What would you do if you found yourself with a chance.. A chance to be a hero? What if it meant you lost your life? Good I have your interest young one. Now I am going to inform you of what has happened to you. You did exactly that, except a little more on the risking your life for a friend.
Now, I will give you another chance. You will be reborn into a different world, a world ravaged by a demon lord and his minions. Now I won't let you go there unarmed. You can pick one thing of your choice to take with you. What would that be?
The roleplay will take place within a timeline where Satou doesn’t die within the real world, meaning Aqua never leaves her throne within the afterlife. The roleplay will take place in non-canon locations for the most part as I would prefer not to do anything which ends with the destruction of the Fantasy world.
Just letting people know this is my first roleplay which has actually got past the point of looking for people. So please stick to the basic rules of: •No being rude (Being rude in Character is fine) •Please keep it PG13 •If any disputes arise please get me or a co-gm to sort it out rather than sort it yourselves. •Please try and keep spoilers to a minimum Also any questions people have please mention me @LadyAthena or message me directly
Character Sheet
CS: Name: Gender: Race: Appearance: (Image preferable, but a paragraph is still fine) Personality: Biography: (Please include how you died if you are human) Skills: Other:
@aonly9470 It will more or less be a rped within PMs as then it can be a more personal gift. I will put it into my starting IC post by summarizing the events within the PMs from each person.
Eg. "John slapped the goddess with his full force. The goddess slapped him back, this went on for several hours before John chose his gift of a sword which glows when demonic creatures are around"
But the summary will be more in depth as it isnt some random thing I have made up in my head
@aonly9470 Please dont post in the character tab, I need to confirm your CS is up to standard.
My main problem with your CS is that it is sort of hard to follow within the biography. I get the basic idea, but it is hard to understand. If you can please fix that, it would be appreciated
Also my character is a human who died, and his God Gift is turning into an orc. However he's already been here before the others and thus has accumulated a bit more experience, but he hasn't really done much with his life anyways. You'll see more when I post the CS.
Name: Yaj (Pronounced as Yang), formally known as Donny Yang Gender: Male Race: Orc Appearance: Personality: Boisterous but mostly friendly. While he’s quick to get into fights he generally seems like a nice guy if you aren’t a total jerk to him or those around him. He’s the type of guy who can come across as pretty lazy, but when push comes to shove he works really, really hard. If only so he can go back to lazing about. The type of guy who, if given two weeks to do something, won’t really do anything until the last two days, but will work really hard in those two days to make something decent. He can be kinda pervy, enjoying the perks of his body and new found self-confidence in himself.
Though he plays up his orcishness, Yaj has some amount of savvy as he often watched and played these sort of “traveled to a fantasy world” situations. He’s largely embraced his new life, but keeps his eyes out for “Death Flags” and “False Flags”. Death Flags are obvious things that could get him killed, such as accepting “Easy Jobs” involving the likes of goblins and slimes, or telling a pretty girl that he’ll be back from the war. Sometimes he has to trigger these things, but generally speaking Yaj does his best to avoid getting into that sort of situation in the first place. False Flags are something like Death Flags, except in other media they could easily trick you into thinking it was the right thing to do. Stuff like saving the girl, or giving food to the homeless lady who promises to give you magic powers or something. Stuff that as a normal person reading fantasy, you’d think would grant them some karmic reward. But being something of a cynic, Yaj knows that sometimes there is deception, or things are just as they appear: sometimes that girl is being chased because she’s a criminal, sometimes the old homeless lady really is a old homeless lady.
Going in a bit deeper, ever since Yaj had died and came to this world, he has had a nihilistic view of life. He now knows that there is something of a “beyond” after death, and has seen it for what it is. It’s just another stage in his life, with the same sort of people you’d expect to run the place. Though unlike some cynical nihilists who uses it as an excuse to bomb cities and cause chaos because nothing matters, Yaj prefers to use it as a justification to be laidback and not stress out over his struggles. People die, often for stupid reasons, but that is no reason to make others feel like shit for it. Enjoy life as you can, and live life when it’s tough. When the world is cruel and your purpose ultimately meaningless, you must make mercy and meaning for yourself.
Biography: The one known as Yaj wasn’t always this fine cut of orc you see now. He was actually once a human called Donny Yang. He was just a regular guy in the 21th century America, shuffling along with his dead end job after dropping out of college. He was a fat guy who’s folks always got on his case about a lack of a girlfriend and how out of shape he was, despite back when he used to be a martial artist back in highschool. Nowadays however the only fighting he did was online, in fighting video games.
One day he was at the mall looking to buy himself a new pair of headphones and some lunch when a child fell off the third floor balcony. Donny wasn’t trying to save the kid and in fact didn’t even realize he was there, but thanks to his large, flabby body, the child landed on Donny and was saved. Donny however was not; his neck snapped when the child fell on him. But for being the right man in the right place, Donny was given a second chance at resurrection.
When he met Aqua he was fairly respectful at first, though it was clear after she explained to him the circumstances of his death that Aqua was kind of a bitch. But he figured that was on par with most gods and played along with her alternative suggestion of going to this fantasy land and ridding it of the demon lord. Seemed like a good time. When offered a god item to help Donny thought long and hard. He didn’t want to be reliant on a single item, knowing that this isn’t a videogame where key items are locked in an abstract concept of inventory. So instead he asked for strength: he wanted to be an orc. As his current body was fat and weak, he wanted to be a big, strong orc, one who’s health will never deteriorate no matter how unhealthy he lives. Even when faced with the challenges of his appearance, Donny was confident that as long as he was strong, people would overlook his appearances. As long as he could stand up for himself and make money, people wouldn’t care what he looks like later. So granted his new body, Donny made a new life for himself, changing his name to Yaj, and set out into this brave new world.
Orcish Strength - In this new orcish body, Yaj is much more capable as a fighter and could do things he couldn’t have done before, such as break weapons with his fist, grapple his enemies, and jump through the air. His body is tough and heals from wounds faster than most, and could even withstand levels of damage that would normally kill a human. That being said he isn’t immortal and could still die by mundane means such as getting his head chopped off or stabbing him with enough arrows. He’s just tougher than others are naturally.
Brawler - Yaj used to take Martial Arts back in middle school, and joined the karate team in high school. While not the strongest or most skilled he did manage to reach the championships and won, thanks to a combination of his actual ability, luck, and cunning. With his new body, Yaj can utilize his strength much better. His preferred methods of Martial Arts are less kung-fu and much closer to brawling, with dirty shots and grappling. He actually specializes in taking on faster opponents and shutting them down, knowing that quick, hard hitting enemies are more threatening than big, tough, but slow ones.
Improvised Weapons: What makes the likes of ninjas and monks deadly isn’t their skills with exotic weapons, but their skills with mundane objects. In a pinch Yaj can use anything from a couple of rocks, furniture, to his own enemies as effective weapons. Sure anyone can just pick up a chair and hit a guy with it, but Yaj can take a bench and beat a guy down like a work of art. Yaj’s preferred improvised weapon is his wooden mug, which he has used to beat all manners of warriors in contest of drinking and combat.
Magic Resistance - An orc’s body is strong not only against weapons but magic. As Yaj grows stronger, his body is more capable of resisting the effects of magic, rather it’s mind-controlling spells or demon fire. Short of magic that does mundane things like throwing giant rocks at him, Yaj will be able to shrug it off just as well as he can shrug off punches. That being said his Magic Resistance is a double-edge sword: not only does he resist hostile magic but he also resists friendly magic as well. Magical healing is more difficult to use against him, and even things like healing springs are less effective. Certain types of magical healing such as magic potions work just fine, but if it comes from a spell chances are it won’t be working at 100%. Additionally, Yaj’s own magic resistance prevents him from using spells himself, though it doesn’t stop him from utilizing skills that manipulate or seem magical as shown below.
Chi - As a monk class, Yaj has access to a source of magic called Chi. While it acts much like mana, and indeed is effectively the same, Chi comes from the strength of the body rather than the mind. Thus Chi isn’t affected by Yaj’s magic resistance as they are less magic affecting his body, but his body doing things that seem like magic. That being said Yaj chose the Brawler archtype of the Monk Class, so most of his skills are focused on mundane brawling. He still does have access to some Chi abilities however.
Gentle Descent - As long as Yaj is conscious and hasn’t used up his Chi, he can fall from any height without taking any sort of fall damage.
Steps in the Wind - This ability allows Yaj to be highly acrobatic, doing all sorts of flips and jumps through the air with a fair amount of ease. He can focus and use his Chi to jump beyond what he is normally capable of physically, but it uses up more Chi the higher he goes.
Body of Steel - This passive Chi ability just makes Yaj’s body tougher, allowing him to reliably use his hand-to-hand skills against things like rock monsters or armored knights. It doesn’t make Yaj resistant against weapons and such, it just means that when he does things like punch a iron golem, he doesn’t break his hands. In addition his body counts as magic against enemies who are immune to mundane weapons but not immune to magical ones.
Empty Burden - The only Chi skill Yaj had put much points into. This skill allows Yaj to multiply his encumbrance level to the point of super strength. He could potentially carry up to one thousand pounds (Half a ton) without any sort of encumbrance issues. This also allows Yaj to utilize armor despite being a monk, as the armor’s penalties would not apply to him. He intends to take a few more levels into Empty Burden to effectively gain a permanent Freedom of Movement.
Purity of Body - This passive ability makes Yaj immune to magical and mundane disease. Basically, he can never get sicken. He can still get poisoned however, which he accepts because alcohol is apparently a poison and he does like to get drunk sometimes.
Cooking - Not really a skill on his card and more of a hobby. Yaj likes to eat well, so he cooks well too. While he’ll probably never be a royal chef he can make a mean dish, especially with stuff he finds in the wilds. While he does mundane dishes well enough what makes this skill warrant mentioning is that Yaj knows how to cook and prepare monsters to be delicious meals as well. Usually anyways.
Foraging - In addition to his above cooking, Yaj is pretty good at looking for food in the wild. This was more out of necessity than choice since in the beginning Yaj had no money and needed to find food off the streets. He can make tea out of flowers, sauces out of mold, and stew from rotten corpses. Nowadays with a bit more experience under his belt he can actually look for acceptable forage such as mushrooms and wild fruits.
Scribe - More of a useless talent rather than a skill, but Yaj can write incredibly fast and has excellent handwriting. He tried to get a job as a scribe, but his orcish body scared off most people who would hire him. He had thought that an orc scribe would be a novelty but it seemed most people thought he was just trying to rob them.
Other: Though Yaj has made enough of a reputation for himself to get work and live comfortably, he is still homeless. He generally falls asleep at the guild after a night of partying but has no permanent places of residence. Everything he owns is in a large backpack on his back.
The only notable thing in Yaj’s possession aside from his adventurer’s card is his fishing gear. He won it in a lottery, it is a high quality set of fishing gear consisting of a rod made of mithril, fishing wire made of dragon hair, a hook also made of mithril, and a magic lure that tricks fish into thinking there is food on the end of the hook. Yaj could have sold it for a lot of money, but it really helps him when he needs to find food.
Yaj loves to eat mushrooms of all types and styles. Fried, simmered, in a stew, roasted, or even raw. His love for mushrooms is so great that he is immune to any toxic mushrooms, or even poisons made from mushrooms. This is reflected in his favorite alcoholic drink, Greenmote, which is actually a poison derived from foreign mushrooms that causes paralysis and mental degradation. It also makes your skin glow green. Usually this has to be mixed into a cocktail, but only Yaj drinks it straight and asks for another round.
Yaj is also a gold-card customer of the local Succubus Club, and thus through the card he can order the service of the succubi whenever he wants for a 10% discount.
Personality: Shy around new people, and even with people she knows Lupa is very quiet. She prefers just doing things instead of talking due to her stutter. Lupa grew up in a very sheltered home so she doesn’t really know much about the world or anything beyond the forest she grew up in, making her naive and sometimes stupid. But Lupa has a good heart and can understand emotional instinctively, allowing her to easily see when people are lying or distressed.
But when Lupa is in her beast form, she’s much more savage and barbaric. While it only awakens when she’s hungry, in this form Lupa is nothing like her old self at all. She fights a lot, kills anyone she wants, and eats whatever meat she can get her hands on. In this form Lupa talks a lot about how killing is natural, and that only the strongest makes the rules no matter who it hurts. Not really pleasant, and the only way Lupa can retain control is when this form has its fill for food.
Biography: Lupa grew up away from the city and civilization, among monsters known as Werewolves. Unlike some monsters Werewolves were capable of forming communities for themselves, and often fought other monsters for food, territory, or just strengthening themselves. Lupa’s clan never stayed in one place for long due to the Demon King’s armies forcing them away from many lands, but they could never find a place among civilization due to their beastial natures. And even among these werewolves, Lupa was very sheltered. Her father died saving Lupa and her mother from the Demon King’s soldiers, and since than her mother kept Lupa safe at home, not wanting her daughter to ever leave and get hurt. But because she couldn’t go out to even do basic things like hunt, Lupa never made many friends. She loved her mother, but she wanted to see the world.
This resentment started to grow inside of her, creating a void in her stomach that no amount of delicious food could fill. Where most werewolf children were able to change between their humans and beast forms at an early age, when Lupa was a teen she still couldn’t. Until one day, after growing old enough that Lupa should have left home already, her mother still demanded that Lupa stay home. In a burst of anger Lupa exploded at her mother, shouting and yelling at her about how unfair she’s been and that Lupa needed to see the world on her own. As tensions grew Lupa suddenly changed into her werewolf form, and it was powerful despite being the first time she’s ever changed. Lupa overpowered her mother and went on a rampage through the countryside for a week until Lupa was able to take control again. When she did, she found herself in the middle of a slaughtered family, a family she killed when she was in her beast form.
Since that day Lupa swore never to change back into her beast form again, but she also wasn’t going to go back home. She wanted to see the world outside her mother’s protection and learn what there was out there, both good and bad.
Skills: Beast Form - Lupa is capable of turning into a powerful werewolf, a creature strong enough to face on demon lords with nothing but their claws, fangs, and ferocity. They grow stronger with age, gaining additional powers as well as just being tough to kill. Lupa’s werewolf form is controlled by her own hunger and the moon's setting. She tries to control this form by eating a lot, but on full moons she will be forced to change into her Beast Form. However on new moons she can't change at all.
Tracking - Lupa is a skilled tracker who utilizes both the knowledge of her surroundings as well as her animalistic sense to find her target. Whether she’s looking for a stolen necklace or an outlaw, all she needs is one hint and she will find it.
Archery - The only hunting skill Lupa learned as a child was how to use a bow and arrow, and that was only because she had a friend in the pack who taught her. Lupa is scared of fighting at close range because the smell of blood makes her hungry and makes her want to transform, so fighting from long range prevents this. Her keen sense allow her to detect her enemies from afar and around her, making her a decent shot.
Other: While Lupa wants to help people and make them feel better, her upbringing and nature as a werewolf often causes her to clash with people. While she’s scared of her beast form, she sees no problem with eating people if they’re dead, and if forced to fight up she isn’t afraid of using her powerful jaws to rip a piece of her enemy off their body.
The clothing she wears came from the home of the family she killed when she first awoke from her beast form, and she’s simply been buying new clothes whenever they’re damaged or dirty. She mostly wears clothes for warmth, and doesn’t find being naked a problem until she gets cold. Though she does like pretty clothes.
Lupa has a habit of sleeping outside near bushes or trees, and finds beds to be stuffy and uncomfortable. She has a very hard time sitting still and can only stay in place if she’s eating something.
Lupa also likes to collect random things and put them into her “treasure box”, which can be anything from bags, baskets, and actual boxes which she hoards her treasures. What counts as treasure can be a bit odd for others, as Lupa collects anything from acorns, rocks, dead bugs, live bugs, wild animals, and body parts.
Lupa doesn’t understand the concept of money or wealth so coins and jewelry have no value to her beyond trading with others for stuff, and even then she would throw them away if they’re inconvenient. Though this also means she has a bad habit of stealing everything she wants instead of paying for it, which often leads her to getting chased off.
Lupa has a habit of picking her teeth when she is idle or thinking about something.