Avatar of Mercurial
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    1. Mercurial 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current You know, I'm in 4 RPs that are basically still going, yet they're all slowing down in unison. IN UNISON.
8 yrs ago
Does anyone else have to fight their mother to buy them stuff on their birthday? Cause I do.


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I was hoping to wait for @Poi before posting again.

Also, figured I'd ask one more time, is there anything you want done about Jauna, or can we write her off ourselves? @Ambra @LordVoldemort @Solace
Think I'm still waiting on a bit more here.

Speaking for myself here, I held off on posting because at this point, there's not a lot to do other than kill random mooks and force out some kind of interaction. I don't know about everyone else, but I wouldn't mind if we moved on to a more substantial scene.
Craig Vossen

Today was a day off for just about everyone, but for Craig Vossen, no day was truly a day off. Craig was among the people setting up their own little stalls to take advantage of the festival period. If it were any other day, he might have had his assistant helping him out with this all day long, but even though he could be demanding, Craig wasn't so cruel as to expect the world of his employees on a holiday. She was elsewhere by now, but Craig was still tending to his own tasks. It would not do for him to slack off at such an opportune time; festive seasons were always great for business, even for such a small place like this. Craig had made a commitment to make a profitable venture out of his tiny store, and today would just be another stepping stone on the road to that goal.

At this very moment, Craig was arranging the selection of goods he had brought down from the store specifically for this day. He had made arrangements to have plenty of festival memorabilia created just for today. If there was one thing he knew about celebrations, it was that people loved to buy something to mark the occasion. If he was lucky, there might even be a tourist or two passing through for the festival, and Goddess only knew how much they liked to spend on these. All in all, today represented a perfect opportunity for rampant, exploitative capitalism, and Craig was going to milk it for all it was worth.
Second off, read KoL's OOC post and point to me where they say either your character or Leo's is not being cooperative.

I'm sure that Leon (when/if he's around the group and feels like cooperating) can make some more to help with whatever Regina is thinking.

It's not the same post, but it's still right here where everyone can see it. Furthermore, KoL hasn't been the least bit respectful in how they've formulated their posts. The hell is "They're not on a trip to Disneyland" supposed to mean, other than talking to us like we're idiots?

But I'm sure neither you nor KoL have any intention of recognising any wrongdoing, so I'm going to go. And no, I don't care what you do with my character.
By the way, @Leotamer and @Mercurial.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but if Natus and Leon keep isolating themselves from the group, they are going to get ambushed with increasing frequency.

I just want you to be aware of this once more. They are not on a trip to Disneyland. Consider this a fair GM advice, but behave however you see fit.

I don't want you to think that we are singling you two out. Anyone who does that will suffer the same fate.

Okay, first off; the last thing I left off on in my post was Leon saying he was going to get water. I never said anything to the effect of "he went over the hills and far away and off into the sunset". He was going to do that in the event we actually stopped to make camp in earnest. Claiming that my character buggered off somewhere is interpreting what he did extremely liberally to the point it's almost godmodding.

Secondly, what's this horseshit you're spewing about my character isolating himself and not co-operating? That's not only completely contrary to what he would have been doing, but about the only thing that gives it credence through this entire roleplay is your absurdly liberal interpretation of my last post. Or are you trying to suggest the fact I haven't posted yet means you get to make up what you want about my character? It's been less than a week since my last post, and others have yet to post as well, yet I'm the only one aside from Leotamer that's getting this kind of ridiculous guff, so yes, in spite of what you say, I'm starting to feel singled out.

How much earth can Leon push up? Because if we can't hit the birds from ground level, what if we move ground level up?

Well there's no way he's moving the whole ground up, but he might be able to make you a crude set of stairs.

Arin's reaction to Siran:

Siran Vahramyan Arshakuni

"Yeah, but they don't do pratfalls." Siran remarked to Gaivred bringing up bards. Now that she thought about it, the bard was the weirdo that had smiled and winked at her earlier. She wasn't entirely sure if he was up to the task of being charismatic and entertaining, but she would just have to see. Before they could move along, the young cleric in their party suddenly shoved herself into the middle of their exchange and chose to admonish both Jauna and herself. All her words served to elicit from Siran was further laughter. "Are you for real? Are you trying to be my mother or something?" It was really too amusing for Siran to have this young girl lecturing her so seriously. She had even involved Gaivred like he was the father in this situation. "Okay, real talk; if I fell over like that, I would have no right to complain about anyone laughing at me, and I would also like to think I could see the humour in the situation myself. If Jauna finds my words oh so hurtful, then I have severe doubts about her ability to see this journey through." Taking a glance over at the weeping girl, she could tell she was already probably at her limit. It was a wonder anyone agreed to take her with them to begin with; how on earth was someone that was reduced to tears by falling off their horse, or worse, by one joke, ever supposed to kill pirates? Siran wouldn't be surprised if the girl turned around and scurried off back to her mother in due time.

"Now if there's nothing else, I'm going to ride ahead. But by all means, you can keep lecturing me. I could use a good laugh on the road." She wasn't sure just how badly this cleric was going to take this, but if she was half as upset as Jauna, that just made one more person that didn't really belong on an expedition to fight pirates. If she had no intention on following up on this, Siran was just going to carry on ahead.

@Kazemitsu @Poi
<Snipped quote by Mercurial>

Well, you could reply to Arin. I don't expect the travelling to go on much longer, so there might be no need, but otherwise you can just treat her as a background character. A NPC, I guess.

Yeah, I'm just wondering it the GMs had any specific ideas on what they wanted to happen.

Also, wondering if @Kazemitsu wants to reply again or not.
In closed 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

They were hardly decisive hits, but they were bloody well hits, and not ones that he had let happen like the first one. He did not look the least bit happy to have come so close to another nasty gash. Any satisfaction over having met his one goal quickly evaporated, as Lorken did the one thing Danh had been hoping he wouldn't do; he grabbed his harpoon with every intent to swing him, and swing him he did. Danh was yanked airborne and slammed into a thick, wooden ramp. This was the first time he'd actually taken damage himself during this test, and it certainly hurt. Lorken seemed to have taken a liking to tossing him around, since he wasted no time in swinging him up and over yet again. It was hardly any fun to be thrown about, but Danh took a certain satisfaction in the fact he seemed to have driven the badass criminal man to go nuts like this.

After landing for a second time, Danh managed to look up at Lorken and give him a cocky smile. "You mad, bro?" He called out to him. The fact that he was then launched again with greater force seemed to confirm it; yes, Lorken was mad. In spite of being thrown down hard again, Danh was intent on keeping up a steady banter, if only to make it seem like he wasn't being beaten down so badly. "You know, this would have worked out a lot worse for me if you'd actually stabbed me. Is this place even-is that a goddamn gun!?" Danh had just noticed that Lorken had prepared a weapon. Perhaps it was all the full body slams that made it hard to notice earlier. Danh was starting to reignite his theories that this place was a dumping ground for prisoners, and they let this guy toy around with them as he pleased. Lorken seemed in no mind to respond, as he continued to swing Danh down and around. It was hard for Danh to formulate a counter to all this tossing and swinging, given he was busy being tossed and swung. He could hardly reel his harpoons in while this was going on, so his options were limited.

But then he realised; he might not be able to reel his harpoon in with Lorken gripping it like that, but he could still use the reeling function.

Waiting until he was swung again, Danh then began to use his reeling ability, angling his body so as to become a human projectile. He was coming in at an odd angle, but he was absolutely coming at Lorken with some momentum. In the end, it wasn't a clean hit, but he ended up connecting, smacking into Lorken and knocking his harpoon clear of his grasp. He then had a bit of a nasty landing, smacking into the floor hard and travelling some distance, but he wasn't dead. Now all he had to do was stand up and keep going...

Or not. Or yes, but he found the act of trying to get back up so trying there was no way he was going to get up in time to stop Lorken from attacking him again. All the swinging around on top of his little trick had caught up to him. "Goddamn..." He managed to sputter out while he tried to raise himself from the floor. "Is this the part where I find out this was all a sham? Cause I wouldn't be surprised at this point..."

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