@Sypherkhode822 I agree that introductions can be a chore to get through, especially when it's almost all you've done in recent RPing. However, I've seen plenty of RPs fall in spite of starting at an "exciting" part, and I've seen a few RPs last for years past their awkward introductions. Simple fact of the matter is RPs are touch and go no matter how you do it, and you just have to hope the people you got stuck with this time will see it through.
In fact, I was in an RP not long ago that started at a point we were all supposed to know each other and it started with a fight sequence. But as all RPs go, half of the initial cast went up in smoke in the first few scenes and the cast thinned out over the course of the RP to the point there were only 4 people left (which I was and am not one of, by the way). Now said RP has sat in silence for over two weeks and the players seem to have left it be for new horizons.
Also, going off of this, something that annoys me; when people seem to break character for no good reason. As I said, in that RP it was established the cast knew each other already by virtue of being stuck in a hellhole world for at least a year. In spite of this, someone decided that the best reaction to the death of one of their character's comrades was for them to feel nothing at all. Now, you might be thinking it's entirely possible for someone to be apathetic towards someone dying, but this was someone they were supposed to have gone through a really rough time with for a year, and the character had never been established to be so blithely apathetic towards such things in the past, not in character nor on their character sheet. In fact, their character shortly after displayed a great deal of care and affection towards another character whom they had never even interacted with once before nor been established to have any history with. This all led me to the conclusion that the player was full of shit and was RPing in line with their own whimsy and not according to any logic.