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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Mine Onada~


It seemed their little dorm was getting filled up pretty quickly...with some fairly interesting types. A silent girl Meg had decided to speak with, an obvious mutant class with Tori being completely tactless, followed by a rather hyper girl by the name of Gahana Shoujyo. Well, they were certainly an interesting group. She was keenly interested in the mutant class, Anneli Kallela. She certainly seemed like an interesting sort, at least. Well, no need to not be polite and not introduce herself.

"Anneli, Gahana. Pleasure to meet you. Mine Onada." With a small pause to briefly adjust her glasses once again, she continued, studying Anneli fairly briefly. Judging from her voice, speaking was likely somewhat difficult for her. A side effect of her abilities then? Chances were high that was the case. "Indeed, I do believe that is a Scandinavian name. Perhaps we should let Miss Kallela rest a bit though, she seems a bit tired."

Before Mine could say much else, however, the bell signaling the start of classes rang.

Well, how annoying. She didn't get to do anything she wanted too. Whoever was in charge of this school needed to think about reshuffling their schedule for bells. This was ridiculous. Bah, no matter. With a small bow to her roommates, Mine collected her things and headed to the class room.

...who then proceeded to lecture them on completely trivial and useless matters. Showers? Pranks? Responsible use of their powers? Please, this sorry excuse of a professor should at least behave better. 'Swearing solemnly to never enter the showers' only made him seem even more shady. Not to mention, any respectable woman would be able to kick any sort of perverts ass out of a shower. Which, she very much would do if she ever caught any pervert peeking on them, since that was not acceptable behavior in any fashion. And not letting him seem stupid? Well, good job professor. You already did that swimmingly. Also...teasing? No teasing? This guy sounded absolutely no fun whatsoever.

Bah, no wonder this school was for the less fortunate. They couldn't find anyone worth their weight to teach here.

Of course, Mine kept her mouth shut. She merely observed the class coolly. Well, whatever. She would indulge in this little game for now. Immediately after he left, Mine left for wherever this next little test would be taking place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margaret Flinkstein

Meg was barely paying attention to the teacher. She heard rules, then she drifted off to a small kind of dazed sleep. Of course she was tired; she had to come a long way from Yesda’s house to here. She needed and loved sleep, and no teacher was going to stop her now. No teacher had ever stopped her before, either.

As the Professor exited the classroom, she opened an eye to look around at her surroundings. An obviously embarrassed boy talking to Tori, one of her roommates. A guy getting super pissed about a bat the teacher took away. Mine wasn't doing much; just the same as Meg was doing herself.

‘Whatever,’ she thought roughly, standing up from her desk with a stretch. ‘Yesda said I should at least make some friends.’ She scanned the classroom, boredly looking for someone to talk to.

After a minute or so, she sat back down with a faint frown. Oh, come on. Who would want to talk to her, anyway? Everyone seemed preoccupied with themselves or making other friends, and Meg hated barging in on conversations. Pulling out a small robot-in-progress, she tediously began to work on it, staring intensely at the object of her interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dante Mathers

Dante was awestruck as Lazarus described his powers. The ability to move the ground? Earth? That was so cool!

“Woaaah, your quirk sounds awesome!!” He said as he watched the boy lie down in his bed. Then he began asking questions about his quirk. “Yea they grow back. Only takes about a day or two.” He said as he touched his teeth. “And I can bite pretty hard, I haven’t tested on too many things. I only really rest on things I wouldn’t mind eating” He laughed a little, before covering his mouth again. He lay over the edge of the bed so that he could look at the boy below him. “But the hardest thing I have bitten was a coconut. That was pretty easy though, so I could probably do a lot more.” He had finally relaxed when another man entered the room. His presence startled Dante, causing him to almost fall off his bunk. He managed to catch himself before he fell, but the man didn’t seem to want to introduce himself. He walked out shortly after as well. “Huh, that was weird” He muttered to himself in English. The bell suddenly rang and Dante jumped a little. He quickly grabbed his stuff before turning to his roommate.

“I’m gonna head on ahead, see you in class Lazarus” He said with a wave. He soon arrived to the classroom. After entering, he noticed that there were people of all sorts in his class. He saw one girl that looked like she had scars on her face. There was another that had wings. She seemed to be an animal mutation like he was. He couldn’t help but stare at her wings as he walked past. “Wings are so cool” He muttered in English as he walked past her. He quickly took a seat in the classroom, waiting excitedly for their teacher to arrive. All of a sudden a man appeared in the classroom. He appeared to be a teacher, and offered a bow.

After a short lecture on rules, it appeared as though they were going to do some kind of outside exercise today. Dante excitedly got up and began following the group. As he was walking he began looking at the other members of his class. There was the guy from before that made a bit of a scene in front of the professor, he scared him. There was the girl with scars, she scared him. In fact, most of these guys scared him. The gravity of the situation finally reached him, he was surrounded by people who were stronger than him. People who could do amazing things while he was going to be left in the dust. But as he was walking he noticed an odd sound. It sounded like music, but everyone had left their devices at the room. He looked around to see that the girl from before, the one with wings, she had a set of headphones around her neck. He suddenly saw an opportunity. He had read that common interests are the best way to form good friendships, and music was his big thing!

“H-Hello” He said as he walked quicker to catch up to the girl. “M-My name is Dante. I noticed you were an animal mutation” He smiled nice and wide and pointed to his teeth. “Me too, I got a little shark blood in me” He said with a nervous giggle. There wasn’t a lot of people that seemed to be mutations in this class, so he was happy that there was at least one that had a physical change too. That said, he was a little intimidated by the girl. She appeared to have tattoos on her face. Not that he didn’t like tattoos, but it was something he hadn’t really seen before. But he decided to mention the reason he had walked over. “Oh, I also saw your headphones.” He said as he pointed to them. “I-I love music too. What’s your favourite kind?” He tried his best to smile without showing too much of his teeth. He figured if anyone knew what that was like, it might be her, but he was still a little weary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(I did what I could gonna knock out meow)
The bus jostled forward after it picked up the remainder of passengers and parted from the stop rejoin the flows of traffic. Among the headcount were generic, borderline identically white collar businessmen and women, newspapers and phones practically glued to their hands displaying how poorly the one yen coin was doing. There were also your average folk, average trade workers, average children... in general, the layout was quite, surprisingly enough, average. Save for one denizen on this voyage for however many stops he needed to traverse. This boy was anything but nondescript. It wasn't that he looked out of the ordinary. In fact, he was a member of the Japanese teenage populace whose hair was somehow naturally different from the norm, kinda like the stuff you only find in manga or with trope-bound anime characters. But this is real life, so genes was obviously to blame here rather than a narrow cerulean palette.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

★Gahana Shoujyo★


Her roommates were a select bunch an array of girls in different shapes and sizes. Strolling herself in, a posh seeming girl addressed and introduced herself to two girls, Gahana included. That girl was Mine Onada she probably came from a family that had even more money that Gahana's dad could make in four weeks. From there she figured out the name of one of her roommates, Anneli and apparently it was of Scandinavian origins, probably a fact Gahana should put in her phone later. For like, friendship trivia. Seeings as she only addressed Anneli and herself, that would mean she would already be acquainted with the other girls... Did Gahana miss out on the introductory fun? 'Boooo!' She thought. Looking at where everyone's belongings were she assessed that the last remaining top bunk must have been hers. The bottom obviously wasn't since it had Anelli's things placed onto it. Before Gahana could unpack there was a random bell, obviously signaling something important. Everybody started to move, Gahana was completely unaware of what was going on, so she just followed the crowd to a class room filled with more students, boys at that. A little concerned with her belongings, they were still unpacked and rested on the floor.

What if someone were to go through her things?

“I will also not have harassment, teasing, bullying, or anything else you may wish to call it. The fact that I can be anywhere, at any time and be completely invisible should hopefully deter some of you from doing so. Ladies, take my solemn word that I shall never enter your showers.””

How ecchi! If he were a lude teacher... Her heart began to pound loudly and faster, she began feeling a bit flustered.
Suddenly the teacher evaporated then reappeared with a baseball bat in his hands, presumably it belonged to someone. This could only mean one thing. After this lecture... He could... GO THROUGH HER CLOTHES! There was nothing Gahana could do, but she needed to calm her heart and save herself an embarrassing mind and encounter or... It would happen. Gahana's frantic mind aside, everybody began to move off on their own somewhere, she'd spaced out and just about completely missed the last part of the lecture. Everybody was leaving except one girl from her dorm, she didn't get to properly introduce herself so now would be an alright time, maybe they could move along together. She walked up to the girl sitting at the desk and patted her on the shoulder.

Hiya!★ It's me Hana! I don't--- OMG! Is that like a mini robo-chan!? I've never seen one like this model! It's gotta be so totally rare! How did you get your hands on this one? Please tell me, Hana just has to know!★ Before she realized it, she started rambling and berating the girl. This probably wasn't the best way to start off a conversation. Now that girl probably found her annoying. Clingy. Stupid and totally uncute. Taking a deep breath, in-and-out. Sorry-ya!★ I got kinda excited there. I'm just kinda nervous and totally spaced out during that lecture and missed the ending part. Do you know what's going on? Could you fill me in pretty please?★

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She first noticed that something was a little off when her hair started floating around like crazy. Either a student had some kind of... Cue a guy sitting next to her, everyone in a couple of meter radius' hair standing on end bar his. He introduced himself, and she was about to reply when...the guy's name was VON STURM? She stifled a giggle. The kid with electricity's FAMILY NAME was 'of the storm.' Sure, she was named bird, but that was her given name; her parents deliberately chose it because she was going to be an avian. She shook her head slightly, and was going to reply when the teacher literally materialised at the front of the class.

The teacher... Had been strange. Like, really really strange. She didn't know how he was going to turn out yet, although she determined that she would Google him as soon as she had the chance-And the German dude was hitting on her. She gave him her name, and was about to talk further when a shy voice cropped up near her. She turned to face the source, and it clicked that the voice was the same one that had mentioned her wings being cool in English. She could almost chuckle: Take that mom and dad! All those American movies and TV Shows did help me!

The kid was- Ok, it wasn't fair to call him kid. She was tall for her age, something about her lighter bone structure allowing her to grow higher or some such other reason (although, why lightly and less structurally sound bones allowed her to become taller was anyone's guess.) and the teen was only slightly shorter than her. He had shaggy brown hair and... Was that triangular teeth? She was just about to mention it when the teen followed up with the blindingly obvious statement to make, that she was an animal mutation, before... Oh. That explained a lot. As soon as she saw the teeth properly and heard him talk about 'shark blood,' she felt a bit closer to him. It was no secret that similar quirks tended to form friendships quicker than those with different perks, and one of those groups was apparently 'those who have mutative quirks based off of an animal;' AKA animal mutations.

Her wing had instinctively curled slightly around him and she guided him away slightly from the German kid, before she noticed him looking at her facial tattoos. They were the pride and joy of all of the ink on her body, which wasn't an insignificant amount to begin with, and you could trace one of her facial swirls all the way down to a swirl by the side of her heel. She was proud of them. At least the boy didn't seem to mind them, unlike quite a few that she had known.

"What kind of music do I like be? Well, I suppose the question should be 'what kind of situation am I in?' I like all sorts, classical, rock, jazz, metal... My absolute favourite is techno, but honestly? I'll listen to anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Meg glanced over as a new voice rang through her ears, and she saw a man Taft seemed to like music. Music was interesting and fun, but Meg herself would rather spend her time building things and dissembling things. How would she be able to build this kinds of things without the proper time? She shook her head to herself, returning to her thoughts.

That is, until she was tapped on the shoulder.

Looking over at the rambling girl, she blinked. Hana? This must be one of her roommates. She smirked a little as she rambled on about her, 'robo-chan.' And as she apologized, Meg didn't find her annoying nor clingy. In fact, she was kind of thrilled someone was interested in her robot.

"Well," she began casually, I don't really buy robots; no, no, too expensive. This little guy?" She tapped on the head twice, and the robot's eyes turned from a dull grey to a light blue. "He's currently under construction. I've made him so far, with a few spare pieces form here and there..." She pouted at the detached arm lying next to the leg-less device, the other arm sticking out of one of the sides. "I'll hopefully finish him up, soon. I can't wait to see what he does."

Meg looked up at the girl from her robot. "I'm Margaret Flinkstein. Call me Meg, though." She pulled out her hand, gesturing that they shake each other's hands. "I guess we're roommates and classmates, eh?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is going to be a long day...

A small boy of no more than five feet tall quietly stalked up the stairs. He was lugging a brown leather suitcase instead of a backpack. It was old and dusty and looked almost like an antique. He was dressed simply in a grey t-shirt and black jeans that were slightly torn at the knees. But what really made him stand out was the fact that his skin and long wavy hair were pure white, and his eyes so light blue that you could see the blood vessels in his irises, giving his eyes a slight reddish tint if you looked closely enough.

A-4 Male... that was where he was supposed to be staying, he was pretty sure. Kyu Jin's almost-white blue eyes scanned the paper schedule in his hand, reading his dorm listing. Then he looked back up at the door to the dorm. He pushed it open and cautiously walked inside. He read the plaques on all the bunks, but couldn't find his name. Just a lot of really European sounding names and a few Japanese ones. Funny how there were so many white kids in a school in Japan. He wondered if they even knew Japanese. But anyway, his name was missing from the plaques. And that was not a good sign, nor a good start to his first ever day at Kosei Academy.

Had he been placed in the wrong dorm? Maybe they'd forgotten him entirely. He cringed back, trying not to panic, though he was a naturally very anxious boy and this was nearly impossible.

The bell rang loudly, sending a startled jolt down his spine. He glanced back down at the schedule briefly and then ran full speed for the classroom.

Kyu Jin arrived late, much to his dismay. Everyone was already gone and there was no telling where they'd went. Feeling a panicked lump rise in his throat, he swallowed hard and backed up into the wall of the classroom. "진정해" He told himself in his native Korean, biting hard into his knuckles. This was not good. Not good at all. He slowly regained his composure, walking out of the classroom to try and find a security guard or hall monitor who would be able to tell him where his class had gone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Things had spun by so quickly after she had entered her dorm room that Ami was still trying to sort it all out when some adult calling himself “The Professor” told them some rules and set out establishing control of her class. Then the Vaporous man told them to follow him outside.

She was in the fore of those following the teacher her soft blue eyes taking in everything around her as she went into full observer mode. She loved the warmth of the sun on her body and wished she were in a bikini so that she could soak up as much of its thermal energy as social convention allowed. The slight traces of frost hiding in her hair began vaporising making her look as if her head was smoking in prelude to bursting into flames and she didn’t care.

As she walked along she began collating all of the information she’d gathered about her fellow students like Margaret wanting to examine or disassemble her bed heater, then there were Tori, Anneli and Hana whom she hoped to make more time to get to know. She was eager to know her roommates because she so hoped to find someone here who’d accept her for her Quirk which made most people shunn her because of different aversions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Following the Others

Now great. This day went from crap to s*** just go real in seconds. When the man took his bat, he immediately decided that he's going to kill the professor if he gets the opportunity. No one takes from this guy's stuff like that...no one. Ryu went immediately to the front of the line and punched the wall a few times to get his blood flowing quickly. Sure it wasn't the best way to do it, but was one of the best ways Ryu learned how to control his rage instead of beating the hell out of a random classmate. He turns to face the class temporarily and says to all of them,

"If any of you side with the Professor or whatever his name is when I try to kill him...I won't show any hesitation in taking your heart too. He took something important of mine, now I'll take something important from him."

He leaves them with his serious look showing that he wasn't joking and speeds up. As soon as the opportunity presents it, Ryu will try to kill him and he knows a quick way to do it...just aim for the heart. Sure he did enjoy the company of the smoker guy, and his crew will probably be punished a bit for him killing a person...but they understand the value of his bat to him. Leading to the group and heading outside to wherever this Professor wanted them, Ryu waits impatiently for the man to show up again...tapping his foot impatiently. At least he didn't take his bandanna/handkerchief around his wrist too...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dante Mathers

Dante happily listens to the girl speak about music. He smiles, but is a little confused. He hasn’t really listened to techno before, so he really doesn’t know what it is. He knows that it is a type of electronic music, but he tends to stick to classical. It seemed as though she knew a little more of varied music than he did. He was so interested in his conversation that he didn’t even notice the German boy that was also trying to talk to the girl.

“T-That’s pretty cool” He said as he smiled up to her. She was a little taller than he was, but he was used to that at this point. He was a little short for his age, so he was always looking up at people. “I usually just listen to my favourite music or write something new. A-Although I don’t think I’m going to be able to write or play as much. Having roommates might make that a little awkward” He reaches up to his mouth to cover his teeth, realising he has been smiling the whole time. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed as he spoke, he had a habit of stuttering when he was nervous. It didn’t help when you were already a ball of insecurity. “B-But yea, I would love to find out more about techno”

He glanced back to see her large wings spreading out. “Your wings are really cool” He muttered as he admired their grace. “Flying around must be a lot of fun. I don’t get a lot of cool things out of my power, I can’t even breath underwater or anything” He hadn’t met many other people who had an animal style quirk. And the ones he had heard of were capable of amazing feats of strength. Not to mention, he has a shark as his base. Like how could you have shark powers and have it not be good? He let out a sigh as he thought about the nature of his powers. “O-Oh yea, what do you think we are going to be doing today? I’m not sure what to expect.” He was defiantly excited for what could happen today.

“I sure hope it’s not a physical test” He muttered in English as he glanced around the group. There are a lot of people here that have interesting powers. He only knew two of them, and one of them could fly and the other controlled the earth. He didn’t know what he would be able to do, but he decided he would do his best regardless of what it ended up being.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Catching Up

Kyu Jin eventually found a security guard to whom he explained his predicament, and the man led him down to the field where the others were. He found, as he expected, that most of the staff spoke Japanese or English. Kyu Jin didn't know English, but he was fluent in Japanese, Cantonese and of course Korean. Speaking to the security guard on the way down, he got his dorm situation cleared up. Apparently some of the plaques got mixed up, and he was on an unmodified bottom bunk on the far right of A-4 Male. Good. At least now he knew where he was sleeping. That relieved some of his anxiety, but there was still the issue of how his class was going to react to his tardiness.

He finally got to where the others were, his pale face flushed with embarrassment at being the last one to arrive. The other kids were already there, conversing with each other. Looking around, he saw that the group was more racially mixed than he imagined. By which he meant that he observed that a good number of the kids were white. How they commuted all the way over here just to go to this school, he didn't know. Maybe there were no other schools for kids with quirks and this was the only place they could go. Either way, Kyu Jin wasn't particularly prejudiced... maybe just a little judgmental. "Sorry for being late" He said in Japanese, thinking that would be the language that most of the class would understand. He masked his embarrassment and anxiety under a deadpan, blank tone. He kept his face blank as well, though he still had a visible blush. He moved to the back of the group, noticing how they were all preoccupied socializing. He also noticed that he appeared to be the youngest in the class, or at least the shortest. His blush deepened, realizing that that probably heaped even more unwanted attention on himself. He stayed in the far back, not wanting to bother anyone by standing too close.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Meg quickly fixed the arm of the robot as it fell off, tinkering and testing it here and there to make sure it would stay on. Geez, this was hard. But this was also one of the only things she could do without being lazy or procrastinating. That was maybe because this was a favorite hobby of hers, not school work or house work or whatever the hell was thrown at her. She hated being forced to do things, and yet she still had to do them. She always wondered why that was: why did she have to listen to some adult tell her what to do? She had her own path carved out.

Margaret stopped what she was doing when the young male walked into the room. He looked younger. He was probably about her height, maybe even shorter, but she couldn't while she was sitting down and he was standing up. Her head tilted to one side, eyes looking over the male quickly before she concocted a plan. She had to make some new friends, and even though Hana was the closest thing she had, there was always a way to get more people to befriend her.

"Hey, you," she spoke loudly to him as he walked to the back of the class. Her eyes lit up with a gleam of curiosity, a smirk forming on her lips. She raised an arm in the air to beckon him over to where she and Hana were. "Come on, no need to be antisocial or scared. We're all classmates here, eh?" She mindlessly fiddled with her robot as she waited for him. "I'm Meg, by the way. If I may be so bold to ask, what's your name?"

@Oliver @Pudding
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

An Unexpected Greeting

Damn it. Thought Kyu Jin in Korean, stiffening as he was beckoned to by a girl with short hair and glasses. She was only about his height, maybe an inch or two taller, but something about her mannerisms made her seem older. Maybe she was just short. Though she spoke perfect Japanese, Kyu Jin could tell she probably wasn't from Japan, especially with a name like Meg.
He really wasn't used to being spoken to like this. Back when he went to middle school in Tokyo, all the other kids ever did was pick on him. This had instilled in him a crippling shyness that he tried to hide under a curt, stiff exterior.

He forced down his anxiety and quietly approached her when she beckoned him over. She asked his name, and he paused for a second before answering quietly "I'm Kyong Kyu Jin. Nice to meet you, Meg." He said quickly in Japanese, showing no emotional content in his voice. He might as well have been reading off a grocery list. "Did you want me for something?" He asked, avoiding eye contact with her and instead looking down at the ground, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Prior to showing up to class, Kaito decided to do his own little tour around the academy. He made the effort to show up a bit earlier than others and had already unpacked his belongings so he would have some time to spare. He figured that if he becomes more familiar with the area, then he could use his quirk to quick-travel around the school. More specifically, finding the quickest route to the cafeteria and bathroom. Once the bell rang, he glanced down at his map and found out where he needed to go. Thankfully, he was not too far off from the classroom.

Upon arriving to class along with everyone else, he spotted an open seat right by the window and hasted over to sit down before someone else decided they wanted that same spot. It was just personal preference that he gets a seat by the window, so he could have a quick escape route when the time calls for it. He looked around the room seeing it fill up quickly with students, there were so many people he wanted to introduce himself to, but that would have to wait until after class.

There were no plans for a prank today, but after going through a short boring lecture about the rules and witnessing the Professor steal that one guy's personal belonging, he just could not help himself anymore. He understood the guy's frustration and felt like he wanted to help him get back at the teacher, along with retrieving his bat. A coup! However, his opinion on that one guy changed when he threatened to kill the Professor and anyone else who is siding with him while he does. Kaito felt somewhat intimidated by him.

He sounded pretty serious...I hate teachers too, but not enough to actually kill them...Still, he had something stolen which looked pretty important to him...the least I can do is help get it back for him.

He watched the guy walk out of the class in such a hurry and decided to follow after him shortly after he left. They were going to meet up at the same place anyway, so he just walked slightly above normal pace with his hands in his pockets until he arrived at the meeting point. He spotted the guy standing there waiting impatiently for the Professor to arrive. Kaito used this opportunity to make some small talk and tried to walk up next to him with about five feet of space in between them.

"Hey!~ Just so you know, I'm on your side! I don't approve of that scumbag stealing your stuff!" He stated, believing that keeping it short and simple would be enough to lighten the tension.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dante seemed interested in Lazarus quirk, if it wasn't for being in doors Lazarus would show him a move or too. Soon enough the bell ring and it was time for class, Lazarus sat up on the edge of his bed and pulled out his phone which was buzzing with notifications from his mother, this will be the longest and farthest Lazarus has ever been away from home and ever since they lost his father she has been super paranoid. Lazarus replied to his mom,"hey mom, I checked in smooth and I am about to go to my first class, I'll call you when I get out, love you" he typed. Lazarus got up grabbing his map and walking out the door, Dante had left a couple minutes earlier before him.

The hallways had a lot of traffic as people searched for their classrooms, Lazarus prayer for some pretty ladies to be in the class, he also hoped to meet some more people that are friendly like Dante. Lazarus arrived into class taking a seat in the mid section of the class, it made him feel as though he would be a good distance from everybody and not having to travel so far to talk to one person. 'The professor' appeared and began talking about the rules of the classroom, the thing that stood out to Lazarus that teacher said was a joke about going into the shower which made Lazarus laugh. The teacher then confiscated a baseball bat from one of his roommates. Lazarus stopped paying attention as he looked around, they had some cute girls and Lazarus let out a grin. "excellent, excellent" he said under his breath, the teacher said to meet him outside on the field. Lazarus got up and left, as he was happy to get outside and also to see what the teacher has in store.

Lazarus got up, he looked around and saw Dante talking to a pretty girl with wings, Lazarus gave Dante a wink and a thumbs up, Dante was a cool guy, maybe if they ever do cooperative assignments he would ask Dante to be his partner. Lazarus decide to meet with some new people, he saw 2 girls one with a robot and another one examining it, there also was a short boy there. Lazarus fixed his hair and walked over speaking to the girls and the boy, "hello ladies, and gentlemen, my name is Lazarus Zale, pleased to meet you@ Lazarus said smiling.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(I did what I could gonna knock out meow)
The bus jostled forward after it picked up the remainder of passengers and parted from the stop rejoin the flows of traffic. Among the headcount were generic, borderline identically white collar businessmen and women, newspapers and phones practically glued to their hands displaying how poorly the one yen coin was doing. There were also your average folk, average trade workers, average children... in general, the layout was quite, surprisingly enough, average. Save for one denizen on this voyage for however many stops he needed to traverse. This boy was anything but nondescript. It wasn't that he looked out of the ordinary. In fact, he was a member of the Japanese teenage populace whose hair was somehow naturally different from the norm, kinda like the stuff you only find in manga or with trope-bound anime characters. But this being real life, so genes was obviously to blame here rather than a narrow cerulean palette. That being said, whilst the boy was confounded by ties to reality, that didn't mean he was unable to enclose himself in his own little bubble.

In laymen's terms, he was musing. His thoughts surged through the numerous sources of electricity that surrounded him, as if they embodied a grid granted just for his access, powered with the energy of Ai Ninomiya's voice. And of course the prospect of whether he brought too little or too much manga. Of course.

"Huwawawa, crap, crap, did I bring enough?! Wait, I'm living with other people, right? What if I take up too much room?! Crap, there's also the mobile system. And all of my DVDs! Also my contraptions and workbench! And my dakimkur-

Well, they weren't exactly mere thoughts anymore. Ender anxiously machine-gunned words under his breath as he raked through turquoise locks. Passive gazes couldn't help but to be drawn to the peculiar spectacle. While he continued to ponder how utterly screwed he was, the boy failed to keep track of how many stops the bus had made during his partially-contained panic attack.

Next stop is...

"Tertiary character say what... Ender proceeded to let out muffled cry as he smushed his face against the bus door's window in utter defeat, "OH MY REM IS BEST GIRL NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

There was a measurement of truth consummately woven into Ninomiya's soothing words. He was in earnest "On His Own." Ender rested on this notion while dedicated a few sparse moments to catching his breath before the gates of a particular academic institution. From Yokohama to Tokyo. Not as long of a journey as surely a number of his classmates surely made, but his attempts to facilitate the flow of oxygen weren't made out of exasperation from his travels. The city was... loud, its volume still remained nearly just as intense even on its outskirts. "You anticipated this, come on. Just keep breathing. Breathe." It would take some acclimating, that was for damn sure. To gauge the sensation as just nauseating was understating it. He could at least be thankful for the saving grace that the school wasn't oriented in the nucleus of the city. The glass was always half-full of mountain dew as far as Ender was concerned. The boy gulped down the last of his unrest, smoothed out his posture, and drew over the scrunched up expression with a youthful smile. It wasn't the time to be stagnate! No! A school life full of wonders and new expanses was before him! As it goes, every great story always starts with that first step. "Link Ring Link!"

And then Ender face-planted into the cold, unloving school walkway. "Urgh...death...flag..."

He was late. Later than the second season to Baccano. Which meant he was very, very, very late. Even the White Rabbit was more punctual than him. He filled his schoolbag with the necessities during his short-lived stop at the dorms: A notepad, essential academic articles, an ASUS laptop, a PS Vita, a Nintendo 3DS, volume 3 of Instant Bullet, and a backscratcher he designed himself. The necessities. The pair of headphones destined to never be separated from his hair was implicit.

Ender came bolting down incongruously curved hallway practically caterwauling. Thankfully his attire fit the situation, otherwise this run would have been a lot more hectic. Suddenly he caught sight of what he presumed to be his class en route to a training area, "I'M SO SORRY THAT I'M-" late. He was going to say late. Was. Until he slipped, again, and toppled onto the cold, unloving school tiles. New horizons, new bearings he had to take hold of. But all servos with into overdrive when he sensed the presence of a peculiar entity. "OH!" In the blink of an eye the student was back on his feet, as if the prior scene hadn't even transpired. In the next blink, he was next to a few of the students, but his gaze solely lied on the robot clenched in one of their hands. A girl's, a quick glance deduced. "Coooooooool! Is this custom made? Did you do the wiring yourself, it's pretty orderly! Good choice on the battery voltage by the way! Current flows really we-" It was then that Ender made the educated decision to stop himself. "S-Sorry. Lost myself th- oh, jeez, I need to check in with the professor!" And just like that, the overly caffeinated bunny that was Ender Kazetani worked around the students and abruptly appeared next to the adult leading the ducklings. "Please excuse me for my tardiness, sir! And also thank you for allowing me to attend this institution, the financial package was unb- wait, should I be thanking admission- eh, erm, still thank you!"

Perhaps the unfortunate students who had to bear witness to him fanboying over Megan's robot picked up on something strange. He only spoke about its internals.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyu Jin cringed as a boy about his age --maybe a little older-- burst onto the scene, loudly apologizing before... oh God, he couldn't be...

The hyperactive boy approached the group Meg had beckoned him into, starting to fawn over the robot Meg had in her hands. He spoke in very fast Japanese, which was a little hard for Kyu Jin to understand. Even though he was fluent in Japanese, it was still only his second language and he preferred it when people spoke slowly and clearly, instead of this boy's garbled mess of speech.

By the time the boy had left the group to go apologize directly to the teacher, Kyu Jin was still reeling from the interaction. He could feel himself almost getting nauseous, his heart pounding in his chest as though he'd just been jumped. He had no idea what to make of that little encounter. He bit hard into his lip, trying to maintain a blank facial expression, but it was very difficult. He wanted to leave, before the situation got any more intense and he had an anxiety attack in front of the whole class. He wouldn't allow that to happen. Not on his life.

Kyu Jin looked back to Meg, his head tilted slightly and one eyebrow raised. "Did you know him?" He asked in Japanese, his voice sounding a bit strained, as he was trying very hard not to sound anxious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Meg smirked at him. "Hmm... Why did I call you over here. Well..." She shrugged lightly at him. "No specific reason. Maybe because I want to be friends? Yesda told me to make some allies while I'm here just in case." She tampered with her robot as she spoke. "Also, nice to meet you too, Kyu Jim... Interesting name..." She looked back at him for a moment. "You must not live around here, eh?"

Oh, look. A new male entered the scene. "Lazarus?" she tilted her head as she spoke, having a few problems with pronouncing his name. "Peculiar..." She nodded her head to him absentmindedly, fiddling with one of the detached arms of her little robo-chan. "Anyway, I'm Meg. Nice to meet you, Laz..." She shook her head and didn't even try again. Dammit... I can't even pronounce his name.

Deep in thought, it took her a minute to realize the robot had earned itself yet another fan. She looked up at the boy, probably the same age as Kyu Jin, who seemed dazzled by her small creation. She beamed a little. "Custom-made indeed," she said, only a twinge of unknown arrogance heard in her voice. But then she stopped her fiddling. How did he know what lied inside the robot? Before she could ask, he dashed away and towards the teacher.

At Kyu Jin's question, she shook her head, regaining her composure quickly. "No," she said simply, laying the robot on her desk. "It's the first time I've seen that kid... Hell, it's the first time I've seen most people in here. Someone met in our dormitories."

@Oliver @pkken @Jedly
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I see." Said Kyu Jin, looking down. He still really felt like leaving. That brief interaction with Ender had left him very uncomfortable. But even so, there was nowhere for him to go, really. He couldn't just leave class. Maybe after this period was over, he'd head back to the dorm to cool off for a bit. He turned back to Meg to answer the question she'd asked him before Ender interrupted.
"Anyway, you're right. I don't live around here. I'm from Gwangju. You're not from around here either, right? Meg doesn't sound very Japanese..." He kept his voice quiet and devoid of emotion, almost robotic sounding. He forced a fake smile, not wanting to seem too cold or rude.
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