Full name: Elizabeth Fenster
Code name: Ohio
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Implanted A.I.: Gamma
Armour Ability: Chameleon Armour

Without Armor:

Elizabeth stands at just over 5 feet 6 inches and for her size has considerable strength, her build reflects this. Her hair is tied up in a tight bun when training or in the field.
Personality: Like Elizabeth's armor, she is a social chameleon, changing to create her desired social dynamic. Despite her tendency to alter her behavior she is generally very confident and opinionated, she loves a good argument but tends to distort facts or change them completely. How far her lies go depends on how much she thinks she can get away with in a given situation. She indiscriminately uses people as tools, with no distinction or protection from this for familial or romantic relationships. However she is by no means ruthless about any of her maneuvers, she will use anyone but she also can enjoy their company for reasons other than their usefulness. In fact, Elizabeth is critical of that aspect of people like her, they tend to throw away or abuse anyone who isn't contributing to their ulterior motive. She sees this as narrow minded and needless limiting of her tool set, her preference to maintain a status of being well liked also turns her away from acting like others of a more manipulative personality. Like her IA Elizabeth is quite the liar and only tells the truth when it suits her, she's never failed a polygraph test (even though those are bogus) and its truly impossible to tell what she really believes and whether she is lying. She has this ability to sound completely convinced in what she is saying and is quite persuasive on top of that. Ironically, she likes to build a reputation of being honest, calling a bad situation like it is, not being afraid to stand up for whatever her current values are, giving her 'honest' opinion, this generally establishes her as a resource of honesty which she pairs with painting everyone and everything else as untrustworthy. In tandem these techniques usually give her a reasonable amount of manipulative control on others.
History: Elizabeth was actually born in an affluent family, the kind that sends their kids to college to be doctors or lawyers and live long, safe, boringly wealthy lives. War be damned, this family was going to look out for itself. Elizabeth was to be no exception, attending a prestigious school with plans to enter politics. She even had internships lined up where she would be working rather high up in the Unified Earth Government, the people there saw a bright future for her. A vision she once shared but in her junior year of college, this changed. Suddenly, and to many she knew, without reason she needed to leave it all behind. Only an idiot would assume there was really no reason but whatever happened or whatever she had seen wasn't leaving her lips without a fight. Her parents were rather distraught but she did not notice this as she did not ever ask or listen to their opinion, this was the theme with most people who approached her about her choice. Something had changed and those people could feel it but they couldn't place it, she acted the same, she wasn't angry or upset but she was still different.
These connections she had made though did not go completely to waste, she managed to get herself into special ops training right off the bat. As a young girl with no formal military training, those she had persuaded to get her placed did not expect things to go well, they expected her to either give up and come back or settle for something easier. Elizabeth did neither, and though the combat did come slower to her, she was much better than many had even thought she would be at theory and stealth. Over time it became clear her combat skills were decent but her prowess was in her espionage skills. Many of her special ops deployments were to investigate corruption or other allegations in a clandestine manner. A job many would abhor, the idea of ratting out fellow service members, did not bother Elizabeth at all. Her role expanded to be that of an assassin, specifically one who could infiltrate a following, eliminate the target, and supplant leadership, in order to hand over control of the situation to the UNSC. Elizabeth has seen little conflict in the actual war and her battles have been waged against other humans, a fact she is aware of and as such keeps her past role under wraps. She also keeps these secrets because many of these operations never existed and if they were to exist it would be due to her acting as free agent and not in any relation to or under orders by the UNSC. It was recently suggested to her that her talents would be useful in the Freelancer Project, she agreed and was swiftly placed into the program. To her colleges she's created the image of a gifted recon agent and guerilla fighter but there are cracks and she figures its only a matter of time that someone figures out what she really does, if they haven't already. After all she's not the smartest person there but she's the best liar.
Weapon Loadout:
- (x2) M6C Handgun with 2 extra clips
- (x2) Standard Combat Knife
- 2 smoke grenades
- Hard Sound Rifle (because she loves bees)
Fighting Style: Elizabeth openly lets others fight her battles, she not the strongest and she's not the biggest but she does what she can. She tends to go for guerilla tactics. Her marksmanship is good but shes no prodigy, and she often has to make her hand to hand opponents tire themselves out because she can not physically overpower them. She is extremely patient and will wait as long as she has to for her perfect shot, even if that shot is actually a stab.