The Noble City of Thrayheath has about eight different noble families controlling the day-to-day lives of their people. The most prestigious of these noble families is the Bhiloda-Darila Family and the second prestigious noble family is the Soren-Esta Family. The Noble City of Thrayheath was built up by the two most prestigious noble families, which pride themselves on the unique architecture they built. The Noble City of Thrayheath is a tiered city with eight districts within it, all named after the eight noble family’s last name. The Noble Families mansions are in the center of the eight districts. There is a vast building in the center of the entire city, which is the noble family council building, which is called Thrayheath Hall; it is in the ninth district, which is called Thrayheath Proper. The Noble City of Thrayheath is neutral among the other kingdoms on the planet; they get many travelers going in and out of this city, who wish to go to other places. The rain never stops over the Noble City of Thrayheath; it can constantly rain for about a whole week at sometimes.
Architecture: Thrayheath’s architecture similar to that of Italian and German Architecture but with a wider range of darker colors and brighter colors. The important buildings are with brighter colors and the housing is darker in color. However, there is no gray in the entire noble city. The shapes of the buildings are similar to the Italian/German Architecture. The city’s docks are very beautiful and large enough to hold about three ships of the line but it can hold a lot more of the smaller ships.
Districts: The eight districts of the noble city of Thrayheath are named after the eight noble family’s last names. All the districts have the noble family’s mansions and they are in the complete center of the district and it usually intersects with the ninth District where the Thrayheath Hall is located that district is called Thrayheath Proper. In addition, the housing of the Noble City of Thrayheath is spread around all nine districts and including the outside of the city. Walls of stone separate the Districts since the city needed to be protected; the stone is usually limestone or granite. The gates are normal sized construction, they can fit a large animal equal to the size of an Elephant or slightly bigger, and you are required to buy a district pass from the entrance to the city.
The Briloda-Darila District is the cleanest district since it is specialized in making jewelry, clothes, and these shops charge a lot of money for their services. The Soren-Esta District has more hands on shops, alike Blacksmithing, Fletchery, and it has Thrayheath Grand Church in this district. The Yaariyan District is the inns, taverns and other forms of entertainment and it has the Thrayheath Park in it as well. The Garr-Molsi District is the Harbor District, which holds warehouses, the docks itself, and a building, which houses shipbuilders to construct any size of ship, which is the size of a Sloop or smaller. The Draevan District is the Military District, which trains soldiers and guardsmen to keep the city peaceful from dangers from the water and the land; it houses the Military Complex called Thrayheath Fortress. The Ragna-Marr district is the where the criminals go to lay low, there is dens of bandits and thieves in this district and if you go alone you might be killed. The Beta-Lira district is the Magic District it has magic shops, magic schools, and other such things, it houses the Thrayheath Magic School of the Nobles. The Wilhelm district is a district of mystery and fortunes told, it is where the would-be physics go to get a buck on the unexpecting traveler.
Culture: The Noble City of Thrayheath has a mixed culture compared to other cultures, both genders within the city are treated equally as if they were a part of a Noble Family. The Ratio of Male to Female is slightly more in favor of the female at least one male to two female. The Noble City of Thrayheath has a harsh conscription policy since it requires all able-bodied citizens, living within the city to learn how to fight at a young age (9 Years Old) for both genders. The Noble City of Thrayheath usually prides itself on its fleet of mixed ships and its three Ships of the Line even though they usually use this fleet for protecting other kingdom’s trade fleets. They have to do this protecting trade fleets because of their trade agreements to all other kingdoms to keep their neutrality.
There is a strict rule against same-sex relationships. Anyone who is found out to be an offender of breaking this law is disowned from their Noble Family and banished from the city. However, this only affects the citizens within the Noble City itself. However, they usually cover up the fact if anyone has been banished. The offenders of this crime are usually told to keep their heritage a secret and never to come back to the city or they will be killed. The Noble City of Thrayheath has lack Religion Policies, is to allow anyone to worship in their city, which brings fortunate to the city or a rival of theirs, they enjoy friendly competition. The Nobles have knowledge in all things, which goes on in their city and sometimes without, the most fun they have is with a trader trying to get a better deal than they had gotten. The Nobles gave trading licenses to the other kingdoms on the continent of Sage via a letter of recommendation in not harming their neutrality. The Noble City of Thrayheath has a neutral attitude with what is going on the world, they haven’t once tried to intrude on other people’s business if they come from the other kingdoms.
The Noble City of Thrayheath worships the gods of Vurin and Alanthrial as their primary gods. They also have one secondary and tertiary god they also worship. Casion is the secondary god and Turin is their tertiary god. It is mostly because it constantly rains over the Noble City and they always praise their gods for the fortunate rains. They usually show their appreciation by wearing jewelry that matches their worship requirements.
Additionally, they are absolutely have a problem on their hands, there has been Giant Spiders coming from the woodlands to the north and the coast to the east and west of their city. These spiders are similar to Black Widows or Brown Recluses but much larger and much more dangerous compared to the smaller counterparts. Everyone within the Noble City of Thrayheath is terrified of spiders because of a strange coincidence, which caused him or her to be suspicious of these spiders. These spiders have intelligence as if someone is leading them to cause mayhem and terror to the citizens of Thrayheath. The Spiders from the woodlands are called Tree Willows and the spiders from the ocean are called Brown Depth Spiders. This is the primary reason, why the Noble City of Thrayheath has a very strict conscription policy. The spiders only come out around midnight to 3 o’clock. There has only been one incident called the Spider's Declaration of Terror to the Citizens of Noble City of Thrayheath, which caused one of these spiders literally to terrorize Cassandra and Madison of the Bhiloda-Darila Noble Family by taunting them and their nightmares was terrifying. This happened around 8 o'clock in the morning. The Spiders are fluent enough to speak the language of any kind of human they deem their enemies.
Rule Changed: The most important law within the Noble City was changed because of the horrific attack on the city by the Giant Spiders. It has to deal with Same-Sex Relationships instead of being disowned from their family and banished from the city for the rest of their lives. If they ever try to return, they will be killed on site and they will be, as they never existed within the Noble City. The Rule Change only exiles them for eight years and their noble family will not disown them, even though it puts a huge burden on the noble families if that happens. The Noble Families affected by this will lose about half of their wealth and prestige and given a penalty of showing their faces in public. Until the accused marries a wealthy male but if they do not marry a male, they will be forced to join the Thrayheathian Guard and this only happens when the 8 years of exile is up. The only reason why this is a part of the rules is to increase the Military Population within the Noble City. If they are forced to join the Thrayheathian Guard, they will stay as Adepts for the rest of their lives.
However, the Bhiloda-Darila Noble Family was the big opponents for the change since their daughter was highly affected by the Giant Spiders since it made her unable to move for a week, in a coma. Even though it is somewhat less strict, it would have been better if it stayed its old way in terms of strictness since this will bite many people in the asses because of this change. In addition, the Draevan Noble Family in the council meeting did not really mean the forced to stay as Adepts but it was a very heated debate about the Same-Sex Relationship rule. The Adepts would be allowed to go to Apostles and to Draevan's Equal but it will take a lot longer for their training in each rank instead of 15 years total, it will take 30 years in total.
Religion Leader: The Religious Leader within the Noble City of Thrayheath is always an Head Priestess, which start on their path of being one at age seven and they are the only ones that allowed to be Conscripted into Service by anyone. They are completely exempt from this task. The Head Priestess is named Vera P. Yaariyan of the Yaariyan District. She was born on the same day as Cassandra R. Bhiloda-Darila.
Alchemy: Alchemy within the Noble City of Thrayheath has been gaining strength in the city since it is required for the city to keep its people healthy. However, the cost of alchemy materials cost a lot more than most in any other city and it is based on your prestige within the Noble City. The noble families within the Noble City that give their services free are the Bhiloda-Darila Family and the Draevan Family but their specialty items are the only way for them to make money. The Anti-Tanning Salve from the Bhiloda-Darila Family and the Draevan Family's Star Salve is an empowering rejuvenation for weapons to fix their impurities so they can last a lot longer in combat. The Star Salve can only be put on swords.
The Noble City of Thrayheath gives a 50% discount for Alchemy materials to anyone who is just passing through the city. The only things that cost for travelers are potions, salves and the two specialty salves, the Anti-Tanning Salve and the Star Salve. The Noble City donates potions and salves to its citizens to protect themselves from the Giant Spiders that are constantly attacking the city.
Icon: The symbol that is on the flag of the Noble City of Thrayheath is the Thrayheathian Hawk. It is given its space but they are very loyal to anyone, who is their owner. They are quite protective over their owners even in the most difficult of times. However, these hawks are quite expensive to own only the wealthiest of the Nobles in the Noble City can own them, the people who are from other cities, towns, or villages usually cannot even hope to own one. The Flag is only on the Seafaring vessels of the Noble City and on certain parts of their noble city on each Noble Family's Mansion.
Military Force: The Thrayheathian Guard is the most protective of its trading fleet but it requires a lot of training to be a Captain of one of these vessels. It requires you to become an Adept and train for 5 years, there is multiple adepts within the Thrayheathian Guard, it is whatever your Conscription training was about, Longbows, Crossbows, and Swords. There is a fourth Adept it is called the Magic Adept. The Adepts are the recruits in the Thrayheathian Guard, the next rank up from Adepts are Apostle, the Field Commanders of the ground forces.
However, you must know the adepts get to wear a certain armor set for each of their weapon types or if they use magic. The Magic Adepts get to wear their day-to-day clothes since magic usually is negated if wearing heavier armor. The Longbow Adepts get to wear Leather armor since it helps them have some protection against anything that tries to attack them. The Crossbow Adepts get Leather Armor with one chainmail piece of armor for whatever part of their body they want, aka mostly they pick underneath their leather armor on their upper body. The Sword Adept gets to wear the heaviest of armor.
The Apostles are allowed to keep their armor since they earned it and wear it wherever they go from now on, and they also get a name fitted for them after they earn this rank, they earn the title of protector of Nobles. If they stay in the Thrayheathian Guard for another five years, they will earn the highest rank within the Guard, it is called Draevan's Equal, there are a very few of these that aren't apart of the Noble Family of Draevan. The Draevan's Equal is the Captain Rank to be one of the captains of the Sea, to use the Trade Protection Fleet as well or not better than the one who founded the Military District of the Noble City; these Captains are usually able to captain the largest of the ships in the Protection Fleet. The Draevan Family commands two of the three ships of the line, while the third is Maria L. Wilhelm, who is the youngest daughter in that noble family's lineage and since she commands one of the three ships, it gives her family a lot more advantage in the Council.
The Captains usually gets a title, "The Protector of the Noble City's Neutrality." The training to become a Draevan's Equal is a lot tougher than becoming an Apostle. In addition, it is mostly because of your family's prestige in the Noble City, the higher up the harder it is to become a Draevan's Equal. That means the Bhiloda-Darila's Noble Family would be nigh impossible to become a Draevan's Equal.
The Military District is very loose with the city's rules, in terms of the Female Barracks only while the male barracks is strict to follow suit with the rules. The Female Barracks has strict rules within the barracks, which you must not make the prodigy cry from the Draevan Noble Family, which is kinda strange rule. Fiona N. Draevan is 17 years old right now and only took about 3 years to learn the Crossbow Training from her father and mother, while it is taking her longer to learn Swords from her older brother Derrick N. Draevan. She was 12 years old when she was forced into being a part of the Military lifestyle of her family so the only real companionship she sees is in her fellow female Adepts because she shown a knack for strategy, which is very uncommon among her family members. She also has a taboo way of looking at things, in terms of what her sexual preferences are, mostly the reason why the female barracks does not follow the same rules as the Male barracks.
The only reason why the Draevan Noble Family is allowed to skirt past the laws of the city is that they protect the city after the Conscripts are done with their training and very few of the conscripts join the military so it is a very battle hardened group of individuals, which kinda scary to come up against.
Ships of the Line: There are three ships of the line that the Noble City of Thrayheath own for their protection of all trade in the seas for anyone since they have their neutrality to think about. TSP; Thrayheathian Ship Protector is what they are classified as. TSP Theodore, TSP Draevan and the TSP Varek are the names of the ships. Garr-Molsi Noble Family's head is named Theodore N. Garr-Molsi and he controls the Harbor District is the primary reason why he has a name to a ship of the line. The other two are obvious; the Draevan Noble Family is very protective of their city in all ways since they are fully into military and Varek is the head of the Bhiloda-Darila's Noble Family.
Population: 600,000
Ethnicity: The Noble City of Thrayheath are lighter skin tone than all other humans, which makes them somewhat look like they are frail people in terms of their skin tone. They are sunburned very easily and usually cannot stay out in the sun very long. Their hair color are easily has a wide variety of hair colors. The people who possess silver hair are usually revered as apart most prestigious Noble Families and Traders; it is a very rare trait to be born with silver hair. Most people of the Noble City of Thrayheath are usually of the average height for male and female and can wear their hair as long or as short as possible, which they try to keep clean and well combed. The males like short hair and while the females like longer hair. The Noble City of Thrayheath’s primary eye color is Gray, which can sometimes turn into Blue Eyes.