Hokage is coming along > not entirely satisfied with the concept for her kekkei genkai, so I'll sleep on it.
First jounin's also being worked on.
Hokage is coming along > not entirely satisfied with the concept for her kekkei genkai, so I'll sleep on it.
Review in redDewa Shimura
He looks cool
Information collected by the census office of Konohagakure
“Everyone has their own truth”| Birthname: |Shimura Dewa
| Nicknames: |Monkeyfucking racist
| Alias: |None
| Sex: |Male
| Age: |16
| Birthplace: |Konoha
| Bloodline: |Shimura
| Rank: |Genin—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Psychology & History
From detailed inspection and investigation by ANBU and medical personnel
“It is what it is and there is no changing that”| Personal biography: |Dewa was born as a member of the Shimura clan and his family are one of the few left in the clan. He was raised in a single parent household by his father along with his two older sisters. His mother died right after he was born due to birth defects and the harshness of the winter. Like many others his age, Dewa grew up learning how harsh the world could be and he learned how to survive in the winter quick. Dewa inherited his father's kekkei genkai of lava release and the man himself trained him to use it. His father passed on his experience and legacy to his only son he intends to leave the boy with everything he can before he dies. The two would train as soon as he came home from the academy until early morning, his father would say that he is teaching him how to be a "strong and just" man. Dewa's two older sisters started to get neglected when he was born because their father focused on grooming his son.
It was his father who made him into the calm collected, individual he is today. While his oldest sister taught him the importance of working with others and being honest to people. Combine what he took from both figures and mix it with the harsh culture that the winter brought, Dewa learned how to not hold back the truth about anyone or situation. He can come off as rude and sometimes mean but that is just him speaking from the truth. Most people do not like his tendency to say what is not meant to be said and the few that do think his blunt honesty is refreshing. Many instructors say that Dewa lived in a world of Black and White, and when they did try to get him to see the grey, his blunt heart would shut them down. Perfect
| Family biography: |Shimura Clan
The Shimura clan was on of the first to join the Hidden Leaf after its founding but even still they are not popular with other clans. The Shimura clan main branch is one struck by tragedy, the wife of the clan head died a few months after the birth of her last child. This changed the dynamic of the family, the new born son would become an obsession of Sadaharu so that he could preserve his legacy.
| Family ties: |
Shimura Sadaharu| Father | 39, Konoha, Jounin known as Lava Mouth, head of the Shimura Clan
Shimura Eriko | Oldest Sister | 25, Konoha, Nurse
Shimura Rika | 2nd Oldest Sister | 20, Konoha, civilian
| Dreams and fears: |Dewa dreams of becoming the man his father wants him to be, all he has ever wanted to do was make his old man proud. He wants to grow up and protect those in his clan and take care of others like how his family took care of him.
He fears rejection and disappointment above all else. He fears being rejected by his friends family and his father for what he wants, and he fears having to deal with their disappointment in anything he does, letting people down is something that shakes him to the core.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Combat Reports
From detailed reports from previous missions and academy sparring matches
“The bigger they are the harder they fall....its science”| Fighting style: |He fights mid to long range relying on his ninjustu, kekkei genkai and kunai to get him through a fight. He is a marksman with a kunai and can be lethal at long range, but when facing a short ranged opponent or one who relies heavily on taijustu he is at an disadvantage. He uses lava release to coat his kunai with molten lava to devastate his enemies form afar and when they get in close he uses rubber to defend himself.
| Kekkei genkai - bloodline limit: |Kekkei genkai nameLava Release
DescriptionUsers can mix fire and earth chakras to produce lava or rubber, in experienced hands one can even make quicklime. When it used, lava can only be put in two forms molten lava and molten rocks. Rubber can be molded into different shapes (i.e sphere, cube, circle), square and depending and the durability the rubber can also be a good defense weapon. In a fluid state lava will be light red and flowing but in its solid or cool state you will see lava rock form and a darker red from the heat. Rubber in is still moving will be a light beige, when it is firm it will be darker and closer to the color brown. Good description
StrengthsDewa is still learning the capabilities of lava release and can produce lava and rubber. His lava justu is good for covering large areas and trapping an enemy in a corner, and also coating his kunai in lava too. He can only mold his rubber into a wall, small or large and meant only to shield him. Fair enough
WeaknessesDewa's kekkei genkai is high vulnerable to water, running lava can be cooled and slowed to a solid and moving rubber and be cooled and become stiff and unmovable. It also takes a lot of chakra to produce large amounts of lava or rubber, so large rubber walls would tire him out easily. Even though pinning an enemy down can be easy getting cornered up close can be easy too and producing rubber or lava is not a fast process, and he can get caught up in those few seconds it takes to positon your self foran attack. What about standard defense techniques i.e. earth style walls? Besides that, it's fine| Ninja techniques: |
B rank techniquesLava Release: Melting Apparition Jutsu I'll add that your character will not be capable of the same level of this technique as the kage, but since he is overlal quite balanced, I'd also say that this character you've made will have a decent strength in this technique (on the basis that a genin can theoretically learn any technique, but the application would be flawed, vs. a kage who could learn a technique and apply it flawlessly, if that makes sense)
D rank techniques
E rank techniquesAcademy Jutsu
| Custom techniques: |Jutsu nameLaval Release: Molten Kunai JustuWatch the spelling of Jutsu
RangeLong Range
DescriptionDewa has specially made kunai that can absorb large amounts of heat. He spits lava on the kunai and they absorb it, a molten kunai will be white hot with specs of red. When they are thrown they can burn any flammable substance and also burn through most things as well. Downsides to this justu are that the kunai are heavier and take a lot more effort to throw, not always guaranteed to hit. Also to keep the kunai hot takes a lot of chakra so long battles with these weapons is not advised. Makes sense, would just add that it would be hard to spontaneously burn through things. i.e. you can throw it at a block of wood, the heat wouldn't spawn a hole for it to pass through. But, that's logical. So this technique is fine.Jutsu nameLaval Release: Rubber Wall Justu
RangeMid-Short Range
DescriptionDewa can make a wall of rubber for defense. The wall can be as thick or as thin as he needed it, thicker to protect against stronger justu, thinner to reflect up close punches or kicks. The thinner wall is more rubber ball like in a sense that it is bouncy and more tangible, while the thicker wall is more like a tire hard to penetrate and not as movable once it's in a shape. Rubber can still be cut with a sharp enough blade and punched through with a strong enough punch. The robber is hat as well so if water or cold air where to cool it, the rubber would become like concrete easily breakable with he right technique. Also make larger thicker walls can drain him. Perfect
| Weapons: |Weapon nameLava Kunai
Weapon, tool, or object typeKunai
with a swirl in the middle.Weapon nameStars
Weapon, tool, or object typeShuriken
DescriptionA 4 tipped shuriken that looks silver.
Ok up for review. Ask and you shall receiveHirtori Nagasaki
Information collected by the census office of Konohagakure“When did I begin? Better yet, when have I stopped?”| Birthname: |Nagasaki, Hitori.
| Nicknames: |Hit.
| Alias: |The Fool
| Sex: |Male
| Age: |18
| Birthplace: |Konohagakure
| Bloodline: |Nagasaki
| Rank: |Chunin—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Psychology & History
From detailed inspection and investigation by ANBU and medical personnel
“Your Perception is your reality. Good thing I'm the only one who can see clearly.”| Personal biography: |Since birth Hitori was a silly individual. Always with a grin painted on his face and a cool demeanor that always allowed him to make friends quite easily. At the same time he seems to never care about anything, never opinionated on any subject and using facts to make his judgements on ideals. As he grew older and the hardships began to appear he became more calculated with any decision he makes. Always making a choice that would have the higher chance of achieving his goal.
In combat he seems to change. While usually never serious, he makes a exception when it comes to the well being of him, his friends, and family. Staying almost completely quiet and with his hands in his pockets, taking slow strides and movement until he finds it necessary to act. To see it for the first time, one would assume he had a death wish or was just a lazy individual. His actions gave him the Title of "The Fool". One part being for his care free silly personality, the other part being how he fools others to underestimate him until he reveals his nature. When things are usually not going his way, Hitori has a habit of losing himself to a built up temper and goes into a fit of rage that usually causes trouble to him and his Allies.
| Family biography: |The Nagasaki Clan was always a small clan that has never gained to much renown, but still respected for some of the individuals that were born to the name. The clan slowly began to die out before the Winter, now only leaving one family. Although this never came as a problem for his family, as they all have a care free view of the world. If the clan was to die out, it was just how it was supposed to be, but if it were to blossom then luck had shine upon them. Huh. This is pretty dope. I like it.
| Family ties: |
Hikari Nami| Mother | 41, Hitori's House, Stay at home Mother. Born an Orphan.
Daku Nagasaki| Father to Hitori| 42, Hitori's House, a Farmer for Konohagakure. An ex Jounin before the Winter.
Sutakku Nagasaki| Brother to Hitori | 8, Hitori's House. Has problems walking since birth, but known to be a Prodigy for being the best shot with a bow in the history of Konohagakure.
| Dreams and fears: |Hitori has a modest dream of protecting his family. Although it also causes great fear that he could lose them someday. Hitori seems to be the only one to care for his Family and overall clan to grow and be known all around Konohagakure. Hitori hopes to be the catalyst for its bright future.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Combat Reports
From detailed reports from previous missions and academy sparring matches
“No. They didn't make it...”| Fighting style: |Hitori has followed his family's fighting style of Kenjutsu with heavy support from Genjutsu. He usually will only use his Genjutsu to open up the target for a swift safe attack. Usually in battle he becomes cold and calculated, taking his time to figure out where to strike or save an ally.
| Kekkei genkai - bloodline limit: |Disrupting Chakra FlowDescriptionPassed on to almost all that are born to the Nagasaki Family. This Kekkei genka makes it impossible to all but the highest of Genjutsu to be used on the person who has this Sounds a bit too strong. It can block literally all genjutsu?. It also makes user's aware if any Genjutsu was used on them. It is shown to be used when the eye of the user completely turning a beastly yellow, with a small black tome replacing the eye's pupil. It is usually used to surprise the attacker, fooling them into thinking their Genjutsu is still working.
StrengthsIt makes Genjutsu almost impossible to be used on the holder. It can detect if Genjutsu is was or is being used on them.
WeaknessesThis requires a significant amount a chakra to be used. Only a Single B Rank Techniques can be blocked at Hitori's level. This is not really a weakness but a limit. A weakness would be how I can get around the kekkei genkai strengths.| Ninja techniques: |I don't really have a problem with any of the jutsus.A rank techniques
B rank techniquesUnlimited Blade Works
C rank techniquesRage Incarnate: Blade Barrage
D rank techniques
E rank techniques
| Custom techniques: |Unlimited Blade Works
RangeMedium Range - Precise
DescriptionThis Genjutsu was created by Hitori on complete accident while trying to master his father's jutsu "Four Swords of the Apocalypse". The technique makes the user believe projectiles are being hurled by Hitori with an invisible force. It could be from a single shuriken to a barrage of Kunai, regardless they are all fake and pose no true physical damage. The point of the jutsu is to create an opening to a unsuspecting victim. The jutsu will almost instantly releases its hold on the victim as soon as one of the imaginary blades makes contact, usually due to the victim realizing it caused no damage. The time it takes to fade is completely on the victim's attitude. A rash hot headed individual will find easy to block Kunai, while a level headed ninja will have to deal with a barrage of projectiles.
FineJutsu nameRage Incarnate: Blade Barrage
RangeClose - Unpredictable
DescriptionA Kenjutsu technique that sends Chakra rushing through the user's nervous system giving him increased strength and speed. The technique is only used when Hitori is backed into a corner and enraged, sending a barrage of completely uncoordinated and random attacks with any weapon he can get a hold of. While it is possible to overwhelm the enemy, it also opens himself wide open to any properly planned counter attacks. This burns through chakra at a high speed and can easily send the user into a coma due to the lack of chakra left in the body. Are you going to impose these dangers on your character in the IC too? If so, that's fine.| Weapons: |Weapon nameCruel Reality
Weapon, tool, or object typeShort Sword
DescriptionThis straight short sword is a heirloom to the Nagasaki clan. The only notable feature is it's strange metal property that allows the blade to bend and even have a little of a bounce to the blade.Weapon nameKunai
Take a look at my comments -> edit what you find neccesary, and then feel free to post it in the character bin.
Yes, also take a look at mine. Only the family section/tai-gen-jutsu left. And the pic...and the birth name. Also I didn't deem it necessary to add that I carry metal wires/kunai/ninja stars and the ordinary stuff.
@Asura Please.. go with Kaguya.Your character can be any clan as long as you have a good reason for them ending up in Konoha.
I.e. the easiest solution is 'he immigrated there' or something.
Hokage will be a woman, so no patriarchy in my damn IC.