Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The dragon woman wiped the beads of sweat collecting on her forehead and grinned at the wound she gave the boy she took a couple seconds to listen to him and caught her breath as he spoke to her, she then sniffed the air heavily breathing in the small embers of the fire dying around them." Firstly because you're so dense that you'd believe someone would want your strange talking friend over there, secondly, it's to send a message to other fools that the Celestia family are not thieves, body snatchers, or kidnappers."

Zin held her blade by her hip with both hands and got ready to deliver a quick vertical swipe with her blade and felt confident she'd take him out with it." Don't worry I'll remember you as another notch on my sheath." She told him in a cold tone.

The second the boy mentioned Avery, Zin stopped herself mid swing and held back attacking him." What do you know of Avery ?" Zin questioned him in a very commanding tone." You will tell me and Vesta what you know of them and maybe I won't kill you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Malakaus could feel the blade sink into his chest, between a rib and right through his lungs. It was an excruciating yet familiar feeling. He wondered if this had happened before. But those thoughts quickly gave way to more immediate matters, such as Tani stabbing him in the chest. Where it another man they would have died or at least been rendered useless. But Malakaus was no normal man. Taking all the punishment that could have been dished out to him, he wasn’t about to let this one be the last. Clenching his fist tightly, sword in hand, his armored gauntlet grabbed Tani by the arms so that she couldn’t get away. Then with all his strength, Malakaus slammed his fist right into her face and to the ground. Without her speed allowing her to dodge, his fist came like a boulder, and the possibility that Malakaus just killed her was very real. Though he wasn’t trying to, otherwise he would have just stabbed her with his sword.

After knocking Tani away Malakaus tried to turn to face his enemy, but found himself on his knees. Blood oozed from his chest and he was having a hard time breathing. Probably because of the sword in his chest. Try as he might, his wounds had been too much. First the inferno, then being slashed in the back, and now stabbed in the chest. ”Pathetic… I could have survived… Worse…” Gripping the golden sword he was debating pulling the blade out, but thought against it. Surely it would just hasten his already nearing death. He looked around to the others and their gawking faces, seeing the fear in their eyes. Was he the fool for jumping in without a thought or care, or are they cowards who chose to stand back and watch him die? In the throes of his death he had to admit he, he was feeling some lingering anger. But soon he won’t be feeling much of anything.

Before he blacked out and the gods decide what to do with him, he spoke clearly over the chaos for everyone to hear him. ”You’re all too weak.” And with that, his final act of defiance would be holding onto the hilt of the Golden Sword. Sure enough, if the madman had come back for it, he would have to literally pry it from Malakaus’s cold, dead hands. Even in death he wouldn’t make things easy for him.

@Seirei No Hai@ADamnFiddle@liferusher@FamishedPants@Zelosse


The blades chased after the madman even as he dived down, and Atisha was about to give chase. But before she did, she noticed yet another man approaching her rambling madness from his lips. Just as she suspected, the man wasn’t alone. She couldn’t care less about another madman to deal with, though if anything this just made the situation even more dire. The four knights were already struggling against one, and if this new stranger was as powerful or even more so, then they would have no hope against them. In fact, seeing that Maria has failed to do anything that would warrant her rank as Knight Captain, Atisha wrote her off as more of a liability.

Regardless, Atisha still had her enemy to slay. One more opponent to kill. This madman was surely on his last legs, though Atisha was starting to feel the effects of the negative aura as well. While she could maintain her current spell, she knew her next one would be substantially weaker. She hated this and how unprepared they seemed to deal with this threat. But what else could they do but fight against this overwhelming power? If she had given up in the past against foes who were stronger then her, then she would have been dead ten times over. So Atisha followed after the mad man, following his path. Though instead of landing in the wagon of hay, she jumped onto one of her ice swords, riding it down to street level where she could assult him some more with blades.

But that’s when she saw just how dire this situation was. Atisha had arrived just in time to see Tani, one of the Royal Knights, plunge a golden sword into Malakaus’s chest. And though he countered with a punch that could shatter stones, he fell to his knees shortly after. ”No, get up… Get up!” Atisha pleaded. She has seen him handle worse. He has been impaled by a hundred blades before, burned at the stake, hung for his neck, drowned in the ocean, and crushed by boulders. Yet he has always survived these things against the odds. He couldn’t fall now.

And if he did, should he die, then so would Atisha’s own limits. Malakaus was the only knight that Atisha had any faith in, and if he died then there was no saving the others. Tani had obviously turned traitor, and Maria was a lost cause. It would have to be on Atisha’s shoulders, despite her weakened state, to defeat these enemies and save this city. Because if they’re strongest couldn’t, then what hopes would anyone else have?

Twelve blades cut off the madman’s path and proceeded to attack him like twelve swordsman working in sync. Their attacks came from every angel yet never did their blades get in the way of one another. Where the madman try to duck from one blow, another blade would be there to attack him from below. If he tried to back out, another sword would stab him from behind. If he tried to even cast a spell, the blades would sooner catch him by the neck then he could whisper Gao. It seemed that seeing her friend die in battle made Atisha’s blades move faster, even weakened as she was, because now she too was putting all her remaining strength into this final attack.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


Grian looked at the woman standing beside her, and admired the fact that she didn't give no shit about his attitude. Good. Thats was #1 requirement for lasting even a day with him. With a smug smile on his face he turned his attention back at the building in front of them that was once burning. As if nothing had happened, the whole area seemed completely fine, lacking any distinctive marks that would indicate that there was a fire here before.

Grian was boggled, as there was no magic he knew of that could do such affects. For a brief second he thought about something like magic that could turn time back, but he quickly ruled it out, knowing that such magic cannot exist. He scratched his head at the thought and stretched his arms out. He knew that anyone wielding such high level magic wouldn't be defeated by some athletics before the fight, but maybe he could win a few seconds for Emile. But from what he gathered the girl is way too stubborn to run. Not knowing what lays in front of them, Grian drew one of his swords, and signaled for the woman to stay back.

Grian gently pushed in the door, and revealed the tavern hiding behind it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Air filled with teh smell of alcohol and smoke, small and big tables dotting the place. A bar in the back end, in a palce where it is easy to notice new visitors, and if needs be, tell them to get out. Grian slowly walked in, and sheated his sword, but kept his hand on it for good measures. The barkeeper kept a close eye on him, seemingly cleaning glasses and mugs. There wasn't many visiotrs at this time, but there were still some shady figures hanging around, drinking dubious liquids and talking about god knows what. Grian looked around once more, looknig for signs of magic or fire.

After some looking around, he was disappointed: there were absolutely no signs of fire anywhere. He was happy to leave the tavern before the smells would sink into his fur, and hastly exited the door. "Well, it doesn't look like there are any signs of fire. But maybe..." Grian though for a second, before he finally finished his sentence "Maybe it was just an illusion magic. I doubt it, but that seems like the only logical explanation."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@liferusher @Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

" Firstly because you're so dense that you'd believe someone would want your strange talking friend over there, secondly, it's to send a message to other fools that the Celestia family are not thieves, body snatchers, or kidnappers."

"Yea your just murderers." Dante pointed out before the women attempted to make an attack. He held his palm out in attempted to cast a spell, only to notice it probably would have been a few microsecond too late. And yet he wondered why she stopped.

"What do you know of Avery?"

Dante couldn't help but sigh in grief. As he wonders rather not he could try to confirm their guilt. "Gods dang it. Bright purple hair, carries a staff, and is rather a mischievous girl." He asked her. It seems he was ready to face the music. At the begin, He wanted to denial that he falsely accuses the horned girl of wrongdoing, now that he on the ropes he wanted to denied that theses guys were villains, cause even if he could defeat the horned girl the other girl would probably defeat him in the aftermath with her powerful earth magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The lack of a reply from Grian has Emile a little worried now, as was him drawing his sword before entering the bar. She was about to follow him, however the evil which lurked within was far too dreadful for her to handle. Though her fear of the dark was partially shaken by street lamps and lighting from the various housing, her fear of the smell of alcohol was enough to send her deep into the night. Of course, Emile wasn't going to do such a thing voluntarily; she would simply stand outside until Grian would return!

'... The dark is scary... the pub is scary... I want to go to bed...' She mutters to herself in a soft voice, like a shy child. In a sense she basically was, seeing as she has no idea where she is or what she's doing. She figures she could've even technically been born this morning, waking up in a field of green from nothing...

... She didn't like that thought...

Dark areas of the streets became more and more apparent, as the night truly began to set in. Though the stars above shone beautifully, the terrible hazards which may go 'bump' in the night continually found themselves surfacing in the back of the noblewoman's mind. From the rats and mice of the back alleys and pantry's of homes, to larger, more grotesque creatures of foul origin, Emile's thoughts were plagued with night-terrors and tales of demons which surface only upon the darkest hours of the night!

In short, she's afraid of the dark.
Thankfully for her, Grian was out almost as soon as he entered. She almost hugs him as he exits -- she really could go for her big, old, snugly teddy bear Presto right about now -- however stops herself before she can, mentally sulking that she cannot bask in his fur. He did look like a big teddy bear in the dark, she notes, and that if she finds herself lost, it doesn't take much to identify the sword-wielding teddy bear.
Thus, Grian was officially labelled a noble's makeshift living teddy bear.

He goes on to say what she already presumes is true: that nothing points to a fire having existed in the first place in the area, and that the townsfolk have no clue, either. "That wouldn't explain why the townsfolk haven't seen such a thing take place." Retorts the Shepherd at the mention of illusion magic. It was a solid explanation, however she has no idea what kind of magic could simulate that kind of fire. In fact, upon thinking about it, she realises she doesn't even properly know her own magic! 'Best not to think about that at the moment...' Quickly the thought is shaken from her head, and she thinks not about what made the illusive fire pop up, but rather, why? "Perhaps..." She begins, a thoughtful look on her features. "Sorry to change topic so soon, but perhaps what we should truly be thinking of is why someone would want to cause an illusion in the first place? Is it a meager spell gone awry, or perhaps something more... sinister? A distraction to grab the attention of the select few who can remember this event transpiring, only to be a decoy for the true ploy to unfold?"

She takes a look at her surroundings.

"Then again... we are in what appears to be a slum. Who would be trying to lure people out here, or rather to here, when the city guard will remain active throughout the day and night anyway? And from my understanding, these people don't have a whole lot left to give..." Her tone turns soft and sympathetic to those who live in the area, looking at the broken homes with eyes of pure care and consideration. Despite being powerless, she truly would like nothing more than the strength to help the people of the slum out of whatever situation plagues them. Yet, she has no options - for now, she cannot do a thing.

Emile breathes a sigh of fresh air to clear her head, and smiles up at her new teddy bear.

She was perfectly truthful in saying so, however she was keeping her embarrassing amount of terror on the down-low. Emile wants nothing more than to lay down and sleep in a nice, soft, cozy royal bed fit for a princess right about now, however she had no money to speak of - she's checked every pocket and she has not a single piece of, well, anything! So it was either freeload off of her teddy bear or sleep in the dark, scary streets. As much as she hates freeloading, she hates the dark even more, and she was seriously wanting a nice snooze to catch up on her beauty sleep right about now. Alas, this all came down to whether or not her companion felt the same way, and if he was nice enough to help a lady out.

In fact, she wouldn't mind a nice, hot spa either, or a warm refreshing shower, even! To text and to play games well into the night until she has little stamina to continue, cuddling Presto as she drifts off to sleep, thanking generations before her for their sacrifice to pave the way for her pleasant dreams. And of course, a delectable ice cream not usually afforded by the lower classes, to give her that extra level of sweet once again!
Ahh, childhood...

With that thought coming and going so fast she doesn't even realise she's lost her memory, Miss Amnesia awaits her teddy bear's reply, the gentle breeze of the night tickling her -- inviting her -- to a slumber which is much needed.


... As well as inviting an old tradition from her childhood to resurface upon sneezing. "S-sorry."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithril Blackblood
The Golden Sword


Royal Capital Lugnica

@liferusher@Lucius Cypher@ADamnFiddle@FamishedPants

The attacks rang out against a certain madman. A certain man known as “Mithril”. He was a fighter. Someone who would act in such a way that even to the grave they would go out laughing upon the forms of their enemies.

A monster. Someone who had long given themselves up to madness. Someone who was unable to think for themselves without the sword.

To him, his sword was his everything. Something he couldn't live without. He currently had upon his mind that it would be impossible for him to fight without the sword. He couldn’t just leave it. It was his. His. HIS!

But the elf stood in the way. She would have to be eliminated. Killed without any trace of her existence. But a fleeting memory. She was the obstacle that Mithril needed to push over to defeat his opponent.

The blades began their assault. Without his sword, he only had a single ability. The elements of “fire” were within the man. His gate might not have been as strong in his life, but the connection he shared with the sword had given him the necessary power to defeat those before him, both ingrained upon his body and his damned soul itself.


A simple term with such immense power. Magic was something many took for granted. Though everyone had a gate, it was rare to have the talent or the quality of gate to effectively utilize the spells within your given field. However the connection to the sword, the talent was selected between its understanding rather than his own. It drew his understanding from “somewhere else”, so he didn’t need a single lick of talent to utilize powerful magicks. Perhaps his former self had the comprehension to understand the complexities of magical formulas and the like, but his madness bounded him as a cage to a bird. Perhaps that former understanding existed “somewhere”. The sword itself would also provide excess energy in the event his gate was no longer able to produce the needed mana.

One could say that this cursed blade was something “unearthly” entirely. “Something” couldn’t be created by “nothing”. The sword had to be drawing its power from somewhere. At the core of the blade, there must be a “dangerous thing” giving Mithril his strength.

The connection was still faint, but it existed. If he had his blade with him currently, then the onslaught of the blades would have been as easy to deal with as breathing. But separated from the thing that made him “him”, his power was given a sharp decrease.

For a master of magicks such as Mithril, this should have been as simple as eroding each blade with a well-placed fire that would turn the magic into gas, unable to be controlled without a connection to the user.
But his sword.

Without his sword, he was vulnerable. The first of the fire was able to completely erode one of the many blades coming to him, just as the second and third had been able to. But his mana was already running low from his former attack had caused irreparable damage to the city rooftops and likely death.

The fourth of his goas didn’t completely melt the attack as he had expected it to.

His sword.

Only partially melted, the blow hit his head, and he felt the feeling in his legs grow weaker.

How could he be losing? He was a story that the wives told their children to not go out in the streets past dark. The sort of existence that struck fear into the hearts of the most skilled warriors, tales of a “demon on the battlefield”. A real-life “boogieman”.

The next of the blades, without the ability to think in a cognitive fashion, entered through his stomach and through to the end of his spine. The feeling of weakness in his legs grew from “an odd numbness” to “nothing at all”.

The next gouged out his tongue, his ability to speak no longer available to him. He could only watch in horror as the other blades took his vision, the seventh of the blades going through his eyes and blinding the man, unable to move. Unable to feel. Unable to hear. Unable to speak.

His only comfort was that his blade would be his. This wench would die before his golden sword. He just needed to grab that blade. He just needed to get to the blade. But where was it? He couldn’t be certain. He could only flail his body, which ice blades in his body tore and destroyed his muscles and body as he tried to do so.

The last blade had entered his heart, and the man known as Mithril was no longer able to ‘think’. He had been defeated. He was dead. .


Victory was far from achieved.

This was all just a “vision” that the Elf-Knight Atisha Eluvian had experienced.

No. it was too real to be just an illusion, Atisha had experienced this, but for whatever reason the man, Mithril, stood before Atisha without a single scratch of what he should have experienced, which was the mutilation of his entire body.


A hand was through Atisha’s body. It was strange. Had that hand always been there? It was an impossible occurrence, but there it was. As if it was as natural as can be, a hand had penetrated through her abdomen, through her spine and her innards.

Reeling his hand backwards, the blood began to flow as it once did, but without the connections of intestine and veins and skin to keep it on the track it should have been within, it began to come out in droves along with her intestines and the like.

It was impossible. How could she have failed.

“That ‘experience’ you had. That wasn’t something that ‘didn’t’ happen. I am sure you are confused, but-”

His voice was clear. Unlike before, his voice wasn’t found within the depths of madness. Or perhaps it still was, but rather than being there without a purpose, he had been given his orders to act in such a way. He was given his clarity for but a moment. Without the words from his Lady, he couldn’t exist. He was lost without her.

With another movement of his hands, he he ripped through her back once more and crushed her heart in one fell-swoop.

“I am sorry it had to be this way, but to those who contest the will of my Lady, Perhaps you could find peace in the afterlife. But I still have my pride. For forcing me to use my ‘gift’, I shall give you my name. Not the name I was born with, but the name you shall give to your maker when you meet them. You may refer to me as “Chastity”, the virtuous bishop, and the enforcer of my lady’s will. Even if you refuse my Lady, i shall forgive you. But only once you have passed.”

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

@Lucius Cypher

Maria couldn’t believe what had happened. She had tried to protect the stranger in the street who had given her such kindness, but because of her actions she had not been able to protect the Knight Malakaus. Was her choice wrong? Today was something that she would be forced to remember for the rest of her life. She couldn’t save both the people who had been within her sphere. She was a failure of a knight who had it within their design to protect those citizens of Lugnica and her lord.

But she hadn’t protected her friend, and a Knight that she had respected, Malakaus.

Tani had been rendered unconscious by the attack and was on the floor, unable to move. The sword was no longer within her grasp. If it was the sword that caused Tani to have such a breakdown, then it was more dangerous than Maria understood. But the emblem on the blade. She had recognized it, and only now understood what it meant.

A symbol that was known to appear in certain areas of the city, mostly as a prank of some sort, and hardly anything serious. A symbol associated with the Witch’s cult.


Maria couldn’t help but give a chuckle. Perhaps it wasn’t because anything was funny, but rather because she was hardly maintaining to the understanding of her world. She had never seen someone die before. Sure, there were times where she would fight against the enemies, and she had even killed Mabeasts in the past, but it wasn’t as if she had actually witnessed someone else die. She was the sort to desire to find peaceful solutions to problems. Force was not something she would prefer to use if given the ability to peacefully resolve the situation.

Maria’s father, the great hero of the war, had given her with a piece of information that she kept to her ideals. That the sword wasn’t an instrument of death, but rather something used to protect those you loved.

“I am sorry, Mr. Allen Balton. You have experienced something you should not have. This is my fault. I’ve failed my teachings as a knight. My friend is dead, killed by another one of my friends..”

There was nothing Maria could have done to prevent this situation. She had desired to get the sword away from Tani to the best of her ability, but she had failed. She had pushed back Tani from killing Aleph, but she had given her the opening to kill her friend.

Was the life of Aleph worth, to Maria, that of Malakaus?

She couldn’t answer that moral question. Why couldn’t they have both lived? Maria wasn’t strong enough to protect the two of them. She was only one person. A girl who was given the title of a Knight. She thought back to her times as a child where her father would forgive her for any mistakes she had made. But could she forgive herself for this mistake?

It didn’t matter if she could forgive herself for her inability.

She had a motive.

Unlike the Knight Tani, Maria was given very special blessings as a child. A “gift of the world”.

“I shall correct my mistakes.”

Lodged deep within Malakaus was the sword. She had walked up to his body, knowing what she had to do. If she was going to lose people to this disgusting blade. If this blade was going to snuff out the flame of life from her friends, then she would take it as her duty to subjugate the blade.

After all, she was the only one she knew who could.

With a single swoop, she grabbed the hilt of the golden blade and pulled it out of Malakaus.




It hurt.



Maria could hardly move. It felt as if she was going insane. Perhaps she would have welcomed the insanity that the pain had brought her. But it wasn’t as if she could comprehend such an idea. The blade was whispering sweet nothing to her, but unlike Tani or Mithril, she would be able to resist these temptations.



But the pain. It felt as if her soul was going through a shreder, grinding itself into fine paste as her body did the same. Maria had experienced terrible pain before. She had been nearly burnt alive once before during a mission. However, her body was made of tougher things than simple flesh and bone. It was her pluck. She would not lose. She would not give up at the first sign of danger.

To her knees she went. But this wasn’t an act of submission. She had been told to use the sword, but rather an act of her defiance!

She was convinced she could subjugate the sword with her body. Even if she was to be violated and destroyed in the process, She writhed in pain. Perhaps not the pain that Tani had to be a slave of the blade. She had to pursue further









The blade wanted her dead. She could feel it. She had a “connection” to the sword, but she refused to submit to whatever monster was controlling the blade. Perhaps she had been the only person to resist such a disgusting thing’s grasp. No human could resist the blade. It was a tantalizing offer of power. Perhaps that is why someone like Mithril, or better yet someone like Tani, had been subjugated before.

The blade would refuse Maria.

Maria, with all her body, would refuse the blade.

“I will defeat you, monster!” she spoke, but she was in pain.

She could not allow the “monster of the blade” to take her over. She couldn’t let go of the blade, no matter her strife. Perhaps she hadn’t become insane by the blade, but rather through the burden of what she had witnessed had given her will beyond most mortals.

But she was close to completely cracking. She couldn’t, however, lose to the blade. It had taken the life of her precious friend, and had forced her other precious friend to know the agony of killing a comrade.

There was no way in hell she would let go.Even if her body was to be destroyed, she would not let go of this blade. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t allow another to get harmed by this sword.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Vesta blinked in slight disbelief as Aya collapsed for seemingly no reason. What was wrong with this girl? Maybe she had simply passed out from exhaustion or something similar? That must be it. Vesta couldn't fathom anything she could've done to have made the girl pass out, for she herself was unaware of the power of her smile.
"...Mr Ford do make sure the girl stays safe." Vesta now slowly stood back up and directed her stone cold gaze towards Dante.
Despite her not paying much attention to Dante and Zin's fight she did however hear Dante yelling out about Avery. Girl? Why did he think Avery was a-oh. Right.
Vesta had almost forgotten how utterly incompetent others were. They seemed to always mistake him for a girl and she could never work out why. Sure he acted girly and dressed similarly to one, but you had to be an absolute fool to fall for it.
As Dante described Avery, Vesta now sighed and raised her hand up towards Dante. With Zin now halting her attack on him, two spikes of earth erupted from the ground and went either side of Dante's face. While they posed no real life threatening danger to him, if he wasn't fast enough to react he would find his cheeks would have a nice little gash on them.
"Watch your tongue boy. I don't take kindly to slanderous remarks about my family, and we are not a family you wish to become enemies of." Vesta remarked as she now walked towards him while giving absolutely zero fucks about the sword he wielded and her lack of armor. It wasn't that Vesta didn't see the sword either, she knew about it. She just didn't care.
"Also the person you just described to us fits my attendant perfectly. If you don't believe me allow me to ellaborate Avery further, the staff they carry is shaped as a key and has a red crystal placed atop it and they have violet eyes. Also accompained by a small white fox spirit. However you seem to be quite mistaken about Avery, though I'm not surprised by your apparent lack of intelligence since you tried engaging not only myself but Ms Parrallex as well." Vesta was now about half a step away from Dante when she stopped.
She looked up towards him with contempt now. Not only for wasting her time like this, but also for insulting herself, her family and her companions as well as complete and utter contempt for whatever intelligence he possessed.
"Avery is a guy, not a girl. You absolutely ludicrous and feculent dribbling gallot."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Familiarity breeds contempt. Those big words reminded Malakaus why he tends to live like a transient murder hobo. Outside of their regalia and status, beyond the ideals and honeyed words, there are some knights who aren't truly deserving of their position. Malakaus remembers this once, when he was but a mere squire. He remembered his own knight mentioning that they could not save a village from a bandit attack, not for the lack of trying, but because the village was independent. It had it's own militia and wished to be outside of the kingdom's rules or laws. And for it, the village was easy pickings for a large band of marauders. Or when Malakaus wished to have taken a squire himself during his early years of knighthood. While he remembered the time spent learning about the world and gaining an education, Malakaus wished to put him squire to work as quickly as possible. Teaching him how to fight, how to stand in armor, to understand the people and their woes. But no, instead much of his time was spent on politics and economics. Perhaps things a community leader would need to learn. But a knight? A knight's duty was to protect it's people.

Malakaus sometimes forgets that not many knights are actually capable of doing that.

Death was waiting for him but Malakaus was in no hurry. He had hoped that after his lethal stabbing that the scene around him would grow quieter, so that he may peacefully pass on. But Alas, Malakaus could quite easily hear Atisha's frantic screams, as well as Maria's proclamations. His mind was growing ever dimmer as he walked closer to death. But there was still one more thing to do. "I will..." Malakaus's hands raised up. At this point he was effectively blind, but he knew what he was going to do. The only thing that really mattered in all of this chaos, all of this nonsense. "Return..." Malakaus's hands grasped the blade in his chest, holding it tight. Maria would have no hopes of getting blade out of his chest or his hands, least of all if he was struggling against her. But wasn't.

"From death!" With the last ounce of strength he had, a considerable amount all things considered, Malakaus created a crack, then shattered the golden sword inside his own body. He thought he had gone numb from the pain before, but this feeling was unlike any death he had has before. Suddenly, his lives flashed before his eyes. All his lives, all his deaths. Memories of being torn apart, disembowel and tortured, emasculated, decapitated, and impaled on pikes. People may remember him as the unstoppable warrior who has defied death, but Malakaus remembers all too well that defying death was the last thing he's ever did.

But there was more than one madman in these streets. There are more than one people in this world who can stand at death's door and still make a difference. Even if the gods had commanded this fate for him, he would not go into the night quietly. And while he may not be able to defy his fate and his visits to death, he will at least go on his terms, and remind everyone that it is he, not the gods, who control his fate. And certainly not some ornate pigsticker whispering threats.

The Golden Sword was shattered from the base of the hilt and into Malakaus's body. He fell onto his back, pushing the blade through his chest, but also holding it inside his own body. He had no idea what he was doing but he remembered one thing: That he will be back. And that so long as he would, he would contain these pieces of the cursed sword inside of himself. He knew nothing of the madman who was the inadvertent cause of his death, but if this sword sought out the insane, then it would find a potential host in Malakaus. But he was no weak willed murderer. He was not like Maria, who's skilled hands was still innocent of blood, or some other commoner who would deny the powers the golden sword would give out of fear. If this weapon wanted him to kill, then he shall kill. But he shall kill whom he feels is worthy of his blade, for he is a knight. A warrior who strives to use his weapon for the good of others.

It was not as if Maria was wrong, that a sword is used to defend it's people. But if Malakaus sees her again, he wanted to remind her that a sword is merely a tool to defend the people. And a tool, while evil in it's intent, can be turned to good with a righteous heart. Malakaus would have to see it himself if he could pass this self-imposed challenge of his as the sheer trauma of shattering the sword tore his insides to ribbons, finishing off what Tani had started. But it didn't matter to him. Maria, though without the full blade, at least had part of the shattered sword. Even if she couldn't use it, neither could the enemy. Hopefully by breaking it the effects of the blade is lesser and would allow her to be more capable of resisting it's hostile intent. As he died, Malakaus stared into the skies wondering what he'll be doing tomorrow.

"Ah, that's right... I have to go to that village tomorrow. They need my help..."

@Seirei No Hai@ADamnFiddle@liferusher@FamishedPants@Zelosse


This couldn't be happening.

Atisha remembers, she could see, her blades tearing this man apart. And yet this stranger... How did she arrive here without Atisha's noticing? Could it be the aura slowing her senses down? It couldn't be... There shouldn't be anything that powerful. It wasn't fair. For 73 years she has worked and toiled to hone her mind, body, and spirit to defend herself and those she wishes to protect. Yet here was a monster. Someone who, despite any sense of logic or reason, was simply existing. She could barely comprehend it. Why now, why here? As she thought more about it, she grew worried. Atisha beleived herself to be the only one capable of dealing with this threat. And if she couldn't, what hopes could the others? Malakaus, who is a mere brute, or Maria, who probably only earned her position out of ceremony rather than deeds? Where was the hero who was suppose to stop these villains?

It had to be Atisha. There was no one else. "No... No no no! Impossible! I'll kill you! YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Atisha screamed and shouted, yet no voice came from her mouth. All she could see was this stranger, this madman known as Chasity, impale her through the heart and kill her. She was no strange to stabbing one through the heart and they usually died pretty quickly. Atisha was no different. "Hu... Huma..." The last thing Atisha could think of was trying to command her swords to kill the madman and this Chasity, but frankly she didn't know what would happen to her spell after she died. Having not expected this sudden and untimely death, Atisha stumbled back into a wall and slumped down.

Somehow, Atisha couldn't help but blame everyone except her for this happening. In the last few moments of her life, it wasn't as if she was alone. She could see Malakaus, who had already fallen. Tani on the ground, who was too slow and too weak willed to not have been possessed by the blade. Maria, who effectively just stood around and watched the whole time. And a few other strangers who just gawked. "Ah. That's right. It's just like back then." A memory flashed. Atisha remembered the brutal scene. An elf boy, orphaned, in a village looking for help. A lost little boy who just wanted his mother and father. Before Atisha could have heard his cries, she heard his screams. She ran over and saw that he was being attacked by a dog. But he wasn't alone. Ten, twenty, possibly more people stood by and watched as this boy was being tore apart by the mutt. Atisha acted quickly and killed the dog but it was too late. The creature had gotten to the boy's neck and tore his throat out. She tried to use her magic on him but to no avail. Try as she might, she could not raise the dead.

What was more tragic that day wasn't that the elf child had died. It was that no one had saved him. Bystander Syndrome. Atisha hated it, people who were too cowardly or believed themselves as too weak to defend themselves, or to lend a hand. It was one thing that Malakaus and Atisha agreed on. They wouldn't bother helping others who couldn't even put the efforts to stop it themselves. If people had already given up, then there was no saving them. Perhaps it was unfair for Atisha to think that these people here wasn't trying to help. Maybe they did and simply failed. But as far as she could see, she and Malakaus had died because they chose to fight the madman, his evil sword, and this random stranger who will no doubt continue to kill everyone now that they've died. Atisha wanted to fight. But now all she could do was die.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aleph Banton

"I'm Aleph Banton and I'm helping!"

“I am sorry, Mr. Allen Balton. You have experienced something you should not have. This is my fault. I’ve failed my teachings as a knight. My friend is dead, killed by another one of my friends..”

What did she just call him? His name wasn't Allen! It was Aleph! AL-EPH! ALEPH! Was this woman deaf? And also, should she mourn her friend AFTER he died? It was a bit rude just sitting there, talking about experiencing the death of her friend who was still in the DYING phase of death! Perhaps she was merely a bit clueless? Oh well, at least her heart was in the right place. That's all the mattered, right?

Aleph's hand stopped twitching the very moment that the orc had breathed his last, and as a hero who had done nothing to avoid this death, Banton felt ashamed. He should have saved the man before him, but seeing an ally slay another against their own will had managed to shock the false hero into inactivity. The orc had managed to break the blade, but would that really be enough to keep it from controlling more people? Aleph could only hope that he hadn't just let this orc die in vain.

"Knight Maria?" Aleph wasn't sure what she was going to accomplish by approaching Malakaus, but it wasn't likely to be a good idea with that sword in him. And, of course, he was right. She had intended to take the sword into her own hands! "What are you doing!?" he questioned. By this point, they were down two and a half allies and one and half of them were do to this stupid sword! Did she want to be another casualty, or to cause one!?

What would happen if he tried to force her off of what was left of the blade? Would it cause him to be infected by horrible thoughts of friendly fire and murder? Would he be safe? He couldn't be sure unless he tried, and that wasn't a risk he was willing to take. He figured he had to separate her from the hilt at any cost, before she too had succumbed to the vile thoughts that tainted it!

"Forgive me!"

Gathering the necessary strength in both of his hands after sheathing his sword, he placed his hands in the space between Maria herself and the sword, and fired one concussive blast towards her chest and the other from the other hand towards the sword in order to push them away from each other. Perhaps this looked awkward, but it was the best he could do without physically touching either her or the sword. He had a sincere hope that this was the last time he would be required to use magic, and not only because he disliked magic use, but because he wasn't capable of continuous spells like this without suffering dearly for them.

That's what she gets for getting his name wrong
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@liferusher @Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

Dante dodge her attack with his fast reaction only to watch her carefully as she moved towards him. At the point where Vesta explain what Avery looked like, Dante knew he fucked up. His ears and tail begin to droop look a dodge as he realized he made a total jackass of himself from assuming the worst. He dropped his sword in defeat and got on his knees in a submissive matter. "I'm wrong..." he said sounding guilty eh turn to the horned girl "I am so sorry, That conscious girl suddenly disappeared causing everyone to assume she was kidnapped and with the look she was giving the horn girl i assumed she was the one who kidnapped her." He told her...wait a minute. "Did you say Avery is a guy? That a joke right?" He asked her sounding confused.

After Vesta once again confirms Dante would turn blue in the face, follow by red and embarrassment as realize how embarrassing it was going to be when people find that the girl he date was actually a guy. "No no no that can't be...just an hour ago she was wearing a dress and cat ears..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mithril Blackblood
The Golden Sword

@liferusher@adamnfiddle@Lucius Cypher@GamerXZ@FamishedPants

Mithril was in no state of mind to try and decipher the mystery of his savior or why the blades had not turned him to a tattered pile of flesh on the cobblestones and frankly speaking he wasn't about to waste any time thinking about it. His every single thought was preoccupied with retrieving what was his, the only thing in the known universe that mattered, and the mad killer wasn't taking no for an answer. It screamed at his every thought that even teased at retreating, of strategy, anything at all. The golden voice was absolute.
Malakaus, the giant Orc bleeding to death a few feet away, had displayed great valor in knocking the possessed girl unconscious despite the many life threatening wounds. From the lack of attack coming from the summoned swords it registered very briefly that the elf girl must have broken her neck on the jump down or something along those lines.
A fleeting thought for later.

In a flash he crossed the distance to the pained Maria, desperate to hold onto the sword as it assaulted her mind. Mithril shared her pain almost as if he was experiencing it himself. If not for the command of his master he might have faltered in the assault.

He heard the wail of disapproval flowing from the swords outrage. A pure being, unblemished by chaos or the many vices of weak willed beings, was repelling the absolute domination. A feat few boasted.. Already the sword had subjugated the weak willed gawkers in the crowd. The suppression weakening their already fragile subconscious into a state that left them oh so willing to adhere to the telepathic commands of their new treasure. But the time was not right.

Like a wall he heard the scream echo from the blades mind into his own.









The blast knocked Maria from the sword and the fabulous shining sword from the filthy hands of a purity.. Straight into Mithrils waiting hungry grasp. Nothing else mattered but the sword. His sword. His key to the future. To power and wealth!
The others stood in his way.

A lions roar escaped his throat as the shining golden blade stabbed into Alephs stomach, nearly erupting out the opposite side as the razor sharp blade parted skin and flesh with familiar ease. The wound would not be fatal if he acquired aid soon, so Mithril gave the handle a twist to open the wound yet more.
Still the hunger for blood roared in his mind, directed at the bitch who dared resist the call. A call now echoing to the growing crowd. Like a lantern flaring to life the atmosphere changed. The weak willed idiots lunged out at each other, driven to madness, a few even rushing at the ice spike mantled caster (@Seirei No Hai) without any regard to safety. Anything they held was a weapon now. Their eyes revealed the mad obsession that overwhelmed them. It teased the strong willed with a persistent whisper of violence. To slaughter and kill.
So great was the swords outrage.

The soul within the blade called for the timely death of one Maria von Hohenzollern. Craving her rich blood across the smooth unblemished surface of its edge to try and slake the eternal thirst that plagued it. Indeed Mithril was about to turn and slash at her..
The softest flutter of relief spread through his soul. A warmth he had not felt in decades. Freedom.. He felt it more than saw it, the shackles in his mind had loosened as the spirits tantrum finally reached a boiling point. Rather than controlling Mithril completely it had spread itself thin in every direction..


His mask had been chipped away during the icicle blades swirling violence, the metal shaven clean off to reveal a single hazy red eye. Like Tanis, what little of his face revealed in the light was streaked with tears. His own lust turned against him. His need for power to protect the ghosts of his past had caused this. Had always caused this. Mithril had been denied that simple thought since taking the sword and leaving the tunnels.
Denied the right to mourne for his atrocities.

Mithril turned on his heel and ran. His knuckles turned white as he grasped the sword tight, if he could just.. Remove himself. The sword was not ready to give up the fight but it did not argue the conscious decision of his favored puppet. Indeed the chaotic nature of its being enjoyed it very much. Why die here and return to some frigid wasteland to await another wielder? No force it knew of could banish its form without great effort. Kingdoms had failed in that very attempt time and time again.

The blade sent a telepathic message to the being known as 'Chastity'. A quick little greeting and a simple request.

Fight and Flight. Kill then retreat.

The brave fools of this city, the strong and the brave, had been shown their lesson by defying a power greater than themselves.

They had been shown the destination that awaits anyone unprepared to risk their life to stop it. It savored the idea of a new wielder, one who surpassed its current one, and reminded Mithril of that very fact as it channeled its dark energy into him. The process of healing his many wounds would take quite some time.. More to heal his cauterized flesh. But such was the price of keeping a toy in good shape.

Three crosses became two as he ran. The oppressive smothering aura fading away on the breeze.
When he was finally gone from sight, dodging the hounds stalking his heels and covering his tracks as random citizens became enthralled at his passing to further slow down the pursuit, Mithril emerged far away from the the burning buildings and the royal palace.

In a lonely alleyway he waited. The other madman would not be thrown off as easily..

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tani had stabbed Malakaus through his chest with the sword tip coming out of her back. An devilish grin was shown on the girl her face but yet her face was filled with tears. It was noticeable that she didn't want this to happen to her comrade but it was like she was stuck in a cage watching the suffering of her dear friend as she tried calling out to him in plea. Tani pulled the sword back from his body. Blood was gushing out from the side of the sword as she pulled it back. Her hand was suddenly stopped. She tried janking on it harder but it was stuck. She could see the big hand of Malakaus holding onto the sword like it was his last mission.

In terror she cried, she looked down to see a few holes spread over her body. Blood was gushing out but there didn't appear to be much damage to organs or anything important.

She tried pulling herself away from him and was just about to cut her own hand off with her old sword close by. Cracking, like wood being shattered. It was all going so slow, an incredible force had hit her in the face. She fell back as her hand lost grip on the sword. With a puff it became silent. Blood everywhere from her face but she was alive. The body of the girl had stopped moving as the last tears streamed down. A few of Maria's knights had quickly gotten her away from the fray and applied healing magic. Tani finally had some time to recover from the fight.

A short while later faint shouting was heard as Tani slowly opened her eyes again, she came back to senses after a while but still had to rest. She was covered in clothes and blankets as she sat there silently.

"Why do I feel so sad..."

While running Avery felt a bag drop over his head as his hands were both grabbed and bound together behind his back without a word.



Medium length hairs were seen going into one of the side alleyways. Kyojin continued to keep seeing the same sight every time he went around the corner to a new corner. Eventually he found himself at an empty square that wasn't all to big, mostly for small markets and scenery, there was no clue to where the hairs could have gone.



Daisuke felt his ear being licked and a shiver down his spine.

Everyone that was previously in the tavern had suddenly left after a big commotion. Yoshinobu didn't really understand what was going on and decided to check it out herself only to find the last few of them to run out of the tavern. Yoshinobu called out to Kondo who was decently drunk now to take bar shift. With his drunken ass he got over towards the bar and helped the remaining customers.

Yoshinobu desperately hobbled after everyone as they split up. She could at least keep track off two of them. When she gotten a little closer she called out to Ease and Duncan.

"Hey wait up, what is the hurry about!?"

Some mushroom guy called out to him as he was about to walk away.

"Hah? You had something to say about how things roll here? Care to say that in my face one more time?!"

Nick walked up to him and almost shoved his face into his pushing the cap of the mario hat up with his forehead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

A cloaked figure made its way navigating the alleyways of Lugnica in the middle of the night, not suspicious at all.
That bastard, trying to one up him, most nobles are the same, greedy fools. Seriously didn't he consider that he wasn't the first one to attempt that? The Bastij have been doing this for generations, there are no "new" loopholes that can be exploited. The thoughts occupied his mind as Leo made his way through the tight paths. What was he doing there? None of your business.

As he approached the location where the deal was supposed to take place, he saw smoke and heard distant fighting noises a few blocks away. That was of no concern to him whatsoever, all he came here for was the exchange. Patiently he waited..and waited..and wa-"That fucker ain't coming is he.."- he muttered to himself agitated. Surely, the fight couldn't have scared that guy off? Or maybe something happened to him in that fight. Either way he wasn't coming and Leo wasn't about to go empty ended after coming all this way. Well actually there was a tavern nearby, he could sure go for a drink..but curiosity got the better of him.

Deciding to get involved he approached the PvP arena where multiple characters were clashing. Were* clashing, now they are just laying around, most on the ground, some bleeding and some dead. Certainly interesting, especially when his eyes caught glimpse of a blood covered golden blade, it was almost mesmerizing. He always had an eye for rare things, especially golden treasures like that sword. An eye that later developed into a passion for collecting those treasures.

He surely would have made for it without a second thought if it wasn't for all the suspicious characters involved. Wait, was that Maria? Not that he cared. For now he would just be watching closely at what would come, waiting for an opening to snatch the sword.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


"Who knows." Grian let go of his sword' hilt, acknowledging the lack of danger in the close vicinity. He kicked a pebble on the road which went flying straight into a drain pipe. It echoed for some time and then fell silent. Grian looked around, trying to figure out what the thing was that they saw, but it was a seemingly unsolvable case. He sighed and looked at the tired Emile. color=00aeef]"Whatever it was, it sure didn't leave any marks. It could have been someone who was trying to lure people into the slums to kill them and take their belongings. Could have been setup so only people from far away could see it, or people attuned to a set magic type. I really am not sure."[/color] Grian glanced at a passerby who seemed to be listening in carefully to their conversation. Grian threw a furious glance at him and the guy hastly walked away from them. "It could've been anything. As for me I'll let the Guards figure it out for themselves if they want to. I don't really care any more."

Grian put his hads behind his neck, and rested his head on them as he gazed into the night sky for some time. It was getting late already. Today was sure rough. He went through a lot of things. He had at least 2 emotional breakdowns deep inside, mostly because he went soft. And one last stupid day surely won't ruin such a profitable day. Even if he was an hour from home, he was not ready to stay here any longer. He'd rather walk for hours than to find an Inn to stay at. He focused on his mana gate, but he felt only emptiness. He couldn't really use the same magic he used to escape the two idiots from before.

The wind breezed his skin and Grian looked back at Emile, now with a much more relaxed and hopefully friendly face. Then the sight of the tired woman made him burst out laughing. It wasn't how she looked, or her whole figure just shouting "I wanna sleep", or even the day they had, but rather a combination of all the above, and teh fact that grian felt very much the same. He laughed really hard, his deep voice shaking his body as he did. This was the first time he laughed like this in a long time, so Grian decided to enjoy every second of it.

After he calmed down a bit, he wiped the tears that appeared in his eyes, and now with a smile looked at the confused woman. "Sorry, its not you or anything. Must've been the stress I guess." he wasn't sure if thatw as quite right, but he decided to go with that story anyways. He looked around, and saw that the Inns were slowly starting to close shop, meaning it wasn't that much time left from the night. "I can tell you right now that you don't wanna sleep in one of the Inns around here. You would have a better chance on the street." He sighed as he tought through the options. Not many it seems. So with a bit of a hesitation he continued. "Look, if you need a place to stay at then you can come to my place. The only problem is that it is about an hours walk away." He started gigglnig as he looked at teh tired face of the woman again, and added with a great hint of sarcasm. "Unless your royal majesty wants to be carried, haha."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

An Orc has fallen, an elf dying with a madman's limb straight through her body and a human regretting what she had just done after being pulled away. With all this happening so fast, the pressure got to Blanc, causing her to hack up and nearly vomit at the sight before her. She would place both her hands over her mouth as she shook her head violently.

"W-what? What's going on? What's happening? Why are there people killing each other?! Why is this all going by so fast?! CAN'T I DO ANYTHING?!" The poor snow elf screamed internally, which might've woken up her contracted spirit who felt her distress from the pressure she was experiencing.

Beside her was an above average sized wolf that came out out of a blue bright spiral. It shook his body as if to awaken from its slumber. Looking at the elf girl before him, he would try to calm her down with a nuzzle. "Blanc, what is wrong? What has caused you such distress?" answered the wolf. She couldn't talk at this point, her eyes were widened and she kept her hands on her mouth.

The wolf had decided to look towards the carnage, causing him to bend forward in aggression. The growls were coming off him and the ice spikes that were once beside Blanc had already shattered with what little remains had melted as well. As the wolf growled, an ice shard in the shape of a drill that was nearly the size of someone's fist appeared above the wolf. Already aimed at the madman, the wolf "fired" the ice shard like a cannon.

@liferusher@adamnfiddle@Lucius Cypher@GamerXZ@FamishedPants@Zelosse@dabombjk@Forett
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kurokono's mario hat along with his fake mustache fell off due to his literally close conversation with Nick. "Not really, its just that kids aren't so durable unlike us, and its not like they would spawn money if you kill them, since they're unable to pay even in such a state, wouldn't benefit you in the long run, don't ya think? Haha," Kurokono let out a slight laughter, speaking in a generally jovial & pacifistic tone. "Actually, I'm in quite a shitty situation like you, I pissed off some Nobles and now they're sending ninjas & assassins after me, so how about this? I will have those kids under my wing, and I assure you that I will pay up for them either by money or blood by tomorrow night, with interest. They pay up, you get the money, I get a safe place to stay, and lastly you get one more man that can defend your turf, sounds good for all of us right?" He stated those term in a calm and reasonable manner, his uninjured hand was ready for any sign of hostility from that thug, ready to draw and cut at any time.

"Also, if these aren't good enough, here's my late master's heirloom," Kurokono took out his mobile phone from his sack, turning it on and showing it to Nick, "This is a magical device able to draw anything realistically in an instant, just like this," He pressed the camera button and snapped a shot of a cottage nearby. "Lifelike, don't you think? You can have this if you want, heh~" He handed Nick his phone that shows the image of his recent shot. "So what do you think? But just to note, this have a limited uses of around 300 portraits before you have to charge it up with lightning magic~" He asked, waiting for that thug's response. I don't need a phone if there's no signal...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zin re-donned her coat and wiped her blade off in between the crook of her bicep and forearm, cleaning Dante's blood off her blade but also staining her glorious traveling coat. When Vesta told the boy to watch his tongue Zin put a wobbly arm onto her now sheathed greatsword." I'll cut his tongue out Vesta, just tell me to do so." She held off doing it and began breathing deeply through her nose. The second that Vesta mentioned that he Dante was a fool for taking on Zin, the dragon girl blushed before struggling to say."T-t-thanks Vesta." Suddenly Zin began sweating once again, this time more profusely.

Everything that Dante began to say started to sound like a slurred echo that Zin couldn't understand, the dragon woman held out a shaky gloved fist telling Dante." Tell..Tell..Tell us everything you know." The dragon demanded."Where....Where did you..Where did you see them last ?" Zin's head felt like someone with giant hands was squeezing it, and the world around her was moving faster than she could react.

She began repeating herself as a large bead of sweat dropped from her nose and hit the ground putting out a small flame by her feet. Zin began to feel her throat turn sore and dry as if she was breathing out fire each time she took a breath." V-Vesta, leave me here." Zin spoke in a hoarse voice." I can't keep going." Without warning, Zin collapsed like a pile of bricks into the ground nearly face first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fuko da~

Heinrich was a very simple man with a very simple wish: to return home and enjoy his anime, his video games, and his peace and quiet. Not unlike a certain villain from one of his favorite manga series, he preferred a nice solitude to an obnoxious social circle. However, it had already been quite clear that he would get anything but the life he dreamed of.

"Hmm, I guess I will." Heinrich looked down on the corpse unconscious body of the once-lively girl who had been cowering behind him as he acknowledged Vesta's request. It had seemed that she was too physically weak to resist the awesome power that hid behind Vesta's lips while they were curled upwards. He could not say that she was weak because of this, but rather his own body was simply much stronger than the average - especially a young woman like herself. Having confirmed she was alive by the rise and fall of her chest, Ford figured that surviving an attack like that was a feat of its own, admirable for any normal person to achieve.

As the others continued to speak, it seemed that there was some sort of misunderstanding that had brought about this mess. Well, a different one involving the guy who appeared and suddenly attacked them. Not that this was too surprising or anything, it was just notable that the attacker had finally figured out that he was in the wrong. Probably. Hopefully.

And then the dragon cosplayer chick collapsed.

A sigh escaped Heinrich's lips as he felt a sudden exhaustion. This is why he didn't go out often. He had to deal with this kind of stuff. He had to deal with situations he could not account for. He had to be present near other human beings. Why? That was dumb. A computer was a lot better. He could leave situations he did not like without any reprocussions and he could enjoy his life. But not in real life. Real life was horrible. In real life, you were molested just because you happen to look like some aztec god of fitness. In real life, people wouldn't stop fawning over you for no reason, trying their damndest to be annoying. And, in real life, people hated other people, physically. And that was such a pain.

"Neither of you two are going to suddenly pass out as well, are you?" he asked Vesta and the stranger whose name he didn't catch. It seemed he could get away with remarks like that, at the very least.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@liferusher @Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

When The horned girl threatens him Dante opens his hand as he wondering if he needed to launch a spell. However, he got the strange sense that something was off about her. He begins to wonder if he should trust them with that information. He then calmly sighed before answering. "When i last her- or him i left her at Crescent Moon Tavern though he may have joined the search party looking for that maid girl." He told them calmly.

"V-Vesta, leave me here." Zin spoke in a hoarse voice." I can't keep going." Without warning, Zin collapsed like a pile of bricks into the ground nearly face first.

"Neither of you two are going to suddenly pass out as well, are you?"

Dante couldn't help but look at her strangely before she collapsed. "Oh, shit is she okay?" He asked before checking up on her. He looked at her skin and felt it see rather not it was cold. If it was Dante would call this out. "She suffering from shock!" He calls them. It would explain why she such a psycho. One of the symptoms was agitation and Zin definitely took it up to eleven.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxit
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


@liferusher @Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

He look at the event through a Windows of a tavern, he seem amused by what happens and he write what he look in a little book, he smiled a little bit and he hope not to be noticed, for him they are not special, they are just good informations, they are just a business

"that seem funny in outside, that's why i love this town, everybody can give you a good informations, these person look useful haha..."

he was intrigued by dante because he seem.... weird for him, he don't act like the other people and he never saw him here before

"....this boy seem very funny too, that can be useful if i remember him, even more..."

he write
-today i noticed some people today i'm back from a travel and i was thinking i was going for be bored so that help me a lot, they can be a good informations for Customer, for mercenary or politicians, like everyday, this town is funny like usually huhu-

he laughed like a kid, he love this kind of event, he love discover new people, new informations,new opportunities

"i think i'm going to work for a looong moment"

even if currently people appears in this world, that's was not a new for him, he seem more interrested by dante

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