Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey)

Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel - 7:48 PM December 1st, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Tch..." Caster said as he looked at the scene in front of them, as the targets were simply more charred than before but no other change beyond that. "I believe it is time to take our leave, this battle is over" Caster mentally communicated to his Master as his eyes scanned the docks once more as the sirens could be heard in Fuyuki City coming to investigate the scene. "Yeah we should get going, the cops are already on the scene" Jonathan said telepathically in response as he was on the other side of the building watching the flashing lights as the policemen began entering the scene. Sighing, Caster quickly headed over to his Master as the bounded field and temporary space that he made as his began to break down. Picking him up in a flush swoop, Jonathan yawned as Caster carried him to the rooftops and began making their way out of the crime scene that was being established.

Soaring upon rooftop to rooftop "I guess let's call this a night shall we?" Jonathan said as it was tiring today, with the church, the small brawl at the docks, and everything else that he did today which paled in comparison. Caster only nodded as he focused navigating the city, heading back to the house they had rented for the duration of their stay in Fuyuki City. Lick some wounds, watch some tv, and enjoy some normalcy in this strange time but of course, a little bit of preparation for the next day wouldn't hurt. As Jonathan occasionally changed the channels on the tv as he began working on something for backup in case things would get much more serious than today...


"Master, shall we take our leave?" Rider asked mentally as most of the Masters had already left, with Brynhilda being one of the last few to remain in the church. "Yes, let us take our leave. We have nothing else to do here" Brynhilda said as she ignored everyone in the room and began to leave the church. Making their way down the street as the two made their way back to the apartment that Brynhilda had set up for all of their preparations and needs, it was a suitable place if Fuyuki City. As they made their way through the city, Rider became alert as the blaring alarms of police cars came rushing down the street before making a turn and quickly disappearing. 'It seems like tonight is a bit more active than what we were doing at the church' Brynhilda said telepathically as she could feel the magical energy radiating from the plumes of smoke in the distance. 'Too late to worry about it now, it is only a matter of time before the public takes care of it and by the time that happens everything should have ended by then.' She said along with her continuous path down the street, only bothering to give a short glance at the incident before returning her attention to the thoughts in her head.

In a few minutes of turning and heading down the right streets, they were already at their apartment as they made their way through a park. Blanketed with a layer of snow as they left their marks on the white surface as they made their way through. It was oddly quiet and peaceful in comparison to the noisy chaos that surrounded the small piece of greenery in the steel and cement jungle they were in. 'Rider, go look around the building for me. I shall be fine for a brief moment while you do this.' Brynhilda said as she hid underneath a tree as snow collected on the top. Nodding at her Master's command, she quickly did a scan of the park area before moving to the apartments. However, a glimmer on her radar indicated a presence of another Servant that she felt on the edge of her senses. 'Rider, I-' Was what Rider heard on the link before silence as her worries only intensified as she made her way to her Master. Dashing through the snow as it scattered around her, leaping in powerful strides as she returned to the park.

In a sharp and sudden feeling, she felt something was cut off as she knew what it was as she felt her form become almost heavier before she slowed herself down. Walking back to the park, her eyes peering side to side as moved silently dematerialized to through the snow covered ground. Her nose picked up the pungent scent of blood, a too familiar smell for her as she quickly hurried over to the tree that it came from. Upon coming to the scene, Brynhilda was lying against the tree as an arrow was at her side taken out presumably by her. Looking over the wound and her body, Rider discovered the harden cover of blood that stopped the external and internal bleeding. However, upon more detailed inspection, Rider could detect the faint smell of poison and the small taste of her Master's blood only supported her claim further. It wouldn't help her former Master mourning her death, no, it would be better to seek out that her life was avenged or at least not wasted. She had no personal liking or disliking to her previous master but they simply hadn't known each other long enough to understand each other. It still wouldn't hinder her from getting the Grail which she wished to take for her own, meaning that a new Master must be contracted with...

Chasing down the Servant who killed her former master would be foolish with the time Rider had, it would be better used to use her resources into finding a source of energy to fuel her. With a start, she disappeared into the night as she began feeding to sustain herself until a suitable Master was found by her. Dedicating her senses to finding humans for food and sustenance as well with looking for a Master to provide an anchor to this world. She could last maybe two days give or take with the feeding of humans and being most of the time dematerialized but it would be enough, even if she found a subpar magus to act as her connection to this world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meanwhile at Togami Tower...

"They blew up the fucking docks? Already? I expected better...looks like I won't need to give my hopes up." growled Togami as he got up from his chair. He had already switched into his robe that he slept in, black with red stripes running down the middle, and had begun a rather enjoyable evening of practicing his award winning musical skills that he had honed to near perfection alongside his magecraft abilities. All in all the mere fact of the matter was he was now being bothered at all about the fact that someone had the audacity to try and hard ball the war so quickly merely enhanced the fact that Togami knew he would not be depending on anyone anytime soon.

"Tell me has Einzbern gotten back to me yet? I would very much luck to avoid that mess and the political rampage that would follow. I assured father I would not take actions against them but recent events may need me to use my servant a little more proactively then I would've liked." Togami grumbled further as his servants stood in front of him. He sipped some of his non caffeinated tea as he took a bite out of a muffin he had asked for as a bed time snack. "Not yet Lord Togami though we are looking into further ways to make contact." said the head servant as Keiji spit into a nearby trash can. "Fine and what about the gutter rat?" growled Togami more annoyed that those pricks in their little mansion were ignoring him than anything. "It would seem that he has taken to hiding further into his little holes sir. We've not seen even a hair of his since two weeks back." said another servant as Togami gripped his chair further. "Absolutely useless...all of you...must I do my own dirty work? I will if you prove to be the incompetent screw ups that my dad said you were. But no I believed not a single word of it. I thought you all to be fine gentlemen. I swear if you haven't procured my requested items I will hang you from the nearest clocktower." Togami said in disgust as he drank from his tea cup.

"Um yes sir but I didn't realize you were into that sor-" the youngest of the servants said as Togami smiled and shook his head, "They aren't for me trust me. I would never touch let alone look at such filthy garbage. They're for my own personal uses. Please follow the rest of your orders in regard to those." Togami said his mood slightly improving as he turned around and turned on a screen that showed a view of the night time city. He knew better than to go near windows with archer running about. "I have no further use for you. Leave me for now. I'll see to my own entertainment and do not bother me unless the information you've gathered is important." Togami said as he picked up where had left off and took a violin into his hands. "Now where was I?' Togami muttered as he looked through his music sheets and began to play music for his own enjoyment and practice. It was classical music made by the famous composer Mozart.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with: @Turboshitter Albert Prelati

“Bwahaha!” Berserker cackled, leaning back so quickly as to topple her own chair over, “That’s it! That’s exactly what this partnership needs! ” She then pushed her body forward in a motion evocative of a sit-up, lifting the back of the chair off the off of the wine-sodden carpet and ultimately setting the piece of furniture back on four legs. The pervasive atmosphere of pretense and artifice, up until then unnoticeable even by the paladin, had seemingly lifted with Albert’s insult with quite an ironic use of hell given its recipient.

“I guess this is a good time to tell you that I know about that cat you froze, huh?” Berserker teased, grinning wildly and pouring herself and her Master out another drink, “Well, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing I’ve seen magi do. Just clean up the mess, you know you're supposed to put food there right? She lifted it up. “To a long and fruitful partnership. Together may we keep this Holy Grail out of the hands of those Godless heathens.”

And speaking of Godless heathens, the undercurrent of the two-person party changed in an instant.

An eerie, pervasive silence settled over the Berserker. It was the kind of silence you hear in the calm just before the onset of war, comparable to Berserker’s earlier honorbound rage. But this was different, inherently so; it was not rage or sadness, nor excitement or dread. It was the reaction of a traveler on a long and familiar path: a frighteningly controlled, yet tired, focus. In her eyes, there was something that evoked an aged lion.

“A Saracen Assassin, you say?” The paladin gently, metronomically swirled the remaining alcohol in her drink. “I had expected such a thing; the Assassin Class is itself a catalyst for one of the Old Men of the Mount, but the reality of their heinousness is quite chilling indeed.” She took a drink calmly, then set the crystal down firmly and with finality. “They say mankind reaps what it sows; Assassin has sown death, so death he shall reap.”

Berserker stood from her seat and rolled her shoulders. “There is no glory in putting down an honorless dog, but the Lord calls on His flock to take upon themselves even the lowliest of action in service to their fellow man,” in an instant, she donned her armor, and body facing the window, fell to her knees in prayer.

“So I shall do this as I strive to do all things: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost…” After forming the sign, she lifted her hands to the sky, the venerable Durendal manifesting atop it. Her words, spoken in an alien tongue - Latin, Hebrew, Enochian, it could have been anything for all Albert knew - cast the blade in a golden light. This litany continued for a time, until Berserker did the sign once more, and stood from her prayerful position, turning to Albert and say: “It is done. Now then M. Prelati, let us begin our inquisiton.” She threw Albert over her shoulder. “I’ll trust you to show me the way; leave the landing to me.”

Berserker jumped out of the already shattered window and into the Fuyuki skyline.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago

Interacting with: Father Walter @vancexentan

While he waited, James had removed his weapons and placed them on the seat beside him and as the overseer approached, he made no outward signed to react, but instead wordlessly listened to the clergyman's words. His thumb drifted idle against the catalyst in his hand.

"Thank you for the offer to have her buried Father, but I think it's best that we keep her body preserved until I can make preparations to have it taken back to her home. It's what her people would have wanted. I appreciate your sympathy, but I'm no religious man and I'm used to losing people. Comes with the profession."

His head down, the Hunter didn't turn to look at the older man as he watched aimlessly the space between his knees, a hollow laugh slipping from his mouth before his eyes drifted to the crossbow bolt in his hand. His expression changed slightly, but it was enough to been seen. The empty look became tinted with hard determination, a resolve he had held before now slowly returning to him.

"That doesn't mean I'm giving up on this war. I owe Amina that much..." He turned his head to look at Walter fully."...and for that I'll need a new Servant. Should I leave this with you?" He passed the catalyst between his hands before holding it out for the clergyman to take, his other hand pulling his weapons closer to his side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Shadow Daedalus
Father Walter looked out towards the man and shook his head as he pressed his hand against James's own."I will not accept this from you. You may keep it or you may leave it here as you see fit. Use it as you will, or not. It is not my place to use it, nor take it." he said plainly to James as he looked towards a cross of Jesus on the nearby wall. "Though if that one harms you mayhaps that I can offer you something else in return for your offer. I've come into possession of something that may be useful to one such as yourself in this war. I would do best to remind you however that this is the best I can do. I offer assistance nothing more nothing less. Too proactively help you with anything I would not do for anyone else would look bad on not only myself, but the church's neutral stance. So I would ask you to make up your mind quickly." Walter said as he looked at the man with a stern, and serious face. He was waiting for a reply, and hopefully a decisive one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago

Interacting with: Father Walter @vancexentan

For a few long moments, James didn't speak. His eyes drifted back to his bolt in his hand and his grip tightened underneath Walter's hand. Was he honestly about give up the last thing that reminded of his purpose in this war? Yes, it was causing him pain, but he had become numb to the sensation as he had grown into this world of magi and assassins. Still, that dull ache in the back of his mind was a reminder that this wasn't a game, it was very much the war its name said it to be. He briefly closed his eyes and exhaled before he opened them again to settle on those of the Father in front of him.

"It's my decision to remain in this war, so It's not fair to burden you like that. I'll use this as my catalyst. Thank you for the offer though, Father. Please, take care of Amina's body in case I don't make it out of this war alive."

He slowly withdrew his hand to replace the crossbow bolt back into his coat before slowly rising from his seat and adjusting his coat with a respectful bow to Walter. Strapping the twin pistols back onto his legs and replacing the katana onto his waist, he turned to face the clergyman one last time as he made to leave the church.

"Again, thank you for your help. If you'll excuse me, I have a war to fight."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Shadow Daedalus
"Then so be it I will send the good brother to do what he must do. I wish you luck as I would for any other aspiring master. May luck be with you in the grace of god. And when you find your spirit faltering do not look to just your allies. God is willing to listen if you give him a chance." Father Walter said as he showed out the younger man himself and then closed the door behind him before entering back into the room as he sat down he looked down towards the mausoleum and shook his head.

Another person appeared the face cloaked by a long faded hoodie, and covered in dust, mud, and other assorted messes. The individual looked at him with some distaste. "I had wondered if you were going to come." the elder man said as the new comer stood in the hallway his/her hands in pockets his face still covered by the hood. "I have to get information old man. My servant told me you gave everyone else something similar. Something 'bout a team up?" the individual said gruffly with some long held back distaste coming forth. "You still haven't moved on from the last war have you? What is it you seek to do in this one? Is it worth to put your stake all in this one basket?" the old man asked the new comer who's face frowned deeply. "Of course it's worth it. I'll make sure it is. I have no other reason to live other than for my revenge. No other reason than to see her face crack in pain like my....look you just going to sit there? Or are you going to help me." the individual said as they brandished their command seals and Father Walter understood immediately and sighed. "I won't be denied." growled the individual intensely. "Then so be it...I hope that whatever dream you have comes worth it. The woman you seek may no longer be with us. But maybe just maybe you'll find what you seek. But I see nothing but pain in your life to come. But you already know that don't you? Then so be it let us talk young one..." Father Walter said as the individual walked into the room but did not take a seat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey)

Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel - 7:52 PM December 1st, 2012

Ren Mizushima

Interacting with: Rider (@BubbleGumKing)

Fuyuki City, Miyama Town - 9:30 PM December 1st, 2012

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Date: December 2nd - Time 1:30 - Fuyuki City

Chapter 1: The First Day of the Third Great Holy Grail War

The snow had ceased to fall the following morning and the world around Fuyuki was that of a bizarre uproar as many questioned what had exactly happened at the docks. Some had claimed terrorists were responsible. Others say it was a local gang war between the Russian Mafia, and the Japanese Yakuza whom have had been quarreling in town. Father Walter had sent notice to all parties during the night that Lancer had fallen to Assassin in combat and that he had also claimed a prospected master for the war before she could summon a spirit of devastating destruction. He also mentioned that most if not all the heroic spirits had been summoned by this point in time and that there were very few spots left in the war to be taken as such the grail had decided that today was the first official day of the war. He had left out anymore details regarding what had happened at the docks, and or what exactly the other masters were up to. On the news President Hiro Togami of Togami Inc. had announced that he would be helping the city rebuild the docks as a gesture of good will towards the town as he has had enough of both the Yakuza, and Mob factions fighting in their beautiful town. Despite this all high schools were still open, and so were the elementary schools as the damage was contained to the docks as it would seem. No mentions of murders had come onto the news. Police Investigations were pending, and investigators were being dispatched all over the city. Today was still cold but at the least the worst of it had come to pass as the sun peered dimly through clouds in the sky.


Hagakure Residence...

Leon sat with Saber silently as he finished writing the last of the important contract he had written up under careful thought. A geis was not something to be taken lightly and Leon had only been taught it as an instructional tool by his mother. The contracts were powerful and binding to the fact that this would force him to follow it if he had to. But it would also bind anyone who signed it themselves. Leon carefully looked over his work that he had spent the waking morning hours writing. Satsuko had left for the store to buy food, and Leon had considered going to Father Walter for help but he decided against it as he could not rely so heavily on a neutral party.

"Self-Geis Scroll...the ultimate form of contract. Saber...it is a curse that directly binds the Magic Crest of the target. The signature of the declarer is signed in blood and infused with Magical Energy to show that the spell has been established and activated. The contract lists the target of the binding magecraft, an oath from the target, and the conditions to accept the contract. I will force whoever is to ally with us to sign a contract like this with me. It is a way to make sure for our own sake and theirs that we not betray our allies, and they do not betray us as well. The contract that I've written can be summarized easily like this: One shall actively seek not to harm, betray, or otherwise cause damage to the writer of this contract or his servant in this case us. In return they shall also receive the same benefits from the contract from our end preventing us from destroying them. They shall not ask, hire, or request that others do this duty in their stead."

"Any previous agreements to harm the aforementioned party(s) will be told directly and without lie. Of course this leaves the problem that the enemy servant may attack us. But I'm confident the first part of the contract will stop any direct orders from the master in which case the master won't be able to defend their servant. However I've added in a line that says in case a servant attacks one must use a command seal, or order the servant to stop if possible. If not then the defensive party may work together to stop the attacking servant. This contract is only binding until the very end of the Grail War is complete or both parties in question agree to annul the geis. Of course I can't cover every conceivable scenario but I think that I have enough detail down that it will make it a strong contract. I have already signed the contract myself to be active it will need the signature of an enemy master. Until then this is just some strongly written piece of parchment. Can I trust that you agree with this solution?"
Leon asked Saber whom had reappear shortly after he had woken up this morning. Saber didn't take too much mana to handle in his spiritual form and thus he allowed Leon to sleep easy by turning into that form. Saber looked over the contract thoroughly and moved his hand down the list of requested requirements to double check. "I believe the contract is quite sound master though I do not like the approach of binding one's free will this will suffice to make us safe from betrayal. I would not stand for betrayal on our end less the one in question had become unquestionably evil. So I would recommend adding in a clause that as follows would allow us to stop the geis from binding us to do nothing. Add in the stipulation that if the enemy servant, or master in question acts in a way that purposely would go against the morality of the other party that they be allowed to fight back, or stop the action in progress from happening. Sure that can be abused in some fashion but it is better than allowing the innocents to be harmed for the sake of the war. I have no idea whom we may be allying with. They may not have our morals." Saber said looking up at Leon his bright lavender eyes fixated on Leon. Leon nodded at his servant and began to further inscribe the rule down on the parchment he had written the contract down on. Once finished Leon slid the contract back into a water proof bag and put it into his backpack.

"I had hoped Satsuko would be able to go with us for extra measures. But Saber you know I trust you as much as anyone I have ever known. I will place my life in your hands, and the life of that man who gave me that card. If we come into conflict with him then so be it. However...I want to let you know Saber that I do not believe that an alliance is necessary because I do not believe your strength is insufficient. But because I believe that the enemy's collective strength may prove a problem. I'm worried that maybe we won't be able to hold our own together as a team unless we have assistance. I'm saying this because you're the strongest man I've ever met even more so than my own father. I want you to know that now Saber." Leon said calmly to his servant who gave a chuckle and shook his head.

"Were this situation any different, were you another man Leon I would warn you that you should not trust me. I still remember that day...that dark day when my blade was tarnished in the blood of my brothers. If given the choice I would do so again...I do not regret my actions that day. Only the fallout from which came after my actions had been done. I presented myself to the king in hopes that I may be punished, as I should have been, but the king looked down and forgave me, and the one I loved. But I never forgave myself for that day. Perhaps as Saber I can properly atone for my actions in my past life. As it stands though Leon, my master, I will die for you if it comes to it. However do not make me out to be a man I am not. Sir Traitor, a former friend called me. Many others shared in that sentiment it fractured my brothers' trust in their king. A tarnished knight that was what I had become after that day. A man whose honor was torn from him, and rendered moot. They were right in all regards but maybe things could've been different had my king chosen to throw me into the dungeon or killed me for my crimes. However for the sake of my purpose as a servant; once more I must push aside these thoughts that haunt me even now and the words of those whom would still damn me and give you the man whom was known as the White Knight; the one whom his king called: 'The Greatest of Knights'. If there is only one thing that is true about me it is that I am unparalleled with a blade even my own king thought my skills in the art of war matched theirs if not exceeded. Perhaps I was, or am, only time will tell if that will be enough." Saber said honestly and forth right to Leon. Saber had many times proclaimed he would bring him victory but only so that Leon, and he may take their wishes. Leon was glad Saber thought so much of him as when they first met they had a rocky start. But Leon had grown to respect the man's kindness, his stalwart nobility, and even respected his stubborn pride as a knight. Leon was glad to have him as a soldier, as a servant, as a friend.

"That-that means a lot to me Saber, it really does. Despite your flaws I still believe you to be a great ally though so many scorn you I praise you for who you are at this current point of time. The past is the past and perhaps it may become a crucial point in the future but for now, in this present moment, all I see is my partner." Leon said to Saber who nodded his head to Leon. "Yes...my lord." Saber said simply as Leon got up and began to pack up as Saber slowly morphed his body into that of another person's, a male model known as Kyoji Asakura. Leon had asked him to do so despite the fact that Saber hated using his noble phantasm to copy other people. Of course to prevent mistakes Saber altered the face slightly to change the eye color, and that of the hair. As Leon packed up he looked at the back of the card that man had given him and nodded firmly. "I hope this works Saber." Leon said quietly as he quickly finished and walked out the door and locking it after Saber came out too.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Taka Frederick & Assassin

timeskip to the present
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago


Interacting with: Taka @1Charak2

A shrill beeping caught James and his eyes opened sharply to settle on the digital clock resting on the worn wooden table of the bedroom of his Fuyuki safehouse. It was a run-down apartment, no penthouse suite for sure, but it had all the necessities he required. Hot water, electricity and a reliable (but not entirely legal) WiFi connection. What set this apartment apart, however, is the purpose-built concealed spaces and what they contain. At first glance, it would seem to be an ordinary apartment for a single young man, but in reality it was stockpile for firearms and other weapons that James found useful against the Magi he hunts, especially those that arrogantly and foolishly focus all of their efforts into Magecraft, leaving them helpless to the vicious punch of gunpowder and steel. As the ringing of the clock got louder, the assassin focused his attention back to the device. 11:04AM. Rising from his bed to silence the device, a small part of him bristled at the late awakening. Another, larger and more logical, part of him recognised the reason why he had slept in in the first place. Before he could dwell on it, he shook away the though and quickly went through a routine that could simply described as 'normal'. After a quick but through shower, he quickly dressed himself and poured himself a mug of coffee.

He glanced over his shoulder as a figure materialised beside him, as if by unspoken command. While the slim, weathered tricorn and the worn longcoat didn't give many clues to the figure's identity, the folded mechanical crossbow on his back highlighted his class as a servant.

"Archer." The servant nodded slightly in acknowledgement, but didn't speak. Instead, James continued as he knew his servant was listening. "We need to need to do some reconnaissance, get a better picture of what we're up against."

The servant appeared to be in thought for a moment before he looked out from under the brim of his hat and nodded in agreement. "I agree. An important part of the hunt is learning about your prey. Its habits, its weaknesses, where to strike..."

"That's why I've tapped into the traffic camera network around Fuyuki and the surrounding area..." James crossed the small apartment to where a sleek black laptop was open and waiting on one of the kitchen worktops, Archer following behind. Touching the trackpad and tapping his entry code, he looked at the screen, split into nine sections each showing a different camera feed much like the devices he used to spy on the church. Something unusual caught his eye and he raised an eyebrow before he place his mug down and placed both hands on the laptop. Deftly manipulating the keyboard, he expanded four of the camera feeds across the screen, one in each quarter of the screen. On each of the screens, almost unnoticeable to the human eye, the feed appeared to flicker as if it had been digitally altered, almost like someone was doctoring in it real-time. Over a short amount of time, the screens stopped flickering only for it to travel to another camera, as if it were moving... "Based on the way it's moving, this isn't likely to be a software glitch. We should check this out."

"Agreed. We should be careful though, there could be Servants involved."

James didn't respond verbally, instead just nodding and crossing the room to a nondescript end table before reaching under and pulling out a Browning Hi-Power handgun in a discrete chest holster. While it wasn't as powerful as his twin M1911s, he was heading into a fairly busy area so he needed something more subtle and the fairly large magazine made up for the reduced stopping power. Slipping on the holster underneath his coat, he nodded to Archer, who slipped back into his non-corporeal form, and quickly left his apartment, locking the door behind him.

~~Time Skip: 1:35PM~~

Checking the camera feed on his phone again, James saw he was close to the area that was being affected by the unusual interference effecting the cameras. After searching for nearing 2 hours, the Master-Servant pair were finally getting closer to figuring out whatever was causing it. Tapping into the connection to Archer, he sent his servant a quick message.

"We're close, stay alert for any Servants or Masters..."

"I understand. I'm not sensing anything right now, but I'll keep my eyes open."

Closing the connection again, James looked out across the people in the street around him for a few long moments before stepping out of the alleyway he was in. As he walked, he glanced at one of the traffic cameras mounted onto the buildings as he tried to connect the information he had. Suddenly, he felt himself collide with someone else and his focus abruptly shifted from the camera to the woman in front of him. As he was in thought, he hadn't seen her as she drew closer, and she seemed too preoccupied by the sun to notice him either. She was a little older than him, maybe 3 or 4 years, but something told him there was more to her than would seem... Shaking his head slightly, he caught himself and gave her a polite smile.

"Ah, I apologise. I wasn't looking where I was going."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
Avatar of Turboshitter

Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey)

An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:34 PM December 2nd, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Turboshitter@grey


All the information that Albert could find on Togami indicted that he was all in all a prestigious student, athlete, and academic star. He had won fifteen gold place trophies from everything ranging from academic excellence, baseball, soccer, and various musical instruments. He had also received two silver place trophies, and strangely enough one bronze in a mathematics competition. However before Albert could further read into much of anything an oddly familiar face came rushing up to him suddenly from in front. A man dressed in a bizarre Hawaiian shirt with green stars, a large winter coat, and flip flops came up to him quickly from out of nowhere. The man had a huge plastered smile on his face as his rough, greasy blonde hair blew in the wind. "Holy Marshellows! Well if it isn't old Albert!? It is you right? It has to be you! I mean look at you you've barely changed since I've seen you at the clocktower! Well I'd be a monkey's uncle I've seen that you have actually finally found yourself a proper girlfriend did ya? Never thought you had it in you sport but you proved old Kuro-Sensei wrong didn't cha? Hehehe!" the man said loudly causing more than few glances his way and more then a few mutters as the man flatly pulled up a chair and looked over Beserker for a moment before whistling, "And a rather pretty thing too aren't cha? Nice to meet you sorry for not introducing myself sooner I'm Kurosaki Akabane! But I prefer Kuro-Sensei if you would!" Kuro said giving a smile to Beserker but he did not come off as creepy more that he was just stating the obvious about the woman. "I know I know you must be excited to see me again after all this time but don't worry about it I just happened to be here in Japan on vacation! Teaching some talented people here! Stopping some bad guys there! You know the works! You've been keeping up on your studies right? I hope you have because I know while the others may have...disliked your choice in subjects I know it suited you just fine! You were always a good student in my book...even if you weren't the best at making pals. So tell ol' Kuro-Sensei! Have you made any new friends besides the lady here? If not I can probably do a quick run down on the local clubs and we can hit it up later! I've got twenty five different plans that are fool proof!" Kurosaki Akabane said ecstatically as if he had just come down with a sugar rush. It was natural for the man to be like this. He used to be a top ranked teacher in the academy and one of the more well liked despite his eccentricities. He didn't appear to have any other motivation other than to meet up with Albert once more and he for all intents of purposes seemed genuinely interested in Albert's well being.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Taka Frederick & Assassin

Interacting with: James Thorne @Shadow Daedalus
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey), Kuro-sensei (@vancexentan)

An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:38 PM December 2nd, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Turboshitter@Grey

Kuro's eyes gleamed for a moment initially showing that he was proud of Albert and glad to see that he was doing well. "Oh come on there's no need to hide from sensei! You're a grown man now you can talk shop with your sensei! I could tell you some diff-" Kurosaki's line of what was bound to be some vulgar pun that he enjoyed to spring on people stopped mid sentence as he bit his bottom lip as his eyes widened in shock. His hands tensed up and he didn't speak for a moment before he grabbed Albert by the hand as he looked him dead in the eye the rarely seen dead serious part of the man coming through. "Albert think before you act! The lessons I taught you all in the clocktower should've been enough to get through to you that you need to be more cautious. If I was an enemy, or scouting for one you'd have just given away your position...as it stands..." Kuro said after a moment of hesitation as he breathed outwardly in exasperation,

"I am still your teacher and I will protect you as best I can. I promise you. Your secret is safe with me. I swear on my pride as an educator of young minds. I know you probably don't care about me but I do deeply for you even if you have moved on from being my pupil. I won't say anything about your choice on joining the war....only that I would've counciled against it and that this is a very risky conflict. People on bars far higher than me are going to be out for your life. Though I'm sure you already know this and have thought it through thoroughly." Kuro-Sensei said as he squeezed Albert's hand firmly but not unlike a way a father would do for his son. Kuro deeply cared for all of his students, past, present, and possibly future. He would not betray his words to Albert.

"Just know...that whatever that comes ahead I am still your mentor, teacher, or whatever you want to call me. I also hope you still consider me a friend. I...can't help you too much in this but my advice, and wisdom are yours if you need it. Just not my body. I'm not cut out for wars like this I can't fight like I use to, and I'm certainly not interested in a monkey's paw like the Grail Wars. Just promise me this....that you won't lose who you are in all of this and become something darker. No teacher should need to watch their student walk into harm's way but I trust that you'll be safe." Kuro said as he mustered a reassuring smile to his face in an attempt to show that he did still care for Albert as a person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Prof. Sosthenes Antaeoi Kanakaris
Ryuudou Temple, 10:44AM
Interacting with: A Cute Dog @Eklispe

The Greek professor sat at the top of the temple steps, admiring the view of Fuyuki’s Miyama district from on high. Somewhere down there, his apprentice was reuniting with his mother and preparing for the war to come. That was good; family was important, almost as much as preparation was. He was up here, doing preparations of his own, but for now he would relax.

Of course, this was not the first time he’d experienced this sunrise view and breathed the air of this far eastern city, nor did he want it to be his last. But a magus walks with death, and there was always the looming possibility he would never see the waves of the Aegean or the streets of London again.

If there was any consolation, there would be no family conflict over the crest should his untimely demise come to pass - which itself was a problem, but one he was here to rectify with a little help from a friend, and a bound ghost liner. Yet for the moment, he sat here, his circuits cooling down from the exertion of ritual slicing. Unfortunately, in his failure to rapidly acquire a catalyst for a certain hero, all roles of this irregular war had been claimed by “fools and outcasts” as the rumor mill had told him.

Sosthenes plucked the unlit cigarette - he hadn’t legitimately smoked since his daughter had been born and he wouldn’t be starting anytime soon - from his mouth and tapped off nonexistent ashes.

“Best get started then,” he groaned before standing up from the seat, patting his coat pocket to make sure that small wooden box was still there, and crossing the temple’s anti-spirit Bounded Field. Once inside the temple, the monks paid the peculiar foreigner no mind. Not because of any particular innocuity, but rather due to the hypnotic magecraft they’d been afflicted by. Nothing as uncouth as binding them to his control - simply a basic suggestion to ignore his presence, his actions, and the patch of courtyard containing the particularly vulgar-looking magic circle.

It was an inelegant thing, warped far beyond its original structure; it was a work that should’ve taken an hour or two, extended far beyond its due in order to compensate for shortcomings. The recent death of Lancer, then, was a convenience among conveniences for the Grecian gentleman. Usurping the ritual by affecting the fallen leylines that served as its basis had become that much easier.

He removed the small case from his pocket, and cast the metal into the center of the circle.

In Fuyuki City, there were four locations suitable for this process: the Church (Out of the question for obvious reasons), the estate of the Second Owner (No doubt protected by magical security systems, the likes of which he’d rather not deal with after such a long and uncomfortable flight. Also, encroaching upon a magus’ domain was bad form.) Fuyuki Central Park (Full of too many people and pervaded by a cursed aura), and here. The keystone of Fuyuki’s confluence of leylines. The heart of this oriental town’s spiritual ground. And below it… Well, if there was anywhere this jury-rigged ritual was to work, it would be here.

Sosthenes took off his glove, revealing the dark bruise still emblazoned on it, and began chanting:

"Silver and iron to the origin.
Gem and the archduke of pacts to the foundation.
Let the descending winds become a wall.
Let the gates in four directions close, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked road leading to the kingdom rotate.”

The professor steeled his gaze, watching the circle for response. He could feel the prana slowly draining from his circuits. There had to be something going on with the magical formula- ‘There,’ he thought, catching the glow in the waking light.

“Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill).
Five perfections for each repetition.
And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!”

With renewed vigor, Sosthenes continued. The eldritch rings burned with power, casting arcs of pure, unstable energy everywhere and creating a whirlwind that threatened to overtake everything. It was in this time the Professor hoped his Bounded Field of Censure would be maintained. But if it could handle the duel between two magi, it could handle this.

Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate (doom) rest in thy blade.
If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this will and reason, then answer my summoning!”

That was it! He could feel the mystic pass transferring energy from himself to the gathering ethereal existence. This was the final stretch. Success - or failure - all rode on the next few lines.

“—————I make my oath here.
I am the person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven.
I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.”

Those words were not lost on him; they echoed through his very being. For a moment, determination was replaced by pangs of regret, and a profound and bitter longing. But like a cold-hearted magus, they were cast aside. There was still work to be done.

“Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
come past thy restraining rings,
O keeper of the balance—————!”

Even by the light of the sun the flaring ritual overtook everything, casting the world into a moment of pure white.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey), Kuro-sensei (@vancexentan)

An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:41 PM December 2nd, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



"The first lesson of being a good magus is knowing your element so that's good on you Albert! The second lesson is having a good team behind you so I hope your pals are up to the par! I trust that you're going to do fine with or without my assistance in all of this. I know you're a good kid at heart just don't let your ego go to your brain otherwise...well you may end up like some people I know." Kuro-Sensei said as he let go of Albert's hand and gave him a friendly smile once more as he rubbed his own hair. "If I can say one thing though is that I'm glad you still think of me as someone you can look up to. There's no better feeling for a teacher than to see his students succeed, and prosper. So thank you for saying so." Kuro continued as he chuckled but suddenly went pale in the face as he mentioned the blood part. Kuro started to sweat profusely and let out a panicked squeal as he pressed himself back against his chair and shook his head as he pulled off his own mittens and showed to Albert that he in fact had no marks on them.

"HEY HEY HEY! WAIT A SECOND! WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BLOOD TEST!? PLEASE NO LOOK SEE I HAVE NO MARKS ON MY HANDS! PLEASE!" Kuro said in terror as he shook in his seat. However he calmed down just as sudden as a large brawny teenager with bleached hair on the sides, and dirty brown spots on the top came up to them and cracked his knuckles. He was dressed in the Homurahara Academy uniform except it was unbuttoned and worn. His eyes looked down at Albert with distaste. "Yo yo Teach' is this scumbag trying to extort something from you? I told you you're way to nice for your own good! So what's your problem dick head you got a problem with Tasuma Sensei? Well if you got a problem with him you got a problem with the kendo club!" the boy growled at Albert in anger as Kuro-Sensei reached over and grabbed him by the shoulder and smiled gently at the big teenager. "What's up Ryunosuke? Come out to the city to find little old me? Don't worry about him he's just an old student of mine I figured i'd say hello what's up?" Kuro-Sensei said gently as Ryunosuke looked at Albert his eyes still distrustful despite Kuro's protective ones looking deep into his own soul.

"Alright fine sensei...I'll take your word on it this time. Look Tasuma Sensei, Hamakaze says she needs you back at school soon. Said that uncle of hers is looking for you as well. Need some advice on a project they're cooking up for the winter festival, and of course we still got to get some training in for our fight against Takihara Academy as well. I need your advice on my techniques. Besides if we don't hurry Hamakaze's going to rip my balls off you know how she gets." commented Ryunosuke to Kuro who nodded and adjusted his coat. "Alright tell Hamakaze that I'll met her party soon. For now train with Akihiko, and Setsuna. I didn't go through the efforts of asking the principle for a day off to teach all of you guys this stuff to have it be wasted! Now go on I'll meet you back on campus soon. Promise." Kuro said with a big smile to Ryunosuke as he fidgeted in placed uncomfortably as Kuro chuckled, "I'll be fine trust me!" Kuro said as Ryunosuke silently backed off with a flat 'gotcha' leaving the three alone once more, except for the large group of normal people staring at them. "Well...I'm hoping that you didn't take that to heart Ryunosuke is a good man underneath all that pain. I expect him to grow up to be a strong willed politician one day. But hey look...if it really means that much to you...here...." Kuro said as he pulled up his sleeve and reluctantly put his hand hand outward towards Albert with no hint of malice and a trusting smile as usual.
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