Name: Pippa St. James
Age: 26 (Appearance); 120 (Actual Age)
Supernatural Race: Succubus
Ethnicity/Race: British

Personality: Pippa is a no-nonsense woman who knows what she wants and goes to get it by any means necessary. She can be sweet when she chooses to be and is easy to get along with, provided she holds the upper hand. However, don't be fooled by her good looks or candied words, she is usually out to satisfy her own desires.
She can be intimidating and in your face when she feels threatened. She isn't afraid to fight back should the need arise. She looks out for number 1 and rarely makes or keeps friends. If she considers you a friend, you must have done something really good for her, or she owes you a favor she can't hope to pay back. Regardless, she picks and chooses her confidantes carefully.
Being a Succubus means she is very driven by her sexual desires. She isn't picky about her type of partner provided they give her the sustenance she desires.
History: Little is known about how Pippa came into existence. Was she born of human parents and made a deal with a demon? Was she always a Succubus and lived off the desires of others her whole life? Those who know her true origin are no longer living. She made sure of that.
Pippa lived through quite a bit of history, seeing the world shape in different ways. Humans were such fascinating creatures, the way they continued to incite wars with each other or oppress their own kind. It mattered very little to her. She wanted only one thing: to remain beautiful and young forever. In order for that to happen, she needed to satiate her desires with a counterpart. At first, she fumbled a bit, bedding simple men she met in alleys or idiots drunk enough not to know better. Soon, she was able to court just about anyone she laid eyes on. She would not kill them unless she desired it. She didn't want unnecessary attention drawn on her and her practices.
She had few run-ins with authority. Police were no match for her. However, it was the Hunters that came into her life that posed the real problem. They were able to pinpoint her and attack her. She fended off a few attacks, but it was becoming increasingly clear she could no longer stay in one place at a time, less she be killed.
Traveling was not as glamourous as she hoped, but she was able to feed herself and have fun while doing so. The years went on and she was able to hid in plain sight often enough to avoid the gaze of the hunters, who seemed to give up their search.
The current year, she heard of a city called Gravette. Rumors spread about the city and its new population. If there was any place for her to call her home, perhaps it was this city. However, the war was imminent between the Hunters and the Supernatural. Pippa couldn't be bothered. Surely there were better things to do..or better people to do, for that matter.
Strengths: Pippa is a beautiful woman in her own right, but combined with her Succubus heritage adds a level to that, making her desirable. She is able to charm people with her looks and words to get them where she needs them. Due to her demonic nature, she has increased strength, agility, and stamina. In her Demon form, she is able to fly due to her wings. She is also able to cast some magic to help her get out of sticky situations.
Weaknesses: As a Succubus, Pippa requires pleasure from sexual acts. She is only able to bed with men, as she needs their seed to sustain herself. If she were to sleep with a woman, there would be a chance she could perish. She is unable to charm Angels or other Succubi/Incubi, as they have the ability to dissuade themselves from her charm. If she is killed in her human form, she can still live on, but if she is killed in her Demon form, she is permanently dead.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring - Pippa knows about the war, she just couldn't give any less of a damn if she tried. She would rather kick back and have fun than outright battle Hunters or her own kind. That does not mean she won't fight back if provoked or called on, but she won't go out of her way to be drafted into any clan or army. She has a life to live, after all.
Special Powers/Skills:
Other: TBD
Age: 26 (Appearance); 120 (Actual Age)
Supernatural Race: Succubus
Ethnicity/Race: British

Personality: Pippa is a no-nonsense woman who knows what she wants and goes to get it by any means necessary. She can be sweet when she chooses to be and is easy to get along with, provided she holds the upper hand. However, don't be fooled by her good looks or candied words, she is usually out to satisfy her own desires.
She can be intimidating and in your face when she feels threatened. She isn't afraid to fight back should the need arise. She looks out for number 1 and rarely makes or keeps friends. If she considers you a friend, you must have done something really good for her, or she owes you a favor she can't hope to pay back. Regardless, she picks and chooses her confidantes carefully.
Being a Succubus means she is very driven by her sexual desires. She isn't picky about her type of partner provided they give her the sustenance she desires.
History: Little is known about how Pippa came into existence. Was she born of human parents and made a deal with a demon? Was she always a Succubus and lived off the desires of others her whole life? Those who know her true origin are no longer living. She made sure of that.
Pippa lived through quite a bit of history, seeing the world shape in different ways. Humans were such fascinating creatures, the way they continued to incite wars with each other or oppress their own kind. It mattered very little to her. She wanted only one thing: to remain beautiful and young forever. In order for that to happen, she needed to satiate her desires with a counterpart. At first, she fumbled a bit, bedding simple men she met in alleys or idiots drunk enough not to know better. Soon, she was able to court just about anyone she laid eyes on. She would not kill them unless she desired it. She didn't want unnecessary attention drawn on her and her practices.
She had few run-ins with authority. Police were no match for her. However, it was the Hunters that came into her life that posed the real problem. They were able to pinpoint her and attack her. She fended off a few attacks, but it was becoming increasingly clear she could no longer stay in one place at a time, less she be killed.
Traveling was not as glamourous as she hoped, but she was able to feed herself and have fun while doing so. The years went on and she was able to hid in plain sight often enough to avoid the gaze of the hunters, who seemed to give up their search.
The current year, she heard of a city called Gravette. Rumors spread about the city and its new population. If there was any place for her to call her home, perhaps it was this city. However, the war was imminent between the Hunters and the Supernatural. Pippa couldn't be bothered. Surely there were better things to do..or better people to do, for that matter.
Strengths: Pippa is a beautiful woman in her own right, but combined with her Succubus heritage adds a level to that, making her desirable. She is able to charm people with her looks and words to get them where she needs them. Due to her demonic nature, she has increased strength, agility, and stamina. In her Demon form, she is able to fly due to her wings. She is also able to cast some magic to help her get out of sticky situations.
Weaknesses: As a Succubus, Pippa requires pleasure from sexual acts. She is only able to bed with men, as she needs their seed to sustain herself. If she were to sleep with a woman, there would be a chance she could perish. She is unable to charm Angels or other Succubi/Incubi, as they have the ability to dissuade themselves from her charm. If she is killed in her human form, she can still live on, but if she is killed in her Demon form, she is permanently dead.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring - Pippa knows about the war, she just couldn't give any less of a damn if she tried. She would rather kick back and have fun than outright battle Hunters or her own kind. That does not mean she won't fight back if provoked or called on, but she won't go out of her way to be drafted into any clan or army. She has a life to live, after all.
Special Powers/Skills:
- Demon Form - In this form, Pippa's appearance changes. She is able to fly with her wings, attack with her claws or tail, and is stronger, more agile, and able to fight for longer periods of time without getting tired.
- Supernatural Beauty - Her Succubus nature makes her extremely desirable to others. She is able to use this to get others to do her bidding.
- Invisibility - Pippa is able to turn herself invisible in both her human and her Demon form. She can't be seen with the naked eye, but can still be seen in infrared vision.
- Life-Force Absorption - In order to remain how she is, she needs to feed off of the sexual desires of men. She is able to use a "kiss of death" to absorb their life to feed herself. Though she typically doesn't do it, she is able to kill this way.
- Dream Walking - Pippa is able to enter the dreams of others. She can interact with the dreams themselves and can charm the person in the dream.
- Enslavement - In her Demon form, Pippa is able to kiss another person and have them do her bidding. A strong mind can fight against this, but a helpless person is unable to withstand her charm and is a servant to her needs.
Other: TBD
Here is my sheet. I know playing as a Succubus may be sketchy, but I will of course uphold the site's rules and "fade to black" when the situation calls for it. I just like the Succubus nature in general. Lemme know if I need to work on anything. I know her history is kinda meh, but I plan to flesh her out as the story goes on.