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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ava’s embarassment eventually subside and once more she was on about when they would fight and how this time she would win, something that was starting to bore Serena a bit, she understood wanting to prove herself capable, but going on about it nonstop made her want tap Ava on the head again. Just as she was about to say something, the patrons’ attention turned to two figures that entered the bar, one looked to be Seraphim, the other she couldn’t quite make out, she hadn’t seen someone like before, the girl’s rainbow colored wings caught her attention, as she was sure it did many other patrons and made her a bit curious of girl.

“Wow, those two reminds me of us when we first entered here,” Ava commented, turning her attention back to Serena.

“Yes, they certainly do, but best to just leave them be, they have enough eyes on them without us needing to add to it,” Serena responded, looking back over to the bar where she locked eyes with one of the men at the bar.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, now we can-” Ava was interrupted when she noticed her sister looking over at the bar, her eyes also meeting the gaze of the man.

Ava became little defensive when the man approached the two of them, her urge to protect her sister already growing. However when he asked to sit and then seated himself before they could answer, that made her angry, so much so she started to chastise the man, “How dare you just sit before we’ve give you permission to do so, why I should-” she was once more interrupted, this time by Serena who put an arm up in front of her, indicating her to be silent. “That’s enough Ava.”

“But Serena...”

“You had been eavesdropping on his conversation, so it’s not exactly like his approach wasn’t warranted,” Serena interjected, pausing her sentence as she looked at her sister before turning her attention to the man, “though I do agree, it would’ve been polite to let us answer first before sitting down. However, we had been trying to intrude upon your conversation, so I would like to apologize for our rudeness,” Serena finished, bowing her head just as their food and drinks arrived.

“Thank you for the food, as well as letting us know about drinks at the bar, though I doubt we’ll be having any,” Serena responded to the waitress with a slight smile that quickly dropped.

Her attention returned once more to the man, “We didn’t hear a lot, just something about boarder attacks,” she paused for a moment as she lightly gripped her chin, “I wonder if it’s those rumors we’ve been hearing about,” Serena spoke quietly to herself, glancing up and then shaking her head clear, “Once again, my sincerest apologies for our rudeness, I try to keep my sister proper, but that isn’t always the case,” she gave a light smile that like before, quickly faded

“Hey, don’t apologize to him, we did nothing wrong, they were talking pretty loudly, it’s not our fault we could overhear them,” Ava finally spoke up, having been eating her meal whilst her sister talked, but now couldn’t hold back her words any longer.

“Regardless, it was none of our business, now please don’t make this into a thing, I would like to keep things civilized."

“He’s probably just trying to hit on you and is using this as an excuse,” Ava retorted, still glaring at the man.

Serena let out a sigh, “I highly doubt that,” she then turned her attention from Ava to the man once more, “You’ll have to excuse her, she's a little protective of me, but she means well. Oh, I’m Serena by the way and this little hot head is my younger sister, Ava, and you are…?” Serena asked, hoping that the man before them wouldn’t be upset at Ava’s outburst, as well as her eavesdropping, she didn’t want a fight to break out, not that she wouldn’t help her sister if that’s what it came to.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Heather smiled at the man who asked about what to get them. ”Uhh, what’s the special again?” Heather asked. She was kinda hungry and probably knows Patricia is hungry too. ”He is a very kind gentleman giving out free drinks,” Heather said kindly.

Patricia shyly hid behind Heather and had a small smile on her face. ”I would love the funny looking dish,” Patricia said blushing. This girl doesn’t really know the name of the dishes since she usually eats at the Flowerdancer’s home.

Heather glanced at the shy one and giggled at what she said. ”You always say funny looking dish,” Heather said kindly. She was happy, she’s nearby or her friend would completely freak out. She would too since she’s afraid of being alone too. ”Got a table for us? I almost forgot about that,” Heather said kindly.

Patricia looked around the room from behind Heather and noticed the man, which the person who greeted them pointed too. She blushing big time since many people were staring at her wings. She leaned into her friend’s ear and whispered, ”Why are all these people giving us weird looks?”

Heather smiled and started to blush because she just realized that people were giving them cat calls and other such looks. She whispered back to Patricia, ”I guess, it’s because we are hot or something.” She walked more into the tavern. ”I had a strange feeling before I walked into the tavern. It felt like an eerie sadness, what’s going on?” Heather asked.

Patricia stayed close behind Heather. She heard what her friend said and was confused about what an eerie sadness is about. She doesn’t really realize what Heather asked. ”Hmm, so that’s why she was distracted, but I have no idea what that means,” Patricia thought to herself. She had her left hand on her chin, but she couldn’t really figure what she had a thought about. She shook her head in disbelief something bad is happening near Sunfire.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Suleykaar shook his head.

"I'm an Crimson dragon, a red dragon. We are know to be massive and powerful and very territorial. I'm a bit of a contradiction to the myths of our kind. There are a ton of dragons and all of different sizes and colors and shapes. When I was young, I once met a dragon three times as big as me and I am a big dragon, young and still growing. But yes, he is my brother, anyone who is dragon or of dragon descent is a brother or sister of mine. It's...It's hard to explain. It's just something I say. the older dragons, real dragons, used to say that to each other. It was to remind us that we are equal...." When Alexis said what she did about her short life and Velai brought up her thoughts, Suley narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It really is a lonely path..." He sighed as took a sip, only to glance up in time to see the sensual interactions between Alexi and Velai, causing him to choke on his drink, snacking his chest in an attempt to clear his throat. A wide grin crossed his mouth as he settled down and leaned in towards Alexis, his eyes glowing a dim gold. His voice smoothed out and held a low bass that rumbled, seductive even as the grin faded into a smirk with hungry eyes.

Soooo, Alexis. IIIIII was thinking. What if you, Velai when she's done work and I, have a little fun? So far we seem to be enjoying each other's company, some simple conversation...I think it would be fitting if we got to know a little more about each other on a more intimate level. They say that a dragon is good for your health. Energizes the body, clears the mind, cleanses the soul and-" He leaned further so his breath rolled off her neck, the vibrations of his voice reverberating off her naked skin.

"Offers euphoria that only the gods claim to know. What do you say Alexissssss." He leaned away to look into her eyes and awaited an answer.

Soron listened to Ava chastise him for his actions, raising his glass to hide the smirk on his face but all the while taking in her posture and movements. Raised tone of voice, slightly dilated eyes, clenched jaw and heavy sarcasm directed towards him. She was easy to figure out and had an idea of how to handle her should she attempt anything. This hybrid woman was either the other's sister, slave or lover or any two of the three. The seraphim however, she was harder to read as not much movement was noticed, say for the times she would hold her hand up to silence the other. A little bit tense from the embarrassment that was her sister but not much else. Her posture was relaxed but in a way ridged, meaning she was a fighter meaning she might have even trained the other in some form of combat or defensive style. Serena finally introduced herself and her sister Ava, to which he nodded before placing the drink down and leaning back in his chair, before glancing at the both of them with a nod.

"Soron Dragonbane, I'm here with my friend Suleykaar over ther-..." He begun to introduce himself and his compadre until he looked over and noticed what he was doing, in response he rubbed his temples before turning back to the two.

"Anyway...You're right, it was rude of me to sit down uninvited but-" He glanced over at Ava with narrow eyes. His body was still but if one looked carefully he was ready to defend or strike if need be. Serena's sister seemed unstable so his defense was up.

"It is equally rude to eavesdrop on others' conversations so in that area I see we are even. As for hitting on your sister Ava, I think she is more than capable of handling someone like me without you getting in the way. Plus I heard it costs extra for sisters anyway..." His eyes squinted slightly before he returned a more relaxed gaze to Serena.

"My apologies...But to what you heard, yes. Apparently the boarders have been attacked, but mostly at night. Some of us have suggested that King Sleeth of Nero is up to it but my friend Suls believes there is much more to it. Possibly a isolated group of some sort. We've decided to stay the night here at the inn and watch over it and Sunfire in case there is another attack. But seeing as how you were listening in maybe you could assist us. Suleykaar and myself already sent a message to King Magnix in the hopes he may send some assistance or at least some men to guard Sunfire for a bit."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I suppose that makes sense. All who share dragon blood with you are family, just like how I've always perceived the Sol to be like family and friends to me..."

Alexis sighed as Velai got called away. She watched as the Seraphim left to tend to her duties, making a promise to herself to ask when she got back what time she'd be off for the night. If it was hours away yet, she entertained the thought of going up to her room to catch a little sleep before then, her mind slipping into a fantasy scenario of what would happen when Velai came in to wake her. Maybe a second later she was brought back to reality, as she noticed Suleykaar was suddenly unable to drink properly. She let out a light chuckle as he leaned towards her, matching his smirk with one of her own as she gazed into his crimson eyes, unblinking.

"Now I understand why you paid for my room so readily, you want to share it with me." Her voice was light, accusatory as she brought a hand to her face, index finger tapping her lips as she glanced back at Velai across the room, a thoughtful look on her features. "Well, with how Velai just responded to my advance.. are you sure you could handle the two of us at once?" She smiled coyly as she came to a decision, keeping her eyes on Velai as she spoke. "Not that I'm not willing to see you try, that is."

She leaned towards him herself then, planting a gentle kiss on his jawline before pulling away. "Consider that my 'ok', but for the sake of the game, you need to wait for Velai to say you can have me too. She is the one who I went to first, after all." She smirked at him before looking for Velai in the crowd again, calling out to her to ask for her permission for Suleykaar to join them once she seemed to be not too busy anymore.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

"Ill see what we can do. Please have a seat." The man spoke to her. She could feel the fear on the man's posture, breathing...
The man had pulled a chair for her before going away. She was hungry, but she could wait for him a little. She had spent a lot of time walking after all, and she was indeed rather tired.
Putting her scythe on her lap, she sat down, waiting for the man to come back.
The bar was rather full but unlike the other patrons, which kept their watchful eyes on her the second she got inside the bar, some of them ignored her presence completely. Something that haven't happened in quite a while. Honestly, she liked to be ignored. It was better to feel nothing than having to feel all the negative feelings that the common people often directed at her. They were talking a lot, and quite happily too, almost like she was only another normal person. Lila felt refreshed for a while. But she couldn't pretend to be a normal citizen for ever... She knew what she was, and like that, those few moments of relaxing fantasy were shattered to pieces.

"... Soron Dragonbane ..."
" Suleykaar... Crimson dragon..."
“... Serena ...”
“... Ava ...”
She couldn't help it but to pay attention on her names. Soron, Suleykaar, Ava and Serena.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the bartender came with a steel cylinder, telling her that Mirror was out.
"Do you.. remember me?" the bartender asked.
Weird question. What difference it would made if someone as her remembered about any other person? Lila simply couldn't understand the reason behind that question, it didn't matter how much she thought about it, but she answered it anyways.

"Yes. Female seraphim, bartender, Ve-lai. I remember."
"The other one, I do not."
"He felt fear..." she said, referring to the other man who talked with her earlier.

As Velai opened the cylinder, she could smell the blood inside.
"I dont decide when you are free.. you do."

Mirror's words came to her mind as she took the cylinder on her hands. It was cold to the touch, probably Mirror left the blood there, knowing that she would come back, looking for it.
Even if he said such things, what would she do if she just fled? She knew only how to kill. She had no place in this world, no purpose, nothing that gave reason to her existence, she was simply... an empty shell... a tool with no one to wield it.

Those words... Those words were cruel. They were especially cruel and hurtful to Lila because they always remembered her that she had no choice. She never had one. With bitter thoughts, she drank the blood inside the cylinder. It was cold and tasteless, but it was blood nonetheless... Fresh blood was always tastier, but it was a rare delicacy for Lila.

"Tell Mirror that I await his orders. That is all..." she said, with a bitter expression due to the unpleasant thoughts about Mirror.

"Need some water, to clean my fangs." She said, opening her mouth, showing the big and sharp fangs, red with blood.
She had learned that it was better to wash her mouth after feeding. It would draw less attention.

As she heard the other patrons calling Velai, she got her scythe and stood up.
"I will wait for you at the counter. Go see what the other patrons want. I'll wait, you don't need to hurry." she said, pointing to them with the tip of her scythe.

As she approached the counter, waiting for Velai, she overheard some of the conversation that the other patrons seemed to be so entertained with.
"Well, with how Velai just responded to my advance.. are you sure you could handle the two of us at once?"
The owner of the voice was a sol woman. Lila didn't knew her name, the only names she heard were from the other patrons.
Lila wasn't paying much attention at their conversation, but they were apparently challenging each other to a sparring match. But the bartender and this girl, sparring against the other man?

Lila shook her head lightly after trying to understand their conversation. It was an useless effort, she wasn't paying attention at it from the start, and knowing about it would only be useless information. Sitting on a stool just in front of the counter, she ignored the other patrons near her and kept patiently waiting for Velai.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Velai watched with downcast eyes at Lila's reaction to the eerie mist emiting from the opened cylinder with a slight disgust on her expression. Knowing Lila was blind she did not attempt to hide it, and no other patrons watching would disagree with her reaction. She knew what was within this cylinder but has yet to find out who it came from, or why it was stored here just for her by Mirror's orders. What makes her so special in his eyes? Velai thought as she eyed the scythe this petite doll, this soulless shell, held so effortlessly within her tender grasp. No other Nayu came here in search for blood to drink casually. That was something done in the land of Nero.

Biting her lip Velai attempted not to think negatively when infront of Lila, even despite how much she harbored hate for Nayu kind. So many seraphim were missing due to the Dolofon, Therosi, and hungry Nayu so she had her reasons for feeling this way. But she did not know the extent of Lilas mysterious abilities and didnt want to risk curse or mind reading by giving off a bad vibe, from within or out, that would make enemies. In contrary though she feared the Nayu, and Lila potentially, she wanted to befriend the good ones.

Velais eyes widened with a blank stare before blinking a few times at Lilas voice. She was not expecting such a sharp reply that was so eloquently toned. She felt a familiar wave of pleasantry with her past conversings with the bard that once performed at the inn regularly. It was this that made her like Lila as a person, a individual. The seraphim girl would tend to wonder why a partner of Mirror remained so silent when she worked for the Sol and Seraphim against evil. Why did she not embrace their culture and lifestyle above her own? At that moment Velai tried to imagine Lila in a white tunic similar to her own and smiling in the sunlight with the rest of the Sol and Seraphim.

As Lila spoke about the previous server's fear Velai's wings laxed downward with a sigh escaping her lips. Hes afraid of you.. She let out a low whispered mutter before speaking loudly and waving her left hand in a slow and forward downward motion. "Its nothing!" Her petite lips tightened into a small mischievous smile. "He must have just thought you were cute!" She giggled after saying this behind her hands briefly before apologizing.

"Right.. Ill tell him.." Velai had a look of concern on her face as she attempted to look into the eyes of Lila. Something felt wrong about her relationship with Mirror, like a toy searching for its master. Empty amd always awaiting orders. This was conveyed to Velai as a indescribable feeling in her gut. This feeling was relatable was why, though she did not know, they both longed for Mirror to give them something. Yet he almost always refused, making her get it herself or not have it at all. All this held her back from speaking on how unsure she was on when she could see Mirror again to relay the message. "Yes dont worry Ill have it right away."

Velai looked at Lila as she rose up, grabbing her intimidating scythe, before bowing out to serve other customers with her coworkers. Bumping into the male Sol server with a slap to his back while he was unawares and inducing a jump reaction from him. "I told her you thought she was cute." She giggled more as she leaned against the bar table from behind the counter. The server she spoke to shook his head and his eyes widened in fear. "Are you trying to get me killed?" He said under a stressed voice while stacking cups for the travel to the back kitchen. "You could do worse". Velai almost sung those words as she strolled from behind the counter with him. As he walked he noticed Lila move her seat and head closer to where drinks were served, and closer to him. He tensed up. His legs scurried himself faster behind the veiled door to the kitchen only a few meters from the bar.

Velai approached Suleykaar and Alexis. A cup of water in one hand and tree sap in another. She sipped tree sap before placing it on a table next to Alexis. She met eyes with her and gave her a glance to share in the drink. A Lets get loose tonight expression in her eyes. She then turned to Suleykaar with a friendly and alternate expression. "It has gotten so busy thanks to you, more busy than in a while. Thanks again!" She bowed with her head, still balancing the cup of water in her right hand.


A bath was made as maids and gentle men were at the beck and call of Shanna. As a previous champion in the arenas she was offered luxuries from underground gamblers and fans alike. The warm waters, like small waterfalls, poured down from the personal spa and massage room. The alluring fragrances and calming warm mist escaped to try and envelop Shannas mind. The servers coercing her to enter the bath room. It was like being in the forest inside of it, but instead of a dirty lake the water was sparkling and clear with mist escaping its surface and exuding a flowery smell. As this was a personal bath the servers sat outside the door.

Upon entry to this room. Whether entering it or simply observing it after a moment the mist would move on its own. It would accumulate together into a form of a angelic being. But the silhouette was not detectable.Shanna.. A echoing feminine voice could be headd in Shannas mind. We will need your help Shanna. the voice went on As a seraphim it is your duty.. The mass of mist retained a simple shape of an angelic womans body yet its surface shifted rapidly due to fading and recapturing of mist. It sat on a stone above the water with its hands on the rock. It leaned back gently and turned its faceless head to Shanna. Seeking a reply.

The hours went by and the sun hung closer above the mountains. The villages of those outside the towns and kingdoms were fled and ghostly empty. The weapons that filed the walls of the soldiers guarding Sunfire was emptied. The preperations were getting tighter. Night was soon to come.

"Light it!"

A large flame was lit on the very top surface of the Sunfire tree. Its light growing more visible. A small mass of white rode down the grass field between Sunfire and Vrondi. Dragons similar to horses underneath these beings as they rode into the jungle around Sunfire in a split formation.

The Vrondi elites have arrived.. besides we would have been fine without them.. besides I think they are training recruits..
The Sunfire tree buzzed on.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Serena equally studied the man as he studied her whilst the three of them conversed, well the two of them while Ava just continued on her glare. Based on how he sat, she could tell that much of his life he had been fighting, no doubt he was really good, maybe even better than her, she wondered how quick he would be to defend if she launched an attack at him, not that she would though, she wasn’t as impulsive as her sister for one and two was he hadn’t done anything to warrant such aggressions.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Dragonbane,” Serena responded with a slight bow of her head when he told them their name.

Ava clenched her fists at the man’s remark, especially the last bit, that really made her blood boil, “I don’t get in my sister’s way, I help keep her safe,” she paused in her sentence, grabbing her scythe from behind her, holding the handle closer the blade, pointing it at him and added, “and as for your little remark, guys don’t do it for me and I’ll gladly cut you down before you could even touch my sister.”

Serena briefly closed her eyes, gently exhaling out her nose, she saw the longer Soron spoke to Ava, the more volatile things were becoming between the two of them, “Ava, put your blade down and sit,” Serena interrupted, opening her eyes to glance at her sister.

“But...this jerk just insulted us,” Ava tensed up, though her sister’s tone was calm, because the two of them grew up together, Ava knew when her sister was giving her a warning and she was struggling between listening to her and teaching Soron a lesson.

“He’s merely riling you up, now sit down or would you prefer I punish you instead?”

Ava’s tail flicked slightly when she said that, she remembered when they were younger and how if she misbehaved around her sister, she would be punished by her, something that made Serena look a little scary, at least to Ava, “No ma’am,” she responded quickly, hastily sitting back her chair with her weapon resting on the side of her chair with her head lowered.

Serena then turned her attention back to Soron, “And I would ask you not to rile my sister up, I understand what she did was rude, but purposefully upsetting her won’t be tolerated by me,” though she knew how her sister could be at times, she did care about her and didn’t like it when people antagonized her.

Serena then listened to his offer of joining them in a battle that seemed like was coming, though it wasn’t really any of her business, she knew if she didn’t assist, whatever town she and Ava went to would no doubt be attacked as well if it wasn’t already “Well, this certainly interesting, very well, we’ll assist you, no doubt it would be in our best interest to do so.

Ava was fidgiting in her seat, the man’s earlier remark still in her head, standing up she said, “Forget that, I won’t work with someone who could be so rude to us and I think it’s time he learned a lesson on how to talk to ladies properly,” she glanced over to her sister and then back to Soron, grabbing her weapon again and pointed it at the man sitting across from them once more, “I challenge you to a fight and when I win, you’ll apologize for your rude behavior.”

Serena finished up the last of her tea before speaking “If you do this Ava, you will be punished after it’s over, you know that right?”

Ava shook a little as she nervously swallowed, clearly intimidated by what her sister would do to her rather than facing Soron, “Y-Yeah, I know, but I have to do this.”

“Very well, I won’t try to stop you any further, just thought I’d give you one last warning,” she responded, taking a glance over at the window and saw the sun was starting to set, she was surprised they had been there that long, plus with the fight Ava wanted to have, they’d no doubt have to stay the night, something Serena didn’t mind but she had been looking forward to getting back to traveling.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Heather noticed the girl with the scythe walk past her. She had no fear in her eyes for what she saw, everyone had different tastes. ”My father drinks blood,” Heather thought to herself. She was distracted, but she didn’t notice her friend’s hair was standing on end.

Patricia’s hair was standing on end, but it wasn’t because of the full-blooded Nayu, which walked past them. She was terrified of the night and she couldn’t stop shaking because of it. “Heather… It is happening again,” Patricia said. She had a tone of being utterly terrified of past events. She put her hands in a cupped close to her chest and she was having a panic attack in the middle of the tavern.

Heather heard her name from her friend and turned around to her. “What’s wrong Patricia?” Heather asked. She noticed her having a panic attack right in front of her now and her eyes were of worry now. ”Crap… Why are you having this now of all times?” Heather asked. Heather was worried much more now.

Patricia fell to her knees crying and heavy breathing. She fainted but one thing that happens because of this, the light in the room makes her rainbow draconian wings make a rainbow on one of the walls. She was completely out of it.

Heather saw this and was lost for words. ”Heather Saya Flowerdancer think, what did your mother tell you?” Heather asked herself. She tried to reassure herself to not do the same thing her friend literally did just a few moments ago. She had an idea, she picked up her friend gently enough and put her at a table. She sat really close to her at the same table. ”Ancestors give me strength,” Heather said worriedly. She tried to calm herself down but she remembered the kind gentlemen who are giving out free drinks because of his wealth. ”Bar Lady can I have something strong please,” Heather raised her voice towards the Bar Lady. She needed something alcoholic to not do something similar that Patricia did. She had a deep sigh of some kind of regret of what is going on. She held her hands together and started to pray to her ancestors.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shanna eyed her gifts and treasures, also snickering to herself as she held a gold necklace. She didn't need something flashy for when she goes out but her image as a 'lady' ushered her to keep it. AT least maybe one day, she'll have a chance to wear it. She didn't need the other things offered to her, so the others that she didn't need to use will be straight to her purse. The question is; how will she carry it all? She would certainly need a helping hand. She heard the crashes of the nearby mini waterfalls and decided to find it, acknowledging it was for her personal bath, she shrugged it off. She decided to take a look around since she still have time before going into the bar that she passed by. She passed by the servers who was outside the door and told them to shoo away and that she'll be taking a bath later and will just linger around the sparkly spa.

Upon entry, she was embraced by the mist of the said bath, engulfed at the flowery aroma and the relaxing atmosphere that was surrounding her. Her lips curled upwards. The place seems a bit foggy, which is quite right because she felt this should help hide her and keep her privacy. Then she heard something, at the edge of the bath, sitting on a stone, an angelic voice taking form of a blurry angelic body, the form being distorted and rebuilt by the mist that was surrounding them, the form was far, but the voice was like a whisper right through her ear.

'We will need your help'? She asked herself as she repeated the woman's words. 'Why?' She asked back, testing if the woman (the mist rather take form of curves for a body) heard her. 'As a seraphim, it is your duty..'. The womanly voice told her again, confused, Shanna waited for a continuous answer of the earlier question. Why would she need her help?

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Soron nodded to Serena in response to her asking him to stop antagonizing her sister, Ava. But internally he chuckled, knowing what he had done. Sometimes those with big mouths had to be taught how to respect their elders. Plus Soron had been itching for a spare or fight for sometime. It was a way for Soron to release some pent up anger and frustration when dealing with Suleykaar. Ava raised her blade to him, calling him out for a challenge. He looked over to her older sister, who warned her twice before giving in, to which his gaze slowly moved over to Ava's own, a smirk starting to form. He got his wish. Soron pushed his chair back and slowly rose, his head cocked slightly to the side as his golden slit eyes bore into Ava's soul.

"Be careful what you wish for mal vahdim, or you will get exactly that." His tone held a bit of an icy edge and a sinister underlying threat. She had challenged a legend in his own right and for this she would learn. But something inside her reminded him of himself when he was younger and running under the guidance of Sureyia. Though he was cautious, he was cocky, short tempered and somewhat suicidal. Then again, many within the Sureyia had to be if willing to go up against feral dragons. As he began walking away, he glanced over at Serena, giving her a knowing look that represented he wouldn't go easily on her before he glanced back up to Suley.


I promise you euphoria you have never felt before. Dragons are known to be well...packaged, if one were to say and if you think my mouth is only good for smooth talk and seduction you would be unfortunately mistaken. I've been around for years my dear. You learn a thing or two from the opposite sex, and other species." His smirk returned to a grin as he sat back up and winked at Velai before going for a sip of his drink to which he was halted when Soron called to him. He glanced over.

"Hin tinvaak dovah fahdon?" He quirked a brow as Soron stopped next to him and tapped his shoulder twice.

"Zu'u grah pahlok. Faah vahdin dovahkiin." Suleykaar looked at him for a moment before averting his eyes to the two at the table, specifically the hybrid and grinned. The dragon turned his head towards Soron but kept his curious gaze on the two, glancing only at Soron for a brief moment. Leaning in he spoke low, despite it being in his ancient dead language.

"Nos vahzah, nos -"

"I know how to fight Suleykaar. I didn't earn Dragonbane for no reason."

"Just be careful. Least we deal with a death on our hands or worse." Soron stared at him for a moment before shaking his head and made for the door. Before he left he turned around and called out to them. Suley, in all of his genius stood up and cleared his throat before addressing those in the bar. If there would be one thing Sulley had been able to prove so far, it's that he was good at getting the attention of those he was near, and a way to earn a quick buck.

"May I have your attention everyone! It gives me great honor to offer you not only free drink and meal on behave of me, but a bit of entertainment! Now, my dear patrons of the Rest Easy, tonight we will have a special event. My dear friend Soron Dragonbane, Slayer of the Basille Basilisk and former dragonslayer, has been issued a challenge by one of your own. I encourage you to come join us outside for this event and when it is over, a second round of drink and dessert will be added to tonight's event. Consider this all to be a special gift on behalf of Velai-" He gestured towards her.

"And the staff of the Rest Easy! Please be sure to tip those who served you graciously for allowing this night to end on a splendid note!" He offered a small clap of the hands before gesturing those to come join them outside. Halfway through, he also decided to bring up another idea.

"Also, I should mention that there will be betting on the two so you will have a chance to win some extra coin in your pocket." And with that, Suley had gotten to work with helping the staff, giving Velai a sly smirk.

As Soron stepped outside, his eyes seemed to glow a low gold as the remaining light reflected off of them. He felt as the cool night winds gently lifted his flowing white hair. His stubble that ran along his jawline and over his mouth protected his skin from the light chill. Closing his eyes he inhaled and felt the ground around him. He moved he slid his foot along the ground, listening to it, feeling the texture of it. He crack his neck both ways...Exhale. His gaze turned to the mountains in the distance as the ever descending sun reminded those of Vrondi of the coming night.

Night...The wind...It was like that night...Impending death...So long ago but quite fresh in the mind.

Outside the mouth of the abysmal cavern he waited. The breeze blowing against his silver locks as his golden eyes looked towards the impending death. The faint drip from a stalactite fell from its stone roof and onto a puddle of water pooled somewhere near the opening but left an echo that ran through the tunnels. Then he heard it, hissing doom from inside the darkness, deep purple eyes glistened against the thin moonlight that reflected into the cavern. Its tongue flickering out towards him, sensing his presence. Soron's eyes narrowed as he made himself known, his blade already in hand. It scaled beast too, made its presence known as it slithered out to greet its next meal. From what Soron could tell, it was smiling knowingly, as if to tell him it knew what atrocities it committed that night, whose life it took. Soron could feel the anger swelling, like a dragon ready to breathe fire onto its enemies. The basilisk feinted a strike as it lashed out in predatory instinct, but Soron failed to yield to its show of dominance. Instead, he too bared his fangs as his face contorted into rage.

Soron lowered his stance as he brought his blade back and above him, its point towards the face of the basilisk. His other hand was raised as well, his palm facing the great beast of Basille.

"You killed my friends, my family, love...You will be showed no mercy beast as this will be the night that ends your pathetic existence." It seemed to understand him as it roared back at him. The wind seemed to pick up as the climax of the confrontation drew near. Circling would only last for so long before it was time to strike. The winds calmed and it became quiet. For a moment he could hear his heartbeat and the sound of his own breath. Time seemed to stand still as their movements stopped. The beast coiled back, ready to strike and Soron was ready to defend.

.......The drake's screech in the distance cut the silence as they bore down on each other....

Soron had slowed his breathing before he brought his short sword around to his side and unsheathed it, a perfect draw as he turned around a faced Ava. He shifted his weight and lowered down into the stance he held when fighting the basilisk, the one that he had used as a Sureyia, one that could combine rune magic and melee into one deadly marriage of destruction. He was like the basilisk, loose and yet coiled, ready to strike or defend at a moments notice. His eyes held this aggressive serenity in it, one that only those who have experienced battle would know. One who had seen death and had dealt it as well.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ava cocked a grin when Soron accepted her challenge, though she was a little nervous, she was also excited, she hadn’t faced anyone other than her sister, so she didn’t know how this was going to play out, but she was determined to win, no matter what. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you grovel too much when I beat you,” she retorted back, not dropping her grin for a second.

Serena caught the glance thrown at her, knowing by it that he wouldn’t hold back, she gave an equally meaningful glance back that said she wouldn’t allow him to kill her sister and would step in if he tried to push it that far. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t worried about Ava’s safety, she knew that their sparring all these years made her capable, but she could just feel that Soron might be too strong for her, still, her sister was grown and could make her own decisions, that didn’t mean Serena wouldn’t worry over her however.

Ava quirked a brow when he went Soron when over to his companion, unsure of what they were discussing, but it didn’t matter to her, she was going to be sure that she won and apologized to them. She had been surprised when his friend however announced to the bar about the fight that was going to ensue, she hadn’t exactly planned on this being a spectacle, but it probably would’ve turned out that way regardless, oh well, at least it would provide the town with some entertainment, so she didn’t really seem the harm in that.

Finally when that was all said and done, Ava followed Soron outside, casually resting her scythe on her shoulder, clearly confident that she’d be the victor. “Listen, be careful with him, I have a feeling he’s quite experienced. Be tactical with your attacks, don’t waste any unnecessary energy, it’s clear that he won’t go easy on you, so you have to be on guard at all times, understood?” Serena spoke to her sister before the fight got started.

“Yeah, I know...” Ava responded, pausing as she thought about the fight earlier that day with her sister, how her attacks were avoided easily and how she had reached her limit so soon, “I’ll make sure to think my moves through carefully, you have my word,” Ava added before making her way to the main area of town where the two would fight.

Serena had thought about using her magic to try and assist Ava, perhaps level the playing field, but she knew in a real fight that wouldn’t always be possible and Ava would need to rely on her own abilities and overcome her own weaknesses, no she’d have to do this all on her own. Ava prepared herself, getting into a low fighting stance as she stared down Soron, her blade eagerly pointed at her target. She quirked a brow when his gaze turned to the mountains, she didn’t know what he was doing but she was going to take this slow at first, rather than jumping head first into it with him being distracted like she normally would’ve done.

When he unsheated his sword and brought his gaze back to Ava, it struck her a bit, it was aggressive and yet had a resolve to it. She shifted her footing in the dirt, slight hesitation but she wouldn’t let it impede her, digging into the ground with her left foot, she launched herself towards her opponent, using her wings to help her glide and keep her movements fast. When she was in range of Soron, she swung her scythe in an uppercut motion, figuring he’d be expecting it to come from above him or to his sides, she could only hope she was tactful enough to land the first hit.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexis watched Velai’s face carefully as she pitched the question to her, ready to tell the Seraphim that she didn’t have to allow Suleykaar to join them if she didn’t want to. As Velai hugged her though, Alexis realized her worry had been unnecessary. Alexis returned the hug before she heard Velai speak, then freezing at her words. Velai had to take Alexis’ arms off of her as the Seraphim broke the embrace so she could continue on with her tasks. Outwardly, Alexis may have just seemed a little out of it, but inside her thoughts were racing. Wh-why would she say that? Oh gods what must she think of me now, suggesting a threesome to her?! I’m an idiot, an absolute idiot!

”Out of the question, absolutely not...” The Sol muttered quietly to herself as she eyed the glass of Tree Sap that Velai had left on the table for her. She hesitated before reaching for it -she’d already passed her self-imposed “two drink” rule for the night, and hadn’t Velai told her this stuff hit you hard later on? But still, as Soron came back over and began speaking to Suleykaar in that language she couldn’t understand, her fingers reached for the glass and she downed it. She’d need to ask Velai about the Seraphim’s thoughts towards her later, or just ignore the worry she had now because of the, most likely, joking remark the Seraphim had made, and getting a little drunk would help with both of those tasks.

It would also lessen the blow if Alexis’ fears were confirmed later too.

She put the glass down on the table, vowing to herself she was definitely done drinking for the night now as she did. Just in time to hear Soron and Suleykaar switch back to speaking in a way she could understand. ”Wait, you’re going to fight someone?!” Her exclamation of surprise went unnoticed as she watched Soron walk out the door, Suleykaar standing up to address the whole bar again as he did. Alexis put her head down on the table in front of her as she listened to the dragon speak, practically performing a song and dance for the mostly-drunk bargoers as he advertised the duel ensuing outside. His generosity still seemed quite ridiculous to her, and she ended up closing her eyes for a moment after he finished speaking and just listened to the sounds around her. Some cheered, a few others started shouting about who they’d place bets on, and then under all that there was just the ever-present din of a bar -drunken mumbling, snoring, and the clinking of mugs and glasses on tables.

She opened her eyes and looked blankly at the space to her side, taking a moment to re-focus on the moving world before she noticed that something was peculiar about what she saw there. Sitting back up, and blinking a few times for good measure, there was no mistaking it. A small smile worked its way onto her face as she looked curiously at a Nayu girl who seemed to be just sitting at the bar, waiting for something. She wasn’t talking to anyone, likely no one had tried to talk to her at all, but as Alexis studied the way the girl held herself and decided that she probably wasn’t hostile. People just tended to avoid Nayu, it seemed. Alexis stood with purpose, intending to go over and talk to the girl, but stopped after she’d stood, hesitating. What would she even say?

She took the small amount of time it took to walk over and stand at the Nayu’s side to figure that out. Best to start with a topic that didn’t have any political or personal grief attached to it. She was totally calm, even happy as she approached the girl, so her kind, carefree tone as she spoke was completely honest rather than forced. ”I really like your dress. The red is a beautiful accent and matches your hair perfectly! May I ask if you made it yourself, or if it was made for you? And uh, where could I get one?” She smiled brightly at the girl while she spoke, leaning against the counter as she did.

Whether the girl answered her or not, by the time everyone was going out to watch the fight, Alexis decided that she didn’t want to miss this. ”Will you come watch the fight with me? Oh, what’s your name by the way? I’m Alexis.” Alexis reached out and grabbed the girl’s hand, asking the question just before Suleykaar approached her and offered his own hand, Velai already with him. She took his offered hand, dragging the Nayu girl with her as they followed the crowd outside.

As Suleykaar left to speak to a Seraphim woman a little closer to the battle, Alexis observed the two fighter’s stances. ”Remind me never to piss him off...” She spoke to no one in particular as she watched Soron ready himself for attack. Or was it defense? Whatever it was, Alexis got the impression that he was deadly serious about this fight. The dragonkin woman facing Soron was interesting as well, rushing at Soron with great speed as she attacked first.

She watched as the fight went on, transfixed as she watched the two. She was trying in her mind to guess which one would give first. She felt it should be Soron, but wasn’t sure as the woman seemed to keep up with him well enough. Until he taunted her, that is. Alexis flinched at the woman’s yell, a death threat that revealed her now unfocused mind. Soron would win now, for sure. The Sol covered her ears then, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to experience the last few moments, though it didn’t work very well. She could still hear the screams.

When she opened her eyes again, the woman was still standing. Or, had just gotten back up, it seemed. A violent red aura surrounded her as she started to look more dragonlike -and then a great explosion of fire arced into the sky. As she watched, Alexis couldn’t really process what happened next. The seraphim and Suleykaar had jumped into the fight, while all the sounds from the battle seemed to start fading away, until all around were watching the fight in silence. It seemed like no one in the crowd was even breathing.

As the fight ended, and Suleykaar started helping the Seraphim and dragonkin into the inn, Alexis made her way over to where Soron lay on the ground, kneeling next to the man as she got to him. ”Hold still, okay? I’m gonna see if I can’t heal you at all...” She looked over his body as she prepared to cast the spell, her hands hovering over his chest as she started chanting the words in her mind. He was badly burned, but it wasn’t so bad, she thought, that she wouldn’t be able to help heal most of it right now.

May you have Light’s Blessing upon you, Soron.” Her voice echoed in the space around them, though she spoke barely above a whisper. In an instant, all the light in the area was drawn to a single point in the palm of her hand, and then the energy disappeared as it absorbed into Soron’s body. The area the light had been drawn from was completely black for an instant, and then gray for a second before light flooded the area again from the other light sources outside the area. All the torches and other light sources would need to be re-lit. Soron would feel as if he himself were getting lighter, as the wounds from the burns began to disappear, all of the lesser wounds he’d had healed in an instant.

Alexis kept the spell up until she ran out of energy, almost 30 minutes later. ”How do you feel?” She asked as she dropped her hands to her side, glancing at Suleykaar as she noticed he was around, picking up little black stones off the ground. He looked better, at least. Where his skin had been charred in the spots where it was fully exposed to the flames, it was as if 2 hours had passed. Any bleeding had stopped, and he could probably stand and walk back to the bar if he wanted to.

”In a few hours maybe I could heal you again. It’s good to do multiple times, but not in quick succession unless it’s an emergency.” She yawned as she finished speaking, her hand going up to cover her mouth out of habit. ”I was kinda low on energy as it was, now I’m probably gonna pass out within the hour...”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Heather stayed within the tavern, while everyone went outside with the man who started the event. She shook her head at the man. She pointed to her friend Patricia, who's still unconscious. She had a dismayed look on her face. ”I hope she is alright after this nap,” Heather thought to herself. She didn't want to leave behind her friend.

Patricia was completely out of it since she is unconscious. Her head was on the table by her friend’s hands.

Heather looked at her friend silently. She heard the excitement going on in the distance a bit. She had a small ounce of terror going inside of her soul. She felt as if Patricia and she were going to die for a split second. However, that terror vanished after awhile. ”The hell? What’s going on outside?” Heather thought to herself. She was somewhat happy that feeling was gone. She looked at her friend since the loudness outside was quite loud.

Patricia was soundly sleeping, but still out of it. She didn’t even wake up a bit from all the commotion going on outside. However, she was dreaming something and it was terrifying.

Patricia woke up in a very dark cave and she was shivering. ”Heather, where are you?” Patricia asked. She was shaking in fear and slowly walked further into the cave. She stopped in her tracks right there and she saw something more terrifying than anything she saw in her life. She saw a massive dragon, who was sleeping in its cave.

The Dragon awoke when she stopped since it wasn’t really asleep. ”It is nice to see you again,” The Dragon said to her with a male tone of voice. He gets up very slowly and looks directly at her with his opened eyes. ”Heather, isn’t here only me,” The Dragon said with an evil smirk on his face. The dream faded to black.

Patricia wakes up in a cold sweat. She slept throughout the entire thing that happened outside. She looked directly up at Heather and crying because of the nightmare she had. ”Heather, please never leave me…,” Patricia sobbed. She was shaking even more so than when she is afraid of the dark or being in a tight space.

Heather saw her friend and was utterly shocked. ”Patricia, I will never leave you. You just had a terrible nightmare. This is the third time this week,” Heather said. She had a nervous look on her face. She was afraid of what her friend saw in her nightmare this time, but the last time was slightly worse. ”Patricia, what was the nightmare this time?” Heather asked kindly.

Patricia slowly calmed down when her friend told her that. She shook her head. ”It was too terrifying to tell you. It will be better if it stays with me,” Patricia said terrified. She put her hands on her face and continued crying.

Heather put her left hand on Patricia’s shoulder. She was worried about her friend but at least she was awake. ”Alright, I won’t pry anymore. You can keep that with you,” Heather said. She looked around the room and noticing people coming inside and they were injured. ”What happened? Heather asked. She had a confused look on her face, but she didn’t see what happened outside.

Patricia was still crying uncontrollably because of her nightmare this time but her hairs weren't standing on end. Her rainbow draconian wings were glowing a shade of blue.

Heather looked back at her friend and noticed that bluish aura coming from her draconian wings and it was somewhat strange. "That must've been a true nightmare, oh great," Heather thought to herself. She put her hands in a cupped position and started to pray right there. "May the blessings of the Flowerdancer family keep the two of us safe from any harm. Please my ancestors, heed me," Heather said quietly. She was physically shaking herself similar to her friend when she fainted but was a bit more stable.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

"Hes afraid of you.." Velai said, muttering. Probably she didn't knew that Lila could hear her quite easily even if she whispered. But she quickly changed her tone of voice and said out loud, giggling.
"He must have just thought you were cute!"
"Fear... I know..." She thought to herself.

"Cute..." she repeated the word to herself. It was a strange concept to her. Nobody had ever said that about her, she didn't even knew what made someone cute or not..
"Maybe..." she said, feigning to have believed on Velai's words.

When she approached the counter, sitting down on the stool to wait for the water, she could easily see the server running away from her, to the kitchen. His respiration, how fast his heart was beating... every single one of those was a dead giveaway about his true feelings.
Lila was already used to being treated like that, but she couldn't help but to feel a little disappointed. Even if what Velai said was a lie...

”I really like your dress. The red is a beautiful accent and matches your hair perfectly! May I ask if you made it yourself, or if it was made for you? And uh, where could I get one?”

The voice came from the other woman that was in the bar, the sol woman, the one Lila didn't knew the name.
Lila was extremely surprised about how that woman approached her. She was happy, friendly and calm as she spoke to her. Didn't she knew what and who she was? But there was no mistake to it. Lila could feel honesty in her voice. She had no second intentions in her mind.
"I... This dress?" She asked, still trying to understand the cheerful girl.

"I don't know who made it. It was given to me by Mirror. Its my standard combat uniform." Lila couldn't help but answer the girl's questions honestly. It was something in her voice, how honest she was being...

"It is effective, it is light, easy to move with and offers protection from the elements. Although it is unnecessarily decorated. Mirror has strange tastes." Again, Lila found herself speaking too much. She couldn't help it but answer that girl honestly. She didn't knew exactly why.
Lila was trying to understand why that girl had that effect on Lila. She was almost unable to lie to her.

”Will you come watch the fight with me? Oh, what’s your name by the way? I’m Alexis.” The girl's honest and cheerful voice interrupted her thoughts again. She was trying so hard to understand why someone like Alexis would approach her, and her carefree and honest thought didn't helped her at all. They literally made a mess inside her head whenever she spoke with her.
"Wait, I..." she tried to say, but it was already too late, Alexis had grabbed her hand and was dragging her to the fight.
Lila almost stiffened to the girl's touch. She didn't knew how to react to that. Most people only touched her or to try to kill her or by obligation.
Her hand was warm and soft. She couldn't say if that girl was a fool, or just too pure and innocent. It took a while for her to calm herself down and order her thoughts, by the time she did it, they were already outside.
There she could feel the ones who would fight. It was the dragon slayer and the mixed blood girl. Ava and Soron.
But wasn't Alexis and Velai the ones who challenged Suleykaar to a fight? What was happening? After thinking a little, she remembered something she heard shortly before the weird, overfriendly girl arrived.

“I challenge you to a fight and when I win, you’ll apologize for your rude behavior.”
"Be careful what you wish for mal vahdim, or you will get exactly that."

That's right. Ava had challenged him for a formal duel. The duel was almost already starting. Both Soron and Ava were already ready for battle. As the battle raged, Lila could feel their movements. The mixed blood girl was keeping up well with the dragon slayer, but the difference in experience and technique was palpable. This was more evident when Soron taunted Ava, and she fell for it. Her posture changed immediately as she shouted at him, full of anger. Lila flinched a little with that scream, feeling a sting due to her enhanced hearing.

The fight had already ended the second Ava lost her calm. The scene that followed wasn't pretty. A series of attacks hit Ava straight on, sending her to the ground with a sickening thud.
Lila thought that the fight was over, but to her surprise, the mixed blood girl stood up again.
“Dragon’s...Wrath…” she heard her talking, before releasing a huge blast of fire. Suleykaar ran to deflect it, but they still hit Soron.

The noise from the fire blast, his loud cries of pain... Lila felt a sharp pain as the loud noises overwhelmed her enhanced hearing, she flinched from the pain, losing her balance for a second.
Using her scythe to help her to regain her balance, she pressed her free hand against her ear.
"Too... Loud..." She said as she got her scythe in her hands, slowly walking towards them both with a scary expression while enduring the pain.
Before she could get near them though, she couldn't hear anything. Complete and absolute silence. Lila stopped immediately. She couldn't
"see" anything. It was... relaxing. The only thing she could feel was the smell of blood. Fresh and warm blood, coming from the wounds on Soron, Ava and Serena's bodies. The smell was strong, almost enticing. She knew exactly where they were, she could almost taste the smell of blood in the air. She kept watching them only by her sense of smell. Her eyes were like the eyes of a predator, looking to its prey.
She was trying to control herself, but the pain and the smell of blood were making it difficult... The seraphim always looked at her with disgust because of that, but her instincts were those of a hunter, not the ones of a prey.
"Alexis..." she said, calling the girl's name the second she could feel her hearing gradually coming back.
"Lets go inside. Quick." She said to the girl, looking to her. But she was apparently busy trying to heal Soron. Lila couldn't stand there anymore. The smell of blood was maddening. Sure, she had just drank some blood earlier. That cold, tasteless blood was just enough to nurture her body, but it wasn't enough to satiate her hunger. She couldn't wait any longer.

Lila got back inside the tavern only to discover that things were worse there. Ava and Serena were both inside, weak and covered in their own blood. The second Lila entered and smelled that, she opened her mouth, her fangs reflecting the light in a sickly glint.
"No... I have orders to not consume blood without other's consent..." she thought to herself, covering her mouth with her hand. Anyone in the room could easily understand the situation. It was very evident that Lila was doing her best to fight against her instincts.

@Vesuvius00 @Rai
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Obligatory soundtrack

Part 1
Velai felt Alexis's visceral reaction to her mention of Suley's companion, Soron. She could tell she was taken back by the thought, as if it never crossed her mind. This eased her as her and Alexis seemed on the same page. Velai's wings made a slow retreat from around Alexis before she gently broke the embrace. "If anyone is to blame for me being away its him." She turned her gaze to Suleykaar with a whirl of her hair. Her eyes lowered as she judged his appearance through her hair. She seeked to decipher what parts of him were dragon, and which was not. His eyes and intimidating presence were clearly of dragon origin, she thought to herself. Everything else to her was beautiful, and her glances were to hide her awe. But allow her to observe what seemed to be unreal.

Her eyes looked back to Alexis with a smile, her hair moving still as she parted her lips to speak. "It's good to be busy though. Besides it's not even night yet." She rolled her eyes at the last part as if coming to the realisation at this moment. "Anyways be back!" Velai backed up and turned before walking away, giving Alexis a feint wave.

Velai returned briefly but this time to Suleykaar. She wiped down a table as he spoke to her about his carnal abilities. She felt his words intoxicating her imagination, she couldnt bare to look him in the eyes and have him see how helpless she felt. It was far too scary to be alone with this man, despite how alluring he was. She arched her back as she stood up straight after wiping the table. Admiring her work as her reflection was now showing on the surface of the polished wood.

She noticed Soron returning, her feet sensing the vibrations of his feet hitting and bending the wooden floor. He leaned into Suley and they spoke in thier language she still felt was odd. To her surprise Suleykaar began calling for everyones attention. His prior whimsical display of fortune guaranteed most of the patron's attention.

When the brash dragon that loved the pleasures of descendants spoke those even outside the inn who could hear listened. Those inside with mugs and cups raised them up with a unified. "HAAIIII!" Before breaking up into their own laughs and chuckles that filled the room. Velai gently bowed to be respectful to the patrons, many of them admiring her from afar. Many knew her from previous moments at the establishment and scanned her outlines like many times before. Some sucking under their breath. Some felt they knew Suleykaar's display meant Velai was under his influence. Their resentment was stayed back by the drinks that filled their blood streams.

The prospect of gambling and a combat display outside of the arenas of Fotia invigorated over a dozen Sol men of working class to follow Suleykaar. Many pouring outside, with others sitting inside to watch from the two front windows. A large hat was on the ground and money was thrown into it. Fotian coins filling it up. Others took off their hats or emptied their mugs to accept bets. "Money is on the big cold looking fella! Ive seen eyes like those behind the bars of the murderer's pit." A hefty Sol man with large antler like horns laughed with his belly shaking a bit up and down. His mouth blew out a thick plume of smoke that he inhaled from a burning cigar.

The busy marketplace cast a single giant moving shadow next to the congregation. A small and broken crowd formed around Soron and Ava, making sure to keep a safe distance when doing so. Being almost dragged along by Suleykaar and Alexis, Velai stood behind the group as she turned back in concern to look at the windows of the inn. Seeing her coworkers taking a breather from the crowd of men exiting to watch this fight.

Velai noticed Lila outside and immediately froze. Not only was she out here around all of these innocent people, to see a fight she could not see, but she was with Alexis. This perpelexed her enough to warrant her own investigation. Approaching the two from behind she embraced Alexis from behind. Being slighty taller she rested her arms over her shoulders. "Who do you think will w-" She was cut off by the battle commencing. She rose her head up, still attached to Alexis as if she forgot she was invading her space, and was hypnotized by the display. That girl was a monster, much like how she imagined Lila to be when upset. But Soron seemed to be the main attraction. "Wwwoowa.." She let out.

The battle raged on. Soron wowing the crowd with his smoke and rune spells. The mystery behind his runes excited a few patrons but their applause came when Ava and him turned up the intensity. Blood being drawn gave the sober onlookers cause for concern. Why are they killing each other? Many thought before whispering how vile some foreigners to Vrondi could be. Where are the guards?

Soron appeared to deal a final blow. Many winced and cringed at the impact. Ava leaving a body sized crater in the stone and wood ground garnered the attention of nearly everyone that walked and sold around the statue of Mirror in the middle of the town floor. They looked with fear and shock before resigning to their curiousity of the growing crowd. Many that did not move along after a glance sat and watched in awe. The blood that spilled on the ground was evidence enough that these two were not simply performing.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago

Enter Kilgarrah

Somewhere upon the mountains of Vrondi

There upon a cliff, slumbered the white scaled champion. The imperfect dragon slowly rose from his late dormancy, and upon inspecting the light from the magnificent sun, he had realized how long he has slept. The drake flexed and stretched the muscles in his body, moving his neck, tail, jaws, and legs since having rested for so long made him rather sore.

Once he had completed awakening his body, Kilgarrah stepped to the edge of the cliff. Eyes hinted with the blood of a divine stared at the land below. Usually, he would have gone hunting by now, but something about the air felt off. His blood was boiling with some sensation of..darkness? There was something wrong going on in the world he lived in, he had felt this omen-like dread for a few days now, but today it was stronger. It was as if something was calling him to aid against the struggle of darkness itself.

Now was the time.

He had spent a great deal of experience training in the wilds. The dreams of being an almighty savior now seemed to be closer within reach. Dread had turned into excitement as the beast spread all four of his wings. His pose caused the sunlight to glare against his magnificent horn like a shard of glass or bright metal. As if answering the imaginary plead for his help, Kilgarrah responded with a roar of his draconic heritage. He then used his immaculate wings to carry him into the sky above.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Kingdom of Vrondi almost reflected from its white surface the sunlight from above. Its front gates were opened as soldiers poured out and spread across the land. Many heading for Twilight. The rest for Sunfire. Those that remained formed a line across the jungle floor a mile or so away from the kingdoms walls. They were preparing for battle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The seraphim watched the form as she floated majestically, she kept a straight face and not just make her eyes wide and amazement. Small magic 'things' amazes her, and it was not surprising as the days come by. The mist looks like it landed, the cloudy area they are in seemed to blow away gently, as if giving them space. The heat it gives as it embraced her; she smiled but still felt a bit annoyed. Nobody touches her until the one who touch her was close to her, but she let it slide because of the serenity in her voice and the tingling thought of what she said was serious. But for the 'incoming night'? Could it be that the wounded bodies be connected to the darkness and incoming night? She heard about what happened to the Land Of Fire. The Magnixx.

She shoved the thoughts away and said one thing before the mist goes away- "I'll be in the battlefield before you know it." She said before the mist lady completely dissipated. When she thought about it, travelling around Fotia, she would encounter these things sooner or later; preferably sooner. "Sad thoughts aside; I should check the ruckus outside." She said to herself before opening a portal towards her room to get her magic staff.

She appeared at the main lobby of The Four Winds via portal. The staff just sticking on her back. Walking was hard if she didn't run, and running was childish, so she use the portal instead. The more she used it, she more thought the Seraphims are born lazy. She chuckled at the thought and shrugged it off, ignoring the people who just stared at her for bewilderment or amazement. She told one of the servers that she'll be back soon and started floating away as she soon got out of the doors. This time she should float low too see what it is about.

Oh look. Bar fight.

Oh no she should've been there earlier! She missed the whole fight! The guards are already there! She wasn't in the fight herself and made a few bets! Well. Whoever they we're, judging by bystander's conversations, one of them tried to breathe fire. Risking on burning the ancient tree herself. 'How stupid..' She giggled childishly at the thought. She soon floated towards the said bar and see what happens next.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Soron had laid there grunting and hissing from behind clenched jaws as the healing process began. He was cut but thankfully not bleeding because of his unique bloodline. Just enough Nayu to prevent bleeding and enough Oro to have denser blood. He was burnt badly though and could still feel the burning sensation after it had healed. She glanced over at Alexis with exhausted eyes and nodded. He tried to move but felt how tight his skin was, feeling like the worst case of sun poisoning he ever had. Gritting his teeth from behind a closed mouth he stumbled to his feet, a small flask falling out of his pocket and spilling a deep red liquid. He glanced around to see if anyone saw it. Confident no one did, he discreetly picked it up, used his fire rune to heat it up just a tad and undid the already loose lid, letting some of the blood flow down, enough to quench his thirst before wiping his lips clear and hiding it once again inside his clothing. He looked over at Suleykaar and called out to him. The dragon glanced over and responded with a dismissive wave as he finished picking up the last of the stones and placing one in his pocket, the rest in a spare bag and tossed it over to Soron.

"Go inside and relax. That was enough fun for the day..." He said with a hint of sadness in his tone. Soron nodded and said nothing else, simply offering Alexis a hand to stand up. Suley on the other hand, stayed out side for a moment and looked around. The fear in some of their eyes, the anger...He knew this all two well. It reminded him of his time as The Fire of Fotia, in the very beginning of the dragon wars. Shaking his head he returned within the bar and made his way over to Velai and...
"I suppose that doesn't come with a free sweet roll does it?" He quipped with a thin smile at the bloody looking wrist and mug. He still hid his emotion behind a rather well-disguised upbeat faux smile and tone. He looked down at the floorboards for a moment and then back to her before reaching into his sleeve to pull out the right amount of coin to pay for everything plus another small bag for the Seraphim and her hybrid sister.

"I'm sorry m'lady but I think....It was nice meeting you..." He smiled and turned towards the door only to stop at the door and turn towards her one last time.

"I'm serious about that flower my dear. So long as I am alive, it will never crack nor melt nor loose its beauty. Just remember me by it." With that he turned back once more towards the door and walked out. Soron lead Alexis back despite his pain and sat back down at the bar, glancing over towards the door that Suleykaar walked out. Blinking a few times he shook his head and glanced up to Velai.

"Did he say by chance where he was going? Probably not...Don't worry neither, he'll be back. He tends to go for a walk when he beats himself up over stuff like this." He looked at Velai and then to the Nayu girl, squinting his eyes to see if he recognized her. She looked familiar and he wasn't sure how.
"Should be lucky you don't work in Nero, doing that you'd be dead within an hour or so, feeding Nayu like that..." He gave a "Hm" with a smirk as he went to finish his drink but instead firmly placed it down on the counter before running a hand through his hair.
"I didn't mean for it to get out of control like that, it was wrong of me. I don't know what caused it..." He glanced over to see the other two. The seraphim and the hybrid, Serena and Ava. He stood up and started to walk over, more so limp from landing wrong from Suley's wind blast.

"Are you two okay? Look, I lost control and..." His mouth became a thin line in frustration as he tried to think of a way to apologize.
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