Name: Erlend Viridian
Gender: Male
Race: Human (native denizen)
Personality: A smooth talker. A soothe sayer. A man who stands by his word to the fullest, unless he doesn't want to. That's what a liar does. You make people believe every word you say without questioning it so you can lure them into that perfect sense of security then spring the trap, robbing them blind before leaving them for dead. That's the kind of person Erlend is in his heart.
A criminal.
A lowlife with little regard for anyone but himself and the treasure he hopes to collect. Though it is worth mentioning that there is a strict no killing policy when robbing non-monster folk. That is not because Erlend carries any kind of real personal attachment to people but instead believes that if he kills everyone he robs successfully then all the easy targets will disappear.
Biography: None. No personal stories. You wanna know about the past you gotta pay. Pay hard. Thousand gold coins gets you a glimpse into my past, my mom and dad, my adventures, but it's double if you wanna know about what I've done in the last five years. Walk away kid you can't afford what I know.
Far as I'm concerned, until I get paid, I don't know nothin' about anything.
Skills: Erlend is a Restraint mage, meaning that a majority of his learned skills involved removing an opponents ability to retaliate or move.
Paralyzing touch - Hand contact on an opponent releases a surge of magical electricity, paralyzing the target for a few seconds preventing movement or retaliation. While it is a short duration and requires direct contact, it can be used regularily.
Flash Freeze - A quick blast of cold temporarily freezes the surrounding area for 30seconds, preventing movement until the frost dissipates. Less effective on monsters with natural immunity or large bodies.
Thorn vines - Druidic magic learned on his travels, Erlend creates rapidly growing vines that will wrap around the enemies body until they cannot move their arms and legs. Attempting to escape the vines will cause the thorns to tear into exposed skin. Effect persists for 5 minutes or until cut.
Blind - Less a spell and more of an alchemic creation, Erlend tosses sand into the eyes of his opponents. Usually followed up by a flash freeze. This skill is not long lasting, persisting for about 15s, but it does cause mild eye irritation making it harder to see until washed out.
Disarm - Similar to a thief skill 'steal' this ability will remove an opponents weapon forcibly from their grip. The weapon is flung from their hand about 10 feet away. Heavier weapons will not go as far. Only removes weapons currently in hand.
Silence - Elrens signature skill, removing any sound he makes for up to 10 minutes. It is limited to only himself and the actions he makes. Even an explosion would make no noise if he was the reason for it.
It is good to note that none of these skills do any real damage.
Other: Wears a plague doctor mask. For flair, more than function.
Main choice of weapon is a Sharp dagger and a concealed club used to knock out unsuspecting foes.