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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Drake Sydell
Alias: The Dragoon
Age: 20
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Arc name: Shadow in the Dark
Arc bio:
Power or ability:
The Dragon Talisman: this ancient relic allows its wearer the ability to use the elements of each dragon soul that resides in the Talisman. To be able to use the elemental abilities, the wearer must make a bond with each dragon soul inside. Once the bond is made, the wearer can just speak the dragons name and he or she will be able to use the dragon’s elemental powers.

Personality: Drake is a kind hearted soul that loves to help others. He loves cracking jokes and make others feel better in times of sadness. However, he also suffers from faking his happy mood when he’s down. He doesn’t want others to know he’s sad or depressed so he fakes a happy smile to make them think he’s ok.

Drake grew up in a normal home, even if his father walked out on him when he was young. His mother being a single parent did her best to raise him on her own, but she soon found help in her twin sister who took up the role of his other parent as she help raise drake when his mother couldn’t due to her work. Drakes aunt introduced him to MMA at an early age and when she surprised him with tickets to a MMA event. Drake exploded in happiness as he waited for the day to come.

When the day came he couldn’t control his excitement. She had gotten front row tickets and Drake watched as the fighters of each match brutally beat one another. He was hooked and when he turned 12, he asked if he could train to be an MMA fighter. His mother was reluctant since she knew how brutal the sport was. However, after a few begging and pleading, she gave in. he began training in a local gym near his house.

It was taxing at first as his body felt like it was going to fall apart, but after a month's’ worth of training and working on his body strength. He started to get the hang of MMA and start to show promise. Even his trainer told him he would be a great fighter in the octagon. However, fate usually has other plans.

His mother and aunt took him to the state fair to celebrate his progress. There, Drake saw a small cart selling Knick knacks and other trinkets. Drake was instantly drawn to a necklace that had a silver chain that was attached to a dragon wrapped around a pure white crystal that was the size of a pea. Drake’s aunt bought him the necklace and when he placed it on, he started to hear a small voice in his head.

For the next month, Drake trained to better his skills as a MMA fighter. Throughout that month, he kept hearing the voice again and again. However, it would relay messages to him during training like: duck, move to the left, block with your right arm. He worried he might be going crazy so he told his aunt and mother about the voice and what it said.

They didn’t seem all concerned and said it was just his brain telling him what to do next. It made sense since the voice only appeared when he fought and trained in the ring. However, he would see just what the voice was soon enough.

Three weeks after his 17th birthday, he was out shopping for him mom who had to work a double. The town he lived in was quite small so to walk from his house to the bank wasn’t a long trek. However, all the way there the voice kept saying one world. It kept repeating this word over and over again. To try and silence the voice, Drake listened to his music on his music.
At the bank, Drake waited in line to withdraw money from his part time job. To help pay for the lessons, Drake took a job at a local dinner as a dishwasher. While he waited, a man busted through the front doors brandishing a rather weird gun.

He demanded everyone on the ground and once everyone was on the ground, he began to demand money from the bank tellers. When the last teller stuffed the last bit of money into the man’s bag, police sirens echoed outside.

The simple bank robbery turned into a hostage situation as Drake at on the floor of the bank for over two hours. The man said if the police didn’t back off, he would kill a hostage. When the robber thought the police didn’t listen. The man cursed again before he grabbed a woman next to Drake and pushed her to the far wall. He pointed his gun towards the woman and when he pulled the trigger. A blue stream shot out of the barrel. In a split second the woman was frozen in ice. Once the woman was encased in ice, the man then said if the police don’t leave. He’d freeze another person.

The man then took Drake and shoved him next to the frozen woman. He pointed his gun at Drake and all Drake could hear was the voice screaming at him. Screaming the same work it had said all the way to the bank. The man pulled the trigger and the blue stream hit Drake and he felt the freezing ice on his body. It felt like knives cutting into his skin as he screamed in pain. In that moment he yelled the word the voice had been screaming: INFERNO!

The pure white crystal in the middle of his neckless turned red and flames shot out of the crystal. The flames melted the ice as the flames wrapped around his hands to create flame gauntlets, around his legs and feet to create greaves and sabatons made of flames, the flames wrapped around his head to create a Helm made of flames, and finally the flames extend from his shoulder blades to create wings made of flames.

Drake looked at his hands and was stunned at what he saw. The robber was also stunned for a moment before he shot another blue stream at Drake. Drake put up his hands to block the stream and flames shot out of the gauntlets towards the stream. The two collided in the middle and steam filled the bank. The flames overtook the stream and slammed into the robber, sending him to the opposite end of the bank. He hit the wall so hard, he was knocked out.

Drake was stunned at what he just did but he soon realized that the woman next to him was still encased in ice. He quickly turned his attention to her and placed his gauntlets on the ice. It began to melt. He was surmised that he had such full control of this new power. However, he didn’t know that this power he had, was just the tip of the iceberg

As soon as the woman was freed from the ice, Green Arrow rushed through the front doors and shot an arrow at Drake. When the arrow connected, it exploded and sent Drake slamming into the counter. Before Green Arrow could shoot off another arrow, the people in the Bank yelled at him that Drake had just saved them.

Green Arrow placed the arrow into his quiver before he extended his hand to help Drake up. The flames quickly shot back into the crystal in his neckless just before Drake took his hand and was helped up. Green Arrow apologized before he talked to Drake about the Teen Titan’s Initiative. He explained what it was and how it could help Drake. Drake was reluctant to accept since he didn’t know how his mother and aunt would. He asked if he could have some time to think about it and Green Arrow agreed. He gave Drake a card with a number on it should he accept.

He was surprised that his mother and aunt said he should accept. His mother told him he could do great things in the program and would know he’d be safe. Drake didn’t think she understood what the Teen Titans were about. However, he called the number on the card and hours later, the doorbell rang. When Drake answered it, a man in a black suit asked if he was ready. The man lead him to a black car were Drake got into the back and was driven off to his new home in the Titans Tower.

After three years in the Teen titans Initiative. Drake was put in the Young Justice Program. In those three years he had found out just what his necklace was. According to Zatara, his necklace was called The Dragon Talisman. According to legend: It was used by a powerful wizard to trap eight dragons ravaging the lands. However, their souls could be called upon to be used as tools in battle. After learning about this, Drake was able to connect with two other dragons inside the Talisman and us their elemental powers to help his new team. Whoever they may be


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Charles Edward McCloud
Alias: The Gamer
Age: 19
Race: Meta Human
Gender: Male
Arc name: Virtual Past
Arc bio: When his powers go wild, They are dragged into an alternate world created from his power and from portions of his memory, only way to escape is to defeat the 'final boss' a mysterious figure from Charles' own past.
Power or ability: The Gamer - Turns the entire concept of an MMORPG into reality for his power. Allows him to level up, store items into his inventory, Gain skills though the use of an action and through manual type books. Skills also level separately. Can access various menus related to games.

Bio: Charles came from a very remote town, he barely had much power because of how remote it was. But evertime he had the chance he would play video games that he managed to get. He would love seeing all the different types of games that exists and wish that he could do things like in those games. after he turned 9 His power awakened turning him into a Game character, giving him all those aspects he wanted when he was younger. He quickly learned that his power gave him quests when he was requested something, even if that request wasn't a declinable thing. Every action he did gave him small amounts of experience but not nearly enough to level. When he discovered his skills he learned of his ID Create, or as it is called completely Instant Dungeon Create. He can use it to create dungeons where only he, and those he decides can enter. Inside these dungeons he could physical train. He was soon by the age of 13 brought into the Teen Titans program. Having been sought out by some of the older heroes when they detected his power.

After joining the Teen titans Charles was bit more laid back then he normally should of been, he was just happy he had his power he didn't really care to much about the job he was just put into. He was messy, tended to leave messes everywhere. Though still made friends with the others, though a couple of years in one of his best friends died in one of the fights with a villain. This affected Charles greatly, he begun to isolate himself from the others, and soon became a shut in. Though after a few weeks he came out and begun being a titan again, though he was different, changed. He wouldn't speak much if at all to the others, he would train by himself every moment he had. He was completely changed inside. Most of the others in the program would tend to start to avoid him, but he got the job done efficiently and quick. It was then he was called to the Young Justice program because of his record.

Weapon: currently a reverse blade sword. Blunt on normal end, sharp on back end.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

AGE: 19
RACE: Meta Human
GENDER: Female
ARC NAME:"The Need For Speed"
POWER: Hyper-Speed, Robin can run at over two times the speed of sound and grows faster each year. Her perceptions are also fast and allow her to see bullets in flight and dodge them. She can also run up almost 90 degree surfaces or across water.
PERSONALITY: Robin loves to eat and even though she doesn’t need to she consumes copious amounts of sweets her favorite being anything chocolate. She loves to chat and can as some say burn the ears off a rabbit with her words which sometimes run into each other and make her sound a bit unintelligible . She is also a bit shy especially when she likes someone and wears her heart on her sleeve
BIO:Born to a single mother who died minutes after her birth Robin was placed into foster care where her story should have ended except for an incident involving Professor Zoom and Barry Allen that occurred while her 7th grade class attended a concert in Central City.

Outside the concert hall the two renowned speedsters battled furiously each seeking victory over the other when their battle crashed through a wall of the building causing an explosion of speed force energy which knocked everyone unconscious except for Robin who was caught between dimensions for a short period of time externally but for Robin what seemed like days. When she reappeared Robin was so dehydrated that she had to be rushed off to a nearby hospital and put on IV to prevent renal failure.

Two months later while walking to school Robin was caught in a downpour and forced to run for shelter and ran so fast that she caused the glass windows on the facing side of the school to explode as she broke the sound barrier so close to them. That was the day that she discovered she'd changed and at first was terrified of what that meant worried that if she were discovered that the government might place her into a research program so she hid her abilities.

She kept a low profile avoiding the use of her power from the age of 12 till she turned 16 and was working at a restaurant which became the target of a robbery that went wrong and turned into a fire fight between her boss and three gang members. She was surprised that when the bullets began flying she could see them in flight and while ducking the deadly hail of fire saw a bullet strike a woman she worked with before she could do anything. Then angered she acted to prevent farther injury by taking the guns away from everyone though she did accidentlly break two people's fingers removing their weapons.

The fire fight made her realize that she needed to hone her skills to prevent injury to people she was saving or even apprehending so she began practicing in secret till she was discovered by Wally West who was surprised to (Pardon the Pun) run across her. That was when her training was accelerated by his help and she began improving her skills.
REFERRING HERO: Wally West an Barry Allen
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Van El
Alias: Beast
Age: 19
Race: Kryptonian
Gender: male
Arc name: The Legacy of The House of El
Arc bio: (PM me your arc bio and what it will be about.)
Power or ability:
Kryptonian shape-shifting: Van has the ability transform into the fauna of Krypton and gain their species' characteristics. As he grows and masters his powers, Van will be able to utilize more transformations. All of his forms have slightly greater strength and durability then earthly animals. So far this is the list of Kryptonian beasts that Van can shapeshift into. Do to his mutated genes, Van is unable to absorb solar radiation and gain the superhuman abilities that all Kryptonians share.
Metal-Eating Mole
Personality: Like with most Kryptonians Van is very stoic or at least tries to maintain his stoicism when he feels that he has to represent his culture. In truth Van sometimes prefers to have a more laid back and human like qualities. Even when he lived on Krypton as a little child Van never always felt as in tune with his native culture and had a tendency to rebel and show more emotion than normal.

As a hero Van is very dedicated to truth, justice and the American way. He will try to do what's right and be an inspiration for others, but his emotions can sometimes get the better of him. Despite his more human like behavior, Van still has some traditional values and is not a wild one. He values order and believes in more civil ways of solving problems, but he won't back down from a fight when the need arises.

Being a mutant made him somewhat of an outcast on Krypton and he sometimes is reluctant to show his powers off needlessly, but he doesn't like to back away from a challenge when it comes his way. Since Van is a member of the house of El he has a high appreciation of his cousin Kal El otherwise known as Superman, and he tries to model his hero work after the Man of Tomorrow. His parents death and the destruction of his home world also had a bad effect on him and Van sometimes suffers from bouts of depression.
Bio: Van El was born on Krypton ten years before it would explode and see the entire kryptonian civilization destroyed. His parents were Sul El and Milia El of the house of El. They were scientists studying the flora and fauna of the planet in the hopes of finding a way to grant individuals the power to shapeshift into animals and plants. Their studies led them to believe that injecting mutated genes into a Kryptonian would created the desired effect.

The tests proved that it would be deadly and too dangerous for kryptonian subjects. after several failures Van's parents became ridiculed by the science counsel of Krypton and their research was no longer supported by the counsel. That seemed to be the end of their project, but one day Van became gravely ill with the green plague that had begun to ravaged the planet. Van was on the verge of death when his parents in a last bit of desperation decided to inject him with the mutated genes to try and counter the disease.

Call it a miracle or incredible luck, but Van's body excepted the genes and his sickness was cured. He did however forever change and he became a mutant. With the power of shape-shifting, Van was able to do things no Kryptonian had seen before and his parents had him go through several tests to see his capabilities. He wasn't very happy being a test subject, but Van didn't complain, he felt that he owed it to his parents for saving his life.

After a few years, Jor El came to Sul El and Milia to warn them about Krypton's eminent doom. They were one of the few people who actually believed, but they only had enough time to build a ship big enough for one passenger. They decided that Van would be the one to escape the planet's destruction and when the fateful day arrived, he was sent off of the dying planet after his parents gave him their tearful goodbyes.

Sul El and Milia had already saved their son's life once from a deadly disease, they would not let that miracle go to waste and let their son die in Krypton's destruction. Van was deeply pained by the loss of his parents and home. When the ship left the planet's atmosphere Van was placed in stasis and the ship's auto-navigation system malfunctioned and it drifted in deep space for years.

Eventually Van's ship came into earth's solar system and the navigation system kicked back in when the sensors picked up on alien activity on earth. Van was brought out of stasis when his ship entered earth's atmosphere and he watched as his ship crashed into the beautiful planet. Van found himself in a strange world and alone. His thoughts were about the death of his parents and his whole world. In his sorrow Van wandered aimlessly through the woods where his ship had landed and occasionally would transform into Kryptonian animals to strengthen his isolation.

Eventually he found himself on the outskirts of Metropolis and it wasn't too long until he saw Superman. Unlike most who saw the Man of Steel, the first thing that caught Van's eyes were his Kryptonian style clothing and the symbol of the house of El. His hopes rose high and he excitedly met Superman and explained to him who he was. The Man of Steel understood and although Van could tell that the hero was wasn't entirely convinced, Superman decided to believe his story and took him to live with the Kents for a bit.

After that he learned enough about earth culture to get adopted by a nice couple and Van's tried to have a normal life.
His costume is a red suit and has the S-shield of the house of El.

Weapon: (Optional)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character sheet:
Name: Michael Hart
Alias: firefly
Age: 21
Race: meta human
Arc name: (What is this? Each character will have an arc were the team will help them overcome their own “Demons” before the final showdown with The Order of Chaos. This will give each character their time to shine)
Arc bio: (PM me your arc bio and what it will be about.)
Power or ability: The ability to generate and control to a limited extent flames.
Personality: While Michael may look cocky and arrogant, Michael can be a persons best friend. Often times going far out of his way to help a friend. Always willing to listen to peoples problems both personal an professional, Michael shows himself to be a great guy. though for some reason people often feel he keeps people at an arms distance. As a side note he finds customs to be annoying at best and a waste of time,materiel and self respect at worst.
Bio: Michael's childhood was rough, abandoned by his parents and with only his brother to watch over him, life At the age of three his powers began to surface, much to the surprise of the family. when
Weapon: (Optional)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spinosaurus
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Spinosaurus His majesty.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jacob Lander
Alias: Microstrike
Age: 19.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Arc name: The Hunt.
Power or ability:
-Shrinking. He can reduce his size down to a millimeter at most.
-Enhanced Agility. He is faster and more agile than the average person, particularly when shrunk.
-Survivability. When he has his costume on, it functions as a supply of oxygen and environmental protection. for him to survive in areas as intense as the vacuum of space.
Personality: He's outgoing and likes to be around people. Because of this, however, he talks fast and a lot. He can embarrass himself easily, but he likes to comfort people whenever he can.
Bio: He was born to a fairly average family, as an only child. He lived normally until he was 14. By then, he was taken by strange employees to a building. There, he was subjected to experiments. Many of them involving technology and strange shots. What that did was give him the ability to shrink. His powers were unstable. When shrunk, he had trouble growing back to normal size, or sometimes he couldn't shift sizes at all. Using his newfound power, he escaped quickly. He found out that his parents had an unknown cause of death recently. Due to that, he lived alone for a while using his powers, really only thinking of himself. He stole and such. Ray Palmer, connecting the dots of crimes, concluded that there must be another size-shifting metahuman. Finding him, a suit was made to help him stabilize his powers and he was recruited almost directly into New Young Justice.

Appearance: Casual:
(Ignore the gun, he doesn't carry weapons.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TomJ125


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry mispost
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alias: Lightspeed

Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Arc name: Speed of Hope

Arc bio: PM'ed you

Power: Wulf has astonishing fighting ability, and is also quite fast, though not to a remarkable degree.

Personality: Cold and calculating, Wulf doesn't typically warm up to anyone, unless he lets his guard down. He builds towering walls to keep out feelings, and doesn't show emotion much, and is very willing to kill criminals.

Bio: Wulf's parents were killed by a powerful mafia boss when he was 15 and did not pay his debt for protection to the man, and Wulf spent years trying to kill him. He eventually succeeded, and continued to lock up as many criminals as he could, acting as a vigilante, until he met others like him. The hero Nightwing found him, and started to train him. It took two months for him to be placed into the program, due to training reasons.


Weapon: A bow staff and a custom handgun, as well as a knife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Name: Beritt Harris
Alias: Sentry

Race: Human

Arc name: A Bitter Bean to Spill
Arc bio: (PM me your arc bio and what it will be about.)

Power or ability: Heightened and directed senses, with perfect recall - she can isolate individual sounds or smells (omnidirectionally), and follow movement at great distances, and even for short distances anticipate where they will move and reappear after sight was lost for a moment. Her reflexes are still human though, and often she will see things happening, like a cup falling - and be slightly irritated that her body can’t react fast enough to intercept it. She is also rather gifted with probability evaluation, and often - when being provided with the needed variables - seems to predict what a set of circumstances will lead towards.

Personality: She does not like loud, obnoxious people, and people who can not get to the point. She prefers clear cut and well defined speech. She is in turn, a naturally quiet and refined person - not because she is shy, but because she often can not see the point in talking to anyone who would be able to add anything of value to her world view. She also has very specific tastes in music and food, and gets easily irritated when her surroundings are unreasonably uncomfortable. This creates an image of snobbishness, which she has come to accept - it is easier than explaining that when things don’t fall inside of a very specific spectrum of experience her senses tend to become overwhelmed and she develops massive headaches that tend to paralyze her.

Bio: Beritt comes from the famed Harris Coffee and Co. Family - a group who had been trading in coffee for the last three hundred years. Naturally, with old money comes swathes of land and stocks - and while many of the older families managed to lose a lot of it, the Harris family remained. From a young age Beritt lived alone in the Gotham Manor - where she attended school. Here she was cared for by a series of butlers and Nannies whom she never cared to get to know too well - a habit ensured by her parents who cycled the help so as to dissuade any emotional bonding between their only daughter and her parental substitutes.

They spoke with her over christmas of course - if not always in person. What was a few microseconds of video lag between family anyway? Having been bored with school since she started with it, she took to managing her father’s stock portfolio, and creating one of her own as well. It was enough of a distraction for her to not realise her gifts until she was fourteen - when they really started to develop. She retreated into the solitude of her home, prompting for private tutoring over the loud and irritating children who attended even the private schools in the area. Having been fed restaurant quality food, and having gone to the opera instead of the movies since she was young - she struggles to associate with people her own age. Even the children of the rich, who she was forced to interact with at the various charity luncheons she attended - like the Wayne Brood - were too… busy for her tastes.

Over the last few months, she had been sending GPD a series of anonymous tips - having created behavioural patterns of the most common gangs and criminals - about where they were most likely to strike next, and when that will be. It was rather disconcerting though - when one evening - while sitting in the penthouse and listening to William Tell’s Overture with a well aged thumb of whiskey - when the Batman stood before her. He warned her that, while what she was doing was good… it posed a great threat to her and her family - should she ever be caught. He then gave her a few pointers on how to further encrypt her pointers, and obscure the sending thereof. He had sent her a message to meet up for some kind of group effort, but she decided against going. It seemed like legwork… which of course was not her natural milieu. While she continues with her life however, the standard practice or study, work, study, work, opera, study and sleep… she can’t help but feel a little bit of what she can only label and uncharacteristic, unsettling regret.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name:Lance Carter
Alias: Blizzard , Blizz, Blizzy
Age: 19
Race: Meta Human
Gender: Male
Arc name: Melting Point
Power or ability:

Personality: Lance is a Relaxed and chill person, he can be very blunt at times and hates when people sugar coat things. Lance is enclosed and walls himself off from people, he dislikes when everybody knows his businesss. Lance is very observant and analyzes the personalities of everyone he meets. He is the type of person that always repays a favor, even if he dislikes you greatly. One he warms up to somebody he will protect them at all costs, he treats those close to him like his own blood. Sometimes he can be very cold due to his background but he doesn't mean harm.

Bio: Lance had a nice peaceful life at the young age of 9, loving family, roof over his head, food on the table every night. Lance was a sweet boy at this time, he had a younger sister as well in which he thought of as her protector. He lost them all one night during an home invasion, they killed his mother, father. His sister was left in a Coma from which she died from. Lance grew cold from this moment not knowing what to do, he fell into bad habits, began picking fights with kids and people.

After the tragedy Lance was sent into foster care, being shipped off to a foster home in a bad neighborhood. In the neighborhood there was gang violence, Drug dealers, and drug addicts, being forced to grow up quick Lance matured though at first he was picking fights with the other kids but eventually they got along well and they became very close. Lance considered them his new family, even though he loved his family he never forgot his real one.

Lance was one of the oldest, next to another kid named Jordan. Jordan and Lance were both the same age of 15 at the time, while Jordan was street smart kid while Lance was book smart and together they helped the most in taking care of the other kids, making sure they were alright every night, walking them for school, and eventually getting jobs to help put food on the table. One night history tragically repeated himself, In the winter it was getting late and Jordan hadn't comeback. Lance was worried and put on his winter coat and went out into the snow to go search for him, finding him in the middle of gang trouble. Jordan had failed on paying the Gang members back on time, Lance tried to hurry over to them and then it happened. It felt as if time slowed down as Lance saw them put two shots in Jordan leaving him on the floor to bleed out.Lance awakened his powers out of rage. His eyes glowing bright blue, The gang members turned then aimed their gun at lance, Lance braced for the bullet but a dome of Ice protected him, he expected a bullet to hit him but he opened his eyes and saw the he was encased in dome. Lance then put his arms down and the dome dissipated breaking into little pieces of ice. He turned back to the Gang members and clenched his fists, the ice formed a polar bear and it rushed and aggressively mauled them. Once Lance saw they were out of commission he unclenched his fists, the polar bear dissipating and breaking into little pieces of ice. Lance felt rather drained after that and fell on one knee. He then crawled over to his friend who was bleeding picking his head up, tears streaming down and freezing on his face Lance assured his dying friend that he was gonna make it, but it was too late. He had already lost too much blood and soon his heart stopped beating, Lance moped a grieved and yelled for his dearest friend. Loosing another important person in his life

Lance then began fighting back at the gang control in his community , his powers being used mainly to protect his other foster siblings and return peace to his neighborhood, eventually succeeding he went back to living peacefully. After gang violence died down word of what he did spread and soon Lance was discovered by batman who invited him into the Teen Titans Initiative. Lance was hesitant at first still wanting to take care of his foster siblings but he believed that he would have more help and could grow stronger in order. Lance left home and left to get strong in the teen titans initiative. A couple years down the line he was then selected to be in the young justice program.
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