Name: Delilah Louise Chastain
Sobriquet: Lady Delilah, Delly
Age: 22 years old
Birthday: 4th March
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: French-Caucasian
Social Class: Of Noble birth
Birth Planet: Earth
Occupation: Unemployed
Citizenship: Philian
Allegiance: Neutral - family are Loyalists

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 108lbs
Build: Very slender, possibly underweight
Skin Tone: Pale, usually powdered porcelain
Eye Color: Light blue/Grey
Hair/Wig: Her real hair is blonde in colour, which falls naturally in soft curls. Her wig is similar in style, with a wilder, thicker mass of white curls that is often backcombed to achieve an even crazier tangle of hair.
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: A scar that runs down from the back of her ear to the nape of her neck, acquired from the incident with the stable boy.
Misc: She has a birthmark resembling the shape of something inappropriate in an even more inappropriate area - something she will most likely offer to show.
Style of Apparel: Delilah follows the trends of the nobles while still managing to add her own personal twist. While her mother insists that she sticks with the Rococo style that is currently in-fashion, she rebels by instead wearing daring, sheer dresses with next to no padded undergarments. Her dresses stick to the pastel side of the colour wheel, typically of the blue-green range, and often seem to be a little too loose for her petite build. Cosmetics-wise, she has a particular liking for the pale powder that is so popular these days, and her complexion is often almost white, perhaps dusted with the glitter she would often purchase at the local market. She only likes to wear her wigs for special occasions, which tend to be often in the life of a noble, and they, too, are often sparkling.
Passionate * NaΓ―ve * Enticing * Conceited * Loving * Fiery
Personality: Delilah is the kind of girl that burns bright and fast. She is very intense in her beliefs, and has a somewhat fixed image on the way life should be. There is nothing subtle about her - everything she says, does, or feels is so much more powerful than perhaps a what a typical person would go through. She lives by her own rules, and no one else's - much to the dismay of her mother. She is somewhat dramatic when it comes to how she feels. If she fancies someone, she will fall head over heels in love with them in a matter of days (something that tends to happen a lot); if she is scolded by her parents, she will go to great measures to prove them wrong. Although she would never admit it, she will put herself before anyone else and there is very little that is selfless about her.
Despite her self-centred nature, she has a good heart. She would never purposefully hurt someone, although she is sometimes so wrapped up in herself it happens indirectly every once in a while, and she would never stand for any kind of mistreatment that she could prevent. On that note, she is particularly vulnerable when it comes to her loving side. She finds refuge is company, so is constantly seeking love or even approval from the one that she is attracted to for the time being. She has left a trail of broken hearts in her wake, that is for sure, but her passion tends to be her downfall as every time she is hurt, she finds herself wanting more.
There is also something innocent about Delilah that attracts people to her. Whether it's her childish dramas, or how she falls in love so damn easily, it is hard to not want to please her. Truth be told, she has had everything in life handed to her on a silver platter, but it would be tough to say that she is unworthy of it. She has had her fair share of trauma, but it was nothing that she didn't deserve (at least, that what she's told herself). Her nobility suits her, but a little taste of the real world would do her some good, to scrub away some of that high-born naivety and distract her from herself.
Self-Image: Delilah tends to look for herself in other people. Despite seeming so lost in her own world, she hardly knows herself. She has never spent time truly alone before - always surrounded by lovers, servants, or family. Although she may be conceited, she is not egotistical or big headed considering that fact that she knows too little of herself to be full of. She is aware of her looks, and utilises her charm to get what she wants and when she wants it, but she is yet to find a true purpose or talent in which she could put to good use.
Sexuality: Pansexual, although her mother is adamant that she finds a husband.
Relationship Status: Despite having quite the reputation, Delilah is single for now.
Hobbies: - Horse riding - her horse's name is Liberty
- Sewing - all of her dresses are handmade.
- Sneaking out to visit New Cardiff
- Dancing - something she does in private, away from her mother
Tics:- Bouncing her leg up and down, especially when she is nervous or agitated
- Both she and her sister sneak out to smoke every once in a while. It is one of the only things she can persuade Jessabelle to do.
Insecurities: - Delilah loathes anything to do with her scar and she will do anything to hide it. She can often be caught self-consciously running a hand over it when lost in thought.
- Delly cannot sing at all, something that she is surprisingly embarrassed about.
Fears: - Rejection (particularly from her mother)
- Thunderstorms
- She hates goats with a passion.
Likes:- The colour blue
- Cherry-flavoured things
- Dancing
- Sunshine
- Drawing
- Learning about the old Earth
Dislikes : - Girls prettier than her
- Poofy dresses
- Nobility
- Rain and snow
- Coconut
- Goats
General Skills: - Sewing
- Coercion
- Horse riding
- Dancing (in particular, ballet)
- Deceit
Action Skills: - Stealth
- Basic self-defence (in other words, primarily hand-to-hand combat)
- Firing a pistol (accuracy is not the best)
- Flexibility
Personal Possessions: - Current clothes: dress, shoes, wig and diamond earrings
- Wallet - with a lot of money
- ID
- House keys
- Makeup
- Phone
- Cigarettes
- Pink cigarette holder
Stash: - Her tablet; covered in scratches, yet full of everything important to her
- Her horse, Liberty
- Her beloved record player
- Three shelves of old and new records, CDs and tapes
- A very old-fashioned fireplace
- Handmade pillows with embroidered patterns of flowers and hearts
Opinions on Revolution: She is adamant in her attitude towards her own class, which tends to be a very much negative one. She is not against the nobles for the good of the working class, however, she is more so opposed to them in a moderately childish act of rebellion. She will aid the cause of a revolution not because she cares about equal rights, but just to prove a point.
History: Delilah was born on Earth, in the kingdom of Philia, as many of her fellow nobles were. She was the second child of Valentina and Minister Lewis Chastain. The pair met when Valentina was only sixteen, and the Minister 24. Their relationship was a fling at most, driven by Valentina's curiosity and Lewis's carelessness. It was two months after they had broken things off when Valentina found herself pregnant with Lewis's child at the mere age of seventeen. It was common knowledge that young mothers rarely survived through delivery what with the world in such a state, so the Minister, out of pity and a soft fondness he had once felt for the girl, swept her up and married her within the week. And so, after a long and painful birth,
Jessabelle was born, Delilah's older sister of four years.
Delilah herself was born when her mother was 21, however she was planned - unlike her sister. She came into the world silently, her mother had later told her; so much so that she was believed to be dead until she opened her eyes and gazed at the sights around her. That was pretty much the only thing quiet about her. Delilah grew up to be a somewhat difficult child, throwing tantrums here and there, stealing her sister's toys, and once even locking Jessabelle in the closet for two days. However, she soon learned that if she blinked her pretty blue eyes and smiled sweetly, she could get away with anything. And so she did.
When Delilah was fifteen, the family packed their bags and left for Georgia - leaving their home planet behind. As her sister and her matured into young ladies, their mother too grew to be harsher and stricter when it came to their behaviour. Jessabelle, as always, was the perfect child - she was beautiful, graceful and polite, and would never utter a word out of place. Delilah, on the other hand, grew even more reckless and started rebelling from her noble life at the age of seventeen. She would misbehave at celebratory dinners, flirt with married men, and sneak out to explore the suburbs of New Cardiff.
It was then that she started falling hopelessly 'in love' with boys - half of which were of the working class, and strictly forbidden. There was one fling in particular that changed things, however. Delilah had moved on to the stable boy of their estate; he was a handsome lad, but one of the many poverty-stricken Georgians that had to leave their family in order to make enough money to eat. The pair would sneak away at night, to kiss under the stars and even visit New Cardiff every once in while - it was nothing serious, but Delilah was smitten. One night, completely circumstantially, they ran into Delilah's father on the way to town. Enraged, he lashed out at the boy, unbeknownst to the Minister was that he had stolen a knife from the kitchens. Instead of lunging for the man, the stable boy grabbed Delilah by the hair and held the knife to her neck, screaming something about a revolution. Minister Lewis managed to subdue the boy, but not before he had dragged the tip of the knife down the side of Delilah's neck.
She lost a lot of blood that night. In fact, it was a miracle she was still alive by the time she had been carried home, the doctors had insisted. Her recovery took no more than a few months, but she would forever have an ugly scar ruining her porcelain skin. The stable boy had managed to run away, and was never caught - although it was likely that he would have died from starvation without a job. The Minister arranged for Delilah and her sister to be trained in basic self-defence - it's not much, but now they are not completely helpless.
Delilah, instead of learning her lesson and listening to her parents, continued to rebel - but now she is far more careful about it.
Motto: If you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all Theme Song: Love is Blindness - Jack White Extras: Her favourite ice cream flavour is mint chocolate chip.
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