Carnel Novell

Kingdom of Origin:
Carnel is a level-headed yet mischievous fellow. He tends to stand back and not capture the spotlight, but won't hesitate to make a remark when he feels that one is appropriate. Carnel prefers to stay in the back of a group and stay silent, taking in everything that everyone else is talking about. Despite this, though, Carnel can actually be rather talkative when he wants to be, inserting himself into a conversation to voice his opinions.
Carnel often takes point when fights break out, taking the initial attacks with his weapons while letting his teammates retaliate, and only afterwards will he add his own attacks, assuming the fight is still continuing. Carnel is all too ready to take commands from a capable leader, and will gladly follow the flow of the battle as the situation moves along. If there is no leader available, Carnel is willing to to take command, but he heavily dislikes taking this role, believing that it is far too much work and responsibility for him to handle comfortably.
Carnel was born in an average family, living a fairly normal and peaceful life. His parents spoiled him, and Carnel was happy. One day, though, Carnel came across a book that caught his attention. Curious, he began to read it, and was quickly engrossed into it. It was a tale of a legendary hero who slew monsters and protected the people. Immediately, Carnel knew what he wanted to be: a hero, just like in the stories. As Carnel grew up, he trained and studied, working hard to reach his goal.
He entered Haven Academy, believing that becoming a Huntsman was a surefire way to being a hero. He had learned early on that even becoming a Huntsman was no easy feat, never mind a hero, but he was determined to do so all the same. He trained and studied more, but as he lost spar after spar and earned average grades in schoolwork, it was clear that Carnel was not anything special. On top of that, Carnel realized that he, despite his goal, was not someone who really enjoyed the spotlight. Distraught, Carnel was thinking about giving up on his dream, until a fellow classmate noticed his situation and offered to help him out.
Together, they worked hard, and they quickly became the best of friends as they improved their skills. The two became part of the top 10 students in their classes, though Carnel was still the lower of the two. Despite that, Carnel continued to persevere, determined to one day beat his friend. Unfortunately, that day was not to come, as his friend had to make a sudden transfer to Atlas. It was the last time the two saw each other, but Carnel continued to work hard, and was allowed to transfer to Beacon. As he traveled, Carnel knew that he would never be a hero like in the stories he used to read as a kid, but perhaps he didn't have to be. He could be a hero on his own terms.
Crepitus: A large right-armed gauntlet that extends from the hand to the elbow. Thin metal plating covers the top of the forearm and the back of the hand, but is surprisingly effective at blocking and deflecting attacks due to the way the plating is layered, curved, and angled. The hand is studded around the knuckles, allowing for more damaging punches. The rest of the gauntlet is metal covering on top of a mechanisms that holds 3 forms of Dust in a revolving chamber and delivers it to the hand portion of the gauntlet.
-Fire: Fire Dust will have the hand catch fire, adding additional burn damage to his attacks.
-Wind: Wind Dist deals far less damage than a normal attack, but allows for greater knockback.
-Lightning: Lightning Dust allows the gauntlet to act as a tazer of sorts, as electricity can be seen crackling around the hand.
Eagle's Aegis: A square shield, carried by Carnel's left arm. The shield has a painting of an eagle on the front. The back of the shield is lined with joints, as the shield itself is a composite of metal bars. Because of the joints, the shield can bend to form a large cylinder, which can attach itself to Crepitus to concentrate the Dust on its hand. As a result, this combination forms a Dust launcher of sorts, granting the gauntlet a new range of attacks based on the Dust used.
-Fire: Launches a ball of fire that explodes on contact with any surface.
-Wind: A ball of condensed air is fired out of the launcher. It cannot harm anything, but it knocks away anything from the point of contact with powerful gusts of wind.
-Lightning: Launches a ball of electricity that creates an electrical field upon impact, which lasts a few seconds before dissipating.
Hermes: With his aura focused on his feet, Carnel will float half a foot off the ground and be able to glide around at the speed he would travel on foot. Carnel is also capable of changing direction as he moves with just a twist of his foot. When in the air, Carnel will slowly descend to the ground as he continues to glide through the air. Unfortunately, Carnel is not capable of moving directly upward, or even hovering in open air, with his Semblance and must rely on outside forces to compensate.
-Powerful defense with his shield and gauntlet, for obvious reasons. Capable offense with the same weapons, due to certain tactics such as shield bashing.
-Versatile attacks through the use of Dust.
-Skilled footwork for proper positioning when defending and attacking, as well as using his Semblance to its fullest potential.
-With the use of the Wind projectile and the Hermes Semblance, Carnel can propel himself into the air and stay afloat for extended periods of time as he rains down a barrage on his enemies.
-He tends to be more defense-oriented as he uses his shield and gauntlet, preferring to let others go on the offense before he follows up.
-With his right gauntlet being his main melee weapon, his attack directions are mostly focused on the right side, making his attacks somewhat easy to predict, and therefore block or dodge. In addition, his punches are powerful, but slow.
-In the air, as he is focused more on attacking, he is a choice target for any enemy capable of ranged attacks, and Carnel has little in the way of dodging attacks without losing altitude.
-Not as fast as he would like to be, considering how heavy Crepitus and Eagle's Aegis are.
- To be updated as rp progresses.
-Carnel has an incredible sweet tooth, and will just about anything to get his hands on some sweets.