Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Chris

Location: Police Station/News Station

Tim stood there with his phone in his hand as he texted back and forth with Marc over what Cynthia was babbling on about. His jaw going slack when Riley said she was going to leave. "Damn it woman!!" he yelled out. He wanted to go after her but he still had Roxanne and Cynthia to look over. He couldn't exactly dash off after her. Kicking his desk he sent another text to Marc to inform him that Riley was going on a suicide mission to find her sister. "Roxanne, please don't go running off. I'm going to grab a mop for this mess," Tim said before hurrying off in a huff towards the janitors closet. Cynthia looked over to Roxanne and smiled before giving her a big hug, unfortunately marring Roxanne's clothing with condiments while she did.

Marc hit the brakes of his car, the tires squealing to a halt and leaving a trail of tread marks on the street. "They are trying to get themselves killed," he muttered to himself before cutting the wheel and hitting the gas to head back into the more populated areas of the small town. Trying to find Chloe on foot was becoming a pain enough but he had to stop trying to think of where Chloe would go but where Riley would go looking for Chloe. It was all rather he said she said. So, he headed for the first place he could think of that the girls used to hang out at as kids. Icecream it was.

Seeing Riley's car he pulled another make the tires leave marks move and jumped out, rushing over to and banging on the window. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Over in the park where the carnival was being held Chris hefted his camera bag over his shoulder and looked around. It had been a while since he had seen Chloe so he ended up tapping a few red heads on the shoulder from behind, in the end mistaking them for her. "Chloe?" he said quietly as he tapped another on the shoulder, hoping he had the right one this time. There wasn't many natural red heads in Grimm but there were plenty it seemed that liked to dye their hair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Funnel Cake Stand (Carnival at the Park)

Tuesday watched as a man appeared with a hefty camera bag, tapping on the shoulder of each and every ginger woman he saw. Well, she only saw him approach one or two, having just spotted him a few moments before he approached her. Still, it brought a little smile to her cheeks, the almost absurd nature of it. Here they were, two people who had gone to high school together, and they didn't recognize each other. It was perhaps the most real thing about this reunion so far, beyond all of the fake tears and remorse about the dead. As far as Tuesday was aware, most people didn't give a shit about those who died--most people had stuck to their friend group, and as long as their friends were safe, all this would amount to would be a post on Facebook about how precious life is. It just served to remind the Grimm graduates of their mortality.

As Chris made his rounds and finally reached her, Tuesday laughed a bit as he tapped her on the shoulder. She wondered what it must have been like, seeing her for the first time in ten years. She had tattoos and piercings now, features that would have horrified her back in high school. And rather than clinging to the fantasy that she was straight, Tuesday had begun to express her actual sexuality, though she hadn't come out quite yet. She felt like she was a fundamentally different person.

"So good to see you, Chris!" Tuesday said sweetly, giving the cameraman a quick hug. "I was hoping I could ask you some questions, since you seem like a well informed guy? Working for the news and all, you probably know what happens in this town before it does, huh?"

And while her voice sounded sincere, Tuesday internally gagged at her words. She sounded like every sweet and innocent kid in every movie about life, and it nauseated her. She hated the person she used to be, but it was the role she'd have to play to get information, she felt. The compliment would hopefully loosen Chris up, as from what she remembered in high school, he wasn't very talkative.

"Like...What the hell is even going on?" Tuesday asked, momentarily slipping back into her current personality. "Everyone seems to be dying, the police have no idea what's going on, and Cynthia is going off about stars?" She paused for a moment, as if to let the impact of that seep in. "Is anyone really safe? And do you know anything else about whoever's doing this?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Icecream Shop In Town.

As Riley twisted the car keys she was about to get out of her car when she had heard tires screeching to a stop and then she suddenly jumped when there was a knock on her window. She closed her eyes and slumped slightly in her seat when she realized that it was just Marc, running a hand through her hair Riley pulled down he window and looked up at Marc. "Listen, she is my sister I cant sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs around. Even though we never saw eye to eye on everything she is the only family I have left that I truly trust, and I am not sitting in the police station only to hear that my sister had he same fate as our other classmates." Riley said as she looked towards the icecream shop for a moment then turned her attention towards Marc again.

"And besides if we work together, we can cover more ground quicker I think I know most of her hiding places more than anyone of our classmates do." Riley said calmly as she opened the car door and stood up looking at Marc. "And I think I figured who is killing us, I think its Chris Maloney."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Police Station

A little stunned at her friend's sudden decision to leave for her sister Roxanne was a too late for trying to convince her otherwise resulting in doing none but a lousy attempt to call her friend's name. She sighed, damned points for loyalty to her friend but point for intelligence? Not so much.

Roxanne couldn't help but jump slightly as the "Bang!" of Tim's foot colliding with his desk. Sighing once more, her eyes followed Tim as he left the room in search of a mop. She turned to Cynthia who was smiling at her. Something she thought she'd never see from a popular girl when she was in high school, then again, she never thought Cynthia would end up in this state. That was when Cynthia wrapped her arms around Roxanne

"No, Cynthia," Roxanne gasped holding her arms against her body and attempting to squeeze herself smaller and attempting to gently writhe out of her grip. A hug was one thing. Roxanne had no problem with hugs, with the right people at least. However, when the other person was covered in ketchup and mustard and Lord knows what else and was rubbing them into you body and clothes? A new story entirely.

Her writhing resulting terribly Roxanne eyed the door, awaiting Tim to comeback. She couldn't bring herself to shove the woman off of her. Cynthia had been through too much over the past years. "When Tim gets back I'll see I can can take us somewhere to clean you up, sound good? They might have showers here,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Chris

Location: Police Station/Park

March grumbled under his breath as he listened to Riley. "I didn't ask you to give up on her, hell I haven't but you can't go running off. You aren't a cop, you aren't trained. You were just bitching at me about not having you all in a safe place and now you are running off with a serial killer on the loose. And me stopping to make sure you are safe is taking away from me finding Chloe. So not only have you put yourself in more danger you are effectively stopped me from searching for her because I am not moving until I get you back to a safe place," as he stood there and crossed his arms over his chest.

"The longer you wait the longer Chloe doesn't have anyone looking for her. You wanted protection, you two bitched me out, well now you are going to get it," he added as he rested his hands on the open window and leaned over. "Come on, out of the car and into mine. Now Riley."

Chris gave Chloe a sideways hug, he was never really affectionate towards others in high school and it seemed that that hadn't changed really. "Nice to see you too," he said as he released her and shuffled his bag back onto his shoulder. Listening to her he shrugged slightly.

"Well yeah I know stuff people have never listened to me. They just want me to listen to them and then give them their fifteen minutes of fame in front of the camera," he muttered s he rubbed his face some with his free hand. Hearing what Chloe said about Cynthia he cocked a brow.

"You don't say. Now there is a story if there was one. Former suspect snaps and now the murders start up again," he added pondering to himself. thinning his lips he let out a huff before looking back over towards Chloe. "Think you could arrange for me to talk to her? Been trying to get an interview through Ada but she just wouldn't help. You know her, always figuring she knew better than the rest of us."

Tim wandered back into the room and chuckled as he saw the mess. Stepping back over to Roxanne and Cynthia he motioned towards the back of the station. "There are showers in the back and some sweat sets. Why don't you two woman go get cleaned up and changed while I straighten up out here," Tim said, glad that at least Roxanne had stuck by while the others ran off, he doubted he could handle Cynthia by himself.

"SHOWER TIME!" Cynthia laughed before darting off without hesitation towards the back where the showers were, leaving a trail of clothing in her path.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Funnel Cake Stand (Carnival at the Park)

Chloe tried her best not to raise an eyebrow at Chris' attitude. He had been quiet in high school, but she couldn't recall him ever being so moody. They would have called him Moody Malone if he had been, she suspected, but listened to the start of what could easily have been a much longer rant. But at the same time, she understood him. Reporters sometimes tracked her down, begging to talk about her sister and her drug addiction. It wasn't a fun time. Everyone just cared about getting their five seconds of fame--and an exposé on the rockstar Riley Ridgeway? That was camera gold.

Oh...Oh fuck me, Tuesday thought, her face not revealing the gruesome conclusion she had just come to. It wasn't a reaction someone would normally have, in the midst of this blood and death, to want to go interview the "insane former suspect." Cynthia had been dreadfully afraid that the murderer would come to silence her if she spoke. She had gone about stars, stars, stars. Like movie stars. And then, hadn't she said something about bologna earlier? It had been a hint, a clue.

Chris Maloney was the serial killer. He was the one that murdered all of their classmates. She didn't have much more than a hunch, but a hunch was enough. Thankful for her improved deceptive skills, Tuesday nodded at Chris, smiling a bit. "Yeah, sure thing," Tuesday replied, pulling out her phone. "This'll take a sec, I'm pretty sure she's up for an interview. Crazy little thing, probably loves the camera, you know?"

To: Marc Tinder
I caught your murderer. You're welcome. Carnival. Don't be late.

Shutting her phone, Tuesday smiled at Chris again. "So what else have you been up to lately? Still making films and stuff?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Icecream Shop In Town.

Riley looked up at Tim as she glared at him for a moment, she hated being bitched at and being told what to do just like how her parents had done it when she was younger. As much as she wanted to help out, she grumbled slightly to herself she was just worried about her sister and wanted to make sure that she was safe. "I did apologize for my outburst earlier." Riley said as she sighed and then rolled up the window again and pulled out the keys. A few seconds later Riley got out of her car since he was insisting that she get into his car she handed Tim her car keys. "Okay you fucking win, i'm not going to fight you about it, you will probably arrest me for some reason anyway if I resist anyway."

Riley then turned and headed over towards Tim's car and opened the door as she climbed into the back seat of Tim's car and closed the car door behind her. She slouched behind the back seat as she took out her phone and started to search her recent messages, sill couldn't find any texts or missed calls from Chloe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marc & Chris

Location: Park

Chris nodded slightly and went to dig into his camera bag as Chloe went to send the text. Pulling it out he started snapping random images of people passing by before turning the lens towards Chloe and popping off a few of her standing there. "Oh nothing much, just working and trying to get my latest manuscript written," he said as he peered over the top of the camera and then clicked off a few more of her.

Marc shook his head slightly. "I swear you and your sister think I am the worst person in the world. Figuring I am a killer, that I will lock you up. For crying out loud, all I have ever done is try to be nice to you two and help your sister. Like I am now, trying to keep her from getting herself killed," he said before getting into the car and sitting down in the driver seat. Hearing his phone go off he pulled it out and looked down at the message.

"Fucking hell!" he snapped as he tossed his phone back to the back seat next to Riley and turned the car on. "Stay close," was all he said as he sped off towards the park. Thankfully they were not that far away and he pulled up to the park quickly, turning around and eying Riley as she sat there. "I swear, if you two end up getting killed, I'll murder you," he snapped before climbing out of the car.

Chris smirked a bit as he looked at Chloe and lowered the camera once again. "Let's go check out the crime scene," he said holding his hand out to her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Funnel Cake Stand (Carnival at the Park)

"Oh, that's super cool!" Tuesday said, her voice light, airy, and a bit squeal-ish. It was the stereotypical fangirl noise that she had mastered at one too many college parties. She blinked a bit as he took pictures of her, wanting to smash up the camera instantly. She didn't want photographs of her. If she was going to dive in headfirst with her new career, photographs of her, taken by a serial killer, wasn't the way to do it.

Fuck. Right. Serial killer. The weight of that set in a little bit more, as Tuesday realized the likelihood she would die. Lawson had been shot after all, hadn't he? And the culprit had some sort of bulletproof vest on. For a moment, Tuesday considered pretending to trip and fall on Chris, just to see if she could feel the fabric underneath his shirt. But it would have been too obvious, she decided.

"Riley's been super successful, seems like you have been to," Tuesday said, trying her best to stall without seeming like she was stalling. Taking the hand of the serial killed seemed to be a bad idea. And it wasn't like in prison, where no one had guns, and the worst scenario was a shiv. Tuesday could deal with shivs. Those she knew. But this? What was she supposed to do, bite him if he tried to kill her?

Feeling like the white girl in a horror movie who makes all the wrong decisions, Tuesday took Chris' hand. Marc was smart. He'd probably figure it out. And don't criminals love returning to the scene of the crime or some shit? He'd realize what happened. And if not, Tuesday decided, as she scratched at her wrist, there wouldn't be any more drug addiction to deal with. "Hmm, wait a mo, what time do you think we'd be able to talk to Cynthia? Should probably have said that in my earlier text...Blonde moment...Even though I'm not blonde."

Please, Marc, get your fucking ass over here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Icecream Shop In Town -> The Park

Riley turned to look up at Marc as he got into the car and started bitching at her once again, something she was sort of used to when she was younger and lived with her parents she rolled her eyes again. "How many times do I have to say I am sorry, and I just wanted to help I want to get the bastard as much as the next person ya know. I don't see you as a killer Marc, your just doing your job but I want to make sure my sister is safe." Riley said as Marc started up the car, then heard him yell the phone landing next to her in the back seat. Curious she wasn't sure if she would get in trouble for touching his phone for being an FBI agent or not.

Riley grabbed it and saw that there was a text from Tuesday to him, she was actually with Chris right now, which made her even more worried at what could happen to her. The park wasn't that far from where they were and once they were Riley got out of the car, but she remained close to Marc she didn't want to piss him off or worry him more than he already was right now. Riley then took out her phone and decided to send her a text to see where she was right now.

"Tues me and Marc are close by, where are you right now?"

Riley hit send and just simply held her phone in her hands as she followed very closely with Marc as she looked at him biting her lip for a moment. "Hey listen i'm sorry again really for my outburst i'll stay close to you, let me help you though please." Riley asked as she looked around the park grounds wondering where she actually was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Police Station

Roxanne was grateful for Tim's reappearance. Roxanne already spent her days as 'mum' or 'Mrs' and it wasn't that so didn't like children. Hell, she won't be teaching littlies their scales or be raising her sons if she didn't but she was secretly hoping for a small escape from that but, of course, she was now practically babysitter to the crazy woman.

Roxanne was about to thank Tim but was interrupted by Cynthia's enthusiastic display of running and stripping. Roxanne shook her head then turned to Tim. "Is it sad her enthusiasm reminds me of my sons'?" She chuckles, "It's usually a fight to get them in the shower though." She pauses, only for a moment before saying, "Thank you Tim, for everything you're doing. I know we all snapped at you but we're all stressed and scared for our lives.I know you are too but... yeah. Thanks. I know you'll find the killer." she gives him a small smile before going after Cynthia
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marc & Chris

Location: Park

"You just don't get it do you Riley? You aren't helping. Putting yourself in danger isn't helping. Me having to watch another body isn't helping. You aren't trained for this, you aren't ready for this. Saying sorry doesn't make it alright, it doesn't make it better," he grumbled to her as they were on their way. Once he was out of the car he checked his side arms before glancing over to Riley and yanking her phone out of her hand. "And sending her text messages about an FBI agent when she might be standing next to a serial killer that could read her screen just proves it," he said before shoving her phone in his back pocket.

Chris rose a brow as he looked over towards Chloe as she took his hand. Grinning he shrugged before continuing over towards the ferris wheel. "Oh I am sure we will, can't wait to catch up with her," he said as he stopped in front of the ride and looked up. The body had already been removed but there was blood still there and the area was "roped" off. Thing was there were no officers there to enforce it. There had been so many murders there was no way they could keep someone in each location in this small town. "We should get a closer look," he said as he started to slip under the police tape, his hand tightening on Chloes.

Marc looked over to Riley as he made his way through the fair area. "Stay behind me, stay close, and listen and do what I say. If I say run, you run. If I say take cover, do it. Don't be a hero," he said as he spotted Chloe and Chris. Looking around he stopped at the funnel cake stand suddenly and tossed some money on the counter before taking one and shoving it towards Riley. "Alright, you get her attention and try to get her to come sit down to eat. I'm going around and going to try to get Chris from behind. You see anything go down, run Riley." Turning he slipped through the crowd and prayed to god that Riley didn't get herself killed. He didn't want to use her like this, as a distraction but this had to stop and he couldn't wait for back up.

Over at the station Tim nodded. "No worries, hopefully we will hear from Marc soon and we can get this over with," he said as he heard the showers turn on in the locker room. All the showers and it could be heard that Cynthia was singing in the shower. "Sounds like you won't have to fight to get her together. Just hope she doesn't flood the place in the meantime," he laughed slightly before he got back to work on cleaning up the mess that Cynthia had made.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Park

Riley was about to snap back at Marc when he snatched her phone right out of her hands and slipped it into his pocket, maybe he was right but all she was trying to do was help Marc was only one person and one person can only do so much. "Will do whatever you say Captain Marky Marc. You better not break my phone" Riley said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, she hated being talked down to and had dealt with it enough growing up she simply remained as close to Marc as possible until they got to the funnel cake stand. Riley watched Marc putting some money out and then shoving the funnel cake into her hands. She spotted Chloe and Chris by the Ferris Wheel Riley turned her head and nodded towards Marc with the plan.

Riley watched Marc disappearing into the crowd to hopefully get the jump on Chris from behind, she turned around and pulled out another couple of dollars out and paid for another funnel cake and a few napkins. Riley started making her way through the crowd as she made her way closer towards Chloe and Chris she put on a fake cheesy smile as Riley approached Chloe.

"Hey sis!" Riley said as she pulled Chloe into a hug and whispered closely into her sister's ear. "Marc is close by just play along alright." Riley said as she turned over to see Chris and smiled at him brightly. "Chris long time no see buddy how have you been?!" As she went over and then clumsily spilled one of the funnel cakes onto Chris' shirt. "Fucking hell shit. Chris i'm so sorry I didn't mean to!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Funnel Cake Stand (Carnival at the Park) ---> Ferris Wheel

"Yeah, that wasn't a yes-no question...I need to get an actual time, like one on the clock?" her more bitter and sarcastic nature was starting to bleed through. As Chris' grip on her hand tightened, Tuesday became more and more nervous, more and more afraid. Perhaps this was going to be the end. She didn't see Marc anywhere--had he left her to die? With the way she treated him, she wouldn't be too surprised.

A wave of guilt washed over Tuesday. In her attempts to reclaim her life, to achieve independence, she had caused so much pain. Her phone vibrated, shaking her out of her reverie. Riley's message both calmed and horrified her. Her twin sister was here, getting mixed up in this mess? She tried her best to seem calm, as Chris slipped under the crime scene tape, his grip on her hand tightening. "What's with the hand holding? It's not like I'll get lost."

Yet just as she was about to force herself to vomit on Chris, faking an aversion to the sight of blood, she felt herself wrapped in a warm embrace. Fucking hell. It was Riley. Tuesday wasn't sure whether to be shocked, delighted, or terrified--she felt it all at once. Glancing over towards Chris, as Riley unceremoniously creamed him with pie, Tuesday bit back a laugh. She tore her hand out of Chris' grip, using the pretense of needing to fix her hair after Riley's bear hug.

"Er....Hi Riley," Tuesday said, forcing a sense of awkwardness into her voice. She had after all specifically asked Chris to not mention to Marc or Riley that he saw her--acting all buddy-buddy with Riley now would only cause suspicion. "What brings you to the...to the crime scene?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marc & Chris

Location: Park

"Whatever works," Chris said as he kept moving. "I am open to anything," he said throwing her a grin before looking back towards the Ferriswheel and pulling her along with him. At her question he chuckled. "There is a killer on the loose and the place is getting crowded. Don't want to loose you," he said tightening his grip. It didn't seem to matter as Riley came out of no where. Taking a step back he looked at the pair, where had she come from?

Resting his hand on his bag, it slipped into the padded fabric. Something wasn't right. It especially wasn't right when suddenly he had powered sugared funnel cake all over him thanks to the rock star. He jumped back as he kept one hand in the bag and the other started to knock the food off his shirt. "God damn it Ri..." he started before he felt a sudden impact coming in from his right hand side. Marc tackling him to the ground. His hand came out of the bag, finger around the trigger of a Beretta nine as he started to wrestle with Marc, trying to get back in control. Marcs hang pushing the gun up and away as it fired.

Everyone seemed to hit the deck and screams echoed through the area. "RUN!!!" Marc yelled before he felt a fist hit his jaw and the two tumbled apart. Marc's coming up and running after Chris as he took off through the crowd, firing wildly as he went. Marc stumbled, rolling along the ground before he rolled up, pain etching his face as he took back off into the crowd and following the jackass into the haunted house.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Park

Riley was about to take a step forward to try and clean off her mess that she 'purposefully and accidentally' her eyes wondering down towards the bag as she noticed Chris' hand was now inside of it. "Really sorry man didn't mean to!" Riley said, that's when she caught movement in the corner of her eye that's when she saw Marc running over and tackling Chris down onto the ground. That's when she saw the berretta nine in Chris' hand, Riley went over to shield her sister when the gunshots went off her ears ringing at the sounds of the shots going off. When Marc told her to run, she did Riley grabbed onto Tuesday's hand and made her way towards the frantic crowd. "Saving your ass from our murderous classmate that's what!"

Riley turned her head as she watched Chris running off towards the haunted house that was set up and Marc going after him, she found a stand no one was manning and dragged her sister under it to hide. It would make things difficult to find out where they were, Riley was about to reach for her phone when she realized that Marc had snatched it from her when they got to the park. Groaning slightly as Riley turned her attention towards her twin and pulled her into another tight hug, she was just really happy to see her alright. Riley then let go and flicked Tuesday's forehead really hard. "What the fucking hell were you thinking Chloe?" Riley asked harshly she then poked her head out for a moment before going back down. "Glad your still alright.. Anyway get your phone out, dial 911 now, Marc has mine."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Ferris Wheel ---> Haunted House

If Tuesday had been telling the story to her cellmates, it would've been a little something like this: two whiny little white-ass boys got into a gun fight, shooting up the place, and scaring the shit out of my twin sister. I stayed calm the entire time, like Stonewall Jackson or something, even with bullets going around me. Now, isn't that gangsta? But if Tuesday was to be honest, her ears rung from the shot, her face was a combination of rage and relief at Riley's comments, and as she was dragged under the stand, she wanted nothing more than to cling to the safety like a baby, and breathe in slowly to ensure she really was still alive.

Rubbing her forehead, Tuesday scowled. "What the fuck was I thinking? I guess that I'm just a fucking screw-up, huh? Well good. Did it ever occur to you that I didn't want help? That maybe I like my messed up life just the way it is?" She took a deep breath, before pulling her phone out of her pocket, and handing it to Riley. "Here. Passcode hasn't changed."

Her temper flared up, and she peeked out from the stand, watching as Marc and Chris darted into the Haunted House. Marc was going to get himself killed, the self righteous asshole. Sure, she never was a doctor, she never became a surgeon, but she had wanted to save lives at one point. "Don't come after me," Tuesday warned. She knew that the odds were against her--but they were against Marc as well. Getting out from underneath the stand, Tuesday grabbed the biggest blunt instrument she could find, and that was she confident she could handle well.

In the dark of the haunted house, she figured gunfire wouldn't be all too helpful. But a big ass piece of metal? Yeah, that could hurt someone. "If I die, don't look through my shit. You won't like it." And so, Tuesday knowingly went to the haunted house, determined to help her--determined to help Marc. It wasn't like anyone else was going to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marc & Chris

Location: Haunted House

The Haunted House, just fucking great. Strobbing lights, fog machines, shit jumping out of every corner. Yeah, fucking perfect place to get killed. Chris ducked down and took position, pulling out his handgun and waiting. He knew the place backwards and forwards. It was one of his favorite things at the carnival, always had been. He knew each sound, every light. He had gone through it hundreds of times over the years and even was the reason a lot of things got changed, ever giving his brilliant input to the people who ran it. He knew he had the advantage. He would finish off Marc, get out of there, make his film and then everyone would know how brilliant he was. He knew he was going to jail but that didn't matter at this point, he had to live to finish it. There were still more that needed to die before the grand finale but if Marc had his way he knew he wasn't walking out of there alive.

Marc kept his gun lowered, not wanting to accidentally end up shooting some innocent bystander. Enough people had been hurt and killed over this. He felt his blood boiling thinking back to Simone, what she had endured because of this twisted fuck, how many more had died just this weekend because of him. How many more that could die if he didn't do his job. What was the point of becoming an FBI agent, of serving in the military if he couldn't make safe his own home town? If he couldn't keep Ash alive, or Ada, or Kai, or Riley, or Chloe. Damn it, he wasn't loosing one more person if he could help it, not while he was still breathing.

Chris heard a noise that was out of place, waiting until he knew it was time. Quickly he rose from his place and he came up behind the person who was the cause of the noise. It wasn't who he was expecting, but it would do. His arm came around Chloe's neck and his gun pointed into her rib cage. "My my my, aren't you the adventurous one. You would have made a great Heroin but alas you will have to settle for a bit role at the end of a great story," he said with a grin on his face.

Marc came around the corner and aimed his gun right at Chris, his eyes looking at Chloe for a moment before focusing back on Chris. "Let her go," he ordered but Chris just laughed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Park -> Haunted House

Riley took her sister's phone into her hand and quickly typed in the password which was pretty easy to remember, she looked up at Chloe for a moment when her sister gave her usual snarky attitude. She remembered that Chloe was always the quiet one growing up while she was the complete opposite she always gave the attitude both to their parents and classmates. As Riley started to type in Tim's phone number she watched her sister quickly darting off towards the haunted house. "Chloe get back here!" Riley yelled loudly at her sister to try and get her back, just like herself she wouldn't listen. Riley groaned loudly as she got up and started to dial in Tim's number hopefully he would actually get the police here.

After a few rings Riley waited until she could hear Tim picking up. "Tim! It's Riley, listen we found Chris at the festival he and Marc got into a scuffle. Ya know that haunted house? Chris ran in there Marc and my sister went inside, anyway get over here fucking fast." Riley said as she approached the haunted house, she knew that if she went in there the two of them or herself could get hurt. Riley's heart started racing as she made her way towards it, she wanted to help she didn't listen to her sister anyway she wanted to save Marc and Tuesday if she could Riley then hung up the phone

Riley started making her way up the ramp and into the haunted house quietly she remembered the times that she went here with her friends when they were all younger. She remained as calm as she could be Riley started to make her way around staying as low as she could to the ground. Riley then spotted the three of them, she saw Chris holding her sister hostage with his gun to Tuesday's side, then looked up at Marc hopefully she wasn't spotted or heard by Chris.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Haunted House

Did Tuesday want to be a hero? Not really. She never fancied herself as going in to save the day. She never imagined herself as leaving the haunted house to cheers and applause, to television interviews and movie deals that would secure her financially for the rest of her life. Helping Marc wasn't about being a hero--it was about not being a dick to her friend. Marc didn't deserve to die in there.

But perhaps she did. And in that way, Tuesday was powerful. She didn't expect or care if she left the haunted house. Chris' terror from earlier had almost had a numbing effect on her. And with his arm snaked around her neck, and his gun pressing into her rib cage, she felt her heart beating frantically. But Tuesday herself wasn't afraid.

"Yeah, about that, asshat," Tuesday said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not here to be the hero--and I'm no fucking damsel in distress. You shoot me, Marc shoots you. You don't shoot me, you go to prison, and they fry your brains in the chair. Just a matter of when you're choosing to die, sicko. Kill me if you think that'll make you feel something on the inside. Not even heroin could do that, trust me, I've bloody tried."

She nodded at Marc, glancing Riley out of the corner of her eye, but she continued to gaze forward. Her sister didn't need to have her blood spilled either. And this was it, Tuesday knew that this was the way it would have to be. She'd have to take herself out of the equation. "Marc, I'm not saying this to be brave or anything. You hear me?" Her heart was still pounding, but Tuesday hardly paid it any attention.

Impending death was a surprisingly calm sensation, she found. "Oh, and Chris? Your movies are shit. The slop they serve in prison would look better on the silver screen than your work. Hell's probably just a rerun of your greatest films--and by great, I mean fucking painful. No wonder you're a serial killer now--but hey, no one gives a fuck about your work still. Isn't that just peachy?"

If she couldn't go out with class, well, she'd at least go out with sass.
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