Name: Larien Miriel
Age: 26

Personality: Larien is very outgoing, and head-strong. She does what she pleases, when she pleases. She tends to step on others toes when doing so, and it doesn't seem to affect her much. She is very ill-tempered; ready to explode at almost a drop of a hat. She has a tender side, but she so rarely uses it--that others forget she has it.
Powers or Abilities: She is very agile, able to jump higher than most people. She stands at only 5'5", and can jump higher than a 6' man. She is extremely fast, using her agility to her advantage.
Equipment and Weapons: She carries two small daggers on each hip.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a universe where the world is still covered with forests, animals out number people; but there's danger lurking behind every tree. Children still believed in faeries, believing they lived high in the mountains. Homes were small, made from wood and stone; no electricity. It hasn't even been thought of yet. People lived by their fires for warmth and light. Gypsies traveled from village to village, seeking money and giving entertainment in exchange.
Bio (leading up to death): When she was a small child, her parents had given up their settlement life to enjoy the life as gypsies. Using this lifestyle to explore different villages, she met an assortment of people and creatures. She was about 6 years old when they encountered what she remembers as a monster. It killed a couple people in their traveling group, and she vaguely remembers anything but a shadow. This creature would eventually claim the lives of her parents when she was 20 years old. Choosing to be a loner gypsy, she traveled the paths alone for 6 more years. Visiting each village, performing the arts of song and dance. Her vibrant blonde hair gave people the illusion she was a faerie, and her voice gave it life; as noone except her remembers her parents. She was pursued by individuals in hopes she possessed magic of some kind or creepers would seek more from her.
Cause of death: She was traveling out in the eastern forest in a mid summer day, sitting alone on a hill side. Three men appeared from the forests asking for "favors" in exchange for money. She said no, and attempted to leave. In a drunken rage, one man stabbed a short sword through her abdomen and pushed her down the hill. At the end of the hill, her body slammed into a boulder and she was left for dead.
Age: 26

Personality: Larien is very outgoing, and head-strong. She does what she pleases, when she pleases. She tends to step on others toes when doing so, and it doesn't seem to affect her much. She is very ill-tempered; ready to explode at almost a drop of a hat. She has a tender side, but she so rarely uses it--that others forget she has it.
Powers or Abilities: She is very agile, able to jump higher than most people. She stands at only 5'5", and can jump higher than a 6' man. She is extremely fast, using her agility to her advantage.
Equipment and Weapons: She carries two small daggers on each hip.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a universe where the world is still covered with forests, animals out number people; but there's danger lurking behind every tree. Children still believed in faeries, believing they lived high in the mountains. Homes were small, made from wood and stone; no electricity. It hasn't even been thought of yet. People lived by their fires for warmth and light. Gypsies traveled from village to village, seeking money and giving entertainment in exchange.
Bio (leading up to death): When she was a small child, her parents had given up their settlement life to enjoy the life as gypsies. Using this lifestyle to explore different villages, she met an assortment of people and creatures. She was about 6 years old when they encountered what she remembers as a monster. It killed a couple people in their traveling group, and she vaguely remembers anything but a shadow. This creature would eventually claim the lives of her parents when she was 20 years old. Choosing to be a loner gypsy, she traveled the paths alone for 6 more years. Visiting each village, performing the arts of song and dance. Her vibrant blonde hair gave people the illusion she was a faerie, and her voice gave it life; as noone except her remembers her parents. She was pursued by individuals in hopes she possessed magic of some kind or creepers would seek more from her.
Cause of death: She was traveling out in the eastern forest in a mid summer day, sitting alone on a hill side. Three men appeared from the forests asking for "favors" in exchange for money. She said no, and attempted to leave. In a drunken rage, one man stabbed a short sword through her abdomen and pushed her down the hill. At the end of the hill, her body slammed into a boulder and she was left for dead.
Figured you'd like us to still post our characters here? If not, you can delete~
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