Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Jean was in a forest. Vampires surrounded him, but they all looked like Aya. They got closer and closer, and Jean couldn't move. Then, they stabbed in unison. They're coming, Jean. They know who you are. The vampires are coming for you. Geng? Is that true? I need to run. Leave the others. I'll put them in danger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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So ugh, I take it you won't tell them about what happened at that laboratory? You won't tell them the secrets you found?

No, I won't, Lyn. They needn't know about that yet. Jean and Ellie know that Aya's alive, and you saw how they reacted. Completely oppositely. Who knows what will happen if that ever gets out? I sure do not want to find out; I'm betting Aya already knows. That's why she's staying away from us. To protect us.

Truly an admirable thing, this Aya of yours, has done. Not revealed she was alive, and for what purpose? She could have saved you so much stress, and maybe you could actually be happy.

Valerian gritted his teeth. Lyn knew how to respond to him in a way that irked him from the inside. She made it seem like she was unmistakably correct, and that there was no alternative. However wrong she was, it felt like there was an inkling of truth within it. Truth driven by desire for violence and revenge.

Have I made you feel funny? She chuckled.

He scoffed. You needn't do anything to do that. By the way, you're wrong. If Aya revealed herself, then Jean would've murdered her, causing Ellie to murder Jean. And I'm not entirely sure how Rai would react.

What would you do, exactly?

He had never thought about that. Obviously, I'd try to stop it. Just as I was planning on doing with Jean and Ellie now. The real problem will be getting Jean to accept Aya as she is. And I have no idea how to do that.

If he's anything like me, you never will.

It takes something beyond human to be like you.

Lyn grew silent.

Did I irk something deep within you? He laughed.

Yes, you did. I was once a human, too. But that's a story for a different day.

He sighed. He hadn't meant to offend her, only to return the repartee. I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again.

Don't you think it kind of smells like vampires?

What do you mean?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godlikeblade
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@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke and the five other Vampires travel to the next city because he knew that the city was mostly empty. Tasuke and the other five Vampires found an old tower and went inside so he could explain the plan of action to his men. "Ok men, we are going to split up, each of you has been assigned a sector of the surrounding area. Check the city for any humans with cursed weapons, when you find them do NOT engage. You will all report back to me inside the tower within the hour. Anyone who fails to report back will be presumed dead, don't even bother showing yourself to me after that point. I do not tolerate traitors." These humans shouldn`t pose a threat to me, if they can't kill Aya they can never kill me
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya laid down, still panting heavily. She had lost a lot of her blood from the stab wounds from Jean and she needed more blood.

The vampires said, "Yes, sir!" They all spread out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor lies down outside and begins to relax watching the sky. "This is the last time we are going to look at the stars, isnt it?" She sighs "War is on the horizon and we wont survive long. We might be determined, but determination is what can kill people" She rubs Asuramaru "Rai, what shall we do? Do we stay and die or do we make a quick and hasty escape?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Lady Athena

Rai was enjoying the peace of the night, standing outside and looking to the stars. First she's smiling and now she's asking me for advice?! Damn, whatever happened earlier today must've shook her up. Rai hears Ellie's question, and he draws a long breath before saying, "It seems like our choices are die with glory or live as deserters, or at least that's probably what Guren would say." Rai paused and scoffed " But who cares about Guren's opinion?" Rai paused, it would be easy for Ellie to tell that he was not certain of what they should do. "JIDA or not, we have to do what we can." Rai looked to his hands and clenched them, there was a definite sadness in his voice. "I feel like I have to do something because of Aya, because of what happened to her and the others. Problem is I don't know what it is that I need to do!" Rai tried to regain his composure, with mixed results. "So long as I can do something to make what happened four years ago worth it, I'll be happy." Rai declared." Anyway, enough of my opinion, what do you think we need to do Ellie? I mean you always were a kind of leader to us." Rai asked as he walked over to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Jean woke with a start, pain flaring throughout his whole body. He let out a scream, and fell off his bed. He groaned. "Well, this fucking sucks. My everything hurts! And I could use a little help." He said, struggling to stand upright. He fell down time after time, only to get back up again, hopeful. "I won't die yet. Not before I eradicate the vampire race. Every single one. I still stand on that opinion." He muttered to himself. He eventually leaned against the wall, victorious. Geng, what would have happened if the curse was activated? You would have killed her. Without a doubt. If you hadn't hesitated, maybe that would happen either way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor looks to the ground and giggles "Im no leader, if anything I am more of a failure..." She cries a bit as she needed to act like she didnt know anything. "You dont need to do anything if you dont want to, after all we need to share the load between our whole team" She sighs as she stretches "I feel like Guren isnt trustworthy, he is keeping secrets from us"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Lady Athena

Rai was taken aback by Ellie calling herself a failure. "Ellie, you can't be serious! How are you a failure, you're anything but a failure!" Damn it, she's crying. Nice going idiot. "I do want to do something Ellie, I'm tired of being a scared useless kid!" Rai said, a look of pure determination in his eyes. " Besides, if I do nothing, what was the point of... Aya..." Rai struggled to force the words out, he new what he wanted to say but he wouldn't let himself say or believe it. "No, there was a point to this, I'm alive and so I will do something that will make Aya's sacrifice worth it." Rai said quietly to himself, unsure if Ellie would overhear him or not. Rai regained his focus and looked to Ellie "I mean yeah, maybe he doesn't tell us everything, but still he's not completely untrustworthy. If he really did hate us, he could've killed us at any time." Rai had an intrigued look on his face, the thought of Guren keeping things from them hadn't really crossed his mind until now. "So what do you think he's hiding from us then Ellie?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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She sighs "I cant tell you here... But we cant go into the forest" She looks around for somewhere safe to speak "I have a feeling Guren knows about the military's plans" She grabs Rai's hand as she rubs her face drying it off. She runs off towards a nearby building and stands there for a moment "I have a feeling that the vampires arent the ones who want the war. What if the imperial army was starting the war and the vampires are trying to defend from us"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Lady Athena

Rai looks to the sky as he's dragged away by Ellie. Even now, she's treating me like I'm a damn kid. He takes a moment to look around, just to make sure no one else was nearby. "So you're saying that the vampires might not be wanting war?" Rai asks, a puzzled expression on his face. Rai always had the vampires painted as the aggressors in his head, he never thought that the JIDA might have provoked them."So what then, the JIDA are just sending us to pointlessly die?" Rai asks, slightly panicked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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"What I am saying is we have a few choices... We take Valerian and make a run for it, We fight as a team and not completely follow JIDA's orders or we fight with JIDA and end up dying" She smiles as she knew how much you didnt like being treated like a child. She lets go of Rai's hand and slides down to the ground "Though the vampires are planning to start a war because we were declaring war"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Lady Athena

Rai begins pacing as he thinks the situation over, unsure of who to side with. "Well if we take Val and run we don't have anywhere to go and we'd place a massive target on our heads. If we fight as a team with our own agenda, the JIDA could come after us for treason. But if we obey the JIDA we will most likely die." Rai half-smirks and says "No real easy way out is there?" Rai takes a seat as well, a look of grim realization spreading across his face, "No matter what we do we have to worry about the vamps. So maybe it's best to work with the JIDA but bail out as soon as it gets bad."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya had gotten a vial of blood she still had from the Queen and she panted. Her body was healing now.

The vampires went looking around silently. They had split up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Mita took a step toward as she heard something, talking, Who would be here at this time of night? The answer was supposed to be no one, but there was no denying what she heard. She hesitated for a moment debating whether or not she should wip out the sword. She decided not since she thought it was just a couple of stupid kids wandering around. She stepped away from the place she was guarding and towards the sound.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Jean groaned from inside. "Oi! Can you help me up, you ignorant bastards! I'm literally incapable of standing without support!" He struggled, leaning on his weapon. Hey! Busy, Geng.
@CriticalHit@Lady Athena
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

"Maybe it's too early to decide this, we should get back before the others notice." Rai said as he stood up and stretched. He took a few steps in the direction of the barracks before turning back to Eleanor, cracking a small smile as he said "Ellie... even if it's not time for us to choose what to do yet, I want you to know that I'll trust you, no matter what." With that said, Rai walked back to the barracks, he was greeted by Jean's rather nasty yelling. "Alright, alright, calm down." he spoke in a rather annoyed tone. As Rai got closer he saw that Jean had a considerable number of injuries that he had not noticed before. "What the hell happened to you Jean? I know you got hurt, but not this bad!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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"Aya did, Rai. She's fucking alive, and one of them. We need to kill her." Jean was filled with rage as he watched the rising sun. "I probably should've gotten more sleep." He muttered to himself. He sounded desperate now. "They're coming. The vamps are coming. They'll find me, and kill me. You all need to run. Before they find me." His white hair was wild, and his grey eyes were wide with terror.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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"Jean. You and I both know that Aya coming back is not. Fucking. POSSIBLE." Rai said very clearly and harshly through gritted teeth. "We all watched her die, you don't just 'come back' from those kind of injuries." He looked over to Jean and Rai saw that he was absolutely terrified. Rai sighed and put his annoyed tone to the side before taking a deep breath. "Jean, first of all, calm down, if vampires are after you, we will help you. I'm not going to leave you to die, nor will anyone else here." Rai spoke in a calm tone, for both his sake and Jean's alike.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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"She is a fucking vampire, Rai. And I'm not fucking around, so get real. I going to die regardless. Sometimes you have to cower away from things. You should know that, you bastard." Jean spat. He was deathly serious. He had accepted what he thought to be his fate. "I can take some of them with me. Thankfully, Geng's healing me, so I can fight a bit." He pointed to one of his wounds, already less than half its original size.
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