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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier felt the sting of the weak acidic fluid on his armor and some on his skin making him cringe slightly, Moving slowly towards where Bette was trying to protect the two of them. Bette was holding onto her own swatting away the creature that were attacking them, Using her tentacle hair to help protect Xavier.

With the creature and herself being knocked back she took this moment to stand up onto her feet rushing at the creature ready rip it apart.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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The creature weighed too much for Bette's rush to have any noticeable impact by itself, but her weapon managed to punch through its heart. Exhaling the stench of flesh slowly rotting between its sharp teeth with what would be its last breath, it slowly succumbed before her. While sliding down, it left a trail of its own blood sticking to Bette's breast, belly and feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Bette let out a soft sight licking the blood that was on her breasts smiling to herself enjoying their taste,"You...two...okay?" Xavier asked the both of them slowly standing up feeling the slight sting of the bites of the creature. Bette nodded and walked over to Madawc checking his wounds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc had slowly relocated himself to a large stone he could rest his back against. The demon-man was breathing heavily, pain distoring his facial expression. "Get some bandages, then I'll pull the thing out." he instructed Bette with a rather harsh voice. That fight had been a tough one... "We should consider going around this forest. It isn't safe."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Bette nodded walking over to him getting some bandages form the pack that Xavier's horse was carrying, Getting what she needed starting to work on the wound that Madawc had and then would deal with the former mute's wounds.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc moaned in pain as the bandages were applied, but not doing so would have been lethal because he had pulled out the arrow. He was standing, put pale even through his normally very reddish skin. "I don't know if I'm able to ride on alone." he said with a somewhat shaky voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"You..can..ride with..me..if you...would..like..." Xavier spoke softly pointing to his horse,"No Xavier...don't worry form now on we will stay as a group" Bette said in a motherly tone of voice as she fixed him up. Soon enough he was ready to go when he was of course he was badly injured after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Thank you." Madawc said towards Bette, though internally highly reluctant. If it had not been for her, this entire journey would not have escalated into what it was now. "I'm still convinced that we should go around this forest. We have barely survived this!" The demon climbed onto Xavier's horse, trying to leave enough space for the former mute to get up as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Do you want us to bring your horse with us?" Bette said now walking over to his injured horse now trying to remove the arrow and help the creature recover.Xavier looked over to Madawc looking him over curiously rising a brow form underneath his mask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"What's wrong ?" Madawc asked somewhat unpatiently. "And of course I would want to keep it. I just want to get out of this damn forest before the next bunch of creatures finishes us off."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Bette nodded and got on her horse helping it along as she was riding her horse, Riding it along with her. Xavier soon got onto his own horse nodding and wanting to leave as they rode to move around the forest.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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@Eviledd1984 Well... no real answer was an answer as well. Madawc mounted onto Xavier's horse and squeezed himself behind him into the saddle. "How much delay do you think this diversion will cost us ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier got on his horse and rode with Bette who was looking worried at the former mute feeling like she should train him a bit in his new found powers, "It shouldn't cost us much or at all hopefully.." Bette spoke up for the former mute as they went down the dirt road that moved around the forest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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It was almost needless to say that Madawc didn't feel very well. He was severly injured and had to hope for his demonic healing capabilities to kick in early so he would not have to suffer from the pain too long. Probably more importantly however, he felt humiliated. He had not even been able to really participate in that fight because he had been knocked out with the first hit! With a quite grumpy tone, he adressed Xavier and Bette. "You two... what will be our next stop ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Well after we address the king a and tell him that Xavier wants to "Retire" We are going to the prison on the border of Escudo and Slienzo. You can come with us of course i wouldn't mind" Bette spoke softly as soon enough the three of them came to the main city of Bravado being let in by the guards.

By this time they were getting some looks form the villagers and as Bette and the former mute got off their horse Xavier was letting out a soft groan and walking pasted the two bewildered guards trying to stop them for a moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"What's the matter" Madawc was still sitting on his mount and couldn't understand why the guards seemed to be so interested in them. Weren't they looking like rather normal travellers after all ? Always these checkpoints and controls... The demon in him and already grown pretty tired of the concept. It was only annoying those too honest or too stupid enough to go along the many other ways to sneak into a city, especially if it was as oversized as this one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Come on slow poke" Bette said helping Madawc off his horse and leading him behind Xavier whom was already ahead of the two of them.Kneeling in front of his king during their travel he was nervous on the reaction of his king if he suggested that he was going to leave."M..y..king..." Xavier spoke softly much to the surprise to the king.

"I have heard of your deeds in Meche...how did it go?" The king asked him wondering how the hell he could speak but that could come later. Xavier soon told of his king of what he did and the many demons and bandits attacking other people and themselves on the room.Soon enough he told his king that he would like to retire the mere words making the king's face a bright red.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Poke ?" Madawc rapidly shoved his arm away from Bette, ripping it free from her grasp in the process. Madawc did kneel in front of the king as well, but merely because he felt that if he didn't do it, it could result in more or less ugly consequences.

Xavier however managed to surprise him in multiple ways simultaneously: First of all the demon was not fully able to understand of just which 'many' demons attacking other people he was talking about. Apart from himself, he hadn't seen any over the course of their jounrey. Of course it could be possible that Xavier had encountered them before they had met, but wouldn't he have revealed that earlier then ? The second thing surprising him was his request for retirement.

Madawc couldn't kneel there in silence any longer. Without turning his head towards the former mute, he whispered towards him: "Does that imply that our common journey ends here ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"I see you did a job well done...although i am sad that you will be leaving me...so early where will you go?" The king then asked the former mute who nodded and for a moment spoke to Madawc."It..is not..over..yet..." He whispered now looking over to his king.

"I will...go to...Escudo...without..my armor....i will not..need it...anymore.." The former mute said much to the surprise of the king who looked both sadden and angry but for now he would let Xavier speak his peace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc at this point wasn't really able to understand what Xavier was talking about. Why should it not be over if he retired ? And why insisted he on going to Escudo without the scary armor he had been so fond of despite all of its disadvantages ? And why was the former mute speaking with so many pauses between his words...
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