@AzereiahWell, its not exactly a pressure point, but crushing one's windpipe can result in a pretty unpleasant death.
A lot of other "weak spots" or pressure points can be quite devastating (stomach, carotid artery, etc.)
While the "damage" is not caused directly by the strike, its still there.
The actual "death touch" or dim mak in Cantonese is a very controversial technique. Some say its exaggeration, others go as far as saying that Bruce Lee's death was caused by this technique (

I also believe that there is some exaggeration to this. Death can occur, but its by no means a direct consequence of one of those techniques. Only coincidence. Many different factors that coincidentally caused a lethal injury.
But, still, its not something to be immediately disposed as fraudulent.
For example, if i said to you that its possible to throw a sewing needle with enough force to pierce tempered glass, would you believe it?
But actually, someone has already done it.
Yet, pressure points can be used in combat, but the maximum they can do is inflict a lot of pain, cause dizziness, numbness & etc