Đ o m i n i c

Disclaimer: I do not own this image. I am simply using it as a visual reference to my character. All ownership goes to the original artist.Crimson blues|Glorious Arc of Truth~"Check it, yo. We about to get crunk up in this bitch. Gonna party like it’s 2000.. Ayy lmao maang!"~
Dom/D-Money ♦
35(chronologically), 29(physically) ♦
What is sex(he’s straight as a line) ♦
Human with Prae ancestry 

You can’t think of The Crimson Arc without thinking of the pinnacle of masculinity. Everything about him from how long his hair is; how bulky his muscles are, and right down to how he carries himself attire-wise; just about everything about this man that most know as The Crimson Arc is manliness personified.
Let’s begin with how crimson his hair is. Some say it was dyed, but those that truly know him can vouch that it’s completely the opposite. Not only is his hair natural, but rumor has it that he his hair has a unique aspect to it. That meaning he was born with long hair, and that as he grew in height and overall frame, his hair adapted to the change by growing in thickness and length to keep the mid-back span it has. Of course, these are only rumors, but you can’t deny that it’s a rather manly rumor. The fact that his hair is something that’s magical or some shit is pretty fucking spectacular.
The rumors about his epicness extend to his eyes, for underneath those shades he always wears, are eyes that have a shade quite similar to an emerald stone. The rumor here is that his eyes were crafted from the finest emerald stones that the land had to offer. Some say that one could still see the sparkle of emerald fragments in The Crimson Arc’s eyes when light shines into them. Of course, no one has ever been able to catch him without his shades, even when he’s indoors he keeps them on. So good luck with that.
Since the pinnacle of manliness covers a lot of areas, perhaps we should discuss Dominic’s body shape. When you think about it, it’s quite the spectacle to view upon. A vertical base that extends well above six feet and bulky frame that gives one the impression that his total weight might go beyond two-hundred-and-fifty pounds. When you consider the markings all the way from his right arm all the way to the right side of his front and back shoulder-blade, you have one impressive sight of a man. His entire body is toned to absolute, dominating, MANLY muscled physique. And what’s probably worse(for other people) is that he knows how unimaginably his muscles are. What’s even better is that The Crimson Arc is proud of his accomplishments.
For his size and height, Dominic finds it hard to find stylish clothes. While he might be able to make do with what he is able to find, it’s difficult to do that on a budget, which he is on. Thankfully, there are several discount stores in the area that he lives in. What’s even better for him is that they know his tastes. Usually, Dominic will go for any loose-ish-fitting clothing. Sometimes he’ll rock a sweatsuit comprised of sweatpants and a tank top. Sometimes Dominic is in a topless kind of mood. As such, he could be seen just wearing loose pants, a pair of gloves, and boots. However, as some might not find that appropriate for special occasions, Dominic has been persuaded to save that for another time.
In all truths, Dominic doesn’t really care what he wears, but he has been known to rock a trademark outfit that a lot of people associate him with. It’s a matching vest(with zipper) and pants combo that has a gray base with red lining. The vest is equipped with a hood colored with the same shade of red as the linings of the zipper and the edges of the pants and vest. The pants are cargo style. The top of the pants divides into two parts with two individual flaps that have a chain attached to each of them making four chains in total that meet to the back pockets. These pants have a few pockets(not counting the back and front ones). There’s one on each leg around the knee. Dominic wears a pair of black shoes with two crimson lines(one on each side) that meet in the front. A bit sporty, sure, but Dominic digs it.

To those that don’t know him, Dominic will simply seem like the kind of guy that would get under skin in no time at all. He louder for his own good, and has a rather obnoxious way of going about most things. If you were to tell someone that did know him that you can’t stand him the first time you met him, they wouldn’t be surprised at all. Most who meet Dominic either find him to be too intolerable for his own good or to be one of those guys that they just can’t take seriously due to how over-the-top he can be sometimes.
Dominic is a guy that believes in stating his manliness even if no one directly asked him to do so or not. He takes great pride in his muscles, and will flaunt them for any kind of audience that is but not limited to: women, children, enemy forces that are trying to kill him, and royalty(high-ranking government officials). He will not waste a single moment trying to flex for them and boast proudly at how he was able to get those wild muscles. This has, on several occasions, gotten him in trouble. Either he ended up in fights he couldn’t win or got thrown in jail. Yeah, safe to say that Dominic has had a few run-ins with the law.
Another thing that might set Dominic in the negative light of the masses is how impatient he can get; which applies to several different scenarios. Say there was someone that was even more annoying than Dominic could be to others or someone who acted as if they were better than him by passively-aggressively insulting him, Dominic will take this as a direct, personal attack on him, and will act accordingly. It might end up well for him, or it just might make things worse than they already are for him. Of course, this could happen in a totally different scenario to where Dominic is defending the honor of his friends to someone who might be deliberately attacking them verbally, or threatening them with bodily harm. If that were to happen, you can bet your ass that Dominic will most certainly not have any amount of patience. He’ll make them rue the day they had that thought. It wouldn’t matter who it might be. If Dominic felt they were “dissing” his homie, he would, as the kids say, “make that person get rekt.’
And that ties into the deeper side of Dominic. He’s a guy who cares about his friends. More to that, the Crimson Arc has layers like an onion. When you peal off the top layer, you’ll find that there are deeper regions of Dominic’s psyche that no one would have suspected. If you win his trust or he considers you a friend or ally, you’ll have his protection until such a time arises where said trust and friend/ally status no longer exists. If you’re at this point with Dominic, you can bet anything that he will defend you with all that he could muster up. In other words, he will be your weapon until death comes knocking on his door. Even then, he’ll go down with a fight.

Most may assume that Dominic’s from other regions of the world. Just by looking at him now, there was no way he could be from Ominar. Well, hate to disappoint, but that’s exactly where Dominic is from. He not only was born in Ominar, but he grew up on the impoverished streets of the city. Dominic never experienced the luxurious lifestyle that Ominar had to offer. The closest he had gotten to that part of the city was watching it on his brother, Shinto’s, television. Okay, it was their TV, but Shin paid for it, so that’s why it was Shin’s television, and not Dominic's.
Talking about how he grew up, Dominic didn’t have any parents. He was an orphan by the age of five, you see. And Shinto, DNA-wise, isn’t his brother, but he has known him for his entire life. Ever since Dominic was seen roaming the streets, his long crimson hair often being a standout even in the poverty-ridden block of Backend(that’s what the locals called it). The name comes from the fact that it’s literally on the backend of everything that Ominar has to offer. It’s often forgotten by those that ran the city before the Prae arrived.
Anyways, about Shinto and Dominic. They grew up with each other. Dominic was always the hothead out of the two,a nd Shinto was the “cool” one. He has been very minimal in how he spoke, but when he did, it usually was something smart. Where Shinto lacked in physical strength, Dominic more than made up for it. So they looked out for each other. Dominic made sure no one would harm his buddy, and Shinto made sure Dominic never accepted deals from someone who Shinto believed to be misleading his brother.
As time progressed, the two never lost contact with each other. Wherever Dominic went, Shinto went; however, their personalities couldn’t have been any further apart. Even in their youth, the two had always been physically different as well as how they acted. Dominic was the braun and Shin the brains, Dominic was loud and obnoxious and Shinto was more peaceful and collected, Dominic rushed in without thinking and Shinto planned several steps ahead, and as life would have it, their origins were different too. Dominic was human with possible Prae ancestry, and Shin, as he would soon find out, was a pure-blooded Prae. Even with that being so, it didn’t come between them. If anything, it solidified how their bond is above anything: blood, what race they are, how they are in front of people - all of it was meaningless when it came to their bond.
Even when the Prae took over Ominar just less than two years ago, they didn’t let that stop them. If anything, it only pushed them closer together; to defy the odds of a Human and a Prae being closer than blood brothers. This is probably why the two of them joined in the fight to get rid of the oppressing Prae, and shun them out of their city. Together, these two can achieve anything.

The Awesome Shades
Every great man needs a pair of some rad sunglasses, and that’s exactly what Dominic has. Always on even indoors, these sunglasses are much in resemblance to the Dirty Harry class. They are black-on-black, and they look cool as heck on Dominic’s face, obscuring his eyes from the masses. Wouldn’t you agree?
Every great man like The Crimson Arc needs a handy wallet just incase someone needs confirmation of who exactly this man is. As such, Dominic doesn’t leave his humble abode without it. Just like its owner, Dominic’s wallet is pretty badass. It’s tricked out with intricate webbing on the front and back. Its base is akin to his crimson hair color, but the outer stitching of the designs are laced with a shade of gold. It’s got about six separate sections when it’s unfolded so that Dominic can hold all the essentials: his I.D., money, credit cards, fanclub certification, and a picture of his sweet, sweet honey. Or at least who he wishes he could get.
The Arc Phone
Every great man needs a phone. DOminic might not be tech-savvy like his blonde best bro, Shin, but he does know just enough to make calls and text, and maybe the occasional game of Frangry Birds. But that aside, this phone is pretty sweet, yo. It’s like any regular phone on the market, only that it’s not. It’s rectugular in shape, but there’s a special feature to it that it only activates when Dominic himself is touching it. Pretty awesome right? It’s just like his Arc Gauntlets. Isn’t technology awesome?
Arc Gauntlet Note pic is just a visual reference for the secret feature.
The Arc Gauntlets are a pair of seemingly ordinary lightly-armored, semi-fingerless gloves. They have a grey base color with two inch-wide lines of crimson red that start at the base, and trail to the fingers. There, they change from the straight line appearance, and transition into the shape of an arcing lightning bolt. On top of the gloves where each knuckle is are gray light armor plates that have the symbol of a red lightning bolt on each of them. This is where the ordinary implication of the gloves ceases.
Hidden from view is a secret feature of the glove. Until magic is detected by the careful weaving that when into making these gloves, it will remain hidden. However, when Dominic uses his magical ability, the underside of the gloves(where the palm is), it will reveal a circular, almost mechanical-looking feature that will spark three times before the entire glove is literally covered in crimson lightning.
This is the true function of the Arc Gauntlets. They respond to Dominic’s magic. After he uses the smallest amount of magic, his gloves are enhanced to the point where each hit that Dominic does with them induce a small electrical charge that, one, hurt a lot, and two, could send someone back a few paces. On top of that, with the addition to the lightning, the symbols of the armored plates gain a crimson-colored shine.

One minute with Dominic, and you’ll see he doesn’t really have a lot of intelligent thoughts. Truthfully, he’s quite stupid. He surely doesn’t show much promise for strategy or bringing anything to the table worth while when it comes to battle tactics. Truthfully, Dominic shouldn’t even be in the war room or be apart of the planning process. But don’t write him off just yet.
Dominic grew up on the streets. He knows how people on the streets act, how they organize, and if there ever came a need for him do something dirty, something morally-gray - give the Crimson Arc a call. Odds are, he’ll know a thing or two, and if given the chance, might actually surprise you.
Aside his street smarts, Dominic has an unyielding will. This ties back to how dense he could get. He doesn’t know the meaning of the words “quit” or “lose”. In his mind, there is no such thing. As a result, you will never hear Dominic give up. If he loses, then he will either have to die or be defeated by a worthy opponent. He will be able to concede if he has met his match. However, don’t expect him to be the kind of person to fold over to someone who, in his mind, is inferior to him. It has nothing to do about being too proud. It’s simply about the warrior in him wanting to be challenged, and having a never-say-die attitude.
As much Dominic would like to have resistance to mental invaders, fact remains that his mental fortitude to the likes of those who have the abilities to invade his mind is shit. Of course he will put up whatever fight he can muster up, but his ability to fight them off for prolonged amounts of times is kind of low -like, really low. Hopefully that doesn’t happen in the foreseeable future.
Dominic wouldn't be able to tell you how his physical feats compared to other races, but as far as humans go, one could say that he’s at peak condition for a human. If you need any proof, just look at him. With muscles that put human legends to shame, Dominic has no problem putting to rest any doubts to any that might have them about his physical capabilities. He might not be able to bring down buildings with his strength, but he has been known to roughly crush small rocks with the blunt force of his punch.
He’s not only to be professionally trained in the arts of fighting, but he does have experience in street fighting. There you had to do whatever it took to win a fight. It might not be graceful, elegant, or even the prettiest thing you might see, but when it comes to fights, what matters most is that you either win the fight or at least don’t die. That is important, after all.
Crimson Lightning Magic
Everyone knows about the special breed of lightning magic that The Crimson Arc is capable of. It works just like any other branch of lightning magic, but due to its rare color and the person who has been able to make a name for himself by using it, Crimson Lightning Magic is something unique to Dominic just for that reason. Though it might appear to be just like regular lightning magic, Dominic has various uses for it that might surprise you.
His magic has several uses. With it, he can send pulses of electricity forward or around him in a modest circumference that can push average of size-humans a few yards. Dominic can send out singular bolts of lightning aimed at one or more target depending on how close together they are to each other. If need be, Dominic can increase his own physical capabilities by infusing the lightning within his own body. It’s not a large increase as some might think, but it’s enough to give him a momentary boost in overall physical performance.
When he takes the offense, Dominic will be the first one to admit that his preferred tactic is something he likes to call(and has gotten famous for) arc lightning. It’s when he sends out continuous streams of lightning that have electromagnetic properties to conjoint with anyone or anything nearby. This can be a lamppost or another person. The amount of damage that they would take solely depends on how long Dominic can maintain this arc lightning. Records have shown that it’s not very long, but long enough to render these hostiles otherwise incapacitated. It might not kill them, or even severely injure them, but it sure as hell won’t make them a problem for The Crimson Arc.
Other offensive tactics are less strenuous to his health and magical reserves. These variations are the pulses of lightning sent out either at a linear direction or in his surrounding area measuring to a minimum of one inch and a maximum of two and a half feet. The force from each is enough to crush small rocks into dust. On a solid body, it could cause bone fractures, and, just like the arc lightning, it can also have a maximum potential of taking them out for a bit. Of course, this depends on how much force is applied. If too much is done so, then Dominic may find himself out of juice, and vulnerable to attack.
There’s not a lot that Dominic has in his wheelhouse for defense. His philosophy has always been that a good defense is a strong offense. As such, he has not invested as much into well-rounding himself as a fighter when it comes to his defensive training. The only thing that he has managed to get out of his training is a slight increase in his physical capabilities. It’s only a very slight increase. In the short-term of things,it’s ideal. He would be able to withstand large amounts of force put against his body; however, if he does this longer than his limits are able to handle, Dominic will begin to feel the side-effects of it. More specifically, if he continues to leave his body as it is, he will have a reverse of sorts. Instead of an increase, there will be a decrease. He will be suspect to fatigue rapidly quicker than he would if he did not have the electrical boost. Furthermore, if Dominic exceeds his time limit, and does not cease it immediately, there is a definite chance of it rendering him temporarily paralyzed, which is kind of ironic, wouldn’t you say?