only has twenty-two sloops, fourteen second rates, and twelve frigates. It’s laughable at most. We don’t even have first rates and third rates ships. After we reform the army and our economy get better, then we should reform the navy next.” Orantes read off his report to the Queen.

“And what do you have in mind to fixing problems that the navy faces?” Mariana asked the minister.

“I figured that we should wait for both the economy and the army to get better before we worry about the navy. However, I am also working on a reformation act for the navy.” Orantes answered her question as he was the last Minister to speak about his report. The Queen was silent for a moment to figure out which problems the Batigefaléan government will face. She started to write something on a piece of paper for a few minutes. When she was done writing, she looked at the three men and thanked them for providing their reports. Then, she looked at Alvizo and handed him the letter.

“Take this and give it to the Foreign Minister. He will handle the trade agreement with Gilbradia. I am hopeful that they will accept it. There’s also a trade agreement with Dallin. They will for surely accept the agreement. May we see each other again, Minister.” she spoke to Alvizo. He got up and nodded as he left the meeting room and headed back to his office. She stood up and walked towards the two remaining ministers in the room.

“We need to get more money into our pockets and those agreements should be good for now.” she said to them, “We will get to your reform act some day, Jaquez. We are just too much in debt to focus on the army.”

“It’s alright, my Queen.” Jaquez told Mariana as he smiled at her. She smiled back and brushed for a moment before she spoke again towards Orantes.

“Orantes, you must understand why I am ordering all research into naval technology must be limited. This will help out the economy in the long term.” she firmly stated to her minister as he was shocked by the sudden announcement. After he held back his words towards the Queen, Orantes nodded as she smiled and walked towards the doors. She felt the cool handles and walked out of the meeting room, leaving the two men to themselves. Orantes was rightly upset as he was the second person to leave the meeting room, heading back home to bitch about the Queen to his wife. Jaquez was the only one left as he looked around the meeting room and then headed for the inner garden for some peace before going back to work. Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II left the room to spend a moment alone before going back to her family, telling them for the news. The monthly meeting was finally over for now.

Order 1 → Increase Relations with Principality of Morelli ~ +3 Relations
Order 2 → Increase Relations with Kingdom of Vettucci ~ +3 Relations
Order 3 → Increase Relations with Empire of Gilbradia @Polybius ~ +3 Relations

Military Orders
Batigefaléan "Orange" Fleet → Eleven Sloops, Seven Second Rates, & Six Frigates → Inner Sea ~ Patrol
Batigefaléan Merchant Fleet → Eleven Sloops, Seven Second Rates, & Six Frigates → Inner Sea ~ Merchant Escort

[Demobilization] [Mobilization]

Research Priorities
Army → Low (0 Economic Rating/Year)
Navy → None (+02 Economic Rating/Year)
Industry → Normal (-02 Economic Rating/Year)
Social Thought → High (-03 Economic Rating/Year)
Economics → Normal (-02 Economic Rating/Year)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


TURN 2. March, 1815 to October, 1815.

March 15th
A delegate sent by the Empire of Vornehm request a trade agreement with the Marnish Kingdom is rejected on the grounds that the Vornehm only ever visit the Norstran nations looking to make a coin.

March 21st
While they offer their discontent, workers in the Kingdom of Azreka are forced to repave a road between Livonia and Ordomil in the Dallin Kingdom. The road, cobbled to near perfection--was in no disrepair and several local nobles cite bureaucracy as the reason why the road was forcibly re-cobbled.

April 2nd
Cato, the known as the Tyrant, publishes his memoirs. It's first line: Glory is fleeting and without victory I will soon be forgotten. Copies begin appearing all over the Continent, as far west as Gilbradia and south as the Lavarattian states, and as far east as the Tsardom's most illiterate provinces. Since his defeat, Cato has been held prisoner in the isolated town of Austurby, Aontas.

April 3rd
Six months after the end of the War, the Concordat in Agreement of the Congress of Nations is officially ratified by the governments of Empire of Gilbradia, Osladian Empire, Empire of Vornehm, United Territories of Civitas and the Kingdom of Azreka. These five Great Powers, unified in their defeat of the Tyrant agree to the following:

Article I. The signatory nations will promise to maintain peace within their bordering states for no less than ten years.

Article II. The Civitan colonies of Verrukt and Saint Savaras--seized during the war--will be rightfully returned to the United Kingdoms of the Veldlands.

Article III. The sovereignty of every nation currently in existence will be honored for no less than ten years.

Article IV. The establishment of a ..[continued on Page 2]

April 17th
Without ships assigned to escort them in along the Veldlandic coast, two merchantmen of the Gilbradian Merchant Fleet are stopped by local smugglers, their goods seized and their ships sunk. The goods were mixed glassworks en route to the Veldlands. While seemingly minor, the Veldlandic government requests to be reimbursed for the paid goods, while the Gilbradian Merchant Marine requests an inquiry as to why the Veldlandic fleet was not performing coastal patrols to halt piracy on their shores.
- [Combined worth of goods lost was 3 Economic Rating, subtracted from Veldlandic treasury.]
- [-1 Relations with Gilbradia if no money is reimbursed.]

April 18th
Sordognian thinker Rupert Albert publishes L'art de conserver pendant plusieurs années toutes les substances animales ou végétales, the first description of modern food preservation using airtight containers.

April 25th
Off the coast of Tierrachà, the first steam powered vessel ever, the Santísima makes it's first ever voyage, traveling 16 miles down the coast with thirteen bewildered passengers on board.

Santísima setting sail, April 25th, 1815

April 30th
Mount Tapur in Civitan East Faresia blows. Among the 96,000 dead are Civitan colonists, Gilbradian political surveyors, a topographical expedition from Kalpia and over three dozen Azrekan merchants. The explosion launches thousands of tons of aerosols (Sulfide gas compounds) into the upper atmosphere.

- - -


May 11th
Dockyard workers in Squall's End, Gilbradia go on strike over late wages from their employer. The strike begins with around 450 workers outside the dock itself.

May 16th
The Second Takervian Uprising begins in the Empire of the Seljuks when 1,200 Takervians raid the local garrison and kill it's small detachment there. The Takervians declare an insurrection of independence against the Seljuks under the leadership of 71 year old Kava Tavasha, a Takervian nationalist dating back to the 1770's.

Kava Tavasha speaking to his followers in Tavolo, Seljuk, now Takervia, 1815

By the end of the month they recruit several thousand nationalists to their cause, though many of them do not even have weapons to equip themselves.
[+7 Unrest in Takervia in the Seljuk Empire.]
[Takervian Nationalists rise up. [12,000 Infantry]

May 19th
The dock strike in Squall's End intensifies when the families of those affected also show up. The crowd, now 1,100 strong. Several leading workmen at the Squall's End dockyard plan to meet with the crowd to attempt to disperse them.

May 20th
The Squall's End Riot begins. The 1,100 strong begin by setting alight the dockyard there and moving out into the street, looking to turn their anger elsewhere. Gilbradian militia are summoned to the area immediately, though what their orders are remain unspecified.

May 21st
The Gilbradian 77th Irregular's are ordered to halt the rioters at all cost, an order that comes from a Captain Wyndeg in charge of the local garrison, who chose not to wait for orders from the Squall's End garrison. The rioters don't stop. The 77th opens fire. Seventeen are killed, more than thirty are wounded, but the rioters break up.
[+1 Unrest in Squall's End.]

- - -


June 16th
Diplomatic talks in several Lavarattian states begins in Sanctorum of the Sanctum States regarding a universal political agenda of the Old Faith.

June 18th
The High Servant of the Old Faith releases the Dictorum Majora, which states that nations of the Old Faith should befriend other fellow nations of the faith and avoid wars. While an official dictation from the High Servant, it's reminded that this isn't an official political confirmation.

- - -


July 1st
The Diet of Palovia meets in Morintia, Zeelian Empire. Palovia, a former kingdom of some repute during the 12th to 16th centuries has long been under the heel of the Vornehm and Zeelians. The Diet meets in an open forum, and the Zeelian government has yet to comment on it's legality.

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