@HowlerShaylee- This character should come off as insecure, kind of spoiled, a little bratty, way too naturally skilled for her own good. That being said she should grow on you over time and you should like her as a sweet girl underneath the spoiled brat. As for how i convey it. Largely through her interaction with Lazarus and how she reacts to not getting her way or having his attention
Ian- Of all my characters Ian should feel like a man who has survived a mid life crisis . He's a wanna be dad but he should come off as a decent man with too many voices in his head. Not crazy mind you but strained. -Read my posts XD large parts of Ian's posts are his internal dialogue which should give you a window not only to what he's experienced but what he's experiencing
Lazarus- This one is hard. Lazarus should give you some insight into me personally. If I COULD be a necromancer i'd be Lazarus. That being said you should come away with the sense of a man who would really like to live quietly with his wife but keeps having that snatched from him. He also should come off as eccentric which given his penchant for running around shoe less and him being retired until the start of this season i think im doing alright. We'll see Lazarus is one of my most dynamic characters.
Okay your turn: Tell us about your absolute worst failure of a character. for whatever reason it failed and did some miserably.