Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I don't know how you did it, but somehow the picture you found... I've never seen a guy fulfil the spirit of the insult "wanker" more than he.
I will tip my hat to you for relating "DM guide" to an in-game term. However, I am worried about the tome. The way you've described it makes it sound like a tome of infinite knowledge about everything. Kind of takes the discovery-part out of the game, don't you think?
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Ailyn Evensen Looks like you have a good base there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Ailyn Evensen Looks like you have a good base there.

Thanks. I'm hoping to have a little more of it finished up before I eventually lose coherency tonight. xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ailyn Evensen Looks like you have a good base there.

There was actually a lot more information done through PM, but I think I pressured her into putting up the base version she had initially due to the new guy showing up. Keep your eyes out for updates, because they're on the way even as I speak.

Also, I'm in the process of posting up a big reply to your last post that was directed at me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, the joke with the paladin in "the gamers" is that he is a lawful good "babysitter" in a rather chaotic evil group. A paladin cannot sit idly by while evil takes place (and since he's the GMs character he can probably kill the party), so whenever they have to do something evil like an interrogation one will go to the door, look out and shout "Hey, is that an evildoer doing evil out there?" When the paladin is outside looking for the evildoer the group will do whatever they do...

This part of the post is seriously the one part that almost made me choose to "Laugh" it instead of "Like" it.

I like the idea you have going with your Arcane Tower. It makes sense in a world where magic and a gathering like that exists that they have some respect and reputation. However, I do hope we'll get some kind of "evil/corruption within"-story with them as well.

Cheers. To your first comment, I think it would be more accurate to say they have influence, rather than simply respect or reputation. Court wizards are frequently chancellors, so they are likely to have a lot of control over many kingdoms, potentially even more so than the kings do thanks to, well, magic. As for the other comment, your hopes are going to be quite satisfied, I feel. If you put together all the breadcrumbs I've been leaving you guys about this group potentially being behind several characters' backstories, together with information given in Emmanuel's own entry, you should start seeing a small part of the picture forming. Actually, the entire organization is a trope itself.

I didn't realise you were talking about your own project there, good thing it worked out both ways. The race creator-thing actually works for everything, the creator has first dibs on everything. If you step into the tavern first you get to decide what's in there, you get to describe the cave, the dragon and the treasure if you're the first to see it. The others can then add things to that description as long as it doesn't collide with what has been said before.
The treasure cave in Disney's Aladdin is a good example. It is filled to the brim with treasure, which the player of Abu has described in detail and so starts to fill his pockets. The player of Aladdin is next and describes the room with the lamp, ignoring the treasure, instead reaching for the lamp. Third is the player of the carpet, who speaks for the cave as Aladdin takes the lamp and reveals that the treasure really is just an illusion and initiates the collapse, rushing to Aladdin to pick him up.
The treasure was real and an element in the story all the way up to the point where it was revealed to be an illusion and started to melt. It would not have worked if one player saw the treasure and the next said that the room was completely empty.

That's an excellent way to describe why this form of narrative is such a good idea, actually.

I see more and more games, at least in the advanced section, use wikis to keep track of what's going on. Fandom-games have been doing it for ages to try to stay relevant to the canon. Some games just have an enormous amount of lore and backstory that needs to be available to the players, and I agree that the current format doesn't really support that kind of game. I do welcome your help if/when we take the step to a wiki, as it will require some work with moving text and arranging it all properly.
To be fair, not that long ago we had to make do with just the IC/OOC, so things are a lot more organised now.

That sounds like it'd be a real pain in the ass. Perhaps they need to add an "NPC" tab and a "Glossary" tab.

<Snipped quote by Shoryu Magami>

That is exactly right. I was planning to do a sneaky character all along, but I wanted one or two players to post their character concepts first and show me what they thought was a good character for this kind of game. Once I saw that we were going for unconventional characters the choice of goblin was given. Sneaky, kind of bad but not necessarily evil and of course the beard-thing. I've lifted that from an old RPG I used to play with my friends years ago where the goblins actually thought that if they just put a fake beard on they'd look like dwarves and could walk the streets unharmed.

I wanted some player characters as a base because that way I wouldn't limit the other players to my decision. Instead it would allow them to start co-creating the game with their characters as first contribution. I supplied the basic structure of the game, they supply the direction.

Plot will be what we make of it, we can follow whatever path we choose and do what we want at the end of it. If we stumble upon the great castle Camelot we can either feast and dance with the king or say "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot, it is a silly place".
One thing that I find really interesting is that we don't even have to stick together as a group. If one of us feels that their character has something more important to do than whatever the party is doing, they can go off on their own private adventure and (maybe) rejoin the group later. If the good characters suddenly find the evil ones repulsive the game may evolve into a "good vs evil"-game. Or maybe we develop a meta-plot and follow it like in the classic RPGs. It's all in the hands of our future selves instead of our past selves.

Definitely interesting, and one of the many reasons I think you have a really great idea here and wanted to help make it happen.

<Snipped quote by Shoryu Magami>

Generally I think most games would like to have that kind of info written up like proper characters and either posted in the OOC for everyone to see or only to the GM via PM. For this game I would prefer if you hold on to the info until we actually meet whatever it is you have planned, and then present them as people in-game.
I'll do my best to search the IC and grab important info and collect it in the OOC opening post, at least to start with. Of course, you can all help with this by copy-pasting important stuff you write and posting it here in the OOC.

Oh, don't worry, I wasn't going to spoil anything about these characters (the number of them in my head is growing) until they were introduced, but should I perhaps create a post in the "Characters" tab for them after they start being introduced? I was more concerned about where information would be stored after their reveal. Also, should I use the exact same character template for them, or can they afford to have, for example, more/less special items or more/less pros and cons?

@Shoryu Magami@Ailyn Evensen@Fetzen@FickleSickle
Important info for everyone.

I've had a thought about posting length and arrived at the conclusion that it is suboptimal. The rules states two paragraphs of text per post, I believe that three paragraphs will be better suited for this game, and it will make things a lot clearer.
In each post we will not only have to react to whatever has happened since our last post and write out what we want to do next, we also have to resolve whatever actions the guy before us wants to do, in two paragraphs it will get messy.
With three paragraphs to work with a post may look like this:

Β§1: Results of previous poster's actions. This way the player won't have to read the entire post to figure out what happened or if it is irrelevant to their own character.
Β§2: Reaction to what has happened, new info, actions, thoughts, feelings... You get the drill.
Β§3: Declaration of next course of action. This is what the next poster will need to resolve.

Does that seem fair?

I was actually worried about the same thing as you were, and would've probably suggested the three paragraphs as well, honestly. I think you've got the perfect format for the ordering of posts as well, so I'd say update the rules with that. Would that number of paragraphs be the cap, or what? I'm asking because, well, notorious wall of text guy here.

Also, just a side note. You accidentally put my name twice there, so I changed it to the other guy's so he'd get that notification as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Shoryu Magami Cheers on most of that, and thank you for pointing out my mistake in the mentions. I could've sword I pressed the right button but I guess life's a bitch like that.

Oh, don't worry, I wasn't going to spoil anything about these characters (the number of them in my head is growing) until they were introduced, but should I perhaps create a post in the "Characters" tab for them after they start being introduced? I was more concerned about where information would be stored after their reveal. Also, should I use the exact same character template for them, or can they afford to have, for example, more/less special items or more/less pros and cons?
Shoryu Magami

I think the best place for storing such things will be the opening post of the OOC. You could use the same character sheet as far as it's applicable, but people we face in the game will not be restricted by the same rules as our characters, some may have lots of "special" items while some have none for example.

I was actually worried about the same thing as you were, and would've probably suggested the three paragraphs as well, honestly. I think you've got the perfect format for the ordering of posts as well, so I'd say update the rules with that. Would that number of paragraphs be the cap, or what? I'm asking because, well, notorious wall of text guy here.
Shoryu Magami

Nice to know I'm not the only one.
Three should just be the regular amount. This number of paragraphs is not set in stone, no one is getting a flogging for going above or below that limit. When we are introduced to new things in the game the description of them may take up more than one paragraph, so don't worry about it. The rule is mostly there to keep the game in a relaxed state, no pressure to pump out posts 15 pages long every day, reacting to everything that happens in the kingdom and meticulously describing every medal on the general's chest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No problem. Yeah, life's a bitch alright.

Alright, I'll basically send you updates in the "OOC" tab anytime I introduce a new character by putting their character profile there, then you can copy/paste that into the first post.

Don't worry. I'm not planning on writing anything that ridiculous. I just wanted to know if that many paragraphs was an absolute cap. I won't be going into insane detail about characters' appearances, for example. That's why I limited my section about Emmanuel's description to nothing but a picture (well, two pictures now), and I deliberately left out a good portion of his backstory due to not wanting to spoil to many things that will be revealed later. I plan to do the same with other characters, so people will just need to look at the profile that I put up at the same time they're introduced to know what they look like.

On one other thought that came to me, but I forgot to post up last time, I find it ironic that the closest thing we have to the paladin you mentioned in that series would actually be Emmanuel. He's very morally headstrong, with terms usually used to describe me in real life, such as "self-righteous" or "preachy", being appropriate to him. I didn't view this as an explicit pro or con, since it's too subjective, so it never got put into the profile. I would definitely classify him as "Chaotic Good" though, not "Lawful Good". As for other people, @Ailyn Evensen's character is probably outright too nice to actually threaten anyone if they're up to mischief, and would just get upset about it and/or not want to look, so Emmanuel is probably the main one you all need to worry about (possibly @FickleSickle's character too, depending on how honourable he actually is). Unfortunately my guy's not stupid enough to fall for the "Hey, what's that outside?" trick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

@Halvtand I've expanded the race section of the CS a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Fetzen That was pretty much exactly what I was looking for, great work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Here my fiancΓ© is right in the middle of working on a half-elf who focuses on healing. Well, she's not exactly about to change it, so our party might just need to double on a few things, considering we've been working on this for a few days now and aren't going to want to change what she has. Besides any issues created by that, I'll save my comments until you're finished.

Would I be wrong to assume @Ailyn Evensen is the fiance? I do apologize as I interpreted 'elf archer with a bit of mage' didn't seem to scream cleric. I was actually trying to take the healer as it was one of the gaping holes in the trope-troupe We have the black knight, the big guy, the thief, the wizard. With her taking the elven archer, the cleric seemed like a spot to fill, either that or the bard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@knighthawk Yeah, thats me. I think my issue was that I hadn't really settled on what exactly I wanted to do yet, as I usually switch between using white mages and elf archers. But in essence, you nudged me in a direction xD. Its cool. We'll have lots of healing in our party because of having a mage and someone with alchemic skills. If magic fails, there's always potions! xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I wanted to be up at least 3-4 hours ago, but I slept through due to taking forever to fall asleep. I'll reply now.

Apologies aren't needed. It's an easy mistake to make. As she just said, yeah, she's my fiancΓ©. Throughout the "OOC" here so far, we've discussed some elements of what I'll say next.

Since I'm a "Wizard", not a "Black Mage", healing and support spells are entirely possible to be in my skill list (I'm playing more of the Galdalf from LoTR thing, not a mage with one branch of magic). I think in terms of a JRPG, the best character to use as a basis for my character's capabilities would be Tellah from Final Fantasy IV, with some higher level spells he can't use constantly (summoning, etc), though some of the spells Tellah wasn't capable of this guy would be. Just assume Emmanuel isn't classified into a specific category of magic, since he's based on the archetype/trope of the "Wizard Classic" instead.

Ailyn prefers to use a character with some sort of healing abilities, often with magic, but since I already had a mage and her knowledge of religion (in my opinion, a required skill to play a "Priest"/"Cleric" archetype successfully unless the character is a rare version of the class with no religious affiliation) isn't as ridiculous as mine is, so in a setting like this it made more sense for her to not go down the "Cleric" route. Alchemy in the hands of someone with elf blood seemed like a good way to have healing capabilities and still play with archery. Presumably her alchemic abilities would allow to restore mana as well ("MP Potions", basically).

Admittedly, yes, we are missing a "Cleric" archetype, but we're not necessarily missing a support magic user, since, through magic and alchemy, we already have two of them. Of course, there's nothing at all that says we can't double on certain tropes or archetypes or skill lists if you want to go with your current character. We just pushed to get this character out quicker once we realized what you had in mind, just so you had a better idea of what was already on the table. Her levitating to archery was pretty much figured out; we simply hadn't decided if her healing abilities would come from some sort of nature-based magic or from potions.

Either way, if you only aimed for healer because you felt it was a missing hole in our party and wanted to pick your character based on diversity, don't worry, since we have at least two people with those capabilities in some form or another. That's not even taking into account that some knights, particularly those with a more divine alignment, often develop support magic. Don't hesitate to stick with that decision if you did it for other reasons though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just a quick heads up. I decided my profile was lacking information about Emmanuel's height, which feels like the only piece of descriptive information that is somewhat essential (and, in my personal opinion, obligatory) to be included with a picture. I edited it into both my original registration and the copy that was pasted over to the main section. I just don't want to go editing my character profile behind your back, so I'm telling you here.

Also, I'd like to propose a fourth pro and fourth con for Emmanuel, since I don't want to go tossing new information into my profile without telling you about it. These are both something I should've put down when I made the profile initially, and due to the format of the profile I just didn't do it due to it looking like the idea was to have three of each. Keeping in mind that one of his disadvantages could very easily be removed down the line (as we've both discussed), and the fact that he has a generally more dangerous skill set than everyone in this party (he's basically Galdalf, like I keep saying despite not actually being into LoTR), I've decided a fifth con is also a fair possibility for him. I know the addition of these makes the profile a bit more bulky than you might've considered ideal, but they feel sort of essential to me.

These are the new ones;

  • His strength of character and general wisdom, alongside the willpower he possesses, makes him a charismatic leader and reliable mentor to those who do not underestimate him based on his age or social position and can look passed his forthright nature, giving him a personality that commands respect to those who truly know him. He is not entirely without a good sense of humour either, but only shows it at times he considers appropriate.

  • He frequently suffers severely from stress, though many people will not be able to even notice this due to his usual composed nature and rather powerful inner strength. Nevertheless, underneath it all of his wisdom and ingenious he is still a young man with an incredibly heavy weight on his shoulders, so falling into spouts of depression is not uncommon for him. He rarely allows it to stop him from moving forward, due to his will, resilience, and adaptive mind, reclaiming control of bad situations, but it obviously worsens his already poor health. He is also really not all that methodical for a wizard, being the sort of absent-minded genius with countless ideas but an inability to organize them.
  • Even if the wavelength his mind works on is at a whole different level from most people, occasionally his age shows itself in his interactions with other people. He is sometimes too tactless for his own good, a direct result of his usually positive forthright personality, and his willingness to tolerate those who he disagrees with is not as easy going as some other people as a direct result of how serious he is in his values. He also has no respect whatsoever for authority figures and will often not follow standard protocols, living only according to his own terms. While these can be also positive things, and he has calmed them somewhat over the years, they are still a core part of his personality, making him difficult for some people to get close to and appearing unapproachable to those intimidated by his serious nature. It is virtually impossible for someone who talks down to him to befriend him; his ego is touchy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm fully aware that I'm giving you a lot to look over, but I've got one other set of propositions to make. Just a couple of ideas or suggestions I had. Both of them involve the posting order we go with once we have enough party members (I don't know how many you were aiming for) to begin the story.

Here's my two thoughts;

Firstly, I want to recommend that, if the number of people we have allows it, that @Ailyn Evensen and myself aren't placed as the follow-up poster for each other. Though we would likely be able to get out posts faster if we worked in sync like that, I think it could potentially be a little harder for us to be unbiased with each other than other people in this role-play, and it could compromise the integrity of how you want this game to flow. Ailyn will probably have a more difficult time writing failures for other players' characters than I will in general, but having to do it for me might cause bigger problems. I don't want to seem invincible because my back-up poster is essentially rooting for me, especially since I'm already playing a very powerful archetype.

Secondly, just for the sake of keeping a decent level of activity, I recommend that at the end of each person's post, they use the [@Mention] feature in an "OOC" method (brackets at the bottom, separating it with a line, whatever) so that the person whose actually up next always has a way of being informed it's their turn. I don't know if it's a staple to have a posting order on this site, but it actually is on all of the forums and RPs I've taken part in before, and none of those really had a feature like this, so it could be useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@halvtand Just wanted to let you know that my character profile is completed :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Shoryu Magami
You're walking towards the character-centred territory again, I should get a dog whistle to get you back here :P
Honestly though. I'm going to have to stick to that limit of three. Not only because it is fair to everyone because everyone is treated the same under the same rules, but also because it is part of the challenge of the game. To contain yourself to a maximum of three good and three bad things (and a minimum of two for each). Some classes could stack both advantages and disadvantages like pancakes, mages are one of these. There is literally no end to the possibilities, which is part of the charm of playing a mage. The real difficulty lies in choosing which three to go with. Now, I've had a look at the stuff you've suggested, compared it to what you've written on your character and I'm sending you some stuff about it in a PM, because that's stuff that only concerns you.

Your two recommendations. I feel that both are very well thought out and I can definitely see your concern about being too great by having Ailyn resolve your actions. I will have that in mind when I put the final posting order together and will fix the opening opst of the OOC to also feature the mention-thing. Thanks for the help.

@Ailyn Evensen
I've given it a reading and I think it looks good. It'll be fun to see what happens with this kind of group.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

I don't know how you did it, but somehow the picture you found... I've never seen a guy fulfil the spirit of the insult "wanker" more than he.
I will tip my hat to you for relating "DM guide" to an in-game term. However, I am worried about the tome. The way you've described it makes it sound like a tome of infinite knowledge about everything. Kind of takes the discovery-part out of the game, don't you think?

I was actually thinking of putting its power in the DM's lap. "Lets see what my good book says" Sometimes a phrase could be utterly useless now, but useful later. Kind of like Mama murhy's sight from fallout 4. or something as simlple as a note from an explorer on edible moss. I could always make it a magic 8-ball.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While I did write up most of my recent proposals on very little sleep, and I've technically had barely any sleep right now as well, I still want to give a decent response to the feedback, especially since all this has potential implications down the line and what I've posted up could very well serve as a guide to other people. I was originally planning on sending those to you directly through PM, rather than posting them up here, since there would be no point leaving them posted here if they weren't used, but, like I said, sleep deprivation. I should probably make a point that things are going to get a lot more hectic on my end shortly, so what kind of effect it has on my activity is up in the air.

You're walking towards the character-centred territory again, I should get a dog whistle to get you back here :P

You slightly hit on a personal pet peeve of mine with the way that was worded, but since I'm sure is was just a joke, given how you usually aim at humour (and I usually enjoy that) and how you would have had no context to why it might irk me (and with how Ailyn responded positively to the post, it's clear to me that she either missed why it might've irritated me too, or she was just responding to what you said to her), I'll ignore it. I doubt any offense was intended.

As for the specific point about the character-centred territory, I guess you could say it's a bit unavoidable with me, not only because of the advanced role-player thing but also due to me being a novelist. Characters can't truly exist without a good story and plot, so having a strong focus for the story is important, but a story also can't exist at all without characters. Even the most stereotype/trope-heavy franchises usually fail to win over the audience (from a story-perspective anyway, since plenty of games are popular despite badly written stories or non-existent stories) if the characters don't invoke sympathy or hatred; which is something only characterization can bring to the table, not the narrative. You've been complementing my attention to detail, thorough nature, and writing techniques, in our various PMs, but it does seem like, as I expected, it might be harder for me to simplify myself for this type of RP than would be ideal for the intended focus presented here.

Honestly though. I'm going to have to stick to that limit of three. Not only because it is fair to everyone because everyone is treated the same under the same rules, but also because it is part of the challenge of the game. To contain yourself to a maximum of three good and three bad things (and a minimum of two for each). Some classes could stack both advantages and disadvantages like pancakes, mages are one of these. There is literally no end to the possibilities, which is part of the charm of playing a mage. The real difficulty lies in choosing which three to go with. Now, I've had a look at the stuff you've suggested, compared it to what you've written on your character and I'm sending you some stuff about it in a PM, because that's stuff that only concerns you.

Sticking with three for everyone is no problem, at least so long as everyone manages to have a rather even balance in terms of what their pros and cons bring to the table on an objective level, which is where some of my concerns that resulted in me posting those new ones stemmed from. I'm probably overthinking things, given the more simple nature of the RP, but I guess that's one of the reasons I won't usually work with this sort of casual environment.

I should also point out to you that I'm more or less new to the idea of writing out a character's pros and cons in a format of points like this. Those initial three pros and cons I put up for you were literally my first attempt at ever doing anything like this sort of thing. The closest thing I've ever written is lists of strengths and weaknesses various characters in my own project have, but this was entirely combat-focused so personality never came into the equation due to being listed elsewhere, and it still wasn't in point form because each strength or weakness has a detailed entry to give the reader a lot of insight.

The very first RP forum I ever joined over 10 years ago was a very advanced role-playing site that required you to write several paragraphs worth of information for your character's appearance, personality, and history, and then provide an RP sample at the end to prove that you possess the skills as a writer to believably play the character you just presented in the profile. This was done specifically to prevent people who couldn't role-play the character they were registering, or people with bad grammar or no detail, from joining. While a lot of the staff on the forum (and some of their lackeys, per se) were assholes I couldn't agree with at all (yes, this is the forum I've mentioned in PM), I did agree with the set up of the forum itself (and the creator of the forum had already disappeared by the time I arrived, more or less).

Since this was how I was introduced to play-by-post role-playing (and, to be fair, my character profiles for my own writing projects far exceed the length of those we had to write on that forum), I find it rather difficult to water myself down (I wouldn't say I find it challenging, but rather I don't actually enjoy doing it). This is a recurring problem that has followed me to every forum I've ever joined since that first one, though given my own detail as a writer I'm hardly blaming the site for my situation since I chose that forum precisely because of the high standards.

The only reason I'm mentioning all of this is because I want you, and, honestly, everyone else here besides Ailyn (who already knows), to understand where I'm coming from if I look like I'm going overboard with the work I put in for this RP. I understand that the premise of this RP is to focus on tropes and stereotypes, and you did mention leaving realism at the door in your initial post, but there's a possibility that I might've underestimated how much you meant that (I mostly thought you were saying characters wouldn't be denied for using clichΓ©s, which is a recurrent, and might I add bad, trademark in modern writing and role-playing; clichΓ©s and tropes are not bad things, they are tools to be used and they wouldn't be classics if they didn't work, and many of them are rooted in reality to begin with), especially since I don't believe writing can have much quality without characterization.

I should point out that I don't have a problem with not using the additions I proposed, especially because I agree with you that they're more suited to characterization (though, in my defence, I don't think I'm the only one including aspects of personality in the pros/cons, nor the only one who put some thought into characterization), so I'm not arguing with you on this. I'm more concerned about whether or not my inability (or rather, my inability to enjoy) oversimplifying myself and watering myself down is going to get in the way of either me, or other people, enjoying this particular type of role-play. I thought maybe I could go into an RP with a little more whimsy than I usually would, but it's clearly just not a part of who I am; I don't enjoy myself unless I put my soul into things.

I really do like the concept you have going for the way we will narrate this role-play. My only real concern is that I wonder if I'm able to (or, specifically, willing to) keep my contributions as simple as you're looking for, since I lose interest incredibly fast if I feel like I can't exercise my focus on detail and depth. This is one of the reasons I only ever usually work with my own setting; most verses simply don't have the same scope of creative potential for me to work with as mine does, so I get bored. I really am the "go all the way with something or don't do it at all" type of person. With that in mind, I might not be the sort of person you're looking for.

This isn't something I'm bringing up because of what's happened here, inherently, since I understand the reasoning for not using the additional pros and cons, but more something I've been thinking needed to be brought up sooner or later when it became clear to me I can't take things so lightly. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't join an RP I wasn't responsible for in order to have an opportunity to get back into practice with role-playing again, since it's been ages, so having to constantly hold myself back (other than post length, which I have no qualms with in this sort of story) is going to be an issue. I can't have fun under restraint.

Your two recommendations. I feel that both are very well thought out and I can definitely see your concern about being too great by having Ailyn resolve your actions. I will have that in mind when I put the final posting order together and will fix the opening opst of the OOC to also feature the mention-thing. Thanks for the help.

No problem, and cheers. I felt like it would help everything flow together better for what you had in mind.

Edit: Ailyn confirmed she was strictly responding to your comments to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami π”Šπ”²π”žπ”―π”‘π”¦π”žπ”« 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Halvtand>

I was actually thinking of putting its power in the DM's lap. "Lets see what my good book says" Sometimes a phrase could be utterly useless now, but useful later. Kind of like Mama murhy's sight from fallout 4. or something as simlple as a note from an explorer on edible moss. I could always make it a magic 8-ball.

I wanted to respond to Halvtand's post and yours separate, because I gave him a bit to read and didn't want to make things any more cluttered. When you refer to the DM, I assume you're saying that with awareness that the host of this isn't going to be the only person doing those duties in this role-play, correct? Basically, we have a posting order and whichever one of us is assigned to be your follow-up poster in that ordering would actually be the one doing all of your DMing, as opposed to Halvtand doing it for everyone like a conventional DM would.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Halvtand Am I good to throw my profile in with the other characters? I just wasn't sure.
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