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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Last night...

As the fight came to a halt, Leo looked at each individual involved, his contact not among them. More and more people were gathering, it was getting crowded fast. There was no chance of him getting that sword now but he would be sure to track it down first thing in the morning. For now he had a full purse of gold to spend and a disappointing day to fix, or night, whatever.

Going to his usual brothel he was immediately surrounding by the stench of booze and a warm flowery aroma prevailed in the air. It was a special mixture which got people in the mood, calming their minds while raising their libidos. Just after entering, a cat girl entered after him. She had a combination of dark grey and white fur with a mesmerizing face and Jade eyes. You could say she was the only reason he frequented this particular establishment. And of course he had memorized the hour at which her shift began.
"On time as always I see.."-she said to him with a half smile.
"I'm not one to skip on dates"
*soft laughter* "Oh, so this is a date now?"
"Better than most."- he replied and they immediately hit it off. After being wasted on drinks and words they decided to take it upstairs.

One more thing I forgot to mention, this wasn't "just a brothel", it was a special one. Physical contact wasn't allowed. But why call it a brothel then, you ask? Well the customers got their wanted share of pleasure, but the source was magical. They lied down on the soft beds and with magic the girls stimulated their pleasure directly from the brain. If you asked anyone, it was more intense than anything they had experienced in their love. This was great if you just wanted to experience pure pleasure, the reason why most came to a brothel in the first place, but it lacked emotional connection...the reason why most came to a brothel anyway.

As she closed the door behind her, he put a hand against the wall, leaning close to her while staring into those beautiful Jade eyes.
"Customers aren't allowed to touch"-she said to him half smiling.
"You know me. I think I'm qualified as more then that"- he replied while stroking her cheek. A blush krept on her face as she broke eye contact to look aside. He placed his hand to the side of her face while also gently caressing her ear, making her look at him once more. And at that he moved in, her first kiss now his, along with her heart.

Next morning...

*yawn* God he was tired. Looking around he saw that he had slept out on the street. There was a fight and..he left, yes he remembered leaving the fight but where did he go next? A sharp pain in his heart made him drop to his knees. Instinctively he put his hand over his throat. He could almost swear..it felt so real. Hurriedly he ran to the place in his "dream". He had to know if she was okay. As he got there a fat woman was closing it up.
"Do you know where Rea is?"- he addressed her.
Turning back and seeing him she laughed:"Hahahaha, nice joke!"-as Leo remained silent she added-"Hell, if YOU don't know where she is then even the devil can't find her!"
Did he have that kind of reputation amongst the girls? The Stalker? Clearing his mind he proceeded:"Well..last night when we were together.."-"Hold on a minute, last night? You didn't come by last night which was weird. You never seem to miss a single day."- 2 girls which were walking by started giggling.
"On the designated date."- he corrected -"If you say it like that it gives the impression that I visit everyday".
"With the rhythm you're coming you might as well. And as for Rea, she got another customer of course."
Not wanting to keep her any longer he said his goodbye, and good morning and left. Something was weird. He didn't feel right, almost like he wasn't whole anymore. Besides that, the kiss in his dream was more than real.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


A large armored figure approached the Celestia mansion. Those well-versed in the rumors of the roads may recognize this armored figure; anyone who was present during yesterday’s chaos and destruction may be in a shock. Because the dead walks, and Malakaus still lives. He too remembers vividly the events that had transpired the day before; he remembered the madman and his golden sword, how Tani had been corrupted by its touch, and how Malakaus himself had fallen in battle. Upon awakening he was filled with anger and hate, as he often is when he is in the throes of battle. But once he had some time to cool off he simply reminded himself that he had gotten complacent. He had expected to deal with an arrogant swordsman with some magic fire. He had underestimated the man and thus was killed for it.

Malakaus made the mental note to find that man and kill him. He was a danger to everyone in this city, though the fact that most of it still stands even after he, Atisha, Tani, and Maria were taken down made Malakaus very concerned about his whereabouts. He obviously wasn’t dead, because if Malakaus himself could not have done the deed, then who could have? But where he was and what he was doing made Malakaus concerned the most. But without any information to follow up on it wasn’t a problem he was equipped to handle right now. Hence why he was here at the Celestia mansion.

The Celestia family were well known for their mages, and Malakaus had the pleasure of meeting their daughter, Vesta, yesterday. Honestly he had no idea what business she had that she would have not been present for such an epic level encounter, but he wasn’t going to fault her for it. But he was here to request her assistance finding the man with the golden sword. Malakaus didn’t like to have enemies, but he also had other responsibilities to take care of today. The fact that he wasn’t even going to be in the city for long while that madman till lived worried Malakaus the most, but he needed to go help those villages. He gave them his word, and what sort of knight would be be if he broke it?

As he approached he heard some gruff shouts near the entrance. Much to Malakaus’s surprise, there was another orc here already. Though orange instead of green, Malakaus could recognize the man’s race by size, skintone, and voice alone. Helped that Malakaus was also an orc. Malakaus himself was concealed head-to-toe in his combat armor, so identifying him by visuals was somewhat difficult, though his size ought to give it away anyways. What this other orc wanted to do here Malakaus wasn’t sure of, but he seemed bothered by something. Perhaps Malakaus could help his kin, though if he’s the roughneck sort then Malakaus would be obligated to deal with him. Ideally, peacefully. But orcs were not peaceful creatures.

”Greetings! What business do you have here at the Celestia Manor?” Malakaus approached without weapons in hand, though his axe was still slung over his back and within reach. After yesterday’s battle and subsequent defeat, Malakaus wasn’t going to underestimate anyone, no matter how they seemed or who they were.



Unlike Malakaus, Atisha didn't remember what happen yesterday. Most of it was a complete blur, almost as if it was a dream. It was her first death after all, and it wouldn't be until her next few more that she would realize what had happened to her. Thus when they arrived to the city of Lugnica Atisha's first action was to berate Malakaus for their lateness; they were suppose to have arrived yesterday afternoon, but somehow only managed to arrive at the dawn of the next day. Not that it mattered entirely to the elf. Atisha hated being in big cities anyways, so the sooner they left the better.

Malakaus had some of his own business to take care of first, so he'd leave Atisha to her own for now. She was hesitant about this. How would people feel about her if they knew if she was an elf? She was under no illusion that the people of Lugnica would accept her for all it's talk of civilization and modern ideals. But as long as Atisha wore her hood and armor, then no one would know she's an elf. Not that Atisha liked wearing them; she never felt right wearing boots and while she could fit her ears in the hood comfortably enough, it always felt strange having them pressed against her head. Still at least while wearing this disguise she should be able to go about the city unharnessed.

The two warriors parted ways, leaving Atisha left to wander the early morning streets. Though everyone was in the process of awakening, there was already some hustle and bustle. Vendors opening up their stalls, food being cooked, and townsfolk going about their chores for the day. Seeing these people work reminded Atisha of her home before the attack, and in a way she could see the parallels. The idea that elves and humans were the same at these small root level was... Disconcerting to Atisha. How could she sympathize with the people who thought genocide was a valid option to prevent danger?

Putting those thoughts aside Atisha continued to wander. It was pretty obvious that she was lost now. Fortunately she came across a tavern, and while she hated most folk who commonly hang out in a tavern (Humans), Atisha loved alcohol. Malakaus was much too prudish for Atisha's taste when it came to that sweet liquor, and she hasn't had a good drink in weeks. So Atisha entered this fine establishment and made a beeline straight towards the innkeeper. She didn't care if it was too early to be drinking right now, she took out her own wooden flagon and demanded ale or mead. Her mug could contain nearly a gallon of liquid.

"It don't give a shite what time it is, ale or mead, to the brim!" Of course Atisha paid for her drink, but was about as surly and uncouth as a drunkard would be, aside from the fact that Atisha was a lithe, sober, female elf as oppose to burly, intoxicated human men you'd expect such attitudes from.

@FamishedPants@Sir Lurksalot@Kitsune@liferusher@ZekariVoblis
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orgos, who still considered that he was just being ignored, wanted at this point to tear down the gate and go talk with the head of the mansion at sword point if he had to. The violent thoughts, characteristic to his kin, started to surge through his mind before he heard another voice calling him out, though it was not from beyond the gates, but from behind him. The thickness of the voice suggested that this another orc and he himself knew that most orcs were not as honorable as him, so he turned to the figure, but ready to draw his sword if need be.

”Greetings! What business do you have here at the Celestia Manor?” the orc behind him called, he could sense the orc was ready to fight, though he sensed no aggression from him, just wariness. What surprised him the most about the orc in front of him, was that he wore armor, covering him from head to toe. From the stories his adoptive parents had told him, orcs were mostly aggressive and rarely wore full sets of armor such as the orc before him and instead focused on close-quarters combat and overpowering their opponent.

"I am Orgos, I am a hunter from the forests." he answered to the armored orc. "I met a young lady yesterday in the streets of the city, she was with a group, questioning another person, so I started questioning her and the group she was part of, but she and her companions simply ignored my presence and came here, so I wanted to discuss with her about what had happened yesterday among other things." He said, speaking to the armored orc as he would speak to someone of equal status as him, but looking more closely, the orc seemed to look like a knight each second he looked at him.

Even so, this orc could prove to be not so friendly, even as a knight, so he was ready to fight if he needed to. Though he kept his hands away from any of his three weapons in order to not provoke him, he was ready to use magic if the person in front of him proved to be hostile towards him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

His eyes were still open huh? They hadn't close in what...2 hours? Maybe a few more than that. There's no way he could tell anyway. The efforts to block out those damn images he saw every time he closed his eyes and shut off his stupid brain, pretty much destroyed any possible info of how long his body couldn't rest. After all, that's the reason why he was splashing his face with the water he had on his person, wasn't it? He already use half the bottle...Ugh. On his abandoned pillow lied that familiar squirrel who, thanks to Ease's words, actually was able to get some sleep. Lucky, furry bastard...

The shirtless man rubbed his beard and mustache. Yeah right...that's what he wished it was. It was that same familiar 5 o clock shadow scruffle that he had attached to his face. Scuffle's a funny word, huh? Kinda is...He lied back to the wall again. Eyes at the ceiling. What was happening? There was so much to swallow down at this point. New group of Earthlings and so many of them, one of them suddenly disappearing out of thin air, and a madman or even a mad group of men who massacred knights and innocent while getting away unscathed. And more importantly, another person who seemed to live here for so long but was from Earth. His other open hand dropped his pen as he let out a groan. The pen itself simply plopped onto a notebook covered in writing. It was usually an on hand memory book for him so he wouldn't forget. Now? It was his theory book figuring out what the hell was going on. He looked down back at it, pushing the pen off his little black book, and flipped through the pages.

The Earthlings...there's several reasons why they could come but there was nothing truly definitive. From what he saw those far, it was a Japanese girl, Aya, a Japanese high schooler, Daisuke, a downright suicidally confident kid, Kyle, and, probably the only one he was truly acquainted with, Duncan, his neighbor of the north. Obviously, there didn't seem to be some sort of physical or appearance based similarities from what he's seen. They were all random people when you looked at them. Personality wise...Hard to pinpoint, but more than likely random too. Aya was the only other deciding factor in determining if that was the case cause he doesn't know a thing about her and she's nowhere to be found. Skills? More than likely random, but there could be something he's overlooking. Actually, there probably is gonna be something he's overlooking. He barely knows these damn people. The only other theory he could think of is possibly backstory. Did they share something in their past that made them similar? Either way, someone must've brought them here. Or something. And considering they were in a group, maybe there was a group that came with Ease too? But why would they make them be a year apart...? Maybe his original group failed whatever this "Summoner" had planned. He always did have a thought on whether he was the only one brought here... Man, his Resurrect ability could've helped them wonders if that's the case. But one things for certain-someone brought them here. How is the bigger question and why more than likely ties in with that. Next section of pages.

The disappearance...There was blood at some point and probably some form of a struggle or an injury at least. But when Ease entered, that wasn't the case. It was fresh...Fresh enough that it seemed like none of that could've remotely happened but still messy like it was in that same state. Like someone couldn't have tried to clean the crime scene. He's been going in that room all night after all. He would've noticed. It was a paradox in his head, but he couldn't help but want to figure it out. Playing detective...Didn't him and Evan do that a lot back in high school? Junior year, right. Man they did that a lot for some reason actually...Shit, getting sidetracked. Anyway, if all the evidence is to be believed, that entire situation was a closed room case. Yet, it shouldn't be and couldn't be because there's no body, no nothing. A divine protection or magic perhaps? Shit, maybe Aya tapped into it accidentally and teleported herself to a different location. Definitely on the table. And man that'd be useful to have around. Some sort of magical assailant with those listed abilities? It wouldn't be too far of a stretch considering their very existence in this world isn't something average or ordinary in either world in terms of possibility. Didn't help that he still had no real info of how he got here over the years. Let alone who did it. "Of course my luck had to be that shit till now." He whispered. Either way, it was supernatural and possibly linked to their appearance in this world. But a separate possibility...His Resurrect divine protection. At least that's what he called it. He's yet to ask anyone else considering how hard it is to believe. Every time he died, the scene was wiped clean as if he was never there. Much like with Aya. The possibility of it being this definitely had some potential evidence to be considered...But it's still just a theory and he barely knows shit about these people. Info. He needs info on his new Earthling companions. Next section of pages

The most dangerous mystery-the Madman of the Streets. Best name he could think up on a short notice without forgetting info. Whatever, results were the most important. They killed an entire squad of knights and judging by eyewitnesses, lived to tell the tale. It seemed so...fantastical like a character in a movie destroying an army, but it happened. He let out another groan. God...That straight up massacre was held by one man. That sign is not pretty. Was he part of The Witch's Cult? It would make sense why he would aim for officials like knights. But why would he go alone, without any apparent back up, and face them with the subtlety of a brick through a window? He didn't know how the Witch's Cult operated considering he's never even seen them, but he doubted they'd fight people that high up alone. And if the Madman of the Streets was a high up member, it makes no sense to risk a member that powerful's death by sending him alone. Even then, it'd be a perfect way to throw people off and make it harder to figure out what they're doing. Being logical by being illogical. He coulda sworn a friend of his tried using a comic book that did that. Plus, being logically illogical is kinda fun. Hell, him of all people would know. Him being a solo worker or being hired by an assassination guild...Both of those make sense too. A solo worker would explain why he fought so many skilled people on his own. Sorta like that one guy who always got C's but never asked for help back in high school. Except this guy was actually something to worry about. An assassination guild could theoretically give plenty of reasons why he would have to kill more than one person. Bribery, revenge, money. All answers that sure as hell made sense to Ease. Temporarily, those are his best options. But it still doesn't answer why he did it...Final section of pages.

Finally of course...Avery. Avery was something he only had so much info on and it's all based on two words. Scooby Doo. He chuckled a bit, the first time in hours. Whoever thought those words would be the game changer in all this? Thank god his parents had him watch that shit on repeat to sate his boredom as a kid. They probably did it so he wouldn't bother them as much, but fuck if he didn't enjoy it. "Thanks Mom and Dad. Bet you never thought that'd help me quite like this." Okay, back on task even though he loved remembering, The situation had 3 possibilities. The most obvious-Avery is from Earth too. It just made too much sense. Well sense with the lack of info. All he knew about her was that she was a Celestia, could use some sort of summoning magic or spirit art, can heal, and for some reason he wasn't attracted to her as he should be. Like, she's cute, but for some reason he still feels...eh about it. Weird. Anyway, there wasn't any major indication she was from Earth besides those two words, but it definitely seemed obvious. The second was that she's met someone from Earth that showed her Scooby Doo. He mentally admitted he was kind of just grasping at any straws there, but fuck it. He didn't see harm in having a few more theories floating about for him to use. But finally, one that would make sense, is that the Celestia's somehow knew about Earth. He couldn't quite figure out how but it's not illogical. Nobles would have more info available to them so from what he knows, it could most certainly be the case. But as much as it pissed him off to admit, none of this was conclusive. He doesn't know anything more about Avery's connection to Earth and just as little about Avery.

That was the last pages worth of info huh? Damn, all those conclusions took more writing than he thought. Then again the man's been writing non stop.

"More I got marked down, the easier I can come back to it. I can't forget any of this. Not now anyway." He spoke basically to himself. His hand and fingers rubbed about his tired eyes. Still, he barely got a wink of sleep and now thought he was done with his information spree, that fact was starting to hit him hard. Well, wasn't like he wasn't used to pulling all-nighters on Earth. In a weird way actually...it was kind of refreshing to get back to an old habit he had back on Earth. All-nighters aren't exactly a healthy habit but right now? It probably was his favorite little habit that wasn't a habit anymore. His apparent smile stopped however as he took another look at the now closed book and thought for a moment. These theories...The others have to know about them. Everything in it is important. Remember that Ease. But...Resurrect. They can't know about that. Nor that Avery's from Earth. Not yet. He knew how terrible an idea it was to tell them about his Resurrect. Dropping a shell like that out of nowhere might freak them out. And Avery...Avery seems to have gone native. Which begs the question of how long she's been here. Dropping a nuke like that will definitely freak em out. Hell the only other one he might be able to talk about this is Duncan since he was there when Avery said it. Even then he wasn't sure. But the idea of staying here forever...He was biting his inner lips. No. It won't happen. It can't. Now, the other info was safer to make common knowledge to them. This was info they need to know today.

But more importantly came the question: How was he gonna use this info? From here on out, this little trip to the world became a mystery. A mystery he's gonna have to try and solve.

"Lunch is ready!!"

Aaaaaand like that, he screamed like a little girl out of surprise. And fell off the bed to the floor. Rubbing his now bruised head, he realized he was snapped back to reality with that little shout. Shit, did he do it again? He must've zoned out from reality from his thinking. Let's see...Oh yeah. Still in the tavern's inn. Stayed here to keep watch on Duncan and Daisuke and so he could continue his search for Aya. He slowly got up as he came face to face with a thoroughly pissed off Ratatosk. "Ratatosk: Why, oh why did you have to wake me up?" "Well uh...Breakfast! Yeah, that's why. And I know you want some. The squirrel could only look at him with a deadpan face. "Ratatosk: ...You aren't wrong. Just try and get me some, alright?" Ease gave a quick nod before stretching his body at the morning glare.

With a quick putting on of a shirt for his topless torso and shoving on his glasses, he carefully moved downstairs. He hadn't really been utilizing his legs the past few hours so they were fairly wobbly. Well, time to use the wall as his "anchor" of sorts. He yawned as he walked into where Yoshi had been cooking food. "Fuck...Thanks for letting me stay the night Yosh." He took a glance over to the food that was currently being prepared by her and smiled as he put his hand down on a nearby counter. Man, it's been awhile since he had her cooking. "Oh? Man, I can already see you're trying to spoil the new people with your usual bacon and eggs, huh? Well, I'll be damned if it hasn't worked in the past!" He said, chuckling.

In truth, despite his words being cordial and warm, it was obvious by simple body language and tone of voice it was the exact opposite. His voice was more hoarse than usual as if he never spoke a word before till now. His eyes looked like absolute shit, not quite having multiple bags but definitely stressed and like they hadn't been closed in ages, with them only half opened. The arm he had on the counter was shaking a bit as if just keeping his weight up was a task for the strongest man in the world and it was just the substitute. He looked like he was even having trouble standing too and his smile, while warm, also lacked much life. He seemed rather in disrepair, but it seemed like he was just...forcing himself to manage by despite it.

Quite honestly, that was exactly what he was doing. His body definitely wanted to betray that step ford smiler persona he was putting on.

He took note of Duncan being there as well and gave him a peace sign to his tired saying of "mornin." Even that looked like it took more effort than it should've. Right afterwards though, he plopped his head onto the countertop and his armed crossed below said head. He let out a sigh. Taking a look at Duncan it was pretty obvious that he was in just as shitty of conditions too. No wonder. Poor bastard had to stay and help clean up with those bodies. He was an army man when you got down to it, so he was probably used to it, but it still must've not been a fun thing to help with. At least Yoshi was able to get some sleep it seems...Ha...Bright sides. He took a quick glance away from his two compatriots, due to not having much else to do besides waiting for Yoshi, and noticed something in particular.

A person clad in armor...Armor that looked distinctly familiar. It had something to do with last night, easily, he could figure that much out. Exactly, what was the question.

He stood up for a second, albeit with trouble. "Hey, I'm gonna be right back. Always good to have a nice drink before you eat, ya know?" He said over to Yoshi and Duncan, hoping that'll they'll just talk among themselves. He was surprisingly able to manage walking without the use of any faux crutches like the counter or a stool, albeit he was still wobbly. Ironically, a little bit like he was drunk but the distinction was drunk. Looking closer, the armor cad person was obviously female in nature due to both her voice and the actual appearance of the armor and what shapes of the body were made out by said armor. He sat his ass on a stool next to her and sighed out loud.

"Getting a drink to help start the day huh? Man, I feel ya there." He said with a semi smile and a semi frown. He was playing himself off in a rather laid-back fashion. Not having quite the same drunken stance as some of the taverners, but still relaxed and downright unassuming. In his head on the other hand-

That armor...It involves something late last night. I can't pinpoint where though...Where have I seen it?

@Sir Lurksalot @liferusher @Lucius Cypher @Seirei no Hai @Soragoku @Kitsune
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@liferusher @Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

Dante woke up from the couch he slept on...yep this was still awkward he thought after being allowed to sleep in the same house of the women he offended but accusing her of kidnapping so he can keep an eye on the maid girl, and in exchange he offer his service to find/rescue Avery for Vesta thought she probably still owes him a beating if she has gives him one already. The maid girl was probably awake by now, he thought. Now he has to think of a way to apologize to her for escalating the problem. Dante wake in front of the girl room and suck up, up his breath,and knocks on the door.

*thump* *thump*

"Can i come in" he asks before entering. "Are you okay...mmm." He asks her kindly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aleph Banton


...and yet, he had not been able to let go of his childish game for the majority of his life. How many people had he troubled with his immature behavior? How many friends could he had made were it not for his eccentricity? He was sure that the number by now was uncountable, that he had missed more opportunities than he had spent alive in seconds. And he had nobody to blame but himself.

"I said I'm fi--"

Aleph's voice rose to almost a shout in an instant, but he had caught himself just as fast when he came to realize the person speaking to him was not the same nameless waitress from before. He immediately felt guilty. Even if it was that same girl, he should not be yelling.

After all, they were sparing the effort to be concerned about someone like him.

"Oh... I apologize for that. I don't... well, I'm not quite in the right state of mind currently." Aleph found it rather hard to speak his mind right now. Confidence had certainly never been an issue with the man until now, so it was strange to find it difficult to form the sentences he wanted right away like he was used to.

Aleph attempted to give the horned stranger a firm handshake, but it came out a bit weaker than intended.

He was about half-sure this guy was here to take him to hell or some equivalent, but what use would there be in fighting it? Whether it was good luck or bad luck that this man showed up, Aleph would at least be kind enough not the refuse such a generous offer. "A pint may be just what I need. I'll take you up on that."

Aleph did not particularly care for any kind of booze, but that could likely be attributed to the fact that getting drunk was a lot more enjoyable when you had people to get drunk with, which Aleph sorely lacked. And besides, a hero did not have such a luxury. Getting drunk impaired your ability to fight! What if a demon attacked while he was vulnerable?

Well... he wasn't actually a hero. He was just some nobody, so it was probably fine if he let loose now.

The same waitress from before had shown up very shortly looking brilliantly bright in comparison to Aleph's dark gloom. Aleph ordered, and then presumably his new acquaintance did too, before she left the table.

"Ah, I should introduce myself since you were so kind. I'm Aleph Banton, the-... Well, just Aleph would be fine." introducing himself as a hero had become such a habit to him that it was going to be hard to shake off. He would need to watch that in the future so that he did not give anybody the wrong impression that he was strong or useful. "If that's how I look, then I guess it's not too far from the truth."

"It don't give a shite what time it is, ale or mead, to the brim!"

Aleph briefly looked over towards the shouting woman before turning back to this Olipher fellow. "Guess I am not the only one who could use a drink." he gave a small and forced laugh.

Conversation was a bit too difficult for Aleph to start right now, as the world "useless" repeatedly assaulted him from inside his own mind.

Things certainly did escalate rather quickly last night. From offering his help to a stranger who managed not to become obsessed with him to watching people fight each other for literally no reason, one could safely say that yesterday was... exhausting. That is why he immediately fell asleep in a chair in the corner of the room he had been instructed to lay Aya in, as she was the second girl he had been made to put to bed. With no energy left to even leave the room, he recalled slumping down in a chair and just dozing off.

So naturally, he was awoken by the knocking on the door.

Even in his sleep, his divine blessing was active. If Aya had not seen him when she woke up and searched the room, it was likely because he looked just like The Thinker statue, or part of the scenery. That was just how aesthetically pleasing he was. But, likely as he began to wake and stir, she might have noticed him in the corner as he stood up and stretched, fabulously, approaching the door just before Dante himself could open it. Perhaps he would have been startled by the door suddenly opening and even stumbled forwards and fell. But if that were the case, all he would be stopped by the chest of one fabulous man known as Heinrich, who was acting as a wall of sorts.

"You're both terribly lucky that Celestia did not put you six feet under." he sternly told both of them while glaring at Dante. He could at least realize that Vesta wasn't somebody to piss off, and Aya was taunting someone who was trying to kill her. Perhaps he was worried? That wasn't like him, but normally he shouldn't even care about two strangers. It was a... strange feeling.

Whether Dante stepped out of Heinrich's way or he was simply pushed out of it by Heinrich, the fabulous man fabulously took his leave in search of the master of the house. He did believe he should thank the woman for allowing him to stay the night, even if he never did lead her to that establishment she had wanted to go to.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia and Avery Ackbar Celestia

Along with a Guest Star appearance from Vivi Celestia

@Dioxit@liferusher@Spriggs27@FamishedPants@demonspade64@Claw2k11@Lucius Cypher

Vesta was peacefully minding her own business when the Zin nation attacked, mediating quietly amongst the peace and quiet of the morning sun in the empty garden. I mean who would expect a dragon woman to jump out a window, crawl along the ground only to pounce and grope you from behind? Yeah that's right, nobody would.
Vesta felt an unfamiliar weight suddenly press down on her and was to be quite honest, very much caught off guard and very much shocked by this ordeal as she was slammed into the ground into a tangle of limbs which was herself and Zin. She hadn't thought to put her guard up in her own home like this.
Then again that was usually how Avery got the best of her...but this weight on her wasn't Avery's. Color flooded her cheeks when felt not only her butt being grabbed, but also her breast. Just who the hell...
Well the voice completely gave it away. With her face still burning red hot, for two reasons, she spoke in a clear, concise manner so as to get her point across quickly.
"...No I didn't, but I should've. Now, Ms Parallex, you have exactly three seconds to remove your hands or I remove them from you. Permanently." Vesta wasn't impressed one bit. But now that she knew who it was, she was really not sure why she hadn't expected this. What with her perverted actions from yesterday...

Avery frowned somewhat at the man's response. An informant? Avery didn't remember any such meeting on the adgenda, let alone so early in the morning. Normally guests wouldn't turn up till noon at least.
Of course if this man was really a guest, he would've had a guard with him to show him the way. So either the guards were slacking off or this man wasn't a guest. Avery wasn't an idiot, so it was obviously the second one.
"Oh? Pretty big words from an intruder." Avery giggled playfully into his hand, however he still had a stern, serious look to his eyes as he stared the man down.
"...However I don't sense any other intruders. So you're full of shit." Avery's playful tone suddenly disappeared as he slammed his staff into the floorboards beneath him. Avery certainly didn't like how he had taken a book out when he was talking to him and started writing. In the Celestia household, if someone was talking to you; you gave them your attention and vice versa. It was a simple courtesy. Clicking his fingers a small bird with a sharp beak and talons suddenly appeared atop the staff. The bird would be completely unknown to Rachild, it was a bird from earth after all. The Peregrine Falcon.
"Shiro, get him."
"You got it!"
However the bird's sudden appearance was simply to divert his attention from the small white fox which was now floating above his head, who would now proceed to trap him in a bubble of water which rushed up from underneath him if he wasn't quick enough to react.
Of course Avery planned that if he evaded the bubble he himself would rush in and bonk him as a hard as possible on the head with his staff. He mightn't look it, but he could certainly deal some damage with his staff if he wanted!

The gate to the mansion opened now before a young woman with pale blue hair came into view. Her hair was almost as if it was white, but was tinged with a shade of blue. It seemed to have a metallic shine to it in the morning sun and the unimpressed look on her face was accompanied by a calm look to her violet eyes.
"You two have business with us? May I be of some assistance?" Despite lacking the presence of a guard the girl approached the two fully armed orc's with a calm air about her, her somewhat lethargic steps stopping just short of both Malakus and Orgos. She gave the two a brief courtesy, and as doing so she spoke.
"My name is Vivi Celestia. And what may I call you two?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica


Impossible. What had happened last night was something that Maria could hardly comprehend herself, but she knew the events had “occurred’. There was a part of Maria, childish and youthful, that wished to believe the events of the previous night to be nothing more than a terrible dream, but such escapism would not solve any of the issues she had been faced with.

Knights were expected to die. Well, perhaps not quite “expected”, but rather they existed to protect their lord, and the people whom their lord lords over. From the highest governmental position to the basic farmer, those Maria was tasked to protect would be protected if she was given the ability, but she had been unsuccessful in subduing the “man of the golden blade”.

The blade was a strange object. Maria felt something … painful. Something alive within the blade when she had touched it, trying to worm its way into her subconscious and take over her body. Maria was stronger in terms of mental fortification compared to others, and thus the vain attempts held little effect upon her mentality. However, the blade did try to reject Maria, and she had been separated from the blade.

She had lost most of her recollection of what had happened after she had the blade taken from her, but she presumed for whatever reason the “man with the golden blade” had allowed her to leave.

But those who died…

Perhaps where she was now was a form of purgatory? At the very least, it appeared that she had figured out, in her confusion, a means to get back to her room and fall asleep. She had slept in her armor. Something she had not done in a long time.

Maria was afraid She could never forget what she had done. Her inability and lack of strength;. they were ingrained upon her body. Her failure had caused the death of two of her most trusted allies, along with countless civilians. Their lives would be taken from the world, forgotten to the sands of time and left to antiquity. But Maria knew who they were. She would have to carry their weight around with her for as long as she lived.

Exiting her quarters and entering the connecting room that was her office, Maria saw someone who she didn’t recognize.

Another individual with strange clothing … it appeared there was an influx of foreigners recently in this city.

Of course, as the Knightess Captain of this branch, Maria could not allow herself to be lowed in from of another. As much as she wanted to cry for those who were lost, she knew that there would be nothing to gain of it. Of course, if given a bit of provocation, she could have broken, but she understood her duties as a knight.

Clearing her throat, Maria spoke to the girl.

“Uh hum. I am sorry for the delay for our meeting. I am the Knightess Captain of this branch. I had been told that you had arrived in the castle and that you wished to meet with me. I shall give you the time you wish now, though might I ask who you are?”

Could she even call herself a knight at this point? She had to. It was her job, but she had failed to protect what was before her. She was a failure of a knight in the standards she had set for herself. But to those around her, she could not break down. To her own psyche she could not break down, lest she forget who she was.

“I am Maria von Hohenzollern, heiress to the Hohenzollern household and Commander of the Iron Bell Knights. If there is anything you would need, please do not hesitate to ask.”

Even though it was but an introduction, her melancholic undertone was still apparent in such a basic speech. It wasn't much different than those she had given to another set of new arrivals into this city.

Was her base just a hub for new travellers? Was she just doomed to constantly meet strange people? Truly this has been a roundabout path.


Royal Capital Lugnica


Chastity was a strange existence. His appearance would mark the end of any actions done by those who would find him, and his ability to hide himself within the cracks of society from those who would wish to identify him was one of his greatest skills.

He was, after all, a master of disguise.

Systematically he would eliminate anyone who had discovered his face, but thankfully to his recollection there was no one who was able to have seen his face. He had defeated the elf-knightess with ease and without her having discerned his position, considering how effortlessly he had eliminated her.

Those who were against his Fair Lady’s plans would have to be killed, regardless of who they were.

Someone who didn’t truly “exist” in the world, being simply an agent of chaos as an acolyte of the Witches. Perhaps the world would have been better if he was never born. The position of the Bishopric was something that existed to cause troubles for all. However, even if this “Chastity” didn’t exist, the position would be filled. So long as his power, the Authority given to him by his Beloved Lady existed in this world, the world would be worse off. But the synergy between this rendition of the “Chastity” title’s claimant and his authority, the world would be worse off.

There was a time long ago where the rage that existed in his heart was never formed, but his hatred of this abhorrent kingdom, the Kingdom of Lugnica, and the corrupted bastions who are herald as it’s bulwarks and heroes were nothing but disgusting people who should be eliminated for their transgressions. His madness stems from a certain point where his mind refuses to remember, but a feeling that his body would not forget.

The room he sat in was very simple in construction, perhaps looking as if the house of a laborer or perhaps even something as simple as a farm worker. Though his dress was definitely more than that of a commoner, his appearance being rather staunch and perhaps his features being rather handsome. His dresses were clearly made from the nicest textiles and dyes the area had to offer.

To pass the time he would smoke to himself, taking his time methodically with his recreation.

He couldn’t leave the city. With news of dead knights and the perpetrators not being captured, there was sure to be blockades on all major highways. Not that his face had anything to hide. But if that Knightess who had survived was at one of the checkpoints, he would not be able to leave with his newly found friend. He had given the knowledge of this hideout in the city to his friend, and he would await for his arrival. There was also the issue of concealing the sword, but he had plans.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


”A hunter and an investigator? How curious…” Malakaus couldn’t help but wonder what this orc could be looking into. As a knight, if the orc was investigating a matter that could threaten the city or it’s people, then it would be something that should be brought to his attention. But since he doesn’t know Malakaus would need to find out more about it. Still, strange what a hunter was doing in the city, and what exactly Orgos wanted to ask the Celestia household. No doubt if they have some problems, it’s something personal, or only within their ability to handle. Can’t simply let anyone off the street get involved. ”If it’s dangerous or pertains to the city, perhaps it would be best to leave it to the knights, or the Celestia family themselves if they already have a stake in it. I have no doubts from your equipment that you could fend for yourself, and if they approve you could even assist. But we each have our own duties to attend too. A hunter must hunt, after all.”

It wasn’t long before someone came to the gates to meet Orgos and Malakaus. A blue-haired girl, younger than Vesta. They looked somewhat similar, so perhaps they’re siblings? Sure enough she introduced herself as Vivi Celestia. As the girl curtsied, Malakaus returned with a bow. He removed his helmet and took out an amulet from underneath his armor, revealing his emblem. ”Malakaus Firebelly, Knight Errant. I believe I had met your sister yesterday and I had requested her service. I must leave the city today and I wish to know if she still has any interest. Is now a good time to see her?”

Malakaus said honestly, though he deliberately kept the details vague. While saving villages weren’t exactly something he needed kept a secret, Malakaus’s true purpose in hiring Vesta to find that madman was much more delicate. Who knows who the madman has as an ally, and for all he knows Orgos could be working for him. Malakaus wasn’t so naive to believe that just because Orgos was an orc that Malakaus could trust him. The knight knew all too well himself just how devious an orc can be.



Atisha looked off to the side and noticed that a human had decided to come up to her. She knew that he likely didn’t know she was an elf, so she doubts he was here for that reason. ”Bug off, plebe. I need a drink, not a dick.” Atisha’s mug was filled up, and carefully she removed her armored mask to get to drinking. In less than ten seconds the gallon flagon of mead was downed without a drop spilled. ”Another!” More coins were placed on the counter, as Atisha was satisfied by the quality of the brew. As the bartender refilled her stein Atisha shot a glare at Evan.

”Choose your words carefully, maggot, because if you’re still sitting here in the next six seconds, your ass is going to be floating in the river.” Atisha wasn’t even buzzed yet and she was already acting like a hostile drunken shitkicker. While one of her hands was holding her mug, her other hand was inching to area one of her daggers.

@Sir Lurksalot @liferusher @Seirei no Hai @Soragoku @Kitsune @ZekariVoblis
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Yes, a hunter must hunt, but I have been hunting my entire life and now I wish to have a taste of something new." Orgos spoke, smiling to the orc as if he was an old friend. "And a knight must protect the people... something which I aspire to be, my good fellow!" he said, but then, a young woman came through the gates, both unarmed and without any guards by her side, he thought that this person was either a mage, or someone very confident in their abilities, needless to say, he was wary of her as well.

Though he was not able to hear much of what his fellow orc spoke, a few words rung through his head "...Knight Errant...", the rest of what the orc said faded out, but these two words stuck out. Not only had he met one of the same kin as him, but he met one which had become a knight, something which only served to boost his confidence that he too might soon be able to become a honorable knight such as the one before him.

"Ah, I am Orgos, a hunter of the forests, I too met what I assume must be the lady of this house, the one which would be your sister." he spoke and bowed slightly to show respect for young noble lady, this much, his adoptive mother had taught him. "I had briefly met your sister yesterday, but she ignored me, so I wish to see if I were able to meet her now... I also wish to discuss a somewhat more delicate matter." With that, he bowed his head again and awaited the young girl's response, no matter if it was an acceptance or a rejection of his words, he was ready for either of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"How you look doesn't change what is in your heart Mr.Aleph Banton. Every breathe of air, from the freshest to the most foul, defies a cruelty of our world. Drink up and celebrate your chance to be a hero. Be it today.. Or tomorrow."

Olipher had practiced the motion many times. Putting the wide brimmed tankard to his lips as the outer rim of it touched the visor on his helmet, then craned his neck to get the sweet nectar without needed to take off his helmet.

”Bug off, plebe. I need a drink, not a dick.”

”If you’re still sitting here in the next six seconds, your ass is going to be floating in the river.” Atisha wasn’t even buzzed yet and she was already acting like a hostile drunken shitkicker. While one of her hands was holding her mug, her other hand was inching to area one of her daggers.

Olipher was mid-sip of his freshly poured drink when the fiery lady at the bar offered up her threats and it proved too much for him. Spitting out his drink (away from his new friends direction) he laughed as hard as he could in between coughing as the ale he bought searched for his lung instead of his stomach. At one point, Olipher pounded on his chest while slamming on the table to further accentuate the hilarity of it all.
With a contented sigh he swiveled on his chair, resting an arm fully on the table (with his hand near the quiver of arrows).

"What a coincidence. Neither do I! Nor any other part for that matter. Nay, what I need is company worth keeping and drink worth drinking!" Another, smaller, laugh echoed from below his deathly visage. "Now, come have a few mid day drinks on my dollar. Wouldn't kill you to have a friendly drink and some gossip before we part our ways would it?"

Olipher pointed his mug towards Ezekiel and motioned for him to come over too.

"No reason we can't all be friendly. Would hate to start the day with more murders in this city."

Of course he was referring to the man he had claimed the bounty on this morning. News of the other killings had not reached his ear.

Mithril Blackblood
The Golden Sword


My body feels.. so heavy..

Mithril vaguely recalled departing from the bloodshed, acting by his own demands for seemingly the first time since grabbing the accursed blade, and wandering the streets long into the night. His 'ally' was a person of incomprehensible power. His presence alone had dominated the fight in its waning moments. Mithril could not even recall the faces of the people he had killed in cold blood...

But he remembered her.



A sharp pain exploded in his mind. Cold talons dragging in the aftermath scraped his mind and soul in excruciatingly painful waves. For just a brief moment it was too much and the broken form of Mithril Blackblood swooned, threatening a black out; But a colder presence denied the satisfaction.


Mithrils body obeyed without question. All traces of fatigue fell away in the presence of that absolute authority of his mind. The Golden Sword. That foulest of monsters that lurked in the depths of the sword. The soul of a witch.

We don't have to do this.. We can leave this place, go anywhere, be anything! Please!


The scene unfolding in his mind was quite simple. Mithril was to ambush a street performer and a mercenary nearby. His own equipment was scorched and torn, blackened and bloodied, and his own body was still in need of healing. His cauterized wound was no longer capable of being restored to the pink flesh it had been.. Another memory of the lives he had taken for the whim of a parasitic entity.

As you command..

The performer and the mercenary walked willingly to their own doom. Promises of gold and fame, weapons and women, power and prestige! All the worldly desires they dreamed of were flaunted on a string before their eyes as the sirens call lured them into the hiding spot of their killer.
The shimmer of gold with a flash of red flame stole their voices and strength, collapsing onto the ground like puppets with their strings cut. The fatal slash was sealed with fire when the light left their eyes. Better not to leave trail.
The harvest began not long after in the warehouse he now used as home.

Both men were stripped of clothing and equipment as Mithril threw away his own shabby garbs. Bracers, pants, silken clothing and boiled leather, chestplate and chainmail.. A hood and a mask.

Two bodies lay on the cold stones as the newly garbed swordsman fled into the streets, two stolen swords and a familiar item covered in cloth hanging from his back. His outfit was peculiar but not terribly out of the ordinary. Most saw a mercenary on his way to find work..

It would take him a few hours to wander the streets towards the home he sought..

The home of the one named Chastity.

Specific instructions had been given to the sword as it spoke to the crazed madman that had come to its aid.

S E C R E T LAIR OF 'Chastity'

Mithril had entered the lair of the Archbishop without being spotted. While not familiar with the concept of entering someones home without intentions of destroying it, the commands of the sword had quieted as it allowed the more normal reasonings of its puppet to guide them in the formality of an alliance.
So he had simply sat down on the nearest chair and awaited the host to show himself.

The sword hummed in his mind in excitement, but all Mithril felt was anger. How many more would die from what was created today.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Sir Lurksalot @liferusher @Seirei no Hai @Soragoku @Kitsune @Lucius Cypher

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

Why wasn't he surprised the situation was taking this angle? In mere seconds, the armor-clad woman told him to buzz off, calling him a "plebe" and that she wasn't interested in dick. Okay...He wasn't entirely sure what plebe meant but it reminded of something from the internet back home so he was sure it was offensive. In all honesty, Ease wasn't much phased by the threat she spoke to him. Under normal circumstances, he'd probably be worried. Guess the stress from last night mixed with his general depleted energy took it's tax on him. Well...One thing's for sure, he sure as hell wasn't trying to move in a hurry at the very second.

In fact, he was already suspecting she would act like this on the way over. Bar? Alcohol at like 1 pm? She was gonna be some sort of type of drunk-As he knew the types all too well. The chances were there after all. And they were far from unlikely.

He brought his head up to face hers. "Hmm...To be frank, I'm not stupid like most patrons. Hitting on an armor-clad woman doesn't usually end well for whoever tried it. My own interests aren't simple like that. Not by a country mile." His face stopped smiling partially and simply went to a calm facet. He needed to get his point across. " This is gonna be a crazy question so please try and not to panic. Bu tell me-do you remember an incident late last night? Or more importantly...one involving a masked ma-."

He was immediately caught off by a second armored presence telling them to calm down. He peaked over his shoulder at the new presence. His armor slightly betrayed his friendly demeanor, but hey. No need to make assumptions yet. Then again...he can't associate too much with him. If she was snappy at just Ease, then more than likely the same will happen to that man. Sucks too since he was about to get the situation back in control...Ah well. "Uh...Hello there. Who might you be?"

Again, playing it off as unassuming when in truth he was still thinking. He remembered the masked man, that was for sure. He remembered the horror that man caused last night, he knew that. He was connecting the dots...It has something to do with her armor. He was sure. But the question was what?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Suddenly the giant awoke with a start, his large hand clasping over his chest where his beating heart was located, his breath hitching and panting in panic. His wide eyes peered around the room that he was in as if trying to focus on trying to get a grasp on reality, but his mind was resisting as if insisting what happened really happened to him was real... Was it? His mind was so confused by otherwise he seemed to be alright and back in his bed, not only that but the smell of food had filled his room as the smell seeped through the floorboards since his room was above the kitchen.

"Uhh... First food... And drink."

He mumbled to himself as he stood from his bed, that bacon and egg smell drawing him to quickly get changed into his working clothes before there was no seconds for him! When Yoshinobu called out to others in their rooms Kyojin moved outside and gave her a big wave "Got any break and butter to go along with it?" He was a growing giant, he had to get all the food in him that he could, well he said that but he was pretty huge already. His steps caused the wood of the stairs to creek under his muscular form before finally reaching the ground floor where he moved off to grab a plate.

"Morning Even's. Everything alright?"

He asked as he grabbed himself a plate of a good mix of bacon and eggs and a roll, noticing that the man seemed to be rather entrapped in the space between two armored figures. His words were simple towards the small group, and yet be it just from his height or his race as a giant they sounded serous. "Don't . Cause . Trouble." With that he turned around and started to move over towards the table where Kondo and Yoshinobu were, thankfully overhearing the mention of jobs! "Are you saying that I am not normally professional?" He gave off a deep laugh and sat down, placing his plate onto the table and stuffing a whole bacon strip into his mouth like it was a snack. "But I suspect it is nothing that fit my skills? Also good morning. Any news this morning?" He said, motioning towards the news paper before remembering whoes food he was eating "Also, as good a cook as always Yoshinobu!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the Dragon woman's hands roamed around Vesta's body, Zin began nuzzling at Vesta's neck like a dog. If the silver-haired woman didn't yell for her to stop, Zin would've probably moved onto licking Vesta's cheek like a dog would. Zin did as Vesta told her removing her hands from Vesta with a look in her eye that showed she hungered for more but choose to follow Vesta's order instead of going against her. Zin began crawling around Vesta on her hands and knees, circling around Vesta almost as if she was trying to intimidate her in a way." Vesta, I know what I want to do now." She told her silver-haired companion." I want-" She stopped herself short.

" What was that ?" She heard something or someone from the other side of the mansion, someone yelling." Nevermind." She dismissed it.

" I finally know what I want to do Vesta. I think I finally know." She told her." I want to be your dragon and burn down any of your enemies that get in your path." She reared up onto her knees." But, You have to tame me first. I must know if you're worthy of me, So stand your ground Vesta, Your rocks against my fire, I will not hold back either." Zin then fell onto her back and into a roll getting to her feet and getting some ground away from Vesta, she removed her coat and threw it to the ground, showing her bare arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Perhaps the tavern wasn't such a good thing to wake up to in the morning. There seemed to be violence just right in front of the stairwell upon descending said wooden elevation. With a gulp, she pumps her fists and tries to fix her hair by sweeping whatever strands of hair was falling in front of her in an attempt to block her icy blue.

"Tundo, please support me when things go wrong." She would look down on her spirit contract, who seemed to nod in understanding... the wolf's ears perking in thought as the both of them descended.

As the snow elf descended, she was suddenly taken aback by the sudden yell of Atisha. With a cute, somewhat audible squeak, she stood stiff in front of Evans and her. Hopefully they wouldn't notice such a meek and weak voice. Tundo shook his head in slight embarrassment and disappointment. Moving in front of her as he cleared his throat: "Blanc is... not herself today. She was going to ask the both of you where to get her "lunch" as a lady downstairs seemed to announce it not too long ago." The wolf sounded quite polite. It was unknown if Evans was going to take a "talking wolf" normally, but hopefully Atisha wouldn't be too weird-ed out by his surprisingly gentle voice.

As the wolf spirit awaits his answer. Blanc composed herself quite quickly, breathing in and out as she averts her gazes off of Evans and Atisha. Not quite ready to look at the two people she familiarized herself with yesterday. It was unknown if Evans still knows her from that district path yesterday along with Vesta and the meat shield.

@Lucius Cypher @ZekariVoblis
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Along with a Guest Star appearance from Vivi Celestia

@liferusher@Spriggs27@FamishedPants@demonspade64@Claw2k11@Lucius Cypher

Vesta let out a loud sigh, standing up and dusting herself all the while. She couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. First Zin had come running up to her and sexually assaulted her, but now she wanted to fight? Oh well. Vesta would entertain the dragon woman.
"I have no qualms with showing you the difference between you and myself. However this isn't the place for such actions. Mother would become overly cross if the garden was to be set alight, or crushed by myself....again." Vesta commented as she looked back towards the mansion. She seemed distracted by something for a moment but quickly turned her attention back to the ready to fight Zin.
"There's a more suitable place. A training grounds if you would. It's located just a little further back from the house. It'll take no longer than five minutes to reach it. I trust you can wait that long?" Vesta turned on her heel, showing her back to Zin, before walking off. She gestured for Zin to follow suit and soon enough they would reach a flat piece of land with semi-raised dirt hills encompassing it.
Avery had often compared it to a soccer field. Vesta had no idea what one of those were, but Avery had said that people trained on it so Vesta assumed it mustn't be all that different after all.
Walking out towards the middle, Vesta stretched her arms slightly before glancing over her shoulder towards Zin.
"Whenever you're ready Ms Parralex. With the house and mother's garden out of harm's way, we can spar to our hearts content with no punches held."

"A pleasure to meet both of you."
Vivi didn't seemed that overly shocked at Malakus being an orc when he removed his helmet. While she herself had no little experience with orcs, he was about the same size and height as Orgus standing beside him. Well not including the armour of course.
That and the voice was somewhat of a giveaway, not many humans were that size nor had a voice like that. And he wasn't large enough to be a giant either. So logically speaking, an orc was one of the things Vivi had come to a conclusion with.
"So you're both here to see Vesta then?" Vivi asked after calmly listening to what both orcs had to say. While she wasn't super familiar with Malakus, she had heard a few stories here and there of him. There also weren't a lot of orc knights, even if only a knight errant he was still somewhat known in the noble family inner circles. The Celestia's were no exception.
However Orgus...he simply claimed to have business with Vesta. While she was sure Malakus had important matters to discuss, she seemed somewhat more cautious with Orgus.
"Vesta should be almost done with her morning meditation. I can bring both of you to her if you wish. Or I can send for her if you both wanted to wait in the mansion?" Vivi turned her back to the two orcs for a moment before giving a signal to open the gate. With the gate now opening she turned back to face the duo and await their answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


”New experiences eh? That’s fair. Even I’ve considered trying my hand in other crafts, at least before I’m called to duty once more.” Malakaus had always considered picking his his father’s skills at the forge. He knew enough about metal working to maintain his equipment, given time and tools, but to craft something as simple as a knife wasn’t something he knew how to do too well. Assuming his retirement doesn’t involve a copious amount of death and dying, Malakaus could see himself retiring as a smith, making tools and occasionally weapons for young men looking to make a fortune.

More telling, Orgos wished to be a knight. That was good; orc have had a bad reputation as marauders and murderers among the demi-humans, so having a few as knights ought to improve their public image. ”Do you know? That’s most admirable! I started my training as a knight while I was still young, but through honorable deeds I’m sure you can obtain such an honor one day.”

But now back to the young girl, Vivi. She was being most amicable allowing them into her home. She was even willing to fetch Vesta for him, though it’d probably be faster if Malakaus found her instead. ”I’m afraid that I am in a hurry, so if we could meet her as soon as possible, that would be for the best.” Malakaus bowed his head once more and donned his helmet. While it might be a bite rude to hide his face to his host, Malakaus was in a hurry and he could never be too sure what might happen at a moment’s notice. The time it took for him to don his helmet in the head of battle could be all the time needed to lop off said head.



If the human from before succeeded at doing anything, it was making Atisha laugh at his foolishness. When he claimed to not be stupid like other patrons Atisha fired off a quip. ”So instead of being a fool, you simply have a deathwish.” then the man tried to ask a question. Atisha was barely giving him any attention until the man was about to ask about a masked somebody. In that moment, something in Atisha’s mind hurt her. It was like a migraine but worse. Like someone was put a hose inside her head and was filling it with water until her skull would burst. Atisha nearly screamed and lashed out if it weren’t for the arrival of more strangers.

The arrival of even more people was starting to bother Atisha. She had come here to drink, not for socialization. The human who dared approach her was being particularly obtuse, and if it wasn’t for the arrival of the armored figure Atisha would have slit the man’s throat in her pain. Fortunately it seemed to have distracted her pain, so all Atisha did was glare at all the newcomers.

The only solace this party brought was the armored man offering to buy drinks for her. She had no intention of returning the favor, but as long as he was paying then Atisha was going to keep drinking. Slamming her mug onto the counter Atisha looked to the barkeep. ”Topshelf. On his coin.” Atisha pointed her chin towards the armored man. Giving the man another look, he looked silly. Skulls and horns might scare superstitious children, but to Atisha they were gaudy and a sure sign that someone was trying to look more fearsome than they were. Atisha was half-tempted to hang some holiday decoration on the man’s horns just to make a point, but simply decided to drink her new, more expensive ale.

When the giant arrived to give his warning Atisha didn’t bother to look at him, and instead wordlessly raised her middle finger in his general direction. She was too busy draining her flagon of ale, which was actually quite nice. A very smooth and full taste, cool yet spicy, just the way she liked it. When the spirit wolf and elf of all things showed up however, that’s when Atisha started to take things a bit more seriously. She had heard that out of all the Demi-humans, the elves were hurt the hardest. Atisha’s own hometown was a testament to that, and during all her travels she has never met another elf, nor has should found even the remains of any elven village. For the longest time Atisha almost thought she was the only elf left alive. But seeing this one standing before her, in the flesh, made Atisha wonder what sort of company that girl kept that she’d stay in a place like this.

The elf’s name was Blanc, if what the wolf said was true. Hearing the name jogged some memories in Atisha’s head, followed by another migraine. Her thoughts were jumbled, but… She swore she heard the name before. Somehow, from someone. She was certain it was from Malakaus, but she couldn’t determine why. Atisha needed to talk to this girl. Alone. Turning towards the man from before Atisha drained her stein and put her mask back on. ”If you want to know about masked men, why don’t you ask this one? Maybe he’s the one you’re looking for.” She pointed towards the armored man with the horns.

Turning to the spirit wolf Atisha motioned for him to follow. ”I was just about to grab some food as well. I believe I heard them over here, if you’ll follow me.” Walking away from the bar counter Atisha headed in the direction of the girl who announced that lunch was ready.

@Seirei No Hai@Kitsune@ZekariVoblis@Zelosse
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I see... I-I'm sorry, I understand how hard a reputation can be to uphold."

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he wasn't listening. Great! Her self-esteem is really falling behind today...

Grian leads the way through the streets, silent, and Emile tags along behind her teddy like a scared puppy. It was an interesting scene, seeing a noble-looking woman practically clinging to the giant wolf-man for protection against the night. A head-scratcher, perhaps, for anyone who was passing by.

The two press forward through the streets, until Grian suddenly speaks up, his voice scaring the daylights out of her after an hour of incredibly awkward silence. She even lets a quiet yelp escape into the night, before holding a hand to her mouth and bowing in silent apology. Her back straightens quick, however, to reply. "You have the stamina of a wolf... Haaaaah... I am in serious need of fitness training... She yawns tiredly, almost barely conscious at this point, but still walking.

Way past her bedtime.

Some thirty minutes pass, and Emile still manages to keep up with Grian, though shows signs of passing out. Whatever has her so tired is questionable, however it appears she finds it hard to even keep up with Grian sometimes, almost hitting a pole. Several times. When he mentions rest, she wastes no time in slumping on the bench, not even trying to keep awake at this point. "More... walking...?" Her childish groans of discomfort are clearly audible in her tone as she struggles to keep her eyes open. "I have no... idea... In fact, I barely remember anything... beyond this morning, hehe...!" Too tired to be depressed over amnesia, curiosity takes it place as she pieces together her past. "I know certain things, but they're very vague... Fwhoo...! My clearest memories involve everything today: waking up in a field, then running into the city and crying. The fight, me running, the mysterious fire, and us walking. Ohh how I'll remember the walking..." A pause, her gaze aiming towards the stars, as she looks almost about to cry out with her tiring eyes. "I know it might not be very believable, but... I honestly can't remember anything... But I want to, and I want to go home..."

The amnesiac noble sighs, before a smile forms on her face, the bags clearly defined beneath her eyes. "But until then, I'll crash at your place like a sleepover, 'kay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Zelosse@Kitsune@Lucius Cypher

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

The armored woman sent out a pretty clear and concise threat at him. Telling him he had a death wish...Tch. In most cases he would've tried working it out, but at this point? The studying from yesterday exhausted every single mental and physical resource Ease had. His body and mind barely could think of an appropriate retort and response to what she might do. Plus, while it was a massive risk to guess this, he really doubted she'd try and kill him in, ya know, a populated bar with god only knows how many actually violent drunks. And in the middle of the day where anyone could report her. However...

A familiar voice chimed in asking if everything was alright and with a quick glance, it was obvious it was Mr Giant himself. He gave a casual smile with his still un-rested, practically hungover eyes. "Yeah, everything's good Kyojin. Well...If the other things weren't a deterrent-Kyojin sure as hell would be. He wasn't gonna try and make any arrogant moves though. He wanted info, not a fight. But hey, guess the fight part is up to her.

”If you want to know about masked men, why don’t you ask this one? Maybe he’s the one you’re looking for.” Ugh...Why is it that people can't just be helpful instead of trying to dodge shit? He got a better look at her face though before she put the mask back on...Huh, rather pretty admittedly.

For some reason she walked over back towards Yoshi like she was interested in breakfast or something. And towards Blanc...too...His eyes finally went wide as flashes of last night entered his head. He'd be somewhat terrified of this experience if it wasn't for the fact that the connection was made. Flashes of that stabbed elf...a traumatized Blanc...a bleeding out Malakaus...Those damn fires and blood and the very stench. He had to choke himself a bit back as he felt those smells pierce his nose again. He gulped to prevent himself from vomiting. And of course the Madman of The Streets but more importantly...that woman. It was finally obvious as he stood up and walked forward as she did. This woman...

She died yesterday.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


Grian looked at Emile and almost wanted to yawn just by seeing her. She had dark bags under her eyes, and it really felt like the girl was gonna fall asleep any second now. Grian too, was tired, but he was hardy and the walk felt like nothing to him. He could hardly relate, but he was feeling the effects of staying up all day and night too. It was hard to understand the girl, party because of this, partly because she speaked in segments. His efforts to decipher anything actually useful were in vain, and all he understood was "walk" and "amnesia".

"Very well. As soon as day hits, we will begin searching for some clues about your lost memories." Grian looked at a passerby who seemed awfully interested in their due, but another furious look or two scared the man away. Grian wasn't exactly kind, and it was a question even for him why he was helping the girl. It was a very profitable business option for sure, but he also wanted to help teh girl out of his own goodwill. Not many people stay beside him these days, and some company is always welcome.

"Anyways, we should get going. The night is not waiting for anyone. If we want to have a good nights sleep and be still productive today, we need to move." He tried staying up but slumped back down on the bench. Just now he realised how tired he was. The continous walk kept his muscles awake, but now it seemed like every bit of his body was fighting to keep him at bay. He relaxed for a second and took a deep breath as he took in the peace of the crossroads. It was quiet, beautiful and a perfect palce to have a nap at. He only needs to close his eyes and he will have a good sleep. After all no one will hurt him here. Yeah, that would be good. Now only if he jsut closed his eyes...

He slapped himself with his face, promptly removing his urge to sleep. He shook his head, his fur shaking like some kind of a mop. Emile looked almost asleep, if not fully asleep already. He gently shook her to her senses, and stood up painfully as his legs started working again. "Come on now, don't be a baby. We need to go." Grian turned around, and looked a the small peak in the distance. It seemed like the faintest beams of sunshine were waking up on the horizon. The moon was giving up his reign of darkness, and the day would surely come soon after. "If you want to climb on me back, so you don't fall asleep midway. But we gotta go now, or we won't make it till sunrise."
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