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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago


Myno looked up at the swordsman from earlier. Eclisse, he remembered her name was. He let out a small one syllable chuckle, Rought, is an understatement." He replied before straightening up his body but only continued to look up at her, not really intending to stand up to talk. It's either she sit down or they just talk like this. He didn't mind talking like this. He then nodded. "I will be fine though I'd ask Keerin to look at my wounds later on. The healing earlier was rushed after all." He'd rather not go into battle again not knowing that he had an injury that would hinder his fighting.

Myno looked at the slumbering Manakete beside him. "I am not too sure about her though. Manaketes are tough so she shouldn't be hurt physically. But it worries me that she went on a rampage like that." He continued. He wasn't sure what happened to her. The only thing he knows about Manaketes rampaging is something called degeneration but he's sure that it didn't happen to her. She reverted back after all and wasn't exactly all that strong.

@Darkmoon Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

---Dragonrage Pass---

-@Lady Athena-

"D-do I know you perchance, ma'am?"

"I am revered by humans and respected amongst your kind yet you do not know me?" The voice was holy and powerful but was also loving and kind. She giggled softly before resuming. "You must wake now. Your friends have need of you."

And with that, you awaken. Not a rude or sudden one but you open your eyes peacefully. You see that you are in a foggy forest away from the chaos of battle. It appeared that you had been carried here by your allies whom you noticed were fewer than you last met them. Much fewer.


"It'd probably be best not to move until we can get you to a proper healer,"

"Thanks miss. Argh, this hurts." Jarde said as he let you perform some aid on him.

"You've helped a lot during the battle... but we never got your name." He started. "You look like you're from that southern continent. What's it called again? Iapana? Heh, I've always wanted to go there. I heard it would be like stepping in a new world." The prince remarked. "Also, what were you doing in Dragonrage Pass? Are you a mercenary or something?"


After being healed by Keerin, Merilia spoke up. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. To all of you." She said before turning to the aqua-haired Sage. "We couldn't get anyone else out. Come to think of it, you was right. We lost more by going back for the others, didn't we?" She sighed, returning her gaze to everyone. "But... I appreciate that you decided to still go back for the others. I think I'll apologize to Keerin later. Though I don't know if that's going to be enough."

Meanwhile, Keerin remained silent as she made her way to the Prince who was being tended to by Tomoe.

"That aside, that battle did not start without a reason." The female Hero shifted the topic. "I know we don't have any solid evidence yet but what do you think guys happened? Whose fault was that entire thing." She asked everyone present. "This is gonna be big, you know? The Dwarven Kingdoms and the League of Arcadia are at war now, I'm sure."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Tomoe turned to Taka, who had asked her for introductions.

"Where I'm from, I'm taught not to make too many judgments while still being wary," Tomoe pointed out. "That being said, we are on the same side after all, and therefore I will put my trust in my allies."

She put a hand on her chest. "I'm Tomoe; I've been sent here on a bodyguarding mission, which, of course, brings me to the questions asked by our prince."

She turned to Jarde. "My home's gone by many names, Iapena included. Judging from the state of things in this country I can confirm those differences. It's a very peace-seeking nation, and I suppose I should be grateful I come from such a place."

Tomoe paused. "As for why I was there, I was actually sent to offer my services as a bodyguard; however, it appears that I had arrived at an incredibly inconvenient time." She chuckled grimly. "...To say the least, haha. As such I never got any comrades' names, backgrounds... There'll be time for that, I suppose."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"If you aren't needed here, I can bring you to where the others are. And don't worry about backgrounds, well...the only one's you should probably care for is Prince Jarde over here. He's the leader of our band after all, and I guess we need to go find something to do about this bad situation we're in. Who knows how long this camp will last until stragglers of the battle come over here to investigate...anyway, the name's Taka and I'm just a Bandit. Though I'm not so good at locks...I can hit practically anything with my bow as you can tell in the fight."

Taka chuckles a bit when he mentions he can't do well with locks, and gives her a grin of sorts as she mentions the peaceful country she hails from. That's nice...a place where one can live in peace for once...not having to be forced into anything. If only his old home was like that...but back to the current matters. He shows his Iron Bow to her and does another count of his arrows as he starts to look around a bit for any significantly useful pieces of wood to use for ammunition.

"You did come at a key moment in the fighting so I do have to thank you big time...saved me and a pal of mine from being hit by arrows though I don't see her anywhere...oh well. Guess I got to make new ones and hopefully we don't disappear too."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Who was that?!

Nyx's mind
Nyx was so confused "Friends?...."

Nyx gasps for air as she awakens from her unconscious state. She looks around in a panic before noticing that she was in a foggy forest and that her "Allies" were lowered significantly. She groans as she gets to her feet slowly and makes her way towards the rest of the group. She would sit down on her own and listens to the female hero speak to the three people across from her. "I-i-it was started... I-it's an old evil returning isnt it? Gaia possibly?" She still had the thought of the lady who spoke to her. "A-also while I can speak.... What happened?! Why is so few people left?! And WHO SPOKE TO ME TELEPATHICALLY?!" Nyx seemed to be panicing quite a bit

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago


As Myno waited for Eclisse to reply to him, the Hero, Merilia, approached them. She held an apologetic look as she did so. He could see where this was going. She apologized to them for suggesting to come back for the others but just ended up losing more. Ah, right. She was the one who suggested it while the Sage, Keerin, suggested that they leave immediately. "It was a choice majority decided on. You are not in fault." He pointed out. He was the only one who straight up said 'no' to her, knowing the consequences they might face if they go back. So, anyway, the rest decided that someone should go after them.

Tch, saw how that turned out. But he bore no ill will to these people. Their wants to save their new allies is understandable. Perhaps if Myno was in good condition, he might have even thought of going back for them.

She then steered the conversation to what had happened. Indeed, what had caused that? "As the battle started - I heard a soldier of the Concilium shouting that the Dwarves started it. However, I also heard that a Dwarf yell that our forces started it." Myno replied. "I'd think it was a third party." He then heaved a sigh as Merilia said that the two were at war. "That would likely be what is happening right now." Another war was on his hands. Here he thought he was signed up to something like the Shepherds from the fabled legends - a mere protector of the lands.

He head snapped to Nyx as she began to speak. "Glad to see you're not too harmed." He first said before she said that it might be Gaia. His face steeled at that comment. Gaia again? A war with the goddess was something he'd like to do only once in his near immortal life. But if they really must, then he supposed that he can't do anything to stop it. Then she began to bombard them with questions.

"While the battle was ongoing, we unfortunately lost some of the others. We got split up. Taka and the others decided to go find them but those others were not... alive. The wyvern rider is gone too." He then raised his eyebrows as she mentioned about something about telepathy. "Someone spoke to you telepathically?" He asked. No one... No one in this group, or probably in the whole army, had the ability to use telepathy.

@Lady Athena @PaulHaynek @Darkmoon Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

---A Remote Forest---

-@ToadRopes & @cloudystar-

Keerin returned and was not happy at all seeing the arrow still lodged into his rib. "Ma'am, did I not tell you to remove the arrow? What part of that was I not clear about?" She began to antagonize Tomoe.

"Come now, Keerin. She's doing her best." Jarde pleaded with a smile. "I think she did a good job. Besides, you're here now."

Keerin sighed and said nothing more about the matter. "Now then, let us remove the arrow. It will only hurt for a moment, milord."


-@ToadRopes, @cloudystar, @Lady Athena, @Polaris North (MNO) & @Darkmoon Angel-

The sounds of rapid, heavy footsteps caught the group's attention and interrupted their conversations. Were they being followed? Was the fighting in Dragonrage Pass not done and had caught up? It appeared not as the footsteps sounded more distant by the second, fading away as soon as they appeared. Prince Jarde, however, had a bad feeling about it.

"We should investigate." He stood up as soon as Keerin was done healing him and having put his armor back on. "Come on, everyone!" The prince then made his way towards the sounds of the footsteps, expecting everyone to follow him.

While Merilia followed without hesitation, Keerin tried to protest but was forced to follow the flow with, presumably, the rest of the group.

---A Clearing Beside A Steep Base of a Cliff---

-@Polaris North (AZR)-

You remember successfully fleeing from the battle of Dragonrage Pass with a strangely-dressed girl. However, you were followed by a group of Footmen from Gleivnir lead by a Gleivnir Warrior. You had no idea why though and they appear to be too threatening for you to ask.

Soon, you and the girl get cornered as you run into a natural wall in the form of the foot of a cliff. The two of you were now surrounded with nowhere to run. Despite being the King of Archanea, the Gleivs do not recognize you and closed in on you. "Give us the girl and we shall spare you!" The Gleivnir Warrior demanded. "She is responsible for everything and she must pay!"

You may have prowess in combat but you were outnumbered twenty to one. Plus you need to watch over the girl if you decide to not hand her over. And there seemed to be more coming...

-@ToadRopes, @cloudystar, @Lady Athena, @Polaris North (MNO) & @Darkmoon Angel-

Jarde lead the party through the woods and into a clearing where they see some twenty five Gleivnir Footmen with a Gleivnir Warrior leading them. They surrounded two figures against a steep, rocky wall that belonged to a cliff's bottom.

"Wait, is that..." Keerin recognized one of the surrounded figures. "It's... it's the King Azure! The King of Archanea!" She pointed out. "Why is he being accosted by the Gleivs? And who is that girl with him?"

"It doesn't matter! He's under attack! We should help!" Merilia unsheathed her sword.

Jarde, meanwhile, could not decide. He wanted to help out the Archanean King but even then, they would be outnumbered. Footmen were not the best soldiers around but they could still overwhelm the party even with a Manakete. And so, the prince was once again indecisive.

And once again, his allies will have to make the decision for him.

-@Delta44, @Eisenhorn & @Apollosarcher-
(You guys can arrive separately or together if you wish)

You made way for Dragonrage Pass, for reasons your own, and you reached the border between the Concilium and the Moon Kingdom. You were getting close but you had a feeling you were going to be a bit late for the meeting.

And you realize you WERE going to be late as you stumble upon a clearing filled with twenty five Gleivnir Footmen with a Gleivnir Warrior leading them. They surrounded two figures against a steep, rocky wall that belonged to a cliff's bottom.

One of the figures appeared to be some sort of royalty. Perhaps you would recognize him for you are Concilium people after all. Meanwhile the green-haired girl cowered behind the royal, her pointed ears indicated that she was not human.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ansgar Staudinger

"Fire and Damnation...." The Ereb tactician muttered to himself as he was making his way to Dragonrage Pass. Quite the name, Ansgar mused, the reason for such a naming could be seen for a variety of manners. One story was the rage of one of the dragons created such a pass, fanciful, but unlikely. While the Manakate kind certainly took upon themselves the form of a dragon, Ansgar was not one to put faith in divine dragons. Nay, his faith was much simpler, and far more reliable. But that was for another day of consideration really, as he made his way through the brush. He didn't want to be caught out in the open should he find trouble rather than anything else going on. And it was wise to assume as such, trouble was all he would find as fate conspired to further delay his already late schedule. Of course he would stumble across trouble that intended to prevent him from progressing further, to try and make up time on his already late schedule.

Quite a few Gleivnir fellows, including one of their Warriors and the rest Footmen. Sure, a footman by himself was a laughable threat. But what appeared to be twenty five or so of them? Coupled with a Warrior leader? That would be, to an outside, casual glance, quite the threat indeed. However, there were a few key points that people tended to forget. Any group that relied on their leader overmuch, such as large groups of Footmen by virtue of their lack of actual skill outside fodder, could be vastly confused and scattered by a well placed blow to the head, or leader in this case. Gleivnir folk, thankfully, were not of Varjo and were not as heavily focused into fighting as those lot might be. From his hidden position, Ansgar noted a few more things. The royal guarding some abhuman girl, narrowing his eyes, he made out that it was, indeed, King Azure of Arachnea. Great, the tactician thought, this would make things more difficult. He could not leave a royal of an Concillium kingdom hanging in the breeze, as they say, but the numbers made this tricky. He suspected he spotted others beyond the footmen and their leading warrior, so he had a gambit he could play then. If they be friends, he would be able to buy time for the King and the incoming allies to strike at the exposed rear of the footmen. If they were foes, well, he'd figure that out. Buy time for the king and his ward to flee, then ditch the footmen and allies in the woods.

Deciding on a course of action, Ansgar quietly grasped his Arcthunder, focusing his attention on the Gleivnir warrior, opening his tome and feeling the energy pulse through his veins. This was what made him enjoy using magical tomes, the feeling that rushed in his veins. The knowledge that the storm was coming, and in this case, they would not even see it coming. A hold over from his families insistence on feeling the tide of war as much as knowing it objectively. Calling forward the energies from Arcthunder, his face twisted as he, with a motion, aiming the entire force of the Arcthunder strike straight down onto the head of the Warrior, guiding it with pinpoint precision from his hiding point. With the strike made, Ansgar was revealed as he was seen at the edge of the clearing, standing with tome in one hand, his Levin Sword in the other, glaring coldly at the footmen of Gleivnir descent. His tone was cold and harsh, carrying through the clearing in an attempt to route the Gleivnir forces in one strike. "Accosting a royal of any kingdom bears with it a heavy penalty, you men are aware, yes? Some of a harsher cut might even consider death the only suitable penalty. Flee, and we will not pursue. This is your only chance." The Erebian tactician fully suspected that they would not turn and run, so he had to hope that his plan and read on the situation was as accurate as he thought it was, or this could go south in a hurry. Not that he would let that kind of doubt show.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Mayhew paused staring down the cliff edge, he'd been taking the path downward he noticed two people surround below him. He strained to see them through there demands of the larger party could be heard quite clearly it seemed as if they intended to harm the young woman below. He stopped to think for a moment, if he should dive headlong into this herd of enemies to protect- Never mind, lightning struck the warrior in the lead as a tactician stepped out into the clearing, that tore it.

Jumping down cleaving his blade into the stone he slid down the surface before ripping the blade free landing before accosting soldiers, turning his head back towards those he was rescuing. He stared at the girl, she was not human and the man the young king of Archanea, Azure. Spinning his sword he cracked his neck with grin as he stepped up to the army. "My name's Mayhew Theodonis... You might also know by what Varjo's bandits call me... The protector."

He stepped towards them with a half mad grin, the other half pure delight. "So who wants to test his steel against a proper soldier?" He looked next to the tactician giving a curt nod, letting him know he'd take orders if it came to a battle. Stabbing his blade into the ground he withdrew a Razelian coin flipping it idly as he waited for the soldiers reaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dragonrage Pass. The gateway between the Concillium and the Moon Kingdom. It was one of the last places on Zueche's list to search for Mihaela and Iya, however it could not be overlooked. It also served as a noteworthy place for him to return to should his quest to find his family go beyond the borders of the Concillium. It was also possible Mihaela and Iya had passed through this very passage, however Zueche had no means of knowing before. All he could do for now was look around.

Unfortunately, his search would have to wait, for he happened upon a peculiar scene: several armed footmen and an armed warrior at the lead had surrounded someone who looked to be of importance, shielding a young girl. It intrigued Zueche enough that he did his best to tune in on what was going on, though it was hard to hear from where he was, amidst the trees and all. He felt the desire to help - after all, he was a father before an exorcist, and if it were his daughter up there, he would waste not a moment in rushing in to save her. The little girl shared his pointed ears, though he felt the two weren't quite the same. Even so, he wanted to help; he had to. If only because it selfishly reminded him of Iya.

As Zueche was about to step in, however, he heard footsteps and voices to his left. 'A king, huh? Then that would make their attackers either stupid or sinners.' He waited a moment longer, wondering if anything else would happen before he had to intervene. Thankfully for him, his patience was rewarded - a young man had stepped into the fray and attacked, though likely only to stun, the Gleivnir warrior, and made a short speech about attacking royalty. Alone, he perhaps didn't sound all that intimidating. With Zueche alongside him, perhaps they would be more inclined to listen. His reputation seemed to precede him, after all, and the skulls generally terrified those who weren't familiar with how he actually summoned other world creatures. At the very least he would be able to stall for time, and perhaps grant the royal and the scared little girl beside him an escape.

With a sigh, Zueche began walking forward, making his presence known to all in the vicinity. With his hands behind his back, he attempts to look as non-threatening (and noble, as he tends to accidentally imitate) as possible, all the while sending a threatening message. "I am not one to be judge, jury, and executioner, however there are instances wherein the accused are, without fault, guilty. It is very clear to even a villager such as I that the two in which you're trying to prosecute do not match your accusations. Do you have sufficient proof to make such claims? Or are you blindly trying to execute those whose alibi and even defense have yet to be established?" Zueche knew he could be very imposing when his anger rose high enough, and right about now he felt fairly angry, not that one could tell considering he almost always held the same face. As he drew near, Az reached down to his side and grabbed both of the skulls, stopping several meters before the Gleivnir people and lifting the skulls up. "I do not wish to use these, but I will if I must. Allow me to take them into custody. You have my word as a member of The Church. Soldiers such as yourselves need not bloody yourselves with that of a royal."

It wasn't an amazing proposition, true, however Zueche didn't see much of an alternative. With what was happening so quickly, the opposing party needed to understand that he was not a threat, and neither was the young man who shot the Arcthunder at their leader, nor those who might come from the trees. Perhaps he could even use their lateness as an excuse to better their odds of taking back the girl. "Also... apologies for what my friend did to your leader." Spoke Zueche with a polite, yet short, bow. "He must have mistaken you for brigands - he's new to the party, see, and hasn't a whole lot of experience with these kinds of confrontations. I believe our comrades, whom were originally with these two, escorting them, are soon to arrive. In fact..." The young man turned around briefly, only to yell: "Come, my friends! The girl and her escort have been located!"

If there was one thing you had to know about Zueche, he was an effective liar...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Tomoe winced as she was reprimanded. "Forgive me, ma'am, but it's unwise to pull an arrow out of a wound without the proper attention from a healer--" she started.

She cringed as Keerin yanked the arrow out of Jarde's thigh.

"...Thank the gods he's not dead," she muttered to herself. She would lose her honor if he was.

Soon, the army was on the move once more; Jarde had heard the distant footsteps of the Gleivnir, and had ordered them to investigate.

Sure enough, Tomoe saw the man who was quickly identified as king of Archaenea, accosted by warriors of Gleivnir. They were demanding that he give them the green-haired manakete in his custody.

"Perhaps it would benefit us to attempt to talk them down?" Tomoe suggested.

That was immediately put out of the question when the tactician jumped out of the woods and struck a Gleiv in the cranium with an Arcthunder.

"...I suppose that's out of the question," Tomoe sighed. Must all today's conflicts be the result of unfortunate misunderstandings?

However, when the dark mage came in to assuage the situation with a little sweet talking, Tomoe stepped back a tad. She still had her guard naginata ready, but she waited for things to escalate before jumping in.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

King Azure

He wasn't sure what had transpired in Dragonrage Pass. He had been invited - along with the other leaders of the kingdoms - to meet with the dwarves. Azure came fully prepared for a fight, but that was only because he was aware of the presence of the other bloodthirsty kingdoms that make up the Concilium. He never expected something like a full-blown war between the two races. It all started with that fire in the meeting tent. He stepped out for one moment and then he felt the searing heat coming from the tent. After that, it was only one disaster after another.

While he was escaping the war in Dragonrage Pass, as he found his personal guards dead and the other Concilium soldiers too blind in battle to even realize his importance, he had stumbled across this oddly dressed girl. She looked so out of place and scared that he had no choice but to take her with him. He wasn't able to ask her any questions or even rest as he heard thumps of footsteps following him. When he looked back, the insignia of Gleivnir caught his eye. He could stop and ask them but seemed to be focused on chasing them down and attacking than reasoning.

His luck soon ran out when he was faced with a cliff. It was too steep to climb. He turned around, desperate to find an opening to escape to but found himself surrounded by the forces of Gleivnir. He counted twenty... no twenty five? Somewhere along those lines. His hands were firmly wrapped around the hilt of his sword as he took a stance. They wanted the girl? She was responsible for everything? He took a peek at the green haired girl behind him. He never saw it before because he was too busy running and protecting her but he only know saw the pointed ears she possessed. He has seen those before. They cared for one after all.

A Manakete.

He returned his attention back at the group. There was no mistake, this girl was a Manakete. These Gleivs might be right in the assumption that she caused the fire. A Manakete could spit fire after all. However, with the look she had been giving him, it didn't look like it. No cold-blooded murderer would willingly get surrounded by enemies and not attack back. "This girl? You must be sorely mistaken." He scoffed. "Attack me and I will convince the other kingdoms to turn their blades against Gleivnir. You stand there, threatening the King of Archanea!"

No. He wouldn't be able to take all of them, even if he was alone. There were too many of them. He was trained to fight groups, but not entire units of men. Then there was also the General who was certainly leagues above these footmen. Tch, general rule in fighting a lot of enemies - weed out the weak first. However, that would prove to be challenging. He could keep his distance and use Lunaris. It could also prove useful in fighting when surrounded, but that would drain his energy much faster than simply using his sword. A low sound one can register as a growl escaped his lips. He was frustrated. There was no way he could win.

His ears also picked up the sound of other footsteps. Reinforcements? That made it all the more hopeless. However, his stance did not waver. "If you are really that intent in taking the girl, then you would have to pass me." If he would die now, he would go down fighting. They say a stance can tell a lot about a person, and his stance was telling them one thing.


However, three people had decided to join him. He knew not who they were, not yet at least. He had yet to analyze who they were. First was who seemed to be a tactician. He called lightning and struck it on one of the soldiers. It seems whoever this was also knew of him being king. He guessed both of these knew as well. Ha, so they were willing to help. Such nice people. No one would know that they didn't help a royal since he would've died.

The other one had slid down from the cliff hanging above. How he did such a feat was beyond him, but he knew that this man was certainly skilled. Mayhew Theodonis. Okay, that was a name he should surely remember. Wait, he made a double back as he looked at the armored male. Theodonis? He had heard of that name before. A name from before his own time but not too long before. He may have heard it from their resident old guy - Myno. He'll think more about that later once they were done with this whole shindig. "Do not mistake me not fighting as of now as something in lack of ability. I am as able as a fighter as you." He whispered to the male but made sure not to let anyone but Mayhew hear it.

The last one looked familiar. Ah, a man known by rumors spread by the people - a Dark Mage going by the name of Zueche. The male continued to speak. Ah, so this one wasn't as violent as the rumors said he was. This was a good one. Azure lowered his sword ever so slightly and his tense muscles relaxed. Only time will tell if this would work. It was a good idea though.


Myno was not sure how many conversations he was going to be in with this group that will suddenly be interrupted. Footsteps - heavy and quick. He closed his eyes, weighing each one with precision thanks to his sharper hearing. These were certainly soldiers. A whole unit perhaps? Two more were way ahead. Lighter footsteps, wearing little to no armor. He opened his eyes again as Prince Jarde stood up and said that they should investigate. The prince was as justice seeking as ever. His eyes darted from each one, knowing that they would go. Even in given the hopeless situation of saving their comrades, they went.

He grunted as he stood up, the dull pain of the attack that had hit him previously still present. He could see Keerin once more wanting to protest but was forced to follow. He followed behind the group, keeping his ears open in case someone else were following them. It would be bad if they would be ambushed from behind just because they wanted to know what was happening.

They stopped and he did as well before peering through the group and then seeing a familiar face. Keerin was right, this was the King of Archanea. There was no mistaking it. That face was the face that told him to go into this group. Black hair and azure eyes were the traits Archanean Royalty were so proud of. The black sword that he had been holding was a family heirloom - and one that Myno had seen slicing through the skeletons and ghouls of Gaia's army.

His eyes trailed to the girl behind him. His eyesight wasn't too sharp as to see what she actually was, but she certainly looked helpless. He probably picked her up from the battle back at the pass. But why was a girl like her there?

He snapped out of his thoughts when Merilia unsheathed her sword, ready to battle with so many enemies to help out the young king. Prince Jarde wasn't as willing. Myno understood why. They were greatly outnumbered. "Were you not the one who suggested checking this out Prince Jarde? There is only one choice now." He pointed out, obviously saying that they should go and rescue the king. It had nothing to do with Myno wanting to save the king of the kingdom where he had resided for the years after the war, but because this was the group's kind of thinking.

That decision of his soon changed when three other people stepped into the fray and the last one made a proposition. Ah, so they were going through this with guile and trickery? Fine by him. Myno raised his hood and then waited for the others to see if they would move or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Guys, guys, guys, can't we just take a good day off for once? I mean like do we have to run off into danger all the time?"

Taka jokes around as he chases after the group, sighing and trying to conserve as much energy in case he needs to think of another emergency escape...again. Then again, it was the only thing he thinks about nowadays due to it being one of his major strengths. Once they came upon a strange situation of a royal person defending a rather small helpless girl. He didn't know why the others seemed to be taken aback from the predicament but he already knew that the group would want to engage and become the heroes in the scenario. Sighing once more as he realized he's going to need to work again, he taps Tomoe and the sword lady on their backs as he heads off to ask Jarde for permission...

"Lord, you want me to cut off their escape routes and if anything...take one for ourselves in case more approach? I can definitely sneak around and go do so since we haven't gotten their attention yet but I'm definitely going to need Tomoe or
swor~...Eclisse to aid me in case any soldiers come after me. Don't worry, I'll have a good point to take a few shots if they're needed, after all...I won't miss. Just look for an arrow in the sky in case I can confirm that I secured an escape route...two arrows in the case that we're getting swarmed by some random brigade of sorts. If you don't mind me doing so of course."

@ToadRopes@Polaris North@Darkmoon Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A decision which would cause a fight

Nyx would look to the ground for a few minutes listening to Myno reply about the telepathy thing. When the sound would be heard by the rest of the group. She would follow close behind them all... Struggling to keep up, upon arriving she looked at the girl and the man with her. Which is when the option was suggested. "I suggest we let King... Azure, was it? Fight on his own... But save the girl with him. I have a feeling the girl was kidnapped by that man!" She seemed to be happy with her decision, but felt no one agreed as everyone started to suggest to save the man.

Nyx didnt know why... but that girl's ears reminded her of something for some reason... She would shrug it off as she stood back a bit... Getting ready to run in to save the girl... Considering what happened last time she transformed. She didnt want to put everyone into the same danger again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

---A Clearing Beside A Steep Base of a Cliff---

-@Eisenhorn, @Apollosarcher, @Delta44 & @Polaris North (AZR)-

The Gleivnir Warrior noticed the Arcthunder strike coming and had evaded it. The entire Gleivnir force shifted their attentions at the newcomers who had come to the defense of King Azure and the girl he is protecting. Also, the King's identity had been firmly confirmed which sparked doubt and confusion amongst the Footmen.

With sweat sliding down his face, the Gleivnir Warrior was a bit intimidated but it was quickly replaced with rage when the newcomers offered more sensible ways of resolving the situation. "NO!" He cried. "You don't understand! If she doesn't pay now, she will never, ever pay for what she has done!" His voice indicated that he had no intention that this encounter would end peacefully. "Attack! CHAAARGE!"

The Footmen broke out of their confusion and just followed their order, not bothering to learn more about the situation. Ansgar, Zueche and Mayhew all had three Footmen on them, their swords eager to draw blood. They may be just Footmen but they still had numbers. The rest of the Footmen turned their attentions to somewhere else. To another group that had engaged them from behind. People knowledgeable of Concilium politics would recognize one of them to be Prince Jarde. The prince of Ereb who has a black streak on his brown hair.

Meanwhile, the Gleivnir Warrior charged Azure but then tossed his axe at the King, forcing him to either evade it or catch it. The Gleivnir Warrior tackled the girl to the ground and put his hands around her neck to choke her to death. "I will pay any price to see your retribution!"

-@ToadRopes, @cloudystar, @Darkmoon Angel, @Lady Athena & @Polaris North (MNO)-

"Lord, you want me to cut off their escape routes and if anything...take one for ourselves in case more approach? I can definitely sneak around and go do so since we haven't gotten their attention yet but I'm definitely going to need Tomoe or
swor~...Eclisse to aid me in case any soldiers come after me. Don't worry, I'll have a good point to take a few shots if they're needed, after all...I won't miss. Just look for an arrow in the sky in case I can confirm that I secured an escape route...two arrows in the case that we're getting swarmed by some random brigade of sorts. If you don't mind me doing so of course."

"You don't need to do that, Taka." Jarde replied. "Though, I do agree that if fighting breaks out, we should keep one alive and ask him what exactly is going on. Preferably that Gleivnir Warrior as he is the one leading this group and probably the one who knows the most."

"I suggest we let King... Azure, was it? Fight on his own... But save the girl with him. I have a feeling the girl was kidnapped by that man!"

Merilia looked at Nyx incredulously. "Wha? How dare you accuse the King of Archanea like that?" She began to scold the Manakete. "King Azure is an honorable and good man who has no reason to kidnap a girl."

"But..." Keerin interjected. "We should not rule out the possibility that there might be more to this than we know."

Suddenly, the Gleivnir Warrior yelled. "Attack! CHAAARGE!"

The Gleivnir unit charged at the King Azure and the newcomers. Merilia could only gasp while Jarde brandished his sword. "Merilia, Tomoe, Eclisse. I want you with me and take some Footmen off King Azure. Keerin, Taka. I want you two to stay back and pick off as many Footmen as you two can. Myno and Nyx, I won't force you two to fight as you are both exhausted from our last battle but if you want, assist us in fighting the Footmen."

"Understood? Now then, let's go!"

Prince Jarde, along with Merilia, charged into the Footmen group and with a battle cry, caught the attention of several Footmen who shifted their attentions from King Azure's group to Jarde's party. Meanwhile, Keerin has begun casting a spell to wreak havoc upon the Gleivs.

However, there were some Footmen on Azure's group with the Gleivnir Warrior tackling the green-haired girl to the ground.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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King Azure

Azure clicked his tongue. What exactly was this Warrior doing? He kept on saying that the girl behind him had to pay as if she's done something extremely wrong. He doesn't get it. Why? Why was he after her? If only the man would talk about it, then Azure would simply be able to do a proper investigation and trial. However, it would seem that the Gleivnir Warrior was too focused on bringing justice on his own hands.

The order echoed around and the sound of fighting broke out. The black haired male's eyes widened when the Warrior threw his axe at him and he made the decision to dodge to the right. He raised his sword, fully expecting for him to be tackled. But the Warrior dashed, not towards him, but towards the girl behind him. He let out a curse under his breath and prepared to tackle the Warrior off. However, his eyes managed to see that the footmen had decided that attacking the others was a bright idea.

They might get overwhelmed but he placed enough trust on those soldiers so Azure turned back to the Warrior to now see him choking the girl. "Pick on someone your own size!" He yelled before running towards them and then used the momentum to kick the Warrior off. If that didn't work, he would drive his sword through him but without much force behind it so it wouldn't pierce he guy and stab the girl too; it also gave him the chance to stop the sword if the Warrior was to ever dodge it.


Myno looked at Nyx as she suggested that maybe King Azure was actually her captor. He let out a small chuckle as Merilia and Keerin both put forth their ideas. "Must you two be always on opposing sides?" He asked before flinching as he heard the Gleivnir Warrior order an attack. He managed to spare a glance to see the Warrior strangling the girl that had been cowering behind Azure. He nudged Nyx and then said, "So much for King Azure being the captor and these Gleivs being her rescuer."

He then looked at Jarde barked out orders. True, his body still ached from the earlier damage and he was pretty tired. He wasn't sure if he would be able to access his full power. "I will certainly try." Myno replied and then watched as they all charged. He looked at his dragonstone and then took a deep breath. Another bright light flashed and then he appeared as the same yellow dragon from earlier. He then would attempt to swipe the soldiers away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

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Eclisse watched as the Gleivnir warriors surrounded the king and the girl that he was protecting. Everyone had proposed a different suggestion but the situation changed when some newcomers got caught up in the fight.

"Merilia, Tomoe, Eclisse. I want you with me and take some Footmen off King Azure. Keerin, Taka. I want you two to stay back and pick off as many Footmen as you two can. Myno and Nyx, I won't force you two to fight as you are both exhausted from our last battle but if you want, assist us in fighting the Footmen."

Eclisse nodded at the prince's plan and charged in with him, though she had another idea. "Hey you dastards! Over here!" Eclisse split off from Jarde's group and yelled a taunt at all the warriors. She cut a few down just so she could get the point across.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Fire and Damnation! The Warrior was fast on his feet, the Ereb tactician granted the man that. Ansgar had no time to dispatch orders to the other warrior who had come to assist the King, or the other mage fellow for that matter. The warrior seemed to be on his backfoot, but whatever the girl had done to slight the man and his kingdom, it seemed to overrule reason or fear. Great, zealots, he hated that kind of person. Put their beliefs mindlessly ahead of reason. But, there was little time for debate or discussion now, his gambit on the oncoming group had been accurate. They scattered to dispatch their forces, a Princeling that seemed oddly familiar, though Ansgar wasn't as up to date on politics as one might think necessary to put a name to a face from such a distance. Not a bad spread, if he was reading their numbers right, and would have joined in on the main assault if he wasn't so rudely accosted by the three footmen charging him, swords drawn and eager to draw Erebian blood. How rude, he decided, flourishing his Levin Sword. First rule of fighting tacticians, never expect a simple fight.

Seems they had forgotten a nasty trick Levin Swords, and other magic swords in general, employed. Those with magic talent could use them to strike from a distance, and he smirked, the flourish calling down lightning towards the leading footmen. Not as potent as an Arcthunder, mind you, but the strike was meant to accomplish two things. Firstly, scatter them, since instinct seemed to be avoid the danger instead of bear its brunt and power through. Second, if the footman wasn't as aware as the warrior, the blast of lightning would likely not do the man's wellbeing any favors. The next motion would be to put the right most footmen between him and the left most, sword flashing across in a parry, catching the charging attack and a low sweep of the leg turning all that redirected momentum into a trip to send the footmen sprawling. Which would also force the third footmen to either waste a precious few moments scrambling over, or helping, his fellow up or trip on him as well. Dancing backwards, he created enough distance between himself and the scrambling footmen to flourish his tome.

"You think numbers will help, brazen ones? Never underestimate a tactician's ability to tip the scales!" With the created distance, Ansgar decided to employ a trick that his mentor had explained back home. Sages, and other mages, might often find themselves accosted by numbers or a situation that would not be favorable, or need something to prevent hostiles from following them. As such, he learned a method of reaching out, to call for aid from places unknown, and make such help manifest in the here and now. Sure enough, with a gesture, he opened a gate, the swirling purple fog filling in between him and the footmen. One minor problem was that, typically, he hadn't the foggiest clue what was going to come through from the other side. However, considering the situation, it would still be more useful to have something between him and the footmen instead of being completely outnumbered. Hopefully it would be something useful for the given situation...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Well... diplomacy was out the window. Zueche had warned them beforehand, but if it had to come to slaughter, then he would oblige nonetheless.

He raised the twin skulls before him, projecting them towards the Gleivnir footmen, and muttered in an irritated tone a small chant: "Summon forth." As expected, the skulls began emitting an ominous purple fog, bringing with it whatever creature might come through, and quite possibly pausing the Gleivnir charge out of fear of the unknown. Zueche had used this tactic a great number of times beforehand, allowing the creature from another dimension to deal with the problems alongside him. He tended to befriend those who came across, funnily enough, however that was not always the case.

Of course, presently this was not a time for pleasantries. In knowing this the Dark Mage revealed his most revered tome, Cleanse, and opened it without another word. Without looking toward what he had summoned, Zueche spoke the necessary statement. "The creatures before you are trying to kill you. I will assist you in slaughtering them and send you back to your home, unless you wish to stay. I'll point out important figures who should avoid being harmed, if possible. In this case, try hurting those which look the same." With that said, Zueche used his free hand to 'extract' the knowledge of the tome and materialize it into magic, as he had done so many times before, and took aim. His enemies were far too close to miss, however also far too close for his liking, able to reach striking distance in a matter of moments. Without a second thought, he hurtled the spell forward, allowing the magic to crash into an opposing Gleivnir footman.

He needed space more than anything, for Zueche was not a fan of taking hits similar to those he dished out. Aforementioned hits were typically rather bloody and painful, as what his book tended to do - tear the opposition to shreds. Having himself be cut to pieces wasn't something he was a fan of, and so Zueche broke off to the right in an effort to try and circle around towards the young girl and her royal escort. He would glance behind him occasionally to see if his opposition continued their advance, or had been taken out by his summon. One such glimpse caught him valuable information: the thunder wielder could also summon creatures. It made Zueche grin.

'I wonder what happens when two people summon an Otherworld creature in the same place...?'

For some reason, the Dark Mage couldn't help but wonder that question, as it lingered in the back of his mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

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Tomoe nodded to her orders; she gripped her weapon and charged into the group of Footmen advancing upon the king. She held the shielded weapon horizontally, like a plow, and bashed the soldiers to knock them to the ground, before swinging the blade around, hopping back, and dealing crippling slashes to the footmen who were trying to get up.

"I damn well could have guessed," Tomoe muttered. Why should she guess any different? But it was her orders to protect the royal families. And so, she said, "King Azure, please take the girl and get to safety. We'll handle these miscreants."
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