Name: Nihilus Nostradamus Cazarosta
Appearance:Face is covered with tapes. Black spiky hair. Fairly average build
Race: Human, (Yaroi Republic)
Height: 6ft.2in
Weight: 80kg
Age: 21
Occupation: Mercenary
Personality: Nihilus is a kind and educated person. And unless he is fighting an evil bastard, he is usually very merciful. He also trusts people, maybe abit too much. Even though he comes from a rich family, Nihilus lacks charisma. So he doesn't talk much and usually avoids large social congregations and events. He would rather read a good book in the library. This has led to him developing a stoic attitude. Even when he talks, he is very reserved, and talks as less as possible. However when he interacts with people that he considers to be good friends, such as Carmine he talks a lot freely, and his inept social skills start to show. Needless to say, he has not made many friends. He did learn a lot about history, economics, literature, etc... though.
History: He hails from the Yaroi Republic. Nihilus was the 7th child of a very rich with 15 children. Being of noble birth, he was well educated in the art of battle as well as the book. Growing up in such a big family, he didn't really get much attention from his parents. The fact that he didn't have much in the way of any special skills didn't help either. In the midst of the loosing battle of sibling rivalry, Nihilus' best and only friend was his brother Carmine Cazarosta, the 8th child of the family. Due to this, he had often thought of joining the military. However an even better opportunity presented itself as the peace talks began and the frontier opened up. Nihilus decided to be a mercenary on an expedition to the frontier to make a name for himself, get some respect, and maybe find that wishing star that everyone's so interested in. He didn't want people to recognize him, so he donned a mask and hid his family name, "Cazarosta". Before he set of, his brother Carmine gifted him "Apollyon", a very powerful rune gun that Carmine received as a gift for his esteemed diplomatic services.
Other: Favourite colour is black
Likes coffee
Dislikes alcohol
Favourite sauce: Tomato sauce
Weapons: Mauser Gewehr 98 Rifle[Apollyon](A rifle which is highly imbuned with runic magic. It packs the punch of a tank shell at the range of a rifle. Sadly, the runic magic takes about 5 minutes to reactivate once a shot is fired, so till then it fires normal bullets. When the magic reactivates, a small symbol below the trigger begins to glow blue), 2 Enfield Mk2 revolvers, Katana, pocket knife
militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.a.. - Enfield Mk2
Armour: Usually wears a black sleeveless shirt, a pair of blue trousers, and black rubber boots.
Magic: Runic
Fighting style: Prefers to avoid fighting, but when shit hits the fan, he prefers to fight close range where his revolvers, and katana are most effective. His Mauser rifle is usually reserved for longer ranged fights or when sever destructive power is called for. And when things get really bad, he doesn't mind running away or fighting dirty.
Special Skill: Code-breaker(After spending god knows how many hours in the library reading books(Specifically ones about secret messages, Nihilus had developed a rudimentary ability of finding secrets written in the pages of books, letters, environmental queues, etc.. and where such secrets were usually hidden. It was a skill that he honed until he was a master at it, even learning to craft them himself. However, the only use he got out of it was finding some hidden passages in his family manor[which contained absolutely nothing] and finding various fraternizing letters by the servants[amateurishly hidden])
militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.a.. - Enfield Mk2
Armour: Usually wears a black sleeveless shirt, a pair of blue trousers, and black rubber boots.
Magic: Runic
Fighting style: Prefers to avoid fighting, but when shit hits the fan, he prefers to fight close range where his revolvers, and katana are most effective. His Mauser rifle is usually reserved for longer ranged fights or when sever destructive power is called for. And when things get really bad, he doesn't mind running away or fighting dirty.
Special Skill: Code-breaker(After spending god knows how many hours in the library reading books(Specifically ones about secret messages, Nihilus had developed a rudimentary ability of finding secrets written in the pages of books, letters, environmental queues, etc.. and where such secrets were usually hidden. It was a skill that he honed until he was a master at it, even learning to craft them himself. However, the only use he got out of it was finding some hidden passages in his family manor[which contained absolutely nothing] and finding various fraternizing letters by the servants[amateurishly hidden])
Inventory: 3 canteens filled with water, backpack[containing 6 carrots, 4 potatoes, and a sleeping bag, Cooking pot, Firewood, Basic Medical supplies(A bottle of anti-septic, 2 rolls of bandage, some cotton, several pieces of cloth), gun cleaning Kit],Compass, Map of Frontier, A small pouch attached to his him[Containing Pistol rounds(60), Rifle rounds(25)]
Money: 150 Gold.
Money: 150 Gold.
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