Alexis Cartwright, M.D.
Doctor Alexis Cartwright is a tweaker. While she doesn't resort to stealing to feed her addiction, she does dedicate an unusual amount of her annual income to feeding her Adderall prescriptions, which she continually refreshes at a 'doctor's office' (in reality a pill mill) out of town.
Dr. Cartwright is not a very pleasant person to be around, if only because she's constantly bugging out and roping people into her experiments when she's not sleeping or attending to patients. 'Hand me that scalpel', 'Screwdriver, please. Small Philips-head,', 'Bottle of stump remover, please,' and other phrases of the like make up the bulk of her conversations. Talking to people is a means to an end, not a pleasantry she usually takes part in.
Frankly, it's amazing that she's still alive given the amount of failed experiments, the volume of smoke continually pouring out of her personal laboratory, the adderall addiction, and the constant exposure to diseases she experiences on a day to day basis. It's been suggested that she's managed to pick up every bloodborne disorder known to man over the past couple decades, and that she's merely using her powers to keep herself from keeling over.
Interestingly, her weight fluctuates wildly. At the beginning of a school year, she's generally packed on an extra hundred pounds, which steadily falls over the year while treating injured students and rises again whenever nothing bad happens.
Doctor Cartwright was born to a middle class family in Miami, Florida, where she lived a hectic childhood with an otherwise normal family. At 7, she was diagnosed with severe ADHD-C and Bipolar-1, which prompted routine trips to therapists' offices and at least two separate instances of psychiatric hospitalization. During her teens, she was very much a danger to herself (though not to others), and would frequently take incredible risks just to push forth her knowledge of the world. Rodents routinely disappeared around her, and rumors circulated that she was somehow abusing them, which were of course completely true. Even with all of the chaos in her life, she was somehow able to graduate from high school with honors and a 4.0 GPA.
At twenty, her powers began to manifest while working on working her way through medical school, and with intense experimentation, she discovered that she was able to facilitate structured cellular growth by producing empty lattices. She never revealed the source of her unusual resources for research, though, and the Institute never heard so much as a whisper about her tricks. By twenty-four, she had graduated from the Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine with her M.D. in internal medicine, followed by a further five years of medical residency.
Eventually, she got out as a fully qualified surgeon. Rumors of the Institute made their way back to her through the grapevine and she decided to investigate the source of her powers as a fully qualified adult. Periodically a person would disappear from detention centers or psychiatric hospitals never to be seen again, with the explanation that they were going to a secure facility for greater care.
At thirty, she walked across a grass field on the Institute's opening day and handed her resume and a job application to the head instructor at the time. She's been there ever since.
Alexis Cartwright is short, at only 5'1", with warm-toned skin and reddish brown hair of variable length. Her face is very wide and round, slightly snaggletoothed, and gaunt. Nobody has ever seen her without the signature bags under her eyes, and her hair is usually unkempt and messy, though never beyond shoulder length. She is the closest thing to an 'old' hikikomori that anybody has ever seen. Were she to take care of herself, she would easily look as though she were in her mid thirties, but between her stimulant abuse and her tendencies to forego personal hygiene in favor of constantly working on her failed experiments, she appears closer to 60.
Thankfully, whenever she is called upon to save a life, she cleans herself up perfectly and dons scrubs of variable color (blue, red, or black). She never wears gloves as those simply get in the way of her delicate work. Keeping unnecessary bacteria and viruses away from students is rather important, after all.
Her weight fluctuates wildly over the course of the year due to the addiction and the nature of her power.
A comprehensive set of surgical tools - predominantly scalpels. Catgut and other suturing equipment are notably absent.
Copious quantities of caffeine and adderall.
Life support equipment of all sorts, including a modernized iron lung and an artificial heart.
CT scan and MRI machine.
Surgeon. Expert surgeon.
Getting angry over seemingly nothing.
Channeller category:
Description of power:
Wholeness of Body: Alexis, at one point in the past, was only able to form completely inanimate lattices for healing purposes - rebinding damaged tissues and bones. More recently, though, she has picked up the skills and detailed knowledge necessary to replicate and lightly modify individual cells. Doctor Cartwright must come into direct contact with the tissues that they are attempting to replicate, and healing takes quite a lot of time (to the tune of several hours to completely reconstruct a single organ disrupted by a gunshot). As such, the Surgeon must cut into the body to perform their 'miracles', then heal the wounds inflicted to create an access pathway on the way out.
She cannot fully reverse brain damage, as the blueprint for one's brain is based on both genetics and life experiences. However, she can bring people back from the brink of death, so long as the body is still warm and the majority of tissues are still alive. She is incapable of removing microscopic foreign contaminants from the body such as poisons and bacteria, though she can and will refer students to any staff members capable of prescribing medications. Doctor Cartwright requires large volumes of food and drink to perform her healing arts because her materials cannot be created from nothing.
Names/descriptions of moves:
N/A. Doctor Cartwright is neither a teacher nor a combatant, and speaking the name of her powers only distracts from the extremely precise nature of their work.
Do not bother her with meaningless questions.
Institute role:
Resident Surgeon.
Why they were chosen for the Institute:
Students can't learn if they're dead or dying. Doctor Cartwright facilitates education by ensuring that students can return to class as quickly as possible.
Also, she unpacked her things before her application was even accepted, and it was more trouble than it was worth to tell her to go away.
Alexis Cartwright, M.D.
Doctor Alexis Cartwright is a tweaker. While she doesn't resort to stealing to feed her addiction, she does dedicate an unusual amount of her annual income to feeding her Adderall prescriptions, which she continually refreshes at a 'doctor's office' (in reality a pill mill) out of town.
Dr. Cartwright is not a very pleasant person to be around, if only because she's constantly bugging out and roping people into her experiments when she's not sleeping or attending to patients. 'Hand me that scalpel', 'Screwdriver, please. Small Philips-head,', 'Bottle of stump remover, please,' and other phrases of the like make up the bulk of her conversations. Talking to people is a means to an end, not a pleasantry she usually takes part in.
Frankly, it's amazing that she's still alive given the amount of failed experiments, the volume of smoke continually pouring out of her personal laboratory, the adderall addiction, and the constant exposure to diseases she experiences on a day to day basis. It's been suggested that she's managed to pick up every bloodborne disorder known to man over the past couple decades, and that she's merely using her powers to keep herself from keeling over.
Interestingly, her weight fluctuates wildly. At the beginning of a school year, she's generally packed on an extra hundred pounds, which steadily falls over the year while treating injured students and rises again whenever nothing bad happens.
Doctor Cartwright was born to a middle class family in Miami, Florida, where she lived a hectic childhood with an otherwise normal family. At 7, she was diagnosed with severe ADHD-C and Bipolar-1, which prompted routine trips to therapists' offices and at least two separate instances of psychiatric hospitalization. During her teens, she was very much a danger to herself (though not to others), and would frequently take incredible risks just to push forth her knowledge of the world. Rodents routinely disappeared around her, and rumors circulated that she was somehow abusing them, which were of course completely true. Even with all of the chaos in her life, she was somehow able to graduate from high school with honors and a 4.0 GPA.
At twenty, her powers began to manifest while working on working her way through medical school, and with intense experimentation, she discovered that she was able to facilitate structured cellular growth by producing empty lattices. She never revealed the source of her unusual resources for research, though, and the Institute never heard so much as a whisper about her tricks. By twenty-four, she had graduated from the Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine with her M.D. in internal medicine, followed by a further five years of medical residency.
Eventually, she got out as a fully qualified surgeon. Rumors of the Institute made their way back to her through the grapevine and she decided to investigate the source of her powers as a fully qualified adult. Periodically a person would disappear from detention centers or psychiatric hospitals never to be seen again, with the explanation that they were going to a secure facility for greater care.
At thirty, she walked across a grass field on the Institute's opening day and handed her resume and a job application to the head instructor at the time. She's been there ever since.
Alexis Cartwright is short, at only 5'1", with warm-toned skin and reddish brown hair of variable length. Her face is very wide and round, slightly snaggletoothed, and gaunt. Nobody has ever seen her without the signature bags under her eyes, and her hair is usually unkempt and messy, though never beyond shoulder length. She is the closest thing to an 'old' hikikomori that anybody has ever seen. Were she to take care of herself, she would easily look as though she were in her mid thirties, but between her stimulant abuse and her tendencies to forego personal hygiene in favor of constantly working on her failed experiments, she appears closer to 60.
Thankfully, whenever she is called upon to save a life, she cleans herself up perfectly and dons scrubs of variable color (blue, red, or black). She never wears gloves as those simply get in the way of her delicate work. Keeping unnecessary bacteria and viruses away from students is rather important, after all.
Her weight fluctuates wildly over the course of the year due to the addiction and the nature of her power.
A comprehensive set of surgical tools - predominantly scalpels. Catgut and other suturing equipment are notably absent.
Copious quantities of caffeine and adderall.
Life support equipment of all sorts, including a modernized iron lung and an artificial heart.
CT scan and MRI machine.
Surgeon. Expert surgeon.
Getting angry over seemingly nothing.
Channeller category:
Description of power:
Wholeness of Body: Alexis, at one point in the past, was only able to form completely inanimate lattices for healing purposes - rebinding damaged tissues and bones. More recently, though, she has picked up the skills and detailed knowledge necessary to replicate and lightly modify individual cells. Doctor Cartwright must come into direct contact with the tissues that they are attempting to replicate, and healing takes quite a lot of time (to the tune of several hours to completely reconstruct a single organ disrupted by a gunshot). As such, the Surgeon must cut into the body to perform their 'miracles', then heal the wounds inflicted to create an access pathway on the way out.
She cannot fully reverse brain damage, as the blueprint for one's brain is based on both genetics and life experiences. However, she can bring people back from the brink of death, so long as the body is still warm and the majority of tissues are still alive. She is incapable of removing microscopic foreign contaminants from the body such as poisons and bacteria, though she can and will refer students to any staff members capable of prescribing medications. Doctor Cartwright requires large volumes of food and drink to perform her healing arts because her materials cannot be created from nothing.
Names/descriptions of moves:
N/A. Doctor Cartwright is neither a teacher nor a combatant, and speaking the name of her powers only distracts from the extremely precise nature of their work.
Do not bother her with meaningless questions.
Institute role:
Resident Surgeon.
Why they were chosen for the Institute:
Students can't learn if they're dead or dying. Doctor Cartwright facilitates education by ensuring that students can return to class as quickly as possible.
Also, she unpacked her things before her application was even accepted, and it was more trouble than it was worth to tell her to go away.
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