Name: Sophie
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Nationality/Place of Birth: (Pretty self-explanatory. If you're an alien, or something else not from the world as we know it, put it down here anyway and elaborate in your backstory)
Base of Operations: (Where you usually work. If you wanna make somewhere up for this, go ahead, just elaborate it in your backstory)
Occupation: Sophomore in college, studying to be a chemist. Works at a music shop.
Skills: (Stuff you've been taught or just know how to do that doesn't necessarily involve eye-lasers or some shit)
Abilities: Gas Manipulation, mainly noble gasses
As the name implies, Sophie can alter the air around her to perform unique abilities. However, Sophie quickly discovered the limits of her power. Her manipulative abilities can only really influence the more nonreactive noble gases and even then, their manipulation is oddly specific. It is possible there is a chemical reason behind Sophie's ability or inability to manipulate the air around her, but at the moment she doesn't quite understand why. That hasn't stopped her from trying to figure things out and has discovered the following applications for her powers.
It should be noted that various applications require time (depending on volume of gas required) or energy (depending upon Sophie's influence on the gas) in order to perform. For example, if Sophie were to make a solid argon shield, it would require time to pull enough argon from the atmosphere and energy from Sophie in order to super chill the argon to form a solid. The energy of Sophie required is not equal but proportional to the energy required to chill a gas but will require Sophie's concentration and continued energy in order to maintain any non-room temperature application.
Application of the noble gasses comes in mainly three forms: Freezing, shielding, and at least one unique attribute pertaining to each gas.
Helium- Flight is a possible application as Sophie can throw the helium under herself and have it push her along. The problem is that she can't alter the natural lift so she needs a lot of helium. Like 70,000 liters or about 300 party balloons.
Neon- neon seems limited in application only displaying the bright light when subjected to proper influence.
Argon- Considered the more offensive gas in Sophie's arsenal because unlike the other gasses, argon is capable of being formed into a plasma beam and is actually used in things like modern day cryosurgery. This beam is more focused on destroying living tissue and is much better at hitting non-stationary targets unlike her other method of freezing.
Krypton- Narcotic gas, Krypton can be a non-lethal method of subduing an opponent, though making a gun-wielding individual high might not always be the best answer.
Xenon- Uniquely biological, Sophie can utilize Xenon to influence body tissue to offer a regenerative ability, effectively allowing her to heal herself or anyone at an increased rate. Furthermore, Xenon exposure has slowly altered Sophie's physiology providing her the effect of minor sports doping. As a result, she is deceptively faster and stronger than she might seem, equivalent to about a man her age.
Radon- Limited application although surprisingly abundant in atmosphere, harnessing Radon can yield a quick, strong shield for excellent protection but at the expense of a lot energy. Radon exposure has also altered Sophie's physiology and boosted her resistance to disease and despite radiation, Sophie is uniquely unaffected by it for the most part.
Bio: (A few paragraphs, if you'd please.)
Other: (If you wanna add a theme-song or anything else, this'd be the place to toss it.)