Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Figured you'd like us to still post our characters here? If not, you can delete~
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LChris314
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Rebecca Vazant

Age: 26


Personality: Calm and confident, Rebecca knows that there aren't many things that can harm a witch of her caliber. She's very curious about anything magic related, and will take the time to teach anyone who asks her.

Powers: Necromancy- Rebecca can control the physical remains and souls of nearby dead people and animals. However, since her death, she has not been able to manifest the energy needed to do the latter.

Home Universe: A medieval timeframe world with a ban on magic.

Bio (Up until death): Rebecca first learned she had magic at a young age, when she shook an old man's hand in the market square. Unbeknownst to her, the old man was a sorcerer, and offered to teach her in secret. She agreed, and soon found she had a talent for raising the dead.

Two years ago, the town blacksmith was murdered. With the guardsmen at a loss for suspects, she raised the dead man's ghost and convinced him to finger the murderer. The guards were in a strange situation. On the one hand, Rebecca had done the town a great service. On the other, she had used black magic, a crime that came with a sentence of burning at the stake. Eventually, it was decided that Rebecca would be allowed to live, but only if she promised to use her magic within certain limits. Thus, Rebecca became the town witch/medium, channeling the dead to allow their relatives one last conversation.

Cause of death: Several weeks ago, her village was struck by an epidemic. Rebecca volunteered to help care for the sick, but she managed to contract the disease. She raced to try to complete a ritual that would allow her to survive as an undead, but died before it was finished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

Personality:quiet, not easily trusting, carefull, nice
Powers or Abilities: increased strength from a spell
Equipment and Weapons: his sword and armor
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: varkif
Bio (leading up to death): max is a mercenary he got in to his line of work by accidently taking a job too protect a shipment of spice through bandit territory. It payed really good so he did that for a living till his final job.
Cause of death: double crossed
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antioch
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Antioch Aggressive Irish Lass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Brandae Hirz
Age: 23
Appearance: A 5'4, female Nazi soldier with short blonde hair, blue eyes, a black uniform, and a rifle.
Personality: Tense, Accepting over time, Can be a bit abrupt
Powers or Abilities: None!
Equipment and Weapons:
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: Universe No. 1 (ours)
Bio (leading up to death): Brandae was able to make her living as a soldier for the Third Reich, and participated in multiple battles following up to her death. She was born in Baumholdre, and died in Berlin.
Cause of death: Shot through the head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Captain Cosmo Satan
Age: 23,006

Appearance: Imagine a star with the bottom two points lopped off and replaced with a muscular humanoid body and you have the general body shape, with the two outward points being his shoulders and the top being his "head." His skin is blue and strangely rubbery in appearance. Four large purple eyes are on what would be his chest, two on each side, and instead of a belly he has a large closed maw, big white teeth jutting out of it. He has no toes, his feet resembling boots with the toes curling upward like hooks. His fingernails and long and painted bright red. He has a "cape" hanging off his wide shoulders that falls just above his ankles. The only things that don't seem to be organic and a part of his body are the numerous golden bejeweled rings, bangles, bracelets, and chains adorning his fingers, arms, and legs.

Personality: A boisterous and greedy alien always on the lookout for adventure, and good time, and as much gold as he could get his hands on. The events leading up to his death, however, have greatly influenced his outlook on material wealth.

Powers or Abilities: A great alchemist, able to brew as many type of potion as there are stars in the sky. The mouth in his stomach is actually his cauldron fused to his body, and tapping into its energy allows him to freely transmute his own body, create not only useful items but homunculus monsters, and generate energy that he can attack with.

Equipment and Weapons: A pair of bejeweled cutlasses are his most common weapons.

Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: A universe of countless galaxies, circling a great alchemical cauldron known as the Galactic Cauldron from which all was born in the age of the gods. Every civilized planet uses alchemy to some degree except small backwaters like Earth that don't know anything. It was on these worlds that the keys to the Galactic Cauldron were hidden long ago, guarded by secret sects of galactic alchemists.

Bio (leading up to death): Satan was one of these guardians, a young but genius alchemist, until he was seduced by the glitter of gold and broke the tenant of alchemical law forbidding the creation of material wealth. A great and terrible conflict ensued between him and his fellow alchemists, but they were overrun by Satans hordes of monsters. Satan took possession of the key and escaped to the stars to seek the rest and take the Galactic Cauldron for his own. Over the course of his long journey he gathered allies to his cause, eventually forming the Devil Cosmos space pirates whose raids spread terror across the universe.

It was at the height of their power that the pirates came to Earth to seek the final key, but they were held up. One of the alchemists of Satan's planet had made his way to Earth, created weapons and defenses, and armed five teenagers to stand against his might. He eventually laid his hands upon the key he'd been seeking, but it had taken the sacrifice of all the members of his crew.

Cause of death: In his grief Satan made his way to the Galactic Cauldron, his enemies in hot pursuit, resolving to turn the entire universe to gold in their honor. The teenagers caught up and, after a long and frightful battle, plunged Satan into the depths of the boiling cauldron. He was transformed into a golden statue, then disintegrated and scattered throughout the universe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CandySatan
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CandySatan Hell's Baker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Yoki, Wolf's Daughter, Bringer of Rain, Harold of Winter and many other monikers given over the centuries.
Age: 3,654 years
Personality: Yoki is a sweet, but a little 'off'. She is a cannibalistic deity, so she isn't exactly the best at understanding social norms.
Powers or Abilities: She has control over water, in liquid or solid form. She can take the form of a wolf with fur as black as pitch, and in life she carried Winter across the world as seasons passed.
Equipment and Weapons: Her only weapon would be her claws, otherwise she has only the cloak on her back. Her clothing is very modest and plain, despite being a deity. And she does not wear shoes.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a world steeped in magic, similar in appearance to an ancient civilization. Gods and Goddesses control the tides of fate, and she was among their ranks. However, every other being and creature on the planet were basically just like our Earth's inhabitants.
Bio (leading up to death): Yoki was born from the mouth of her father, the Great Wolf. He had heard the hair of the Water Goddess, if consumed, could grant immense strength and longevity. The Great Wolf used his beautiful voice to lull the Goddess to sleep, and then sneakily drank from her river of hair. At the first sip, the Goddess sprang to wakefulness and was angry at Wolf's actions, and turned the water he had swallowed into a stone. As he had only just taken a sip, the stone lodged into his throat. He coughed it up, and the stone landed at the Goddess's feet. The God of Life had watched this exchange, and in his amusement, he decided to imbue the frozen ice into life, and created Yoki. Wolf and Water were unhappy with Life's actions, but raised the child up and taught her their ways. Wolf taught her to run with the moon and the thrill of the hunt, while Water taught her to bring rain and snow, and keep their subjects crops well treated. Yoki gained her own worshippers, which fed her powers, as their subjects worship are what kept the divine in strength. For centuries, Yoki was what brought their harvest to them as long as they brought her sacrifices in blood. To anger Yoki was to cause draught, and bring about frozen ground before Harvest began. Yoki's sacrifices were usually young men and women unlucky enough to be chosen.
Cause of death: As civilization advanced, so did their subjects. Loss of worshippers caused Yoki to loose strength, until eventually she faded and entered the afterlife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Unknown but he goes by Glitch

To most people he look like has he would in the pictures, but in his realm (screens) he looks more like a little little blue cluster that moves and travels through out the screen unless there is enough power the he would be able to actually show a better figure but it would be more low resolution and low in detail.
Glitch keeps to himself has does whatever he wants. He honestly does care about anything
Powers or Abilities:
~Thought Bubble Constructs: User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
~He is really skilled in coding and hacking.
~He has the ability to make robots work for him just with a single touch.
~He has the ability to integrate himself into technology
Equipment and Weapons:
He would sometimes carry around a baseball bat has seen in the second photo and whatever he had come across and picked up. Normallly he would have a hologram computer screen and keyboard that he uses to hack and code
Glitch comes from a world of coding and in his little computer. He could easy set back in a chair that he coded to form and just chill out going through file after file out of boredom.
Bio (leading up to death):
He was originally created has a computer helper to detect and get rid of viruses and other unneeded and unwanted things for a school project by a much of students for a simple easy A. They mad the mistake of giving him intileges and a personality, so Glitch ended up becoming his own being. Which lead to him becoming stronger and more independent. After a while he slowly gained the ability to jump from computer to computr soon device to device with ease. And after even longer ended gaining the ability to stretch he coding out in the actual world so he wasn't locked up in a screen all the time for a short amount of time. This is where his life but interesting. With this new ability to have a form he couldn't actually touch things but he could program something that he could touch and touch physical objects. So he ended up using Televisions for his main sorce of home. For him a television is the same world, just a black place that he could build up on. He doesn't see the things physical people see when they would turn on the TV. But after a while the government ended tracking him down confinibg him to this area that he couldn't jump out of where they proceeded to delete his code.
The cause of death: Deletion of code.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OoshKoosh
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OoshKoosh The Mysterious

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tanya Light-lord
Age: 16
Cause of death: killed by a wild mage, wild mages are mages that can cause tremendous destruction but have a chance to backfire
Abilities: Has innate healing abilities
Personality: Cocky
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greezfhang
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Hardback

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Hardback is one of the untalked about and pretty much unknown Dinobot. If you do not know what that is, well a Dinobot is a Transformer. Instead of a vehicle like many are, a Dinobot takes the form of a dinosaur as might have guessed. Hardback took the shape after an Anklyosaurus. So while in dino mode, he stands at about 6' tall while about 4' wide and shy of 18' from tip of snout to end of tail. When a robot form, he would stand at 8' tall. Majority of body is a silver metal with dark green highlights.

Personality: Cool, Calculated, Easily flustered, Easily embarrassed, Highly defensive/protective

Powers or Abilities: Transforming - At will can switch between both robot and dino forms.

Mace like tail - In both forms has the tail. If wanted to as a robot can actually remove it to use like a normal mace. It also can be charged up with electricity for a stronger smack.

Thick metal back plating - This stuff is even tougher then his normal metal body. It truly is impervious to any substance. Much like tail, it can be used in robot form just this time as a great shield.

Equipment and Weapons: Look above for 2. Along with those, has a pair of energon blasters.

Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: Cybertron - The home of the Transformers. DUH!

Bio (leading up to death): Hardback came to be while the other Dinobots were all formed in a happy band or family. Well dysfunctional is a better word. He never took orders right from Grimlock and was the only which stoof up to the leader of the small group. Before any autobots came across the Dinobots, Hardback had went off on his own. The others never spoke of him even faintly. He was pretty much a lost cause and an exile. Hardback then just traveled about fending for self and even got off Earth to return back to space and travel. Yet that is when things went bad. The combination of lack of Energon and constant aggressive locations arrived at repeatedly wore him out.

Cause of death: Combo of 'starved' from lack of Energon and power core getting to damaged with no way to fix it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

Personality:he hates his job but when he is needed to work he is DEAD serious, nice to people, a bit of a joker, one for second chances, laid back.
Powers or Abilities:Astral search: he can sense where every one is by there souls.
Equipment and Weapons:Spiked Void chains: seemingly endless and unbreakable (takes a lot to break them) Chained Headsmen scythe: a double edged chained scythe with a axe on the end and a scythe head.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: The Void. Where the souls of the lost end up.
Bio (leading up to death): (not dead) red was always a reaper, he was just there one day. He takes the souls of the lost and throws the into the void. He hates it yet red knows it has to be done. He spends his down time at the tavern talking to the dead and the bar keep.
Cause of death:not dead is a reaper
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