Apologies to everyone on my delayed replies. Work has been very unkind these last few days and I've spent a few all nighters getting the work done, been had to find the energy to do replies I'm happy with as a result
Well on that note, my own will likely be later tonight... I'm tired myself. Might even take a nap, god forbid, haha. Don't worry too much about SimpleD though.. I'll keep him in check. ^.-
Going to apologize and make a promise for tomorrow. To be completely honest, I'm playing Skyrim.. I've hardly had time for myself, so that's what I'm doing tonight. I have three role-plays to reply to tomorrow, so I will be doing that. =3
@Arthanus Haven't forgotten either just been celebrating the Easter weekend with the family so haven't really had the chance to do up a reply. Shall try my best to get one done the next few days.
And I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to help regarding the reply length, it appears to be a condition of mine that I am incapable of doing a short reply. We shall just have to suffer through the walls of text :P
Hey guys thanks for checking in. I myself am still here as well. But I'm back at work now so I won't be on all day patrolling for posts. I'll be here just not all day every day :p
@Arthanus I have fixed up my computer, and as you suspected it was indeed no fun at all. Saw lots of red static and gibberish text so possibly involved demonic possession? Regardless now that my computer is back to normal, I shall get my reply done asap.
@SimpleD demonic possession with computers is annoying. Most people don't believe you, then the priest you call in to excorsise it is probably some old dude who doesn't even know how the thing works in the first place and thinks the entire computer is black magic. It becomes a real nightmare.
:p but I'm glad you got it fixed computers are important things these days.