Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotone Tokikaze

Hau'oli City|Pokemon Center

"Sorry about this but its the best way to calm down the situation Aoide Sing if you may." Kotone said as she saw her swablu fly up just above the eevee and poochyena before singing. Sing once heard would put pokemon to sleep which in this case should cause the fight to stop if it worked that is. She smiled to herself as she saw the pokemon start to get drowsy she didnt want to really get involved she all she wanted was a few potions and perhaps some pokeballs a few more companions for the road wouldn't hurt. But sadly things wasnt supposed to go her way since the poochyena got a bit aggresive territory or the noises either could be the reason. Than the eevee probably jumped in to protect a supposed threat from the trainer. Still she saw the swift go towards the poochyena hopefully sing put them to sleep like she planned otherwise she just got herself involved with a unwanted battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sierra Shilton

Outside Melemele Ferry Terminal

The path to the Pokemon Center in Hau'oli was longer than it looked. The dude that Sierra asked for directions blew by, in a rush to get to the promised land of free food and healing, but the Blackthorn native had to stop and take everything in. She knew mountains. She was hemmed in by mountains for the majority of her life. But the view from the hill by Clair's gym had nothing on the scenery she was taking in now. Even in a city as large as Hau'oli, the beauty of the beaches was evident from the small vantage point the path gave.

Wow...this place makes Blackthorn look even more like a dump.

Eventually she overcame the natural sights and arrived at the Pokemon Center. Romano didn't seem to care so much for the scenery, but he could smell food from a mile away. "Swiiii!" The Pig Pokemon couldn't contain himself as the scents of the cafe wafted into his ever-active nose.

"Fine. Fine. Hungry little bugger. C'mon."

She was going to get some food when a ruckus seemed to break out behind her. Pokemon were flying all over the Center and it was getting to be a nuisance. Don't people know that battling is to be done outdoors? Lugia give me strength.

"Hey there, stranger! What will you have?" The cafe operator noticed Sierra without her knowledge and slightly startled her with his greeting.

"Um...that depends," she stammered. "What's on the menu?"

The older gentleman rubbed his chin. "Well, we've got Lemonade, Moomoo Milk and Roserade Tea, all served up at the right temperature for about 200 PokeDollars."

Shoot. Even at that price it's a bit much for me right now. Especially if I have to feed-

"And for the little fellow here," he switched from rubbing his own chin to Romano's, which the Swinub took to instantly as a gentle murr could be heard. "We have some PokeChow available, on the house of course."

"That sounds perfect!" A free meal got Sierra very excited at this stage. "I'll take some of that...and a Tea I guess."

"Coming right up! And here," the purveyor handed over a package of orange beans and something the Johto native recognized as a RageCandyBar. "As a gift for your first Alolan cafe visit.

"Wow...thank you, sir."

"No need for that talk there. No knights, no sirs here. Your thanks is enough, my dear. Now about that tea..."

For the first time in a while, Sierra seemed to perk up. She tucked the beans in her pocket but had to resist the urge to crack into the candy bar right then and there. This place is already streets ahead of Johto. She looked at the scene by the counter, where things seemed to have calmed down. Maybe things will finally work out for me here.

@WriterRaven @Shadeflare123 @wxps350 @Suku
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Mathew Delta

Hau'oli City

“She’s called Speckles.” Mathew replied, a little surprised. “And she’s a Shinx and they tend to be a bit hyper at times. I’m guessing you’re not from Sinnoh then, do you live here in Alola?”

Speckles herself had happily accepted the other trainers offer for a backscratcher. Mathew had picked up on the other trainer’s tone earlier and was now debating whether to call Speckles away or not; she was still very energetic and fidgeted to try and get the trainer to scratch behind her ears.

His frown deepened when he looked closer at the trainer and quickly figured that the heat of the day wasn’t agreeing with them, and if he was being honest it wasn’t entirely agreeing with him either after chasing Speckles around.

“Do you need some water?” He set down his bag and rummaged through it, offering a bottle of fresh water to them. “I picked up a bottle or two when me and Speckles arrived.”

Mathews attention was then drawn to the trainers shuppet, at least he assumed it was the trainers, spinning happily around them apparently unfazed by the dazzling sunlight. Mathew knew that it was a ghost type but its name he couldn’t quite remember.

“Your...Bannette?” He smiled unsure of his guess. “Seems to be enjoying itself.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 7 mos ago

After Fang tackled the Eevee, he prepared to Bite it, yet was knocked back by Swift, tumbling across and bumping into the Front Counter. He quickly got back up and started to Howl, before Aoide started to sing, causing him to become sleepy. The tiny Poochyena did his best to stay awake, but his loud Howl soon quieted down and wavered, before the small pup slumped onto the ground and started snoring altogether.

"Uh, thanks." Dirk had already sprayed his hand with one of the Potions he bought. "He'll be cool when he wakes back up. I'm Dirk, by the way." Dirk pulled out a Pokeball from his Duffle Bag. It shot a red beam that enveloped Fang, before receding back to the center, and was then stashed back by Dirk. "We were just stopping for supplies before heading over to Iki Town for the festival tonight, and I guess Fang got bored. Good thing we were in a Pokemon Center"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore
~ Route 1 ~

Interacting With: Robyn Clark @Polaris North | Jade and Hotaru Saturn @EWillden

"I plan to travel around Alolan and clear all of the Island Trials with my partner! C'mon out Poprock!" Alex un-clipped the Pokéball from his belt, and threw it releasing the blue Corsola. "Cor! Cora!" The Corsola spun around excitedly, jumping up and down at all the new faces. "Together me and Poprock are going to clear all of Alola's trials!" He needed down to pet the creature, before standing back up, gesturing for the others to follow him. "The professor said we should get there at 6. It's already 4:25, and I don't want to be late. Iki town in still quite a ways away." The Corsola happily skipped after him, taking in all the sites and sounds of the world that was new to him.

Alex walked up ahead of the group, looking out past a rocky ridge towards the open ocean, taking a whiff of the salty smell of the sea. We're gonna do it. We'll make them proud... I just know it. He looked off towards the direction of where he knew the Unova region lay. The quite shuffle of footsteps againts the cobble pavement, the sweet sound of the swellow singing in the trees, and the cold chill of the ever frozen ice... The ice the still lingered, sending a chill to his heart everytime he thought about his home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hotaru and Jade
-Route 1-

Ikki town,... I suppose this is where our new adventure begins Rex. With three new friends who we could likely trust. At least a lot better then my old friends. He smirked as he took the cue and began to follow Alex and his Corsola. It wasn't the normal color, it was blue. He hadn't studied up much about pokemon growing up so he wouldn't know if it was just unique or if it was native to these islands. Which began to make him think... perhaps. He could catch himself another Vulpix. But mostly one from this region. The white ones he was told about. Give Rex a bit of a play mate from time to time. He looked down and reached down to pick up the three tailed fox and held him so he could still drink his smoothie. He straddled the guy like he was a newborn.

Hotaru looked over at the blue corsola and smiled. Well looks like she wasn't the only one with a shiny pokemon. She thought as she looked to Nephrite her Houndour. "He sure is excited, this is Nephrite." She said and the houndour barked in answer. She reached down and scratched the back of his head and then began following Alex and his pokemon. To Ikki town it is. She was wondering if her father had any role to play in these festivals still. She hoped so anyways. He could use a distraction from his research and mingle with others besides her and Nephrite. She then wondered what kind of ghost types there where here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Robyn Clark

Interacting with: Alex Rossmoore (@AbysmalDemon), Hotaru Satrun and Jade (@EWillden)

Robyn's eyes sparkled when she saw the Corsola come out. Oh, she was interested in what Alex had to say but being presented one of the said Pokemon that has a different coloring than in the other regions, she couldn't seem to put her full attention on anywhere else. Though she did hear about him wanting to finish all of the Trials. An admirable goal, if she could say so herself. She shook herself out of the trance of looking at Poprock and looking at Alex once more, "Good luck on that Alex!" She stopped before letting out a hum of thinking while following them towards wherever the professor's lab is.

She observed the route they were taking and then thought back of her days in Unova. Ah, those were good times. She, along with Growlie and Pachi, traveled all over Unova to take pictures of everything. That was her first adventure, and arguably the most fun she's ever been on. Then again, it was because it was her first time and, usually, nothing beats your first time doing things. She had also been young back then which added more to the excitement. She had also been travelling with another person then. He was a stranger but he allowed her to tag along. She wondered how he had been doing nowadays. They lost contact after she headed for the Johto-Kanto region.

"So, have any of you met the professor yet?" She asked to fill the void of silence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore
~ Route 1 ~

Interacting With: Robyn Clark @Polaris North | Jade and Hotaru Saturn @EWillden

Alex sighed, the heat of the sun now beating on his exposed neck. He rubbed it as he looked back at Robyn. "No, I haven't, but my grandparents have. They said he was pretty nice." Alex then continued walking as he uncovered a sign partially hidden in the shrubs.

Iki Town ~ 1 Km. Ahead

"Well at least we know we're close," Poprock face planted into the ground from exhaustion. "Oh c'mon. What a wimp." Alex said jokingly as he recalled the blue Corsola into its Pokéball. Seeing as though he hadn't really spoken to the other to, he tried to think of a good conversation starter. "So Hoataru, Jade, what are your goals as a new trainer?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotone Tokikaze

Hau'oli City|Pokemon Center

"Its no problem my name is Kotone I came here from similar reasons still weather is really different from that of Unova...." She said but trailed off at the end as she thought of her home region. All the while she loosened the scarf around her neck due to Plasma and their control over one of the legendary dragons Unova was still recovering from the ice that spread from Kyurem. So the sudden change of climate from something cold to a more tropical climate was a bit much for her. Though looking at Aoide at least she was happy with the sudden weather change Kotone thought with a small smile. "So a poochyena huh don't normally see them in the Unova region." Kotone said as she thought back those was were common in Hoenn if she was not mistaken. Seeing the counter free she walked up and purchased a few potions while paying the required amount. She had quite a bit of money from her trip around Unova so it was really not denting to much to buy the items. "Not to be a bother but would you know the way to Iki town for the festival would you? In my rush I forgot to research a map for the region." Kotone said in a sheepish tone trying to hid her embarrassed blush in her scarf she was a bit overly excited about going to a "tropical getaway" in a sense that it slipped her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Its no problem my name is Kotone I came here from similar reasons still weather is really different from that of Unova...." Kotone trailed off. Dirk chuckled, "Unova? That's where I'm from. Accumula town."

"So a poochyena huh don't normally see them in the Unova region." Dirk looked at the pokeball with Fang inside of it. He smirked as he remembered how the two of them met. "Yeah, I met him when I was traveling through Hoenn. Poor guy was all bruised up after trying to attack some professor. Just so happened I'm a guy that loves Mightyena's." He watched Kotone walk to the counter and purchase a few potions. Then, she asked, "Not to be a bother but would you know the way to Iki town for the festival would you? In my rush I forgot to research a map for the region."

Dirk whipped out his Pokedex, and turned on the Map. "Yeah, I got a map right here. Iki town is just an hour or two heading east. If we leave now I'm sure we could reach it awhile before the festival."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jade and Hotaru

@AbysmalDemon@Polaris North

Jade looked over at Robyn and shook his head. "Nope, this will be my first time in Alola actually. I came all the way from Johto." Jade answered. Unless the professor bumped into him in the region of Johto then he doubted he knew the professor. He glanced down at his Vulpix. He wondered where this region's Vulpix where located. He would have to check the pokedex later. Just as he was watching Rex he noticed that it was reaching the end of it's smoothie. He smirked as he watched the pokemon guzzle it down. The fire fox must have grown used to the cold drink already. He glanced at it's tails and could only imagine how Rex will look once he evolves. First of all he would need his hands on a fire stone. Perhaps,... there is a way to get one at the festival. For once he will try and obtain something through legit channels instead of just stealing it.

Hotaru shook her head at the question. "Nope never meet the professor. I mean I might have when I was younger.... No wait. That was Birch. My father never took me with him to the lab here." she answered. Her Houndour following right behind her. Nephrite also had a much different coat then most houndours. He was just as unique as Alex's corsola. She patted his head a little before looking to the others. No one really meet the professor it would seem. That's good, at least no one really judged her for that. With her father working at the lab and all. Besides her father was a field researcher.

It would seem a hour had passed and it was offly quiet. No one was really talking until Alex broke the silence and delivered a question. What where our goals as new trainers. Jade at the time still cradled his Vulpix. Minus one smoothie cup. He looked into the sky and tried to think of a answer. He really didn't have one. He came here to escape his past life. He finally figured out his answer and turned Rex around and lifted him into the air to stair into the fire fox's eyes. "Well, when I lived in Johto I was never really able to enjoy the life I had there due to my current living conditions. I guess my goal here is to,... well. To actually enjoy something for once. I was thinking of becoming a fox pokemon trainer. I find them to be pretty cool. Can't wait to snag me a Alola exclusive Vulpix." He said. He then brought the pokemon back around and looked back towards Alex and then to Hotaru.

Hotaru listened to Jade's answer and wondered what he meant by the first part of his answer. It was a little weird but that was none of her concern. Not that he would empty it out to her later anyways. However, his purpose was interesting. A fox trainer. There were a lot of pokemon that resembled foxes so it would be interesting. With that all said and done it was now her turn to answer the question. "What I want to do while I am on this journey is to help out my father with his research and capture rare and unusual pokemon with my camera or sketch pad in their natural habitat. Pokemon that you don't see too often. Before I came here me and my father had gotten finished doing a bit of that research in Hoenn. We were observing the giant pokemon Groudon and I would like to continue that type of research here." She answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Robyn Clark

Interacting with: Alex Rossmoore (@AbysmalDemon), Hotaru Satrun and Jade (@EWillden)

"So it's a first time for everyone huh..." Robyn said before watching as her Growlithe ran off. She sighed and shook her head but she had a smile on her face. He probably went to fetch something. She wasn't particularly worried since he does hat all the time so she continued to walk with the others. She listened in to their conversation. She looked at Hotaru who claimed to have met Professor Birch before and she was admittedly a little jealous. She likes meeting the professors to be perfectly honest.

But then Hotaru mentioned Groudon and she nearly lost her step in surprise. "You've seen Groudon? THE Groudon? The Legendary Pokemon Groudon?" She asked in complete disbelief. It was really hard to get a glimpse of a Legendary Pokemon - let alone observe them! Then again, Groudon and Kyogre were sleeping but still! Oh man, she was so jealous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sierra Shilton

Hau'oli City Pokemon Center
@WriterRaven @Shadeflare123 @wxps350 @Suku

The tea proved to be a vital acquisition. As she sipped away at the beverage, Sierra felt slightly more at ease with her financial situation.

Well at least now I know Romano won't starve. And if the cafe's keep giving out food, I won't starve. I'l just get really fat if all I eat are candy bars.

The tea also proved a very nice distraction from the impromptu battle she witnessed, and allowed her to concentrate on what the two unlikely combatants were talking about. Something about a festival an hour or two east of the Pokemon Center.

Hmmm...festival means celebrations, which suck... but it also means more free food... Might be worth a shot.

Sierra looked down at Romano, who had finished up the bowl of food laid in front of him.

"All right, you. If you're done, we're going to head out of here."

The Pig Pokemon nodded as he pushed the bowl away with his nose. "Nubnub." He didn't move too far from the spot though. Finally full, Romano collapsed on the floor and let out an ineffective yawn.

All Sierra could do was shake her head. She reached into her satchel for her lone occupied Pokeball and returned the lazy Swinub to it's home. She looked at ball with dismay as it went back into her bag.

"Fine, let's go find this...Iki Town. Gotta be some road signs along the way or something." She slowly worked her way around the tables and went for the front door of the Pokemon Center. If there was any free food to be had, she wanted to get there before all that was left was vegetables or something.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WriterRaven
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WriterRaven Doing My Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kei wanted to fight, Kazurai could tell from the way she was wriggling around and nipping at his sleeve. Soon, however, the Swablu's singing took effect and she began to doze... Kazurai just sighed and carried her out of the Pokémon Center, in the interest of keeping her awake. In the natural light outside, and away from the singing Pokémon, Kei gave what he assumed to be an approximation of a sigh and a huff. The little Ember she spat up - thankfully, away from Kazurai - helped her case.

Kazurai set his charge back on her feet and crouched down to her level. "I get it, Kei, you wanted to battle. It's been a long trip and we haven't had much time to exercise properly. And your Feather Dance might have helped. But we can't get caught up in a fight in the middle of the Pokémon Center on our first day here. We have places we need to be."

"Rrr... tor." Kei seemed unimpressed with him. It was clear to Kazurai that she wanted a battle, and didn't really care where she found it. Looking around, he got an idea. There were patches of tall grass behind fenced-off sections of the city, although the one across the street didn't seem to be on anyone's property.

"How about this? There might be wild Pokémon past that fence. Let's see what kind of Pokémon live around here." That got Kei's attention. She led the way, slipping through a gap in the fence; Kazurai had to take the long way round. At the grass's edge, he tracked his Torchic companion by the orange feathers sticking out from the grass. She soon found something, hopping into a clearing to find an Abra sleeping there, flat on its back.

Even a dozing Pokémon was still a battle. "Well, Kei, time to get some exercise in. Pick one of the sequences we know and have at it." Kei got started immediately: she jumped upwards, changing the angle of her body mid-flight to aim feet first. She landed a clean hit and sprang off the Abra to ready her defense, but it didn't respond other than to twitch in its sleep.

"Ember!" At Kazurai's call, she hopped forward again, but this time spat up another small fireball. Again, the Abra didn't respond: Kazurai was a bit surprised that it could sleep through getting beaten up like this. Kei, too, was surprised with the Psychic-type's resilience. But she persisted, dashing forward to score another hit with her claws. That woke up the Abra: it sat up and began to hover a short distance off the ground. Its eyes were closed, but it turned its head from Kei to Kazurai, and before Kei could land another Scratch, it Teleported away in a flash of purple light and a loud zwoip.

Kei picked at her feathers, as if she hadn't just been stuck into the heat of battle. Still, she seemed content with the outcome. However, when she finished examining herself, she looked up at Kazurai, head to one side. Kazurai knew that look.

"You know I can't fight Pokémon that aren't trained to spar against humans. I'll run through some of my own exercises later: we need to get moving. Are you okay to travel?"

"Torchictor!" Kei picked her way out of the grass, just as the Pokémon Center doors opened and the blonde girl from earlier - the one who had asked Kazurai about a place to find food - walked out. As Kazurai led Kei back to the road, he pulled out his phone again to double-check the map.

"Come on, Kei, Iki Town's this way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore
~ Route 1 ~

Interacting With: Robyn Clark @Polaris North | Jade and Hotaru Saturn @EWillden

"Wow..." Alex said, his jaw dropping in awe. "I've only ever read about Legendaries in books, never have I actually seen one. That's so cool!" Alex looked out at the seemingly endless sea, looking out for into the distance, just imagining what could be out there, past the break, past the thin line of the horizon, past the reef or the Corsola, or the school of Wishiwashi, out deeper than the wailords.

"We should be getting there soon, we've been walking for quite a while since the one kilometer sign." Alex said, taking one last glance out towards the ocean before continuing to walk with the group. Each step began to get progressively heavier, and he could feel his feet trudging with each step, getting tired as he walked. He looked out past the winding path that the group was walking on, and could finally see the rooftops of buildings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jade and Hotaru

@AbysmalDemon@Polaris North

Hotaru nodded to Robyn's question. "Yeah, looking big as always. We were lucky actually. We were able to catch him moving at one point. I can never forget that moment." .... it was the same day I lost my mother how could I ever forget it. The two were pretty impressed with that reveal. Seeing the giant pokemon is a rare thing. Especially one that lives deep in the caverns of Hoenn. She wanted to show them her fathers work but she didn't have the pictures on her or the recordings. Perhaps her father might have them. "Maybe when we get to the lab I will have my father show you the footage. It was something even Birch was impressed with."

Jade nodded as Hotaru and the others engaged in their conversations. So Hotaru witnessed a legend and got to tell the tale. Which is not too unbelievable. Most of the legendary pokemon are fairly harmless,... well some of them are. Unless your of the syndicates who try to harness their power. All his team manages to do is anger them and face their wrath. He was not part of the silver islands team that got wiped out by Lugia, but he heard of it from the survivors. Did they learn?... hell no. They continued to meddle in the lives of pokemon and repeat the same damn crap over and over again. He just shrugged it off and decided to enjoy the air. However, like Alex he was beginning to feel it in his legs. Eventually he returned Rex to his pokeball to rest. Hotaru's houndour looked like he had a few miles in him. He couldn't say the same to Hotaru.

She must not be the outdoors type or its been awhile sense her last trek because she looked like her legs where about to buckle. He sighed and removed his cap and placed it on her head. "You look tired, Why don't you rest your legs a little." He said as he lowered himself for her to hop on his back.

Hotaru froze and felt a little nervousness. She looked to Nephrite and then back to Jade. As she thought about it her legs where tired and she could use some rest,.. but he couldn't be any better off. Before she knew it out of pure reflex she started to climb on. "You don't have to do this,.. its only a little further away." She said. Jade didn't say anything at all and just held his position until she was all the way on and he had a good grip around her legs and lifted with his legs. "It's cool,.. your pretty light anyways. Besides, like you said. We only got a little further to go." responded. He then looked to Alex and then Robyn. "I wonder what legends this region has,.. do they have some of the ones from the other regions or just their own. O bet the king of the sea would love this type of climate,.... oh my bad. Forgot their are two legends by that name. I mean Lugia of Johto." He clarified. This region did have a tropical climate much like that of the orange islands and even the silver islands. Then again perhaps something new might be revealed. This time he can see them without being destroyed by them. He smirked at that last thought.

He looked down at the Houndour and nodded. "No worries friend, your trainer is in good hands. Literally" He told it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Robyn Clark

Interacting with: Alex Rossmoore (@AbysmalDemon), Hotaru Satrun and Jade (@EWillden)

Robyn smirked, "Your luck must be as legendary as the Pokemon." The comment was in no way shape or form clever and she wasn't really gunning for seeming smart but rather just said the first thing that passed her mind. Upon hearing her suggestion to show them the clip, Robyn's eyes sparkled and she nodded. "Yeah, yeah, please show it to us!" She was beyond excited to get to the lab now. Though she was also very much excited to meet Hotaru's father. He seemed to be a really cool dude. Though Robyn did wonder why she wasn't with him right now. Well, she won't pry into their private lives.

She noticed that her companions were growing tired. Admittedly, she was as well - however, the fact that she was excited made it easy for her to keep herself energized. She'd have all the time in the world to rest up later on after all! Her lips once more curled into a smirk as Jade offered to carry Hotaru and the latter took it. She bit back a tease. She wasn't sure how they'll react to it. They weren't all especially close so she'd rather not risk it for now.

"Legends huh... I'm pretty curious myself." Robyn never does prior research other than rumors when she goes to another region. She likes to be surprised and to learn things from the natives. That was how she always did it. It makes things way more interesting too. Though it did come with the price of getting lose, just like what happened earlier. Her eyes trailed to the road up ahead and also saw the buildings. "Is that Iki town? Sweet!" They were finally there. She looked around to see that Growlie still hasn't returned. She placed two fingers on her mouth and then blew - whistling sharply. A few seconds later, the Growlithe burst through the thickets and then paced with his master. In his mouth was an Oran Berry. "What? None for me?" She joked as she saw the object in her Pokemon's mouth. Growlie let out a small whine but continued to munch on the Oran Berry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotone Tokikaze

Hau'oli City|Pokemon Center

"Ah thanks for the help than." Kotone said thankfully with a slight bow of her head. "Still the change in climate sure is different from Unova huh? Ah Im from Nimbasa by the way" Kotone continued talking trying to start up a small conversation with the person who was helping her. "Never actually got to meet a live mightyena or a poochyena for that matter but I been interested in Absol personally" She said upon hearing how the person liked that specific pokemon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Alex Rossmoore
~ Route 1 ~

Interacting With: Robyn Clark @Polaris North | Jade and Hotaru Saturn @EWillden

Alex could see the others getting tired as well. His lips switched into a subtle smile as he watched Jade lift Hotaru on his back. By the facial expression she was making, he could see that Robyn was thinking the exact same thing. "We can make it! We're almost there." Alex exclaimed as the buildings came into a better view. He could now make out an archway straight down the path they were going. The wild foliage condensed and was no longer to be seen as they got closer, obviously trimmed an taken care of more as they got closer to the next town.

Alex could hear something past the sound of their footsteps and the wind... not voices, but more of a hum. The hum got louder, and split into more parts as his ears picked up the sound. Alex could hear music coming from Iki town, and the archway was only meters away. "Looks like we made it!" Alex said gleefully, "You three ready?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jade and Hotaru

with Alex@AbysmalDemon and Robyn@Polaris North

Jade started to hear the music and smiled. This was just his luck,... pretty soon he would be letting down Hotaru again. He actually enjoyed it while it lasted. It was like having a girlfriend. Perhaps he would get one soon. Play your cards right kid and it might just be the one your carrying. He thought. He looked over behind him towards Hotaru and raised a brow. "Hear that? Almost there. Once you feel that your legs have had enough rest I'll put you down. Unless we reach a pokemon center." Hell he would be tempted to stop by a soda machine can have a go at that. He let one hand go to his side and drew out Rex's pokeball and released the Vulpix. Who seemed to have rested pretty well. "There you go,... didn't want you to miss the festival." He said. He wondered if there was and typical games to play at this festival to win cool prizes. Then he started to wonder what kind of prizes there would be if there was. He wouldn't mind winning a fire stone somewhere. He wasn't going to evolve Vulpix right away but when the pokemon was ready. The fox pokemon hopped around for awhile and then turned to look at its owner. To find that his owner was carrying another human. It felt a little jealous of the girl and barked. "Hey, don't get snappy at me buddy, you know how I am around cute girl's." He answered it. Rex was still not too happy about it. Jade sighed and shook his head. The sounds of the town were getting louder and he was actually get a little excited for this. He never went to a festival before.... well not without being part of the group that went to crash said festival. Now it was as a trainer.

Hotaru looked up ,her arms resting upon Jade's shoulders ,as she looked to start seeing the town creep ever closer. The sounds of music hitting her ears. She could practically hear the drums already. She then looked down towards Jade as he voiced that he wouldn't put her down yet tell she was ready. To be truthful..... her legs were kinda asleep right now. Therefore a pokemoncenter was the best bet. He then released his pokemon out and it did not seem to happy about her taking it's attention away and barked. What Jade said next though she was not prepared for. She blushed a little and couldn't believe a guy was pretty much hitting on her. She then looked up and wondered if there was a place she could change out her clothes... you know something for the festival. She still wondered if her father would be there. "I hope my father decides to attend the festival instead of letting his work take up all his time. I swear he needs to take a break once in awhile." She said. While they walked she began moving her legs slightly to get the blood flowing into them again. Just to get the blood flowing though and not to make it too hard for Jade. She wondered what kind of food would be here too.
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