Name: Akiko Futeki
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Akiko is very energetic, highly motivated, idealistic and has an optimism that is infectious. She's also stubborn, scrappy, impulsive, simple minded, naive and a bit of a brat
Her optimistic nature developed from her parents, who were very poor and always struggled to get by but always found a way to manage doing so. Through this she was taught that when you're handed a bad situation you don't have to lie down and take it, and has made it her goal in life to become successful at something in order to make money so she can help her parents and give them an easier life. All this makes her quite positive and optimistic, which is not something that you'd expect from a person like her
Her bratty, impulsive nature originates from the environment she grew up in. Living in a sketchy neighborhood full of thugs and bullies molded her into a rough and tough girl that is no stranger to a fight. When the bullies picked on her, she would take it as a challenge and stood up for herself physically. This lead to her becoming a little stubborn and easily frustrated when something got in her way that she couldn't deal with. She is also not one for rules and regulations, often seeing them as barriers to letting people achieve their goals, and will usually actively go against a rule that she sees as pointless and unnecessary
Akiko is the dictionary definition of book dumb but street smart. Partly due to her poor school experience, she is very slow to understand complex things like math and science, and is easily confused and dumbfounded when presented with those types of things. This, combined with her tendency to be somewhat spacey and empty headed at times, gives her the appearance of being an idiot. However, Akiko can also be a great practical thinker sometimes and can often come up with a simple but clever solution to a problem that no one else thought of but seem obvious in retrospect
Backstory: Akiko grew up in a very dangerous and bad neighborhood. Every day of hers was filled with fighting off vicious bullies that just wanted to make her feel awful, dealing with teachers that didn't give a damn about her and saw her as a hooligan, and living in a house that could just barely hold 3 people and was practically held together with paperclips and duct tape. This life, as harsh and unpleasant as it was, hardened her and taught her perseverance and determination. She learned to defend herself after getting fed up with getting beat up by bullies, and became good enough at it that she gained a bit of a reputation around school as a person not to be messed with. This, combined with the fact that she didn't really pay that much attention to her schoolwork, naturally caused her to get in trouble with her teachers on the regular
Appearance: Akiko is slightly shorter than an average girl her age, reaching around 4'8, and has a thin, athletic build. She has short, light red hair which is unstyled, messy and constantly in her face, as well as a line of freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose. Obviously not one to care about fashions, Akiko wears very basic clothing. Her common attire is a red zip up hoodie over a white tank top, along with worn out jeans
Equipment: An aluminum baseball bat. She intended to use this bat to play baseball with friends, but ended up using it a lot more to fight off thugs and bullies. She also hopes to get some kind of fire proof gloves or something because, as it turns out, creating explosions right next to your hands really hurts!
Abiltiies: Due to the environment she grew up in, Akiko is a great hand to hand combat fighter, especially for her age. She is self taught and developed her fighting style based on first hand experience and watching others as opposed to formally in a class, which makes her style very wild, unrefined and something of a mish-mash of random existing fighting styles. She also commonly uses a baseball bat as her weapon of choice
Channeller category: Wavecaster
Description of power: Akiko has the ability to control and produce fire from her body. She discovered this very recently, and hasn't learned much about it yet at all. In the future, she will learn to use explosions as her main method of attack along with fire
Names/descriptions of moves:
Lion Punch: Akiko reels back and then puts all of her physical energy into unleashing a huge punch at her opponent, creating a large explosion right in front of her fist as the punch connects
Tiger Kick: Akiko performs a double jump kick and creates explosions at her feet when each connect with the opponent
Tiger Panther Uppercut: Akiko performs an uppercut with an explosion at her fist, intending to send the opponent flying upwards
Leopard Leap: Akiko jumps up into the air and then immediately creates an explosion under her in order to propell her as far into the air as she possibly can, and then attempts to land near the opponent and perform a punch similar to the Lion Punch. This attack is devastating if it hits, but due to the unpredictability of it and how it's fairly easy to dodge, it's not a move to be used often
Character theme:
Other: She likes to eat a lot. She's also a nicknamer, due to her being bad at remembering names. She will rarely ever refer to someone with their actual name and just go with whatever nickname she came up with instead
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Akiko is very energetic, highly motivated, idealistic and has an optimism that is infectious. She's also stubborn, scrappy, impulsive, simple minded, naive and a bit of a brat
Her optimistic nature developed from her parents, who were very poor and always struggled to get by but always found a way to manage doing so. Through this she was taught that when you're handed a bad situation you don't have to lie down and take it, and has made it her goal in life to become successful at something in order to make money so she can help her parents and give them an easier life. All this makes her quite positive and optimistic, which is not something that you'd expect from a person like her
Her bratty, impulsive nature originates from the environment she grew up in. Living in a sketchy neighborhood full of thugs and bullies molded her into a rough and tough girl that is no stranger to a fight. When the bullies picked on her, she would take it as a challenge and stood up for herself physically. This lead to her becoming a little stubborn and easily frustrated when something got in her way that she couldn't deal with. She is also not one for rules and regulations, often seeing them as barriers to letting people achieve their goals, and will usually actively go against a rule that she sees as pointless and unnecessary
Akiko is the dictionary definition of book dumb but street smart. Partly due to her poor school experience, she is very slow to understand complex things like math and science, and is easily confused and dumbfounded when presented with those types of things. This, combined with her tendency to be somewhat spacey and empty headed at times, gives her the appearance of being an idiot. However, Akiko can also be a great practical thinker sometimes and can often come up with a simple but clever solution to a problem that no one else thought of but seem obvious in retrospect
Backstory: Akiko grew up in a very dangerous and bad neighborhood. Every day of hers was filled with fighting off vicious bullies that just wanted to make her feel awful, dealing with teachers that didn't give a damn about her and saw her as a hooligan, and living in a house that could just barely hold 3 people and was practically held together with paperclips and duct tape. This life, as harsh and unpleasant as it was, hardened her and taught her perseverance and determination. She learned to defend herself after getting fed up with getting beat up by bullies, and became good enough at it that she gained a bit of a reputation around school as a person not to be messed with. This, combined with the fact that she didn't really pay that much attention to her schoolwork, naturally caused her to get in trouble with her teachers on the regular
Appearance: Akiko is slightly shorter than an average girl her age, reaching around 4'8, and has a thin, athletic build. She has short, light red hair which is unstyled, messy and constantly in her face, as well as a line of freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose. Obviously not one to care about fashions, Akiko wears very basic clothing. Her common attire is a red zip up hoodie over a white tank top, along with worn out jeans
Equipment: An aluminum baseball bat. She intended to use this bat to play baseball with friends, but ended up using it a lot more to fight off thugs and bullies. She also hopes to get some kind of fire proof gloves or something because, as it turns out, creating explosions right next to your hands really hurts!
Abiltiies: Due to the environment she grew up in, Akiko is a great hand to hand combat fighter, especially for her age. She is self taught and developed her fighting style based on first hand experience and watching others as opposed to formally in a class, which makes her style very wild, unrefined and something of a mish-mash of random existing fighting styles. She also commonly uses a baseball bat as her weapon of choice
Channeller category: Wavecaster
Description of power: Akiko has the ability to control and produce fire from her body. She discovered this very recently, and hasn't learned much about it yet at all. In the future, she will learn to use explosions as her main method of attack along with fire
Names/descriptions of moves:
Lion Punch: Akiko reels back and then puts all of her physical energy into unleashing a huge punch at her opponent, creating a large explosion right in front of her fist as the punch connects
Tiger Kick: Akiko performs a double jump kick and creates explosions at her feet when each connect with the opponent
Tiger Panther Uppercut: Akiko performs an uppercut with an explosion at her fist, intending to send the opponent flying upwards
Leopard Leap: Akiko jumps up into the air and then immediately creates an explosion under her in order to propell her as far into the air as she possibly can, and then attempts to land near the opponent and perform a punch similar to the Lion Punch. This attack is devastating if it hits, but due to the unpredictability of it and how it's fairly easy to dodge, it's not a move to be used often
Character theme:
Other: She likes to eat a lot. She's also a nicknamer, due to her being bad at remembering names. She will rarely ever refer to someone with their actual name and just go with whatever nickname she came up with instead
Name: Hana Kakusareta
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Hana is the perfect example of a shrinking violet. She is incredibly passive, soft spoken and timid, she lacks any kind of self confidence whatsoever and is awkward in all social interactions. This awkwardness and lack of confidence stems from her childhood, as she was a pretty sheltered child with not much social interaction
Hana is also a very kind hearted girl, never wishing ill will on anyone and prefering to forgive someone if they wronged her or did something bad. This is due to how her parents raised her, who valued politeness and compassion and feared that she would become bratty and spoiled (because of her privileged lifestyle)
Hana will always choose to shy away from any kind of intimidating situation, never being able to stand up to the things that she finds scary. She hates this about herself, always worrying and complaining that she's "running away", but she's stuck in that way of thinking and can't ever break that habbit
Backstory: Hana came from a fairly privileged background. Her parents were pretty famous channellers who were even teachers in the Institute at one point and never had to worry about money. Most people would expect a child growing up in that environment to be spoiled and bratty, but luckily Hana's parents foresaw this possibility and did their best to teach her to value kindness, compassion and understanding throughout her life
Unfortuantely, due to her parents' overprotective nature, Hana lived a very sheltered lifestyle. She didn't really interact with a lot of people throughout her early life, which caused her to fear social interaction and become incredibly nervous around other people since she didn't understand how to act around them. She never really connected with anyone in her classes, and pretty much became the wallflower of her (regular) school. She didn't gain any friends, which lead to her staying indoors reading and gardening rather than going out to hang out with people. This lack of socialisation lead to her picking up some self esteem and confidence issues - developing a low opinion of herself
Hana discovered her powers at age 10, the earliest a channeller can possibly discover their powers. When her parents learned about this, they wasted no time teaching her how to use her powers. They did intend for her to eventually go to the Institute, but they wanted to make sure she was as prepared as she possibly could be first
Appearance: Hana is shorter than the average girl her age, only reaching 4'7. She has an incredibly skinny body type, and is pale as a ghost. She has long, violet hair that she wears down in order to intentionally cover her face. She has a light pink pullover hoodie (which was originally her mother's) that she wears with the hood ALWAYS up. Due to it being her mother's, the hoodie is also a size too big for her, which causes the sleeves to go past her hands most of the time
Equipment: None
Channeller category: Augmenter
Description of power: Hana has the ability to accelerate the speed that her body moves, causing her to run and attack at incredibly high speeds. Her top running speed before entering the institute was 50 mph (almost double the speed of the fastest man alive), but she will likely become even faster than that over time (her personal goal is to reach the speed of sound). She can also throw attacks in the blink of an eye, which logically also have a lot of force behind them due to the speed at which they're thrown
Names/descriptions of moves:
Red Balsamine: Hana throws a regular punch at high speed
White Balsamine: Same as Red Balsamine, but a kick instead of a punch
Yellow Rose: Also similar to Red Balsamine, except she delivers a large flurry of high speed punches instead of one
Dahlia: Hana runs at someone as fast as possible and delivers a running punch as she reaches them
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Hana is the perfect example of a shrinking violet. She is incredibly passive, soft spoken and timid, she lacks any kind of self confidence whatsoever and is awkward in all social interactions. This awkwardness and lack of confidence stems from her childhood, as she was a pretty sheltered child with not much social interaction
Hana is also a very kind hearted girl, never wishing ill will on anyone and prefering to forgive someone if they wronged her or did something bad. This is due to how her parents raised her, who valued politeness and compassion and feared that she would become bratty and spoiled (because of her privileged lifestyle)
Hana will always choose to shy away from any kind of intimidating situation, never being able to stand up to the things that she finds scary. She hates this about herself, always worrying and complaining that she's "running away", but she's stuck in that way of thinking and can't ever break that habbit
Backstory: Hana came from a fairly privileged background. Her parents were pretty famous channellers who were even teachers in the Institute at one point and never had to worry about money. Most people would expect a child growing up in that environment to be spoiled and bratty, but luckily Hana's parents foresaw this possibility and did their best to teach her to value kindness, compassion and understanding throughout her life
Unfortuantely, due to her parents' overprotective nature, Hana lived a very sheltered lifestyle. She didn't really interact with a lot of people throughout her early life, which caused her to fear social interaction and become incredibly nervous around other people since she didn't understand how to act around them. She never really connected with anyone in her classes, and pretty much became the wallflower of her (regular) school. She didn't gain any friends, which lead to her staying indoors reading and gardening rather than going out to hang out with people. This lack of socialisation lead to her picking up some self esteem and confidence issues - developing a low opinion of herself
Hana discovered her powers at age 10, the earliest a channeller can possibly discover their powers. When her parents learned about this, they wasted no time teaching her how to use her powers. They did intend for her to eventually go to the Institute, but they wanted to make sure she was as prepared as she possibly could be first
Appearance: Hana is shorter than the average girl her age, only reaching 4'7. She has an incredibly skinny body type, and is pale as a ghost. She has long, violet hair that she wears down in order to intentionally cover her face. She has a light pink pullover hoodie (which was originally her mother's) that she wears with the hood ALWAYS up. Due to it being her mother's, the hoodie is also a size too big for her, which causes the sleeves to go past her hands most of the time
Equipment: None
Channeller category: Augmenter
Description of power: Hana has the ability to accelerate the speed that her body moves, causing her to run and attack at incredibly high speeds. Her top running speed before entering the institute was 50 mph (almost double the speed of the fastest man alive), but she will likely become even faster than that over time (her personal goal is to reach the speed of sound). She can also throw attacks in the blink of an eye, which logically also have a lot of force behind them due to the speed at which they're thrown
Names/descriptions of moves:
Red Balsamine: Hana throws a regular punch at high speed
White Balsamine: Same as Red Balsamine, but a kick instead of a punch
Yellow Rose: Also similar to Red Balsamine, except she delivers a large flurry of high speed punches instead of one
Dahlia: Hana runs at someone as fast as possible and delivers a running punch as she reaches them
Name: Asa Mayonaka
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Personality: In most situations, Asa is the sweetest woman you will ever meet. Everyone who knows her would describe her as incredibly kind, understanding, compassionate, almost nurturing and motherly, and overall just the most pleasant person you could ever want to be around
...However, that all changes when she starts doing her job. She takes her job INCREDIBLY seriously, and when she starts teaching her students, it's almost like she switched brains with a completely different person. As a teacher she's extremely harsh, demanding, unappologetic, and nearly Drill Sergeant-esque
Backstory: Asa was the eldest child of three, and she lived in a family with a housewife mother and a father who was in the military. When growing up, she was mainly raised by her mother, who was a very kind soul and raised her children to be very compassionate and loving. Her father, when he was around, naturally took more of a tough-but-fair approach to his parenting, but Asa loved and looked up to them both equally
Unfortuantely, when Asa was 17, her mother died in a car crash. It was fairly sudden and none of the family had much time to react. Not only did this leave Asa heartbroken, but it also meant that due to her father's obligations, she had to be the dominant figure in the household. She was hesitant, unsure if she really had it in her, especially as her siblings had acting-up and lashing out since their mother's death. However, after watching her father control her siblings, she got the idea of using her father's style more than her mother's and it worked as well for her as it had for her father. She continued doing it more and more, and even started developing a fondness for it
Fuyu developed her first channeller power when she was 13, which was healing. She had learned how to use it pretty well, especially with the help of her mother. However, around the time her mother died, she started developing a second power, the ability to harden any area of her body. She was able to develop this ability as well, and soon became practically an expert at wielding them both
Many years later in Asa's life, once her siblings started getting old enough to where they didn't really need a parent any more, Asa decided she wanted to be a staff member at the Institute. When she applied, the staff of the school were incredibly impressed by her ability to wield her two powers at the same time. Having two different powers was fairly common, but the fact that the two were so opposite from each other and her ability to wield them so expertly at the same time was not. She was accepted into the Institute fairly easily, and has been there ever since
Appearance: Asa is fairly tall for her age, reaching 6'2, and has an athletic build. She has long, raven black hair that she normally keeps straight and unstyled, and wears a dark purple turtleneck sweater. When she wants to get into her "Drill Sergeant" mode, she takes off her sweater to reveal her black tank top, ties her hair up in a ponytail and puts on her military cap (given to her by her father)
Abilities: Asa is fairly skilled at hand to hand combat, due to both picking up a few things from her father and while developing her channeller powers
Channeller category: Augmenter and alternative
Description of power: Asa's first power is the ability to heal herself. She has mastered this ability very well, and can do it fairly quickly while doing pretty much anything. She can heal others as well, though she needs to make physical contact with them in order to do it
Asa's second power is the ability to harden any part of her body. This is most commonly done to prevent something from hurting her, but can also be done to increase the damage of her attacks. This ultimate defense of hers is incredibly powerful, but it has weaknessness. No matter how tough she makes it, her body will never be invincible and can always be broken through with enough power. She's also completely vulnerable to attacks that she's not expecting, since she has to harden her body preemptively
Names/descriptions of moves:
Beretta: Asa delivers a straight punch with her fist hardened
Garand: Asa delivers a roundhouse kick with her foot hardened
Double Barrel: Asa delivers a punch with both of her hardened fists towards the opponent's stomach area
Character theme:
Institute role: Teacher of the Power Training class. It's a class that focuses on practicing their powers in a hands on, practical way (instead of sitting down in a class). She also does a lot of mentoring as well
Why they were chosen for the Institute: Amazing talent for controlling two powers at once and much experience with handling children
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Personality: In most situations, Asa is the sweetest woman you will ever meet. Everyone who knows her would describe her as incredibly kind, understanding, compassionate, almost nurturing and motherly, and overall just the most pleasant person you could ever want to be around
...However, that all changes when she starts doing her job. She takes her job INCREDIBLY seriously, and when she starts teaching her students, it's almost like she switched brains with a completely different person. As a teacher she's extremely harsh, demanding, unappologetic, and nearly Drill Sergeant-esque
Backstory: Asa was the eldest child of three, and she lived in a family with a housewife mother and a father who was in the military. When growing up, she was mainly raised by her mother, who was a very kind soul and raised her children to be very compassionate and loving. Her father, when he was around, naturally took more of a tough-but-fair approach to his parenting, but Asa loved and looked up to them both equally
Unfortuantely, when Asa was 17, her mother died in a car crash. It was fairly sudden and none of the family had much time to react. Not only did this leave Asa heartbroken, but it also meant that due to her father's obligations, she had to be the dominant figure in the household. She was hesitant, unsure if she really had it in her, especially as her siblings had acting-up and lashing out since their mother's death. However, after watching her father control her siblings, she got the idea of using her father's style more than her mother's and it worked as well for her as it had for her father. She continued doing it more and more, and even started developing a fondness for it
Fuyu developed her first channeller power when she was 13, which was healing. She had learned how to use it pretty well, especially with the help of her mother. However, around the time her mother died, she started developing a second power, the ability to harden any area of her body. She was able to develop this ability as well, and soon became practically an expert at wielding them both
Many years later in Asa's life, once her siblings started getting old enough to where they didn't really need a parent any more, Asa decided she wanted to be a staff member at the Institute. When she applied, the staff of the school were incredibly impressed by her ability to wield her two powers at the same time. Having two different powers was fairly common, but the fact that the two were so opposite from each other and her ability to wield them so expertly at the same time was not. She was accepted into the Institute fairly easily, and has been there ever since
Appearance: Asa is fairly tall for her age, reaching 6'2, and has an athletic build. She has long, raven black hair that she normally keeps straight and unstyled, and wears a dark purple turtleneck sweater. When she wants to get into her "Drill Sergeant" mode, she takes off her sweater to reveal her black tank top, ties her hair up in a ponytail and puts on her military cap (given to her by her father)
Abilities: Asa is fairly skilled at hand to hand combat, due to both picking up a few things from her father and while developing her channeller powers
Channeller category: Augmenter and alternative
Description of power: Asa's first power is the ability to heal herself. She has mastered this ability very well, and can do it fairly quickly while doing pretty much anything. She can heal others as well, though she needs to make physical contact with them in order to do it
Asa's second power is the ability to harden any part of her body. This is most commonly done to prevent something from hurting her, but can also be done to increase the damage of her attacks. This ultimate defense of hers is incredibly powerful, but it has weaknessness. No matter how tough she makes it, her body will never be invincible and can always be broken through with enough power. She's also completely vulnerable to attacks that she's not expecting, since she has to harden her body preemptively
Names/descriptions of moves:
Beretta: Asa delivers a straight punch with her fist hardened
Garand: Asa delivers a roundhouse kick with her foot hardened
Double Barrel: Asa delivers a punch with both of her hardened fists towards the opponent's stomach area
Character theme:
Institute role: Teacher of the Power Training class. It's a class that focuses on practicing their powers in a hands on, practical way (instead of sitting down in a class). She also does a lot of mentoring as well
Why they were chosen for the Institute: Amazing talent for controlling two powers at once and much experience with handling children
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