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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a mixture of both relief and guilt that washed over the High Elf when Rithrynn took the bait, and Serphia's ire slowly drifted away, overtaken by more sensual matters...

"At this point, I have no idea if we'll even be able to get Rithrynn out the situation she's gotten herself in."

Sharon thought to himself as he cast a glance towards the Captain's large, curvacious butt that was threatening to destroy the crate below it at any moment. That was, before he rolled his eyes over to Liaena.

" ... or rather, the situation you got her into."

The High Elf didn't speak or say anything. However, his eyes were nonetheless in a clear frown as he eyed the girl, making the message behind his expression quite obvious.

"I won't be ordered around by a long-eared blueberry!" Gimpsy squeaked as she folded her arms defiantly, before straightening herself up to stand at the (relatively) more imposing height of three feet! However, given the Captain's critical state of undress, and Gimpsy's point of view, the Gnome had gotten a front seat view to all of the Captain's shenanigans ever since she arrived, and it was obvious in the way she squinted her eyes!
"But I'll give you some stuff for free if it just means you would PLEASE dress up like a normal, non-elf person!"

Gimpsy conceded as she closed one eye and pointed at a nearby shelf of used adventuring equipment, labeled "SALE", "SALE" and "SALE" all over.

"You don't have any of those old mana crystals I sold you a couple of months ago still lying around, do you?" He asked as he turned to look towards Gimpsy. Yet he did not have time to wait for the Gnome's response before he suddenly heard a very alarming sentence snapped out from Serphia!

" ... what's that about a love potion I keep hearing about?!"


Choosing to stay quiet, Sharon turned to give Liaena a look from behind Serphia, a look that said less so "Are you going to be alright with this?", and more something along the lines of; "Are you going to be able to avert a possible diplomatic catastrophe of the century?"!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

“The usual things someone tends to pick up over the years of fighting demonic invasions...” Mei replied with a frown.” A few enchanted swords... some cursed ones, some different pieces and sets of armor. Mostly interesting ones I've found over the years. Still the majority of my... collection's in the Exodar vaults, here in Stormwind, I only have very few items, but ones that should be enough...” The draenei explained.” There are some enchanted armor pieces among the 3 armor sets and also about 4 different enchanted swords... Now that I think about it, I should have sold one last month when I was in debt... Ohh well...”

“Nothing much, Captain Serphia.” Mei stated as she leaned on a wall nearby.” You just got kind of hit by one earlier... and the giant demon currently rampaging outside also did with another.” The draenei added with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked at the adventuring gear that the gnome offered for the night elf for free.

“Well in theory we can leave the local authorities to deal with the demon now... She's after all a danger to society so the guards, army, magicians and everyone else able and paid to will be figthing her before long. We CAN just lay low for a few hours until it's done with, but I don't want to do that. What we need to do is pull Malizia AWAY from the city. As long as we get her outside the walls and preferably far enough to use explosions and other things of destructive nature, we can deal with her properly.”

"Problem will be how to get her outside the walls..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“What’s this about a Love Potion I keep hearing about!?”

“Just an accidental advantage, Captain” Liaena responded easily with only a moment’s hesitation.

The two apprentice priestess’s exchanged a glance, communicating the stares of ‘you suck’ and ‘bite me’ instantly and silently. It will be left to the reader to determine which girl was responsible for which.

“You see, that demon is infatuated with my friend here” Liaena pointed at Kathlin, who had by this point adopted a resigned expression as Serphia’s gaze bore down on her. “As it stands, it will make trying to locate her a high priority – which gives the option of luring it into a location of your choosing. For…your ultimate victory, no doubt”

“We should get her out of the city at least.” Kathlin finally spoke up at this point to nod at the Draenei. “Mei is right about that. She’s going to cause chaos until the paladins can get to her, and I don’t think they were ready to mobilise for such a…instantaneous invasion.”

The girl turned to look at Serphia. “The Cathedral won’t lend you any sanctified weapons, sorry. They only allow those they deem worthy to carry them….and I doubt you’ll make the cut, I’m afraid”

An ominous silence fell for a moment as the Captain eyes turned a shade further crimson, before the girl continued. “But, I can bless your weapon. It’s not anywhere near the same as a truly pure blade and it’ll eventually wear off….but it should make it more effective against undead and demons in the short term"


"I think.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Your blasphemous magic shall not touch the venerated steel of the Keldorei!"

Serphia was quick to claim with a loud voice, leveling a dangerous finger to point it directly at Kathlin!

But it only took a moment for the Captain to forget her righteous fury and remember that she was in fact standing in front of them butt naked, sans any noble Keldorei weapon. And the shop in question housing quite the wide diaspora of different items that could theoretically be turned into weapons of violence and murder.

Suddenly placing her hands on her hips and visibly looking away and to the side, breaking eye contact with Kathlin for a moment, the Captain would then add;

"Buuuut I can make a compromise if it simply human or gnomish steel that you choose to defile." Serphia said, as the towering Night Elven warrioress eyed a long, 10ft tall old pike lying in the corner of the shop with murderous ingenuity.

In Serphia's mind, countless thoughts of death and murder were playing themselves out in her mental murder arena, as they usually did when she was not eating or enjoying the "compansionship" of an unfortunate sentinel. She did not care much for any collateral damage the giant demoness might cause. After all, no self-respecting Night Elf would ever willingly choose to live in this ape city, beyond a brief vacation! However, if they did manage to get the demoness out of the city, it would at least mean there'd be less dumb monkeys getting in their way!

"Very well!" Serphia then concluded, her authoritarian demeanor suddenly kicking back in as she looked across the rest of the group as Sentinel Aleena positioned herself carefully to her Captain's side.
"It is settled then! We will use this brave little humie to lure our foolish, love-stricken enemy out of the city's borders to defeat her there!"

Serphia said as she pointed down at Kathlin, before her Finger of Command suddenly switched to Liaena.

"You will make sure that our lure is not outrun and snatched up by her pursuer before they have left the city, as currently, our pursuer has a greater than a hundred times our bait's leg span and I will not put my inevitable and glorious triumph in the balance by having you try to outrun a giant demon on your own! As for you two... "

Serphia's eyes turned then to Sharon and Vashi, narrowing down on the two magi.

"You will suppress the demon, hold it down and prevent her escape once we have sprung the trap - and to finally aid in my glorious kill on the wretched fiend!"

"Yes, mistress!" Vashi was quick to get into her instinctive salute pose as the Captain commanded her, before she suddenly threw an asking look at Mei as if the Night Elven Magi had suddenly just remembered something!


"And you... " There was an awkward pause as Serphia turned to look towards Mei, realizing that she was actually standing in the room too. Pausing for a moment, Serphia would scratch her chin before she asked a ponderous question at Mei.

" ... and what could you do? ... "

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sharon did raise a visible eyebrow at the situation.

He was not unfamiliar with military situations. However, the very nature of this situation was not quite what he could describe as normal either!

Being currently commanded by a 8ft tall amazonian warrior queen(who was at the same time completely naked no less!) to go after a giant demon that was threatening the city of Stormwind was quite original in itself! He only wished he could have been more surprised, as the whole thing did remind him a little bit about one of his old parties...

"Then again, that wasn't quite as real as this!"

At least, to her credit, the Captain's plan wasn't too outlandish. At least if one could ignore the last part about the Captain supposedly defeating the demoness herself.

Contemplating whether he should give helpful criticism or not, the High Elf eventually concluded however that it would be better to simply ask for forgiveness than permission with the Captain around. Judging by Vashi and Aleena, the High Elf got the odd impression that Serphia was not very used to being talked back to.

While Serphia had finally turned to question Mei's usefulness, the High Elf sensing the obvious incipient rivalry between the two equally oversized women, Sharon would take a step towards Kathlin and Liaena, placing a hand on each of their shoulders as he looked at them.

"If you two are comfortable with the Captain's plan... " He began, before he looked at Kathlin.
"I should mention that you are by no means required to do this. The fault of there being a church sized demon in one of the city's most peaceful districts right now is more that of mine and Liaena's."

Sharon clarified, not really wanting to send an innocent Kathlin to be potential demon chow... or worse, a demon love toy!

"If you have any doubts or reservations, I could give the demon another dose of the love potion and be the bait instead."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

'Truly all brawl no brain...' Was Mei's thoughts when it came to the night elf captain. She had seen decent kaldorei in the past, but sadly this one was simply way out of whack. For better or worse the standards when it came to commanders were different from race to race. The night elves really needed more people like Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. Because of most of their leaders in the future turned out like Serphia here, well.. nelfies would be as good as extinct.

'Point proven.' Then thought when she heard the captain's plan. 2 mages to hold down a giant demon? It WAS possible, but she doubted at the present situation out of nowhere without any preparation. That coupled with the fact Mali was a former deathknight a pretty good one at that before her demonic boosts, meant she'd be pretty hard to restrain.

“Hmm... obviously more than you can.” Was Mei's final statement about her usefulness.” I've fought more demons her size than you've probably even seen... Captain.” With that said, she stretched her arms.

“When you go for the hold on Malizia later, aim NOT for her arms and legs. No way just the two of you can mold magic strong enough to hold her limbs in place without long preparation.” Mei said and turned to Sharon and Vashi.” While she's standing her raw strength will overpower any direct restraints. Aim to disturb her balance first. Impact type magic on her head and earth shift/slide on the ground she's standing. Only after she's laying on the ground would your magic have any chance to hold her and not for long if I may add.”

“Anyhow once I'm properly armed, I can make sure she won't be able to stand. I know where to strike to get critical results on Eredars.” Mei added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Er….” Kathlin began as she looked up at the High Elf. “….No, that’s alright Mister Dal’dieb. I think letting you do that would be a violation of my Hippocratic oath”

“Besides, it wouldn’t work.” Liaena sniffed from his other side. “Firstly, I doubt this shop sells anything strong enough that could overrule my potion. And secondly, we would somehow need to point it in your direction when it’s big enough to literally survey the entire city”

The girl peered up at Sharon, looking obviously disgruntled with his remark. “Also, how are you responsible for that thing running around? You can split blame between Sharon and….whoever blew up my satchel earlier”

“Was that a ‘yes’ to my blessing a weapon?” Kathlin enquired as she stepped towards the pike Serphia had been eying up – what it was doing in a potions and engineers store was up for debate, but irrespective of that there it was. She leaned over to gingerly pick up the weapon to hold it at completely the wrong angle before giving the room a self-conscious look.

“Well. I’ve never actually, er, done this before….so please, er, bear with me”

With that, the girl closed her eyes and cleared her throat, before beginning to sing in a soft melodic tone, in what appeared to be latin. While there were no extravagant movements or gestures it was evident that whatever she was doing had power in it, as a faint and slowly strengthening glow appeared around her and coalescing on the weapon blade.

“Once she’s done with that, I’ll take her and get us into demon-bait mode” Liaena remarked off-handedly. “The Gryphon master owes me a….”

The girl paused at this, as though trying to determine exactly what adjective she should use before settling on the most socially acceptable. “…favour”

“Although – where to? In terms of where you want to fight her, there’s a mountain range to the north of here that isn’t populated except from Knolls and other stuff like that” Liaena glanced at Serphia at this with a questioning look. “Other than that, the countryside is littered with villages so I don’t see where you’re going to go easily”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was a good question indeed...

Should she stage her epic battle against the more than 50ft tall giant demoness in the local, rural areas outside of Stormwind's southern wall, or should she lead Malizia far up into the rocky mountains for a great showdown?

Serphia was initially tempted to pick the first option, taking Malizia to the villages south of Stormwind to fight her in the large, open farmfields. Maybe even use some of the trees to get a jump on her. It would also assure that she had an audience to watch the legendary exploits of the legendary Serphia! She could spawn numerous generations of stories and legends in just one battle.

... especially considering that these were just short lived monkeys they were talking about.

But the mountains. There was just something epic to the feel and sound of fighting a giant demon in the mountains, and all the great legends and ballads of ancient warriors had usually resolved around mountainous terrain. And who cared about some simple, filthy human peasants when you could compare yourself to the great keldorai warriors of the ancient past?!?

"We will bring her - to the mountains!" Serphia grinned with a triumphant smirk as she rose up.
"I will garb myself for battle, using the offerings of our Gnomish friend! No way she would ever wish not to be part of such a legendary battle!"

Serphia called out, giving Gimpsy a look she could never refuse, before traipsing off into the rest of the store; a series of crashes and clattering could be heard before the Captain returned anew, this time wearing a steampunk esque set of light leather armor(said armor being clearly too small for her either way).

"You look wonderful, mistress!" Aleena commented with an uncertain smile as Serphia came walking back into the opening.

Grabbing the pike from Kathlin, Serphia would smile brouadly as she entered a pouncing pose, leaning forward.

"Thank you, Sentinel Aleena. Although it is gnomish fashion, it must do for.... ooahhhh." Serphia suddenly let out a slight gasp as she leaned forward, the overly tight leather pants squeezing against her rear as she suddenly felt Rithrynn plunge forcefully into her!

Suddenly gaining a slight smirk on her face, she motioned for Liaena and Sharon.

"You two go get the demon, I'll be waiting... hhihi.. in the mountains!" Serphia said with an extremely coy smile as she piqued an eyebrow at them.

In the meantime, Vashi, looking at Mei, would throw Mei a concerned look as the Night Elven magi inched closer to the tall Draenei.

"Is that... actually true?" Vashi whispered curiosuly to Mei as she leaned in closer, Vashi clinging to Mei's left arm as she spoke silently up to the Draenei.
"Have you actually fought demons this big before? And... "

She looked cautiously away for a moment, before her big silvery eyes suddenly returned to look up at her!

" .. and did you win?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a pause as Sharon gave Liaena a long look after her mention of her dealings with the gryphon master.

Then again, the High Elf knew well enough not to ask or dig deeper with Liaena. Mostly because he was sometimes afraid of what he might find, but also because Liaena could share some of the traits of her own potions when it came to dealing with difficult or inquisitive questions.

"Thivery! Robbery! I will not stand for this!!" Sounded Gimpsy's defiant voice, after Serphia had just robbed her store in broad daylight.
"It is not even your size you philistine boo,-"

Sharon succeeded however in stopping the Gnome's impressively loud tirade as he gently prodded the Gnome with his silver battlestaff, eying down at her as he muttered quietly.

"I'll pay for that, just put it on my bill."

"Maybe I should honestly just pay the giant demoness outside my house to become my new bodyguard instead! I doubt even the general food bills or collateral damage she'd cause by being a gigantic demon stomping around Stormwind city would cost as much as that of simply keeping Rithrynn's warband around!"

Speaking of Rithrynn.

" ... ooaaaahhh!"

For a moment, Sharon simply stared at Serphia's large, round butt as it strained mercilessly against the new set of pants, as Rithrynn just slipped further out of their reach! Mentally groaning, the High Elf would turn his head and glance over at Liaena as the Captain tried to shoo them away, giving her another long look, before speaking after an awkward pause.

"You said something about a ´demon-bait-mode? You're not going to have to carry around the blood of the innocent and a dead bride's lost ring or something, are you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

'At least some semblance of intelligence and logical thinking.' Mei thought when Serphia decided to fight the demon in the mountains. It was the best decision that could be reached in the span of time they had to decide on a battle plan. In the mountains Malizia's size would be to her disadvantage. She'd have hard time maintain complete balance while smaller beings such as the normal sized ones present would be a lot more mobile. That and making Mali fall to the ground so the mages could get a hold of her and keep her pinned would be easier.

“Hmm?” She made a questioningly pleased sound as Vashi clung to her arm. She nodded with a soft smile.” Yes... on my own I've faced 2 demons Malizia's size. Granted with a lot of preparation, but the first was vanquished. The second one I faced alone, I had the bad luck of being ambushed actually. We reached a kind of standstill before both of us retreated before the other's allies could show. I was in pretty bad shape, but the eredar was not too much better also. Taking down eredars of that size is possible on my own if I had the time to lay preparation. With my former team we've faced a lot more demons.. of all sizes and shapes.” Mei stated with a confident nod.” If I had my sword for killing demons this would have been a lot easier.”

“Anyhow, we should just go with the simple plan of drawing Malizia to the mountain range and fight her there. Vashi, master Sharon, you should try to disturb her balance as I said earlier. She'd be easier to fall then. Do you two possess magic of the frost type? There's a certain type of frost magic that's very effective on eredars and other demons. Anything that leaves ice shards in the wounds will keep it from closing up with their greater healing.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“No, probably just me on a gryphon or something like that”
Kathlin responded to Sharon. Liaena glanced at her diffidently. “Eh, something like that”

The shorter girl gave Sharon a worried look, and then turned to Mei. “Hey. The indirect reason a demon is terrorising Stormwind is because a Scourge cult posing as a merc guild called the ‘White Hand’ are trying to kill –“ here she pointed at Sharon “—him. Do me a favour and keep a look out for assassins, would you?”

“Never mind, you’ll probably be safer with her than us” Kathlin said consolingly as she backed off towards the door. Liaena reached up to give the High Elf a quick kiss and then moved to join her. “...do NOT get in the line of fire. Your bodyguards have it covered”

With that, the pair turned to duck out of the door onto a small cramped square in the dwarven district. On the other side of the city from the Mage district as they were, the atmosphere almost appeared normal. Liaena tugged at Kathlin’s hand to guide her, and the two girls turned to flee down a side street.

“Ah….Li? This isn’t the way to the Gryphon post”
Kathlin gasped after a few minutes of ducking and weaving expertly between buildings. Liaena turned to check back behind them; in her free hand was a vial she was holding like a grenade. “Detour. We’re taking”

Coming out onto one of the canal bridges, Kathlin turned to take in the majestic façade of the Cathedral looming over the buildings ahead of them. “Detour….home?”


The other girl shook her head as she jogged along. “Seems...too good…to be true. I’ll go with it”

The square that they emerged onto was by contrast a hotbed of activity. The main work seemed to be the rapid import of civilians and city watch casualties into the monastery clinics, many sporting ugly burns or dark wounds – or simply missing body parts. This entire process was being watched over by multiple priests rushing about with clip boards, one of which Liaena made a beeline for now. “LIAM! A word!”

Priest Gray turned sharply with a harassed look on his face – one that melted into mingled relief and anger when he saw the pair. “Rune….what’s going on!? Reports say that a Demon has made a nest in your boyfriends house, half the mage district is on fire and the army is being called in! What in the eastern kingdoms did you DO!? …Light, I’m so glad you’re okay”

“Me too, dear” Kathlin responded as she returned the priest’s hug.

Liaena, who looked as if she was about to commence some pre-determined spiel, stalled noticeably as she stared at the pair. “….dear? Since when!?”

“Er, about six months ago?”
The taller priestess said amiably. From the expression on her companions face, it cut no ice at all. “….but Liam!? Really. Why?”

EH-HEM!” Priest Gray said sharply, the young mans face now slightly purple from some combination of stress and now embarrassment as he glowered at Liaena. “Get to the POINT Rune, before I call the Paladins!”

“Oh, right. Yes.” Liaena said, before pointing at Kathlin. “The demon’s in love with her”


“….I don’t think that was the best thing to start with”
Kathlin commented as she took in Liam’s stupefied expression. Liaena merely smirked. “Just for his expression, it totally was.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A smirk appeared Serphia's lips as she saw Liaena run out the door.

Though impudent, brash and utterly devoid of any understanding of what it meant to respect a clearly superior race than her own, Liaena did tend to provide for the best amusements. If it hadn't been for the human's inability to deescalate any situation, Serphia probably wouldn't have gotten a chance to raid that human castle, or as of now now; have the chance to beat a giant demon(which was entirely the fault of the human and her mad experiments)! She was beginning to understand why Rithrynn would stick around with her, as excitement seemed to always be right around the corner, even without having to insult someone's race or heritage.

Of course, whether she'd ever admit any of her gratefulness to the human was another story entirely! She could never let her think she'd gone soft, after all!

"Mistress, what should we d,-" Sentinel Aleena was the first to break the silence, apparently uncomfortable with standing around around; but before she could even finish the sentence, Serphia had already sprung into action.

"Sentinel Vashi! Stay with the Quel'Dorei to assist in the whatever-magical-thinga-magig that you are going to do! I will reconvene with our sisters and prepare for the epic final encounter with the foul demon!"

Serphia commanded, already pulling Aleena after her towards the door; although Aleena was more than eager to almost run into her back; before the two Night Elves exited the shop and slamming the door shut, with enough force to cause the entire room to shake as Gimpsy had to throw herself sideways in order to catch two potions as they fell off their shelves, narrowly avoiding whatever volatile concoction they were containing from being released; the Gnome in question letting out a deep sigh of relief.

Vashi, in the meantime, exchanged a glance between Mei and Sharon, before tilting her head slightly towards the former.

"Would it not be better to simply cover the ground below her in a sheet of ice? I bet that would make a scene!"


On the outside, both Serphia and Aleena entered into a dash as the pair sprinted through the city, heading towards the Mage district!

A failed airborne trip over Stormwind and days of previous feasting and partying aside, the two huntresses moved with alarming speed and agility throughout the narrow morning streets of Stormwind, ducking and weaving through whatever obstacles or crowds might be in their path, sprinting across battlements or jumping from roof to roof to the surprise and amazement of groggy citizens and even guards!

All in all, it was a good morning jog by Serphia's standards for them to reach the Mage district.

With the smoke of Sharon's mansion as their guide, it did not take long for Serphia and Aleena to locate the rest of the warband, whom had by then been forced out of the mansion and had taken refuge in a back alley, apparently having decided not to fight the 50ft tall giant demoness after it had sent their Captain airborne. And so, when they spotted Serphia and Aleena emerging from the alley behind them, there were many gasps and looks of amazement! Looks that were shortly replaced by a sense of dread when they realized they had also been routed from the mansion by the foul thing that had defeated their mistress...

"Mistress! Are you alright?"
"The Captain is alive!"
"We are sorry for not killing the foul demon, we had totally planned to leave her for you!"

"At ease, sisters. I have returned, and I have a plan." Serphia grinned, a glint in her silvery eye as she scanned the gathering Night Elves, noting they seemed to have at least recovered their weapons and armor in their flight from the mansion, being fully equipped albeit battle weary and still-not-quite-sober.

"Is everyone accounted for?"

"Almost... well.!" Lithrielle would be the first to step forward, also carrying a bundle of weapons and arms, which Serphia recognized as her own.
"We know Falere is with you, but we do not know where Rithrynn is. And what is with that strange outfit?"

There was a visible pause in Serphia's response, mostly as the when her eyes scanned her warriors, she noticed the familiar sight of a bright pink haired and very curious looking Naliyah come waltzing up, ushering Silje in front of her and carrying the miniature form of sentinel Luci in one hand.

"Ah, she... has been assigned to the rear of the operation for now." Serphia said with a reassuring tone, finally paying attention to her ramshackled armor. It had been too small already, and after the sprint, she could notice multiple rips and tears already; the button holding her cleavage together already threatening to burst and putting a hole in Lithrielle's head!
"Temporary getup. Thank you for returning my real equipment."

Serphia said as she began to rapidly undress, struggling for a moment to get out of the woefully undersized leather outfit and put on her much bigger and looser Sentinel uniform. But not without casting a curious look towards Silje and Luci.

"What is it with them?" She finally asked, finishing to put her gear on.

"Well, we... we suspect the heinous demon is attracted to them." Lithrielle began, a bit unsure how to even phrase it, when Naliyah suddenly sprang in, sounding on the whole a lot more excited.

"Actually! We think it is love! I do not know what sort of naughty letters or unholy rituals either the human or Sentinel Luci has committed in the dark, but the giant demon is like... totally crazy for them!" Naliyah beamed as she pushed forward a disheveled Silje; who's only goal in life at the moment was to make her as unnoticeable as possible; and held up a very uncomfortable looking Luci to Serphia.

Serphia; pausing for a moment as she took the tiny Luci from Naliyah and held her in her palm; would throw the two of them a suspicious look, before the realization suddenly dawned on her.

"They must be like that naive human friend of Liaena!"

"Is this true, Sentinel Luci?" Serphia asked the tiny elf in her palm, her eyes now suddenly narrowed, revealing great interest on the Captain's side!

"Well, I, uhm... " Luci; suddenly looking only all the more uncomfortable by the sudden interest from Serphia; hesitated before carefully gazing up at the large, looming face of her mistress.
"I mean... y-yes. I barely escaped, if not for Naliyah. That giant demon smashed three guest rooms and half the living room in a crazy lunge for me! I did not even think she would notice me like this!"

"You are safe, Sentinel Luci. I would not allow any of my warriors to fall into that demon's clutches." Serphia suddenly spoke with a surprisingly warm tone as she lowered a confused and surprised Luci down onto the nearby crate.

"Thank you mistress, I would prefer not to go anywhere near that demon again!" Luci smiled, hope having returned to the Night Elf's eyes as she straightened her back to make a salute.

"Sentinel Naliyah," Serphia then said, turning to look at the ever-curious pink haired Night Elf as she motioned towards Luci on the crate.
" ... I am putting the responsibility of guarding and keeping Luci from the demon on you. Serve me well, warrior!"

Serphia said with a slight grin; just as Naliyah's face would beam with excitement, Naliyah throwing a gleeful smile down towards a suddenly stunned Luci before she gave Serphia a quick salute.

"I will, mistress!" Naliyah responded, her voice barely containing a squeal of you!

"Wait, mistress, I do not need... OH goddess!"

Luci barely managed to voice her complaint before Naliyah was already happily strutting over towards the crate at a surprisingly quick pace, hips swinging from side to side as a huge smile was pasted on her face! Luci merely gawked in utter disbelief as the relatively giant, pink haired figure now towered over her, staring right down at her with two excited, silvery eyes.

"Do not worry, no one will get to you under my care." Naliyah said with a dangerously cheerful voice as she appraised Luci, before in a single, perfected move; the voluptuous Night Elf warrioress would spin around in a 180*, poke her large, bubbly pink butt out, gently jump a few inches up, before finishing with a perfect landing right on Luci; Naliyah slumping down onto the crate and letting out a moan of pleasure as Luci slipped right up inside of her bum; wriggling it around for good measures.

"Commendable enthusiasm as always, Sentinel Naliyah." Serphia nodded, secretly impressed by Naliyah's sheer agility and grace; there being certain maneuvers the pink haired elf seemed to have mastered to the point few; if any; could rival her.
"Now then... "

Turning towards Silje, Serphia gave a smirk; all the while the human was staring wide eyed at the rather happy Naliyah sitting on the crate, before she noticed the towering figure of the white haired Serphia staring down at her.

"Now then, I think I have a plan for you... " Serphia muttered, her face turning into a wide grin as she reached out, placing one hand on Silje's shoulder; and the human visibly shuddered.

"You were just promoted from 'Chow' to 'Bait', girl!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I am not sure about any direct attack with elemental magic. They tend to have a lessened effect against the creatures of the Twisting Nether." Sharon decided to add to the tactical conversation going on with Mei and Vashi, though would take a moment to smirk at Vashi's proposal.
"I like that idea... as long as we make sure no one is anywhere near close to her when you do so. Our gigantic ex-death-knight can best be described as clumsy, and I doubt anyone here would want to try to catch her if she fell!"

Whilst Sharon certainly had had encounters with demons of different size and type before, he knew that he could hardly be described as an expert on the subject.
Trudging down into decaying cultist lairs or venturing into forbidden, filthy swamps under a blood red moon was not exactly the kind of things the High Elf enjoyed doing, and so he had never been much in the way of qualified Demon Hunter material. Dealing with demons on a regular basis was too much of a menial orientation for his refined tastes!

"I have fought a demon roughly the size of this one before... " Sharon finally added, leaning his head inbetween them in a conspiratorial manner.
"Or, been witness to the fight, but that involved one of our group members; namely my dear Rune; going toe to toe with the demoness."

Sharon appeared to finish, until he noticed the looks on Mei and Vashi's faces, as if he had just spun half a tale before quitting midway without finishing.

"Ahem, yes. It was a great battle. We didn't win, but I would not say we lost either. For lack of better words, it was a stand-still. The only actual casualty being my old ex... whom at the time tried to kill me. Or at least kidnap me."


"Yes, what I am trying to say is that I think our best chance is to banish or teleport her away. I doubt our chances in a fight."

Leaning his silver staff against his left shoulder, the High Elf turned to gaze up at Mei, a question suddenly ready on his face as he squinted an eye at her.

" ... and, did you say you were somehow ambushed by a demon the size of a literal tower?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Mei made a rather unimpressed expression as the wizards discussed using ice to slip the demoness. Normally the tactic could work... normally, but the situation had nothing normal about it. She sighed and looked at herself, she lacked any weaponry, her clothing was tattered up and frankly she wasn't really too happy with the present situation. She missed her chance to kill Malizia a few times already and the only saving grace was she found the most adorable little thing she had seen in a long while...(If the averagely 2 meters tall gorgeous women could be called adorable.)((Then again she also stood taller than nearly every night elf woman out there with few exceptions of course)).

“Ice's not going to work...” Mei eventually said, interrupting the two magic user's dreams about clumsy giant demon.” Her size... is too great. Her mass is simply too great also... she's way too heavy for about any ice to hold her properly. You'd need tens of meters layers of ice to withhold her weight and not to mention she's also has hooves... Ice's not going to work be it from magic or not.” She explained, throwing a look around with searching gaze.

“Just bring her down via rockslides and some kind of impacts to the head and give me a weapon that will be able to cut her skin. I will keep her pinned down long enough so you two can teleport her away... just no regular portals least I get pulled away with her. I do not want to go back to the twisted nether again... Been there, not fun.” She stated.

“... Ahmm... next time you fight in one of the extremely rocky terrains of Outland then you talk... There are places where armies could hide with little difficulties and what's more this Demon had actually went the extra mile by having someone cast illusion magic of high degree on him. I was in my most murderous rage state at that point so things are a little hazy on the details, but I was kind of wrecking havoc all about the place and then there was my party... so yeah They threw an ambush at me. I think the demon had an illusion of an old tower thrown on him... I did wonder what that tower was doing there, but I was kind of on blood rage, chasing down some fel orcs and some fel hounds....”

Right after saying that, Mei made a rather melancholy expression. Showing a mixture of sadness and yearning for something. Her right hand twitched as she looked at the magic users. The raging warrior was gone at this moment.” Can any if you two magically pull an item/s I have strong attachments to from my vaults in the bank of either Stormwind or Exodar...?” She asked, her eyes honest, innocent and full of some pleading desire.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Okay, I suggest you explain right now Rune” Liam growled, the young man having gone from blanched to acquiring blotchy spots of anger of his cheeks as he observed Liaena’s amusement. “Or—or I will recommend you for latrine cleaning duty. For a month.”

“It’s not that complicated really” Liaena said dryly. “There was a demon. I tried to shrink it. But someone mixed up my potions, and I ended up accidently dosing her with love potion. She saw Kitty first. Most unfortunate”

“Pretty sure there was more to it than that”

Kathlin mumbled. Liam stared at her. “That—that doesn’t explain anything! Why is there a demon!? How did it get here!? Will there be more??”


“Wha….those are not semantics! Do you even know what that words means!?”

“Calm down, dear” Kathlin beseeched, casting a quick glance at over at the paladins who had started to take an interest. Liam’s voice had risen to a high-pitched infuriated squeak as he glowered at Liaena. “Li is trying to help. Actually, the demon bit is more my fault”


The priest’s mouth clacked shut, before giving her a sharp look at that admission. “….That’s ridiculous. Don’t say that”

“Anyway” Liaena cut in “Source of demon notwithstanding -- we’re making an ambush for her. If I give you a location and a time, can you pass on the message and get the paladins over there?”

“….not easily! I’m hardly their usual tactician!” Liam frowned. “Besides, they’ll want to talk to you”

“Er, no”

Liaena shook her head curtly, before looking around quickly to check for observers. Liam’s earlier outburst notwithstanding, it was evident the people of the square had enough to do to bother themselves with their posse. “You can tell them the message is from me, that’ll probably make them sit up. But I don’t feel like being arrested. Also, they’re going to need air support”


The girl shifted a fragment of parchment out of her pocket and a pencil, licking the lead before she put it to the paper to scrawl a few shapes. “This is Stormwind. These are the northern mountains”

Liam stared at the parchment as it was pushed at him. “….try harder, Rune”

“Shall I do it, Li?”

“….what?” Liaena frowned at the pair, before adopting a defensive look as she glanced at her handiwork. “Everyone’s a critic.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vashi took a moment to squint at Mei following the Draenei's question, a silver eye narrowing on the berserker.

"Did you... just ask me to commit magical robbery of the Stormwind and Exodar bank?" She asked after a slight pause, eyeing Sharon as if to get any hints from the High Elf's own reaction.
"While I do not make a habit of turning down challenges, I think it might be easier to just take a cab, or even just run to the bank!"

The Night Elf Magi said with a hopeful smile towards Mei and Sharon, shrugging her shoulders.

"It is not like that giant demon friend of yours can destroy the entire city in the time it takes us to make a simple withdrawal from the bank... right?"


"Stand back, civilians are not allowed near ground zero at any,-"

"Do I look like a common citizen?"


There was silence from the heavily armored guardsman as he simply stared up at the shadows of the dozens of individuals towering over him, glowing, silvery eyes narrowed in a multitude of predatory glares from amidst the numerous gleams of bladed weapons and arrows, and all of them focused directly on him.

"Uhh... no?" The guardsman answered with a hesitant tone as he stared up at the biggest figure of them all, the 8ft tall ashen haired Sentinel Captain whom glared down at him!

The silvery blue, white eyes of the Night Elves might appear exotic and even beautiful to many outsiders, but to this guardsman in this particular moment, they were absolutely terrifying as they all observed him with undisturbed fury, making him shrink in the bulk of his heavy plate armor and away from the visors of his thick metal helmet.
The attention was enough for him to mostly ignore the pandemonium going on in the background behind him, where a giant, winged red demoness the size of a building just tore up a wagon with its attached donkey, and threw both the animal and the wagon into a nearby house with a resounding crash!

Though that still was not enough for him to take his eyes off Serphia!

"Exactly, little human!" Serphia continued, suddenly placing two purple, armored hands on the frozen guardsman's shoulders.
"And so therefore, you will let us pass, as for while I can be a generous mistress, I have no patience for fools... !"

"Y-yeh... I mean, yes, sir,- ahem! Mistre-Mistress?!"

The guardsman quickly made a frantic, hastened salute as he stepped to the side, literally hugging the side of the alley with his back as Serphia nodded, satisfied, before the dozens of sentinels marched past.

"Imagine if all apes were that reasonable, mistress." Aleena commented, quick to congratulate Serphia on her interaction with the guardsman. Serphia simply let the side of her lips curl into a grin in return.

"I might actually be able to tolerate them if that was the case." She commented with a soft laugh, though her eyes continued to stare forward.
"Maybe once we rid the city of this little red nuisance, they will finally learn to appreciate us!"

Serphia said as she continued on towards the end of the alley, where they finally had a proper view of the massive figure of Malizia as the demon was fast busy waging a one-woman-war against the entire Mage District and all the forces arrayed against her, on the form of guardsmen running around, trying to pepper her with crossbowbolts that seemed to do nothing but anger her, and mages trying to pepper her with various spells that seemed to have a little more effect than the crossbowbolts, but also mainly served to make Malizia only more frenzied!


As she pushed an old wizard out of her way; causing his little fire spell to go awry and put his own hat on fire; Serphia would call out to Malizia!

Malizia, in the process of flinging a terrified knight around, would suddenly stop; pause for a moment as her red ears twitched at the sound of the familiar voice, and shuffle around as the giant demoness would stare directly down at the small gathering with Serphia at the forefront.

"You again?!"

"Yes, it is me, Serphia, Captain and Mistress of the proud Keldorei! If you thought you defeated me before, you are WRONG! However, as I am a honorable opponent, I have brought you a little gift as to recognize your prowess in battle!"

Serphia said with a grin, the giant Malizia suddenly squinting her eyes in return as she casually dropped the squirming knight and moved to lean in closer. Stepping aside, Serphia made a gesture to the rest of her sentinels, whom all moved aside to reveal a nightsaber facing the opposite way; a lone human female tied and blindfolded on top of the nightsaber.

"Uhh, can I come down now? I really don't like thi,- whatever is going on. Why do I smell fire?" Silje complained, fear evident in her voice as Malizia's eyes simultaneously expanded to large, glowing fel orbs at the sight of the adorable little female; lust suddenly striking her heart! Silje, trying to look around despite her blindfolds, continued to speak from atop the nightsaber.

"Guys, I really feel like something bad is about to go down anytime soon... guys?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

”Can any if you two magically pull an item/s I have strong attachments to from my vaults in the bank of either Stormwind or Exodar...?"


"I assume you're going to pay for that, right?"

Sharon let out a sigh, followed by a short chuckle as he picked up a single gold coin and thumbed it through the air towards the Gnome.

"I am not like the purple skinned barba,-" Sharon was about to say with a smile, when he suddenly remembered the presence of Vashi right next to her; the fact that a semi-reasonable person like Vashi could even be a member of Serphia's warband requiring some mental processing before he could truly fathom it; and quickly changed his line.
" ... ahem, you know a gentleman always pays his dues. One Portal Rune, if you will."

As Gimpsy went away to whisk through the ordered chaos that was her workshop in pursuit of her rune collection, even pre Serphia-visit, Sharon could not help but feel a sense of urgency wash over him.

"Whatever business with the bank you may have, we should be quick about it." Sharon explained to Mei as he accepted the rune from the incoming Gimpsy, the gnome clearly enthused by the more than 80% tip he had just given her for the Rune.

"I cannot admit I feel completely safe leaving either Liaena or our dear Captain Serphia to their own devices in the city. Not that I question their intentions, I am more worried about their choice of methods. That, and the fact I have never known them for being much in the way of teamplayers with one another."

He explained as he held the silver lined rune fragment up for Vashi to take if she wished, all the while eyeing Mei.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"It's one thing to grab my stuff from here in Stormwind and another to take my... better equipment I left in Exodar." Mei replied, remembering the distinct differance in quality between the two sets of armors and weapon. One was incredibly valuable, enchanted, forged by master craftsment by magical materials, imbued with powers from worlds long forgotten on their travels through the Twisted Nether during the endless running from the legion, the other was a simple steel plate armor that while made from high grade steel was just that high grade steel.

Mei saw what Sharon bought and took a breath. Portals... she preferred teleportation for obvious reasons of her body and how it reacted to portals, but in a pinch this would have to do. Hell it might even safe her a little bit of time, being thrown through the portal. She smiled and nodded to the high elf, before placing hand on Vashi's and moving it to take the rune.” Alright, Vashi, hear me. Use that rune to open a temporary portal to Exodar. Use me to set the location, I know exactly where I need to be. Just open the portal. After that you can call me. You can already summon me anywhere you are. After all you summoned me once, I'm bound to you in a way.” Meirie replied, throwing a look at Sharon.

“As for you master Sharon, try to stay out of troubles for the duration of my stay in Exodar... Won't be more than 10 or so minutes, but if something happens, have Vashi summon me right away.” She stated, placing a hand on the night elf mage's cheek.

“Now get that portal up, we are running out of time. Remember if something happens, you pull me back right away, okey?” She asked, waiting for the cute night elf to give her the confirmation and portal her away.

This was going to be something Mei never thought she'd do. She left that set of equipment there to just wither away in oblivion somewhere in Azeroth. The fact she was returning there, meant she was also going to be returning to her olden days... She time in oblivion was over, it was time to return to the world as she used to be. All for this adorable night elf...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Okay, so you want the paladins to ambush this giant demon on the northern pass?”

“No, no, the southern pass!” Liaena said impatiently. Brushing Kathlin’s hand aside, she pointed imperiously at the paper. “There’s the first mountain range north of Stormwind. See?”


“That looks like a deformed hedgehog, Li”

“Well you draw it then!” Liaena scowled at her companion, who merely removed the parchment from her, turned it over and started drawing on the back.

“This is ridiculous….” Liam groaned. “You expect me, to mobilise the PALADINS, with this sort of nonsense? You’re wasting my time here”

“Wasting your time implies you were doing something useful to begin with” Liaena snapped back.


“Well yes actually, I was administering to the hospital. Not that you’d value that, seeing how you prefer to inflict damage rather than heal it”


“Excuse me, if it wasn’t for me just where would your girlfriend be rotting?”

“Not in a situation I don’t doubt she was in ALL BECAUSE OF YOU…!”



Liam and Liaena shouted in unison at Kathlin, the former looking slightly bashful after he remembered himself: “I mean, uh….yes dear?”

Kathlin nodded across the yard. “Priest Marshall is coming”

Liaena spun around to take in the highly unwelcome view of that very angry looking gentle-priest, currently stomping across the yard towards them. From the expression on his reddened face, his mood had not been improved with the dark haired girl appearing in his sights – who had actually gone a shade paler at the sight of him. “RUNE! I WOULD HAVE WORDS! WITH YOU!”

“Er, okay. Briefing done” Liaena gulped, before glancing at Liam and grabbing Kathlin’s hand. “You know the plan, right?”

“NO! Liae….”

“Byeee!” the girl snapped out, before turning tail and diving into the buildings behind them, dragging her friend with her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm on it!" Vashi had already snatched the portal rune from Sharon, as she began conjuring her spell.

"Anun i'thilien, arun o Til'Phelana o vani!"

After a few seconds, a portal suddenly emerged in the middle of the shop; knocking books and shelves over as it swirled into existance from thin air, revealing a shimmering picture of the Draenei capital of Exodar, shining with pink and yellow light from the obscene amount of crystals that the Draenei liked to decorate their cities with!

"Look, Mei, I,-"

But before Vashi could continue, the aura around the portal had already grabbed ahold of Mei, snatching the Draenei up and throwing her like a sling right through the portal with violent force!

Vashi merely gasped, before throwing herself after Mei into the portal!

"Sweetie, are you okay?! I didn't mean to... !"


As the giant, red demoness now towered high above them; feel green eyes shining with intensity and desire as it watched them around Silje, some of the Sentinels started to huddle slightly closer behind Serphia, with Sentinel Aleena stepping up right next to Serphia and stepping up on her toes to whisper into the Captain's long, purple ear.

"So mistress, are you sure this plan is going to work?" Aleena whispered quietly, worried eyes shifting between the massive demon looming over them, her wide, leathery wings taking up almost their entire side view; and then over to Silje sitting on top of the black nightsaber Ripfang.

"Oh, absolutely!" Serphia exclaimed, pumping a clenched fist with a triumphant grin on her face.
"I have instructed my fluffy-wuffly Ripfang mount to take the human directly to the mountains north of Stormwind, taking the demon on the fastest route out of the city and into the vulnerable ground in the mountains! This big-assed demon will be out of the city before we even know it!"

"Are you, a kitty? I... I uhm, like kittens!"

All the while, Silje tried to make conversation with the large nightsaber she was sitting on. She knew she was sitting on a cat of some sort. And although she had always been very fond of cats, this cat was abnormally big, black of fur and long, sharp yellow teeth that gleamed even in bright daylight.
Ripfang, on the other hand, was not as interested in interacting with its missed-meal currently situated on its back. Instead, the black Nightsaber simply looked around in the street whilst waiting for his mistress's signal.

That was, until a tiny, nosy and furry object suddenly caught Ripfang's attention...


Ripfang's deep, yellow predatory eyes would suddenly shift a little bit to the right as it spotted the furry outline of a small rat currently skittering across the cobblestone. The rat stopped in its tracks, standing up on its hind legs as it sniffed the air around it; until its beady little eyes suddenly noticed the relatively massive, towering black figure of Ripfang as the mouse noticed the nightsaber!

And then the massive war feline and tiny rodent locked eyes...

"However, foul-demon! You can only have your precious monkey if you can actually,-"

"Pst, mistresss!"

"Not now, Aleena! I'm posturing!"

"But mistress, it's important."


"Your Ripfang, Mistress, he just took off!"

It was as that moment that all the sentinels turned around to look together with Serphia, as they could barely see the outline of a fast moving feline and an utterly terrified human girl screaming at the top of her lungs tied to its back as the two barreled through the smoke, debris and fire of the Magic District. An eerie moment of quiet suddenly passed across all the gathered Night Elves; their bait just having gone off on a zig-zagging trip towards the center of the city, before the familiar, demonic voice of Malizia could be heard booming from behind!

"Nooo! My precious little Silje! Come back, my love!"


The Sentinels threw themselves in a mad dash to get out of the way of the now giant, stampeding demoness as Malizia charged forward in a mad pursuit to catch up with the fast Nightsaber carrying her love, as the cat in question was chasing a very determined rodent!
Serphia barely had time to look back, before a giant hoof came out of nowhere; stomping down on her to the horror of the surrounding sentinels, before moving on and leaving Serphia prone behind, lying back down against the ground as the Captain looked up in sheer disbelief.

"Mistress!! Ripfang is not heading towards the mountain! He's going.... I don't know where he's going!" Sentinel Aleena shouted as she came up to Serphia from the side, with Serphia merely staring up at the burning sky above.

"By the goddess I swear I will kill that cat... with a tuna as weapon no less!" Serphia muttered, eyes affixed to the sky as the disheveled Captain seemed to refuse to move!

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