Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@liferusher @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants

Dante sat at the table and laid back in his chair like he didn't give a damn about how he looked. one arm rest behind his chair while his legs were stretched out in an angle. His ears then twitch when Aya asked him a question. He then began taking his coat off while he talked. "I have no idea if i recalled correctly he from a place call all...something, i don't but it definitely in this kingdom nor is is anywhere near here nor is there a country called Earth on the world map, i know cause i check the map recently." Dante asked her curiosity.

"Ah earth?...Was that what is was called? I don't quite recall." Avery responded cryptically as he seemed to be in deep thought. To be honest he couldn't remember what his world was called, but he could remember the name of his home country....
"Is there a place called Australia there? If so then the answer is yes." Avery seemed unsure of even his own answer. He was a young boy when he had come to this world after all....he couldn't quite remember everything about his old world. That and the fact that he was 11 at the time meant he hadn't learnt a whole great deal anyway. He just remembered things his father and mother liked mostly....

After hanging his coat on the chair Dante then relaxes in his seat again. "Other than that if i had to guess Avery was either abandoned in a foreign country or his parent died while traveling with him." Dante said calmly before looking at her. "If you don't mind me asking, What you're the story on how you end up here?" Dante asked curiosity.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


Grian pet his two wolfes, and left the house along with the sound of howling. Some of the people walking on the street looked over to him, but didn't pay too much attention to his bonding. For all they cared a wolfman could be as animalistic as they want to be. Because even if they weren't, they would be just stamped as another animal that can walk on two legs. Grian didn't pay attention to them either, silently noting the time. It was just after noon, and the sun was shining brighty. Maybe he should've given more time for Emile. However, that wouldn't be a real test of her capabilities and personality. Thought she acted like it was no big deal that her life was possibly in danger, Grian hoped that his threat had some effect on the girl. Otherwise he might throw her out because she wasn't capable of going through the test. it would be a real shame to lose someone like Emile, but Grian could only trust people who earned it. The list was very short, and on the very top was his butler, Barkley. This said however, thos that did earn his respect and trust were considered like family to him. The very few humans to ever pass his test are still good friends with him, and their differences could be gigantic, Grian wouldn't even care. But Emile is yet to earn that level of friendship.

It wasn't a long walk to the city center, but the soaring sun, and the last night's long walk left Grian tired, and gasping for air by the time he reached the markets. He quickly looked around, trying to locate himself in the large crowd. After some walking around in circles he finally found where he met that girl yesterday. What was her name? Grian couldn't remember, but the memories of the weird statues and books were still vivid.

He rushed down the street where the captain went with them, and after some asking around he finally found the Iron Bell HQ. It was more a fortress than a brrack really, and it seemed much smaller than he remembered. it was probably just his mind palying games, trying to compare reality to his memories. He looked around jsut to make sure he was at the right palce, and approached the gates. It seemed however that teh guards spooted him before he could spot them, and cheers came from above him, from the top of the wall. Soon two helmets appeared and then the two guards who owned them. One of them was a short guy who was ripped, and was laughing at something, thought Grian didn't know what. Then the other one, who was massive even compared to Grian took a step forward to havea better look. He remembered the two from the guys night at the bar from yesterday, and smiled back at them as he stopped a few meters in front of the gate. "Eyyy, look who's where. If it ain't the doggy himself. What you doing here wulfy?" The short guy seemed to enjoy the joke and bursted out laughing as he heard the sub-par joke. Grian smiled, not caring about the insult and replied. "The same as you thick headed goon. Trying to look like I am important." The smile appeared from the guy's face, but his companion just looked at him and began laughing even harder than before. Grian was seriously worried that the guy would fall down from the gate whilst he was laughing, but he thankfully stopped before suffocating. He motioned at the tall guy who just nod, and looked at Grian with a sour face, then disappeared down through what Grian assumed was a staircase hidden inside the wall. The short guy looked down at Grian and leaned out a bit. "So what are you doing here Grian. You know we can't drink on shift, right?"

"I need to see the captain. I promised her some compensation after I wrecked your barracks with the Shamak spell." The gate in front of him slowly started to open, creaking as the mechanism operating it slowly but surely did it's job. Around halfwaw it stopped, and the tall guard from before appeared behind it. He didn't look quite so displeased as before, but it was obious he liked to dish out the roasts, and not get them. He motioned for Grian to come in. Before he could take a step forwards the guard from above leaned over once again, his faced blurred out by the sunshine. "Hey Grian, the boys are going to the bar again tonight. In fact almost every night. You coming?" Grian looked up, his hand trying to shadow his eyes from the sun, his eyes tightly shut to see event eh slightest glimpse of the man. "Not tonight, I have something to do. But you can count on me tomorrow to get drunk with you." With that he walked in through the door, and left the gate behind as he was escorted by the other guard. The gates slowly closed behind him.

They walked through teh courtyard and Grian once again faced that strange feeling that he remembered it being bigger. As he was looknig around making sure this was the same place, he caught a glimpse of the healer giving him a furious look. He could understood that the lad was angry at him, because he certainly had his hands full yesterday because of Grian. But he turned away, and closed the window he was looking through. The guard stopped in front of the building they were in yesterday, and looked at Grian. "I better tell the boss myself. She may not be exactly happy if you jsut barge in yourself. Wouldn't be good for me either." With that the guard left Grian, and entered the building to inform Maria that he arrived.

Barkley, the Butler


Up until now, Barkley was watching Grian and Emile conversate with each other from a distant corner of the room. As Grian left with the instructions, he just politely bowed, and replied with the autonomous answer that he used so many times before. "Certainly." He watched as the door closed behind his master, and then turned his attention to Emile. It seemed like the poor girl was deeply shocked from Grian's threat, and was weeping and talking to herself. He cleared his throat, and slowly walked to the girl. He didn't want to be too formal as it would certainly not make her better, but he was sure that Grian wouldn't be too happy if he acted too friendly towards the girl. Especially not that it seemed like his master got some kinda mind game planned, and he didn't want to interfere. So he choosed an option between these two. "Miss Emile, do not fear. I will teach you all the secrets of cooking a 5 star dinner in no time. Now if you would follow me, I'll show you around the mansion." He motioned with his hand towards the rest of the mansion, and then turned away, and began his tour of the place, making sure the girl could get around if need be.

Barkley opened a door on the north side of the large dining hall, and it revealed a corridor with various paintings, plants and a few smaller doors. "These three doors to the right are where the guests would normally stay at." He put moe pressure on the word "normally". He opened into one of them, revealing a smaller version of the rooms found on the floor above. He closed the door, and walked down the hallway towards the west. He briefly motioned at a room with a brass nameplate that said "coffe room" and then continued without stopping. To next door opened to the left, and Barkley stopped meaninguflly in front of it. "This is the bathroom on the first floor Miss Emile." A small cart with new clothes stood in perfect silence next to the door. Finally Barkley walked to the end of the hallway and the last door on the right. A brass plate was next to the door, explaining that this room was, inf act, the hot spa. "This is our very own hot spa, which you may use as a staff member. However you will need to heat it up about half an hour before you wish to use it."

Barkley stopped for a second and wondered if he should even tell this to Emile. It wasn't certain that she would stay, so such information seemed irrelevant. However he was certain that master Grian would not throw the girl out. He took a not in his head, and walked past Emile, back the way they came. He cut through the dining hall, seemingly for the thousandth time this day, and opened the door through which Grian left. He cut striaght to the right, and stopped before a wooden door, and another one to his right as he turned to Emile. "This would be the our final destination for the first floor, and probably the last room we are gonna see today. Behind me is the kitchen. If you would please follow me." Barkley opened the door behind him, and stood aside to let Emile in. The kitchen was humongous, probably half the size of the dining hall. Many different ingerdients hanged from the walls, and an assorted collection of pans, pots and other untesils lined the furniture. A large oven of questionably large size occupied the west side of the room, and it seemed to have more than one chamber. One can only wonder how many functions it had. On the north side of the room was a small wooden door that hung open, revealing a room fileld with ingredients. Barkley closed the door, and stood in front of it. He motioned at the room in a whole and smiled with a profound glee on his face. "This is my emporioum, and at the minimum yours for the day too. Beleive me when I say that you can make anything in the world in this kitchen."

Barkley walked around the room with haste, and reorganizing some of the tools that were already in perfect positions. Nothing could be too perfect in this kitchen. He looked back at the battered girl, and he felt that he may be too pushy on this subject. After all, the kitchen was basically his second home, and he wanted to share the joy of cooknig with someone else. He softly smiled at the girl and leaned against one of the kitchen counters. "Considering you haven't taken a bath since yesterday, according to your story, I advise you take your time while I will prepare the ingredients for the dinner. I dared take into assumption that you would require some lone time, so the spa is also heated up for you. You can find the spare uniform on the cart in the hallway. I will be here, preparing the ingredients, and making sure you will only have to do the core of the cooking." He looked at the girl with kind, but very dedicated face. "Now off with you."

Hendrick Joseph


Hendrick leaned back on his seat and took the last sip of his coffe. He wondered if he could have any meaningful question to the guard. "I feel like you are being unfair to me. I amy be hard to tell, but it seems to me that all the basic things about you are brightly visible." He inspected the aura of the man and continued. "You are a Royal Knight, thats as bright as day. It also seems like you take your job seriously, because you noticed my quite quickly and came to interrogate me. I can also tell that you are very empathic because when you talked about the accident yesterday I felt grief coming from you. And if you ask me, I think you are very kind, guiding a blind man and buying me my grocery." Hendrick laughed as he went through some of the more assumptious things he could say, but instead just wiped a tear of joy and enjoyed the feel of the cafe.

"However you could help me. I travel to improve my abilities and have new experiences. Right now I have money, but later that might become an issue. I was wondering if you could help me with this." He leaned forward once again, his eyes scanning the horizon. "I've heard of some slave institute working around here. I am sure that you yourself are not happy with such things. I personally don't want to say what should be done, because the order of things must be balanced. However it could be fun to track them down, and if possible, get some payment from teh guards for my troubles. And of course give the good side of things a little budge, cause it sure as heck needs it." He looked at Reinhardt, and examiend the man once again. maybe he was very jsut as well, who would not want him working for money. But maybe he would help him once again, not so unwillingly as last time. Truth is that he needed the money, and if he could look then thats a plus. If he could make a name in both low and high palces than that could come even handier. One should never ignore a feeding hand, no matter where it is from. "So what do you say. You found my in a very cheery mood, and I hope you share the same enthusiasm for some action."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Emile listens attentively to Barkley's words, and finds comfort in them. He seems certain that she is in good hands, and it makes Emile feel a lot more at-ease. His distinction between formal and casual was clear, something that Emile knows is commonplace among staff, though isn't quite sure how she knows such information. She clears the remaining tears which are about to break out, and nods with a newfound confidence. "Y-yes sir!" He is still her senior, so for now Emile decides it's best to regard Barkley with the respect and dignity one should deserve as a senior. She swiftly gets out of her chair, tucking it in behind her and taking the crumb-covered plate with her as the two explore the mansion together.

To the north was a beautiful hall filled with artwork and plants, most of which Emile feels she cannot really name. Even so she admires their beauty for a moment, before tuning in to Barkley. His emphasis on the words 'normally' makes Emile feel a little uneasy - she wasn't normal, in that case, considering she stayed in a room upstairs! She chooses not to question it just yet, however, knowing Grian would likely explain his reasoning, and nods so they can press on. They pass by the coffee room without much of an explanation -- the brass nameplate on the door doing the explaining for her guide -- before stopping at the next door directly ahead of them. As Barkley explains, it is the first floor bathroom, which makes Emile mentally question how many floors and bathrooms there actually are. "D-definitely a good idea to know where that is, ehehe..." She mentally notes down that the bathroom is just beyond the coffee room, likely with a fresh set of clothes out front, before pressing forward toward the next and final room of the hall. As Barkley and the brass nameplates explains, the room is, in fact, a hot spa! Emile practically melts at the thought of having access to a hot spa, though regains her composure quickly, making sure to stay focused.

The two make a return the dining hall, yet only briefly as they go through the doors which Grian had exited, and turn right. A wooden door lays before the two, and the blue-haired noblewoman looks to her guide for answers. As it so happens, this is the destination which she has been so anxious to see:

The kitchen.

Emile bows politely, before quickly taking his offer and walking inside the kitchen.

Her eyes begin to sparkle as soon as she sees her new work space.

The kitchen was HUGE! It looked as though it had just about anything one could need from a kitchen! Everything was so neatly put into place, all the cooking utensils looked so pristine and proper, and that oven! It excites Emile greatly as to what she can do with that oven! As Barkley reveals the pantry with all the ingredients, Emile's jaw drops for the second time of the tour; it appears as though he has an admirer. Whoa..." Is about the only thing Emile can say in her moment of admiration, her eyes still glistening with amazement.

Barkley's words wake her up from her daydream-like state, and Emile seems to take a moment to process his words. He didn't seem like he would take 'no' for an answer. "Though I hate to admit it, I think I'm a bit... stinky. I will also require something to wear that doesn't look like a combat uniform... So, uh, yes sir, I will take you up on that offer! E-excuse me...!" With a polite bow, she backs towards the door and begins to close it, though pokes her head back through at the last minute. "Oh, umm, s-sir Barkley? Thank you for taking the time to teach me all this, and for showing me around...! I won't let you or Gri- m-mister Grian down! So, uh, yes... thank you!" Having said her piece, Emile gently closes the wooden door and breathes a sigh of relief, walking back towards the dining hall and the north-side exit. 'I'm going to have to work really hard now to make up for what sir Barkley and sir Grian have done for me... As soon as I have this bath, I'm going to work as hard as I can so I can earn my keep! For now, though, a spa sounds nice...!' She quickly manages the ensuing north hall and finds the end room on the left, titled 'spa room', quickly grabbing the uniform from the cart in the hallway before she enters. With a large smile on her face, Emile opens the door and steps inside...

Emile steps outside the spa door and stretches, waking herself up in the process. Her body, still warm and somewhat steaming from the spa, feels much more relaxed now that she's had a bath. Her mind feels just as clear, as clarity finally enters her head for the first time since she woke up the other day. With a skip in her step and a fun little smile, Emile walks back down the hall wearing her new uniform.

'It's funny, I thought that the uniform would feel really weird, but it's surprisingly comfortable. Not quite what I would pick on a day out, sure, but then again these are work clothes. I kind of wish the skirt was a little longer, though...' The noblewoman-turned-maid looks down at the outfit in which she has been provided. She certainly never thought she herself would ever wear something like it. It is a little embarrassing for her, to be sure, however with her mind cleared of thought from the spa, it doesn't bother Emile too much. She guides herself across the dining hall once more swiftly, exiting in the direction of the kitchen, and cutting right to find the wooden door. Lightly, Pâtre raps on the door rhythmically, before poking her head through. "Excuse me...! Apologies if I took a bit too long, sir, but I'm all ready to learn how to cook now!" As she side steps through the door, it takes but a glance in her direction to tell she looks excited. At the very least she was enthusiastic about learning!

Pausing for a moment, Emile marvels at all the ingredients Barkley has prepared since she went to take a spa, awestruck. "Whoa...! You did all this while I was bathing...? I guess I'll have a lot to learn from here on out. Hopefully I can take some of the workload off of you - it must be a little difficult maintaining all of this by yourself, after all!" Her earnest concern for Barkley was transparent, and she shows him a gleeful smile to once again reinforce her enthusiasm. "I can't remember if I've ever cooked before, but I know it excites me, so either I really wanted to learn, or really enjoyed doing it! Either way, please teach me to the best of your ability so I can help repay both yourself and sir Grian!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Anxiety fills the mind of Blanc and all the snow elf could see was the overwhelming darkness clouding her eyes. By sheer conscience she grabbed onto her head and started crying a little more audibly, her snot and tears were watering down her face and Tundo, being the worried spirit tried to calm her down by whimpering and snuggling against her, giving a few warm licks to clean up her cheek. She couldn't get those disturbing images out of her head.

Eventually she fell on the table, looking at Atisha in disbelief that she and Malakaus were alive. "T-this is all just a nightmare! A NIGHTMARE! *sniffles and snorts* THIS ISN'T REAL! THAT WASN'T REAL! MOM! DAD! I WANNA GO HOME! THE WORLD'S A SCARY PLACE!"

It appears she's suffering mental trauma. Given Tundo's worry, he would speak softly to her telepathically: "It's alright, Blanc... I will continue the talk for you, just please... rest... go to sleep. I'll save you from this nightmare. Hearing her Spirit's calm voice, her eyelids slowly close and she was softly snoring on the wooden table with a fearful frown.

The blue-furred wolf turned to Atisha and coughed, clearing his throat so he could talk. "Forgive me, it's been years since I've properly talked to someone else face-to-face. I will continue for my Spirit Contract. You already know my name, it's Tundo... and yes, we have both seen how you two died. Tragic really, and it was all because of that madwoman."

@Lucius Cypher @liferusher @Letter Bee
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica


It didn’t take too long for Maria to find the place that her subordinate was talking about. Thankfully it wasn’t something sleazy like a brothel or something else she knew that those of lesser morals tended to visit within her group.

“Thank god it wasn’t a brothel this time. Damn that Klaus,” Maria whispered to herself.

Though she did expect a certain amount of excellence from her subordinates, it wasn’t unbecoming of individuals under her command to play small tricks on the young knightess captain. If it was the case, considering she was before company rather than by herself in this case, she would have punished them harshly. Well, even if she was by herself, she probably would have punished them harshly. She had to keep her appearances up, no?

Outside of her regular armor, Maria’s clothing choice was rather simple in design. She wore a black shawl with a scarf around her neck, a red, ornate overcoat with double breast buttons that stretched the length vertically, topped off by a skirt that matched the royal red of the overcoat.

However, despite her clothing change, Maria had her blade at her side in the event she would need it. Even in casual outings, one must be prepared if they are to live by the blade. Even if she wasn’t wearing her armor, the blade hanging beside her waist was the show of her resolve; to protect those who were unable to protect themselves.

Maria was hardly seen without her armor outside of her base, as her “strolls” through the city tended to be on her patrols rather than anything romanticized. Even within her armor, Maria exuded a certain aura of nobility. Her speech pattern tended to be rather clean, and her adherence to helping others could be considered a “noble endeavour”. Which is why Maria, and by extension the Iron Bell Knights tended to be a rather popular brunch in town, as Maria tended to act in a kind and helpful manner towards those around her, and harsh in punishment when it came to subversive activity.

However, the girl next to Maria had her own charm, her nearly ethereal appearance seemed almost like a fae of sorts, lulling around in some sort of “knowledged nothingness” that seemed to convey a degree of understanding about her. Perhaps that is what made Maria have the feeling of “needing to protect’ Shiina. It was almost as if she was an animal to some degree, defenseless and simple, but her understanding of the world around her and the application of her genius was a bit unknown to Maria.

“You may order anything you wish to do. I believe you understand our language? If there is anything you do not understand, I shall assist you in comprehension,” Maria said with a smile, genuine seeming. “Fear not. I may not seem much, but I am the heiress to a rather sizable fortune.”

Klaus z Litic

Royal Capital Lugnica


“So you’re the asshole that made my job a lot harder than it needed to be,” A voice came from the doorway of the room where Grian had been instructed to wait. There stood a man with his back pushed up against the door frame of the room’s entrance.

The man appeared to be one of the knights of the Iron Bell, judging solely upon his appearance, though he didn’t seem to have the same sort of

“They called me back from patrol because of your little stunt. Someone has ta’ care for the ones you incapacitated. But you’d think that someone

Judging by that statement, it was likely that this man was a doctor for the Iron Bell Knights, though due to his appearance and his attire, one could presume instead of a “traditional doctor” he could be chalked down more to a “combat medic” of sorts. Though these individuals tend to have varied effects, of which tend to stay upon the “ineffectual” side of things.

However with the inclusion of magics, one could overcome most deficiencies within the confines of a “mobile medic”. One can presume that if he had studied a form of medicine in the world that it was likely he had the workings of a mage over that of general practice. After all, the position of knight was that of a “dog of war” ready to sick at a moment’s notice, and such would lessen the need for logistics and lower reliance on supplies for basic injury.

“I had a date in town after my patrol with a cute farm girl , but ya’ kinda screwed me out of that.”

With a long sigh, the medic-cum-knight took a deep breath and began to rationalize the situation he was in and decided to speak once more after a short pause.

“Sorry, just thought I had to blow off a bit of steam. I heard it was an accident, but that doesn’t mean I won’t bust you about it. “Sis told me to go wait with you until Maria gets back from whatever she is doing.” the knight said, exiting his relaxed position with his back to the doorway and beginning the enter the room, walking towards the demihuman in the middle of it.

“The name’s Klaus.”

Klaus extended his hand towards Grian friendly gesture with a grin on his face, waiting for the other to react.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

"Ugh! Don't come any closer!"
"Wait, wha?"

Ease's eyes finally re-focused back into real life as they gave a double blink to confirm he was still, you know, alive. Snapping back to reality cause his author finally got off his lazy ass, he looked down to the two tiny as hell cat girls right near him. Who seemed alarmed at him so much as being here. Welp, that ain't good.

"Whoa, wait a sec! Look, I literally just got here cause I was chasing after this guy!" He said as he pointed over to the dine-and-dash penguin su-Why is there a distinct lack of penguin? Eyes blinking at the sight(or lack thereof), he got up off the wall and looked left and right, going up on his tip toes even. Despite his efforts, the guy in a giant ass white penguin suit escaped him. Without him noticing. Not his day is it?

He let out an exasperated groan as his back went right back to the wall and dragged a little bit. Days weren't exactly normal here. Oh, that he's used to. But why is it these two days had to be so specifically weird? Earthling in a penguin suit and has an eyepatch? That he somehow lost track of in literal seconds? Then again, he Dine-and-dashed, so makes sense he'd run away from the one guy who seemed to be in good with the owners. One thing was certain though, as Ease muttered under his breath. "Kickin him square in the dick next time I see him."

Putting his thoughts of the penguin man behind him, he looked back towards the cat girls. Who were now glaring at the random passerbys. Looking a bit more at em, they were kinda dirty looking actually. Wait...Slums. That makes more sense. No wonder they were so fearful. Well, shit. Maybe he should hel-No. Conscience, shut up. Wait, everyone is glaring at them. And him. "Look, they aren't mine! I just...God dammit." Well, now there's a glaring audience and glaring cat girls.

Fucking conscience is winning...winning...Won. Stupid conscience. He sighed and cleared his voice.

"Here." He reached into his right pocket and pulled out a decent sized piece of bread, covered by a napkin. He put it on the floor near the two. He was originally saving that for later or maybe some rations to snack on, but his conscience is stupid, so that wasn't happening. "I really doubt you two ate anything lately, so take it. I already ate." He looked up at glares, except more of em were directed at him. With a roll of his eyes, he stood up and brushed off his knees. He walked off a bit before turning back to the pair.

"I'm gonna head back to the inn since the penguin jacka-Jerk. Vanished. Follow me or don't. It's up to you two."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 12 days ago

Vesta Celestia and Avery Ackbar Celestia

Along with a Guest Star appearance from Vivi Celestia and Shiro the Kitsune Spirit

@liferusher@Spriggs27@FamishedPants@demonspade64@Claw2k11@Lucius Cypher

Vesta stopped a little while from the training grounds. It was still within sight but the ground beneath them had a soft, purple underglow to it. At closer inspection it was an intricately designed magic circle with various glyphs and the like etched into the complex looking circle but Vesta paid no heed to it. She knew it was there and had purposely gone here after all.
Within this circle they were under the protection of powerful defensive magic. Though it's main use was to have secret talks without being disturbed, as sound couldn't escape from within the circle. Only if a Celestia stepped inside would it's magical effects be activated as it also drained said Celestia of their magic to keep the 'enchantments' running. The circle had been in the family for decades, and there were exceptions to who could use it outside the family...
Half-turning to face Orgus now, Vesta watched as the orc wasted no time in getting down to business. Good, Vesta didn't like to beat around the bush anyway. Though she did find it rather amusing that the two people who had shown her the most respect the last couple of days were Orc's. The type of demi-humans she least expected to show her respect, so she couldn't help but find it humorous.
"Ho?" Vesta turned around fully as Orgus began speaking. He certainly had the young heiress's attention for the time being with what he said. And who wouldn't have their attention snatched away by it, not only the words he spoke but also the tone of voice made what he was about to ask sound very, very important.
So with her full attention drawn onto the yellow skinned orc Vesta listened carefully to every word he said...and to be brutally honest was surprised. It wasn't what she was expecting at all, in the slightest. But she knew he spoke the truth, as another function of this circle was that no lies could be told within it.
She wasn't sure what she was expecting, I mean what would an orc usually want from a mage anyway, but she reasoned it wasn't that at least. Taking a moment to dwell on what he had asked Vesta now knelt down to the ground and picked some soil up before crumbling it away between her fingers.
"You wish to become a Royal Guard then?" Vesta hummed thoughtfully as looked down on at the specks of dirt still on her fingertips. What he asked of her...sounded much like a shortcut, something someone who didn't wish to try or put in effort would say. In most cases that would be true, he did speak of how he believed he had the skills to do so. That and he was an orc, it was difficult to work up to Royal Guard status if you were a poor human peasant. Let alone if you were a demi-human like an Orc.
So he simply needed a connection to get him closer faster. Though now a question now floated up to the surface which she must ask.
"Tell me Mr Orgus, but why did you choose our family to be connected to?" Vesta asked distantly as she turned her stone cold, blood chilling gaze back towards him.
"We are not the most influential family in the Kingdom I must remind you..in fact far from it. Our family is more or less there to clean up the mistakes no one else can handle. We serve much like the Knights function, in that we also hold certain authorities in situations which pertain to us. If the Knights cannot handle something, we are asked to deal with it. Much like the monsters Mr Firebelly wishes to fight...though I doubt they will be much of a challenge compared to the usual." Vesta explained briskly as she stood up and wiped the dirt onto her trouser legs.
"If you wish to serve as a member of the household...you must prove yourself to a member of the main family. The main family members include myself, Vivi who you met before, my mother Summer Celestia and father Victor Celestia. There is another...but I doubt you would wish to gain her approval. So if you wish me to induct you, you must impress me with a skill that I believe is too invaluable for the family not to have at their disposal. In other words; you will accompany me when I go on Mr Firebelly's quest. I cannot find of a better chance for you to...umm..how would Avery phrase this?" Vesta placed her hand against her cheek and tapped the side of her head thoughtfully now. She racked her brain for a good moment before a look of realization now crossed her face.
"Ah yes 'prove your wares'. A merchant's saying I believe."

Avery hummed softly to himself as he skipped through the vast, empty halls of the Celestia manor. Beside him was a red haired maid who was somewhat shakily carrying a tray of tea and a variety of sweets. Avery had wanted to carry it, but she had insisted it was her job to do so. So instead he simply skipped about beside her while humming a soft tune to himself. It was a song from his homeland, though he couldn't quite remember the name...
Upon reaching the room that Aya and Dante had been seated in Avery opened the door in an overly jubilant manner to announce his reappearance.
"Heya Mr Dante, Miss Aya~ Sorry for the wait." Avery skipped over quite quickly and took a seat across from Aya, a playful grin on his face as the maid went about placing the tray on the table for the two guests to enjoy.
"So whatcha two talking about? Gossiping? Ooh do tell!" Avery seemed quite energetic as he spoke, looking from Dante to Aya back to Dante and so on. He hadn't had guests to entertain in some time, so he wanted to make the most of it.

Vivi remained silent as she tuned out the talkative and quite frankly, rude and disrespectful 'dragon' behind of her. She didn't believe for a moment that someone so clearly human could be dragon, nor did she believe Vesta did. But Vesta must've seen some reason to allow her into the household...her sister didn't make rash decisions. But sometimes her way of thinking was way outside the box than most people realised.
"A Celestia knows no fear Ms Parrallex. Do keep in mind that fact." Was the only response Zin's taunts could extract from Vivi. Well the only verbal response, as Vivi also held her tightly clenched fists to her side. It was one thing to insult and disrespect her, the younger and less important Celestia. But to downright insult and disrespect both Vesta and her mother? This Zin woman was grating on Vivi's nerves.
Upon reaching the house again Vivi took a deep breath before glancing slightly to the right.
"Avery seems to be in that room again...I don't understand his fascination with it." Vivi mumbled to herself as she lead Zin inside and to the large room that Avery and co were currently residing.

A strange and eery voice could be heard softly speaking to Heinrich. As if to really add to the ominous vibe to the voice he could barely hear it and the more he went down a darker, more secluded looking corridor the loud the voice would get. Though they either seemed to be speaking in a language he didn't know or they were speaking incoherent garbage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hamaguchi + Hiroto Kazuki

@Letter Bee@Mystic Writer

Hiroto saw the defeated catgirl lying in the opening of the cellar door. Despites her fluffy hairs being white originally they were coated with crimson red of her own blood. There was so much of it dripping down the stairs that he couldn't even believe it himself that a body could hold so much as this. It was only for a moment that he acted so surprised knowing that if he didn't take this girl too a doctor right now that it would be bad news. Furthermore there was also still this guy in front of him that was still standing, defending the girl from being taken away. Hiroto immediately knew that it was bad news what was going on down here in this mansion. He pondered if there would be anymore of these kind of girls down there being treated like this but for now he just had to be sure to make it out alive first.

Hiroto took quite a general stance for fighting and slowly approached the man being very cautious of his movements. If he came at him or he stayed he would eventually lash out a fist at him and immediately duck down falling backwards on his hands to fling his foot in the air at the bottom of his crotch. Either if it worked or it didn't the man was distracted for a moment giving Hiroto enough time to grab the girl around the waist and drag her off. She was surprisingly light, he didn't want to know if that was because of the blood loss or her poor diet. Either way Hiroto sprinted off like he had never done before to find a way out of this mess. The bystanding people gave a glance at what happened at the side of the mansion and grew all to have a shocked expression on their face by the bleeding girl that had passed out by now. Most of them had fled in the side alleys of the street with only a few gaping at them in terror. It would be a bother to let everyone know what had happened at that mansion.

From a distance Yoshinobu heard one of her plates snap in half, her head sprung up and turned to the sound which was outside. The hooded elf from earlier had stabbed a knife through a plate and had quite a fool mood around her. She had probably gotten mad at the others sitting at the table, well Yoshi didn't really have any kind of security right now and she wasn't all that strong either so she decided to let it go for now. Jeez this was already off to a great start.

Ease said not to be bothered by the fact that she didn't remember the girl in the maid outfit. It was a strange thing since she knew that she had a maid outfit in the back somewhere but never really got anyone to wear it. It must have been from somewhere else otherwise there was no way. Short after Ease and the samurai man dashed off towards the toilet. Did she put something wrong in the food. With a confused and pained look she watched after the two men.

Yoshinobu still looking a little bothered as she turned her head back again to the rest of the place to see if everything else was running peacefully. She had come to notice that a weak loud voice was heard from the same table like before. It was from the elf that apparently didn't seem all to stable. She had already gone to sleep for some reason so she was calm right now and still breathing. Yoshinobu stood up and got over to the table outside. She gave a kind look with both her hands in front of her lap.

"There is a bed at the back of the inn for me and my friend. Want to let her rest there for a moment or are you alright?"

Yoshinobu awkwardly brushed the back of her head as she let out a light chuckle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Myst Neumann

The mercenary would feint towards Hiroto, moving as if to rush towards him, then jumping back a small ways, dodging both Hiroto's punch and his attempt at fancy tricks. Sheathing his sword and drawing out a mace, he would then say:

"Master can heal what I'm going to do to you," and then swing his mace at Hiroto's stomach in a blow that would cause at least a few crushed organs and internal bleeding, if it hit. There would be no plausible reason for it not to, although then again, luck had turned against Myst before...

Speaking of Myst, he would rush out of the cellar a few minutes later, his six mercenaries in tow. Whether or not Hiroto evaded the mercenary's mace blow, he would send out two globes of water at the boy, especially if said boy managed to successfully flee with Hamaguchi anyway. These globes would restrain the young man's legs, and allow Myst to come towards him, either to heal or further restrain...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

Member Seen 1 hr ago

With the speed with which his (increasingly irritatingly) powerful legs carried him, it took Duncan a fair bit of effort to stop short of the axe-wielding knight, but stop he did. Leaving a pair of small divots in the ground and muttering curses the whole while as the heels of his riding boots wore down under the friction and he dropped into a ready stance, not knowing if the afore-mentioned armoured figure was going to take a crack at him like seemingly every other stranger he ran into this morning.

'Reeeally starting to get sick o' this shi-' He lost his train of thought as his eyes caught hold of what was behind the man... or rather, what wasn't '...What?'

Of all the things he'd seen in the past day-and-a-half, he'd finally found the one that actually made his jaw drop, his shoulders and hands slacking slightly soon after at the sheer insanity of what he was looking at.

The wall. It was gone.

”I take it that you have some issue against Felix here. I understand that some may fear the Royal Knights if they abuse their power, so I will be lenient for now..."

The knight was talking, but Duncan was somewhat preoccupied with staring down at his hands for the third time in the past hour, only now beginning to fully comprehend the implications of the light scrapes on his palms, the shallow, bloody cuts on his chest visible through his now-ruined undershirt and the blood he could feel trickling down his face.

Any one of those hits he took should have reduced him to a fine red paste.

He should have been dead.

And yet, here he stood. Bloodied, yes, but otherwise unharmed.

"Explain yourself, and why you felt it necessary to try and kill a Royal Knight, myself, and justify the destruction of kingdom property and generally disturbance of peace.”

Was this what that fucking noisy kid in the tavern was going on about when he started raving about magic?

...Was he even human anymore?

”I am Malakaus Firebelly, knight errant of the Kingdom of Luganica. Now I ask you, why did you just try to kill a Royal Knight?”

"Wait, what?"

Duncan's head snapped up, now fully out of his reverie and staring back up at the... very large, very irate looking figure in front of him obscured slightly by the sunlight, holding an axe and asking questions.

To be fair, it was a good question. And honestly, he rather preferred it to getting an axe to the face.

...Now, if he just had an answer for the guy that didn't sound completely stupid...

"Wait, wait! I saw everything!"

To his credit, Duncan's expression didn't change in the slightest, even if he was screaming internally.

The fucking Kid was back.

"The Knight attacked the bald man first! He used a jet of water that propelled - I mean pushed - the bald man outside of the tavern and started attacking him with ice! The bald man kept trying to reason with him, but the Knight won't stop, and he even used magic to make a person dance about like a puppet!"

Said bald man pinched the bridge of his nose and knit his eyes shut to stem the migraine he could feel forming in the back of his skull. This was gonna be doozy to explain.

Finally, with a sigh, he began-

"Earlier today, some guy in a tavern broke a bottle, a chair and his hand off of my head because somebody got him all riled up." He started, pointedly shooting a glare at the boy standing behind him as he spoke "On my way up the stairs to get myself cleaned up and to try and figure out why I wasn't out cold or dead, I met Felix, who patched me up and, in the process, gulped down an entire bottle's worth of rum in the span of two seconds. I told him about the kind of particularly strange day I'd been having, one thing led to another after that and, well... here we are."

His hands raised a few times to try and help him form the words for the next part, his mouth opening and closing a few times to try and even articulate a sentence that didn't sound completely insane. Finally, his arms just flopped to his sides and he let out a tired sigh, clearly giving up.

"He kept firing ice-bullets at my skull, ramming me into walls and doing some weird... puppety shit... to the guy who attacked me earlier, so I... punched him in the face..." He stated, how he felt about the whole affair clearly evident in his voice, before pointing to the wall behind the knight "...Which, as of this morning, apparently now does that."

There was a moment of silence after that, before Duncan finally spoke again, looking more tired than ever.

"If you want to arrest me, I won't put up a fight. I think I've had enough excitement for one day without becoming a fugitive in a country I've been in less than forty-eight hours."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zin Parallex


As they went deeper into the Celestia household, Vivi got up the courage to finally speak back to Zin she told the dragon woman that her family doesn't feel fear." Oh, don't worry." She leaned closer to Vivi's ear." As a dragon, I can smell fear." she whispered into the younger Celestia's ear, she stood upright and glanced down at the younger sister of Vesta." As I fought Vesta, you put out the scent of fear as if you were made of it, or did I smell something else coming off of you? Do tell what it was, because from the look of your face then, it looked like fear" Zin breathed the air in a heavy sniff as if she was about to breath out a gout of fire, but at the last second she shot out a puff of smoke with the smell of sulfur in the thick but long cloud of smoke that emerged from her lips.

As they kept walking, the dragon woman became bored the hallways within the household were boring, paintings of the family and younger portraits of Vesta and other people that looked somewhat like Vesta, but older, hung on the walls. Zin heard Vivi mumble before opening up the door to some big room." Speak up." She told Vivi in a commanding tone." I can't hear you from down there."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FelixArgyle
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FelixArgyle Cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Felix Argyle

Felix opened his eyes only to see the same darkness as when his eyes were closed.

"Phew... that was a close one..."
He pushed the small rubble away and a small hole of light appeared.

"Tee hee... Lets be dramatic!"

Similar to that of a chest buster, Felix burst out of the rock thrusting his hands in the air. He froze.

Duncan stood at the end of the alley, an enormous orc stood before him. Felix's ears twitched as he tried to listen to what the orc was saying.

"Hmm... can't quite work it out"
Then a rather loud obnoxious voice blasted out from the end of the alleyway.

"The Knight attacked the bald man first! He used a jet of water that propelled - I mean pushed - the bald man outside of the tavern and started attacking him with ice! The bald man kept trying to reason with him, but the Knight won't stop, and he even used magic to make a person dance about like a puppet'"

Felix nodded. It was true after all...

"I'll wait it out I think... just to see what Duncan does."
Slowly the two started arguing.

"If you want to arrest me, I won't put up a fight. I think I've had enough excitement for one day without becoming a fugitive in a country I've been in less than forty-eight hours."

"Ok nyows my chance."

Felix walked slowly to the two, his tail swishing around.

"Hey Dunky..." He tapped him gently on the nose with his gloved finger.
"Bet you're wondering how I survived! I used all of my remaining mana to create a kind of... water force field if you like."

Felix stood infront of Duncan and held his hand out.

"As knight, and right hand man of Miss Crusch Karsten I anyounce Dunky my bodyguard partner!" Felix said winking at Duncan.

"You're strong you know... fancy joining me?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Dante got quite relaxed in this room too, he slacked down into the chair and removed his coat. Aya silently glanced at him from the corner of her eye as he replied to her earlier question. Like she thought he would be he was from earth. That was not really something strange by now but it still came a little like something off. He had been here for some time by now and ended up by some rich family. That was something special in itself. He was probably pretty good in talking his way into things. Aya turned her eyes back in front of her again as her mouth opened up.

"It definitly isn't here no, I would have gone home already if there was a way to that same place but I don't think there is really. Avery seems to have been here for some time so likely will I be too."

She gave a soft sigh and turned her eyes to the table in front of her dropping her chin between her arms. It was kinda sad to think of it like that. She lost everyone and everything of the other world for this dumpy life jeez. Dante continued and eventually asked what her story was.

"I don't think he was abandoned really. More like the same as me. I just walked around at night and suddenly ended up here without realising it. Nothing seemed off or anything but you could say that I came from a future timeline. It is all to vague to keep track off and tell. We don't have magic in our time and here we do, to be totally honest I really don't understand what is happening anymore and I prefer to just clear my head from the last two days."

Aya drooped her head back down onto the table again as the doors opened. She rolled her eyes as she saw that it was Avery again. Avery grinned at her for a moment which she totally ignored when the tea was placed on the table. Aya slowly regained her posture and sat upright to take the tea for her own. She used a sugar for the taste and mixed the tea with the sugar for a moment.

"We're talking about you, we were questioning how your other outfits looked like."

She pointed him an annoyed look by his question and placed the tea in front of her lips. The smell was stronger than in the real world and the warmth was hitting her. This new quirk to her senses was bothering her too much. Aya tried taking a sip of the tea but immediately burned her tongue even though it wasn't all that hot. Aya her head shot backwards a bit as her hand fanned her tongue while putting the tea down.

Her senses tickled, she heard a soft voice and instantly felt danger. Aya pushed the stool back and ducked down as the dragon came inside. This was bad news she was gonna get killed. This dragon lady meant no good.

The weird glassed man was apparently looked at since he was a little to close to them making it kinda look like he was not helping his own friends. Eli got no notion from that though, she only heard him yell but straight out ignored it. She slowly pulled Emi closer towards her so she could make the girl sit upright instead of lying so she wouldn't swallow her tongue or anything weird like that. She lightly shook the younger girl trying to wake her but to no avail. She noticed the man coming closer with her twitching ears and glared at him with quite a nasty look on her face.

She showed off her fangs to let the man know she could hurt him if he came to close. She was about to snarl at him but he only placed something by their sides. Eli only glared at it shortly and continued watching the man with a bothered look on her face. Her hand slowly reached towards the bread without taking her eyes off of him. She took the bread and took a small bite to see if it wasn't poisonous. After confirming that she hadn't died she placed the bread by her little sister her nose and waited. The little nose twitched a few times as her eyes opened once more. It was like she had woken up from her sleep this morning.

"Oh, where are we... Is this for me? Can I have it?"


Eli gave a short nod and watched her smaller sister eat.

"We can share it through half."

"N-no you don't have too, I ate mine while you were sleeping sissy."

Eli brushed the head of the smaller sister for a moment looking a little bit more happy now. She really needed the food or else she would pass out again, the man said he was gonna head back and that they could follow him there if they wanted too. Eli glared at the man again.

"We don't have any money... They'll kick us out."

Maria had declined the man from speaking to her for now, he had to come back at a later date so they could properly discuss the fact that he wants to join the iron bells. Shiina felt happy about that, that Maria found her more important than work. Trembling and glued to Maria they strode past the man. Shiina was on the verge of crying thinking back about that scenario from yesterday again. He had even spoken to her again but she was too afraid to reply. This was literally the devil.

After a short walk by Maria her side they had come down to some sort of food place, it wasn't really clear to Shiina what it was but there was a counter and food behind it. Shiina was drooling for the food that she saw rolling over the counter. Her stomach growled once more knowing that she was close enough to evaporate the food but before that a blue butterfly got her distraction. It had landed right on her nose making a rather tickly appearance. Shiina stared at the bug in deep thought and slowly tilted her head backwards thinking she would see it better or something. With her face pointed at the sky she stared at the butterfly. Her hand reached closer to the thing softly touching its wing. In reaction the wing fluttered once to get the finger off of it and Shiina did exactly that. She felt some sort of presence stare and think about her graciousness. Shiina turned her head towards Maria making the butterfly fly away her hand still up in the sky close to her head.

She let out a questioning sound to why Maria was staring at her and tilted her head with the bothered sound. Maria told her she could order anything that she wanted to order. Shiina let her mouth gape for a moment as she stared at the counter in reaction. Anything? Apparently Maria was a rich person so Shiina had done well to claim her for her own.

"I want the biggest meat... and rice."

Shiina was rather straight forward but the man understood. He came up with a big lump of soft tender flesh and a bowl of rice for her. Shiina drooled once more as it was set in front of her and turned her head to Maria for a second in disbelieve.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago


Malakaus looked at the two before him, this stranger with immense strength and the small human who spoke in his defense. The Royal Knights tend to be the eccentric sort, so it didn’t really surprise Malakaus that Felix may have gone and picked a fight. He doesn’t approve of it, but it doesn’t surprise him. Apparently the bald stranger never realized what sort of strength he had up until today, and Felix intends to recruit this man as a squire of sorts. Sighing, Malakaus really had no choice but to accept the royal knight’s eccentricities.

”Right then. Evidently you’re unfamiliar with your… New found blessing.” Malakaus sighed and motioned towards the street. ”If Sir Felix allows this, then you’re in no trouble. Even so, you… Frankly, you look like a peasant. As a bodyguard of a royal knight, you ought to look the part. Some training to get you accustomed to your power would also be necessary. And, as a foreigner, you'll need to be educated in our country's culture and customs. That is of course if you wish to accept Sir Felix's offer. Otherwise… I do have a job that could use your ability.” Now that he thought about it, this would be a great chance to try and recruit Felix for his quest as well. While strong arms and skilled warriors would be needed to defend the village, a healer of Felix’s ability would be just as useful.

Malakaus looked over to the stranger who had come to Duncan’s aid, looking him over. He was lightly armed, possibly a mercenary. Seemed a bit too scrawny for his taste, but Malakaus wasn’t going to be picky. So long as the boy can follow orders and accepts that this isn’t exactly hired work then perhaps he could join. ”And you there, boy. If you’re a sellsword then perhaps I have a use for you as well. First however, let’s leave this alleyway and find somewhere more hospitable. I believe there is an inn not too far we can speak further.”

As Malakaus left the alleyway, he saw a familiar face: Ease, the neurotic man from yesterday. In the chaos of everything that happened Malakaus nearly forgot him, but now that he saw him again his name came back to the orc. ”Ease? What are you doing here?” Malakaus approached him near his alleyway, where the knight saw from the corner of his eyes two little orphaned girls. Didn’t take long for Malakaus to come to his own conclusions and give ease the stink eye through his helmet. ”Ease…”

@liferusher@Letter Bee@FelixArgyle@Sir Lurksalot@ZekariVoblis


Atisha stood up with concern in her eyes. She knew that asking the girl to recall yesterday may be horrific for her, but she didn’t expect it to be this traumatizing. But perhaps it was Atisha’s fault; this girl wasn’t as cynical and jaded to the world as Atisha was. Perhaps unlike the reengaged elf, Blanc still had her innocence. The spirit used some sort of spell to calm and eventually put Blanc asleep and spoke to Atisha. He seemed to know what happened yesterday as well, and was far more lucid than Blanc was. Bowing her head Atisha was grateful that someone could help her.

”Thank you for you help. As I said, I don’t remember the details. I remember fighting a man in a mask. He had a golden sword but before I could strike him down I… Well, you know. Everything happened to fast, and I feel as though it didn’t end there. I need to know who else was there. You mentioned a mad woman, but the one I fought was a man. Who else was there? And who was it that killed me?”

@Seirei No Hai
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Sky

Alexander knew the Mountie was still pissed off at him, judging from his glare, but he didn't let that despair him this time. Instead, he observed the cat-person, who he can see without eyestrain or the risk of sensory overload to his 'magic sense' because the demi-human had expended his Mana now. And to Alex, he saw that the cat-person was mischevious and clever, and non-plussed about having put Duncan - the cat-person had given away the Mountie's name - in the crosshairs of the law.

On the plus side, the young man knew that if he kept his mouth shut, he can be less annoying to the Mountie than the cat-person currently was. So he would keep his mouth shut until the man in armor addressed him.

"Yes, sir, and thank you, sir," he would then follow Malakaus back to the Inn, observing that he had a soft, magical glow that somehow lessened his eyestrain.

@Lucius Cypher@Seirei no Hai@liferusher@Sir Lurksalot@Letter Bee@ZekariVoblis
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Just as Kurokono left and started wandering along the streets again, the corner of his eyes caught sight of Grian entering the fort. Huh, he looks familiar, he looks like the Gorilla yesterday, oh wait...

Kurokono returned to the fort entrance, stating to the guard, "I am here as Mister Grian's student, if you don't believe me, you can clarify with him if you want, I'm sure he had heard of the name 'Kurokono'."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@liferusher @Lunarlors34 @FamishedPants @Spriggs27

Dante was relaxing a bit in his chair while he listened to her. He seemed relaxed until he heard her mention being from a future timeline, his dog ears raised when he heard that. He couldn't help but look at her strangely almost as if she said that the sky was green. "I'm sorry did you just say you're from a future timeline?" Honestly Dante wondered if the girl was confused, crazy, or...actually right now that he think of it. What if the folk in the future find a way to actually travel back in time using magic-oh wait she said magic was gone in the future...so how can such a thing happen?

Dante then turned to Avery when he came back and simply remain silence. He began to scratch his chin with even realizing. He decided to simply remain silence rather than lying, his former family always taught against lying so he'll let Aya handle the situation.

Then the girl burned her tongue on the tea. Which made him wonder how hot his tea was. So he took a light sip and it was barely hot. That confused him a bit. "Not used to drinking hot drinks?" He asked her before sipping more of it like it wasn't a back idea. Then he sort of heard the dragon lady in the hall, the bruise on his shoulder and the cut on his side back to pulse in pain in the reminder of what happen last night. He then turns to Aya and was about to say something. "I think miss Zel is com-" He stops when he notice Miss Aya was already hiding under the table. "Oh you already know." Dante said calmly. Inumimi biology gives him a sharp sense of smell and hearing through it still isn't as good as real dogs'.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@liferusher@Lucius Cypher

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

One of the cat girls kept glaring and snarling at him. It's getting hard to tell whether they're stray kids or stray cats at this point... Next they, understandably, pointed out that they'd get kicked out since they didn't have any money. He shrugged, stopped walking, and said "You guys don't have money, but I do. I doubt they'll care so long as someone's paying."

Just as he was about to continue his walk or, alternatively, answer anymore of their questions, he stopped once more. God dammit, one of them looked like they were close to collapsing. Ugh...I should probably take care of that, shouldn't I? Fuck you conscience.

Out of seemingly nowhere though, the literal last voice he was expecting piped up.

”Ease? What are you doing here?”

His eyes immediately snapped over to where the voice was coming from and, just as he expected, stood the familiar knight clad in armor. Like previously, images of that night flashed into his head as he looked over to the man, the smell of embers and blood once again penetrating his nose. And as with the elf, the image of the knight started to contort with images of his bloodied and impaled corpse, back and forth like a pendulum. However, while it still felt like an eternity before the images left, they did in a more natural way. As if someone was burning the images of last night and replacing them with the current, real images. Which allowed Ease calm himself far easier(see what I did thar).

Shaking his head and looking back towards the knight, he noticed him say his name in a certain...tone. A not good tone. Due to his mind currently being in about 13 different places at once, he instead raised an eyebrow in legitimate confusion. "Huh? Uh...Malakaus, what's up?" He said, trying to figure out what the actual hell was going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Still listening to the blind man talk, Reinhardt realized just how much he actually acknowledged his surroundings even though he was blind. It was kind of impressive, although he was just stating the sort of obvious. It wasn´t like the guard was trying to hide his intentions in this case and luckily, Hendrick was not trying to hide anything either. While still drinking his coffee he made his intentions clear. Wanting to earn himself a little bit extra, both in money and reputation, by helping out the local authorities. Now there were quite many issues with this offer from a guard´s prespective.
"Now, you were really good at pointing out my obvious character traits, it impressed me. But about your offer considering the slave traders, or whatever they were, I do have some issues with it. You see, while I want to do the right things, I still have to take my job seriously. I am on duty here and I simply cannot slack off and go where I please to go. Normally you´d have to contact local authorities and not the Royal Guards. However..."
The old man smiled mischieviously while crossing his arms in front of him.
"There might be a way to get around that. I am here to protect the public... and if we consider this an immediate threat then... I am allowed to act on my own. But then again, I can´t leave the people here without any protection.
Reinhardt seemed to be thinking quite heavily, seemingly debating on what was the right thing to do.
"Give me more information, please. I want to do the right things, and for that I have to know every little detail that could help."
But it was clearly obvious that Reinhardt was interested and intrigued. His heart was telling him to go give those guys a good beating, but he knew that it was stupid to just do what he wanted to do in that moment. Damn, has he really become so faithful to his job in such a short time? Didn´t he join the Guards to stop things exactly like that? He´d have to listen to what Hendrick knew before he could decide.
While talking to Hendrick, Reinhardt always seemed to look through the crowd almost unconsciously, trying to spot any suspicious people. It was his job after all, and they chose this cafe just because it provided such a nice view of the crowded marketplace. It was relaxing for him to see all those people, demi-humans and humans, coexisting with each other here. It gave Reinhardt hope for a better and peaceful future, and it was his job to secure that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Before Atisha began speaking. Yoshinubu, from behind the trio, took Tundo's attention, his neck turning a good forty-five degrees as he stared down the green-haired bar maid with a wolfish smile. "I don't know how you take talking animals, but yes please. If you can, I am having a conversation with her friend in armor, if you have any help that would be appreiciated but if you seem understaffed, I don't mind letting her sleep here." The Wolf Spirit spoke in a deep, gentlemanly tone to the inn waitress before turning back to his elven friend.

”Thank you for you help. As I said, I don’t remember the details. I remember fighting a man in a mask. He had a golden sword but before I could strike him down I… Well, you know. Everything happened to fast, and I feel as though it didn’t end there. I need to know who else was there. You mentioned a mad woman, but the one I fought was a man. Who else was there? And who was it that killed me?” The elf spoke out of curiosity. Tundo had his ears down, looking up at the ceiling with both his eyes closed before nodding.

"Forgive me, but we do not who killed you. We have arrived far too late for it to even happen, the only thing we witnessed was the death of your Orcish friend. If you like to know... there was a young woman in armor who went mad just as he did. Perhaps she may be your culprit? Or perhaps the two of them were in cahoots with each other. I'm afraid that's all we know."

@Lucius Cypher @Letter Bee @liferusher
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