Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Thank you, I'm fairly exhausted due to transitioning from: writing all day since I was on winter break --> going to school and writing on top of that is quite tiring. So, pardon me for missing the quotation and having my creativity levels low for the benchmarks but thank you for mentioning them.

I'll add a quotation to fix that part up and add Combat Casting to it. The lighter visage is a representation of Marcelino's self-consciousness with troubles against fashion and bodily issues. It strings together all the variety of variables that a younger version of Marcelino wish to be born as someone different and Pariah picked that up and when his character was being created, boom! Taking the feelings of anxiety and locating what was at the root, Pariah made a character that was most comfortable for Marcelino even if he is fine with himself now.

<Typed up something about social media influencing the basis of what 'beautiful was' but deleted it cause it seemed like a flimsy argument, I'll chalk it up to self-consciousness which is a simpler explanation>
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Made some simple edits after contemplating for way longer than it took to write:
  • Added Combat Casting
  • I'll accept the handicap of having two less physical benchmarks, like a typical mage who lacks physical prowess. So I'm fine with it.

<sorry for the double post>
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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And I was completely ignored... T__T

Oh well... I already explained/clarified everything I had to so...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Fine by me, then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shall I wait for Potato or just send it to the other tab?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shall I wait for Potato or just send it to the other tab?

I'm sure Narc will have no objections.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalOrigins
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Let me know how this is. I'm also having difficulty thinking of a 5th mental benchmark, any ideas?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Once again, debating either utility summoner character, or heal/off tank cleric
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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@Gowi my friend, we meet again.

I ask, are there guns? Guns?!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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We do?

No guns, its medieval fantasy with flavor— so use your imagination within reason. Feel free to describe it in detail.

But— but I thought I put down for an absence of guns in the weapons section? Tori why you do this?! I suppose I can fudge in a reason magical guns exist. But whyyyyyyy. I am going to pout now.

Pretty much my only comments on them. I'm generally "nah" right now, but I could be persuaded I guess.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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We do?

<Snipped quote by Gowi>
<Snipped quote by Gowi>
Pretty much my only comments on them. I'm generally "nah" right now, but I could be persuaded I guess.

Well, seeing as I never actually submitted a character in Shine City, ofc you would have forgotten about me by now. Nevertheless, I was in the Discord chat :|

As for the guns, It's ok. I've been reading some VRMMO novels lately and I've had this itch for a while to RP one. I'll find a way to make a char.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Well, seeing as I never actually submitted a character in Shine City,

What a coincidence, same here. I barely remember SC's discord, tbh.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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<Snipped quote by Vec>
What a coincidence, same here. I barely remember SC's discord, tbh.

Stuff happened, it's dead now. Yeah.


I'm going to make that char now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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<Snipped quote by Gowi>

Stuff happened, it's dead now. Yeah.


I'm going to make that char now.


I'm still on discord if you want to turn that comment to story time eventually. I'm a sucker for idle gossip.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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I would still like to know if you read the posts I made before, and if you have any other problems or issues with my CS. I strive for perfection after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Alright— here we go. Outside of reminding me of Seiken no Blacksmith's Luke Ainsworth there are no real initial thoughts or references I can make. Vulcan’s general information answers what I ask for and it leaves only real section to review.

Benchmarks: It seems you want help with another mental one, which will be not fairly difficult given your relatively balanced character. For a variety of recommendations you can further define him with mental benchmarks such as Blacksmithing (in general, since he would have to learn it to get to the point as a magicsmith). You could have more combat-oriented mental skills like Field Repair proficiencies, or you can even go into something like Weapon Focus: Katana.

So it’s dandy. It’s good. It’s accepted.

Just one last thing.

I am wary with katanas for a variety of reasons, but I am not denying them outright as they are sensible and I want weapons to be diverse. Plus you've come with a cool concept. So you get to have fun.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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If it's in the character tab, assume we don't really have anything else to nitpick with it! :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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I see nothing wrong with your edits you made— so you’re fine.

I guess the only thing I can tell you right now is to calm down, I make a variety of jokes to ease things not make people have a neurotic meltdown so the best thing to keep in mind is unless I’m writing something serious and letting you know as a GM call you are fine. Still it is good to keep in mind the rules you have agreed to recognize and follow upon applying for a character, and one of those is post content.

I know several people who don’t have English as their original language and I’m fairly accommodating on those who incidently make a typo here and there or don’t format their posts like a clusterfuck. My preferences (don’t write dialogue in the middle of a paragraph, etc.) won’t really be a factor. I might make quips of “hit the enter button more” but they are nothing but quips.

Keep in mind my posts will not be the expectations everyone is beholden to— even in Avalon Academy I didn’t ask everyone to post on par with opening post. Though reading that RP's OOC is a good measure of what makes me happy in terms of content; but again, it is no means a quantifier or post requirement. Remember all I said in Section II of the Rules is this:

The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations (high school-level equivalent). This means comprehensive understanding of basic grammar and spelling is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail behind those are appreciated. I’d want maybe two paragraphs as a rule, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react with in one paragraph than that’s fine, but one-liner’s will definitely be off-base. Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself; though quality posts don’t have to be textbooks and I severely doubt I will require a “novel”-esque post.

A good guideline is this quotation that I adhere to for my own posts:

“Roleplaying should focus on developing interesting and complex characters that become part of plot-lines which catch the imagination and inspire the writer behind them to exercise creativity. It is mature, humorous, imaginative, tragic, terrifying, passionate, and rife with descriptive language and characters with real personality and relatable cares. Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need. However, while word and paragraph requirements ought to be unnecessary, single paragraphs cannot contain enough detail to suffice.”

With that said, I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis nor will I be inciting a “word count”. So just use your personal judgment and we’ll be awesome.

The posts you showed me make me want to dust my proofreading hat off (due to blobbing, pet peeves of dialogue formatting, etc) but they seem fine enough. Do not stress yourself. The key is to have fun and be proud of what stories we're telling.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Well, as I said, they're perfectly fine and organized for me.
I don't usually write "like a blob" as you said, cramping everything together, but I also think that excessive formatting is both too tiring and unnecessary.

Typos are very rare, since I actually DO get ashamed when I write something wrong. Be it only because I wasn't paying attention or because I was writing them from my cellphone.

People often have different standards regarding to post formatting and different writing styles.
I don't think there is anything wrong with my posts. Especially due to the fact that I tend to separate each sentence that a character say, so its easier to read the dialog itself.

I tend to organize every post in a way so its easier to read the dialog between two characters. Separating each sentence, followed by the character's thoughts behind the sentence or any specific action performed by it following the said sentence.

I can use a formal, more correct and traditional formatting if you want. You just have to tell me to do so. I started doing so because many people used to complain about my posts and their formatting when I started writing on the "Free Roleplay" forum. After some time, I started to organize my posts like that so they wouldn't get too cramped and tiring to read (the way they are organized you can straight up ignore most things directly after my character's answers (mainly my character thoughts & things like that.) and still understand what's happening.

PS: don't misunderstand the way I'm writing. I'm not mad or anything, writing like this is just a bad habit of mine (using formal words etc.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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If what you’re asking is what can you do to make things easier to read, I suppose I can answer that— but do not take the following assessment as a harsh critique, because it isn’t one.

The biggest thing to remember about writing is to keep things concise, cohesive, and fluid. In the sense of one of the posts you gave as generic examples, I’ll reformat it so you can see what I am sort of talking about. This means be consistent in your tense and get across your idea so it is accessible to read without confusion or contradiction. Ultimately the biggest thing to keep in mind is to know when to break your paragraphs and when to not— for example, a lot of things in the following example run through motions and then the line break is only done once instead of twice which results in a condensing that isn’t necessary when both ideas are two different actions, reflections, or points.

Hope that is helpful.
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