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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked towards Roxane and nodded slightly at her comment but she didn't feel like saying anything as she turned to her sister she got up and moved over to pull Tuesday into a hug. She rarely ever saw Tuesday breakdown even when growing up, she gently rubbed Tuesday's back as she watched Marc standing up and then storming out of the room, she felt bad for what she said. She knew that Marc was doing his best to try and protect everyone here. Then Tim started speaking she avoided eye contact with the officer she simply nodded slightly she stood there awkwardly quiet. "I know Marc and you are doing your best, and i'm sorry for snapping. But having a target on your back you can understand i'm stressed the fuck out." Riley said softly as she went over and sat back down on the seat.

Riley's eyes wondered towards Tim as he started grabbing some files and started pinning them up onto the board she leaned forward for a moment before standing up. "I'll be right back i'm not leaving the station." Riley stood up and headed out of Tim's office as her eyes wondered around the police station until she found Marc with Cynthia. She gently patted him on the shoulder and looked towards Marc. "Hey uhm, just want to say sorry for what I said back there. I didn't mean to, question or argue with you I want to get this guy as soon as possible and protect my friends as well."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: the Station

Tuesday closed her eyes, tensing slightly as Riley put a hand on her. She didn't need her sister's sympathy, she didn't need it from anyone. They were all disappointed in her, in one manner or another. Good. Let them be. Her temper flared back up, catching her from her momentary fall in attitude. She had spent her entire life trying to please people, to be exactly who they wanted her to be. And what had that done for her? It had pushed her on the path towards medical school, when she couldn't stand the prospect of being a surgeon. As far as Tuesday was concerned, she didn't start living until she screwed up her life, ruining all of her chances, and watching as it went up in flames. She had been liberated by fire.

Keeping her face turned away from Tim, Roxanne, and Riley, Tuesday made a quiet resolution to herself. No more of this pretending, no more of this making decisions for other people. If she was going to be able to live with herself, she had to make her own decisions. Vowing to quit her job at the temp agency and embrace her lifestyle, Tuesday couldn't help that imagine the next time she saw Marc, she'd be behind bars once again.

Maybe I'll even get sent to max this time...Change of scenery, she pondered, joking slightly to herself. And no one would visit her in max, she was certain of that. There'd be none of this bullshit, this pity and sympathy, none of it! She'd finally be free. She'd be able to escape the shadow of her parents once and for all. Going to the reunion had been a stupid decision, she decided, but it was the most important one she had ever made. It opened her eyes.

However, she heard Tim go silent. Raising a bit of an eyebrow, she considered peeking over his shoulder, to see what could have brought him to a pause. How twisted it would have been, Tuesday realized, if one of their friends turned out to be the murderer. But as far as she was aware, Cynthia had to be rambling about a movie obsessed guy. And after ten years, she couldn't quite remember everyone who could quote films off the top of their head.

"What?" Tuesday asked simply. She bit her tongue, tempted to continue on, but her words would only be fueled with anger and resentment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station

Tim just rolled his eyes at Riley. "Really? You're the only one with a target on your back? So that makes it okay? Yeah, I don't have one do I? Neither does Marc does he? Or wait, yes, we do and we do every day in our line of work. We are just as much a target as you are hell even more so since we are the ones trying to catch this maniac. So take it and shove it Riley. Marc might be the type to forgive a comment like that but I ain't Marc. What you and more so your sister said is unfucking forgivable. Don't like me, fine but damn, Marc has been there for everyone since he was a kid if you don't remember. As far as I am concerned Chloe can get her act together and seek some forgiveness for what she said or get the fuck out of our my squad house," Tim snapped.

Biting his tongue as he overheard the exchange, the FBI agent just sat there trying to get Cynthia to calm down as Riley came over. Marc glanced over at Riley and sighed a bit as he turned back to Cynthia and wrapped his coat around her as she wrapped her own arms around herself. "And you and Chloe yelling at me is really helping Riley? Don't know why I expected better from you two but I did. I might not like what Time just said but on some level I agree with it. Anyways, doesn't matter my personal views or how big the target on my back is; it won't stop me from doing my job. Just get you and anyone else that wants to go to the safe house ready. We leave in five," Marc stated flatly as he pulled Cynthia's hair out from under the collar of his coat and then leaned her back against the wall behind the bench she was seated on.

Marc shook his head some as he stood up and headed back over to Tim, pulling him over to the side as he snatched up the annual Riley had handed Tim last night and looking through who was dead, who was still alive, and trying to figure out from their classmates interests, reasons to be made superlatives, and senior quotes who it could be. He hoped Lawson was okay but right then he knew his military friend wasn't an intended target, just a bystander.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked over her shoulder and glared at Tim, she clenched her fists but closed her eyes and sighed softly as she tried to calm herself down. Yes she knew she had snapped at Marc when he was just doing his job and it was wrong of her to do it, just being stressed out about everything. She certainly had death threats before and had crazies approach her before, but they were all empty threats this was real someone was killing them for one reason or another. Riley looked towards Marc as he got up and headed over towards Tim as the two of them went over to try and find out who it was. Riley quietly muttered to herself it reminded her of her old days back in school where people just verbally abused her.

"I'll be outside for a little bit and then i'll be ready to go." Riley said as she got up looking over at Cynthia as she gently petted the girl on her shoulder. She needed a little bit of air as she felt like she just made things worse right now, as Riley made her way outside and leaned herself up against the wise of the building. Riley took out her phone she had enough of this town and wanted to leave it all for good this time and never look back.

Riley took out her phone and started book her ticket on the next flight to LA once this whole case was done and over with. She started to play around with her hair as she looked around seeing some officers coming and going out of the police parking lot. Riley closed her eyes as she took a few deep breathes as the cool air ran through her hair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: the Station ---> The Park

As Marc and Tim turned their rage towards her sister, Tuesday took in a deep breath. Riley hadn't done anything wrong--they had no right to seethe at her for her own actions. For a moment, she was hell bent on chewing them out for the way they had treated her sister, but then she realized it wasn't her place. She had given up that authority the moment she stood by and watched as her parents kicked Riley out. Picking up her purse, Tuesday took Tim's last comment to her to heart.

"Catch you on the flip side," Tuesday called out, before exiting the room, leaving Cynthia, Tim, Marc, and Roxanne behind. She knew that Riley had exited out the front, so Tuesday walked over to a side exit, breathing in the crisp air as it hit her. Coughing slightly, she put her mangled pair of earbuds in, and listened to music on her phone as she walked away from the station, as she walked away from her friends. Without making a conscious choice as to where she was going, Tuesday found herself headed towards the park.

Whenever she was stressed out as a teenager, Tuesday--no, Chloe--had gone for a walk. The open space always left her feeling serene and calm, and underneath one of the trees, she would shuffle through the flashcards until her fears of failure were diminished. It was the only place she ever felt safe in Grimm. And no matter how much her life had changed, some things always stayed the same. She had no notion of how long the walk to the park was, wrapped up entirely in her own mind. She knew when she wasn't wanted--she wasn't going to hang around with them. Her biggest mistake was thinking that they would finally understand her.

Heck, maybe the bastard going around and cutting everyone up understood her more than her old friends ever could. She laughed a bit at that thought, only stopping in her walk when she placed her hand on the rough bark of her favorite tree. Breathing in the scent of it, Tuesday glanced around, before grabbing onto its upper branches and climbing it, the same way she had done in school. It had been her quiet space. She never told anyone about it, not Riley, and not any of her friends.

Having climbed to the top, Tuesday hit pause on her music, and pulled up a seldom used contact in her phone. Dialing the number, it rang twice, before being quickly picked up. "I'm in. I'll need airfare from Grimm, but I can start whenever."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Police Station

Roxanne ran a nervous hand through her dark hair with a sigh. She did feel terrible, ashamed even, as Tim pointed out she should be. What was the point of coming to this thing anyway? She didn't really have anyone to reconnect with or anything. She wasn't much of a go-getter in high school- just a basket case- a silent basket case at that. All she had come to was a killer and some chaos, and she was acting as if she was 17 again. Well she wasn't now, she wasn't a child anymore, she was a woman now. A teacher, with kids, not a petty 17 year old basket case this town seemed to be resorting her to. "I'm sorry Tim, guess it's this town, or the school, I don't know, but it was rude and I'm sorry,"

Roxanne couldn't help but sigh once more as Tim and Riley broke out into a fight, Marc also giving his two cents before both of the sisters ultimately walked out. When they did Roxanne spoke up, "Not all of us are used to having targets on our backs, Tim, Marc," she says gently, not meaning to start another series of fights, "What you and Marc do on a day-to-day basis is commendable but Riley's a singer in a band, I'm a music teacher and I have no idea what Chloe does but I'm pretty damn sure it's not a job like this. I know it's stressful but we're not... trained for this stuff as you two are. I mean, didn't you show at least a little more fear the first time you were after a killer? Because this is what it's like for us, except we didn't have all the training and we're as much as the victims as you are. You two have been trained for these things, but we're not, we play music and teach kids, not hunt down criminals." she gives the pair a tight forced smile, "I'm going to go check on Riley but you tell me if there's anything I can do,"

With that she casually walks out of the office and exit's the station's doors to see Riley nearby, watching the parking lot absent-mindedly. Roxanne strolls over to her and seats herself by her friend's side."Are you ok, Riley?" she asks her friend smoothly
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station

"Training doesn't make you any less fearful. Seeing death doesn't make it any easier the next time. You basically just learn to choke down the nerves until you can vomit later on alone," Marc says quietly. Tim nods a bit. Tim had some training but he was a small town cop. He had more exposure to blood and death in video games than he ever did working as an officer of the law in Grimm. It just wasn't something he was used to but he had to imagine Marc knew what he was talking about. Until the last couple of days the only dead people he saw were from natural causes, old folks who had to be take to the funeral home. Other than Simone at prom, that was all he had seen or dealt with. Grimm wasn't famous for its crime, did people forget that? Mostly he had to deal with teens pulling teen pranks. Shit he did growing up. Like egging a house on Halloween.

"Tim, keep an eye on Cynthia, I am going after Tuesday," he said before stepping out the door and glancing around. He was pissed as hell at the woman but he wasn't pissed enough to let her go running around town by herself with a killer on the loose. "Riley, Roxanne, get back inside please until I come back to get you. Don't leave the building, it isn't safe," he said as he took a step away from them before stopping. "Seriously, inside. I need you two in there so I don't have to worry about you while I am trying to find Chloe and watch my own back, so get inside," he says in a firm voice before climbing into his car and driving off.

She couldn't have gone far and the town was small but there were plenty of places that she could have slipped off to. Pulling out his phone he hit the number he had programed for Tuesday and waited to see if she would answer. "Come on woman, answer the damn phone..." he muttered under his breath as he turned down the street headed towards the music store, maybe she had gone there.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

As Riley stood there she looked towards her right as she noticed a cop on a smoking break, though she really didn't take up smoking that much it was very rare that she ever did. "Mind if I have one?" Riley asked him as the officer looked towards Riley and nodded as he took out his pack and then offered it to her and then lit it up for her. "Thanks.." Riley said quietly as she took a puff of it, and then leaned her head back taking a deep sigh and watched the smoke come out. This trip turned to hell in a handbasket pretty quickly, she really didn't wish this trip turned out this way. Riley had canceled her tour just for this reunion only to be a target for some fucked up killer that was possibly a classmate that she knew. Riley took another drag of the cigarette when she heard Roxane's voice she turned her head to look at her friend and smiled slightly as she quickly put it out on the wall of the building and then stepped on it with her boot.

"Could be better I guess with all things considering.." Riley said with a slight sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. "I had canceled my tour in England for this, only to be a target by possibly one of our classmates." Riley said quietly as she turned to look at her friend. "What about you Roxie?" Riley asked.

Then she saw Marc coming out of the building she instantly started to get worried that her sister had suddenly ran off. Sure they rarely saw eye to eye on a lot of things and their relationship was really strained after she had come out to their parents about being gay. She at one point thought about getting into drugs but she didn't and just busted her ass off working in bars and singing until finally she got the record label. But they were still sisters even when Tuesday was disowned after her time in prison. Riley wanted to try and help her sister if she could.

Riley thought for a moment if she should go out and look for her sister, the last thing she wanted on her mind was to see her sister like all their other classmates. She looked over towards Roxane with a worried look she really wanted to go and search for Tuesday even if Marc or Tim ended up arresting her. "What should I do?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Park

The negotiations, as she liked to think of them, were relatively short. A plane ticket was arranged for her to fly home to Los Angeles, and she simply needed to head to the pick-up location to get it. As she ended the call, Tuesday put on her favorite song in the world, swinging her legs as she listened to the beat. There wasn't much else for her to do, aside from finding a way back to the airport. She could do that whenever she liked, and she felt no rush, no hurry. They didn't need her to start until next week.

"The fuck you want, Tinder?" Tuesday murmured, looking at the phone. It continued to angrily buzz at her, beckoning for her to answer the call. And sure, she realized that they could be worried about her, with the serial killer running around. But if the FBI agent extraordinaire couldn't find her, she doubted the killer could as well. She simply stared at the phone, watching as the call went to her voicemail--the same voicemail message she had in high school, she realized. It was a little silly, but she couldn't remember ever bothering to change it.

Once finishing with her brief trip down memory lane, Tuesday swiped through the apps on her phone, looking for anything that could potentially distract her for a little while. She didn't want to leave her little calming perch in the tree--it was too nice, too calm, too isolated for her to give it up. But unfortunately, none of her apps proved to provide a distraction. She frowned a bit, before heading onto Safari.

Movie Nerd Grimm Indiana Class of 2006 Tuesday typed, tapping the Go button on her phone to search. Maybe she'd be able to solve the case without ever leaving her tree. Wouldn't that be an irony, she mused, if the ex-con solved a case that puzzled the FBI?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station

"Damn it woman, call me! It isn't safe to be out here by yourself!" Marc leaves in an agitated voice on Chloe's voice mail before hanging up the phone and continuing to look through the small town for her, taking one place at a time and asking about if anyone has seen her. Chloe's search though pops up some results.

Mr Black is the main one that pops up, he was a student at Grimm before he became a teacher. Was known for the same things he was in high school - music, movies, pranks, and the like. Seems he really never did grow up but the students knew that. Could someone everyone loved really have done everything? Jasmine pops up for her love of movies, as does Adelaide; she was always known for quoting movies in the weirdest way. Maloney comes up to, voted most likely to be the next great director. Then there is Katalina, the local news anchor. Christopher White does make a living as a Vblogger now. Jacob was in love with movies as well it seems from the search. Seems there is a decently long list of people who had or have something to do with TV/Movies.

Over at the police station Tim peaks his head out and looks a little frazzled. "Could you two please get in here? Cynthia is trying to paint pictures on the wall using the ketchup and mustard she found in the break room and she won't listen to me," he pleads, his left cheek having a rather noticeable yellow mustard hand print on it, seems Cynthia bitch slapped the condiment right out of him. Inside Cynthia is muttering to herself as she keeps painting stars on the walls
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Police Station

Roxanne gave her friend a suppressed smile, walking closer to her. "Frazzled, to say the least, but I'm alive so I suppose that's something going for me," she replies, seating herself next the rockstar, getting a whiff of the bitter scent of tobacco. [color=B0C4D]"I'm sorry about your tour Ri, I can't account for missing out on something major like that, it was time I let the boys have a weekend alone with their father I suppose,"[/color] she sighs, unable to help but smell that vile scent once more, "Ri, are you smoking? That can't be good for your voice,"

That was when Marc passed the pair, instructing them to go back inside, Riley asking for her advice. She drew a breath, "We should go inside. I know it's your sister but Marc knows what he's doing, we'll just be more work for him-" before she could Roxanne could go on Tim approached the women with what oddly looked like a handprint in- what was that? Mustard? Roxanne had to hold back a giggle. With the seriousness of today so far a condiment slapped Tim brought a slight amusement to the moment. "I thought you were an expert at stopping those wretched young'uns vandalise property." Roxanne points out, this time unable to avoid the slight giggle that escaped her lips at the sight of Tim with a mustard handprint on his face. I’m just messing with you Tim, let me see what I can do,”

It wasn’t a long trip to find Cynthia- part of it being follow-the-floor-bound-condiments and when Roxanne did she could help but stop herself from staring at the saucy stars before turning to Cynthia with a slight shake of her head. ”What are you up to, Cynth?” she asks
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

"It's alright, never expected our classmates to be killed off one by one whenever I came back home. I haven't been here since we all graduated." Riley answered and then looked down at the cigarette that she had just put out and shrugged slightly to herself. "Its not a regular thing, it just helps me calm down somewhat. I know it's not good for my singing but I rarely ever smoke." Riley answered Roxane was right as much as she hated it would be more work for Marc. But Tuesday was her only sister and family that she actually somewhat got along with since she was kicked out of her home all those years ago. Then Tim came out and she just busted out laughing seeing the mustard handprint on Tim's face. Riley decided to take out her phone hopefully Tuesday will at least answer her text at least to tell her that she was alright.

"Tuesday, please text or at least call me to let me know you are alright."

Riley hit send and slipped the phone back into her pocket following quietly behind Roxane and Tim back into the station, once they were inside Riley stood there as Cynthia continued to paint stars made of mustard on the walls. It would probably end up being a pain to clean up later. Riley then quickly moved over towards Tim's desk where the yearbook was and flipped through the pages until she found the page with all the superlatives. Riley then moved towards Cynthia and held it in front of the crazy condiment hand painting girl as she looked at the girl. "Cynthia, can you stop for a moment and try to remember who is doing this?" Riley asked hoping that it would actually work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Park

After being notified that Marc had left a notification, Tuesday saw the text come in from her sister. She moved her thumb to respond to it, only to be distracted as her search results finished loading. Almost everyone in town seemed to come up, and Tuesday grimaced slightly, trying to think of a way to narrow things down. Mr. Black likely wouldn't talk to an ex-con, and she figured her parents gossiped about her enough that the town knew. That ruled him out. Adelaide was in a similar boat--she and druggies didn't tend to get along. The two of them had lost touch after school. Jasmine...Jasmine could prove awkward. She had assisted Tuesday with legal services when she was sent to prison, and she didn't feel up to facing her at the moment.

"Which of you fuckers is it?" Tuesday whispered to herself, biting her lip. She wracked her head for anything she recalled of Cynthia, only to realize that beyond Ada, Chris probably was covering all of these events with his camera. Perhaps he'd have some more information about it, things he wasn't willing talking to with the cops.

Opening a new tab, Tuesday typed in and entered a new search query. Chris Maloney Grimm Indiana Contact Information. She couldn't recall if she was facebook friends with the guy, but she figured he would have a website or something. If he had gotten anywhere close to being a great director, there had to be someway out there for her to get a hold of him, and see if he'd be willing to chat about the string of murders.

Her eyes flickered back to the unread message from Riley and the voicemail notification from Marc, before resolving firmly that they could wait. It'd hardly kill them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station/Out on the Town

Tim wasn't about to get into it with the girls as long as they came inside and helped him with the psycho Cynthia. There she was standing before one of the walls, various condiments used to paint with, singing to herself.

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high," she sang and continued as Roxanne and Riley came in. Spinning around and smiling in that bright delusional way she did when she got like this, a splattering of ketchup on her face that could be mistaken easily for blood if it were not for the smell of vinegar hanging heavy in the air.

Tilting her head to the side she she nodded towards Riley. "Here, here, the stars! The stars!" she kept saying as she ripped open a container of sandwich meat, tossing the turkey and ham to the ground before flinging the slabs of baloney on the wall. "The stars are baloney! The stars are baloney!!" she yelled over and over again.

Mark pulled over in the meantime, rubbing his temples before getting out of his car and adjusting one of the guns as he started to walk, sending a text to Tuesday asking her to at least reply to him to let him know she was still breathing at this moment in time. Tuesday search for Chris came up quickly, he had an old website he maintained that was of short films he did back in high school but his main point of contact was for the local news station; his cell number and email listed in case anyone had a news story they wanted to report to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley watched as Cynthia just continued to splatter condiments onto the wall singing Over The Rainbow, when Cynthia finally turned her attention over to her. Cynthia started to freak out over the word baloney going as far as to just throw an opened bag of sandwich meats onto the wall. A slice of baloney rolled onto the floor landing right by her feet, Cynthia kept repeating baloney over and over. It was definitely a clue in that crazy little head of hers. Riley quickly backed away and started searching through the yearbook searching through all the students and faculty the ones that were still alive that is Riley paused on Chris Maloney's picture. Then she looked at what he was most likely voted for she looked over at Cynthia as she thought more about what she was saying ever since she had gotten back at school. He was voted for to be the next great American director.

Now it was starting to make more sense to her, the stars were the victims so far that have been killed and a director needed stars to make a successful movie. "I think I figured it out, I think it's Chris Malony." Riley said as she looked up at Tim, as she picked up a piece of baloney off of the ground. "Ever since this all started Cynthia kept mentioning 'Stars' Chris was voted to be the Next Great American Director. And what every director needs are stars." Riley said putting the yearbook down onto Tim's desk as she pointed to every superlative that was in the yearbook.

Riley then went back to yesterday as she thought trying to remember who was and wasn't in the room who was in the room around the time of Atlas and Valencia were killed. "Going back to yesterday, I don't remember seeing Chris back in the gym around the time of Atlas and Val getting killed. Did you see him at all yesterday around the time Val and Atlas left the gym was everyone questioned after that even Chris?" Riley asked as she tried to think of something else. "The only person who saw the person run off from Trent's murder scene was Lawson. I really don't think we can get any more info out of Little Miss Crazy Ass here, it's the best lead we have right now." Riley said as she handed Tim the yearbook once more hoping that her theory was right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Park

Her phone buzzed before the search results page had even finished loading. It was another text from Marc. She rolled her eyes at it, hesitatingly slightly before she dismissed the notification. Although Tuesday knew that she had indeed started the conflict, she didn't want to deal with Marc at the moment. Even as an adult, she still retained her need to please everyone, only now, it caused her to run and hide, rather than to aim to truly meet their expectations.

Dangling her legs, Tuesday remained perched in the tree, confident that Marc wouldn't be able to find her for a while. Chris' website came up, and it made her feel a bit sad just looking at it. He still listed high school films on there, as if anyone cared anymore what someone did in high school. Fortunately, the local news station had a far more promising website, including his email and phone.

Tuesday dialed the number, her legs still swinging. Regardless as to whether Chris picked up or she hit a voicemail, Tuesday would tug on her hair, before scheming up something to say. "Hey Chris! It's Chloe, Chloe Ridgeway. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up to talk? Like...like right now. I'm in the park. See you soon? It's been ages." She almost felt like gagging at her voice, having slipped into the soft and sweet tone she had throughout high school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Police Station

"Well won't you look at that?" Roxanne replied, taking a step closer to Cynthia. She really couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman. Roxanne wondered what she must have gone through, seen, thought to bring her to this. The mentality of a young child in most cases but their were glimpses of an adult their, what she knew at least. Unless this all meant nothing and the other were overthinking everything.

"Hey Cynth," Roxanne said, using the voice one reserved young children, or idiots. Not that she was thinking Cynthia as an idiot, "It's very pretty but it's messy and someone has to clean that all up before it starts to smell bad. If you ask Tim very nicely he might have some pen and paper for you to draw stars on. He might even put them on the wall," she looks over at Tim pleadingly. Before either could say something she retreats slightly, hoping not to be hit with a baloney 'star'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Chris

Location: Police Station/News Station

Chris picked up the phone, answering the call from an unknown number on his cell. It was rather uncommon for him not to know who was calling him since he knew practically everyone in Grimm but it did happen from time to time. "Chloe? Or, right, I remember you. Sorry, been a busy day kind of out of it," he said, the sound of papers and who knew what else going on in the background. People shouting about getting tapes prepped and such; among other things. "Yeah sure, I have to head out that way anyways to do an update about the murders and get some shots of the fair for the six o'clock news. I should be over there in about fifteen minutes. Meet me over by the funnel cake stand?" he asked before shouting.

"I know I know! I'm going! I'm going! Don't get your panties in a wad," he yelled before going back to the phone conversation.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, yeah, on my way out the door right now."

Tim perked a brow over at the police station towards Riley. "Chris? I don't remember. I was dealing with one scene and didn't head over to the high school until after I got the call that Val and Atlas were dead. Maybe Marc knows," he said before picking up his phone and sending a quick text for Marc to give him a call; that there might be a break in the case after all.

Cynthia on the other hand didn't look confused at all, a brief moment of sanity and then fear rushed through her features before the crazy came back. She didn't say anything, just bobbled her head up and down as she went back to painting on the wall until Roxanne spoke to her. Stopping she looked at the mess she made and then looked over to Tim, back to the mess, and then shrugged before splattering a jar of relish onto the wall. "Shooting star!!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Park ---> Funnel Cake Stand

She heard the sound of shuffling papers, and what she assumed to be a heated conversation between Chris and one of his superiors. Making a mental note of that, Tuesday consciously plastered on a big cheesy grin, just to get her back into the proper intonation as Chris responded. "Super! I've been dying to find someone to talk to, will see you there...And if you see Marc or my sister, can you not tell them you saw me? You're the best!" She ended the call, glancing around down from her perch up in the tree. From what she could tell from Marc's texts, he was out looking for her.

And she had been cursed with bright red hair. It was like a neon sign, informing everyone exactly where she was. Plus, he likely had memorized exactly what she was wearing. She rose slightly from her perch, holding on tightly to the trunk of the tree, as she attempted to see if Marc was anywhere near the park. She bit her lip slightly, before sitting back down on the branch. Pulling her hair into a tight bun, Tuesday slid on a black beanie. Most of the vibrant red mess was concealed. With her jacket, she slid it off, and tied it around her waste. Her prison tattoos only completed the picture, almost a tribute to the 90s.

Slowly climbing out of the tree, Tuesday walked confidently. She had picked up a thing or two from her time bouncing from party to party, where the drug dealers and smugglers would boast about the techniques that they swore would always confuse the police. Her aim was to hide in plain sight, to give off no appearance of being on the run, or wanting to disappear.

Though, it was also that she didn't really give a fuck. Marc could look for her all he wanted, he could accuse her of being a runaway--but at the end of the day, Tuesday was an adult. She wasn't obligated to keep people informed of her current whereabouts. It wasn't long before she reached the fair, and spotting the funnel cake stand, Tuesday stood by it, scratching at her wrists. Hopefully, Chris would be able to give her some goddamn answers.

She wondered if the cameraman would even recognize her. It was probably for the best that he had specified a particular meeting spot. Otherwise, he very likely could have been awkwardly looking away, expecting the sweet little shy girl from high school, and not the felon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station -> Around town.

Riley sighed slightly as she stood in the room and started to pace around it as she tried to think of where her sister had gone, at least she was glad she might have convinced Tim. But she wanted to make sure that her sister was alright, she looked over towards Roxane and Cynthia for a moment. She wanted to make sure that the two of them were safe, Roxane had a family back home, and Cynthia had been through enough already. "Well i'm going to go and search for my sister." Riley said, knowing that she probably just disobeyed something Marc told her to do. But Tuesday was the only family that she could truly trust and actually had a somewhat good relationship with, despite them never seeing eye to eye on things. Riley walked over towards Roxane resting a hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her a quick smile, and then a hug. "Just watch over Cynthia." Riley said as she quickly left Tim's office.

Riley made her way towards her car and took out her car keys and phone, she started to text Chloe where she was at once she was inside her car Riley pulled out of the parking lot. She decided the first thing to check was the center of town, Riley drove along the town center of Grimm. Trying to wonder where she would have gone, she stopped briefly at the icecream shop that she and Tuesday used to go when they were little.

Riley started to dial Tuesday's number into her phone to try and call her again, she wasn't sure where she was or if Chris had actually gotten her sister yet. Riley stopped her car and leaned back in the seat sighing loudly as she waited for her sister to answer the phone,.
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