The Falcon

Name: Tori Masui
Age: 15
Gender: Female
"I'm burning through the sky, yeah, 200 degreees, that's why they call me Mrs. Fahrenheit..."
This quote sums up Tori very well. Where lots of avian mutations are slow paced, calculating and methodical, Tori is the complete opposite. Always ready to try new experiences, be that new music or less legal things, if she isn't anywhere to be found, looking up is probably the best idea, as that's where she spends most of her time if she can.
This attitude is not, however, the most practical when it comes to life. Tori tends to jump straight in with both feet before thinking about the situation properly, a danger when it comes to hero-ing. She also often has trouble concentrating, and has flunked countless tests and has a history of truancy and minor infractions throughout her 'regular' scholarly career.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Obviously, her wings are the first thing that most notice about her, but there's a lot more to her that isn't exactly standard. Tall, scrawny, and with hair that one wouldn't expect from someone that needs desperately for it to not distract her, most of her left side is heavily tattooed in swirling tribal marks, including most of her arm. Her clothing is all custom made for avians, with specialist materials that go over her wings yet mould to her body used in most of her clothing; because of this, her clothing is of a limited collection, and all has to be special ordered.Personality:
"I'm burning through the sky, yeah, 200 degreees, that's why they call me Mrs. Fahrenheit..."
This quote sums up Tori very well. Where lots of avian mutations are slow paced, calculating and methodical, Tori is the complete opposite. Always ready to try new experiences, be that new music or less legal things, if she isn't anywhere to be found, looking up is probably the best idea, as that's where she spends most of her time if she can.
This attitude is not, however, the most practical when it comes to life. Tori tends to jump straight in with both feet before thinking about the situation properly, a danger when it comes to hero-ing. She also often has trouble concentrating, and has flunked countless tests and has a history of truancy and minor infractions throughout her 'regular' scholarly career.
Although Tori's family was middle class at her birth, the various economic hardships badly affected them. They struggled to make ends meet throughout most of her life, her parents desperately dealing with the the dual responsibility of looking after a rather troublesome child and managing a household that was close to crashing and burning.
Her father was an emitter, capable of creating intense electromagnetic bursts capable of frying out electronics in a wide radius. Her mother was a fellow mutant, although with very different physiology; she had vastly increased muscle mass and a larger bone structure, causing her to be immensely strong. Whilst the pair seemed an odd couple, they by and large got along very well together.
Tori, however, was never really content with the small Tokyo apartment block that she grew up in. Part of this was to do with being an avian, however a large part was the fact that she was what she would call a 'free spirit,' and what others would call a 'massive, obnoxious pain in the arse.' She constantly finds issue with authority figures, and has a history of being extremely dismissive towards teachers, and even law enforcement.
Her love, however, of both western media and anime is not exactly a hidden thing. Having watched every 'popular' anime, from Assassination Classroom to Mobile Suit Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist and even Oruchuban Ebichu (as well as countless more, along with most of the manga's,) as well as a vast variety of western films (especially sci-fi,) she's perhaps a bit more well-versed in pop culture than you would expect.
Of course, that has nothing to do with her entrance to Tsuhio Academy. From a very young age, she has always been desperate to become a 'real hero,' yet the chance for her to enter one of the truly great academies was sunk early on in her life by her dismissive attitude to authority figures. Nonetheless, she jumped at the only school that would even give her a second glance, Tsuhio Academy.
Name: Falconite
Classification: Mutant
Description: The most obvious part of her ability is the complete set of wings that sprout from her back, the colouring exactly like a falcon. These wings are strong enough to allow her to fly, and through her life her increased usage of them have strengthened them significantly. As well as these wings, she has a number of 'secondary' mutations, such as a third ocular layer over her eyes to allow her to properly see during flight. Her bones are also noticeably lighter than normal, although this does not significantly compromise the strength of them. Her eyes are still developing into fully-fledged acute eyesight, and at the moment she has to wear a set of glasses to adjust for this. Lastly, she has an instinctive ability to communicate with birds, although she struggles with the 'language.'
Unsurprisingly, Tori adores birds, and particularly birdwatching; it is not unknown for her to spend hours in reserves, attempting to increase her understanding of the language and simply observing. As well as this, she has a particular weakness towards techno music, and spends hours listening to it.
Although Tori's family was middle class at her birth, the various economic hardships badly affected them. They struggled to make ends meet throughout most of her life, her parents desperately dealing with the the dual responsibility of looking after a rather troublesome child and managing a household that was close to crashing and burning.
Her father was an emitter, capable of creating intense electromagnetic bursts capable of frying out electronics in a wide radius. Her mother was a fellow mutant, although with very different physiology; she had vastly increased muscle mass and a larger bone structure, causing her to be immensely strong. Whilst the pair seemed an odd couple, they by and large got along very well together.
Tori, however, was never really content with the small Tokyo apartment block that she grew up in. Part of this was to do with being an avian, however a large part was the fact that she was what she would call a 'free spirit,' and what others would call a 'massive, obnoxious pain in the arse.' She constantly finds issue with authority figures, and has a history of being extremely dismissive towards teachers, and even law enforcement.
Her love, however, of both western media and anime is not exactly a hidden thing. Having watched every 'popular' anime, from Assassination Classroom to Mobile Suit Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist and even Oruchuban Ebichu (as well as countless more, along with most of the manga's,) as well as a vast variety of western films (especially sci-fi,) she's perhaps a bit more well-versed in pop culture than you would expect.
Of course, that has nothing to do with her entrance to Tsuhio Academy. From a very young age, she has always been desperate to become a 'real hero,' yet the chance for her to enter one of the truly great academies was sunk early on in her life by her dismissive attitude to authority figures. Nonetheless, she jumped at the only school that would even give her a second glance, Tsuhio Academy.
Name: Falconite
Classification: Mutant
Description: The most obvious part of her ability is the complete set of wings that sprout from her back, the colouring exactly like a falcon. These wings are strong enough to allow her to fly, and through her life her increased usage of them have strengthened them significantly. As well as these wings, she has a number of 'secondary' mutations, such as a third ocular layer over her eyes to allow her to properly see during flight. Her bones are also noticeably lighter than normal, although this does not significantly compromise the strength of them. Her eyes are still developing into fully-fledged acute eyesight, and at the moment she has to wear a set of glasses to adjust for this. Lastly, she has an instinctive ability to communicate with birds, although she struggles with the 'language.'
Unsurprisingly, Tori adores birds, and particularly birdwatching; it is not unknown for her to spend hours in reserves, attempting to increase her understanding of the language and simply observing. As well as this, she has a particular weakness towards techno music, and spends hours listening to it.