Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(For reference, I was not the friend mentioned by Lucius Cypher, to the best of my knowledge)

Also, while I was making a mystic, there are some rules issues I'm uncomfortable with (specifically no stated limit on maximum animus, making nonstop Blade Meditation not only viable, but BAAF (after 3 turns of using maneuvers without augmenting them with Wis 18, at level 1, blade meditation does 6d6 damage of your active element's damage to anything that attacks you, and that goes up every turn, if not every other turn, assuming you don't use animus and use swift action maneuvers (there's a great one to make an attack at a -2 penalty...and pretty sure you can move during blade meditation (even though it's a full round action), if it's anything like the other recovery methods.)

So I'll PROBABLY stay Harbinger or go Stalker. Assuming our GM is cool with them. Because I'm too bored with other melee (not much they can do but hit things) and casters are too OP (better used NOT hitting things even during combat). Or could go Aegis and just do ALL THE THINGS (except spellcasting, and not as well as others).

Edit: I need to type faster.
Maneuvers aren't any more powerful than spells (often less so at the same levels, with less versatility and power, and without a LOT of combat, less USE overall). I could go with one of the archetypes for another class, so fewer maneuvers and lower maneuver levels, if that helps. Only go up to level 6 maneuvers, and get a lot less.
Will say it's a lot to learn, but it's a lot easier when it's not all LONG FORM. Pretty intimidating. I actually hated Path of War content at first. Just like Shadowrun. ^~^ Now they're my favorites.

Err...edit2: I'm sure I could play a sorcerer just fine...:/ I know PoW's a lot to learn. And I guess Crimson Countess isn't exactly the best example of "PoW is weaker than magic"...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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@Ermine Well, I appreciate your effort, and am very grateful c: Though, lucky for us all, I managed to get in contact with someone thans to @Nytem4re! @Lucius Cypher is, in fact, my successor as GM and needs some time to look over the materials and sheets again but this should get rolling in a reasonable timeframe.

@Grey@Fubsy@Asura keep in mind, your sheets may require fixing as Lucius understands the system better than I do and may spot problems I missed. Though everything should be fine.
@Ermine, I hate to say this as the last thing to you, and so want to start off with - the concept for your character is really, really cool, and I appreciate that. I also appreciate all the links to help with my understanding. However, it's a little overwhelming to learn, and most of my research would indicate it might require altering NPCs within the campaign to better match the power level brought about by maneuvers. Which, if it were a homebrew campaign, would admittedly be a lot easier in the first place, since I would've created the NPCs and would know who might fit the class flavors best, and who deserves what maneuvers and who deserves the sudden power boost. Think there's anything on the Paizo website class-wise you might also like?

Damn, took you long enough to give me some credit. Kidding.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I guess playing as a Drow Noble is out? ^~^ (This is not a serious question. Going to outright say that. 41RP is a pretty significant power level increase).

Looking over my HUGE COLLECTION OF CHARACTERS (this is no exaggeration or overstatement) to see if I have anything more acceptable that doesn't require learning a new ruleset (or that doesn't require learning TOO much). Unless our new GM is more amenable, of course. In which case I'll play as a Stalker or something less...power-level-morally-grey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Well fortunately, the CS looks good so far. Nothing of any real issue. Just a minor thing however.

@Asura With a flat 10 int, you're missing one more skill point for your paladin. She should have a rank in at least two skills, but right now she only has one. Also a greatsword crits from 19-20, not 1-20.

@Fubsy With a Con of 15 and d12 hit die, you should have 14 HP not 15. You don't get the HP/Skill/Favor class bonus at level 1, only level 2 and every level afterwards.

@Grey Nothing of note so far, though I should explain to you that Deadeye Bowman only allows her to ignore soft cover provided by bodies in her way, like your ally standing in front of your shot or a hostage. Someone with soft cover from other things will not be affected by the trait.

Lastly, what did you guys do for your money and equipment? Usually I just go with 150 starting gold, which should be reflected accordingly in you character sheets. Otherwise I can accept players starting off with equipment that is over 150 within reason. Asura's character's equipment is already 200 GP (Greatsword is 50 gp and her Chainmail is 150), but if that's all she has then I can accept that. Generally speaking if it's under 150 you can have it, but anything else over that and I'll have to give it a look. I can't promise you that you'll get much treasure or money, so value what you got.

@Ermine I'd prefer not to use third party supplements. I can accept certain things on the individual basis, but for the most part I would shy away from any classes or archtypes that aren't from paizo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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@Lucius Cypher Oh that was me. I made them roll for gold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You don't get the HP/Skill/Favor class bonus at level 1, only level 2 and every level afterwards.

"Favored Class: Each character begins play with a single favored class of his choosing—typically, this is the same class as the one he chooses at 1st level. Whenever a character gains a level in his favored class, he receives either + 1 hit point or + 1 skill rank. The choice of favored class cannot be changed once the character is created, and the choice of gaining a hit point or a skill rank each time a character gains a level (including his first level) cannot be changed once made for a particular level. Prestige classes (see Prestige Classes) can never be a favored class."
Section 4 of the character outline (emphasis mine)

And you mentioned being okay with homebrew...but not 3PP. What? So untested is fine, but not perfectly acceptable stuffs? (I'll forgive if I can at least make my own weapon using the weapon building rules from the Weapon Master's Handbook (which IS from Paizo) and my own race using the race builder (also Paizo, from the ARG). Because I'm sure I could outdo anything from Dreamscarred Press using Paizo materials. (But really, will forgive it. I don't powergame, just saying I could easily enough without 3PP stuffs))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Hmm. Different from PFS. Well never mind then @Fubsy.

Oh, and one more thing. While I certainly can wield my authority as a hammer, taking the duties as a GM seriously and what not, I will also humor you and joke around. I often make lewd comments and incorporate memes. I also enjoy seeing your failures and may mock you for it. All in all, I will do my best to have fun, and ideally you'll be having fun as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh, expect a lot of failure from me. Last time I did this one, couldn't hit a single thing. AFTER mods, only got higher than a 12 (a nat 20 at that) on a friggin "walking a beam for a competition" roll. ^~^

I fail super hard.

Also, I just went with average gold, since the first post in this didn't say and I wasn't there for the Int Chk. So...I'll roll when I make another one. ^~^

(Edit, also I edited more in my previous post before you replied. Probably came across as bitchy. It was intended to sound more confused)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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@Ermine Homebrew means I've had a hand in understanding and creating it, and like I said I'm more stricter with homebrews anyways. When I said I'd introduce some homebrew, it's mostly minor gm fiat things like making quater staffs finessable and and making bucklers out of wood. Third party things are unfamiliar to me, and if you intend to use them then I'll need to aquatint myself with all of them. Because if I can be certain of anything, give a player an inch and they'll go a mile. You may not mean to power game, but I cover my bases nonetheless.

As for you creating your own weapons and races through the paizo's materials, that's still something I'll be making the final call for. Even if it's not exactly homebrew in the sense that you didn't make it up, it'd still fall under my definition of something that normally doesn't exist. Not that it can't, but I'll be looking it over anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When I use third party stuff, I share it first (even if I make a character, which is usually more sample of how I'd use it because I tend to go through characters super fast before starting any game. It's how I learn rules. Which is why I have no idea how to play GURPS at all...what game uses friggin' microjoules as a unit?). Notice I asked for permission and offered all the materials I used. AND was worried about moral grey areas in terms of power. I'm uncomfortable with power in general. ^//^

@Lucius Cypher If I go tiefling and take a variant ability (the rolled thing) to replace spell-like abilities, should I roll on here so I don't end up with +4 Int (in addition to regular ability score modifiers, and instead of darkness SLA) and have you not believe me? (Because it's happened before. Was awesome.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Even so, I would perter to not delve into third party materials beyond specific exceptions. Referencing third party books for things such as say, favor class bonuses for races who don't have them specified, sure. Bits and pieces maybe. But I'm calling the limit on third party classes.

Have enough of a headache learning about Paizo classes, especially the ones that are legitimately more powerful than third party materials. I would rather not have to wrap my head around third party stuff which aren't exactly any easier. For the sake of conveniences.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay. Won't use any Paizo class that isn't way too powerful compared to the other classes we have.
So no mages except maybe witch or druid, the former of which is boring and the latter is...not even remotely interesting to me anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Use the rolls here if you would. Link.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Saved me from having to find it again.
Dunno if I'll do that. May roll EVERY aspect of my character. That'd be fun. Ish. Assuming I rolled something interesting.

@Lucius Cypher Ooh. What about the Martial Training feat line? It's also Path of War and therefore third party, but it's ONE discipline vs a full class with 4-7 disciplines, only goes up to level 6 maneuvers and stances, and not a lot of them at all. Not that it would matter now, with first level characters, since I couldn't take it until level 3 at the earliest (which would, in turn, give you plenty of time to learn about it, but I'd at least want a tentative answer ("I'll consider allowing it" vs "AW HELL NAW") since it influences my weapon choice). And that's assuming I end up with the stats to even be able to get the higher levels of it. (And if it makes a difference, I'd probably go Elemental Flux if that makes a difference to you)

(legitimate curiosity, since it's not a huge thing, any more than variant multiclassing is)

Edit: Either yes or no (obviously preferably yes), I think I've found a character I'll use. I just have to make some minor adjustments since this one was made for a campaign and never got used. Never actually got finished. I hope you don't mind piecemeal armor...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Question: Tieflings have to take Fiendish Heritage feat in order to have alternate traits, but assimar do not, they may simply select the variant then roll for traits. Will you require the same or would you be willing to wave it as a 'feat tax'. The support of my question is that aasimar are merely the celestial occurance counterparts to tieflings so why would they effectively get a free feat?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Also, at this point, whi is still interested in playing? I haven't heard from the paladin or barbarian in a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Question: Tieflings have to take Fiendish Heritage feat in order to have alternate traits, but assimar do not, they may simply select the variant then roll for traits. Will you require the same or would you be willing to wave it as a 'feat tax'. The support of my question is that aasimar are merely the celestial occurance counterparts to tieflings so why would they effectively get a free feat?

For Aasimar any of the other racial traits they gain will replace their current spell-like ability. For the purpose of equality, I would say that Aasimars would have to take a feat similar to Fiendish Heritage, obviously adjusted for their celestial one. Celestial Heritage, as it were. Now mind you, this only applies if you want different Teifling/Aasimar abilities. You do not need to take the feat if you just want the variant heritage, like being a Div-Spawn or Angelkin. Like I told Ermine as well, do rolls here on the website so I can keep track of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Saved me from having to find it again.
Dunno if I'll do that. May roll EVERY aspect of my character. That'd be fun. Ish. Assuming I rolled something interesting.

@Lucius Cypher Ooh. What about the Martial Training feat line? It's also Path of War and therefore third party, but it's ONE discipline vs a full class with 4-7 disciplines, only goes up to level 6 maneuvers and stances, and not a lot of them at all. Not that it would matter now, with first level characters, since I couldn't take it until level 3 at the earliest (which would, in turn, give you plenty of time to learn about it, but I'd at least want a tentative answer ("I'll consider allowing it" vs "AW HELL NAW") since it influences my weapon choice). And that's assuming I end up with the stats to even be able to get the higher levels of it. (And if it makes a difference, I'd probably go Elemental Flux if that makes a difference to you)

(legitimate curiosity, since it's not a huge thing, any more than variant multiclassing is)

Edit: Either yes or no (obviously preferably yes), I think I've found a character I'll use. I just have to make some minor adjustments since this one was made for a campaign and never got used. Never actually got finished. I hope you don't mind piecemeal armor...
@Lucius Cypher There's a question in here. I just edited it in too late. I'd expected it to be shorter.
I'm almost done with the character. Just need traits, a name, and a pic. Human underground chemist archetype unchained rogue. Who is obsessed with our fun-loving nun, but isn't exactly sure what she does.

Edit: Our paladin's in this thread. The adorableness of aasimar paladins draws me in (in a sexy way)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You'll have to explain to me more about what exactly Martial Training and their maneuvers entail, as I imagine that they aren't the same as the fighting styles like Crane or Kraken. Also I now remember where I heard of Path of War and why I'm largely hesitant to consider it: it's basically Weeboo Fightan Magics and all that it entails.

So let me put it this way. Communicate with your fellow players, @Ermine, and coordinate with them. Last thing I'd like to have to deal with is everyone feeling pretty useless because one character has the chops to deal with most combat encounters, or forcing you to play support just so everyone else can pretend they know what they're doing. No one wants to have to deal or risk becoming That Guy. If you can convince everyone else about using the Path of War materials, then I'll work with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Lucius Cypher Makes sense it sounds like it; it's actually mentioned in there because DSP ported it to PF as Path of War. And since we don't have a wizard, I don't see the point in preventing anyone from taking something that's not even as good as one. Though I wouldn't, like they did, compare it to anime so much as video games, since it's basically identical to how skills work in Dragon Age for the warrior and rogue, what with there being their regular attack as normal, and then skills they can use. Yes, it's more "powerful" and versatile than base martial classes, but they're all basically just a weak (because magic is still stronger) magus with thematic differences that attempt to cover the weaknesses. It doesn't invalidate the core and base melee classes any more than having a wizard or sorcerer in the party does.

Plus, character of choice:
Anne Deverin, Human, Rogue, mixes chemicals, tries to emulate what Ciara does, has no idea whatsoever what Ciara does.
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