Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 2 mos ago

is an authorized representative of
and shall be granted all privileges thereof

Early in the morning, exactly one week following the advertisement of openings at the TIN DRAGON DETECTIVE AGENCY . . .

Rhea Heimlich, upon opening the Cybele Cafe, would find an envelope propped against the coffee tin.

Andrea Gardenia would hear a tap at the prosthetic-shop window. Upon investigation, she would find an envelope propped on the sill.

Lian Mei would, upon waking, find an osprey perched and chattering in her camp, an envelope tied to its back.

Johan Von Hochstadt would find an envelope placed neatly atop his desk in his study.

Jacky Vic would be awakened when a heavy envelope dropped on his head from the top of the Howl.

Alice Pines would be handed an envelope by one of her 'patients' at the Howl, who would explain he found it in a dream.

Dr. Rose Branwen would discover, in the apothecary, an envelope tucked between the jars of healing salve.

Trilune Lewthwyne d'Arch would run into a small boy in the street, who handed her an envelope and ran away.

Jenna Longworthy would find, upon her return to the cottage, an envelope tacked to the door.

Uwen would find an envelope tacked to the stable door upon waking.

The envelope was of fine paper, calligraphed with the recipient's name and sealed with violet wax stamped with the ouroboros insignia. Inside the envelope was a neatly folded letter, an identification card, and several gold coins. The letter read thus:


Your application for employment at TIN DRAGON DETECTIVE AGENCY has been accepted.

Before you can be officially hired as an official agent, officially, you must pass an introductory investigation assignment.

Please find enclosed an identification card that must be carried with you at all times. This card will grant you access to most restricted files and areas, and will act as proof of authority in most situations where such a thing might be useful in your work on behalf of the Agency. Losing or misusing this card will result in automatic failure of your introductory investigation.

Please find also enclosed a sum amount that will cover your travel expenses to the village of Riffraff. You will investigate the disappearance of two individuals: Kenver Edwards, 57, last seen four days ago; and Sewena Toll, 22, last seen yesterday morning.

Take the nearest drop-gate to Timber Moren. A lumber-wagon will be waiting for you and your fellow trainees to deliver you to Riffraff. The lumber-wagon departs at noon today. If you are not on it, you automatically fail your introductory investigation.

The driver has been instructed not to speak unless spoken to.

Good luck.

Timber Moren was a quiet town this time of morning, filled only with the chatter of birds and the sweet aroma of baking bread and fresh coffee. There were more trees here than buildings: wood-paneled shops and hostels blended inconspicuously among the roots and branches and shifting leaves. Oil lamps, standing at close intervals throughout the cobbled square, dispelled the shadows of the trees and the overcast sky. A group of hunters emerged from a side-street, laughing raucously, carrying a gutted deer between them. A woman set down a bowl of scraps for a pack of wagging stray dogs. A young boy darted out of the door of a hostel while his mother called after him to buy a loaf of bread.

The promised lumber-wagon sat at the edge of the drop-gate platform. An elderly scrap of a man, with a scraggled red beard and a shining scalp, dressed in green wool and overalls, sat in the driver's seat with his thin hands wrapped in the reins of a dappled ox. Both of them chewed perpetually and seemed half-asleep. The wagon itself was open to the sky and full of axes and saws of every shape and size, attached to the interior of the side-barriers. The floor was covered in straw and stacked with finished wood planks, with just enough room left for passengers to sit.

The gatekeeper of Timber Moren, however, was the first face a new traveler would see. This was a plump middle-aged lady in a modest pale dress and an apron, her flyaway gray hair in a bun, her feet covered by furry boots. She held a tray of fresh cookies against her stomach, and with a perpetual, hopeful grin she watched the drop-gate for visitors.

"Hello! Hello!" she would say to whomever walked (or stumbled) through, and her smile brightened excitably. "Welcome to Timber Moren! I'm Hedra, your gatekeeper for today, and it's my first day as a volunteer gatekeeper actually, and I'm so tickled to meet you, wouldn't you know? Hahaha! Could I help you find something? I can recommend some wonderful restaurants and attractions! Would you like a cookie?" She pushed the tray a little closer to the visitor, eager to help.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

Rhea Heimlich
Timber Moren

The fact that the reply from the Tin Dragons was left under a coffee tin didn't passed unnoticed by mind of one certain quaintly dressed young woman named Rhea Heimlich. In fact, she was still smirking as she stepped through the Dropgate that would lead her to the quaint settlement known as Timber Moren. It was truly a lovely place with all that one would expect of a community that grew around lumbering and hunting.

"Ara, isn't this a warm reception?" Rhea replied to the Gatekeeper as she drew one of the cookies the woman offered so eagerly.

"Such a shame I do have the time to brew a fitting drink to compliment such a lovely treat," Rhea said, looking over her shoulder to a handcart that had a medium trunk loaded with a couple spare changes of clothes, some books, a small variety of potted coffee grains as well as other brewing utensils and implements. Along with it the larger trunk there was also a waterproof suitcase loaded with more delicate personal belongings, traveling funds, any necessary documentation and other minor things that Rhea couldn't risk losing so easily.

"Now then, please, excuse me. I have a wagon to take and as they say 'The early bird guts the worms', right? Fufufu~" The heterochromic woman joked as she took her leave to the wagon. To her surprise, Rhea found that she was indeed the first one to arrive, meaning that she could find a comfortable place close to the driver and wait there until someone else arrived and was unavoidably greeted with her grin of feline contentment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Johan carefully stepped into his study, the gilded cane in his left hand, topped with the head and neck of a dragon, tapping against the ground as he walked with a slight limp, a small waft of smoke drifting from the pipe in his right palm. He gently slid into the chair that sat aside his desk, when he noticed the envelope. Noting the seal of the Tin Dragon Detective Agency, he reached for a letter opener shaped like a longsword and sliced open the letter, unfolding the parchment within and reading over it.

When he finished reading, he called out for the estate retainer, Heinrich. "Heinrich, did anyone come to the door with a letter today?"

"No, Mr. Von Hochstadt, no one's come to the front door at all this morning or last night."

"Thank you Heinrich." The thought of someone, or someTHING, entering his home without permission, even if only to leave a letter, did not sit well with him, especially after that encounter with the Boggart making a home out of the west wing. Ultimately, Johan would decide to leave for the inscribed destination, packing several outfits designed for field work, a pocket journal filled with shorthand notes on a wide assortment of creatures and beings, a small pouch of tobacco and a matchbox for his pipe, and a properly-padded bottle of fine scotch.

Stepping out of the drop-gate, Johan smiled warmly as the older woman greeted him with the tray of cookies. He politely took one, thanking her, and then heading for the wagon. Carefully loading his luggage onto the vehicle, he took the seat directly across from someone he recognized immediately: Rhea Heimlich, bookstore owner and fellow resident of Comet-by-the-Sea.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Ms. Heimlich. I presume everything's well enough with the Cybele for you to pursue a second career?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The ambient hum of the drop gate returned the moment after his warm greeting. Once the young woman had returned the gesture, a disheveled twig of a woman stumbled through the arcane doorway. Her overstuffed suitcase was flung to the ground precariously close to Johan's step, but slid across the cold ground only to collide with a wagon wheel. She caught herself mid-tumble on her medical supply case nearly the size of herself, a possession which very nearly didn't make it through the gate intact.

It was, of course, these very situations that give purpose to the wheelchairs by drop gates.

Ms Branwen puffed a few stray coils of rufous hair off of her round glasses and gave an indignant stare to the drop gate. "This blasted gate ought to be broken if it spit me out like that!" Rose cursed as she clung tightly to her stiff medical case in a bowlegged posture, "Fetch me that chair quick before I loose my grip!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lian usually woke at dawn, and today was no different than any other day. The wandering troupe of elves were usually up and about by the time the sun rose. As she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her sensitive ears picked up a sound from outside, one that didn't sound quite humanoid. She knew it wasn't Senlin, her little dragon, as he was still curled up next to where she had been sleeping. "Hm..." she murmured to herself as she stood up, stretching as much as the tent would allow her. Once the cricks and cracks had left her stiff, sleepy limbs, she quickly pulled on her clothes, a green tunic along with a pair of plain brown trousers, both of which hugged her body snuggly. A pair of sturdy brown leather boots were pulled on, and lastly she tied up her hair with a hair tie. Perhaps later she would change into something more alluring, but for now, it was time to investigate.

When she saw the osprey with the letter on its back, she immediately put one and one together. A smile came to her lips as she read the letter. Well, this was a lovely turn of events! She hadn't been sure whether her application would be accepted, and her companions had simply scoffed at her. She had persisted however, and it was satisfying to know that she would soon be able to say "I told you so" to them. She tucked the letter along with the identification card in a pouch she carried around her waist, making sure it was secure.

"Come, Senlin." She peeked into her tent once more, beckoning at the little dragon to come along. He blinked at her for a moment before, as quick as a snake, he made his way to her, climbing up her leg and then her arm, settling himself around her neck, tail wrapped around her upper left arm. The way he moved was almost like the slithering of a snake, yet he was simply using his taloned feet, with her now clutching on to Lian's clothes.

"Off to Timber Moren then!" she declared, a grin on her lips, a twinkle in her blue eyes. She merely waved at the now rousing elves as she headed out of the camp. She seemed to have no luggage of her own. Perhaps she didn't own any, or perhaps she simply didn't care.

When she arrived at the gate and had subsequently walked through, she couldn't help but smile genially at the lady who was the gatekeeper. "Thank you very much," she replied. "You're quite the pleasant gatekeeper, aren't you? I would be delighted to have a cookie, as would my little friend."

Once the two cookies were in hand, she bid the lady farewell before looking around. Her sharp eyes caught site of the lumber-wagon, and she headed over. It didn't look like much, truly, but Lian was used to the bare minimum, and she wasn't the fussy sort. She noticed there were two others there already, and they seemed to know one another.

"Good day," she greeted, deciding it would be best to show she was a pleasant person and not a snooty uppity sort that many elves were thought as, and rightly so. She would have continued talking, but decided not to when she saw they were conversing. Instead she looked toward the gate expectantly, noting the newcomer who had been pretty much spat through. Was she also part of their group? Lian settled down in the wagon, waiting to see what the answer may be.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

~ Alice Pines ~
Current Location: Timber Moren

Well now, this had all the markings of a ripe and perfect mystery story. A strange letter given to her by the power of dreams? And by one of her own “patients” no less? What a wonderful day to be alive for Alice Pines. She had made sure to arrive at the small abode that was Timber Moren bright and early. She had even been offered cookies by the nice little gatekeeper too. What a nice lady that was.

The instructions in her envelope had made it perfectly clear that tardiness would be a big no, no, so she went straight for the assigned wagon. The only items she seemed to be carrying was a small brief case and the clothes on her back, but Alice didn’t mind. In this business, it did not no good to carry items around so freely. After all, more stuff meant more evidence to use against you in case things didn’t turn out as planned. Not that that would ever happen.

Finding the wagon to be filling up, Alice stepped in and took a seat close to the initial entry way of the wagon’s backside. Everyone else seemed like they knew each other or at least were acquaintances of some kind. A man, two women, and what looked like an elf…not bad for their first merry little band of adventurers. As for her, she’d smile and wave but leave the pleasantries to herself unless someone wanted to speak to her.

It really was a quiet little town, Alice humming to herself lightly as her focus was directed towards the sky. She wondered if it would rain today; probably not since the skies seemed clear but one could always wish and hope. Well now, it was time to get this little fun started. Placing her suitcase to rest in her lap, Alice waited for either the wagon to start or more arrivals to show up.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Pouring over faded words on yellow paper, the young looking girl was roused from her intense concentration. As the tap broke the silence of her world in the pages, the odd bronze wind on her back twisted frantically before coming to a stop. She lifted a brow towards the windowsill, only somewhat hesitant to mark her spot with a bookmark before she walked over to see her surprise visitor. Instead she was met with new reading material, far more exciting then the last. She sat back in her wooden chair, trying to not let the excitement she felt show. As she read the words though her smile grew, and after neatly folding and placing the letter in it's envelop she got to packing.

After her relatively small collection of clothes was packed away, along with her savings and important papers/favorite books, she felt ready to sneak away. Opting to let the shop owner instead read the small note left on the store's front desk. She closed the door behind her and a cool breeze rolled off the coast, threatening to steal her less then expensive hat off her head. She smiled in the direction the playful wind had come from, then made her way to the nearest drop gate in Four Stone's.

Stepping through the hole in the world, she found herself in an entirely new place with the blink of an eye. While a bit dazed at first, and feeling as if she was not in her own body for half a second she came to and linked hard a few times, looking around the immediate area. Right next to her was a woman who had quite clearly come through the same door, in a much less gentle manner. The only other close enough to help was holding a tray of cookies, and so Andrea dropped her case and bag to the side, and hurriedly fetched a chair she noticed, rolling it over as fast and neatly as she could, careful not to crush toes or possessions. "Pardon but do you need assistance?" She bent her small frame to reveal as much of herself as possible from behind the chair. A small, warm smile and slightly knit eyebrows stared at the frazzled, bespectacled woman.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruthenselle
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Ruthenselle (: ruthless-rueful :)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


One step. To be specific, that would one step out of her small, but open spaced and tall home, hovering halfway across Woondaly; far enough that occasionally her family would have to strain their eyes to view the waters, and yet close enough that they'd receive fresh breezes every so often. She'd repeated this action far more times than she could count.

Her expression was calm and features relaxed, absorbing the rays of the sun. Trilune's pace was decisive and slightly quickened. She had a purpose: meet with some traveller crossing over to Shipgull Anchor. It was a few streets down, and Trilune knew this place like the back of her hand. The sylph didn't stroll down very far, though, before a boy halted her even strides. He appeared to be young, so she was forced to bend her neck down to glance at him. And it was like that! Poof, he vanished somewhere around the neighborhood. She hadn't gotten to call out. However, it didn't matter now. A letter was currently in her hands, and she was certainly going to read it.

The female folded the letter back up, and then carefully stowed that, the card, and the money away into one of her numerous pockets inside and outside her light, long, jacket. She'd had it for a while now and it'd been exceedingly useful during any type of weather. She flipped and zipped down a couple of her other pockets on the way. There were also several light but lasting snacks she had packed for the day, two pens, two pencils, a tiny metal pencil sharpener, and another folded up object- a hat-, as well as travel binoculars Trilune meant to offer to the traveller in case they wanted to tour around.

For a minute she hesitated.
She'd be leaving her mother alone in their house. Would the widow be able to manage on her own? Maybe not. Then again, she had been a positive woman, and her dogged determination to push against life's struggles led her to become a leading figure through Trilune's earlier years.
Pardon me? Are you questioning your choice to apply for the Tin Dragon Detective Agency? You'd better not be. Leave a note telling your mother of the good news and get going! Make it choppy!
Nevertheless, was a reasonable reaction. She forgave and quit chastising herself, a delirious little smile peeking around the corners of her dark blue eyes and lips.

Timber Moren

Trilune stumbled forward out of drop-gate, gingerly holding her fingers to her temples and focused her gaze on the ground in front of her, trying to shake the unsettling feeling out of her. "Thank you for this, miss. I'm sure you'll do fine later on. See ya, and thanks again." Her eyebrow quirked skywards at the sight of the two other women around her- one of them obviously had an accident! She dipped her head at them briefly. Lifting her eyes, Trilune felt more sheepish and guilty that she'd arrived later than the others, probably last, or at least next to last. Ah well. Nothing could change that now.
Her slim body didn't seem to have much of a problem with the limited space inside the wagon, especially since her tools and gadgets were stuffed in the forest green jacket. She had to admit that it was cramped. Plus, they still had to carry the woman with luggage. Her white wings pressed more against her back, and she grimaced. Following that she spoke to the woman with the strange creature. "Hello. Yes, it is a good day so far, I have to agree." Trilune Lewthwyne d'Arch used that particular greeting to announce her arrival. Friendly, but tranquil enough to remain wary of her fellow people. They seemed to be a well-chosen bunch, though. Only waiting for the future would tell her if that was the truth. Fortunately, this kind of patience she could do. Partly to the other people in the wagon, she murmured, "Sorry for my tardiness."

@Greenie @TheWindel @KoL @DepressedSoviet @deadpixel101 @Ms Ravenwinter @Mokley
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Ruthenselle@deadpixel101@TheWindel@Greenie@Ms Ravenwinter@DepressedSoviet@Mokley@KoL

Jacky Vic glared toward the envelope that hit him on the head as it fell into his hands. He read over it quickly and headed towards the drop gate.
This is what I've been wanting, a chance to go out and maybe mingle with others like I had been able to before. Putting his rifle over his back from its position in the corner of the alleyway.

He was wearing a plain gray shirt with blue jeans and blackshoes. Not anything special but that was how he always dressed.

After entering Timber Moren he first noticed Hedra a very excitable woman. Perhaps too much so, he looked at her sideways. Weirdo., as she greeted him then continued to talk offering him a cookie. "No thanks, you can keep your cookies lady." he said as politely as he thought the situation warranted.
He then noticed that it was not much louder than the alleyway where he usually hung his stuff and where no one really visited.

The place here Timber Moren, made him feel comfortable, seeing all the trees around him, more than he would have thought to see so close to a town.

He thought back to the letter he had safely put inside his back pants pocket. Sewena And Kenver two individuals that he had never the pleasure to meet. Both missing. What happened to them? He cupped his chin with his left hand in thought as he paced back and forth for a minute or two. Many explanations came to him but each was more farfetch'd than the last, making him put the issue to the back of his mind.

Vicky saw the group of hunters emerge into his view as he continued walking. They seemed very happy and he was impressed with their 'catch of the day'. A fine deer it was and he called to them "nice going". But he continued to walk to the gathering point.

He then noticed the wagon and approached it, ignoring the wagon's drivers and first noticing the others assorted there. A woman with an interesting sense of humor, a man with a cane who talked business, A lady hugging her carrying case who seemed to Jacky to not be the least bit impressed, A lady with funny ears who sat on the wagon and was staring in his general direction or Jacky was simply full of it and thought she was attracted to him, a different lady who sat on the wagon and waved to everybody in a polite manner almost like she was the queen and them the common people. That was not all Jacky turned in time to see another lady of some kind bend over and he caught a glimpse of something that made him blush a deep crimson and he quickly looked away, refusing to allow himself to take advantage of that viewing. Then he heard, "sorry for my tardiness." and Jacky grinned as he looked that way to see another lady sitting beside the funny eared one. "It's ok stuff happens." He said to her in his gruff voice.

Then after seeing all the group he turned back to the one with the funny ears and sat on her other side opposite 'tardy lady'. He named her already in his mind.

He talked to the funny eared one with the interesting 'pet' who was also the lady he thought had been looking at him because he thought she was attracted to him. "Hi, my name's Jacky. How do you do this fine day?" He asked with one of his best charming smiles.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mimik
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Mimik If I am you, / then who are we?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jenna Longworthy

Jenna had just gotten back from a morning jog when she noticed a note hanging off of her front door. Odd as she didn't really know anyone that would normally trek out this far; unless...? Her minimally pointed ears peaked as she hurried to the wooden door that had settled into the frame from not being used. Ripping the note off the door, she quickly read through the message. Multiple times, actually. Her excitement after reading the first line stating her acceptance kept her from focusing long enough to get the full message in one try. Finally, she exclaimed out in glee as she ran off to the back of her house to crawl through the small hole in the wall.

The inside of her house was dim and dusty, and out-right run down beyond any sensible living conditions, but it served its purpose during stormy weather and cold nights. She only grabbed a few things; paper, ink, a shawl that she used to cover her ears, and a small bag of fresh apples and clothes. She didn't have much left as she looked around her nearly vacant abode. Bittersweet tears swelled in her eyes as she felt sad as she remembered her time spent here with her mom and pop, but happy that she was moving on with her life. "Dunno how often I'm going to be able come back, so take care of the place Benny~" She teased as she threw her travel gear out the hole and followed it out. Benny was a small green snake that had taken residence near her place and usually was found off in a corner.

She dusted herself off, and looked at her entrance to her house. It wasn't really noticeable unless you knew it was there, but Jenna couldn't help but notice it and feel a bit bad about leaving it when she didn't know how long she'd be away. No one ever came this way, well except for the person who delivered the note, but she couldn't help but worry. She looked at the sun and figured she had plenty of time, so she spent the next hour or so moving the wood pile to cover the hole without adding too much attention to the area. Satisfied, Jenna gathered up her belongings and headed to the town of Timber Moren.

The town was only a bit away north of her cottage, so there was no use of drop gates to take advantage of. The woods were nice and peaceful. Little animals scampered about as she the passed familiar woods she grew up in since she was a baby. Of course, she never been so far north as Timber Moren. Most of her shopping for when she needed things or for fun was done out East in Woondaly as it was usually easier to get a ride at least part of the way to and from.

Sun rising in the sky, she finally made it into the designated town. She upped her pace as she looked around for whatever wagon was supposed to carry her onward. There, swamped with others, was her ride. She grinned excitedly and gave out a huge wave to the group of people talking amongst themselves. "HEY! This is the Wagon to Riffraff, right?" She called out before noticing the gatekeeper Hedra; to whom she waived just as excitedly to and grinned as she passed to include herself with the rest of the new applicants.

Jenna took in each new face as best as she could as she gathered her thoughts about the party. She didn't try to impose herself, but she was glad she wasn't the only one of elven blood, even if she was only half.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

Rhea Heimlich
Timber Moren

Well, well, if it was pleasant surprise for Rhea that the first one to arrive after she did was none other than an old acquaintance of hers. In fact, one could say that the gentleman known as Johan Von Hochstadt was not only a well appreciated patron of the Heimlich family's business, but also someone that Rhea considered as an uncle of sorts. The tales his exploits and his valuable encyclopedias on unusual lore where also a stable source of income to her business. Really, there was nothing for Rhea to not like about the man.

With that in mind, Rhea's smirk turned little less witty as she pried her mismatched gaze away from the remainder of their soon to be traveling companions and replied, "Hmm... that's certanly the truth and, I owe no small part of this to your tomes, Mister Johan. That said, the shop will always be there when I come back. Furthermore, it's not like there's anyone waiting for me, as you know too well. I guess that, I just wanted to have an adventure or two of my own, perhaps?" The young woman sounded a bit playful in her statement, which was likely true, given that Rhea was one known to rarely show her serious side to others.

"Either way, I believe that shall be an interesting venture, especially to a gentleman such as you, Mister Johan," Rhea said, as the fact that all their other traveling companions, save for a lone exception, where women in the flower of their youth. "I hope to be of service if it comes down to it, fufufu~" Rhea finished her commentary with a playful tease, covering her lips with her right hand as she chuckled heartily.

@DepressedSoviet @TheWindel @Greenie @deadpixel101 @Ruthenselle @Gareth @Mimik @Mokley
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruthenselle
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Ruthenselle (: ruthless-rueful :)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Timber Moren

Newcomers? Ah, good, sweet ol' newcomers. Something scooped into her heart, her chest -she parted her mouth, letting a breath creep past her clutches- rippling waves of apprehension, spreading outwards, spreading at a rate so inconsistent and yet still never hesitating for more than three seconds, like an infection—a domino effect! All until it reached the borders of her body. Her skin. The waves suddenly overflowed and crashed out into the breezes, then got carried away with them. And vanished.

On the exterior, however, this final lofty sensation was pictured by simply a twitch of Trilune's wings. It wasn't as long, and certainly had not been as majestic, although at other times she could be. Thank the gods I'm not last! That would've been rather embarrassing. She twisted her neck back toward her little cluster in her side of the wagon, blue eyes dilated wide from observing them, and trying best she could to catch every detail. The mythic humanoid creature filed them away for later.

Speaking of 'filing people away', what had become of the 'two individuals', as the letter had effectively worded it? She caressed a pointer finger over the rough zipper of a random pocket, recalling the message. They were supposed to pursue them. Or what was left of them, anyway. The situation surfaced and pooled onto the surface of her mind, obscuring the world around her for a second.

Aw shoot, what did I miss? flashed instantly through her head, taking in somebody's low voice while linking it to a face. At least, it sounded lower than the conversations made of feminine speech. Wait, besides that one other male. She had detected an older person in the wagon upon her arrival before, of course.
"Huh? Oh...! Yes, I know, I know." Trilune pursed her lips, swallowing back 'just that I hate to keep people dawdling around, see' without a second thought. This was common practice for her. Statements that may reveal too much had to leave.
No, not may. Will.
Weaknesses weren't a healthy start, now were they? It'd be... inconvenient. She'd broken her sentence off, in any case. Acting hastily, she added, "Mister. Sir." Trilune passed him the slightest beginnings of a playful, wry smirk to cover her heated cheeks. Caught off guard, again. Step up your game. Chill out. You're still in the same exhilarated gear you wore while reading the letter. Keep that in mind, Trilune. It wasn't as if she knew anything about him, including his name, or vice versa. Considering she was younger (though not always shorter) than some other people in the group, 'mister sir' seemed fitting. Granted, it might change over time, depending on what Trilune learned, but it seemed fitting at the moment. Also, it was amusing to repeat in her mind, since the nickname sounded immensely old-fashioned, even for the sylph race.

For the remainder of the time, the young lady settled back to observe, due to 'mister sir' turning to the woman she had greeted earlier, and stole a few glances at another of the newcomers. "Indeed it is, or else we would not be on here, don't you think?" Afterwards, Trilune might exchange words with them; for now, she'd let the feathers fall where they may, as long as it didn't take too long. Or, as her father would have said, 'Yes, I do understand, but you know that though time is fascinating teacher, he unfortunately kills all his pupils.' Quite frankly, she always thought that was very rude of Time.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The world continued to spin in two different directions, a sensation that was quickly doing away with Rose's wits. For a moment her vision managed to focus on the scant figure of a young woman bent over a thin square of leather. She couldn't tell if it was a chair, her dizzied vision blurring the object offered to her, but there was only enough time to shift her own weight into the chair before she fell over. With a hasty swing of her body, Rose plopped into the chair, head thrown about as her balance ceased altogether.

The world split off far enough after such a rough sitting that it ceased to show any light at all. It was a moment until Rose pulled herself back into consciousness, not long enough to cause much alarm to anyone present aside from her savior. Rose pushed her spectacles in place to look up at the kindly woman she would come to know as Andrea through the messy veil her own hair had formed over her face.

"Why, thank you immensely," she said after collecting enough of her wits to speak. "Were I allowed to take the fall and break my glasses, I wouldn't be of much help in the investigation today. Not at all."

Another moment to regroup and Rose would conjure the presence of mind to introduce herself. "My name is Doctor Rose Branwen and I'm terribly sorry if my case of vertigo has inconvenienced you." She outstretched her hand toward Andrea, her wiry fingers still trembling from the narrowly avoided tumble.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Andrea hovered a hand behind the back of the dizzy lady. She seemed altogether a right mess at the moment and Andrea was getting increasingly concerned that she would fall right off her seat if she didn't have some help. Luckily, the studious looking woman gathered herself more quickly then previously thought, and soon enough she was offering words of thanks, instead of a outcry for eating dirt. As she offered her hand Andrea paused for a second or two, considering the cold hardness of her hand for a moment. Deciding not to be rude though, she gingerly took the shaking hand of the other woman, and shook it gently. "Well i'm quite glad I was able to help in time. It would have been rather unfortunate for you to fall like that!"After what felt like an acceptable amount of time she pulled her hands back, interlocking them behind her back. "My name is Andrea Gardenia. It is a pleasure to meet you." She searched her mind for the name. It was certainly familiar, but she couldn't exactly place it. Someone medical?. "May I ask how you are feeling now? I could help you into the carriage when you are ready..." Her somewhat hollow and distant voice trailed off as she looked again to the large bags this woman had brought with her. She then took a fair glance at the cart, failing to see anywhere for so much luggage to sit. "You've done well getting this all here by yourself..." She added, wondering exactly how far this woman had traveled.

At that thought she wondered exactly where everyone else here hailed from. She found herself looking at the cart once again, regarding all the new people she would be meeting momentarily. Most of them were female she noticed. One had...wings? Another had mismatched eyes it seemed from this distance, there was an elf...with a small dragon? She felt her hands tighten a bit. For some reason, seeing such a colorful cast made her rethink some things. Perhaps this will be a less lucrative endeavor then she hoped...

@Mokley@DepressedSoviet@Gareth@KoL@TheWindel@Greenie@Mimik@Ms Ravenwinter
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rhea [looked] over her shoulder to a handcart that had a medium trunk loaded with a couple spare changes of clothes, some books, a small variety of potted coffee grains as well as other brewing utensils and implements. Along with it the larger trunk there was also a waterproof suitcase loaded with more delicate personal belongings, traveling funds, any necessary documentation and other minor things that Rhea couldn't risk losing so easily.
Cookie: x 1

Carefully loading his luggage onto the vehicle, [Johan] took the seat directly across from someone he recognized immediately: Rhea Heimlich, bookstore owner and fellow resident of Comet-by-the-Sea.
Cookie: x1

Ms Branwen puffed a few stray coils of rufous hair off of her round glasses and gave an indignant stare to the drop gate. "This blasted gate ought to be broken if it spit me out like that!" Rose cursed as she clung tightly to her stiff medical case in a bowlegged posture, "Fetch me that chair quick before I loose my grip!"
Cookie: no cookie

Lian seemed to have no luggage of her own. Perhaps she didn't own any, or perhaps she simply didn't care.
Cookie: x2

Finding the wagon to be filling up, Alice stepped in and took a seat close to the initial entry way of the wagon’s backside. Placing her suitcase to rest in her lap, Alice waited for either the wagon to start or more arrivals to show up.
Cookie: no cookie

Andrea dropped her case and bag to the side, and hurriedly fetched a chair she noticed, rolling it over as fast and neatly as she could, careful not to crush toes or possessions. "Pardon but do you need assistance?" She bent her small frame to reveal as much of herself as possible from behind the chair.
Cookie: no cookie

[Trilune's] slim body didn't seem to have much of a problem with the limited space inside the wagon, especially since her tools and gadgets were stuffed in the forest green jacket. She had to admit that it was cramped. Plus, they still had to carry the woman with luggage.
Cookie: x1

Then after seeing all the group [Jacky] turned back to the one with the funny ears and sat on her other side opposite 'tardy lady'. He named her already in his mind.
Cookie: no cookie

"HEY! This is the Wagon to Riffraff, right?" [Jenna] called out before noticing the gatekeeper Hedra; to whom she waived just as excitedly to and grinned as she passed to include herself with the rest of the new applicants.
Cookie: no cookie

"Oh my goodness! Oh dear, ah . . . oh dear!" Hedra stammered, her gray hair afly, swinging the cookie-tray to and fro, looking for help for Ms Branwen. She only remembered that it was her duty to fetch the wheelchair after Andrea rushed to retrieve it first. Hedra blinked her aged eyes. She could swear Andrea looked pretty as a porcelain doll. There was something stiff about her -- altogether not-human, actually. It must be a trick of the light, she convinced herself. By the time Trilune stepped through, she was ready again with her bubbly greeting -- though she kept a sidelong attention on Ms Branwen's plight.

Meanwhile, the cart-driver had dropped down from his seat to assist in the loading of luggage -- most of which belonged to Rhea.

While Andrea wheeled Ms Branwen to the cart, the cart-driver picked up Ms Branwen's luggage and Andrea's bag and case and added them to the stacks. When all the luggage and passengers had been loaded, there was no longer anywhere for anyone to put down their feet; all of the floor space of the wagon was taken up entirely with luggage.

The wagon-driver clambered up the back end of the wagon to help lift Ms Branwen onboard with rough bony hands, and to find her a place to sit where she wouldn't fall out. The entire time he never said a syllable, nor made any noise. His dull, sleepy eyes cast over each of them, sometimes raising a bushy red eyebrow when he noticed wings and odd-colored eyes and a little dragon-thing and a lady who appeared to be talking out of a doll head -- he stared without a word until each of them showed him their identification cards. Once satisfied he had no stowaways, he dropped to the ground and locked up the tailgate with a sharp and final clack. He strode, bow-legged, back to the driver's seat.

Back at the drop-gate, Hedra's voice chirped once again: "Hello! Welcome to Timber Moren! I'm Hedra, your gatekeeper for the -- oh!" The newest visitor had simply grabbed a cookie on his way to the wagon, without so much as a glance or a hello. Rook was a man built like a tree, with short black hair and olive skin, a sword at one hip and a pistol at the other, a worn bag over one shoulder. With long strides, Rook made his way to the wagon, flashed his identification card for the driver, and hopped up onto the tailgate to sit with his back to the rest of the passengers. He hadn't so much as acknowledged their existence.

At noon exactly, the driver whistled. With a lurch, the wagon started moving.

The city of Timber Moren shifted lazily past, the buildings less frequent as they went, until the sunlight dimmed behind the close darkness of the pine forest. The air was thick with the sappy aroma of the trees, and the driver sometimes ducked under overhanging needly branches. The ride was long and bumpy, over two hours of tilting and jolting and rumbling along the poorly maintained road. The heavy luggage shifted constantly, sliding this way and that, threatening to crush the legs of anyone brave enough to put their feet on the floor.

Finally, after a ride that seemed like an eternity, a house came into view. Then two houses. Then, after a twist in the road, rows of buildings stood along each side of the path: a general store, a pub, an open marketplace with two food-stalls, a town hall.

The village was shut up tight. No one was outside. The windows were locked, the blinds closed.

The cart creaked to a stop in front of a squat, two-story slatted house with a wide front porch hung with bright flowers. They would soon discover that this was the village inn, though it was little more than an old woman's house with too many rooms. The wagon-driver unlocked the tailgate and began to help out the passengers, then silently dragged their luggage out onto the ground. Rook had immediately moved far out of the way, to stand at the side of the road, silent, with his bag over his shoulder.

On the porch stood a prim, slightly overweight, straight-postured man of middle-age, hands clasped behind his back. He didn't move an inch, but waited until most of the wagon's passengers had disembarked before he spoke in a staccatoed voice. "Welcome, representatives of Tin Dragon. I am Mayor Casworon Toll. I'm sure you've been briefed on the reason you've been summoned. Please, right this way; the entirety of the upper floor has been reserved for your stay, though some of you may have to share a room. A light supper has been prepared for you in the dining room. I beseech you, though, to begin your investigation as quickly as possible." His mouth twitched -- maybe a hint of emotion, but quickly controlled.

@deadpixel101@KoL@Greenie@TheWindel@DepressedSoviet@Gareth@Ruthenselle@Ms Ravenwinter@Mimik
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

My name is Lian,” the red-headed elf had answered the man, giving him a small smile. Her dragon seemed to sniff at the fellow, head tilted curiously, but other than that, there was no response. “We’re doing quite fine, thanks.” Aside from that, however, she remained quiet. The polite smile remained on her face, but she wanted to see who else would be coming along. She had to admit there were many ladies, some even odder looking than her. She had never seen someone so… doll-like?

And, of course, the lady with wings who had greeted her first. Though the latter had been heard of, at least; whenever Lian’s troupe would put up a puppet show, her friend Aros insisted on including his bird-lady puppet. She was quite sure he had fallen in love with his character, but tried not to mention it too often.

The wagon was filling up, so the elf made so to squeeze to the side, not wanting to make things hard for others. She was quite used to wagon rides; being a gypsy wanderer meant she had travelled in wagons most of her life. The others, she wasn’t too sure. They seemed from all walks of life, and it would certainly be delightful to become acquainted with them all. For now, however, she concentrated on simply observing. There was much one could learn by simply remaining quiet and listening.

As the wagon started to move, Lian turned a little so that she could pay attention outside. She knew this city, but she had never actually stayed here long, just like with all other places she had visited. A month maximum, and then the troupe would be off again. It would be a very different experience for her, to stay in one place indefinitely. While she expected herself to feel uncomfortable at first, the prospect was pleasant, actually.

For most of the ride, she kept her legs close to herself, not wanting to get hit by anyone else’s luggage. Senlin had left her shoulder to sniff around at the others, in particular, Jacky and Trilune, whom he seemed to find most interesting. Lian had called him back after a moment, however. She knew people didn’t take well to normal animals sniffing at them; a dragon might be a little too much. It wasn’t long before the lurching of the wagon and the lovely scent of the pine trees had the elf dozing off, the dragon once more nestled around her neck.

Her eyes opened when the wagon came to a stop. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and realized they were no longer moving. Smiling, she peered outside, eyeing their destination end. It seemed lovely, although certainly somewhere the likes of her had never stepped in. Lian waited for the rest to exit the wagon before she followed suit, stretching out and loosening her stiff limbs once she was off. She leaned back after, looking at the house properly before finally eyeing the porch, and the man standing there. So, that was the Mayor? She listened to his words intently before entering the house.

The room she chose was one of the smaller ones she could find. Lian figured those with luggage needed the extra space. She was used to cramped sleeping spaces in case someone else decided to sleep here, and as for a place to relax, there was always the big, wide outdoors. That being said, her room had a couple of beds, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a table with a couple of chairs. In between the two beds was a window, set near a larger tree outside. “Perfect,” she murmured to herself as she pushed the curtains to the side and opened the window, letting in fresh air. If she wanted to visit the outside, this window was as good an exit as any.

She let Senlin inspect her room thoroughly before heading out of her room and downstairs to the dining room. She was quite hungry, having only eaten the one cookie she had taken for herself from the gatekeeper. Her sensitive nose could already smell the wafting scent of cooked food. Smiling, she entered the dining hall, looking around, hoping that perhaps some of her new comrades had decided to eat as well. It would be nice to get to know each other, perhaps even investigate together. Two people were better than one, no?

@Gareth @Ruthenselle
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Johan smiled warmly at the others as they boarded the wagon. The woman with wings was interesting, to say the least. And then there was the woman who had the complexion and look of a porcelain doll! She would certainly be someone to speak with, permitting she was willing to answer Johan's likely-nonstop slew of questions. The woman with the hand-dragon seemed pleasant, as did the others that were arriving. Finally, the last arrival appeared, and stepped to the wagon. A large man, visibly armed, with luggage in the form of a worn duffel bag. When he took his place quietly at the end of the wagon, it began to lurch forward, and they were on their way.

Arriving into the small village where the investigation was set to take place, they were greated warmly as they disembarked by the Mayor. Carefully, stepping from the wagon, luggage in one hand, and his cane in the other, Johan greeted the mayor in return.

"I'm sure we're all greatly appreciative, Mayor. We'll be sure to begin the investigation as soon as possible." He stated curtly, yet politely. Stepping with his trademark limp, Johan carefully walked into the inn, choosing the first room that had a desk or table he could use for writing. After ensuring his luggage was carefully stored away, he made his way to the dining area for a quick meal.

Taking a place at one of the tables, Johan carefully gestured with one hand towards, Lian, the woman he had seen with the hand-dragon earlier.

"Please, come join me ma'am. An old man like myself can use all the dining company he can get, and I'm sure you'll make a fine conversation partner."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

~ Alice Pines ~
Current Location: Village Inn

The departure from Timber Moren had been a slow process but at least it was time to kill. Better it be time than someone else, Alice thought. Shifting into her seat more comfortably, she kept her red-eyed gaze on the road outside, admiring the gray atmosphere all around them. Either it was going to rain soon or this was perhaps an omen sent by the gods above of things to come.

At long last though, the merry band of travelers reached their final destination. The surrounding village looked like a ghost town and definitely played up to the creepy vibes the air itself seemed to be emitting. It wasn’t helped by the inn, which looked boarded up and ready to face the end of times for the world. “Spooky,” Alice said to herself, small smile still maintained.

As the lot of them were loaded off and stepped into the establishment, a man who claimed himself the resident mayor informed them of their plans for the evening. It figures they would need to bunk up with a partner and Alice briefly wondered what the point of all this was. Probably some initiation thing…oh how exciting!

As everyone else split up and conversed with the own groups, Alice clenched her suitcase tightly while looking around for someone to hitch with. Her crimson eyes lay on a girl with dark hair who seemed to be enjoying the situation the same as she was. Well, better her than someone weird. Alice made the first step, walking over to greet the young woman.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

Rhea Heimlich
Timber Moren

The journey to the old maison that would be housing them for the time being was, as expected, an uneventful one. For nearly the entirety of it, Rhea was left to her own devices, either silently humming some catchy tune which she didn't even remembered the source of, or turning her mismatched gaze at the countryside scenery. Truly, a ride that— while not unpleasant— wouldn't be sticking in her memory for a very long while.

When they finally arrived the task of answering to the mayor's greeting naturally fell on Johan's shoulder. Supposedly those were the chores that come with both experience and fame. Rhea was more than content to let them avoid her for some more time, though.

"I wonder if I should have brought an extra hat?" For some reason this odd self question left Rhea's lips just as their need for rooming arrangement was mentioned by the mayor, shortly before speaking about dinner. As if by a stroke of push of fate itself, a woman who owned quite an excellent hat came in her direction just as Rhea was wondering who she should approach for a rooming proposal.

The other female seemed to have a good disposition and looks, with a definite taste for good fashion, so, "If life gives you lemons..." Rhea thought, before returning the silent greeting, "why not make a meringue pie?" Shortly after, a pair of mismatched irises, met the crimson ones of the hat-clad girl as Rhea extended her hand in a self introduction, "I'm Rhea Heimlich from Comet-by-the-Sea. It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss..." which dragged out a bit, because Rhea found herself lacking a name for her interlocutor.

@TheWindel @Mokley
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mimik
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Mimik If I am you, / then who are we?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jenna Longworthy

Jenna enjoyed her ride on the lumber cart. Granted she chose to sit on the tailgate, facing backwards, but it was better than being squished in with the other people and all that.. luggage. Really, what person needs to bring that much stuff? But that was the least of her thoughts on the ride over. Along with watching the town of Timber Moren slowly move further and further away, she had a chance to think about the people she was with. And at the top of the list was a tie between the guy that arrived later than she did, and the doll; yes it was definitely a doll, she thought. Maybe..

Oh, Jenna had arrived. As the wagon came to a stop, Jenna hopped down and watched the people unload; keeping an eye on Rook. His silence irked her, but she hated to judge a book by its cover. Maybe he was really shy, or preferred to work alone. She worked alone herself, pretty much. Though, she's never really lived around anyone more than her parents. She sighed as she looked at the man that spoke from the porch of the building. Was that where she was supposed to go? She watched as the others filed in and did as told. She was technically in Riffraff and part of her felt as though her assignment had officially begun. She didn't think it'd matter if she was a few seconds late going inside. She packed enough apples for a light dinner and if worse came to be she had no problem sleeping outside. There was even a nice tree for her to perch under.

Rather than follow everyone in, there was one line of the letter that bothered her. "The driver has been instructed not to speak unless spoken to." Perhaps this was just a professional courtesy, but that didn't mean she wasn't allowed to speak to him, right? "E-excuse me, sir." Jenna put on a friendly face while she found a time to converse with the driver when he didn't seem as busy. "Thank you for taking us to town. Here's a little tip; its money I was supposed to use for travel through the gate, but I didn't exactly have a gate to travel through before arrival." Jenna offered about half of what was given to her to use the gate. If she was supposed to pay back the money leftover, she wouldn't mind finding a job to do so. "I know you aren't supposed to talk to us, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd like to ask a couple of questions pertaining to why were here." Jenna felt bad about getting to the point so soon. She'd love to have an actual talk with the guy as he seemed like he'd have wonderful stories to tell. But business was business. "Do you know anything about Kenver Edwards, from four days ago, or Sewena Toll, who disappeared yesterday?" Jenna had gotten out her letter to confirm she was asking the right questions, as well as her paper and ink to take down any useful information.

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