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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As it turned out, the cloaked figure Xen and The Storyteller had been following, was just a boy fearing for his life. Things started to feel a little bit off.
"P-Please! Don't hurt me! I just barely escaped!" The boy pleaded. She couldn't help but pity him. But then begged the question. Where was the monster? Her question was soon answered as she heard an unfamiliar female voice near Laina.

"They had to go and choose to capture him instead of killing on site. What a pity. I would have far preferred they kill that one for me." said the strange woman, whose smiling face was only an inch away from the mage's. Everything kind of pieced together the moment the woman mentioned 'eating' and her abdomen became a massive maw. Zenovia wanted to scream and run away, but her body felt like it had been paralyzed by fear. Thankfully, The Storyteller shoved her out of the way. She fell to the ground with the grace of a sack of potatoes.

She slow recovered from the sudden turn of events as Laina came to her aid. "We might have to go if we don't want to be caught up in the midst of this" Laina warned nervously. The wood elf understood the girl's reaction to all of this. She too wanted to leave. But such a monster couldn't be handled alone. She wasn't sure how capable Xen and The Storyteller were at fighting. Capable enough to repel the monster if only for a moment. "I think.. I should help them." She replied simply.

They needed something more.. A way to stop the monster in it's tracks. She didn't want to kill them, even if she knew how. The thought of blood on her hands wasn't pleasant.

She remembered a scene from her training. Her mentor was teaching her different ways to control the spirits. "The spirits are a heavier burden than you might think." Her mentor had once said. Of course, this wasn't meant to be taken in a literal sense, but it just might work that way in this instance. Zenovia got to her feet, planting the staff into the ground in front of her, one hand holding it and the other hovering above the head. She began to mutter incoherent words, one might say it sounded like 'voodoo'. Her eyes began to glow slightly as she spoke.

Visible blue streams of light burst from the bottom of the staff, surging forward like snakes. They entered the building where the monster had was, wrapping themselves around their ankles like crawling vines, weighing them down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Gorman released a low growl in warning. "My business is none of your business. If I am a 'suspect,' then state your complaint and arrest me so we can sort out this misunderstanding."

"I already stated-" Tiberius began but was caught off.

Then he lightly slapped Tiberius across the face (or helmet if he had it on). "Put your head together, human! Do I act like a criminal to you? If stupidity were a crime, you'd be executed."

The orc had already pushed his buttons earlier by ignoring him, then Tiberius got slapped. It wasn't hard, he didn't feel anything because he was wearing his helmet but his pride took a blow right then and there. A very angry expression swept across his face in an instant. Sure he had been kicked, punched, stabbed and slashed at throughout his life, but never had he been slapped. It was the lowest of the low, besides getting kicked in certain parts and Tiberius was extremely offended but what could he expect from an orc.

He put his hand upon the hilt of his sword and stood up to the orc and raised his voice at him in angry tones.

"Listen here, Gorman. I already told you, people have been murdered within the town! Innocent blood has been spilled and I want to know why and who did it." He took a deep breath.

"By slapping me, you are not making a very convincing case for yourself, good sir." He sighed, bringing his voice back down to a normal level and spoke again,"But...You make a fair point."

Tiberius let go of his hilt and let his hands drop down to his sides. He was humble and his father had once told him, 'Never let anger cloud judgment, my son. Look beyond what you see.' If Gorman was here, and looking quiet clean of blood, then it wasn't him.

"Forgive me, Gorman. The incident has shaken me slightly, I meant no offence. You're obviously not responsible for what happened. And, your business is your own, whatever it might be." He then looked back at Kaite, before looking down at the ground, then at Gorman again, "I should go, there's still work to be done.."

Tiberius then began to meander off in the way he came, his head low, angry with himself for not being able to find the killer. He stopped in his tracks besides Kaite, and looked at her and softly asked, "I need you...your talents, do you think you could help me?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

@Lord Zee
The impudent young human put his hand on his sword and drew himself to his full (puny) height, trying to make himself look important. "Listen here, Gorman. I already told you, people have been murdered within the town! Innocent blood has been spilled and I want to know why and who did it."
Gorman snorted. "First time I've heard of it."
Unfortunately, the little human continued his tirade. "By slapping me, you are not making a very convincing case for yourself, good sir."

Gorman stared at him like he belonged in an insane asylum.

"But...You make a fair point," the human added, taking a more reasonable tone now. Then he said something totally unexpected. "Forgive me, Gorman. The incident has shaken me slightly, I meant no offence. You're obviously not responsible for what happened. And, your business is your own, whatever it might be."

The orc raised an eyebrow, thoroughly impressed by this man's words. Humans were a conceited bunch, and for one to offer a genuine apology was exceedingly rare. It was a good sign. The orc's opinion of the human rose considerably. He chuckled and allowed a half-smile to grace his battleworn face. "You know, you're all right for a human."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 16 days ago

Kaite's heart sunk into her stomach at the mention of innocents having been murdered where she responder to such urgency with selfish diversion. Confliction quickly arose as Tiberius pressed the orc for an explanation of what his business was, and before Kaite could interject, Gorman gave the knight an answer in the way of hard, callused hands clanging against her ally's steel helmet.
She froze, only able to imagine the pride of the knight standing two orcs tall only to be brought low by such a display. In any other situation, Gorman would have paid with the loss of arm privileges by means of swift dismemberment. However, the uniqueness of her relationship with the men left this fight in Tiberius's hands in spite of how she realized her hand had already drawn her sword an inch. Easing it back into her sheath, the ringing of adrenaline in her ears was replaced with a small whisper of the helmet's darkness creeping into her mind.

-Just an orc
How dare he?
A cowardly knight.
What do you see in him?

The last bit caught her off guard, but she already saw his lack of action as being far more dignified than the orc's brutishness, refusing to stoop to his level and instead see reason. Kaite had to admit that the mention of murders had made her suspect the orc at first, though it wasn't like orcs to not make a mess of things. A lack of fresh 'jewlery' and relatively clean appearance washed away such suspicion as Kaite would never expect Gorman to be the methodical 'clean-killing' type. He likely did well what he knew how to do, and the steps in getting away with implied multiple murders while talking to her made her feel silly for ever expecting him.

The glint of eyes somewhere behind Tiberius's visor as he looked at Kaite eased her back a step, appalled by how damaged he was by something so simple. Though it must have taken considerable strength to keep from retaliating, all things considered. She was just in the process of throwing her cloak back around herself before being asked for assistance.
Now it was Kaite's turn to look down as she had been moments from abandoning the town to suffer the killing of innocents in favor of some savage backwater yurt. It was in the spur of the moment, but closer issues presented more pressing problems. She looked up to Gorman before saying, "Y'welcome to walk with us so people don't get the wrong impression..." hesitating as she was aware of how confliction was turning her previous statements against herself. Thankfully, her judge of character wasn't much to be damaged by a change of plans, though she continued, "...if it is an agent of the warlock, this may be a start."

"...The warlock is my mission" Kaite nearly inaudibly said, mostly to remind herself of her place in the world. She wasn't a human or an elf, and most certainly was no orc; Kaitra J. Elzbrn was a victim and agent of evil and sought to burn it from the land, nothing more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Ventus shifted slowly in place. They approached from everywhere- All sides, with no gaps in their formation, despite how disjointed their numbers were. That's all they had over him, really. Numbers. That's all anyone who didn't deserve power had, the allegiance of imbeciles and cowards who's desires drove them on instinct alone. Beasts incapable of introspection were doomed in a world like this, but those who found themselves outside of allegiance shared a similar fate. Ventus knew that, it didn't bother him. He was practically dead already. A redundant chill echoed through his body in waves as the war band closed in on him. Each monotonous beat of his heart lined up perfectly with his analysis of the onlookers. Unusually calm, Ventus used it to coordinate his strikes, like a metronome, ducking below the first battleaxe and drawing his dagger. Firmly gripped in his left hand, Ventus spun leftwards and flicked his arm towards the grunts neck. A stream of crimson lashed out, and the orc fell forwards. Ventus hopped to the side, pushing his unusually lithe Orcish body away from where his first kill fell, and towards another attacker, who seemed unprepared for his agility. The second Orc had his battleaxe drawn, prepared to swing it overhead, but that left a painfully wide opening that almost prompted hysteria in Ventus. It was laughable, these idiots had no idea how to fight. They were barbarians! But as Ventus flipped his dagger around, and slashed at the second Orc's throat, the rest of the war-band grouped up more tightly than before. Two free kills, that's all he could manage? Ventus hopped past the second orc, to his right as his second mark lost his hold on the battleaxe he wielded, and behind him by the time he'd fallen to the ground. Ventus sprinted past the thinnest ranks, towards Ungrog himself. But with so many Orcs between him and the chief, there was no guarantee that he'd reach his target.

Ventus dodged deftly, ducking low in his sprint, below a high axe swing, and using his dagger to parry another attack that came from in front of him. He used the hilt of his blade, and twisted his body around the oncoming axe swing, using its momentum to dig his right hand straight into the attacker's throat, nails first. Ventus kept his 'claws' sharpened, and although they weren't the cleanest or deadliest weapons in his arsenal, the unsuspecting Orc wouldn't pay much mind to such a barbaric attack. His third kill slowed him down, enough for several orcs to surround him from all sides. Ventus spun his body a full 360 degrees to survey his surroundings, counting 4 immediate threats, all wielding similar axes. Brutish, inaccurate weapons Ventus thought. He pulled his bloodied hand from his prior attacker during his spin, and flicked the blood towards one of his newest attackers, striking his eyes. It didn't stop his momentum, but Ventus dashed towards him, past the killzone of his axe, and pushed his way behind the Orc, using him as a shield while one of his brethren lashed out towards Ventus. The fourth kill was not Ventus' to take, as one of the orc's own allies cleaved into his shoulder blade with reckless abandon. The power from the attack did however push Ventus back, but he manages to stand his ground, pushing away from the cleaved Orc, and towards another attacked that rushed him from behind. Ventus paused and looked towards the warband's flank. "Reinforcements?" He muttered, barely sifting past the oncoming orc's ace swing with a shift of his body weight. His thoughts pushed him of balance, however, forcing him to trip, and fall into a clumsy roll. Although the uneven ground didn't put him in a lethal position, Ventus was unable to completely dodge the next attack that headed for his person. He felt the sting of steel slice through his right arm, at least an inch deep, before he was able to return to his feet. Suddenly he was out of position, and out of luck.

"Only four.. Haha.."

Ventus sighed as he continued to shift his was around several more attacks, unable to counter with his ego wounded so thoroughly. He could do without an arm, but letting himself get distracted twice in one day?

Maybe he deserved to go out like a coward.

The Captain wrapped herself tighter in her cloak. The temperature was still dropping, but without any moisture, it didn't stop the dust from permeating the air. For nearly a minute now, she'd been studying a strange sound she heard coming over the wind. She strained her ears to make sense of it, and only when the breeze turned her way was she able to make it out.

It was the sound of battle.

"Nilfrog," she called out.
The orc scout jogged up beside her and saluted. "Yes milady?"
The Captain pointed in the direction she heard the sound. "Take your warg and tell me what's going on over there."
Nilfrog saluted. "Yes milady."

He slung onto his warg and darted for the hills. The Captain withdrew her telescope and watched him ride away. She couldn't help holding her breath - in war, every second counted. The battle could well be over now, for all she knew, and whatever transpired would likely be over before she arrived.

Nilfrog disappeared over the ridge, and reappeared a few minutes later making hand signals.
Enemy warband attack. 1 opponent.

The Captain snapped her telescope shut. "Victors! Scramble!" she barked back to her army. Orcs shuffled out of their tents, hastily pulling on their wargear. The Captain gestured back to the hills and shouted, "Enemy warband by yonder hills! Assemble and ride, on the double!" She raced back to her tent, strung her bow and belted her sword, and swung onto her warg. In less than a minute, her whole army was mounted and ready to go. All three hundred of them took off behind her. They instinctively knew that this mission demanded stealth, and so they held back their war cries as they approached the battle. The Captain hand-signalled for half the army to break off and attack from the flank. As they drew nearer, the sounds of battle grew louder. Suddenly, they emerged over the hills to find an orc warband launching concerted attack upon a single individual.

That individual was an orc, a mercenary or assassin by the looks of him. He seemed a bit small to be Fellmoran, but the Captain didn't have the time to give him a closer look. She raised her bow and took a shot at the lead orc. The arrow plunged through his neck and killed him. The loss of their leader got their attention just as both waves of her army plowed into the enemy forces. The enemy orcs let out surprised shrieks, followed by terrified wails. Then, and only then, did her orcs let out their war cries.

The Captain weaved through the pitched battle to reach the lone mercenary. Her warg slid to halt beside the orc's battered body. She leaped down, raced over and dropped to one knee beside him. "You! Orc! Are you okay? Can you hear me?" She gently slapped his cheeks for a response. None came, but he was still breathing. So she lifted him onto the warg and escorted him back to camp. She weaved back through swinging axes and flailing orcs to get away, and had to shoot down a few rogues who threatened her. Soon, the battle was nearly over, with the last few stragglers chased down and subdued by her fastest units.

Several Victors jogged over to see the orc they'd just saved. "Will he be okay?" Borack asked. The Captain lowered him onto a blanket and set about studying his wounds. "Maybe. His wounds are serious. Hand me my medical bag over there."

Ventus awoke to find an absurdly short orc leaning over him. "Ah, you're awake, little master! You've been out for two days straight. The Captain was able to patch up the wounds in your shoulder, legs, and belly, but it could be a while before you're fully healed. How are you feeling?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Kaite's heart sunk into her stomach at the mention of innocents having been murdered where she responder to such urgency with selfish diversion. Confliction quickly arose as Tiberius pressed the orc for an explanation of what his business was, and before Kaite could interject, Gorman gave the knight an answer in the way of hard, callused hands clanging against her ally's steel helmet.
She froze, only able to imagine the pride of the knight standing two orcs tall only to be brought low by such a display. In any other situation, Gorman would have paid with the loss of arm privileges by means of swift dismemberment. However, the uniqueness of her relationship with the men left this fight in Tiberius's hands in spite of how she realized her hand had already drawn her sword an inch. Easing it back into her sheath, the ringing of adrenaline in her ears was replaced with a small whisper of the helmet's darkness creeping into her mind.

-Just an orc
How dare he?
A cowardly knight.
What do you see in him?

The last bit caught her off guard, but she already saw his lack of action as being far more dignified than the orc's brutishness, refusing to stoop to his level and instead see reason. Kaite had to admit that the mention of murders had made her suspect the orc at first, though it wasn't like orcs to not make a mess of things. A lack of fresh 'jewlery' and relatively clean appearance washed away such suspicion as Kaite would never expect Gorman to be the methodical 'clean-killing' type. He likely did well what he knew how to do, and the steps in getting away with implied multiple murders while talking to her made her feel silly for ever expecting him.

The glint of eyes somewhere behind Tiberius's visor as he looked at Kaite eased her back a step, appalled by how damaged he was by something so simple. Though it must have taken considerable strength to keep from retaliating, all things considered. She was just in the process of throwing her cloak back around herself before being asked for assistance.
Now it was Kaite's turn to look down as she had been moments from abandoning the town to suffer the killing of innocents in favor of some savage backwater yurt. It was in the spur of the moment, but closer issues presented more pressing problems. She looked up to Gorman before saying, "Y'welcome to walk with us so people don't get the wrong impression..." hesitating as she was aware of how confliction was turning her previous statements against herself. Thankfully, her judge of character wasn't much to be damaged by a change of plans, though she continued, "...if it is an agent of the warlock, this may be a start."

"...The warlock is my mission" Kaite nearly inaudibly said, mostly to remind herself of her place in the world. She wasn't a human or an elf, and most certainly was no orc; Kaitra J. Elzbrn was a victim and agent of evil and sought to burn it from the land, nothing more.

@Lord Zee

Tiberius' intrustion single-handedly destroyed the repoire Gorman had built with Kaite. All the praise that the Captain had lavished on the man suddenly seemed unfounded. Even the knight's apology couldn't repair the damage done. In the span of a few minutes, Gorman's mission to recruit Kaite went from rousing success to dismal failure, all because some dam human couldn't screw his head on straight.

But pointing fingers didn't help anybody. Gorman was a newcomer to politics, but the Captain's crash course had proven valuable time and again. Swallow your pride. Be responsible for your own failures. If the object of blame is uncertain, assume it's yours. Both Tiberius and Kaite saw Gorman's response as wrong. It didn't matter whether it was actually wrong - what mattered was how they perceived it. The most obvious solution, then, was to apologize to Tiberius. Making concessions was practically heresy among most orcs, but then again, Vain's Victors weren't like most orcs.

And so, before Tiberius and Kaite had gotten very far, Gorman caught up to them and marched to stand in Tiberius' way.

"I apologize for assalting you, Sir Tiberius. It was improper, insulting, and condescending. Forgive me."

The apology left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he bit it back. It was more important to stay on their good side than to repair his wounded pride.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Seeing as everyone else decided that capturing Vert was the best course of action, The Storyteller dissipated his lightning spell and put away his sword. With that done, The Storyteller then used both of his hands to cast magic rope at Vert. The rope snaked around Vert's body and bound her tightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Seeing as everyone else decided that capturing Vert was the best course of action, The Storyteller dissipated his lightning spell and put away his sword. With that done, The Storyteller then used both of his hands to cast magic rope at Vert. The rope snaked around Vert's body and bound her tightly.

The Storyteller attempts to capture Vert with a magic rope.
* If successful, the story can move on.
* If unsuccessful, Vert's continued survival cannot be guaranteed.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

"...The warlock is my mission" Tiberius heard Kaite quietly say. It was a bitter statement, and Tiberius felt a pang of sadness wash over him. He looked at her, wondering what was going on in her mind but it looked like she would go with him, and for that Tiberius was thankful.

"Thank-you Kaite and don't worry, the warlock is everyone's mission. You are not alone." He paused to look at the town before him, wondering where the others might be before saying, "Let's go find us a killer."

They had barely started to walk before Gorman marched in his way. He knew that Kaite had offered him to accompany them, and if that was the case, they could probably use him to figure where the killer was. However, what Gorman said next completely caught Tiberius off guard.

"I apologize for assaulting you, Sir Tiberius. It was improper, insulting, and condescending. Forgive me."

Never before had he heard off an Orc apologizing to, well, anything. It was a very unique event, something that Tiberius was entirely unsure of.

"Gorman, I thank you for your words but it was entirely my fault. I deserved what you gave me as a reminder to keep a level head. There is no need to be forgiven, for you never did anything wrong but, thank you." Tiberius didn't want to come off as being rude but that was just how he felt given the previous situation. Gorman would have never needed to apologize if Tiberius had never accused him.

"Perhaps you would like to accompany us after all? I'm sure whatever we find will be difficult to kill, we could use your help." Tiberius said casually, trying to move the topic towards the killer that was still on the loose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@ThinslayerIs it always women with you? We didn't become knights to pick up girls. Then again, some of the group's women did appeal to him. Ivan just decided to drop character, he had the whole day to himself before heading out, might as well unwind.

Ok... I admit some of the women did catch my eye... Didn't get to talk with any of them unfortunately... But hopefully through this quest I will be able to. Ivan was unsure if any of the women in his group were even up to talking with him. Most of them were elves anyway... He would just have to wait and see.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

"...The warlock is my mission" Tiberius heard Kaite quietly say. It was a bitter statement, and Tiberius felt a pang of sadness wash over him. He looked at her, wondering what was going on in her mind but it looked like she would go with him, and for that Tiberius was thankful.

"Thank-you Kaite and don't worry, the warlock is everyone's mission. You are not alone." He paused to look at the town before him, wondering where the others might be before saying, "Let's go find us a killer."

They had barely started to walk before Gorman marched in his way. He knew that Kaite had offered him to accompany them, and if that was the case, they could probably use him to figure where the killer was. However, what Gorman said next completely caught Tiberius off guard.

"I apologize for assaulting you, Sir Tiberius. It was improper, insulting, and condescending. Forgive me."

Never before had he heard off an Orc apologizing to, well, anything. It was a very unique event, something that Tiberius was entirely unsure of.

"Gorman, I thank you for your words but it was entirely my fault. I deserved what you gave me as a reminder to keep a level head. There is no need to be forgiven, for you never did anything wrong but, thank you." Tiberius didn't want to come off as being rude but that was just how he felt given the previous situation. Gorman would have never needed to apologize if Tiberius had never accused him.

"Perhaps you would like to accompany us after all? I'm sure whatever we find will be difficult to kill, we could use your help." Tiberius said casually, trying to move the topic towards the killer that was still on the loose.

Gorman bowed his head to acknowledge Tiberius' words. "I understand. Now, regarding this rogue killer, I don't mind helping you find and catch it. What are our leads?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

@ThinslayerIs it always women with you? We didn't become knights to pick up girls. Then again, some of the group's women did appeal to him. Ivan just decided to drop character, he had the whole day to himself before heading out, might as well unwind.

Ok... I admit some of the women did catch my eye... Didn't get to talk with any of them unfortunately... But hopefully through this quest I will be able to. Ivan was unsure if any of the women in his group were even up to talking with him. Most of them were elves anyway... He would just have to wait and see.

Noire slipped one arm around his friend and offered a wide grin. "It's always women with me because there's little else to live for as a knight. The money certainly isn't all that great. So, who's the lucky lady? What are the options?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@ThinslayerWell... Funnily enough most of the are elves, only one of them is human and she's... Kind of aggressive... Ivan felt uneasy talking about members of his grop like that, but this is Noire he's talking to, you can't get anything past him.

Now this Zenovia... She's caught my fancy... She's very modest with her abilities, i mean, Sadron made her the mage of our group for a reason right? He didn't know what goes on in those council members heads, but they had their reasons. She seems shy though... So it'll probably take a bit to have a full chat with her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

@ThinslayerWell... Funnily enough most of the are elves, only one of them is human and she's... Kind of aggressive... Ivan felt uneasy talking about members of his grop like that, but this is Noire he's talking to, you can't get anything past him.

Now this Zenovia... She's caught my fancy... She's very modest with her abilities, i mean, Sadron made her the mage of our group for a reason right? He didn't know what goes on in those council members heads, but they had their reasons. She seems shy though... So it'll probably take a bit to have a full chat with her.

Noire nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, a girl who's modest and shy is absolutely a good catch. I would definitely go for her if I were you. I'll go with you if those snotty high elves will let me. Is Zenovia cute?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vert was about to snap her maw at the magic ropes heading towards her when she noticed something heavy on her feet preventing her from moving. It was some kind of snake like spirit from what she could tell. In this moment of distraction she found herself taken by the magic rope being shot at her. She fell to the ground, her maw going back into her body. "Ow." Vert said simply as she laid on the ground. "He's not gonna be happy about this." Vert stated to herself. Of course she was talking about the warlock, he was the one who had sent her after them after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Gorman bowed his head to acknowledge Tiberius' words. "I understand. Now, regarding this rogue killer, I don't mind helping you find and catch it. What are our leads?"

With renewed vigor in his voice, Tiberius proclaimed, "From my perspective, I've looked in the wrong half of the town. I think it best we get to other side as quickly as possible before anyone else dies. With any luck, my other party members will have already found the creature and have dealt with it accordingly. Come on then, let's go."

With that being said Tiberius took off in a sprint deeper into the town. He hoped he wouldn't be too late to stop the thing, and he prayed no else has been hurt. He had no direction in mind, but simply hoped to spot anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps Kaite or Gorman would find what they were looking for as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@ThinslayerI'm sure the high elves wouldn't mind, we need all the strength we can get to face the warlock right? Ivan was right on that part, any kind of swordarm would be appreciated in times like this, plus it would be good to have a familiar face traveling with him.

As for Zenovia... She is cute... And beautiful... Ahh who am i kidding, she wouldn't like someone like me... Of course, he hoped at least they could be friends, but Ivan didn't know how Zenovia would even take to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XenoCyanide
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XenoCyanide Umbra Sicarius

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Xen moved toward the doorway his staff returned to his right hand. Rounding the corner, he saw that both Zenovia's and Storyteller's magic were a success, binding the creature onto the ground. Approaching the thing, Xen raised his staff up. It resembled only a walking stick, but suddenly flakes of it began to wither, falling away. What it revealed was a stunning magical staff. The shaft was made from dark mahogany and traces of obsidian running the length of it. The end that pointed toward the creature gave way to a spade-like compartment that held something within. This energy, gray and black, toiled and turned seemingly pulling in the very matter around it into its center. "What is your purpose here?" Xen's tone was even but threatening.

A watchman ran around the corner to the door but stopped in his tracks, his eyes fixated on the beast they had caught. "Get some able bodies, guard. Send a runner for Lord Sadron." The guard was still transfixed but quickly snapped out of it, shaking his head to seemingly rid his mind from what had just happened. "Of course, sir!" The guard ran off as Xen moved closer to Vert, kneeling beside her. He then placed his hand above her head, about six inches away. What seemed like thin tendrils extended from his finger tips, caressing her head and face. Almost invisible, they gave off a subtle blueish hue as they licked across her flesh, begging to be let in. They wanted to pierce into Vert's mind. They wanted to leech every thought and memory the being had.

Xen leaned forward and let out a whisper into Vert's ear, "Tell me everything... Who sent you? And do not think to test me, lest I rend the thoughts from your mind myself. I will leave you a husk of your former self... an invalid." He pulled the tendrils back and closed his hand into a fist, eliminating the magic for now. Xen stood, giving the guards who just arrived some room to pick her up.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vert looked at the magic infront of her face. She didn't like people going into her mind, and it sadly wouldn't be the first time. "Warlock." Vert said as she looked down as the guards picked her up. "He ordered me to kill as many of you as I could." Vert added before looking up at them. "I wasn't always like this you know, never had to eat people to live before, was nice back then." Vert was starting to tell a story, it seemed as if she was either trying to get their sympathy or trying to stall for something.

"Had a loving family. They loved me, then as it turned out, not everyone loved my family. As of, someone got hired to kill us all. Maybe you heard of it." Vert said looking straight at Storyteller with a toothy grin. "The story of the devourer. Do you know the rest of it?" Vert added with a grin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 22 days ago

@Darkmoon Angel
Noire elbowed his friend in the waist. "You just gotta talk to her! Come on, take me to her, and I'll help you woo the elf. Maybe we'll even get to meet- ooh, what's that on your hand?" he asked, pointing to the ring on Ivan's finger. "Don't tell me somebody proposed to you already."
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