The Justice League of America is a team of metahumans, aliens, Amazons, etc. who have fought the good fight for years. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman... shining examples of heroism. Lately the Big 7 (Superman, Batman, WW, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Cyborg) have been looking into recruiting more members, possibly to form a JL: International of their own, or another team like the government sanctioned JL of America. Heroes like Captain Marvel (I refuse to call his Shazam, that's the wizard dammit lol), Stargirl, Hawkman, and even Superman's cousin Supergirl are being looked at for this new team. The Atom's apprentice Ryan Choi as well as Vixen are being eyed for membership. The Justice League is truly bringing about a new era, setting a new bar for heroism.
...but this isn't about the guys and girls already in the big leagues. This is about a couple of virtual nobodies with big dreams and superpowers of their own. Guys who've managed to mess up as many times if not more than they've done good. A couple of born losers looking for a big win and Justice League status.
This is a tale of the...

@The Kid Lantern - Super Chief
@rocketrobie2 - Silver Scarab
...but this isn't about the guys and girls already in the big leagues. This is about a couple of virtual nobodies with big dreams and superpowers of their own. Guys who've managed to mess up as many times if not more than they've done good. A couple of born losers looking for a big win and Justice League status.
This is a tale of the...

@The Kid Lantern - Super Chief
@rocketrobie2 - Silver Scarab
If anybody else is gonna read this, know that this will likely be a prequel to a team game in the near future based around a new more politically correct JL team being formed for whatever reason. R2 and myself have chosen a couple 5th stringers to reimagine and tweak and I honestly think I'd read a book about either one of them. Silver Scarab is so much cooler than Blue Beetle ever thought about being, and he's got Nth metal on his side to boot. I chose Super Chief because I love me some Native American heroes but didn't wanna go with a giant man like Longshadow or a Batman knockoff like Chief Man of Bats.
R2 - I'm gonna post my CS after this and then you can do the same. We can talk about the villains in the titanpad if you want while we're both online, and when we're not we can just use this OOC to go back and forth.
Can't wait to get this one rolling!