@Zero Hex
I'm sorry, but no one is not even considering starting an argument.
You were the only one who said something about that.
Now, now, children. Don't start this again.

But yeah, I'm mostly just seeing a constructive debate on what can and can't be done, and I think we're in agreement here. Hitting a nerve can do all sorts of nasty shit, as can hitting any other weaker structure in the body. There are a lot of places a person can get hit that will hurt like ten motherfuckers just kicked you in the gonads, but most of them simply don't present themselves in a fight - especially not if the guy you're trying to hit is trying not to get hit. Brachial plexus, under the arm? Hurts like hell. Doesn't get hit because most people put up their fists and keep their elbows in the way. Neck? Fists are in the way, and people push their head forwards to protect their neck instinctively. Etc., etc., etc.
Then there's the problem that, as Mark Twain put it, a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Anything 'magical' is an exaggeration or an underinvestigated coincidence. Keep in mind that Houdini was accidentally killed by a punch to the gut rupturing his appendix, and that was a man known for being able to take punches from trained boxers without so much as a bruise -- plenty more people have gotten killed by less, so I can believe the stories came from somewhere.