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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

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Nalashira Zenyep

Character Summary

Name: Nalashira Elif Zenyep
Aliases: Nala, Elli, Zennie
Age: 19
Race/Ethnicty: Human
Place of Origin:



Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a baseline to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats.


Physical Attributes

Height: 5’4
Weight: 127lbs
Build:Nalashira is a girl of rare complexion from her Kingdom, possessing skin which is likened to that of ivory and has never known blemish nor scar. Her shoulder length hair is kept combed and clean, a habit that she grew to posses during her life back at home. Its dark brown color creates a remarkable contrast to her pale skin, a contrast which has often been noticed by male suitors. Her eyes are a wondrous, emerald green casted with in round eyes unlike that her of mother and father, who posses almond shaped eyes. Nalashira’s form is far from imposing though her training as a War Maiden makes up for such a weakness.
Day To Day Attire: Nala often wears clothing of light brown and tan clothing made of light cotton that flows and doesn’t cling to her frame though it is often covered by her leather armor covering her chest, shoulders, and upper arms.

Psychological Attributes

Kindness * Caring * Honest * Genuine

Personality: Despite having been raised to be a fighter from a young age, Nala is a surprisingly girly woman. She enjoys the natural beauty of Elir Nazik as the sun rises over it in the morning and when it sets at night. She obsessively posses a drive to protect that beauty with her life and has vowed to stay alive no matter what just so she can see its sunrise once more. Nala often wandered the streets of Elir Nazik at night when she can’t sleep, finding peace in her aimless wandering of the streets which she has walked for many years. She keeps her feelings of worry or doubt to herself, thinking it better to hide it from others and be strong for them rather than have them worry for her. Once Nala has decided a course of action, she will follow it till her goal is realized and resists straying from the path.

Nala enjoys the company of others, though she is often reserved and shy when presented with people not from Elir Nazik. Though a hard nut to crack open, Nala enjoys learning from those she knows little of and wishes to embark on her Journey to discover the many people of the world. She is loyal to those who she trusts and often deviates from her teachings as a War Maiden, choosing to call those who are close to her family even if they are seen as a weakness. Her defiance of the teachings of the War Maidens shows heavily when compared to another, being that she is bubbly and likeable rather than distant and cold.


A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges

  • Skill: Weapons Mastery: War Maidens are trained in all the weapons of Elir Nazik and, as such, Nala has mastered the usage of every one. Despite this, Nala shows a tendency to use curved swords as her weapons though she occasionally uses a bow and arrow.
  • Skill: War Training: Having trained for many years in combat, often mock fighting against those stronger than herself, Nala is well versed in the flowing combat style of the War Maidens. Her movements flow together and link as if one led to another. Her movements are likened to that of a dancer.
  • Skill: Extreme Agility: Elir Nazik is not a city one traverses by its streets alone, as any person who calls it home knows well enough. Having spent many years running through the city itself, jumping over waterways and climbing walls, Nala has developed a skill for moving quickly.
  • Skill: Desert Survival: Life in the desert is a harsh one and one which no outsider could survive for long, thus it is only natural that Nala knows well how to live within the deserts of her birth. She feels at home in almost any desert, knowing how to find water and kill for meat when the need arises.


  • Spell: Platform: “I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to fly like a bird, but I’m not one so I can’t. Of course, isn’t it our nature to try and reach for the sky and touch it like they do? I guess I just had to do it my own way instead.”

    Platform, the ability to solidify whatever substance is beneath one’s feet and thus allow you to stand on it as if it was solid. With Platform, Nala can easily walk across deep waters and even step on air as if it were nothing but stairs. In its simplest form, Platform can be used to allow the user to have greater traction on sand. But Nala’s usage of Platform is unique due to her using it to propel herself into the air as if she were flying. She simply needs to infuse the air beneath her with magic and jump off it to propel herself further upwards, forming a new platform every time it is needed.
  • Spell: Propel: “Focus on the force of the wind as it moves through your hair, force it to move faster. Knock them off their feet my dear.”

    Propel allows the user to control the very wind around them to send an opponent flying. Depending on the amount of magic pulled into the spell, it can send a human flying backwards by two to ten meters.
  • Spell: Servants: “These little creatures are golems, made from enchanting and alchemy. They live to serve you so long as you treat them well.”

    Servants are small golems made from any material around the user at the time, requiring equivalent exchange and an equal amount of magic to turn a mud golem into stone. With enough magic and time, the user can make a golem of about human size that will consistently exist till destroyed or dispelled, drawing on the magic around itself for its existence. Doing as such, though, can take several hours of solid focus.
  • Spell: Flash-fire: “A fire is dangerous, it can wipe out nearly all of your season’s crops here in the desert. That’s why we are always on the watch for flash-fire.”

    Flash-fire, the ability to create a fire from nothing, is a upper level skill even for one who had been taught some magic in her early years of training. The goal of Flash-fire is to create a fire on the target area, thus burning the target till the fire dies out.


Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
  • Item: A coin purse with 10 silver and 60 Copper
  • Item: A traveling shawl made from light cotton
  • Item: Her clothing as listed in appearance
  • Item: A emblem that proves her to be licensed as an Adventurer
  • Item: A simple knife meant for skinning an animal.

Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
  • Item: Dual Curved Swords
  • Item: A Palm Wood Recurve Bow
  • Item: A Leather Quiver filled with fifty iron tipped arrows made from palm wood

Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
  • Item: Leather Breastplate, reinforced by iron bands across her chest.
  • Item: Hardened Leather Pauldrons
  • Item: Leather and Iron War skirt

Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling
  • Item: Flint and Tinder Box
  • Item: Bedroll
  • Item: Waterskin 1L
  • Item: Three changes of Clothes
  • Item: Whetstone for sharpening her swords

Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions
  • Item: Salve of Healing x4


Parents:Both her Father and Mother are alive in Elir Nazik
Siblings:Only Child.
Childhood: Born the daughter of a War Maiden and a skilled Cook, much was expected from Nalashira when she was young. If she did not show the skill meant for being a War Maiden, she was to train with her Father and become a Cook, a disgrace which would have marked her as unfitting to inherit anything from her parents. Like many young girls, she played with colorful fabrics and braided hair. Nala grew up quickly, seeing the world that she only knew as Elir Nazik to be a stepping stone in what would be a Journey. She looked forward to becoming a War Maiden and, even though she knew it would mean many years of arduous training, knew that she’d come out for the better. Her days were spent running through the streets of Elir Nazik, playing tag and chasing after the dogs and cats which often wandered the streets of her home. As she grew older, her Mother grew harsher on her, telling her to act more as a War Maiden for that was what she was to become. Nala naturally rebelled against her Mother’s harsh treatment and showed that she would not be tamed the same way her Mother was. Though, this trait was one which would not grow prominent until she was faced with the training of the War Maidens.

As with all the girls who reached the age of seven, Nala was taken to the War Academy to be trained by the Maidens and to never see her Family except for once a year. Her days were filled with intense physical training while her evenings were spent studying warfare. She excelled in the training courses the War Maidens put her through, showing extraordinary agility and strength even for a girl her size. Yet, Nala slacked off on her studies and often spoke out against her teachers. For her insubordination, Nala had to endure the heat of a fire mere inches away from her which would burn for hours. Were she to pass out from the heat, she would be thrown out of the Academy. Thus, Nala endured the torturous actions of the War Maidens and grew to realize that they were not the noble women of legend who protected Elir Nazik. Many years passed and Nala grew into womanhood, attracting the eyes of many men and even some women who envied her.

Adulthood: A few months before she turned eighteen, Nala graduated from the Academy and was sent home with praise as she graduated the top of her class. She was to go on her Journey as soon as she turned eighteen and was given the months before then to prepare as she saw fit. Many of Nala’s nights were spent wandering Elir Nazik, thinking on what she had been taught and even occasionally letting her thoughts wander to the topic of boys and her future. Her days were spent wandering the bazaar and spending what money she had in acquiring weaponry which she could call her own. She is only a day before having to leave Elir Nazik and worry is eating away at her, not knowing what to expect when she leaves the gates of her home to explore the worlds. Somehow, she managed to go to sleep the night before, finding her bed to be a comfort like no other.


Character Quote: “Sometimes I yearn for the seas of sands, yet then I remember that they are nothing like the sights I have seen out here in the Green.”
Anything Else:
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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Cassandra R. Bhiloda-Darila

Character Image:

Character Summary

Name: Cassandra Riley Bhiloda-Darila
1. Sharia - The nickname her biological parents gave her because her last name was hard to pronounce.
2. Cass - The nickname given to her by her mother Madison but is used by a lot more people than the other one since this shortens her first name. Cassandra loves this nickname more than the other one.
Age: 17
DOB: June 30
Race/Ethnicity: Human
Place of Origin: The Noble City of Thrayheath
Gender: Female
Class/Job: In-Training Longbow Adept - This is what she would be if she joined the Thrayheathian Guard mostly because of her Conscription Training within the Noble City. Her dream job is to be a captain of a seafaring vessel.


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 18

Physical Attributes

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 118 lbs
Build: Athletic petite build
Skin Color: Pale White
Eye Color: Heterochromia - One silver eye and one green eye
Hair Color: Silver
Bust Size: 35C
Day to Day Attire: She wears a cotton blouse, which allows people to look down her shirt since she doesn't wear a bra. She wears her hair in a ponytail most of the time. She wears her kitten heel shoes, which have an emerald on it. She wears cottony silk skirt with underwear underneath it. The Cottony Silk Skirt and Blouse she wears are blue. This attire is when she is equipped with her quiver and longbow.

Psychological Attributes

Kind * Prideful * Fearful of Spiders * Dreamer

Personality: Her personality is very kind, generous, and proud about her family's status in the Noble City of Thrayheath. She gets very easily annoyed and can have a short temper when it deals with something she takes pride in, her last name that her parents pronounce wrong all the time even though it is their last names too. She is obsessed by jewelry since it is the most beautiful thing compared to her and anything else; she takes pride in her jewelry she was given to her by her parents, which is only hers. She also loves the same sex, she gets a little bit hot and bothered around females her own age or not. She has a fondness for rain since it usually constantly rains in the Noble City for weeks on end. This is the very core of her personality, things have chipped it, and she usually puts on a different mask to keep her very core of her being intact.

She absolutely has a terrible fear of spiders and because of this fear she usually tries to hide the fact, she is afraid of spiders. Therefore, she is terrible in acting, when she sees a spider of any size and usually gets a panic attack of uncontrollably crying. In addition, she was scarred for life when she saw a Brown Depth Spider, while it was raining talking to her and her mother and did not attack the Harbormaster at all and this spider was taunting the Noble City, and this means she will faint into unconscious if the Spider tries to get too close to her. She also dislikes or hates the sun because her skin, it very easily burns and she has to wear a cloak most of the time, when it is sunny. She has a cautious feeling of dread if her beautiful pale white, skin gets a blemish since it terrifies her more than being killed. She has a noble set of ideals and anything that ruins her beauty usually makes her highly depressed since a Noble Family raised her in the Noble City. She is a little bit risky in her appearance in terms of her clothes she wears to a fight but she likes flaunting her beauty any chance she gets.

She has a slight hatred on the rules of the Noble City, the conscription law, and the law where it is not applicable to date the same sex or marry the same sex. She is very proud of being a progeny in terms of Longbows, since it took her a year to master them instead of some people's kids to take two years or longer, however she had no real choice on the matter. She hates the double standards of her home city, she wants to change it by reforms, and other such things since it needs to be equal than it is now, in terms of certain freedoms need to be accepted. She loves her parents for the choice they gave her to keep the secret of her being a lesbian but it also hurt herself self-confidence as a whole it made her very disappointed in how she was going about things. She went on a self-exile to find out more about herself but it started after she turned 17 years old and this self-exile her parents fully supported. She was demoralized when she learned that her parents were feigning ignorance about her being the one thing they did not want. Her mother Madison came up to her on her 14th birthday and literally told the truth about what she knew and gave her a choice it was self-exile or banishment and forced joining the military when she gets back. However, they wanted her to self-exile herself on her 17th year birthday to explore the great vast planet to understand the reasons why, the Noble City of Thrayheath has these strict laws.

She wants to be an Oceanographer and travel the seas in a ship since she loves the oceans a lot and it is very pretty. She heard a rumor about some people who used to be from the Noble City of Thrayheath that was banished completely. In addition, this rumor was from her own parents if she does not want anyone's ire do not associate you with people who want to destroy the peace and prosperity of the Noble City. She was quite worried about what that rumor meant but she knew she could not tell anyone about her self-exile from the city. Three years later, is when she left the Noble City of Thrayheath in her own self-exile and she was told to try to reach the Andale Tower, to meet a Bhiloda-Darila Noble Family Agent by the name of Maria H. Cruces, which had important information for her and her family.


  • Coordination: She has great hand to eye coordination and is very good at balancing too. She hardly trips over herself only in a few occasions that are. When she was near people around her own age and her own gender, which causes these embarrassing moments.
  • Longbow Mastery: She mastered the longbow in a very short timeframe; it only took her, an entire year. She forced herself to train constantly with a longbow, so her father wouldn't no longer punish her.
  • Oceanographer: She wants to travel the seas with the wind in her hair. She learned this during her Conscription Training. She wants to be a captain of a seafaring vessel and help out everyone, wherever she needs to go.
  • At a Glance: She can tell if a sea vessel is on its last legs or brand-new and has been keeping up on its maintenance. She learned this while she was in Conscription Training by her mother who can tell seafaring vessels are almost broken down and needs replacing or just needs minor repairs. How they swayed in the sea by the movement of the water around the seafaring vessel.
  • Conscription Training: She was conscripted when she was nine years old to learn the Longbow for the survival of her entire city. She was forced to learn every single detail of how to properly wield the longbow. Her father was a cruel taskmaster when teaching his daughter how properly to wield the longbow; if she failed, she would be punished without food. She learned At a Glance, Oceanographer, and Longbow Mastery from this training regime. The parents of the conscripted can train the child in their regime, if one fails to do so they can be forced to go without food or other necessities.
  • Magic Attunement: She learned this own her own, this was on her own time as being trained to protect her home city from Spiders. She was attuned to healing and water magic since it suited her needs, and someone saw her training with this magic and decided to teach her some important things about magic. One of her instructors mostly by the name of Derrick N. Draevan, who was a part of training magical adepts to better handle the Giant Spiders over the soldiers who use bows or swords. She learned that overusing magic is a worse fate than death since you can become a monster who hungers for the magical essences of everyone ever and this horrified her. He told her that water is all around us in the Noble City since it is constantly raining while life is just where you find it. He taught her how to enchant an arrow with Ice and shoot it at a target. The Magic Attunement Training happened separately from her Conscription Training since it was not her parents teaching her and someone else. She was taught two spells from Derrick N. Draevan one for Offensive purposes, which is Enchanted Ice Arrow and one for longevity that is Enchanted Water Pouch.


  • Healing Touch: It heals light wounds of scratches, cut marks, and other such things. It is a basic healing spell and it glows similarly to her core of personality. It glows Pink, Orange, and Red that is a gentle to the touch when she is healing someone. this magic spell's cast time is 15 minutes to 30 minutes and that is up to the injury that needs to be healed, the more dangerous the longer it takes since it is her concentration needs a little bit more to get the right amount of pressure while her healing touch happens. The elements need to cast is anything of its affinity, which is healing and high amounts of concentration. The drawback is if she loses, her concentration for too long the spell will utterly fail and backfire on her in a feedback loop, which will cause her spell to not be able to be used for at least an entire week.
  • Water Bolt: This is simply a bolt of water, which in colder climates will freeze into a freeze bolt. It flies slower than an arrow from a longbow or a crossbow. The casting time is short compared to other spells since it is a base level spell in the water affinity, it requires water to cast, and the expected damage of said spell is low compared to other spells. The Drawback it of casting this spell is she cannot cast it again for every 2 hours or it has to hit a target before it can be cast again.
  • Enchanted Ice Arrow: Derrick N. Draevan taught this to her. Enchanted Ice Arrow uses her depression to make up for certain things in her life, which classified as a great disappointment. The Enchanted Ice Arrow when it hits a target it slows it down for a short duration up to 1 hour but it cannot go any higher than that. The damage is similar to an actual arrow but it has the added bonus of ice damage, which is low to medium depending on if they are weak to the element or not. It requires water to cast on an arrow, which will freeze on the arrow's tip and make it ice but she will need to shoot it out of her Longbow to get the desired effect. The drawback of casting this spell is she cannot cast it again for 3 hours after it has been casted. It is only because of the mastery of this spell.
  • Enchanted Water Pouch: Derrick N. Draevan taught this to her. Enchanted Water Pouch makes the water within a water pouch last a lot longer than supposed to be since it refills the water. The casting time is only 15 minutes but the spell lasts for three days but the refilling nature of this spell slowly drains Cassandra's mana until it reaches half. The element required is water. The drawback of casting this more than required is it will completely drain all of Cassandra's Mana and requires her to sleep for more than eight hours to recover it.



  • Vurin's Necklace of Worship: This necklace, Cassandra wears more times than her family heirloom since she is very devoted to the religion that the Noble City practices, even though it allows all forms of worship in the city. It is made from silver, with its religious icon being a Lightning Bolt and a raindrop to show reasons why you must always be grateful to the skies. The Raindrop is Cassandra's Birthstone is a pearl. She wears it with her casual attire. She got this on her 12th birthday when she went to the Thrayheath Grand Church with her parents and picked the Vurin, the God of Storms.
  • Black Cloak: It is a normal black cloak, which protects her from the elements mostly the sun since she does not want her skin to be burned. It is decorated with her noble family's name on it.
  • Coin Pouch: This carries enough money for inns and other things. She carries this on her person on her quiver in a secret compartment.
  • Bag of Assortment Items: This bag carries flint and steel, a dairy, and writing utensils. This bag is a little bit less extravagant than the larger one she has, which carries her other stuff including other things. This bag is small enough to be put on her waist.
  • Water Pouch: It is a big water pouch, which carries enough water before it needs to be refilled as long as you are not going through a Desert. The water pouch will be needed to refill at a watering hole or by rain.
  • Small Skinning Knife: The small skinning knife is to do some skinning of animals, which she catches for hunting. It is on her waist in a knife holder.


  • Composite Longbow with decoration on it: It has three smallish emeralds embedded in the wood to give it a sparkly look. The Longbow has a certified name of the crafter of the weapon as well as her name underneath. Heather L. Soren-Esta is the name of the Fletcher and she gave this to Cassandra as a work order but put her name on it. The Fletchers follow the code to the letter in the Noble City of Thrayheath. This Composite Longbow costs 1,500g from her father's own pockets since he wanted his daughter to be happy after completely mastering the Longbow training in only a year. Heather gave this Composite Longbow to her in her home, after Cassandra's horrible ordeal a week ago with a Brown Deep Spider. Cassandra was 10 years old at the time.
  • Quiver highly decorated: The Quiver was made out of hard leather and was decorated with emeralds and rubies. This quiver can carry up to 55 arrows in it. The best fletchers in the Noble City of Thrayheath masterly created the arrows. Cassandra's order was only for 50 arrows out of the 55, the quiver could carry. It has a secret compartment for her coin pouch, which does not hurt the durability of the Quiver itself. This Quiver with 50 arrows costs 125g from her father's own pockets since he wanted his daughter to be happy after completely mastering the Longbow training in only a year. Heather gave this Quiver with the 50 arrows in it to Cassandra in her home, after Cassandra's horrible ordeal a week ago with a Brown Deep Spider. Cassandra was 10 years old at the time.


  • Thrayheathian Hawk: The Thrayheathian Hawk is on the city's flag from afar, the Hawk is symbolized as the strength to fly across the skies when it is still raining and only take a rest. Cassandra has a Hawk; she usually allows it its free space. The domestic hawk usually takes long times away from its owner Cassandra to hunt for prey to be well fed before returning to her. Her parents got the Thrayheathian Hawk when she was young around 5 years old way before she was conscripted into the defense of her city. The Hawk is bred within the walls of the city, in any number of specialized homes that love animals to an extreme and the Hawk usually picks its owner before its owner knows it. Cassandra gave this hawk a nickname by the name of Dart since it has a dart of red on its beak. The other thing about this hawk is unique about it; it shares the same eye color of its owner.

Pack Contents:

  • Nightgown: The Nightgown is made of silk the same as her countess dress, which goes past her knees. The nightgown has a pair of cotton underwear with it since she does not wear a bra with her nightgown.
  • The Noble Dress: The countess dress, which is made up of colors that make her eyes and hair stand out more. The primary color of this dress is blue while the trim is black and has some silvery bits here and there. The Countess Dress is made up of silk. She has a bra to go with this noble dress, which is 35C in size.
  • The Necklace of Pride: This is very similar to a Regal Aurora Borealis Crystal Necklace but it is crafted by the best with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and Zircon Gems, the primary jewel on the necklace is called the Pride of Bhiloda-Darila, which is a beautifully found pearl, and it was cut to be in a round configuration. The pearl is completely see through instead of what pearls are, it is very similar to a diamond but not. She wears this necklace in her noble attire over her casual attire.
  • Tent: She carries a tent in her pack it is a good-sized tent for two people at least.
  • Extra Clothes: She carries extra clothes within her pack, which are usually an extra shirts and skirts for her casual set since wear and tear can happen.
  • Secret Pouches: She has assorted items within these pouches there is a total of eight but she carries at least enough magical supplies to use her magic, which is classified as healing magic or attack spells but they are very limited.


  • Mana Potion: The mana potion recovers mana so Cassandra can use her magic spells again but it is not instantly. It takes about 30 to an hour before it can recover a large amount of used up mana. The taste of the mana potion has a somewhat sweet and sour taste to it.
  • Healing Potion: The Healing Potion recovers health so Cassandra can heal injuries quicker than normal. It takes about 15 minutes to 30 minutes fully to recover from minor injuries, but it will take longer if the injuries are more severe. The taste of the Healing potion has a somewhat sweet taste to it.
  • Anti-Poison Salve: The Anti-Poison Salve does what it says, it protects from poison for at least 3 hours before you have to take it again. However, it has a very bitter taste to it, since it is made from ingredients in the Noble City and not all Anti-Poison Salves taste the same.
  • Anti-Poison Salve: The Anti-Poison Salve does what it says, it protects from poison for at least 3 hours before you have to take it again. However, it has a very bitter taste to it, since it is made from ingredients in the Noble City and not all Anti-Poison Salves taste the same.
  • Anti-Tanning Salve: The Anti-Tanning Salve is a strange potion; Cassandra's mother created it because the citizens of the Noble City have fears over their skin becoming sun burnt. It is not drunk like the other potions and salves it is put on the skin itself to protect it from the Sun's Rays for at least 5 hours. However, it stings when placed on the skin since it is unique of a salve so it usually takes someone else to apply the salve on the skin.


Parents: Her father and mother are alive and they are named Varek Nicolas Bhiloda-Darila and Madison Ilya Bhiloda-Darila.
Siblings: None
Birth: Her birth was on a rainy day on June 30, which is a good omen for everyone living within the Noble City of Thrayheath since they celebrities' births on rainy days. It was a grand celebration, which the entire town took part since the Bhiloda-Darila Noble Family was hoping for a daughter and they got their wish. This increased the prestige of the Bhiloda-Darila family by much since massive celebrations of a birth happen. The Bhiloda-Darila Noble Family is the most powerful and most prestigious of all the noble families in the Noble City. Her family gave a lot of money in upgrading the infrastructure for each of the districts since they wanted to share their wealth and prestige with everyone.


Special Moments: One of them was Heather and her sharing a tender moment in a secret hiding area, kissing in secret away from any prying eyes. This weighed heavy on her since she knew it was against the Noble City's Rules.
Current Events: She is on the road to Andale Tower to meet up with a family contact by the name of Maria. However, she has not met anyone on this road towards Andale Tower and that is quite disturbing since there is always people on this road. She stays on the road and wonders where everyone is until she hears a Screech in the distance of Tree Willows attacking someone or something; she did not want to investigate it because she is utterly terrified of those spiders. The Screeching stopped and something else was strange a deep Howl happened, it sounded like a Dire Wolf. The Dire Wolf ran towards the Road, stopped right in front of Cassandra, and let out a yelp. Cassandra was confused in why it yelped. The Dire Wolf looked into the eyes of Cassandra and slowly turned into a human girl. Cassandra was utterly shocked to see a druid. The Female Druid was badly injured and was the last one in a band of druids heading towards the Noble City. The Female druid cursed the spider's name, walked towards the Noble City, and just ignored Cassandra.

Cassandra was still walking towards Andale Tower but she does not know how long it will take since she did not really take a map with her but as long as she listened to her mother's advice of staying on the road she will be okay.


Character Quote: "My name is Cassandra and I hope I never run into another spider ever again." ~ Cassandra said with the deep-seated fear.
Anything Else: She noticed the beauty of the world around her even though she was wearing a black cloak.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Thryr the Stone

The humble berserker

Name:Thryr Bjornson. Son of Head Warrior Jerrod Bjornson
Aliases:The Stone. Fireheart.
Age: 28
Race/Ethnicty: Half Giant.
Place of Origin: Bradford
Gender: Male, Omnisexual
Class/Job: Berserker. Has done many types of jobs... Bartending, was a bodyguard at a brothel, mostly does smithing.


Strength: 19
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 7

Physical Attributes

Height: 8'2
Weight: 380
Build: .... He's quite large. Mostly muscle.
Day To Day Attire: Usually wears a leather and fur vest over a black tank top with leather gauntlets. His pants are also leather and he wears sturdy metal tipped boots. When outside he wears a large blood red fur cloak that hides his entire body and face.

Psychological Attributes

Fearless * Abscentminded * Kind * Slow to action

Personality: He is often lost in his own surroundings. His thoughts are more on what he can find to interest himself and how to make the world somewhat safer. He generally dislikes being at rest like most beserkers but unlike them he isn't battle-starved. For Thryr a good drink, some good friends and a stomach of warm food is a good evening.

In battle, he is a guardian at heart. Taking hits for others in the form of bull rushing into the fray. He tends to hit the big enemies first, cleaving his wy to them with his massive warhammer. To him, if you cannot fight, you will not survive. So he does his best to end things quickly, an easy feat for a being of his unbelievable strength.

Outside of battle, Thryr is often found where there is mead and food to be had. Or the forge, ever working on improving his skill(a pretty damn good one) and taking out any residual anger out on the metal he's working with.


A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges

  • Skill: Heavy proficiency- His massove size and strength make him able to wear heavy armor as if it were a jacket and wield incredibly large weapons. He also can carry almost twice his weight currently.
  • Skill: Blacksmith's eye- His constant use of metalworking gives him an incredible insight on the flaws in armors and weapons, he may not be too smart, but his instinct in finding the chinks and ruts is very good.
  • Skill: Mercenary Training- He learned this from his father who runs a large merc guild in Bradford. Survival skills and experience with dealing with a wode variety of opponents. Also able to swim in rapids, dive, and balance.
  • Skill: Thick Skin- Giant ability. Harder to break bones and scratches don't do much to him. He is also highly tolerant to pain.
  • Skill: Low Light Vision- Giants see well in the dark.
  • Skill: Meditation- Like most of his kind, Half giants have as much magic and stronger body magic than pure humams. Because he is a berserker he tends to "spill" magic when angered. So his father's friend, a mage, taught him meditation. To help calm himself and strengthen his focus. It is hard for Thryr because he is more active than mozt, being a berserker.


A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any drawbacks to casting

  • Blood Rage:

    "They say that their blood literally boils, becoming thicker and giving these already fierce warriors even greater strength... The legends say that when one of these warriors awakens this, the earth trembles and shakes...

    Cast time: Instantaneous
    Spell Class: Blood Magic
    Effect: Adds incredible strength and defense. For around five minutes. Any longer and he risks going out of control or dying. Lowers perception as all one thinks of is killing his enemies. Requires heavy bleeding to activate. Also cures all diseases.
  • Sunder: Empowershos arms with even more strength to do a single massive attack.

    Cast time: 3 secs
    Spell Class: Blood Magic

    Effect: Instantly breaks bones and rends armor. High chance of outright death due to extreme force. For people of his own size it allows an attack that goes through their guard to stun for ten secs. After the attack is a five second period where he cannot move.
  • Claws of the Beast: Puts magic power into his hands to do a powerful cleaving punch. Able to rend most armors.

    Cast time: 5 secs.
    Drawback: Must be in melee range.
  • Stomp: Sends a wave of kinetic force to momentarily stun. Does no actual damage unless he stomps on someone.

    Cast Time: Instant
    Condition: Must be able to focus. Gets stronger in Blood Rage.


Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc

  • Everday clothes: What he usually wears
  • Coin purse: Good luck finding it. Has plenty of gold needed for things... Also has his guild badge in it. So he doesn't forget it...
  • Large backpack with sleeping roll: Holds lots of tidbits of things he works on. Holds his armor pieces.
  • Amulet of Dreams: A gift from his mother. Helps keep his emotions in check.
  • Merchant Guild badge: Part of his necessary things to use public smithies.

Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items

  • Black Iron Warrhammer: Massive hammer with a banded leather grip.
  • Black Iron Claymore: For use when not smashing heads in. Four foot long blade. Half a foot wide. Can't be used by small humans.

Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items

  • Carved Giantish Armor: A full black iron set that attaches via hardened leather bands to his usual wear. Except the Chestpiece. That requires him actually putting it on. When in full gear the carving makes him look like a bear.
  • Black Iron Tower Shield: For use when not berserking. Usually on his back. Five feet long, can be used an effective throwing weapon, wedge, battering ram, or as a plain old shield.

Animals: Have a horse or bird?

  • Animal: N/A

Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling

  • Bandages and poultices He might not be too smart, but he knows that he needs to carry a few in case something really bad happens...
  • Metal bits: Used to fix up armor amd weapons in the field. Also to tinker with stuff so he doesn't go off and accidentally break something...
  • Letters: He sends one home to his father every once in a while. Lest the old man get off his lazy ass to hunt him down... Heh... No. Not a joke at all....
  • Dry rations: He eats a lot... At least five pounds of food is a normal meal...
  • Small dagger: used to cut hides and all that nasty stuff people get squeamish over...

Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions

  • Potion of Healing: He's got a few in his pack to help with healing and stuff.
  • Antidote: .... He has a lot. Because he tends to eat all the berries in the forest.


Parents: Jerrod Bjornson. Mother died die to birthing complications.
Siblings: Seren(Sister), Firstborn, Friendly. Draxor(Brother), Secondborn, Friendly. Hildan(Brother), Nuetral.
Childhood: Growing up was hard for Thryr. He wasn't well liked by the extended family because he wasnt as smart... And he often went on fits of rage, breaking things. He eventually settled down as he got older. At a young age he proved to be adept in battle. His strength only grew and he often broke things on accident. In response this his father started training him in blacksmithing. He drilled its finer points into Thryr, giving the young boy a proper way of getting his rage out.

Adulthood: After his Rite of Manhood, Thryr decided he wanted to travel for a bit. His father, who runs the city, allowed him since he had both a Merchant and Adventurer guild badges. He told him to write a letter once a week to let him know that his favorite son was safe.

Thryr set off, traveling and making a name fore himself, using his father's connections to build his own... And forgot about his father's single request. This lead to the door of the pub he was in being knocked down and Jerrod storming in demanding to see him. It was quite a shock to the patrons to see the massive half giant quite literally shaking in his boots. He's never forgotten to write since.

At age 20 Thryr found his first lover. His name was Drixel, and he was a mage Thryr saved from some muggers. Drixel then followed him around determined that Thryr wanted something from him. But found that the berserker did it because they had insulted him. They became friends. And after a night of drinking a few months later became lovers... Only for a few years later for Thryr to get a letter saying he was missing.
Special Moments: Battles stick out to him. Sunsets and dawn are something he holds close to him as he was told it was what his mother loved... and he never got to se her.
Current Events: The letter was posted in the guild and Thryr wanted to take it. Being forbidden by his father he snuck out, leaving a note and set off on a journey to find the source. He is drivenby his need to get out and live his life his own way. His other motivation would be to find the lost trail of Drixel.


Character Quote: Fate whispers to the warrior: You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back: "I am the storm"
Anything Else: Thryr has a weakness for apple mead and loves to swim/dive.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Character Summary

Name: The sound of a plant growing rapidly via magic. Maranek names are typically a sound due to their ability to mimic noises. They will generally have a word or two for it for non-maranek and writing purposes.
Aliases: Sprout, The sound of wolves howling (childhood name)
Age: 22
Race/Ethnicty: Maranek
Place of Origin: Galorand
Gender: Male


Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a baseline to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats.


Physical Attributes

Weight:89 lbs.
Build: Not very muscular, even compared to others of his species. Other than that he looks a lot like most others of his kind, a humanoid crow. He has black feathers except on his chest where they are instead a dark blue.
Day To Day Attire: Mostly wears robes made of natural plant material

Psychological Attributes

Humble * Helpful * Free-spirited * Oblivious

Personality: Sprout is the kind of person who just wants to go where the wind takes him. Given his ability to fly sometimes that's literal. The practical classes at the academy were much more to his liking than anything written. He doesn't like feeling as though he's in a cage, he wants to be out and exploring the world.
From an early age Sprout was taught to be humble about who he was. For the longest time he never realized how well off his family was. They didn't live extravagant lives, money was just never an issue, so he never thought himself better than anyone else. Even now that he knows of and has access to the family fortune he chooses to wear simple clothes, and live off his own means.
Sprout is the kind of person who will help anyone or anything he thinks he is able to help. Obviously plants and animals are easier to help than people most of the time. Sprout can be a bit thick headed at times though and probably won't notice any hints someone might drop that he's being annoying. Oftentimes Sprout lives in his own world, and people need to be pretty explicit for him to get what they're saying.


A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges

  • Skill: Animal Communication Is able to communicate with any animal he may come across. Doesn't mean they always want to talk, only that he knows they understand him and he understands them. (Possibly magic, made it a skill since it's more of a passive thing)
  • Skill: Mimicry Can mimic any sound he has heard before. Voices are harder and can be found as fake by someone paying enough attention. This is a skill most Maranek possess.
  • Skill: Natural Flight Sprout can fly just like a bird would. This is why he travels as light as he can, heavy armour would just hinder this ability
  • Skill:First Aid Sprout knows how to clean and dress a wound, make a splint for a broken bone, perform CPR, and other first aid abilities. He worked hard to learn this because he's not very proficient with healing magic.
  • Skill: Bow Training A combination of formal training and his own practice has made Sprout fairly able to fire an arrow
  • Skill: Forest Survival Sprout is able to find food and water fairly easily in forests. This skill can be extended to other areas with the use of his ecological empathy magic.


A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any drawbacks to casting

  • Spell: Weather Manipulation Can cause rain, fog, clouds, clear skies, and a variety of other weather conditions. Cast time varies and is usually dependant on the environment. Causing it to snow in a desert would take quite a long time, but causing clouds to dissipate would be much faster.
  • Spell: Lightning Strike Mostly used for show, Sprout can call a bolt of lightning from a cloud. It looks impressive but is difficult to make accurate. He has special metal arrows to fire at an enemy he wishes to kill to improve accuracy. He does not enjoy killing so this is rarely used
  • Spell: Wild Growth Sprout can cause plants to grow rapidly, this included regenerating the plants cells in a case where it may be dying. He carries the seeds of viney plants so he can always try to trip up or tie up an attacker if he is not near plan life. Sprout is most adept at this type of magic.
  • Spell: Ecological Empathy Sprout can sense the state of nearby plant life and knows what is wrong with it if anything, be it magical, natural, poison, etc. The more mana he uses the larger the area can be. Plants in his immediate vicinity use essentially no mana.


Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc

  • Item: Walking Staff A staff that belonged to his father, never goes anywhere without it
  • Item: Clothing Simple robes he wears all the time
  • Item: Coin Bag Bag with copper, silver, and gold pieces. He tries not to let people see how much he has on him

Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items

  • Item: Quarterstaff While usually just a walking stick, when cornered and unable to use magic, Sprout is able to fight at least competently with his staff.
  • Item: Bow and Arrow Sprout is more proficient at ranged combat than he is in melee.
  • Item: Metal Arrows Custom arrows made of metal to help aim his lightning spell, not often used.

Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items

  • Item:Ironwood breastplate Simple breastplate worn under his robes. Made from the bark of an ironwood tree. It is strong but relatively light

Animals: Have a horse or bird?

  • Animal:Raven Beatrice is his familiar

Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling

  • Item: Bed roll Siple bed roll to use when out in the wild
  • Item: Flint and steel Used to make a fire

Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions

  • Item: Natural healing salve X3 Healing salves Sprout has created himself

Creation Materials: Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy

  • Item: Medicinal herbs/berries Several kinds of herbs and berries used to make his custom healing salve. It's really the only potion he's good at making.


Parents: Father is deceased. Mother is alive, friendly relationship but not too close.
Siblings: No siblings
Childhood: Sprout grew up in a well off family, never needing to worry about money. When he hatched his parents heard wolves howling and thought it a great name for their newborn son.
Adulthood: Upon becoming an adult at 13 in maranek customs Sprout went off to learn magic at the Forest Academy located just inside the Faerie Woods. His teachers remarked how he was gifted with druidic magic, and he enjoyed it so much he chose his adult name based off of it. Sprout can coerce magic in to doing what he wants when he is not being violent, suck as restoring life to a dying plant, or clearing clouds to make the sun shine through. When using his magic for combat purposes though he must force it and impose his will like anyone else would.
Special Moments: His father got ill shortly after Sprout went off the the academy. He was around for Sprout choosing his adult name and he thought it a fine name, he died a few days after that.
He met his familiar just outside the woods. She had a broken wing and he helped her get back to full health. She admired his kindness and decided to stick around.
Current Events: Sprout has finished his studies for now, he feels he has learned all he can from school and must start learning on his own. Beatrice suggested travel, she said Elir Nazik is nice this time of year. He knew she was joking but maybe he would give it a look anyways.


Character Quote: "I'm a lover, not a fighter. But I'll fight for what I love."
Anything Else: When speaking with someone he often subconsciously mimics their voice slightly
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