Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was a small jolt when the plane began to move straight up, and Bonny looked out the window to see the ground grow farther and farther away. It was a little nerve wracking, seeing the ground move away so quickly, but luckily they started to fly forward after they had gotten some altitude. She continued to look out the window for a little bit, watching the now tiny people and cars drive and walk around, before her escort grabbed her attention again. Remy. His name was Remy. “Nice to know your name, Remy. I’m Bonny, as I’ve… already said and you already knew”. She furrowed her brow for a second in thought before speaking again. “You used to teach there though, right? What’s it like? What did you used to teach? And do you just pick up random students that are found that you have no idea what they do and escort them now for a living, or is this like a side job or something?” He seemed like a drama teacher to her, with how… dramatic he was, but that wasn’t the most pressing question she had posed. There was silence for only a second as she added one last question to the pile; one that she thought she should know the answer to, “Do … do the people there know what my powers are?”. The last question held a tone of nervousness to it- she would prefer to keep that information to herself for as long as she safely could. In case people got … uncomfortable around her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Heidi entered the transport, Sage was already working on her report. A quick mental note by Emma alerted her about Heidi being there to help on the report. Sage smiled at the younger woman, patting the seat next to the pilots seat for Heidi to sit in. "Lay it on me, tell me whatever you can." She urged. Her hand pushed a button on the side of the console, activating a microphone of some sort to record Heidi's report.

Sage listened intently, taking her own notes and comparing them to everything that Heidi was telling her. It was clear, concise, and told her exactly what Sage needed to know. Once she was done, Sage smiled once more, noting Heidi's ragged appearance and teary face. She had obviously cried a little, which was nothing to feel bad about. It was Heidi's humanity showing. Pain was sometimes the best way to remind one that they were human.

"Hey, kid." Sage stressed to use a little more compassion to ease the tension. "You guys have to work on teamwork, but you did well against a completely unknown and powerful opponent. Sure, the plan backfired. Shawn's unconscious, and we have an escaped criminal, as well as a ruined bank." She paused, shrugging as she layed down all of the cons of the mission. "But in the end, you managed to pull together, even for a little bit. You trusted in Shawn to load him up, and he was willing to take that to try and stop our Nuke-man. You acted like a scout team when we first landed, like you should have. You might have been a little late on the whole working as a team thing, but in light of facing an unexpected foe, you guys walked out like champions."

Emma continued to look around. Using her telepathy, She was able to locate a good number of the students still in the bank. However, there was one that wasn't. It was Chrys, who had disappeared after the blast. She set two fingers on her temple, focusing on Booker to speak to him.

"Blake. Chrys is up on the rooftop. He's unconscious, but alive. You should set him on a stretcher to ensure that nothing gets moved around." Via telepathy, Emma spoke to the therapist turned team overseer.

Booker was quick to get the message, and bowed his head forward in thanks. He waved his hands about, creating a platform to lift himself up to the top of the roof. "Thanks, Emma. I'll keep him still in a construct until we get back to the mansion." There was no way for them to tell what kind of injuries he suffered, so it was for the best to treat it like any serious injury.

He rose to the roof and found Chrys laying on the ground. Booker stepped off of his platform as it disappeared from underneath him to set foot on the roof proper. If only Booker had been there sooner, so many casualties could have been avoided. It brought back a painful memory, one that Booker thought had been put to rest. He knew that it was going to be a while until he could put closure on that one again.

As he and Emma discussed, Booker waved his hands again, lifting Chrys carefully onto a stretcher construct. It floated effortlessly, and followed Booker back down to the ground, and back to the transport. He should also probably set one up for Shawn, maybe set the two unconscious young men into one really wide stretcher to save a little space.

He walked back with heavy footsteps back to the transport, where he found Sage at the pilot's seat. A silent nod was shared between them, and Booker looked around for Nate and Shawn.

A smirk spread across Remy's face. Oh the days when he taught at the Academy. Those were interesting times. He compared himself to the resident councilor and therapist, but with love. There was a chuckle, his eyes focused on the skies ahead. "That I did, that I did. I was the teacher of physical relations and intimate biology. Sexual Education. I enjoyed it well enough, I taught my own way, and upset Scott Summers. What more could a man ask for?" Another laugh, his eyes glancing over at the girl next to him.

"The Professor has my phone number. Whenever he needs a favor that is a little more difficult to pull off in a legal fashion, he calls me. In the case of you, I just happened to be the closest one to both deliver the letter to you, as well as deliver you to the academy." This wasn't something that he did all the time, if that was what she was asking. Of course, back in his teaching days, he did delight in informing both the young men and women about the best ways to keep themselves and their partners happy, even if it resulted in... ill behavior by the students. Not everyone in the academy liked Remy, but he could easily like everyone.

Then there was her last question. That was a little harder to answer, given his current position, but he tried, with a moment of thought, to give her his best explanation. "I will let you in on a secret. There is a device in the academy that allows a powerful telepath to locate other mutants. Professor Xavier was the first to know. When you accepted the invitation, you also allowed further... vetting, to be done. This involves the board discussing your school life, social life, and mutations, so that they can accurately decide how each specific mutant can be..." He paused once more, trying to look for the right set of words to explain, without trying to make it sound like some evil council. "They discuss you, and change things accordingly so that you'll fit in comfortably."

Another laugh, this time longer than either of the two before. "I digress. You wanted to know who knows about your mutation, yes?" He sighed, apologizing silently for that needless explanation. "Only the staff currently knows. Your school transcripts made sure that you'll be in the same or similar classes here, as you were back home. All of your teachers will be extra aware, and you won't have to worry about a roommate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

When Booker sees Chrys, he can not that his skin is extremely pale and his breathing is ragged and unsteady. Blood can be seen dripping from his nose and from a cut on his skull, and a nasty bruise is seen going up his left side as if he has taken a fall. His left ankle is clearly sprained, the swelling looks pretty bad. He makes no movements when lifted by the construct, a soft groan the only sound he makes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatianta went up to Miss Frost with Rose Mary. "My friend here is in dire need of new clothes and a fashion upgrade. I know a great place not far from here. We will take an uber back to the school." Before waiting for a response Tatiana and Rose Mary were off to go shopping. Rose Mary looked back she wanted to talk to Miss Frost. She learned something and needed to talk but if the rich vampire girl wanted to blow money on her she was fine.

"So Rose are you a Victoria girl or a Fredericks girl? Myself I like both but we can't spend all day shopping we got to get back to school." Rose Mary didn't know what that meant. "Oh you probably have been more of a Walmart girl. You are in for a treat then. Tatiana pulled out her iPhone and called upon the digital assistant to tell her which one was the closest. "Good. Not that far. Your not to tired to walk two miles are you?" Rose Mary shook her hid no. They walked to the store, after an hour in store they left in an Uber to go to another store. While the Uber driver waited, he balked at first but the promise of a huge tip got him to wait, not to mention a generous view down Tatiana's top. After an hour and a half they left the last store with more clothes than Rose Mary has ever owned in her entire life, not to mention the shoes. Some she wasn't entirely comfortable wearing. None of it was baggy like she normally wore. Tatiana handed the guy a huge stack of bills, she pulled from her account at her real bank. "Thanks for waiting." She could tell he wanted more than just cash, she kissed him on the cheek and gave him a wink. He drove them to the school. At the school she got the Uber driver to help them carry the clothes to Rose Mary's room. "You are so sweet to help us. I'd better escort you back to your car some of the students don't really like normals in the school." Back at the Uber driver's car. "I'll definately want you to drive me around again." She slips him her number and makes the call me gesture with her hand. She then went back to Rose Mary's room and helped her put away all the clothes and shoes. "If you don't have enough room in your closet you can use mine there is nothing in it, I simulate my own. Plus having yours around can give me ideas I might not think of otherwise without having to resort to my 'Catalogue'." After they finished storing the clothes in both Rose Mary's and Tatiana's closet. "You're not used to boys pursuing you are you? Better get used to it." She then waves and walks away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh stars he used to be a Sex Ed teacher. Of course he was. She was hoping for something a bit more… less awkward than that. Then she could ask about what classes were like, the layout, and the type of stuff that was taught. There was no way she’d ask for a crash course in that kind of a class, though. She made the wise decision to not comment on his previous occupation, lest he choose to try giving her a lesson. Instead, she listened to him speak and answer her questions. So he was the one that dropped off the letter to the academy at the front door. Who knocked and ran off after, and who Bonny assumed was some sort of a delinquent trying to mess with them before she saw the letter left behind. Why he hadn’t stuck around to say hello and introduce himself was beyond her. Her Grandma would’ve been happy to make some extra soup for him.

The answer to her final question made her fall silent for a moment. A device that probed into people's minds to detect their mutations and things about them. And people had probed into her mind, learned about her, and sat at a big table to discuss the details of her powers and life. Remy did add on that it was for her benefit and to help her integrate (which she was grateful for), but it still felt … strange to know that her mind had been invaded. She bit her lip as she thought of what to say and breathed slowly through her nose to coordinate her thoughts. In the end, what was done was done. They used the information to help create a good environment for her, and only the staff knew. Nothing could be done. She looked back to Remy once she composed herself from the news. “Alright, so the staff sat at a big table and discussed my entire life to a detail. Cool. I can live with this.” She had no choice but to live with this, but at least they’d cater to her powers and education. Hopefully including a lack of a roommate, or at least one that wasn’t easily freaked out by the room turning into cake at 3 in the morning or some other strange oddity.

She shifted around in her seat to look down out the window again. She was rather tired, and holding conversation was exhausting on top of that. They were rather high up, and the hum of the planes machinery was a soothing noise to listen to. After half a minute or so she found herself dozing off on the window, but luckily caught herself before she slipped into dreamland. No need to pass out and cause a potential problem of toys running around, or the slight possibility of worse. She rubbed her forehead, trying to focus her sleep clouded brain on the present. “Hey, Remy? Is there any coffee or something? Anything with a lot of caffeine or sugar will do. Like, a /lot/”. She had some coffee earlier on in the day, along with a nap beforehand, but it felt like her body was hitting a bit of a wall again. The wall of sleep in which she battled often.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"As long as you two are back safe by the end of the day, I'll defend you. Take care, be safe." Emma nodded the girls off, watching as the transport doors closed behind them now that the rest of the group was inside.

There was very little to say on the ride back that hadn't been stated before. Emma had pushed it forward that they were all doing well for just making it back alive, but Booker said rather little to his students about the mission. Of course he was glad they they would all return alive. But the situation was a blast from the past if there ever was one. It made him uncomfortable, but he knew he had to say something to the students.

"I know that it wasn't the best mission." He started with a sigh, keeping some focus on Chrys. "But for going in almost blind, with a team that had just been assembled, without any plan until the last second, composed mainly of teenagers," He couldn't help but crack a smile at the kids around him. "You all did better than I imagined. You're all in charge of your own skills. You know your limits, you're testing them. That's all good. Part of those limits is testing how well your abilities and style will mesh with someone else's, which Shawn demonstrated at the end of the mission. Heidi, I'm sure you wouldn't have participated unless you were certain that it would have worked. Don't hurt yourself because it didn't turn out the best. Even a mission with a ninety-nine chance of success has the possibility of failure, and that's just numbers. Not fate, not fault. Nate, you did good out there for your first time on a real field. Got to stretch your abilities in fun ways. Rosemary and Tatiana did well also, and I'd congratulate them too if they were with us."

"I don't expect any of you to want to stay in the program after this bust-filled mission, but you all have the potential for greatness." He hoped that his speech lifted their spirits at least somewhat. Or, at the very least, Heidi and Nate's spirits, as the only two conscious teens in the transport. "You know what they say, You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs first."

Remy here had two options. He could offer her a cup of the strongest coffee he had available to him, keeping her up for several more hours while he flew them to New York. The other option was to give her the strongest tea he had available, effectively knocking her out and allowing her body to catch up on the sleep that she probably missed out on.

He decided to be nice to her.

"In the little cabin behind us," Remy motioned to the back. "There is coffee brewing for this brisk day. Sugar, Sweetener, creamer, anything you need is back there for you." He paused, remembering that he had to tell her which cup to take. "The pot on the left, Bonny. The right is sleeping tea."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate looks at his two downed teamates. "It's a pitty we didn't start off with the grand blast. Seems to me there were two many leaders, no real teamates. We got lucky that the radiation guy seemed to be studying instead of trying to acually kill us. He could have taken us all out no proublem, yet seemed more interested in data. I think I'm gonna spend the next couple of years studying and training and if you don't mind, I'll rejoin when I'm a wee bit older. Losing my parents was bad enough, to lose my new family before I get to know them is too much." Nate says in an analytically monotone voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She gave a grateful nod when he gestured to the back. It was a relief that there even was coffee on the plane, much less anything to add to it. With this newfound information she sat up, regained her balance, and headed to the back of the plane. Sure enough, there were two pots of dark coloured liquid at the back, as well as cream, sugar, and various other things she could throw into the drink to make it stronger. She wondered if there was any difference between the two pots in front of her, but before she could ask the answer was given like magic. Though the two looked similar, one was coffee and one was… sleeping tea?

She turned to look at him with a confused and slightly disturbed look. “Uh, why would you have sleep inducing- nevermind, I don’t want to know”. It was definitely an odd choice of beverage in her eyes, but it was sort of justifiable in the sense of if someone wanted to take a nap on the way there. So almost any other person except her. She scavenged around for a cup before pouring some of the liquid in the left pot out into it, making sure to do so when the plane wasn’t shaking too much. No need to spill the coffee she needed everywhere in the plane. She added a few spoons of sugar and a splash of cream; the recipe for a perfect cup of coffee. With her beautiful creation in hand, she headed back to her seat.

Her attention drifted to the front of the plane, where the sky stretched out in front of them like an infinite horizon and clouds dotted the landscape. It was a beautiful sight to look at, for sure. She casually sipped her drink, eyes locked on the horizon until she had finished her warm beverage. Perhaps the flight wouldn’t be as tediously boring as she expected; play a few puzzles, look out the window at the clouds, maybe spark up some more idle chatter if the caffeine gave her enough energy. “Thanks for the coffee, dude. Caffeine is a lifesaver, am I right?” She paused. “Say, what’s your mutation? Just curious. If you have one.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In a weird way Tatiana kind of, sort of reminded Rose Mary of her mother. Which she found just a little disturbing. "Does reincarnation exist?" She thought. She went to go see Booker she wanted to talk. Once out of her room though she remembered she had no idea where his office is, she spent most of the time avoiding it to the point she could walk past it without knowing it. She didn't have a cell phone or a computer so she couldn't just look it up online, if it was online. So she did something she didn't want to do, she asked a random stranger in the halls. "Do you know where Mr. Booker's office is?" The stranger turned around but he had no mouth. He used sign language, but she had no idea what he was saying. So she just smiled and said thank you. She found his lack of a mouth most disturbing it probably would affect her sleep tonight more so than the events at the bank.

Rose Mary decided not to ask any more strangers in case of other weird & disturbing mutations. She was contemplating how that mutant ate when she literally bumped into Emma Frost. "Sorry. Could you point me to Mr. Booker's office?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greezfhang
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A taxi came driving up the driveway of the institute right toward the doors. A couple of seconds passed, of course for the taxi to get paid. A rather large built male stepped out of the backseat. He had a very strange appearance to him which almost was as if was a combination of a gorilla and human. All he had with him was a single duffel bag that was stuffed and the pair of blue jeans which were being worn. The cab driver had yelled out 'freak' as the door was closing shut. The comment was not heard or reacted to since was staring at the front entrance grinning like a mad man nearly. "I can't believe actually here. This is great!" Jurgen actually nearly sprinting the rest of way to the door and rang the door bell. Eyes shut as spoke more to self as a 'wish' to happen. "Be great if the first I meet and get shown around by is him." Fingers even crossed as if hoping it to be Mr McCoy that got the door. Another deep breath was taken as reopened eyes to see who and when the door would open. The excitement of just being there was showing all over face. "I know at some point I will get to meet him at least. Maybe get lucky with some of his classes."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

By the time the group had reached the Institute, school hours were already over. Due to the nature of the school and how often both teachers and students depart to protect the world, nearly all of the classes are made accessible and easy to catch up on if one were to miss anything. Not to mention that the main focus as a school made for controlling your powers, the main focus was put into just that, and the school system was built around each and every student to allow them to learn both academics and control.

The ship touched down in the hanger, the doors opening to reveal Charles Xavier himself, with his assistant Ororo standing next to him. He wore a small smile. With the help of both Sage and Heidi, Charles had been told all that he needed to know about the mission and the results. Charles was a firm believer that the team could make it, they just needed to work a little more.

"Welcome home, everyone." He greeted them in a warm tone. "Nate, please leave Shawn here, mister Smith will bring them both to the infirmary to be overseen." He then addressed the group as a whole. "If any of you have any injuries, or believe that you may still be irradiated, please, go to the infirmary with mister Smith. Our resident doctor will see you all. Those who are fine, please, enjoy the rest of your day."

Emma went on her way, leaving suddenly without any word to anyone else. Judging by the look on Booker's face, he was the only one who was aware of where she was going, and did nothing to stop her.

Emma Frost seemingly wandered the halls of the mansion without aim. No longer in the X-Men area of the facility, she looked to the students and young adults who were enjoying life among their own, learning about their powers and the ones of those around them. It brought a remorseful frown to her face, remembering her bargaining chip for having come to the Institute in the first place. Her own Massachusetts Academy, which she had originally taken over with the desire to counter Xavier's academy for mutants. Of course, being presumed dead and controlling the academy from behind a veil and a projector meant that she couldn't paste her name on the sign like Xavier did.

It was then that she bumped into a young girl. She remembered her, no matter how brief the meeting was. This was one of the girls on the mission, the one who turned into a radiation sponge. Not only that, but her infinite probes of Booker's mind led her to finding out that this was the girl that Booker wanted her to talk to.

She had asked where Booker's office was. Emma thought it funny that Booker chased after her to help her, but the poor girl had never even been to his office. "I can lead you there." Emma offered. "Follow me."

On the walk back, Emma sauntered as proudly as ever, forcing her power to be seen as she walked through the halls to a familiar room. "Are you the one that Blake has been talking about? I came all the way here because he wanted me to talk with someone in his place, but he never even told me their name." She sighed almost wistfully, but the keenest eye would know that it was all acting. Emma knew exactly what was going on, but was speaking for the sake of conversation. It didn't help that her mentioning this would hopefully get Rosemary to be a little less abrasive against Booker.

"My mutation?" he almost laughed with that silky smooth French-Cajun voice of his. This wasn't his showing off again, that was just how he talked. "In short, I turn potential energy into kinetic energy, usually to the point where a flick of the wrist or impact with something else will cause the charged item to explode. I can also accelerate particles in general. Sage, the spymaster, helped me to make me as powerful as the Wolverine." Remy laughed. He didn't even know if Logan was still teaching. Sometimes the man would just jet out for a few months, normally without word. It was also pretty safe to say that Logan knew, and was getting out before he hurt anyone.

There were so many new students coming in recently that it almost seemed like a fad to arrive two months after orientation day. Doctor Hank McCoy could understand if one or two people were to arrive, but the Professor really needed to be a little more strict. This was a school, after all.

Charles himself had let Hank know that someone was on their way, and that Hank should be the one to show him around. He obliged the Professor, and left quickly for the front door. The professor and Ororo were the welcome back party for Blake and his new group. As much as Hank wanted to see how it all went, he had other duties to attend to.

Just in time, too. As Hank reached the door, the door bell rang loud and clear. Hank straightened himself up and opened the door.

"Welcome to the Charles Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters." Oh how Hank loathed that name, but Charles refused to change it. He looked at the rather large young man and offered a smile. It wasn't often that those with a mutation similar to his own arrived at the Institute, but when they did, Hank tried his best to help them. He knew their situation all too well, and would do his best to help them fit in among the other mutants. "Lets get you inside and show you to your room."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate heads to the cafeteria, pausing just long enough to pull into one person, and stop off at the locker room to change. Something about being apart if the battle, no matter how small had his hunger roaring. He ran the events of the fight over in his head, wondering what was the man's whole objective.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Heidi quickly noted the absence of Hank McCoy in the welcoming party. It would make sense for him to be there, and his absence was something she wanted to investigate. There were several likely possibilities, and as a new student arriving was the least worrying of them, and she was an optimist, she decided to start her search at the front door.

Her deduction had paid off. Maybe she should listen to her heart a little more. The small, shy fifteen year old watched on as Dr. McCoy greeted a new student who appeared to have a not dissimilar physical mutation. Now she could understand why he'd want to be here. Hank McCoy had a particular soft spot for mutants with permanent visible mutations, understandably.

Now her mind was ease, what should she do? She knew that he knew she was there by now, and it would be rude to leave. Hank was one of the teachers she was particularly fond of, and she wanted to keep their relationship positive. She should go and say hello. But if she did that, she'd have to talk to the new kid too, and the impression she'd set would dictate all their future encounters.

Heidi stopped.

She counted to five.

She calmed down.

She walked over to the two of them, seemingly trying to hide behind her own jumpsuit's neckline. The new kid would see a young girl with dishevelled and messy dark hair in an X-men style jumpsuit, still wearing a fancy looking robotic gauntlet on her right arm. She looked a little beat up. The suit was dirty and scuffled, and even cut in a few small places.

"Hi, Dr. McCoy," she said lamely. "We're back."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary began following Emma. "I wouldn't know Miss Frost, he has a lot of patients. I have been to his office before when he dragged me there, I never paid attention to the location. Plus this place is one giant maze. I still get lost getting to most of my classes. I went a week sleeping outside because I couldn't find my room." She was lying, that was her first week she didn't feel comfortable inside. Emma made Rose Mary nervous and jealous. "Why don't you teach here Miss Frost? I would love to learn from you."

Tatiana was about to go catch up on classes she missed but she became hungry, not the kind of hungry that food in a kitchen could satisfy. She went outside to hunt. She found a hint of a bear. She stalked it by the smell. She found it with cubs. She abandoned hunting the bear, she couldn't leave the cubs without a mother. She still needed to feed. She began searching yet again, and everytime she found her prey it was a mother. She cursed her luck. Her hunting had taken her pretty far from the school. She was about to turn back to the school when she heard the sounds of a woman running in a panic, Tatiana investigated. From the trees she could see a woman running and a man chasing her. She was clearly terrified of the man. Tatiana rushed the man knocking him off his feet. He pulled out a knife and tried to attack her. He was not trained her slashed wildly like a frightned animal. She grabbed his arm and broke his wrist forcing him to drop the knife. She then latched on to his kneck and began to drain him. Before Xavier found her she would have drained him dry and felt nothing bad, he was just food after all, like chicken. Now she drained just enough to satiate her hunger. She hogtied him with his shoelaces. She found the woman. "I stopped him. He is in need of a hospital. Have the police been notified?" The woman shook her head. "Wait by the man, he is immobolized and completely harmless now. I have to be going. Be careful." She began walking back to the school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kinetic energy? That was the energy that moved, right? Her science capabilities were below average, but she got the jist of it from his description. It makes things go boom, in simple, Bonny friendly terms. He seemed pretty proud of this power; enough to compare it to another very strong mutant, at least. At that point, though, she had figured out that he was a massive show off, so it was kind of expected that he’d mention how powerful he was. “That seems like an interesting power. Pretty useless in day to day life unless you’re beating people up, though.” She couldn’t really talk; her power was far more useless in day to day life than blowing up random objects. Blowing up random objects could be a pretty interesting power, in hindsight. Minus the fact that it was pretty terrifying.

She set her empty mug down beside her, tapping a finger on her leg. She didn’t want to probe into his personal life, and she really didn’t have much else to ask about the institute. The best way of learning the majority of the reins to a place was exploring and figuring it out as one goes. It was more on the end of her not being able to think of any specific questions instead of wanting to explore, though. With that in mind, she scooped her puzzle bag back up and rummaged through it. It took a moment, but she finally settled on her puzzle book as a form of entertainment. She knew it would keep her preoccupied; she wasn’t exactly good at puzzles. They were just fun and rewarding in the end. She flipped through the first handful of pages that she had completed before settling on a new puzzle. It looked fairly complex; she mentally wished herself luck before beginning to read.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greezfhang
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@pyroman@Silver Carrot

Head had turned to look along the front of the building just taking in the sights. Attention went straight back toward the door as it creaking indicated it being opened. The massive smile still on face in the short time the wooden feature was swinging away from door frame. Even at slightest glimpse of blue fur past the door's threshold, he knew exactly who had opened it. Free hand formed a loose fist as pulled back with a pretty loud 'yes' slipped out. His composure nearly lost at that moment even as watched rest of Hank coming into view. "I am just overjoyed to get to meet you in person, Mr McCoy!" A slight lean to side was done to peer toward the young lady behind Hank even. A hand gave a wave in greeting. Trying not to be threatening as appearance have most upon first sightings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh, I heard the news." Beast replied to Heidi, nodding his head in respect to her. "I'm glad you're all okay."

There was little else to say before the door had opened to reveal the bestial form that lay behind the door. Hank had already been aware of the young man that was Jurgen Johnson but seeing another so much like him in person was a sight for sore eyes. He knew mutants came in all shapes and sizes, but it was always a nice change when someone who looked a little less human showed up to the mansion.

Jurgen seemed just as overjoyed to see Hank, as Hank did to see him, as he responded with vigor and haste. "Likewise, Mister Johnson." He stepped aside to allow the young man to enter. "Let's get you set up and shown around as quickly as possible. Dinner will be starting soon, and I'm sure you have a big day of meeting everyone tomorrow."

Emma let out a strange laugh. She tried her hardest to keep it from snooty, but it ended up being a strange and jovial huff of air instead. "Maybe." She looked around. "I once ran the Massachusetts Academy, before it was torn to the ground." Her voice dropped low and quiet, remembering how she was once in Xavier's shoes. It really turned her mind around, living beings all looking to her for hope and refuge. It was all gone now, set ablaze and turned to ash. What was left of her student body was scrambled across the globe for safety. "Not that you would have known, I did do a good job of staying dead for a few decades." Out came a more authentic laugh.

"I was brought here because a trade was agreed upon. I speak to you, assist Xavier, and in turn, Xavier help me find my warlocks, and the rest of my students." To say that Xavier initially agreed upon the deal was a lie. Booker had set it up, and Xavier only agreed after reworking it to not feel cheated on either side.

They reached Booker's office, and Emma used her limited telekensis to unlock the door, waving her hand past to open it fully. A lone hand invited Rosemary inside, where Emma sat down in Booker's leather office chair and offered Rosemary a seat. "If I might ask, how did you arrive at the mansion? Were you asked by the Professor, or maybe you sought refuge?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Heidi nodded, smiling. Should she leave now? To engage in any further conversation would distract Dr. McCoy from his duty of welcoming the new student, and it was a similar story with the new mutant, who she returned a meek wave to. She wasn't needed here, and would probably just get in the way. But could she just leave? Would that be rude? Should she make an excuse? She didn't have anywhere to be, however. She could tag along, though that would be a little creepy.

Her social condition was improving, and it would be a shame to give yet another student the impression that she was just a weird, quiet, unapproachable girl. She decided that this time she would making better impressions. Maybe having to live up to that would force her to become more social.

"Dr. McCoy?" she asked, a little less quietly than usual. "May I accompany you with the tour? I have no other plans today."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'd rath....." Rose Mary started to say what she normally said out of habit. "Sorry. I'd assume you want the long version." She took a deep breath. "My birth was a curse on the family tradition of military service, if you believe the bigot sperm donor that married my mother because no matter what society says to him a woman is unworthy to serve in the military. Coupled with the fact that my mother became incapable of bearing any future children it was a recipe for my father's downward spiral. We moved back to Virginia after he was dishonorably discharged. One night I distracted the sperm donor somehow, don't remember how, that led to my dad crashing the car and killing my mother and putting me into a coma for two years. Once I was capable he began teaching me Krav Maga as a way to beat the shit out of me. One day I snapped and fought back paralyzing him, after an investigation I was taken away from him and put with a foster family. That was the happiest moment of my life up to then, that soon came crashing down like the Twin Towers. My foster father, liked to visit me at night & attack the pink fortress. When I fought back by shoving my thumbs into his eyes permanently blinding him. His thrashing around in pain led to him bumping into my dresser & knocking over a candle that burned the house down. I slept in a room without a window and the fire prevented my escape, so I did the only thing I could do I prayed for forgiveness and accepted the fact that I was going to burn to death like that good for nothing bastard in front of me. I wasn't forgiven, I was cursed with this mutation. As I knelt there praying a firefighter/bigot came through and left me there. Samantha Kensington was legally declared dead. I left with only the sperm donor's combat knife that I stole because the clothes I had were all ashes, so I stole some clothes from a neighbor. I adopted the name Rose Mary. I lived on the streets, during the winter my body turned into fire to keep me and the other bums warm. Some bums were bigots and froze to death. At times I turned to the oldest profession, that is how I met X. I thought it was one of those Pretty Woman situations. Man I was surprised when school wasn't an euphemism."

Tatiana returned to the school. She walked up to the front door. She had to wait for the new student and the others to get out of the way. @Silver Carrot
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greezfhang
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@pyroman@Silver Carrot@Burning Kitty

Head gave a few hard nods at the mention of the simple tasks that Hank had mentioned about. The single duffel bag had was readjusted onto should as moved in through the door. A majority of the speediness of entering suddenly was partly due to spotting another that had come up behind him as awaited to gain entry as well. Once out of the way, Jurgen spoke toward both McCoy and Heidi. "If she wants to join in I don't mind either. Perhaps she'd know some details to give to help with getting used to the set up here. Or if asked about classes which she finds worth it or not." A wink was given toward Heidi's direction. "And what I can do can wait. The foyer here, is getting a bit cramped to show it. Unless you already know somehow." Hand was slightly trembling simply having the chance to have his role model being the first that ran into at the institute. Only those with telepathy would have known just how much was holding back from saying. Mind was running wild with questions and comments directly linked to the blue furball.
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