They were hardly decisive hits, but they were bloody well hits, and not ones that he had let happen like the first one. He did not look the least bit happy to have come so close to another nasty gash. Any satisfaction over having met his one goal quickly evaporated, as Lorken did the one thing Danh had been hoping he wouldn't do; he grabbed his harpoon with every intent to swing him, and swing him he did. Danh was yanked airborne and slammed into a thick, wooden ramp. This was the first time he'd actually taken damage himself during this test, and it certainly hurt. Lorken seemed to have taken a liking to tossing him around, since he wasted no time in swinging him up and over yet again. It was hardly any fun to be thrown about, but Danh took a certain satisfaction in the fact he seemed to have driven the badass criminal man to go nuts like this.
After landing for a second time, Danh managed to look up at Lorken and give him a cocky smile.
"You mad, bro?" He called out to him. The fact that he was then launched again with greater force seemed to confirm it; yes, Lorken was mad. In spite of being thrown down hard again, Danh was intent on keeping up a steady banter, if only to make it seem like he wasn't being beaten down so badly.
"You know, this would have worked out a lot worse for me if you'd actually stabbed me. Is this place even-is that a goddamn gun!?" Danh had just noticed that Lorken had prepared a weapon. Perhaps it was all the full body slams that made it hard to notice earlier. Danh was starting to reignite his theories that this place was a dumping ground for prisoners, and they let this guy toy around with them as he pleased. Lorken seemed in no mind to respond, as he continued to swing Danh down and around. It was hard for Danh to formulate a counter to all this tossing and swinging, given he was busy being tossed and swung. He could hardly reel his harpoons in while this was going on, so his options were limited.
But then he realised; he might not be able to reel his harpoon in with Lorken gripping it like that, but he could still use the reeling function.
Waiting until he was swung again, Danh then began to use his reeling ability, angling his body so as to become a human projectile. He was coming in at an odd angle, but he was absolutely coming at Lorken with some momentum. In the end, it wasn't a clean hit, but he ended up connecting, smacking into Lorken and knocking his harpoon clear of his grasp. He then had a bit of a nasty landing, smacking into the floor hard and travelling some distance, but he wasn't dead. Now all he had to do was stand up and keep going...
Or not. Or yes, but he found the act of trying to get back up so trying there was no way he was going to get up in time to stop Lorken from attacking him again. All the swinging around on top of his little trick had caught up to him.
"Goddamn..." He managed to sputter out while he tried to raise himself from the floor.
"Is this the part where I find out this was all a sham? Cause I wouldn't be surprised at this point..." @Zelosse