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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Do you guys still have room for one more? Seems really interesting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Holy shit I am back from the hellish internetless wasteland with a computer now! I'm going to start drafting up some more backstory here and post a rough draft and see how you guys like it.
The Incredible John said
Do you guys still have room for one more? Seems really interesting.

Yeah sure! Just post a NS and carve out a nation! Though be warned, since a lot of people are finishing up, we might end up starting before you fully complete your NS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It's cool.
I might place my nation on the Southern part, just a heads up.
I'll finish it by tommorow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still in, but I might not be able to RP right away. That's alright, I can say that my nation is isolated itself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

If it´s too much trouble, and you guys have room to spare; mind me joining? Is there any desert areas vacant?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sorry to those I should be replying to about trade, I wasn't able to work on the deals over the weekend, but ill get them on your desk by the end of today, hopefuly..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Invictus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Things have recently come up and with the current Rps that I am in, this one my just be a wee bit too much for me. I'm sorry I didn't even get to finish my sheet, but feel free to dismiss or take over my nation. Good luck, hail the church of the machine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Well than, sorry to hear that.

I will be awaiting Uruk-Hai's response to my PM regarding trade. Will be working on territory today, history as well but it'll probably be completed tomorrow.

So where's everyone else?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm still here. I kinda postponed finishing up my military.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey, out of interest, what time zones are you guys in? I'm GMT, by the way...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Mountain Time, is that GMT? It's 2:27 PM o'er here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mountain time? GMT is Greenwich Mean Time- the one that all the other ones are based on (it runs down the centre of the map in standard atlases).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eastern Standard for me
Invictus said
Things have recently come up and with the current Rps that I am in, this one my just be a wee bit too much for me. I'm sorry I didn't even get to finish my sheet, but feel free to dismiss or take over my nation. Good luck, hail the church of the machine.

Alright, sorry to see you go (I was looking forward to conflict :( ), your nation will become an NPC.

Green said
If it´s too much trouble, and you guys have room to spare; mind me joining? Is there any desert areas vacant?

We have room for another nation, but we already have one (possibly two) desert nations, so please choose something else. Colored areas on the map are, of course, already claimed territories. Also, the IC is going up soon, so all I ask is that you get your territory claim to me as soon as possible. Just so that everyone knows where you are.

Alright! Tomorrow the first IC post will go up! Don't sweat it if your not entirely done, just try to get any core, essential information on your NS done. Things like international relationships and such don't have to be completed immediately.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Just looked it up, mountain time is just MT lol.

Good to know Kilo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After finishing my talk with the GM, I have decided to join this RP.

Here is the summary of my nation (Note: This is a copy-paste from the summary PM's to the GM)
Further Note: This may be important to the person playing the Freeport, as I am essentially playing rebel colonists of your nation (If allowed, if you dislike this idea I will base them as rebels from someone else).


Serpentine88 said Summary: The polar opposite of the other America-expy, my nation is a colonial style fusion of revolutionary America, revolutionary France and gold rush wild west. Formerly a hyper-taxed collection of mining and other sorts of frontier colonies, they revolted violently after numerous peaceful attempts at forming an autonomous region and then a independent republic failed miserably. Now a self-declared independent "revolutionary empire" ruled by a self-declared "Emperor of all the Frontier" (a highly charismatic military genius from a formerly obscure colonial military position who's rallied the colonists behind him with the war cry of delivering the frontier and its wealth over to the frontiersmen and taking it away from foreign robber barons and kleptocrats), this Napoleon/Washington/Bolivar fusion (or as the frontiersmen and woman call him, the "People's Emperor") is leading a former mob of disorganized and ridiculously out-gunned rabble, bandits and cowboys to victory against virtually insurmountable odds. (Including tanks and aircraft!).

The People: A fusion of cowboys, gold-diggers, train-heist bandits, colonials, plantation owners and other generic early US stereotypes. What is remarkably missing are the oil barons and railroad tycoons, who have since fled or been lynched by the early day mobs. The revolutionary state has either acquired such assets, handed them to communal organizations or tycoons more "Revolution-friendly". These people though fiercely loyal to their beloved "Peoples Emperor" are otherwise highly individualistic and communal based, only accepting the "Napoleon-clone"'s revolutionary state because of him rather than the state itself (In other words, without him the nation would quickly fall into bickering and division). Fanatical revolutionary zeal and personal loyalty to the emperor aside, this people care about their small town mining communities and caravans.

The Land: Have no idea where to put on your map, however preferably a desert with lots of natural resources like gold, iron, coal and oil but lacking in basic necessities like food and water. If it has to be cold instead of hot, I can work with that.

The Leader: Napoleon-clone is obviously a magnificent bastard. The kind of random guy that comes out over nowhere every few centuries and changes the world (even if he loses). This guy is power-hungry, arrogant and nuts, but is also a genuine leader rather than a politician. He does what he preaches, fights at the front in a age where front-line commanders are rapidly dying out and genuinely believes in fighting for the little man (Despite his inherent hypocrisy of collecting massive amounts of power himself). despite being politically visionary, militarily hyper-competent and charismatic enough to gain the undying loyalty of people who probably wouldn't listen to any other government or leader on earth... He really isn't working with that much. He probably was not even a general (at most a colonel or even cavalry officer) and his army is working with colonial and obsolete junk that any real army would laugh at openly. Even worse, he has no real political connections beyond the frontier and has near to no legitimacy. He is unlikely to get any real equipment beyond salvage any time soon.

The Army: As stated above, a ragtag (If at least large) army of misfits turned fanatical revolutionaries, though loyal to the core and the epitome of badass, they are seriously behind the times. Their tech is at best pre and during WW1, at worst like they came straight out of the American Civil War. Their tanks are likely just ironclads on tracks with either diesel or steam engines depending on which has more access to either resource (Despite rich in both oil and coal natural resources, much infrastructure was probably destroyed in a slash'n'burn campaign by the colonial masters). Their air fleet is probably entirely made of ships bought from the black-market, brought in by renegade captains or hijacked sky-pirate style. Their water navy consists likewise of similar ships. They still use horses regularly. Though their tactics may have advanced with the rest of the world (Trenches and such), individual regiments still find drummers and standard bearers a popular practice. The military while super elite and led by a genius at the top however has poor coordination otherwise. The soldiers are highly individualistic and field officers tend to make daring(Reckless) moves. Supply lines is also a constant issue, even if the effects of harsh terrain are far less severe on them than others (Due to living in it their entire lives).

The colonial masters: Either the robber-baron murica or an imperialistic empire.

relations: As a rebel state with no legitimacy beyond their own self-declared independence and kicking their colonial masters out, their status on the world stage is debatable. They may still be in a state of open war with their original owners (They are a very new nation just formed recently, their leader is still the founder and is not even that old, being still in his mid-late 30's)

Serpentine88 said Additional idea's:

#1: The place I am thinking of calling the Revolutionary Empire of Eureka or the Revolutionary Confederation of Eureka, depending if I want to go with a more Napoleonic or settler theme. In-universe people just call it "North Freeport", the "Northern Rebels" or just "Rebel Eureka".

#2: The rebels population and army will be bolstered by native allies. However instead of native american's, I'll be going with the cold desert theme, the natives will be Mongol, Manchu and Centrals Asian/Eurasian themed steppe peoples. (Mongol cavalry with guns, etc)

#3: The city and towns are divided into three primary categories.
-1: Frontier. Essentially wild-west colonial towns and mining towns.
-2: Native. Though most of the natives are nomadic and semi-nomadic, some natives have small villages and even walled towns/cities(The latter only near significant sources of water)
-3: Advanced Schizo-Tech Steam/Dieselpunk. Properly developed towns and small cities with advanced steampunk-ish elements. Significant difference: They are underground. Essentially renovated goldmine's dug out further to have miniature towns/cities and other infrastructure built inside. The gold cart systems are now used as trams. Aqueduct piping and systems are used for water and Schizo-tech hydroponics are used for food. The underground nature of these places keep out both the cold and hot of the desert (As it switches between extreme hot and extreme cold).

#2: The nation will have many culture influence's, however the biggest will be American, Mongol and Chinese (Colonials and natives). To imagine this, essentially think of Firefly if it took place in an actual steampunk/wild west instead of the future.

#4: The societal classes are as shown: (Natives are not included in this list)
-Frontiersmen (The northern variant of Freeporters who have lived in the frontier long enough to be distinct from their heritage, more colonial and backwards but considerably more used to the environment, survivalist thinking and mining. Originally highly racist, they have now become oddly cosmopolitan due to extensive exposure, communication and cooperation with the numerous native cultures)
-Freeporters (Newer settler generations who joined the revolution against the robber-barons though still think themselves culturally Freeporter. They are more city-dweller than true frontiersmen and prefer the underground cities and developed towns than the border. They are tech-savy and love gadgets and new things however think how to apply these innovations to their new homes. Most freeporters of the north find the harsh environment extremely difficult to live in and are not used to the many dangers. They also have little communication or empathy for the natives, who they find barbaric)
-'Arnolds" (Loyalist Freeporters, yellow-belly cowards and simpering yes-men all! These traitors to the revolution would rather go on cleaning up the excrement of the robber barons than be true men of the north!)
-"Bene's" (Loyalist Bourgeoisie, essentially Robber Barons of the Freeport Tycoon social class that have yet to be completely thrown out of the north. Universally hated in the frontier by nearly everyone else, even the natives, they continue to fight using outcasts,mercs and Arnolds to regain their lost monopoly of oil, coal and gold)
-Bourgeoisie (The somewhat out-of-place "Rebel Tycoons" or as the common man of the north call "Oddballs", the Bourgeoisie are rail-road tycoons and oil barons that either were born in and live in the north so have hated the south, have too much investments in the frontier to lose or were also at odds with the Robber Barons for personal or economic reasons. Essentially the new money and innovators of the north, they are distrusted by most of the frontiersmen and hated by Bene's and Arnolds).
-Ye'ol Blood (Old money, essentially the aristocracy in-all-but-name of the north. Descending from the original Tycoons/Merchants who sought out riches in the inhospitable north, they are the grounded elite and proud born inhabitants of the frontier. They have been backing the rebels from the beginning and are their chief financial support. They despite the colonial set up that the southern Tycoons run and wish to free the north from southern tax and interference so they can maintain power)
-Outcasts (Bandits, thieves, murderers and outlaws in general, these are the rejects of even the frontier)

#5: Some pics:


(Native bounty hunter)

#6 Planned Influence's:
-Wild West and Western Movies in general
-Napoleonic and Revolutionary France
-Revolutionary America, Founding Fathers, Etc
-Steampunk and Dieselpunk theme's, particularly Steampunk Western (Wild Wild West, etc)
-The Bioshock Franchinse, specifically Bioshock Infinite
-(For Natives): 19th and early 20th century China combined with Nomad-era Mongols
-Firefly, with no spaceships (Essentially Western).
-Darkwatch (With no magic or monsters)
#7: After finding pictures of underground cities and things fitting for my faction, I thought of expanding on my nations use of subterranean infrastructure. Due to their army being vastly outdone by the quasi WW2 (And further) advanced armies and airforce, my nation has many tunnel and bunker networks.
-Entire underground cities with names like Lanternlight and Moletown. (The former being the capital of the nation)
-Bunker's as underground barracks and forts.
-Underground utilities. Plumbing, automated wells, hydroponic farms, Hydro and Thermo powerplants, etc.
-Taliban-style mountain bunkers and tunnel networks.
-Vietnam style ambush tunnels, guerrilla tunnels, booby traps, etc.
-Steampunk-ish Subway/metro systems around underground cities.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Heh. John's nation has the same kind of culture that mine did before the unification/revolution. And he's at the exact opposite end of the map. Wait...

Hey, John, d'you want to have it so that your nation is from the same original ethnic group as my nation? I was thinking that we would have had the same proto-nation, but then there was a war over religion which my people lost (banishing them to the far north of the continent).

Seeing as we have very similar cultures (the name of our God is even similar- mine was called Kherem), and my nation was originally in the far south of the continent and had to migrate north, this would make sense. It would also be a great opportunity to build international relations between us.
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