@Fashy Any more room? I'd like to use a Nation I used in the second part of @Sigma's RP if that's cool?
Yep, there is room. Also, I'm going to write up the IC post soon. Just a reminder, it will be just a bunch of background information and setting up the story, so it won't be the from the perspective of my country. (I haven't finished my History yet, but with all the people who have theirs finished, I'd hate to hold all of you up)
Right, @Fashy. My sheet is relatively done (It isn't actually finished, but the details required by you are done... everything else is my usual detailmania)
Right, @Fashy. My sheet is relatively done (It isn't actually finished, but the details required by you are done... everything else is my usual detailmania)
Awaiting either criticism or acceptance.
It is quite good, accepted. Please move it into the Character Section
@Fashy Now half of the guys here will know these guys, or at least heard about them. I see many familiar faces from Era of Succession (or Strained Detenté for that matter). Please keep in mind that the format of teh CS is different, so I will be working int eh enxt few days to turn this beastly CS into your format.
Edit: Also noticed tech section is missing. Thats about 15k characters lost to teh great abyss of the RPG. That will be coming up soon then too!
The Gashathi Rule
Ruler: Kel'thaN
Type of Government: Divine Mandate
Description of Government: The Gashathi Rule is led by by the Gashathi, the Preatorian Race, an ancestral and powerful race of beings that have lived for millions of years. One of them is always on the throne, whilst the others act as the Council of Elders, an inner ring that gives tips and information to the ruler. The nation unites different races, all collected as specimen long before the Humans have conquered this part of the space, when the Gashathi still ruled this part of the known space.
Ever since the Great Reunion, Kindal'Q was appointed head of the Unificatory Rule. His ideas of purging the world of all that is not acceptable has driven many races to extinction, and under his pressure the 4 Singularities have been adopting policies which are extremely brutal to new xeno species. He reformed the church, which is now stronger than ever.
In Addition to the Supreme Leader and the council, the Unificatory Rule was formed, which is the offical Gashathi Empire, but its job is to focus on soothening the differences and minor claims between the minor races of the four Singularities. The Singularities is the collective name for each of the gashathi rules that formed their own nation.
Allegiance: Xenophobic/Aligned with Non-Humans
Main Race: Gashathi - The Gashathi are an all powerful race, as ancient as time itself. Long before the Humans have conquered the Milky Way they had an empire spanning galaxies. However, even thought they have ruled for so long, they couldn't escape the great barrier for sentient beings. Space itself. From beyond the known sectors came the great plague, quickly massacring Trillions and wiping entire species off the face of the universe in days. To avoid them the Gashathi purged their empire, and hid until the time would come to rule again. They possess great psionical powers which they used to determine when to wake up their former empire. Their bodies are genetically modified to be strong, quick, and tenacious to the point of not aging, but the thousands of genetical modifications left them unable to reproduce, leaving them in a constant fear of dying. They are very intelligent, and and have good senses. Thought once they had made themselves perfect via genetic engineering, that time has passed already, and now their sacred bodies are left alone, and those among them who still wish to modify themselves are sent to "rehabilitation" to consider their wish again. They have 6 eyes, and their face is slightly elongated to house their large brain. They have 6 arms, 2 of which are permanently covered by their long robes, and thought thin in structure, extremely strong due to physics bending muscle density. Their skin is grey, and absorbs large amounts of light that both powers the gahathi and hide them from searching eyes. But their powerful body is also very flexible, and agile, able to fit through small gaps, without a problem.
Minority Races: Gensathi - The Gensathi are the offsprings of the Gashathi, a race created from dust to the image of their "gods", in desperation during the great plague. They say that teh gensathi look like the Gashathi did once, but with no evidence, it stays as a mere legend. The Gensathi are strong, intelligent, and very loyal servants of the Praetorians, doing all their bidding for their gods. They are the only race that is permitted to quit military duty after 10 years of active service, though most stay there until tehy die. They are also unmonitored and are granted free will after they complete military training. Unlike the Gashathi, they can reproduce, even thought they have lost the psionic abilities.
Sankar - The Sankar are a mix of Reptilian and Insectoid in appearance, but just like the other races of the empire, they have been modified thousands of years ago to be the perfect killing machines. They are bipedal, with human like body structure, but that is where similarities run out. Though scales and hardened muscles make sure they go down after everyone else is dead, and their sharp teeth and claws make them efficent at close combat. They wield basic weapons in combat, such as spears and battleaxes, acoompanied with makeshift armor made of leather and bones, rarely metal. Monitored from birth they grow in colonies of their own, and are taken away once they reach a certain age. They are put under brain control of a Gensathi Operator in dozens, who makes sure these ferocious beasts obey the empire, and fry their brains if they don't.
Kaalispar - The most popolous of all the other races, the Kaalispar are a race of reptilian humanoids that server their Etheral Gods to death. Sharp reflexes, and a resiliant body makes them perfect footman on any battlefield. They wield plasma weapons and power armors to battle as the "gifts of the god" and they are keen on using modernized variants of medvial weapons. Their society is a complex one, where the priests rule over all, who are contacted by the Gashathi and give out divine orders. There are many different colours, a trait that marks the fate of that individual. Depending on their colour, they can become workers, soldiers, or even priests. Their strict religion bans any form of scientific advance, a method the Gashathi use to restrict the millions that would rise if they knew about the oppression. They live a medival technological level, but those that are chosen to serve in the army are given advanced weapons. They are the farmers of the empire.
Mekar - An Aquatic race of molluscoids that serve as the main scientific and spec ops race for the Gashathi. They are also the race that does most of the genetic tailoring for the Gashathi. The Mekar are highly intelligent, and the only race unmodified genetically by the gashathi in the empire. Their bodies are small but insanely agile and quick, and they posses the camoflague ability of the species they evolved from. They have made modifications to their own body with the approval of the gashathi so that their camo ability could be used as an optical camo. They live underwater, and thought they can live above ground, they use a special gear to breathe. Both in and out of water, they can move like an ocopus and sqeeze themselves through most crevices. This makes them excellent at infiltration, and special operations. Their society is highly technological, and the smartest people rule their many different nations. As such the smartest people relaize that going against the Gashathi would be the end of their race.
(I wish I could show you a picture, but then you won't be able to sleep for the next 2 weeks)
Vulkhar - Gigantic beasts with the intellect of tiny insects. However they not completely devoid of inteeligence, even if it is much smaller that that of the Sankar. They have their own language and have incredible memory, not to mention their very complex social structure. Their bodies are huge, ranging around 20-40 meters of heigh depending on 3 genders, incredibly strong, and very well armed with scales that can deflect all but the strongest of projectiles. They are both an alternative and backup for the Sankars, and are used when other tamed beasts can't do the heavy lifting. Once they get angry, there is no stopping them, so the Gashathi usually stop asking them to do stuff to avoid colleteral damage, and more likely manipulate them to make them beleive what they do is for themselves. That said, they have the same implants as the Sankar have, even if they are for stunning and angering them rather than controlling them. There are special transport ships for their carrying, reinforced heavely, just in case these generally calm monsters get the blood eye before battle. However as calm as they are, before they had the fighting capabilities of a Moon Destroyer compacted into 20 meters of flesh, they were a lot more suspectible to attacks from wildlife on their planet. This evolved a natural gland in their body that stores adrenaline safely, and when they are attacked, it releases the stored substance and enrages them into a bloody rage, only controlled by their implants to some extent.
Lokhar - An insectioid race of spider like creatures. They have hardy skins that are effective at dissipating energy damage, but are very fragile otherwise. Thought it may seem that they don't have a language, they use some sort of unknown psionic language to communicate with each other in the gigantic underground hive colonies they live in. Unlike other insects that live in hives, there is no ruler, but rather a strong sense of survival in every individual of the race that makes them co-operate perfectly. They are are the workhorses of the empire, as they excell in mining, operating machinery, and building structures. There are a number of them that are called officers and they are given special implants so they can understand the language that the orders are given in. But this is not their only use. There are some subspecies of them that show venomous traits, and are carried away to be turned into biological weapons of mass destruction. Insanely quick and agile, these monsters created by the Mekar lay their offsprings in the enemy, and can spit venomous liquid over 20 feet which can eat through steel and quickly evaporates to create a poisonous cloud. However, they are few in numbers, and require loads of training before they are put on the battlefield.
Religion Description: The races of the empire (part from the Mekar and Gensathi) beleive that the Gashathi are their gods, and call them the Praetorian Race. This is due to excessive brain washing over the thousands of years, which didn't fade even after the races were awaken with the Gashathi. they all beleive that their races were created from dust by the Gashathi, which is true to some extent, and all live to server the best for the ruler and empire. There is an overall sense of loyalty, and religious actions are taken in places where this would falter, such as the Kaalispar. Thought there used to be over 2000 races in the old empire, after the great plague, many were hidden away with the Gashathi gruops, and such there are hints of now extint species in the religion. They are called the Ancestors by most, and some renegade members of society have put their minds to finding them, and raising awareness that they might have not been created by the Preatorian ones. They are usually swiftly dealt with, but they sometimes cause internal troubles.
Ever since Kindal'Q became head of church, his actions have exterminated the heretic religions and those who follow it. The religion is even more brutal than ever before, and those who don't obey are executed swiftly. Even ordinary citizens will go and attack those who aren't the followers of the Praetorian Race.
Religious Demographics: Praetorian Race - 99% Ancestral Origins - less than 1% (mainly Kaalispar)
Culture: Due to the many different races and the extensive timespan of the empire, there have been many different cultural affections for each race, thus leading to many different periods that affected the traditions. However the races in the Gashathi Rule have a relatively simple culture, due to the very young re-establishment of their empires. This has led them to build up their new homes in a fashion according to the latest culturalar influence from just before the great plague.
Gensathi/Gashathi - The two races are really closely bonded in both culture and social structure. Furthermore the Gensathi are the only race that meet a Gashathi almost daily. They share the same cities, and thought they are made in a fashion so the different classes are separated, they still traverse the districts daily, with the expection of the high court where the Council of Elders is housed. Their cities avoid disturbing natural beauty where possible, often being built into mountains and high cliffs. The landscape is changed in a way so that the cities that lay in plains will have a small incline as one goes upward, and many trees are planted so that the place looks natural. Most of the buildings expand downwards instead of upwards, and the gold and silver lining that is the trademark of the Gashathi can be seen everywhere. Due to the small population of these races, it is likely that the Gensathi live in smaller communities in well defendable places with natural barriers, and only those in the lead of the empire settle in the planetary capitals. Planets where the gashathi appear quickly get one of these city complexes, and temples and shrines with Gensathi priests are constructed in a rush all over the planet. The Gashathi always wear a long face mask, and robes of exotic materials to cover their body entirely. the Gensathi on the other hand have no problem shoving their faces, and often frightening the other races with their ferocious looks.
Sankar - Their culture no more than war and fighting, these barbaric creatures don't live in cities. they have their own planets where they roam the untamed lands, hunting anf ighting each other in their small camps. They are usually placed on planets where some big games can be found, as the Sankar enjoy nothing more than a good hunt. Their tents are made of animal parts and wood, rarely compromising metal in their construction. their villages are defended by a high wall amde of bones or wood that is palced down before anything else. Once the village reaches the walls, the tribe sends out people to make a new camp elsewhere. The tribe houses a single tribe, thought all are connected by their religion. There are carvings of the Gashathi in every setllement, along with a large statue in the middle of the camp. They have priests that teach differing things with every tribe, but the Sankar generally have 3 main traditions they do for their gods: Every day they pray for half an hour in the rays of the noon sun, they don't eat fish, and other sea creatures, and lastly they sacrifice teh biggest game on the planet every month for the gods.
Kaalispar - The Kaalispar are probably the most complex and simple race at the same time. Whilst their building style is that of the medival ages with huge castles and forts all over their planets, their temples are carved into the mountains and are adored with riches unspeakable. They are very efficent farmers, and most of their religion is centered around worshipping the gods for a good harvest. They have highly efficent methods of farming and produce large amounts of biomass for synthetizing food too. Most of the biomass and some food are taken away monthly by an assigned Gensathi, who are beleived to be the "angels" that guard the Gashathi, which is not true from the actual truth. Socially, the Kaalispar are very complex, and they are very quick to make up their mind, often shifting their attention from important issues, which can cause troubles in their everyday life. This is balanced by their implants, which make it so their most important tasks always stay priority. Their relationships are also complictaed as the different colours don't necessarely like each other, but they might be drawn towards one colour when finding a mate.
Mekar - The Mekar are a very interesting race in that they live underwater. Not only that, but their molluscoid nature makes it so they need not much space. And against all this, their cities are expansive underwater complexes with air in them, fashioned out of polished metal and tons of glass. They study genetical diversity on the underwater wildlife, and like to experiment on many things. Almost unrestricted in research, they often find themselves in quite a mess if something goes wrong. Naturally, their intellect is one of the only thing that the Gashathi enslaved them for, but later they proved exellent troops due to their amazing natural abilities. As such the top of the democracy on these planets are the scientist and troops. Every 40 years there is an election for a council that leads the nation, and the given planet.
Vulkhar - Their culture is as simple as they are. Thought on the outer they might seem barbaric and stupid, they understand each other perfectly, and have a very high social intellect. They might (will) not solve a math problem, but they can easely understand what anyone means, this including most animals. They are very mean creatures, and they do9n't like sharing or doing anyone's bidding, given that it is not a Vulkhar. They used to live in caves and natural coves, but with the help of the empire they could upgrade to bigger housings. This mostly means bigger caves and setllements carved into rock with Vulkhar sized "furnitures" inside.
Lokhar - To be exactly precise, no one really knows how the lokhar culture works. Sometimes buildings look edgy, sometimes they look very gently carved, so there really isn't a general thing to say about the style of their buildings. But their underground cities are still fascinating, with gigantic structures carved out of rock, hovering above a gigantic hole that the Lokhar use as the main mineshaft. On the side of the gigantic cavern walkways span far and wide connecting the many buildings, and the churches that are suspended mid air above the shaft by gigantic stone pillars. These shafts are so deep indeed, that many of the Lokhar never see the what the colony looks like a few hundred meters above or below. This is the main reason for the diversity of their architecture. When it comes to their society, it is bland, and simple. They possess human intellect, but they lack any body parts to speak, and so their communication is transferred through some kind of telepathy. It is because of this that such things like letters or couriers don't exist, as they can just ask any other Lokhar what they want. this can quickly become really irritating, even to them, so they usually communicate in closed groups that are focused on the same task. Probably the main reason the Lokhar excell as construction workers, because they can have undivided attention on what they do, with amazing co-ordiation.
History: Not even the Gashathi know how they came to be. On a peaceful hos world rich of minerals, and devoid of natural predators, the Gashathi quickly evolved from whatever they were originally into a space faring civilization. Utilizing warp gates, to conquer their galaxy, they faced almost no threat in deep space. Their galaxy devoid of intelligent life at the time, it seemed like the Gashathi were chosen to be the rulers of the world. With the expanse came inner conflicts, and war raged for thousands of years. After the devastating wars ended, the power was solidified by one ruler, and the governement we see nowadays was created. The geneticall modified leaders pulled a ruthless hierarchy over the lesser Gashathi. Incredibly cruel, only the strongest and the smartest of their race survived the tirranic rule of the first "god". The same ruler that laid down the basis of how the empire should look like. In the upcoming hundreds of years, the divine rule easened up, and the generations that knew of the civil wars died out, and all the info got erased. Their offsprings now all powerful beings who beleived they were gods, the Gashathi became making offspring races on planets scattered across their galaxy, using the evolving life on them as basics. But as the Jump Drives were invented, the Universe itself opened up for them. A fertile ground fo their oppressive empire to expand, new galaxies with sentient life were discovered and then enslaved to serve their gods. They empire spread the spores of their offsprings all across the territory of the empire, in hope that one day their creations would become perfect beings, fit to share the throne with. Years, only measured in hundreds of thousands passed by, and their genetical creations evolved under the strict observation of the Gashathi, whilst the other races were kept in constant fear. However, one such experiment took a dark turn on the day when it suddenly evolved a mutagen, previously unknown to the Gashathi. The ability infinitely adapt to the surroundings, in matter of days the whole planet was covered with this thick alien mucus that could live off anything. Eager to gain this ability for themselves, the Gashathi made a daring attempt get a sample of this material before razing the planet. But against all odds, for the first time in thousands of years, they made a mistake, and the ship transporting the subject got infected. Upon reaching the Gashathi homeworld, the alien material escaped the containement, and infected the highly intelligent biological computer systems, turning the Gashathi's machines against them. A ferocious was waged, but after months, the planet fell, killing millions of Gashathi and the virus spread to other worlds, now infecting both robotics and animals. Whilst controlling living beings proved too difficult for the virus, generating electronic impulses to control robots was no big issue. Soon the empire fell for the onslaught of machines carrying biological superweapons, and the home galaxy of the gashathi fell, along with their prized offsprings. In a daring attempt, the Gashathi gathered all the traits of the empire's denizens and manipulated their own genetics to make themselves truly godlike. They lsot their fertility, but they saved a piece of their empire graved into their molceules. Before giving up on their empire and freezing themselves until the perfect day would come, the Gashathi made sure that their remaining children would survive. They put space colonies in automated space station in intergalactic space, and installed moons around planets to protect their offsprings until they would fully evolve.
For a brief period of time, between 21 BR and 15 BR, the First Singularity ruled over a small region of the Outer Arm. During this time the Gashathi made the foundations of the first armada, and constructed the GRF Magnificent, which currently houses the Council of Elders, the Gashathi Ruler and the Unificatory Leader. After some contact with the races of the freshly collasped Terran Empire, the Singualrity left the System after receiving an encrypted message. With a few new races that they have conquered int his brief period, the Gashathi made their way to an abandoned facility in deep space that was used as a comms relay by another awaken Gashathi cell. In 7 BR the two Rules united and emrged under the command of Supreme ruler Kel'thaN, formerly the leader of the First Singularity. The Andromeda galaxy quickly fell without any unified Empire to stand up against the Gashathi. The Andromeda galaxy hosted the First and Second Singularity until 0 AR, when the Third and Fourth Singularity joined them. With 3 Galaxies under their reign, the Gashathi set tehir eyes on the Milky way yet again. During the short period of their reunion, the races failed to unite yet again, and the First Singularity was sent to the Outer Arm, to recover their old provinces. Being the most familiar with the area, they made a quick voyage with a much bigger fleet this time, quickly reconquering their old territories. Their ultimate goal is to find the hidden Gashathi cells in the galaxy, and purge it of all races that fail to obey them.
Description of Military:
When it comes to weapons, you can count on the ingenuity of Gashathi and Mekar engineers, with the latter being more radical that destructive in most cases. As such the military of the Gashathi is very strictly regulated to avoid any confusion, and a well made system is installed to make sure that every ship and weapon is made out of similar parts, so reapirs and fixes are very easy and quick. For all your needs, I made 3 hiders so you can freely browse things like Infantry, Fleets and Ground Vehicles.
Here are all the infantry division that the Gashathi maintain currently (thought I don't know any numbers before the GM englihtens us)
The Gashathi Hirule:
Not as fancy as their diplomatic bretheren, but far deadlier. The Hirule is the most elite infantry organization that the Gashathi houses. Made of the most ruthless, physics bending and mind altering of the Praetorian Race, these shadows are the symbol of death and destruction. Devoting their lifetime to the mastering of shadow arts, any of of these soldiers house the power of the Gashathi's entire space armada. It has been reported only 3 times during the great empire's time that one of these soldiers were dispatched, and there was nothing left in their wake. They are teh most powerful of their race, and because of this they are not allowed to become the ruler as it would shift the balance drastically. That said they are the bodyguards of the Council and the Ruler, and they are often involved in making military decisions. They are also the only recorded individuals to ever tap into the Lokhar mind network without suffering any damage.
Gensathi Royal Commando:
The top of the Gensathi army and military chain, the Royal Commando acts as the very elite on the battlefield, usually only observing the battle from next to the general. They don't exactly fill in any combat purpose unless when things get really hairy. However if it does come down to fighting their strict military training makes them almost untouchable. Their powered armors protecting them and helping them dish out swift but deadly strikes, there aren't many that can survive and encounter with them. They are master swordsman, reyling mostly on the excessive use of their balde and shield, but if needs be they are excellent marksman as well. There is always a few in every batallion, no matter how small it is. Their secondary duty includes reporting everything directly to the Council of Elders.
Gensathi Regulars:
No matter what the name says, calling them regular is a fatal mistake. Whilst it is true that they are the lowest ranking of Gensathi army (after the recruits of course), they are by no means cannon fodders. They are the rbead and butter for most armies, carrying out various roles with extreme effiency. Usually not on the front line, they are more keen on using their rifles than rushing at the enemy like Sankar would, but their marksmanship and heavy armor compensates well for their lack of close combat weapons. However the bare fists of their armor are more than enough to bring down the regular enemies if they get close.
Gensathi Marines:
The Gensathi Marines is the infantry division that prefers to be launched out of drop pods and fight inside ships and stations rather that simply getting out of a car and shooting across a flat plain. No one can say anything bad about them for their decision thought. Not only would that person end up dead in seconds, but no one should underestimate the marines. They are the most excessively used corp of the Gensathi army, and go into battle with the lower races shoulder to shoulder. Their battle armors are though as adamantite and they can survive uot in the depths of vacuum if need be. They go through excessive training and they gladly sacrifice themselves for the mission if there is no option left. They often throw away guns that are empty, ather than reaload them, and pick up dropped ones or even rush into battle bare fisted, knowing that each of their punch will cause serious damage.
Gensathi Infiltrator:
The shadows of the battlefield, the Infiltrators carry out tasks that are either too hard or too dirty for others. Technically ranked below the regulars for doing ungraceful misions, their skill level matches that of a Royal Guard. Their preference is sneaking, and they like to show it to other foes by slicing their throat out of nowhere. They often carry out independant missions that need experience in stealth. Their armory is one of the most colorful, but definetly the deadliest. From chains to sniper rifles, the Infiltrators fill in every role the army needs, and they excel at it. Their armor is enhanced with the lates sensory technologies and can turn themselves invisible for short times, and masking their radiation from the enemy.
Sankar Boneshatterers:
Obedient, Strong and merciless are the words that ebst describe the Boneshaatterers. Their implants make them EXTREMELY loyal to the point where they run into enemy lines without hesitation if it helps the Gashathi win the battle, often changing the tides of the conflict with their brave assaults. Their charges are the most fearsome thing in the galaxy, and often result in enemies with non-existent skeletons, giving them their trademark Boneshatterer name. They wield basic armor, and basic weaponary like swords and axes paired with shields, but when it comes down to fighting, these are only formalities. Their superhuman strenght and razor sharp claws can make quick work of foes in an arms lenghts, and their imposing structure and armored skin make them enemies worthy even for smaller walkers and mechs. The Boneshatterer are many, and are heavely used in conflict zones ranging from planet surfaces to capital ship infiltrations.
Sankar Big Game Hunters:
The Big Game Hunters, as their name suggests, hunt the biggest and baddest enemies that arrive to a abttlefield. They are the same warriors that hunt the monthly sacrifical beast for the Sankar tribes, but are not afraid to go against huge armored walkers either. Equipped with two handed battleaxes made of DuroSteel and hooked chains, they are capable of fighting the masses or individual enemies. They are the only ones in teh Sankar army to be allowed to have tech, as they are equipped with Mk. II Mass Accelerator greandes, capable of doing lethal damage in vehicles or organics. They are usually left out of causal fighting, but often assault fortifications, and are the ones dispatched if a big bad meany appears on the battlefield. Groups of 4 stun or incapacitate the enemy, and then quickly dispatch of them using the grenades and axes. That said, quick and agile nemies counter them easely, and are only caught if they were foolish enough to let themselves be hooked. The Big Game Hunters are not many, but are well organized, and there is always a nice backlog of potential candidates.
Sankar Bloodtears:
Not called Bloodtear because they cry blood, but rather because they tear their enemies in half into a bloody mess, these ferocious beasts are teh finest in the Sankar army. The best of the Sanakrs are chosen periodically to be enchanted even further. Increasing their muscle mass to 2-3 times that of the already super strong Sankar, and adding the Lokhar's energy resitant fiber to their skin, these big, green, mean killing machines are what leave the surgical tubes. They stand 7 meters tall and are fully shielded with armor made of the same material as the Gashathi forge their light cruiser's plating of, adding a further layer of defense. They wield an unique wepaon called the Sakran, which is a big eliptical shield, able to cover most of their silhoutte, with dual spikes on the upper and lower part to give imposing offensive capabilities to it. In the hands of the Bloodtears, these are weapons of mass destruction, and instruments to their namegiving move where they tear their foes apart using the spikes on the Sakhran. There are, sadly, not many Bloodtears in the Gashathi army as most were left behind when the hybernation begin.
Sankar Beastriders:
Another specialised division of the Sanakr Corps, the beastriders are the most agile of the Sankar, and arguably the most fearsome as they ride their genetically enchanted monsters into battle. The Beastriders train to be riders from their birth, riding and training with the best that is affiliated with their tribe. There are many different tames, ranging from giant wolves and bears to spiders and scorpions. Even bigger and scarier things are not rare as well, but they are not commonly used in combat zones. the beasts are always armored up to cover their vital organs, so that they may still be really fast and agile. This way not only the rider, but the tame can fight in the same time. Violent, agressive, mercilles and blood crazed, these Sankar maniacs are not to be underestimated, as even one can take down entire squads of elite troops.
Kaalispar Knights:
The average kaalisparian prays their entire life that they can become a Knight one day. Those who do get accepted deeply regret it. the backbone of the army, they are the most numerous of the gashathi Empire's army, and are the first to go into battle. Thought well trained, the Kaalispar don't handle combat dituations well, and often get confused or shocked in their first battle, resulting in their deaths. Those who get over it can become the REAL Knights and are equipped with a variety of tools. they fill roles ranging from basic Rifleman to Machine Gunner and AT/AA Infantry. They wear inexpensive but intimidating power armor, giving them a basic edge over anyone not wearing such suits, but are less powerful than other power armor types. They can move planets in masses, but are almost completely useless alone.
Kaalispar Vanguards: (tehre are times when copyrighted shit is just way cool)
Those msot devoted to the kaalisparian culture often wield different arms, and do more training than their bretheren. In order to utilize these individuals, the vanguards were born. Equipped with a pistol and a sword, the Vanguards are a step up from the Knights. Still many in numbers, they fill the gaping hole that is betwwen the Knights and the rest of the Gashathi's army. Moderately trained, and armored up with a better suit, they are devoted to their cause, and are more observant than their bretheren Knights. They fill the role of Blitz Infantry, and strike with precision, rather than massive amounts of bullets, often resorting in swordplays. Without them the Gashathi Army would fall apart when it came down to command chains on the battlefield, as they keep the knights in an orderly fashion, and lead them into battle.
Kaalispar Purifiers
Wielding some of the most advanced armors in the Empire, the purifiers beleive that all lifeforms that are not created by their gods must be eliminated. Fanatical warriors of the highest training, they are as ruthless as the Sankar, and their Exo-Armors provide the means to achieve their goals. They work alone, filling the roles of battlefield legends and heroes in the eyes of other Kaalispar, often massacring enemies furiously. They are equipped with an implant more malicious than the others, making them absolutely maniac and battle drive when it comes to fighting, and even equipping them with HUDs that are said to be "blessings for their job". Effective, but more instinctive than professional, the Purifiers strike heart into their enemies heart, and when one falls, another one is sure to come from the endless supply that is the Kaalispar race.
Mekhar Sentinel (Again, this one is way good)
The only members of the Army that are mekar, the Sentinel fill various stealth roles, often working together with the Gensathi Infiltrators. The Sentinels have all teh features of the Mekhar in one deadly package. They can go invisible to hide in plain sight, spit blinding ink at the enbmy to disorienbt them, and lastly stund and strangle them with their tentacles. The Sentinels have no weapons part from their body, but they can utilize it well with their custom made armor that provides more scanning info that actual protection. There isn't many in the Mekhar community that wants to fight, so there is only a very small amount of Sentinels. But their stealth is exactly waht is needed to acquire key information, and assassinate important personnel. Excellent at ambushes and one-on-one fights, they are quite fragile, and if a lucky shot does hit them, they are likely to go down easely.
Vulkhar Titans
Though as anything can be, the Vulkhar Titans are the even more badass version of the simple Vulkhar. Do not be mistaken however, every individual Vulkhar lives only to fight, but there is always need for even more armor and strenght, and that is where these things come in. Armored up to the point where a nuclear blastwave is nothing more than a summer wind's breeze, the Titans often act as meat shields for other troops. Their giant silhoutte can cover other forces behind it from artillery shelling, and their incredible power can shatter any walls. They are very, very hard to kill and are very good against many enemies, but apart from obvious cons, these beasts are really hard to transport, and are often not worth the time and effort.
Lokhar Genetics
A name that represents all of the Lokhar military. Unlike other species, the Lokhar wanted to join the Gashathi in order to get protection from other strong species. They are happy to have received genetical mods that amde them stronger at what they do, but they aren't really keen on fighting. Every modification on them is kept top secret, and is only done on those Lokhar that want to fight. This makes the Lokhar military the smallest of all races even thought they are numerous as a species. They are also the most enchaned, often ending up without conciousness or savage beasts rule by instincts. Any info regarding them is top secret, and no one lived to tell what these beasts are.
When it comes to the Gashathi, space faring is not just a trait picked up, or an obsession. According to the known archives, they were the first to ever travel between galaxies, and msot likely even conquer a galaxy. Their space faring technology is sophisticated, delicate, and immensely powerful. However, technology wasn't hidden along with the colonies in an accessable form. Thus, a lot of the machinery that makes the Gashathi fleet overly powerful is still decrypted in databanks and genes. However the Mekhar have made some significant breakthroughs to give an edge to the Gashathi and Mekar Armada.
As such, the two fleets are completely different, and are under separate control. Thought the Mekar fleet can choose options in smaller scenarios, it is ultimately under Gashathi control. Here is a list of both Armada's ships and unique technologies, along with small info about their composition and jobs. Hoo boy, let's begin!
Gashathi Armada The royal fleet, so to say, The Gashathi fleet is ultimately led by the Ruler, and is commanded by both Gashathi and Gensathi. The general crew is Lokhar and Kaalispar. However higher ranking ships are usually handled by Gensathi entirely. It is the main punching power of the empire, and makes up 67% of the empire's total fleet. It handles generalised tasks, such as space battles, HPE (High Priority Engagement) and planetary invasions. However it has infiltration, deep space, and scout capabilities too. It is well organized, and is usually separated into task groups. These task groups are made up of many smaller squads, but they are close enough to each other that they provide full radar coverage, and can easely flank attackers. There is always one flagship in a task group, and a dozen battleships that are responsible for the smaller groups. The mayority of the ships, around 46%, are Battlecruisers or Assaultcrusiers, responsible for taking down other enemy capital ships. The rest is divided into frigates, destroyers and corvettes(from big to small). Frigates(17%) take down support crafts, and smaller capitals, destroyers(12%) dish out serious damage to flagships and large capitals from far away, whilst the corvettes(25%) make sure that those pesky little fighters and torpedos don't get anywhere near the hard hitting ships. (You can see the Gashathi names of the ships. I swear to god that I WILL give nicknames for them, bit right now, I just want them done)
TELEP Armor - It stands for Tritanium Enriched with Lokhar Energy Protection Armor. It is an armor type that negates 95% of all energy attacks, and reroutes the excess energy into the shield system to beef them up considerably. It is also effective against kinetic weapons, but not anywhere near as effective as the Mekhar or any specialized armor type. It converst around 5% of the kinetic energy into energy too. (Furthermore it is the Hungarian word for capacitator. Bet you didn't expect is huh?)
MLRS - The Multi-Layer Rubber Shield is a shield system used by the old Gashathi fleet. Unlike other shield systems, it is designed to conserve energy for other systems, whilst still providing high level of protection. The shield system emits an early warning zone widely around the ship, picking up any fast moving projectiles, and laying down localised protection against it. This way, the shield only protects areas that are being atatcked, and can use more shield layers if only one side is being bombarded. With excess energy to be used, the shield system can make the early warning bigger, and provide even more shield layers. It excells against kinetic attacks, and can deflect quick moving projectiles without a stable path (such as gyro bullets fired from railguns)
IERC - Used both armadas, the Intelligent Energy Redistributing Circuitry is one of the oldest technologies in the empire's fleet. It is what the name suggests: a semi sentient system of circuitry that acts as the bloodveins of the ship. The principle is simple: the cables are replaced with two plates that have amino acids contained between them, with a few solid semi-conductors acting as guidelines. Localised distributors detect shortages in the circuits and reroute energy from other areas with excess energy. If there is damage taken, the semi-conductors seal, and prevent energy loss. It's simple nature means that it can run at 95% effiency in most cases, and still maintains around 70-75% in excessive combat situations (like being bombarded).
Ful'caN The smallest corvette in the empire's fleet, it is slightly smaller than a gunship. It has 2 AA flaks on the bottom and top sides that aren't very effecive as offensive weaponary, but provide excellent support when coupled with bigger ships. However the important thing in this ship is it's utilitarian uses. It has a powerful radar that can detect enemies from far away, and can link it's dataflow with other ships to enhance their defenses and shields. There are dozens of these ships around every Battlecruiser and Battleship in the Armada, giving an edge int echnologic warfare. The ship itself is quite low priority on a radar, and can easely hid in the shadow of large ships.
Ful'biN Class Corvette: Medium sized Corvette with poor armor. However it did not stop the Gashathi to jam pack this 2 story ship with AA cannons. 3 turrets on each side cover 360 degress. The two larger turrets on both side give this ship some more punching power in case armored or shielded ships come by. It is very fragile thought, and once the shields fail on it, it can be thorn apart in seconds. This lack of armor is what allows for the agility of this ship. Overall it is a very effective steel curtain against missiles.
Ful'noK Class Heavy Corvette
The biggest and meanest Corvette of the fleet, this beauty is not only imposing, but hardy too. It is twice the lenght of the Ful'biN, and is an armored little snapper. Equipped with 3 large flak mounts, 2 up top and 1 bottom and 4 AA guns firing GYRO bullets, this ship is the newest generation of the fleet. Unlike the other corvettes, this ship was designed to last long and provide AA defense that lasts the whole battle. It has thick armor, and increased capacitor banks for the shield, a definitive upgrade from the previous designs. It is kinda slow thought, so it is usually a CORE in battles. As far as Corvettes go, this ship is the empire's best.
Ful'loK Class Corvette/Destroyer These corvettes are unlike the others in the gashathi Armada. Whilst mainly designated as Corvettes for their size and armor rating, they are capable of filling in a Destroyer's job if needed. Instead of prioritising protection of larger ships, they are attack vessels that carry out individual actions to cripple enemy squadrons or supply lines. They are fast, really fast in fact, and are PACKED with guns of all sorts. They have 2 large flak mounts, 6 smaller AA guns with GYRO bullets, and in order to deal with cruisers and frigates, it has 2 LDPD torpedo bays on each side. It's shield is modified to use more spots, rather than layers. This makes the ship effective against many fighters, even if surrounded. It is a very good, but quite expensive ship, and is usually used in infiltrating jobs because of it's bad armor and hard hitting power.
Kul'hoP Destroyer If you want to hunt big ships then look no further. These destroyers rival the size of battlecruisers and are a little more than warp drives and a gigantic railgun. Spanning over 2.5 kilometers this destroyers primary gun can accelerate a metric ton of metal at enemy ships with a significant fraction of light's speed. They have powerful flak defense against missiles and aircraft and are often seen escorted by ships twice its size. The ship has no obvious weaknesses as it boasts very powerful shields and a well armored hull. But it lacks mobility in sub-light speeds. Sure it can FTL itself and even other ships but it can hardly move once out of FTL. Overall a device of mass destruction that should be aboided if seen.
@Fashy Now half of the guys here will know these guys, or at least heard about them. I see many familiar faces from Era of Succession (or Strained Detenté for that matter). Please keep in mind that the format of teh CS is different, so I will be working int eh enxt few days to turn this beastly CS into your format.
Edit: Also noticed tech section is missing. Thats about 15k characters lost to teh great abyss of the RPG. That will be coming up soon then too!
The Gashathi Rule
Type of Government: Divine Mandate
Description of Government: The Gashathi Rule is led by by the Gashathi, the Preatorian Race, an ancestral and powerful race of beings that have lived for millions of years. One of them is always on the throne, whilst the others act as the Council of Elders, an inner ring that gives tips and information to the ruler. The nation unites different races, all collected as specimen long before the Humans have conquered this part of the space, when teh Gashathi still ruled this part of the known space.
Main Race: Gashathi - The Gashathi are an all powerful race, as ancient as time itself. Long before the Humans have conquered the Milky Way they had an empire spanning galaxies. However, even thought they have ruled for so long, they couldn't escape the great barrier for sentient beings. Space itself. From beyond the known sectors came the great plague, quickly massacring Trillions and wiping entire species off the face of the universe in days. To avoid them the Gashathi purged their empire, and hid until the time would come to rule again. They possess great psionical powers which they used to determine when to wake up their former empire. Their bodies are genetically modified to be strong, quick, and tenacious to the point of not aging, but the thousands of genetical modifications left them unable to reproduce, leaving them in a constant fear of dying. They are very intelligent, and and have good senses. Thought once they had made themselves perfect via genetic engineering, that time has passed already, and now their sacred bodies are left alone, and those among them who still wish to modify themselves are sent to "rehabilitation" to consider their wish again. They have 6 eyes, and their face is slightly elongated to house their large brain. They have 6 arms, 2 of which are permanently covered by their long robes, and thought thin in structure, extremely strong due to physics bending muscle density. Their skin is grey, and absorbs large amounts of light that both powers the gahathi and hide them from searching eyes. But their powerful body is also very flexible, and agile, able to fit through small gaps, without a problem.
Minority Races: Gensathi - The Gensathi are the offsprings of the Gashathi, a race created from dust to the image of their "gods", in desperation during the great plague. They say that teh gensathi look like the Gashathi did once, but with no evidence, it stays as a mere legend. The Gensathi are strong, intelligent, and very loyal servants of the Praetorians, doing all their bidding for their gods. They are the only race that is permitted to quit military duty after 10 years of active service, though most stay there until tehy die. They are also unmonitored and are granted free will after they complete military training. Unlike the Gashathi, they can reproduce, even thought they have lost the psionic abilities.
Sankar - The Sankar are a mix of Reptilian and Insectoid in appearance, but just like the other races of the empire, they have been modified thousands of years ago to be the perfect killing machines. They are bipedal, with human like body structure, but that is where similarities run out. Though scales and hardened muscles make sure they go down after everyone else is dead, and their sharp teeth and claws make them efficent at close combat. They wield basic weapons in combat, such as spears and battleaxes, acoompanied with makeshift armor made of leather and bones, rarely metal. Monitored from birth they grow in colonies of their own, and are taken away once they reach a certain age. They are put under brain control of a Gensathi Operator in dozens, who makes sure these ferocious beasts obey the empire, and fry their brains if they don't.
Kaalispar - The most popolous of all the other races, the Kaalispar are a race of reptilian humanoids that server their Etheral Gods to death. Sharp reflexes, and a resiliant body makes them perfect footman on any battlefield. They wield plasma weapons and power armors to battle as the "gifts of the god" and they are keen on using modernized variants of medvial weapons. Their society is a complex one, where the priests rule over all, who are contacted by the Gashathi and give out divine orders. There are many different colours, a trait that marks the fate of that individual. Depending on their colour, they can become workers, soldiers, or even priests. Their strict religion bans any form of scientific advance, a method the Gashathi use to restrict the millions that would rise if they knew about the oppression. They live a medival technological level, but those that are chosen to serve in the army are given advanced weapons. They are the farmers of the empire.
Mekar - An Aquatic race of molluscoids that serve as the main scientific and spec ops race for the Gashathi. They are also the race that does most of the genetic tailoring for the Gashathi. The Mekar are highly intelligent, and the only race unmodified genetically by the gashathi in the empire. Their bodies are small but insanely agile and quick, and they posses the camoflague ability of the species they evolved from. They have made modifications to their own body with the approval of the gashathi so that their camo ability could be used as an optical camo. They live underwater, and thought they can live above ground, they use a special gear to breathe. Both in and out of water, they can move like an ocopus and sqeeze themselves through most crevices. This makes them excellent at infiltration, and special operations. Their society is highly technological, and the smartest people rule their many different nations. As such the smartest people relaize that going against the Gashathi would be the end of their race.
(I wish I could show you a picture, but then you won't be able to sleep for the next 2 weeks)
Vulkhar - Gigantic beasts with the intellect of tiny insects. However they not completely devoid of inteeligence, even if it is much smaller that that of the Sankar. They have their own language and have incredible memory, not to mention their very complex social structure. Their bodies are huge, ranging around 20-40 meters of heigh depending on 3 genders, incredibly strong, and very well armed with scales that can deflect all but the strongest of projectiles. They are both an alternative and backup for the Sankars, and are used when other tamed beasts can't do the heavy lifting. Once they get angry, there is no stopping them, so the Gashathi usually stop asking them to do stuff to avoid colleteral damage, and more likely manipulate them to make them beleive what they do is for themselves. That said, they have the same implants as the Sankar have, even if they are for stunning and angering them rather than controlling them. There are special transport ships for their carrying, reinforced heavely, just in case these generally calm monsters get the blood eye before battle. However as calm as they are, before they had the fighting capabilities of a Moon Destroyer compacted into 20 meters of flesh, they were a lot more suspectible to attacks from wildlife on their planet. This evolved a natural gland in their body that stores adrenaline safely, and when they are attacked, it releases the stored substance and enrages them into a bloody rage, only controlled by their implants to some extent.
Lokhar - An insectioid race of spider like creatures. They have hardy skins that are effective at dissipating energy damage, but are very fragile otherwise. Thought it may seem that they don't have a language, they use some sort of unknown psionic language to communicate with each other in the gigantic underground hive colonies they live in. Unlike other insects that live in hives, there is no ruler, but rather a strong sense of survival in every individual of the race that makes them co-operate perfectly. They are are the workhorses of the empire, as they excell in mining, operating machinery, and building structures. There are a number of them that are called officers and they are given special implants so they can understand the language that the orders are given in. But this is not their only use. There are some subspecies of them that show venomous traits, and are carried away to be turned into biological weapons of mass destruction. Insanely quick and agile, these monsters created by the Mekar lay their offsprings in the enemy, and can spit venomous liquid over 20 feet which can eat through steel and quickly evaporates to create a poisonous cloud. However, they are few in numbers, and require loads of training before they are put on the battlefield.
Religion Description: The races of the empire (part from the Mekar and Gensathi) beleive that the Gashathi are their gods, and call them the Praetorian Race. This is due to excessive brain washing over the thousands of years, which didn't fade even after the races were awaken with the Gashathi. they all beleive that their races were created from dust by the Gashathi, which is true to some extent, and all live to server the best for the ruler and empire. There is an overall sense of loyalty, and religious actions are taken in places where this would falter, such as the Kaalispar. Thought there used to be over 2000 races in the old empire, after the great plague, many were hidden away with the Gashathi gruops, and such there are hints of now extint species in the religion. they are called the Ancestors by most, and some renegade members of society have put their minds to finding them, and raising awareness that they might have not been created by the Preatorian ones. They are usually swiftly dealt with, but they sometimes cause internal troubles.
Culture: Due to the many different races and the extensive timespan of the empire, there have been many different cultural affections for each race, thus leading to many different periods that affected the traditions. However the races in the Gashathi Rule have a relatively simple culture, due to the very young re-establishment of their empires. This has led them to build up their new homes in a fashion according to the latest culturalar influence from just before the great plague.
Gensathi/Gashathi - The two races are really closely bonded in both culture and social structure. Furthermore the Gensathi are the only race that meet a Gashathi almost daily. They share the same cities, and thought they are made in a fashion so the different classes are separated, they still traverse the districts daily, with the expection of the high court where the Council of Elders is housed. Their cities avoid disturbing natural beauty where possible, often being built into mountains and high cliffs. The landscape is changed in a way so that the cities that lay in plains will have a small incline as one goes upward, and many trees are planted so that the place looks natural. Most of the buildings expand downwards instead of upwards, and the gold and silver lining that is the trademark of the Gashathi can be seen everywhere. Due to the small population of these races, it is likely that the Gensathi live in smaller communities in well defendable places with natural barriers, and only those in the lead of the empire settle in the planetary capitals. Planets where the gashathi appear quickly get one of these city complexes, and temples and shrines with Gensathi priests are constructed in a rush all over the planet. The Gashathi always wear a long face mask, and robes of exotic materials to cover their body entirely. the Gensathi on the other hand have no problem shoving their faces, and often frightening the other races with their ferocious looks.
Sankar - Their culture no more than war and fighting, these barbaric creatures don't live in cities. they have their own planets where they roam the untamed lands, hunting anf ighting each other in their small camps. They are usually placed on planets where some big games can be found, as the Sankar enjoy nothing more than a good hunt. Their tents are made of animal parts and wood, rarely compromising metal in their construction. their villages are defended by a high wall amde of bones or wood that is palced down before anything else. Once the village reaches the walls, the tribe sends out people to make a new camp elsewhere. The tribe houses a single tribe, thought all are connected by their religion. There are carvings of the Gashathi in every setllement, along with a large statue in the middle of the camp. They have priests that teach differing things with every tribe, but the Sankar generally have 3 main traditions they do for their gods: Every day they pray for half an hour in the rays of the noon sun, they don't eat fish, and other sea creatures, and lastly they sacrifice teh biggest game on the planet every month for the gods.
Kaalispar - The Kaalispar are probably the most complex and simple race at the same time. Whilst their building style is that of the medival ages with huge castles and forts all over their planets, their temples are carved into the mountains and are adored with riches unspeakable. They are very efficent farmers, and most of their religion is centered around worshipping the gods for a good harvest. They have highly efficent methods of farming and produce large amounts of biomass for synthetizing food too. Most of the biomass and some food are taken away monthly by an assigned Gensathi, who are beleived to be the "angels" that guard the Gashathi, which is not true from the actual truth. Socially, the Kaalispar are very complex, and they are very quick to make up their mind, often shifting their attention from important issues, which can cause troubles in their everyday life. This is balanced by their implants, which make it so their most important tasks always stay priority. Their relationships are also complictaed as the different colours don't necessarely like each other, but they might be drawn towards one colour when finding a mate.
Mekar - The Mekar are a very interesting race in that they live underwater. Not only that, but their molluscoid nature makes it so they need not much space. And against all this, their cities are expansive underwater complexes with air in them, fashioned out of polished metal and tons of glass. They study genetical diversity on the underwater wildlife, and like to experiment on many things. Almost unrestricted in research, they often find themselves in quite a mess if something goes wrong. Naturally, their intellect is one of the only thing that the Gashathi enslaved them for, but later they proved exellent troops due to their amazing natural abilities. As such the top of the democracy on these planets are the scientist and troops. Every 40 years there is an election for a council that leads the nation, and the given planet.
Vulkhar - Their culture is as simple as they are. Thought on the outer they might seem barbaric and stupid, they understand each other perfectly, and have a very high social intellect. They might (will) not solve a math problem, but they can easely understand what anyone means, this including most animals. They are very mean creatures, and they do9n't like sharing or doing anyone's bidding, given that it is not a Vulkhar. They used to live in caves and natural coves, but with the help of the empire they could upgrade to bigger housings. This mostly means bigger caves and setllements carved into rock with Vulkhar sized "furnitures" inside.
Lokhar - To be exactly precise, no one really knows how the lokhar culture works. Sometimes buildings look edgy, sometimes they look very gently carved, so there really isn't a general thing to say about the style of their buildings. But their underground cities are still fascinating, with gigantic structures carved out of rock, hovering above a gigantic hole that the Lokhar use as the main mineshaft. On the side of the gigantic cavern walkways span far and wide connecting the many buildings, and the churches that are suspended mid air above the shaft by gigantic stone pillars. These shafts are so deep indeed, that many of the Lokhar never see the what the colony looks like a few hundred meters above or below. This is the main reason for the diversity of their architecture. When it comes to their society, it is bland, and simple. They possess human intellect, but they lack any body parts to speak, and so their communication is transferred through some kind of telepathy. It is because of this that such things like letters or couriers don't exist, as they can just ask any other Lokhar what they want. this can quickly become really irritating, even to them, so they usually communicate in closed groups that are focused on the same task. Probably the main reason the Lokhar excell as construction workers, because they can have undivided attention on what they do, with amazing co-ordiation.
History: Not even the Gashathi know how they came to be. On a peaceful hos world rich of minerals, and devoid of natural predators, the Gashathi quickly evolved from whatever they were originally into a space faring civilization. Utilizing warp gates, to conquer their galaxy, they faced almost no threat in deep space. Their galaxy devoid of intelligent life at the time, it seemed like the Gashathi were chosen to be the rulers of the world. With the expanse came inner conflicts, and war raged for thousands of years. After the devastating wars ended, the power was solidified by one ruler, and the governement we see nowadays was created. The geneticall modified leaders pulled a ruthless hierarchy over the lesser Gashathi. Incredibly cruel, only the strongest and the smartest of their race survived the tirranic rule of the first "god". The same ruler that laid down the basis of how the empire should look like. In the upcoming hundreds of years, the divine rule easened up, and the generations that knew of the civil wars died out, and all the info got erased. Their offsprings now all powerful beings who beleived they were gods, the Gashathi became making offspring races on planets scattered across their galaxy, using the evolving life on them as basics. But as the Jump Drives were invented, the Universe itself opened up for them. A fertile ground fo their oppressive empire to expand, new galaxies with sentient life were discovered and then enslaved to serve their gods. They empire spread the spores of their offsprings all across the territory of the empire, in hope that one day their creations would become perfect beings, fit to share the throne with. Years, only measured in hundreds of thousands passed by, and their genetical creations evolved under the strict observation of the Gashathi, whilst the other races were kept in constant fear. However, one such experiment took a dark turn on the day when it suddenly evolved a mutagen, previously unknown to the Gashathi. The ability infinitely adapt to the surroundings, in matter of days the whole planet was covered with this thick alien mucus that could live off anything. Eager to gain this ability for themselves, the Gashathi made a daring attempt get a sample of this material before razing the planet. But against all odds, for the first time in thousands of years, they made a mistake, and the ship transporting the subject got infected. Upon reaching the Gashathi homeworld, the alien material escaped the containement, and infected the highly intelligent biological computer systems, turning the Gashathi's machines against them. A ferocious was waged, but after months, the planet fell, killing millions of Gashathi and the virus spread to other worlds, now infecting both robotics and animals. Whilst controlling living beings proved too difficult for the virus, generating electronic impulses to control robots was no big issue. Soon the empire fell for the onslaught of machines carrying biological superweapons, and the home galaxy of the gashathi fell, along with their prized offsprings. In a daring attempt, the Gashathi gathered all the traits of the empire's denizens and manipulated their own genetics to make themselves truly godlike. They lsot their fertility, but they saved a piece of their empire graved into their molceules. Before giving up on their empire and freezing themselves until the perfect day would come, the Gashathi made sure that their remaining children would survive. They put space colonies in automated space station in intergalactic space, and installed moons around planets to protect their offsprings until they would fully evolve.
(One of these planets was Sol III.)
Description of Military:
When it comes to weapons, you can count on the ingenuity of Gashathi and Mekar engineers, with the latter being more radical that destructive in most cases. As such the military of the Gashathi is very strictly regulated to avoid any confusion, and a well made system is installed to make sure that every ship and weapon is made out of similar parts, so reapirs and fixes are very easy and quick. For all your needs, I made 3 hiders so you can freely browse things like Infantry, Fleets and Ground Vehicles.
Here are all the infantry division that the Gashathi maintain currently (thought I don't know any numbers before the GM englihtens us)
The Gashathi Hirule:
Not as fancy as their diplomatic bretheren, but far deadlier. The Hirule is the most elite infantry organization that the Gashathi houses. Made of the most ruthless, physics bending and mind altering of the Praetorian Race, these shadows are the symbol of death and destruction. Devoting their lifetime to the mastering of shadow arts, any of of these soldiers house the power of the Gashathi's entire space armada. It has been reported only 3 times during the great empire's time that one of these soldiers were dispatched, and there was nothing left in their wake. They are teh most powerful of their race, and because of this they are not allowed to become the ruler as it would shift the balance drastically. That said they are the bodyguards of the Council and the Ruler, and they are often involved in making military decisions. They are also the only recorded individuals to ever tap into the Lokhar mind network without suffering any damage.
Gensathi Royal Commando:
The top of the Gensathi army and military chain, the Royal Commando acts as the very elite on the battlefield, usually only observing the battle from next to the general. They don't exactly fill in any combat purpose unless when things get really hairy. However if it does come down to fighting their strict military training makes them almost untouchable. Their powered armors protecting them and helping them dish out swift but deadly strikes, there aren't many that can survive and encounter with them. They are master swordsman, reyling mostly on the excessive use of their balde and shield, but if needs be they are excellent marksman as well. There is always a few in every batallion, no matter how small it is. Their secondary duty includes reporting everything directly to the Council of Elders.
Gensathi Regulars:
No matter what the name says, calling them regular is a fatal mistake. Whilst it is true that they are the lowest ranking of Gensathi army (after the recruits of course), they are by no means cannon fodders. They are the rbead and butter for most armies, carrying out various roles with extreme effiency. Usually not on the front line, they are more keen on using their rifles than rushing at the enemy like Sankar would, but their marksmanship and heavy armor compensates well for their lack of close combat weapons. However the bare fists of their armor are more than enough to bring down the regular enemies if they get close.
Gensathi Marines:
The Gensathi Marines is the infantry division that prefers to be launched out of drop pods and fight inside ships and stations rather that simply getting out of a car and shooting across a flat plain. No one can say anything bad about them for their decision thought. Not only would that person end up dead in seconds, but no one should underestimate the marines. They are the most excessively used corp of the Gensathi army, and go into battle with the lower races shoulder to shoulder. Their battle armors are though as adamantite and they can survive uot in the depths of vacuum if need be. They go through excessive training and they gladly sacrifice themselves for the mission if there is no option left. They often throw away guns that are empty, ather than reaload them, and pick up dropped ones or even rush into battle bare fisted, knowing that each of their punch will cause serious damage.
Gensathi Infiltrator:
The shadows of the battlefield, the Infiltrators carry out tasks that are either too hard or too dirty for others. Technically ranked below the regulars for doing ungraceful misions, their skill level matches that of a Royal Guard. Their preference is sneaking, and they like to show it to other foes by slicing their throat out of nowhere. They often carry out independant missions that need experience in stealth. Their armory is one of the most colorful, but definetly the deadliest. From chains to sniper rifles, the Infiltrators fill in every role the army needs, and they excel at it. Their armor is enhanced with the lates sensory technologies and can turn themselves invisible for short times, and masking their radiation from the enemy.
Sankar Boneshatterers:
Obedient, Strong and merciless are the words that ebst describe the Boneshaatterers. Their implants make them EXTREMELY loyal to the point where they run into enemy lines without hesitation if it helps the Gashathi win the battle, often changing the tides of the conflict with their brave assaults. Their charges are the most fearsome thing in the galaxy, and often result in enemies with non-existent skeletons, giving them their trademark Boneshatterer name. They wield basic armor, and basic weaponary like swords and axes paired with shields, but when it comes down to fighting, these are only formalities. Their superhuman strenght and razor sharp claws can make quick work of foes in an arms lenghts, and their imposing structure and armored skin make them enemies worthy even for smaller walkers and mechs. The Boneshatterer are many, and are heavely used in conflict zones ranging from planet surfaces to capital ship infiltrations.
Sankar Big Game Hunters:
The Big Game Hunters, as their name suggests, hunt the biggest and baddest enemies that arrive to a abttlefield. They are the same warriors that hunt the monthly sacrifical beast for the Sankar tribes, but are not afraid to go against huge armored walkers either. Equipped with two handed battleaxes made of DuroSteel and hooked chains, they are capable of fighting the masses or individual enemies. They are the only ones in teh Sankar army to be allowed to have tech, as they are equipped with Mk. II Mass Accelerator greandes, capable of doing lethal damage in vehicles or organics. They are usually left out of causal fighting, but often assault fortifications, and are the ones dispatched if a big bad meany appears on the battlefield. Groups of 4 stun or incapacitate the enemy, and then quickly dispatch of them using the grenades and axes. That said, quick and agile nemies counter them easely, and are only caught if they were foolish enough to let themselves be hooked. The Big Game Hunters are not many, but are well organized, and there is always a nice backlog of potential candidates.
Sankar Bloodtears:
Not called Bloodtear because they cry blood, but rather because they tear their enemies in half into a bloody mess, these ferocious beasts are teh finest in the Sankar army. The best of the Sanakrs are chosen periodically to be enchanted even further. Increasing their muscle mass to 2-3 times that of the already super strong Sankar, and adding the Lokhar's energy resitant fiber to their skin, these big, green, mean killing machines are what leave the surgical tubes. They stand 7 meters tall and are fully shielded with armor made of the same material as the Gashathi forge their light cruiser's plating of, adding a further layer of defense. They wield an unique wepaon called the Sakran, which is a big eliptical shield, able to cover most of their silhoutte, with dual spikes on the upper and lower part to give imposing offensive capabilities to it. In the hands of the Bloodtears, these are weapons of mass destruction, and instruments to their namegiving move where they tear their foes apart using the spikes on the Sakhran. There are, sadly, not many Bloodtears in the Gashathi army as most were left behind when the hybernation begin.
Sankar Beastriders:
Another specialised division of the Sanakr Corps, the beastriders are the most agile of the Sankar, and arguably the most fearsome as they ride their genetically enchanted monsters into battle. The Beastriders train to be riders from their birth, riding and training with the best that is affiliated with their tribe. There are many different tames, ranging from giant wolves and bears to spiders and scorpions. Even bigger and scarier things are not rare as well, but they are not commonly used in combat zones. the beasts are always armored up to cover their vital organs, so that they may still be really fast and agile. This way not only the rider, but the tame can fight in the same time. Violent, agressive, mercilles and blood crazed, these Sankar maniacs are not to be underestimated, as even one can take down entire squads of elite troops.
Kaalispar Knights:
The average kaalisparian prays their entire life that they can become a Knight one day. Those who do get accepted deeply regret it. the backbone of the army, they are the most numerous of the gashathi Empire's army, and are the first to go into battle. Thought well trained, the Kaalispar don't handle combat dituations well, and often get confused or shocked in their first battle, resulting in their deaths. Those who get over it can become the REAL Knights and are equipped with a variety of tools. they fill roles ranging from basic Rifleman to Machine Gunner and AT/AA Infantry. They wear inexpensive but intimidating power armor, giving them a basic edge over anyone not wearing such suits, but are less powerful than other power armor types. They can move planets in masses, but are almost completely useless alone.
Kaalispar Vanguards: (tehre are times when copyrighted shit is just way cool)
Those msot devoted to the kaalisparian culture often wield different arms, and do more training than their bretheren. In order to utilize these individuals, the vanguards were born. Equipped with a pistol and a sword, the Vanguards are a step up from the Knights. Still many in numbers, they fill the gaping hole that is betwwen the Knights and the rest of the Gashathi's army. Moderately trained, and armored up with a better suit, they are devoted to their cause, and are more observant than their bretheren Knights. They fill the role of Blitz Infantry, and strike with precision, rather than massive amounts of bullets, often resorting in swordplays. Without them the Gashathi Army would fall apart when it came down to command chains on the battlefield, as they keep the knights in an orderly fashion, and lead them into battle.
Kaalispar Purifiers
Wielding some of the most advanced armors in the Empire, the purifiers beleive that all lifeforms that are not created by their gods must be eliminated. Fanatical warriors of the highest training, they are as ruthless as the Sankar, and their Exo-Armors provide the means to achieve their goals. They work alone, filling the roles of battlefield legends and heroes in the eyes of other Kaalispar, often massacring enemies furiously. They are equipped with an implant more malicious than the others, making them absolutely maniac and battle drive when it comes to fighting, and even equipping them with HUDs that are said to be "blessings for their job". Effective, but more instinctive than professional, the Purifiers strike heart into their enemies heart, and when one falls, another one is sure to come from the endless supply that is the Kaalispar race.
Mekhar Sentinel (Again, this one is way good)
The only members of the Army that are mekar, the Sentinel fill various stealth roles, often working together with the Gensathi Infiltrators. The Sentinels have all teh features of the Mekhar in one deadly package. They can go invisible to hide in plain sight, spit blinding ink at the enbmy to disorienbt them, and lastly stund and strangle them with their tentacles. The Sentinels have no weapons part from their body, but they can utilize it well with their custom made armor that provides more scanning info that actual protection. There isn't many in the Mekhar community that wants to fight, so there is only a very small amount of Sentinels. But their stealth is exactly waht is needed to acquire key information, and assassinate important personnel. Excellent at ambushes and one-on-one fights, they are quite fragile, and if a lucky shot does hit them, they are likely to go down easely.
Vulkhar Titans
Though as anything can be, the Vulkhar Titans are the even more badass version of the simple Vulkhar. Do not be mistaken however, every individual Vulkhar lives only to fight, but there is always need for even more armor and strenght, and that is where these things come in. Armored up to the point where a nuclear blastwave is nothing more than a summer wind's breeze, the Titans often act as meat shields for other troops. Their giant silhoutte can cover other forces behind it from artillery shelling, and their incredible power can shatter any walls. They are very, very hard to kill and are very good against many enemies, but apart from obvious cons, these beasts are really hard to transport, and are often not worth the time and effort.
Lokhar Genetics
A name that represents all of the Lokhar military. Unlike other species, the Lokhar wanted to join the Gashathi in order to get protection from other strong species. They are happy to have received genetical mods that amde them stronger at what they do, but they aren't really keen on fighting. Every modification on them is kept top secret, and is only done on those Lokhar that want to fight. This makes the Lokhar military the smallest of all races even thought they are numerous as a species. They are also the most enchaned, often ending up without conciousness or savage beasts rule by instincts. Any info regarding them is top secret, and no one lived to tell what these beasts are.
When it comes to the Gashathi, space faring is not just a trait picked up, or an obsession. According to the known archives, they were the first to ever travel between galaxies, and msot likely even conquer a galaxy. Their space faring technology is sophisticated, delicate, and immensely powerful. However, technology wasn't hidden along with the colonies in an accessable form. Thus, a lot of the machinery that makes the Gashathi fleet overly powerful is still decrypted in databanks and genes. However the Mekhar have made some significant breakthroughs to give an edge to the Gashathi and Mekar Armada.
As such, the two fleets are completely different, and are under separate control. Thought the Mekar fleet can choose options in smaller scenarios, it is ultimately under Gashathi control. Here is a list of both Armada's ships and unique technologies, along with small info about their composition and jobs. Hoo boy, let's begin!
Gashathi Armada The royal fleet, so to say, The Gashathi fleet is ultimately led by the Ruler, and is commanded by both Gashathi and Gensathi. The general crew is Lokhar and Kaalispar. However higher ranking ships are usually handled by Gensathi entirely. It is the main punching power of the empire, and makes up 67% of the empire's total fleet. It handles generalised tasks, such as space battles, HPE (High Priority Engagement) and planetary invasions. However it has infiltration, deep space, and scout capabilities too. It is well organized, and is usually separated into task groups. These task groups are made up of many smaller squads, but they are close enough to each other that they provide full radar coverage, and can easely flank attackers. There is always one flagship in a task group, and a dozen battleships that are responsible for the smaller groups. The mayority of the ships, around 46%, are Battlecruisers or Assaultcrusiers, responsible for taking down other enemy capital ships. The rest is divided into frigates, destroyers and corvettes(from big to small). Frigates(17%) take down support crafts, and smaller capitals, destroyers(12%) dish out serious damage to flagships and large capitals from far away, whilst the corvettes(25%) make sure that those pesky little fighters and torpedos don't get anywhere near the hard hitting ships. (You can see the Gashathi names of the ships. I swear to god that I WILL give nicknames for them, bit right now, I just want them done)
TELEP Armor - It stands for Tritanium Enriched with Lokhar Energy Protection Armor. It is an armor type that negates 95% of all energy attacks, and reroutes the excess energy into the shield system to beef them up considerably. It is also effective against kinetic weapons, but not anywhere near as effective as the Mekhar or any specialized armor type. It converst around 5% of the kinetic energy into energy too. (Furthermore it is the Hungarian word for capacitator. Bet you didn't expect is huh?)
MLRS - The Multi-Layer Rubber Shield is a shield system used by the old Gashathi fleet. Unlike other shield systems, it is designed to conserve energy for other systems, whilst still providing high level of protection. The shield system emits an early warning zone widely around the ship, picking up any fast moving projectiles, and laying down localised protection against it. This way, the shield only protects areas that are being atatcked, and can use more shield layers if only one side is being bombarded. With excess energy to be used, the shield system can make the early warning bigger, and provide even more shield layers. It excells against kinetic attacks, and can deflect quick moving projectiles without a stable path (such as gyro bullets fired from railguns)
IERC - Used both armadas, the Intelligent Energy Redistributing Circuitry is one of the oldest technologies in the empire's fleet. It is what the name suggests: a semi sentient system of circuitry that acts as the bloodveins of the ship. The principle is simple: the cables are replaced with two plates that have amino acids contained between them, with a few solid semi-conductors acting as guidelines. Localised distributors detect shortages in the circuits and reroute energy from other areas with excess energy. If there is damage taken, the semi-conductors seal, and prevent energy loss. It's simple nature means that it can run at 95% effiency in most cases, and still maintains around 70-75% in excessive combat situations (like being bombarded).
Ful'caN The smallest corvette in the empire's fleet, it is slightly smaller than a gunship. It has 2 AA flaks on the bottom and top sides that aren't very effecive as offensive weaponary, but provide excellent support when coupled with bigger ships. However the important thing in this ship is it's utilitarian uses. It has a powerful radar that can detect enemies from far away, and can link it's dataflow with other ships to enhance their defenses and shields. There are dozens of these ships around every Battlecruiser and Battleship in the Armada, giving an edge int echnologic warfare. The ship itself is quite low priority on a radar, and can easely hid in the shadow of large ships.
Ful'biN Class Corvette: Medium sized Corvette with poor armor. However it did not stop the Gashathi to jam pack this 2 story ship with AA cannons. 3 turrets on each side cover 360 degress. The two larger turrets on both side give this ship some more punching power in case armored or shielded ships come by. It is very fragile thought, and once the shields fail on it, it can be thorn apart in seconds. This lack of armor is what allows for the agility of this ship. Overall it is a very effective steel curtain against missiles.
Ful'noK Class Heavy Corvette
The biggest and meanest Corvette of the fleet, this beauty is not only imposing, but hardy too. It is twice the lenght of the Ful'biN, and is an armored little snapper. Equipped with 3 large flak mounts, 2 up top and 1 bottom and 4 AA guns firing GYRO bullets, this ship is the newest generation of the fleet. Unlike the other corvettes, this ship was designed to last long and provide AA defense that lasts the whole battle. It has thick armor, and increased capacitor banks for the shield, a definitive upgrade from the previous designs. It is kinda slow thought, so it is usually a CORE in battles. As far as Corvettes go, this ship is the empire's best.
Ful'loK Class Corvette/Destroyer These corvettes are unlike the others in the gashathi Armada. Whilst mainly designated as Corvettes for their size and armor rating, they are capable of filling in a Destroyer's job if needed. Instead of prioritising protection of larger ships, they are attack vessels that carry out individual actions to cripple enemy squadrons or supply lines. They are fast, really fast in fact, and are PACKED with guns of all sorts. They have 2 large flak mounts, 6 smaller AA guns with GYRO bullets, and in order to deal with cruisers and frigates, it has 2 LDPD torpedo bays on each side. It's shield is modified to use more spots, rather than layers. This makes the ship effective against many fighters, even if surrounded. It is a very good, but quite expensive ship, and is usually used in infiltrating jobs because of it's bad armor and hard hitting power.
Kul'hoP Destroyer If you want to hunt big ships then look no further. These destroyers rival the size of battlecruisers and are a little more than warp drives and a gigantic railgun. Spanning over 2.5 kilometers this destroyers primary gun can accelerate a metric ton of metal at enemy ships with a significant fraction of light's speed. They have powerful flak defense against missiles and aircraft and are often seen escorted by ships twice its size. The ship has no obvious weaknesses as it boasts very powerful shields and a well armored hull. But it lacks mobility in sub-light speeds. Sure it can FTL itself and even other ships but it can hardly move once out of FTL. Overall a device of mass destruction that should be aboided if seen.
Central Operation Regulating Entity
Description of Technology:
With what you have, it is well, really fucking good. Really, with what you have now, I would accept you 5 times over, but if you could put it into the format of the application here, that would be great.
@Fashy And this isn't half of what I have, the other part is still in my mind XD
But ye, I have school, but once I am done with that Imma format it into what you need. Or more like a compromise, after all your CS doesn't really have demographics hehe
Also, I'm going to write up the IC post soon. Just a reminder, it will be just a bunch of background information and setting up the story, so it won't be the from the perspective of my country. (I haven't finished my History yet, but with all the people who have theirs finished, I'd hate to hold all of you up)
Looking forward to that first IC. Getting a better understanding of the Empire, the collapse and the universe as a whole will make it easier to flesh out areas of my nation. I didnt speculate too much in my sheet but I was thinking along the lines of the collapse of the Empire in the Foundation books.
I realise it's far more challenging in a space RP, but any likelihood of a map? Would be interested in knowing how far away the planet consuming insect people are.
Bah. Mere walls cannot hold- Ach, no. Not in a corner with him. What did I do to deserve this? Well, besides the obvious...
By any means, here is my application. It is a somewhat modified and adapted version of the one I used in the Eras - those who were there should recognise it quite easily - though, as mentioned, I have made some alterations. Hopefully this should bring it closer to the intended "inhuman alien monsters" model...
The Ulvarith Conglomerate
Rulers: The Ulvarith Conglomerate is controlled by the Nucleus, a political organism currently comprising two hundred and seventy-eight members. Its affiliates are selected according to their exceptional skills and notable experience, and are all equal in station and influence. As such, no single ruler, or smaller group of rulers, can be identified.
Species and Description:
Iurrthurl: A species of sentient fungal organisms originating from a planet marked by its prevalently barren and inhospitable surface and vast, continent-spanning subterranean cavernous formations, wherein most of its life-form population evolved. As a consequence of developing in an atypically dark and humid environment, the Iurrthurl are particularly susceptible to light and dry climates, causing them to be seldom seen in the open, or indeed at all, on worlds close to a their orbital star; conversely, they appear to thrive on those near a system's rim. These beings appear as rough spheroids composed of grey gelatinous matter, moving and manipulating objects by the means of a variable number of malleable pseudopods which can, when necessary, exude a viscous substance. Given their aptitude with engineering and technology, they often operate the Conglomerate's mechanical devices.
Skerrath: Odd creatures exhibiting both arthropodal and molluscoid physiological traits, as well as certain others whose analogues have not been encountered in any terrestrial animal, the Skerrath hail from a world with a rich ecosystem, teeming with flora, fauna and strange amalgamations of the two - which they swiftly learned to exploit and modify to best suit their needs. Having a history of performing carefully calculated alterations upon living organisms renders the species well-suited for various disciplines in the field of biological manipulation, and many of its members attend to some task or the other situated within its boundaries. The Skerrath visually resemble some form of arachnid or eight-limbed crustacean, encased in black segmented exoskeletons and possessing five tentacular appendages extending from the frontal section of their heads.
Allegiance: The Conglomerate is overtly aligned with the non-human factions opposing the Terrans, and is indeed one of the most vocal proponents of the latter's thorough eradication. What it does not state quite so openly is that, once that goal has been achieved, it intends to claim dominance over its current allies as well, eliminating those it deems undesirable and assimilating the others into its bio-drone genetic pool.
Government, Society and Cultural Background:
In order to describe the Conglomerate's system of government, it is necessary to first give an outline of how the nation is effectively structured. The Conglomerate's population is universally divided into two Strata: the Operative, comprising the vast majority of its subjects, and the narrower Administrative; both are in turn fragmented into numerous sub-strata, which assume specific roles and functions. Broadly speaking, the Administrative Stratum is the nation's political and scientific elite, directing its efforts as it deems most efficient, overseeing the functioning of the vast governmental engine and exploring new fields of research, whereas the Operative Stratum comprises its raw work-force, be it in the form of menial labourers, lesser technicians or rank-and-file military personnel. An individual's place in this system is not acquired by gradual progress, though extraordinary promotions - or demotions - can occur in truly exceptional cases, but rather determined once they reach the age at which a member of their species is viewed as able-bodied, whereupon they undergo a series of aptitude tests followed by a probational working period. Once that stage is complete, they are assigned a function in the great Conglomerate machine, which they are overwhelmingly likely to occupy for the rest of their productive lives.
Despite apparently being ruled by an entire "caste", however rigidly defined, the Ulvarith Conglomerate is in fact a strongly centralised structure. The Administrative Stratum itself is effectively controlled by the Nucleus, a political body accessible by extraordinary promotion alone - and thus never numbering over five hundred members at the largest. The Nucleus is the ultimate seat of authority within the nation, and as such does not concern itself with routine administration, leaving these concerns to the rest of the Stratum, but mostly restricts its activity to wide-spanning, often long-term strategies which either bring about radical changes within the Conglomerate itself or define its position on the galactic stage. Matters such as major treaties, wars and systematic reforms may only be decided by its decree, and its influence, though usually unnoticed, pervades the entire social structure, down to the lowliest Operative barracks. The Nucleus itself has no internal leaders, but tends to act in unison. Dissensions among its members are settled by an evaluation of the merits of each position, followed by a general vote.
As it can be guessed from the above description, the Conglomerate is a largely homogenous organism. No political factions or parties, or, worse yet, unsanctioned individual privileges are permitted within it; the rare transgressors are rapidly apprehended and eliminated. Private property, and by extension currency and trade, do not exist, and means of subsistence are doled out by the administration in accordance with inflexible guidelines. While such an order might be somewhat difficult to uphold among more individualistically inclined species, both Iurrthurl and Skerrath share a natural disposition to adopting a collectivistic mentality, and opposition to the Conglomerate's dictates is thus both infrequent and generally regarded as a sign of aberrant behaviour.
Yet it has not always been thus. The two species forming the Conglomerate were once culturally quite different, being populated by creatures whose intellects and societies evolved in environments which resembled each other marginally at best. The very fact that there should have been established a lasting alliance between them testifies that there is, after all, something they both share in equal measure. Unsurprisingly, what most united them in this regard was the segment of their history they have in common - namely, their subjugation by the Empire and the following struggle to regain their much-coveted autonomy. Diverse as the beings one may encounter within its territory are, the vast majority of them partake of an intense dislike for Terrans, and merely mentioning the Empire is guaranteed to kindle the collective-patriotic sentiments of anyone who might be present, despite the fact that plenty of time has elapsed since its fall.
The success once achieved through unity has persuaded the species of the Conglomerate, and especially the successive generations of its leaders, that the “common good” is not merely a matter of idle rhetoric, but a source of very tangible advantages. Thus, over the years following the “Purification”, increasingly intensive propaganda campaigns, devised by the Nucleus and aimed at promoting ideals of belonging to a single, vast political super-organism which, while not as centralised and tyrannical as the loathed Terran occupants, would provide protection and well-being for its inhabitants, no matter their species, asking nothing in return but that they be good, dutiful citizens. This continuous action, often carried out subtly and indirectly, has contributed to strengthen a feeling of great devotion and remarkable self-abnegation in the populace, which stands nowadays ready to defend the great Conglomerate with its lives if necessary.
As it often is the case, such an increase of patriotism required, for greater stability, some sort of counter-balance, ideally in the form of general distrust and hostility toward everything that was not part of the Coalition itself. Such an effect was even simpler to obtain due to the aforementioned long-lasting hatred toward the Terran invaders and the sentient species associated with them - that is, anything which was not Iurrthurl or Skerrath, as not even the Nucleus was truly aware of what exactly existed in the wider galaxy beyond the Terrans and the occasional non-human subject of the Empire who visited their distant reaches, though this was certainly no obstacle to their tactics. If anything, it simplified them even further, as all “outsiders” were heaped together in a large pile of indistinct but precedent-fuelled menace, against which popular discontent stemming from any small issue could be channelled. It should thus come as no surprise that the Conglomerate is one of the most determined members of the anti-Terran alliance, and indeed an advocate of the complete extermination of the former dominators to the last man.
Military Tactics:
In ground and space combat alike, the main strength of the Conglomerate's armies lies in the ability to shape the battlefield to its advantage. This can be achieved in a variety of methods, depending on the situation. In facing enemies on the surface of a planet, barrages of high-impact explosives, chemical and biological weaponry or, in some cases, highly unstable radioactive projectiles are unleashed to render terrain impassable, if not outright deadly, for foes as swarms of ravening bio-drones assail them; whereas during fleet confrontations devices detonating into "clouds" of corrosive acid or superheated plasma, or even "vacuum singularities" generating destructive implosions.
The Conglomerate navy is, to all effects, comparatively small yet nonetheless formidable. Though its warships tend to be few in number, most of them, excluding various patrol and utility craft, are of truly gargantuan proportions, bristling with weaponry and often containing entire assembly chains ready to release wave after wave of semi-organic automated drones. Certain models, dubbed "colony ships", are specifically designed to secure a zone on an invaded planet's surface, then gather what materials it can extract from the environment to construct an assault force directly at ground level.
Most combat units in the Conglomerate military are weaponised bio-drones, with actual personnel usually either manning vehicles and mobile artillery platforms or remotely coordinating the creatures' actions. Neither Iurrthurl nor Skerrath are a frequent sight on the front-lines.
When the conquering fleets of the Empire reached the zone which is currently Conglomerate territory, the two local civilisations which had risen upon various worlds and, until then, thrived unchecked were barely past the planetary development stage, their first crude vessels tentatively reaching out and scarce daring to stray from their home systems. As could be expected, the Empire met little difficulty in shattering what feeble resistance they could offer and subjugating them, annexing their resource-rich home-worlds. Due to the two species’ radically alien physiology, considered extremely repulsive by human standards, and bizarre cultural traits, Imperial enforcers found it simple to consider them as little better than beasts, and treat them accordingly. Their homelands were ruthlessly exploited for all they were worth (Skirol’s famed ecosystem survived only owing to the natives' clandestine actions), and the beings themselves were herded as slaves and summarily tried and executed upon the least suspicion.
Discontent soon reached soaring levels in the colony, and riots and rebellions were not late to occur. They were usually limited in reach and poorly coordinated, yet their sheer quantity forced the Empire to increasingly strengthen garrisons on occupied worlds. This, in turn, sparked further uprisings, but it soon became clear that, however brutal, ferocious and even physically superior the rebels might have been, they were no match for the well-trained, well-armed and well-disciplined occupants. Under such conditions, the Empire’s complete victory and pacification of the zone would probably soon have been complete, had it not been for a fatal mistake. Noticing how fitted for specialised roles the local species seemed, a newly appointed governor devised a scheme to create groups comprised of some individuals of each of them, which would have been able to autonomously carry out a variety of tasks. This project was soon enacted, and a number of especially bright or otherwise prominent creatures was gathered, as per instructions, in “multipurpose xeno-labourer units”.
The components of these units, who soon learned to communicate between themselves in a simplified form of the Iurrthurl speech (which would later become the common language of the Conglomerate), were not slow in establishing contact on another level as well. They both yearned to be free from the Imperial yoke; now, they were afforded an opportunity to reach this goal by preparing to strike from where their enemy least expected it, and each found a vital new ally in the other. Thus, while outwardly appearing as though they actively collaborated with the Imperials, the multipurpose units covertly worked to develop their own traditional technologies, all while remaining in contact with each other and rebel groups, who spread messages of renewed hope among the general population.
When the newly invigorated forces of the two occupied nations believed themselves ready to launch the long-expected uprising, the Empire was already showing signs of weakness. Some of the garrisoned troops had been withdrawn, and there was little hope new reinforcements, had been necessary, would have been timely. Thus, the position of the local Imperial forces was somewhat weakened; yet they did not deem it worthwhile to increase vigilance, believing the locals to have finally lost all strength to rebel, and were caught unawares when the masses of the xenos turned upon them at once, supported by swarms of bio-engineered monstrosities and fearsome war machines which had seemingly appeared from nowhere. Soon, the entirety of the Terran troops present in the occupied zone had been torn to shreds; yet the exultant rebels did not find this sufficient, and turned upon human civilians with undiminished ferocity. Those who were not immediately slaughtered were transported to Skerrath synth-pits, and were never heard from since; those attempting to flee from the systems were pursued with captured Terran spacecraft and secretly constructed prototypes, the forerunners of the Conglomerate armada, and annihilated. When news of this massacre reached the Empire, it dispatched a fleet to subdue the insurgents; however, it already had few ships to spare at that time, and the assault was successfully repelled. What occurred during the Liberation was nothing short of genocide; yet the inhabitants of the Conglomerate still remember it with pride, and never tire of glorifying the “heroic deeds” of their ancestors.
With the hated oppressors destroyed and peace restored in their territories, the newly freed nations set to rebuilding their planets as they deemed it best and planning their future courses of action. Mindful of the Liberation’s success, their leaders convened that it would have been most advantageous to consolidate their alliance, and founded the Ulvarith Conglomerate, named after the appellation of their sector in the common language. Over the next centuries, the Nucleus tirelessly worked upon strengthening the ties between the two peoples, largely through the methods described above, and further developing their stunted industries and economies, contributing, where possible, to causing them to be greatly reliant upon each other.
Bio-drones: One of the greatest accomplishments of joint Iurrthurl and Skerrath research, bio-drones form the backbone of the Conglomerate's labour and military forces. The (non-technical and quite informal) term "bio-drone" denotes a creature partly organic and partly mechanical, generated by unnatural means in outlandish synth-pits. By themselves, these beings do not possess even rudimentary intelligence, and must be controlled by the means of instructions transmitted to its mechanical part. Bio-drones can serve any variety of purposes, but the most common employment for them tends to be as either servo-units or vehicles. Effectively, all such goods of Conglomerate production fall into this category - everything, from the most minute duct-sweeper module to the largest colony ship, is formed partly of synthetic flesh, blood and chitin, and is, in a manner, alive. This can render it difficult for those of non-Ulvarith origin to use Conglomerate ships, as the feeling of being in the bowels of a colossal biomechanical monster can be quite unsettling. Another popular use for bio-drones is as biological weapons, and their proliferation I the military sector has led to them largely replacing sentient infantry and, to some degree, armoured and battlefield support units. War-drones come in any variety of shapes and sizes, from hordes of small, locust-like pests to immense lumbering horrors and unearthly nightmares capable of spewing infectious spores or caustic ichor onto the enemy.
Bah. Mere walls cannot hold- Ach, no. Not in a corner with him. What did I do to deserve this? Well, besides the obvious...
By any means, here is my application. It is a somewhat modified and adapted version of the one I used in the Eras - those who were there should recognise it quite easily - though, as mentioned, I have made some alterations. Hopefully this should bring it closer to the intended "inhuman alien monsters" model...
The Ulvarith Conglomerate
Rulers: The Ulvarith Conglomerate is controlled by the Nucleus, a political organism currently comprising two hundred and seventy-eight members. Its affiliates are selected according to their exceptional skills and notable experience, and are all equal in station and influence. As such, no single ruler, or smaller group of rulers, can be identified.
Species and Description:
Iurrthurl: A species of sentient fungal organisms originating from a planet marked by its prevalently barren and inhospitable surface and vast, continent-spanning subterranean cavernous formations, wherein most of its life-form population evolved. As a consequence of developing in an atypically dark and humid environment, the Iurrthurl are particularly susceptible to light and dry climates, causing them to be seldom seen in the open, or indeed at all, on worlds close to a their orbital star; conversely, they appear to thrive on those near a system's rim. These beings appear as rough spheroids composed of grey gelatinous matter, moving and manipulating objects by the means of a variable number of malleable pseudopods which can, when necessary, exude a viscous substance. Given their aptitude with engineering and technology, they often operate the Conglomerate's mechanical devices.
Skerrath: Odd creatures exhibiting both arthropodal and molluscoid physiological traits, as well as certain others whose analogues have not been encountered in any terrestrial animal, the Skerrath hail from a world with a rich ecosystem, teeming with flora, fauna and strange amalgamations of the two - which they swiftly learned to exploit and modify to best suit their needs. Having a history of performing carefully calculated alterations upon living organisms renders the species well-suited for various disciplines in the field of biological manipulation, and many of its members attend to some task or the other situated within its boundaries. The Skerrath visually resemble some form of arachnid or eight-limbed crustacean, encased in black segmented exoskeletons and possessing five tentacular appendages extending from the frontal section of their heads.
Allegiance: The Conglomerate is overtly aligned with the non-human factions opposing the Terrans, and is indeed one of the most vocal proponents of the latter's thorough eradication. What it does not state quite so openly is that, once that goal has been achieved, it intends to claim dominance over its current allies as well, eliminating those it deems undesirable and assimilating the others into its bio-drone genetic pool.
Government, Society and Cultural Background:
In order to describe the Conglomerate's system of government, it is necessary to first give an outline of how the nation is effectively structured. The Conglomerate's population is universally divided into two Strata: the Operative, comprising the vast majority of its subjects, and the narrower Administrative; both are in turn fragmented into numerous sub-strata, which assume specific roles and functions. Broadly speaking, the Administrative Stratum is the nation's political and scientific elite, directing its efforts as it deems most efficient, overseeing the functioning of the vast governmental engine and exploring new fields of research, whereas the Operative Stratum comprises its raw work-force, be it in the form of menial labourers, lesser technicians or rank-and-file military personnel. An individual's place in this system is not acquired by gradual progress, though extraordinary promotions - or demotions - can occur in truly exceptional cases, but rather determined once they reach the age at which a member of their species is viewed as able-bodied, whereupon they undergo a series of aptitude tests followed by a probational working period. Once that stage is complete, they are assigned a function in the great Conglomerate machine, which they are overwhelmingly likely to occupy for the rest of their productive lives.
Despite apparently being ruled by an entire "caste", however rigidly defined, the Ulvarith Conglomerate is in fact a strongly centralised structure. The Administrative Stratum itself is effectively controlled by the Nucleus, a political body accessible by extraordinary promotion alone - and thus never numbering over five hundred members at the largest. The Nucleus is the ultimate seat of authority within the nation, and as such does not concern itself with routine administration, leaving these concerns to the rest of the Stratum, but mostly restricts its activity to wide-spanning, often long-term strategies which either bring about radical changes within the Conglomerate itself or define its position on the galactic stage. Matters such as major treaties, wars and systematic reforms may only be decided by its decree, and its influence, though usually unnoticed, pervades the entire social structure, down to the lowliest Operative barracks. The Nucleus itself has no internal leaders, but tends to act in unison. Dissensions among its members are settled by an evaluation of the merits of each position, followed by a general vote.
As it can be guessed from the above description, the Conglomerate is a largely homogenous organism. No political factions or parties, or, worse yet, unsanctioned individual privileges are permitted within it; the rare transgressors are rapidly apprehended and eliminated. Private property, and by extension currency and trade, do not exist, and means of subsistence are doled out by the administration in accordance with inflexible guidelines. While such an order might be somewhat difficult to uphold among more individualistically inclined species, both Iurrthurl and Skerrath share a natural disposition to adopting a collectivistic mentality, and opposition to the Conglomerate's dictates is thus both infrequent and generally regarded as a sign of aberrant behaviour.
Yet it has not always been thus. The two species forming the Conglomerate were once culturally quite different, being populated by creatures whose intellects and societies evolved in environments which resembled each other marginally at best. The very fact that there should have been established a lasting alliance between them testifies that there is, after all, something they both share in equal measure. Unsurprisingly, what most united them in this regard was the segment of their history they have in common - namely, their subjugation by the Empire and the following struggle to regain their much-coveted autonomy. Diverse as the beings one may encounter within its territory are, the vast majority of them partake of an intense dislike for Terrans, and merely mentioning the Empire is guaranteed to kindle the collective-patriotic sentiments of anyone who might be present, despite the fact that plenty of time has elapsed since its fall.
The success once achieved through unity has persuaded the species of the Conglomerate, and especially the successive generations of its leaders, that the “common good” is not merely a matter of idle rhetoric, but a source of very tangible advantages. Thus, over the years following the “Purification”, increasingly intensive propaganda campaigns, devised by the Nucleus and aimed at promoting ideals of belonging to a single, vast political super-organism which, while not as centralised and tyrannical as the loathed Terran occupants, would provide protection and well-being for its inhabitants, no matter their species, asking nothing in return but that they be good, dutiful citizens. This continuous action, often carried out subtly and indirectly, has contributed to strengthen a feeling of great devotion and remarkable self-abnegation in the populace, which stands nowadays ready to defend the great Conglomerate with its lives if necessary.
As it often is the case, such an increase of patriotism required, for greater stability, some sort of counter-balance, ideally in the form of general distrust and hostility toward everything that was not part of the Coalition itself. Such an effect was even simpler to obtain due to the aforementioned long-lasting hatred toward the Terran invaders and the sentient species associated with them - that is, anything which was not Iurrthurl or Skerrath, as not even the Nucleus was truly aware of what exactly existed in the wider galaxy beyond the Terrans and the occasional non-human subject of the Empire who visited their distant reaches, though this was certainly no obstacle to their tactics. If anything, it simplified them even further, as all “outsiders” were heaped together in a large pile of indistinct but precedent-fuelled menace, against which popular discontent stemming from any small issue could be channelled. It should thus come as no surprise that the Conglomerate is one of the most determined members of the anti-Terran alliance, and indeed an advocate of the complete extermination of the former dominators to the last man.
Military Tactics:
In ground and space combat alike, the main strength of the Conglomerate's armies lies in the ability to shape the battlefield to its advantage. This can be achieved in a variety of methods, depending on the situation. In facing enemies on the surface of a planet, barrages of high-impact explosives, chemical and biological weaponry or, in some cases, highly unstable radioactive projectiles are unleashed to render terrain impassable, if not outright deadly, for foes as swarms of ravening bio-drones assail them; whereas during fleet confrontations devices detonating into "clouds" of corrosive acid or superheated plasma, or even "vacuum singularities" generating destructive implosions.
The Conglomerate navy is, to all effects, comparatively small yet nonetheless formidable. Though its warships tend to be few in number, most of them, excluding various patrol and utility craft, are of truly gargantuan proportions, bristling with weaponry and often containing entire assembly chains ready to release wave after wave of semi-organic automated drones. Certain models, dubbed "colony ships", are specifically designed to secure a zone on an invaded planet's surface, then gather what materials it can extract from the environment to construct an assault force directly at ground level.
Most combat units in the Conglomerate military are weaponised bio-drones, with actual personnel usually either manning vehicles and mobile artillery platforms or remotely coordinating the creatures' actions. Neither Iurrthurl nor Skerrath are a frequent sight on the front-lines.
When the conquering fleets of the Empire reached the zone which is currently Conglomerate territory, the two local civilisations which had risen upon various worlds and, until then, thrived unchecked were barely past the planetary development stage, their first crude vessels tentatively reaching out and scarce daring to stray from their home systems. As could be expected, the Empire met little difficulty in shattering what feeble resistance they could offer and subjugating them, annexing their resource-rich home-worlds. Due to the two species’ radically alien physiology, considered extremely repulsive by human standards, and bizarre cultural traits, Imperial enforcers found it simple to consider them as little better than beasts, and treat them accordingly. Their homelands were ruthlessly exploited for all they were worth (Skirol’s famed ecosystem survived only owing to the natives' clandestine actions), and the beings themselves were herded as slaves and summarily tried and executed upon the least suspicion.
Discontent soon reached soaring levels in the colony, and riots and rebellions were not late to occur. They were usually limited in reach and poorly coordinated, yet their sheer quantity forced the Empire to increasingly strengthen garrisons on occupied worlds. This, in turn, sparked further uprisings, but it soon became clear that, however brutal, ferocious and even physically superior the rebels might have been, they were no match for the well-trained, well-armed and well-disciplined occupants. Under such conditions, the Empire’s complete victory and pacification of the zone would probably soon have been complete, had it not been for a fatal mistake. Noticing how fitted for specialised roles the local species seemed, a newly appointed governor devised a scheme to create groups comprised of some individuals of each of them, which would have been able to autonomously carry out a variety of tasks. This project was soon enacted, and a number of especially bright or otherwise prominent creatures was gathered, as per instructions, in “multipurpose xeno-labourer units”.
The components of these units, who soon learned to communicate between themselves in a simplified form of the Iurrthurl speech (which would later become the common language of the Conglomerate), were not slow in establishing contact on another level as well. They both yearned to be free from the Imperial yoke; now, they were afforded an opportunity to reach this goal by preparing to strike from where their enemy least expected it, and each found a vital new ally in the other. Thus, while outwardly appearing as though they actively collaborated with the Imperials, the multipurpose units covertly worked to develop their own traditional technologies, all while remaining in contact with each other and rebel groups, who spread messages of renewed hope among the general population.
When the newly invigorated forces of the two occupied nations believed themselves ready to launch the long-expected uprising, the Empire was already showing signs of weakness. Some of the garrisoned troops had been withdrawn, and there was little hope new reinforcements, had been necessary, would have been timely. Thus, the position of the local Imperial forces was somewhat weakened; yet they did not deem it worthwhile to increase vigilance, believing the locals to have finally lost all strength to rebel, and were caught unawares when the masses of the xenos turned upon them at once, supported by swarms of bio-engineered monstrosities and fearsome war machines which had seemingly appeared from nowhere. Soon, the entirety of the Terran troops present in the occupied zone had been torn to shreds; yet the exultant rebels did not find this sufficient, and turned upon human civilians with undiminished ferocity. Those who were not immediately slaughtered were transported to Skerrath synth-pits, and were never heard from since; those attempting to flee from the systems were pursued with captured Terran spacecraft and secretly constructed prototypes, the forerunners of the Conglomerate armada, and annihilated. When news of this massacre reached the Empire, it dispatched a fleet to subdue the insurgents; however, it already had few ships to spare at that time, and the assault was successfully repelled. What occurred during the Liberation was nothing short of genocide; yet the inhabitants of the Conglomerate still remember it with pride, and never tire of glorifying the “heroic deeds” of their ancestors.
With the hated oppressors destroyed and peace restored in their territories, the newly freed nations set to rebuilding their planets as they deemed it best and planning their future courses of action. Mindful of the Liberation’s success, their leaders convened that it would have been most advantageous to consolidate their alliance, and founded the Ulvarith Conglomerate, named after the appellation of their sector in the common language. Over the next centuries, the Nucleus tirelessly worked upon strengthening the ties between the two peoples, largely through the methods described above, and further developing their stunted industries and economies, contributing, where possible, to causing them to be greatly reliant upon each other.
Bio-drones: One of the greatest accomplishments of joint Iurrthurl and Skerrath research, bio-drones form the backbone of the Conglomerate's labour and military forces. The (non-technical and quite informal) term "bio-drone" denotes a creature partly organic and partly mechanical, generated by unnatural means in outlandish synth-pits. By themselves, these beings do not possess even rudimentary intelligence, and must be controlled by the means of instructions transmitted to its mechanical part. Bio-drones can serve any variety of purposes, but the most common employment for them tends to be as either servo-units or vehicles. Effectively, all such goods of Conglomerate production fall into this category - everything, from the most minute duct-sweeper module to the largest colony ship, is formed partly of synthetic flesh, blood and chitin, and is, in a manner, alive. This can render it difficult for those of non-Ulvarith origin to use Conglomerate ships, as the feeling of being in the bowels of a colossal biomechanical monster can be quite unsettling. Another popular use for bio-drones is as biological weapons, and their proliferation I the military sector has led to them largely replacing sentient infantry and, to some degree, armoured and battlefield support units. War-drones come in any variety of shapes and sizes, from hordes of small, locust-like pests to immense lumbering horrors and unearthly nightmares capable of spewing infectious spores or caustic ichor onto the enemy.
I quite like it, accepted (Though the image link at the top is broken)
Made a slight update on the Dathu servitors, the Yanthu. I've now split the Yanthu between two main strains, Alpha and Omega. I think @Serpentine88 will just love the Omega Strain considering some of the pictures he's using :P