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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate studied both that witch was being taught in class as well as the students around him. He listened to the conversations in both his classes marveling at Peters reactions to the newest girl and Shawn and the Heidi. He followed Shawn at a distance, looking at the Pyro kid with an amused scoff. When it came time to train Nate wanted to be ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys finishes his paper, stretching out. He had a room to himself. Frankly it suited him and he was happy with that. Now that he wasn't sure what he'd find waking up, with his growing powers on the fritz, it was better this way. He had a feeling that what he was experiencing was just a precursor... He looked at his pencil. Just a day ago, he could shift this with ease... yet a hour ago he hemorrhaged from trying to shift a tiny pill. It was infuriating.

As he felt his anger rise, a low hum filled his ears as the familiar field started to seep out of him. He closed his eyes and calmed himself, slowing down his heartbeat. When he opens his eyes, the field is gone. He feels his nose start bleeding again. Swearing he grabs a tissue, holding it to his nose. He notes that he doesn't have much time to get to his class so he charges out, taking what he needs for Combat Encounters as he makes a hasty run to the danfer room, holding the tissue to his nose. By the time he gets there, the bledding has stopped but the tissue is really covered in blood. "Crap... Doc's gonna kill me..." He tosses the tissurme and washes his hands, heading in for the class.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Heidi also cracked a smile at his joke, but now she didn't know what to say next. Well, that was a lie. She knew too many things to say next. Her bravery had given out an now her old problem of not being able to choose a response to due overthinking was back. Luckily, Hank saved her by giving her a subject to focus on and talk about. They had twenty minutes left of classtime.

Heidi could spend this time working on something, but she had two free periods today to do that. She was precisely on her projected schedule in regards to her remote College course, and she had no homework to do. Typically, she did homework in her own free time after classes have stopped, the day she gets it.

"I have nothing I need to catch up on," she told Shawn. "Do you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well, in that case. We have five years, maximum. I'll have Scott help where he can, but if the situation is this fragile, then we will need to steer clear of a select few people." Charles knew that he didn't have to speak verbally to communicate to his old friend. She didn't like speaking physically, and through their shared mental connection was how she spoke. However, Charles simply liked to speak. It kept the real world from being too quiet, and it was always funny to see the young students wonder who he was talking to.

They reached his office, and Charles had decided that they had enough time to conitnue their little conversation before Tatiana came through with the prankster. "I know you didn't say anything to him, but for all intents and purposes, he is not allowed to be near you while this is taken care of. The purifiers are already trouble enough, and Logan doesn't like sitting idly while they attack mutants, but this is much more serious. I'll speak to Blake and Remy. Maybe they can try and quiet this situation before it becomes as bad as you say it does."

Emma and Booker were both talking in the privacy of their office when they got the message from Charles. Emma looked to her old friend with wide eyes and a small smile.

"Well, isn't this interesting. Booker, it would be so easy for me to walk in and tell them not to do it. Even easier for Charles to do it from the comfort of his upstate mansion"

"You know that's not how he wants it done. No violence, no mind control." It was going to be tough, Booker knew this. Even though three telepaths lived in the school, Booker knew that Charles did not want this to be an open and shut case where they could simply walk in, force these people to rethink their entire life-stance, and make them change a decision which had likely been planned for years before even now.

Emma stood from her seat, walking towards the door. Booker leaned forward and leered at Emma. "If I see on the news that Transi-"

"Booker." She interrupted him. "I'm just going down stairs. I want to look at my academy before we embark to rescue the survivors. Once we confirm that no one has stayed behind, we'll move onto the appointed rendezvous point. I will have my Warlocks back." And with that she left. While she was going to go and see if she couldn't find some sort of satalite map of a location maybe an hour or two away, she wanted to speak to someone first, the first person in this house that she might have considered her pupil.

She purposefully used her telepathy to find Rosemary, and bumped into her to make it seem like an accident. "Oh, my. Hello, Rosemary. I trust all is going well?"

"Corriender." Raven Darkholme stopped Chrys just as he entered the classroom. Her hand shot out to keep him from walking further into the room. "Bloody nose. Have you already been checked out by Doc Clement?" She and all of Chrys' other teachers had been told of Chrys' condition after the encounter the day before, but she didn't know about his newly freed power, nor if the Doctor actually cleared him for combat.

Forge was in there too, and waved to the children as they entered. "Don't mind me, just fixing something."

"Nope." Shawn shrugged. "All my work's done, so I'm just gonna relax for the rest of the period until we move onto the next." He actually wanted to work on his powers. It wasn't the danger room, but being outside and facing away from the school was the next best place to practice.

He stepped away from the groun and took a breath. His hands moved to form a circle, Shawn creating a ball of energy that he attempted to fill his hands with, then condense into a smaller size. Had he not lost it during the fight with the radiative man, they would have won. The bank wouldn't have exploded, and so many lives wouldn't have been lost. Those were all on his shoulders, it was his fault that things ended how they did. He needed to be better so that wouldn't happen next time.

He struggled compressing it. His hands threatened to part to make way for the expanding ball, but he fought to keep it at such a small size. He didn't stop, though. He needed to get this to work, it was his primary goal before they went out into the field again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana and the bloody clothed moron enter Charles' office. Tatiana very not gently dropped the moron on the floor in front of the Professor's desk. She sat down in one of the desks. She didn't need to be a telepath to tell something more than a prankster was the Professor's mind. It wasn't her business for the moment. "We can come back later, I am sure he will come back willingly." She flashed her fangs. The prankster shrinked back recalling her threat to make him a vampire bitch enslaved to her.

"Oh hey, Ms. Frost. I just needed to see Mr. Smith, wanted to change some classes. Got the idea after our last talk. Wanted to focus more on what would better suit my tank role on the team." She paused thinking for a moment about tank as a code name. "Tank?" She thought for a second more. "Nah. Makes me sound fat. You mentioned you ran a school at one time until it's untimely destruction. Did you ever get the person responsible? Also you mentioned the Warlocks were they your version of the X-Men? Also why Warlocks? Were they capable of magic? Is magic just another form of mutation?" She was rambling again, not because she wanted to keep a telepath out of her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys nods. "I'm fine. Doc said to hold off on my powers for anwhile, though." He wipes at the dried blood. He feels fine, a little sore from his run, but he isn't in pain at all. "Doc Caldwell removed the limiter one of my dad's friends had put in me.... But I'm cleared to be out of the infirmary."

He stands there, waiting for her response, hoping he'll be able to join in the class today. He wants to get back to training and eventually start working on his powers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

No textbooks?! She slouched forward, looking mildly defeated. Textbooks were her thing in her old school, for most classes. Everything you needed to know in one simple to use book. Why would they not use them in here?. Her focus went to the teacher for a second as they dismissed the class to go work in the library, and she took it as a cue to stand up. “Great. Well, lead the way, Sally. You’re the most experienced one here, after all” Hopefully they could get some headway done so she could catch up on everything she missed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Charles, upon hearing the old wooden door creak open, lifted his head to the incoming Tatiana and Prankster. "There's no need for that. This matter can be solved quiet quickly, I'm sure." Charles' friend mistook that for the queue to step forward and put some fear into the boy herself. She looked naturally tense, her lax face was one with a slight scowl infused with that, and was only made worse as she looked to intimidate him. She raised a hand, almost looking to punch him despite being several feet away, but was stopped as Charles raised a hand. "I'm sorry, Laura. I didn't mean that for you to step forward. We can discuss this simply by talking." He spoke to her through his telpathy, reminded by his request to not use her name vocally.

"Now, why exactly did you place the pig on Tatiana's bed? Has she done anything to you to deserve this kind of response, or was this a movement of warning?" Charles was no stranger of such moves being made as a warning to others. Erik certainly had his fair share of moments, most notably the Cuban Missile Crisis and the unveiling of the Sentinel Project.

"Forge, you can hear me, right?" Raven called from the Danger Room floor, even though Forge was only a few feet away working at a panel. "Oh, right. You're not in the control room. Anyways, when you get up there, keep an eye on Chrys' heart rate and brainwave activity. If you show any signs that would lead me to believing that your problems aren't as easy as you say they are, I'm going to ground you to the med bay so quick that you're going to get whiplash."

"Yeah." Sally sighed and motioned for Bonny and Peter to follow her around. "Miss Moonstar doesn't like using textbooks, they omit too much of the actual truth to be considered useful. In nearly every textbook, mutants don't even exist."

"People have made many Chernobyl jokes since I have come here. I do not think they know what actually happened there." Peter put his own two cents into the conversation, hoping to stay relevant in this changing conversation. "History is written by those in charge, and they hope to erase certain facts."

"Yeah? Well they aren't going to erase mutants." There was a bit of an edge to Sally's tired and dull voice, but she soon relaxed as she cast a smile at the librarian, sitting it his wide desk and humming a tune as he moved some books around. "Hey, David. Where's the Reagan stuff at? Miss Moonstar is making us research him."

The librarian looked up in a confused manner. Only one person actually care little enough to use his first name, and it was her right there asking there the good stuff was. He shot her a smile and a wave. "Biographies are in the back left corner, historical books about his time period would be in the front left corner. Everything in historics is organized by area, time, topic, then name. You know this already, Sal." He shook his head and smiled again, getting back to his work while Sally took her two new friends along to look at books on the left hand side of the library.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Heidi sat down at watched Shawn. Of course, she immediately recognised the same move that she had told him to go for. She knew there was a large margin for error, but she okayed the plan anyway, partly because of trust for Shawn, and more importantly, partly because she couldn't handle the pressure or responsibility. The decision to not command everyone to follow one of her many risky plans because if it failed, it would be all her fault...She'd stepped down, and the failure was still her fault. In fact, doubly so because she didn't use her mutation to help in any way when she could have.

Heidi didn't know how she could fix this before the next mission. Maybe a chat with Booker would be in order. Or maybe now she'd seen a real mission, she might already be better at knowing what to expect. Since that day, she had come up with a couple of plans that were now as risk free as possible, but the best one still had only an 81% success rate, and took several hours to come up with, including the research into brand new areas of physics to her, as well as the simulation records of every student on their team. Maybe she could adapt them if they ever run into that guy again. It was all she could really do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana liked this new girl. She gave the new girl a wink. The boy pissed himself when the new girl made threatening movements toward him. Tatiana could smell it. "Ugh!" She moved as far away from the foul stench that made her want to vomit. "He's pissed himself. Clearly not warrior material scarred by two girls into pissing himself." She opened up a window to let fresh air in otherwise she was going to throw up.

The boy holding back finally began to speak. "It was the other day, in class I called her a freak for drooling over some nerd. Then she threatened me with those fangs."

"Where on earth did you get the pig though? I hunted the area clean of the wild pigs."

(Refers back to the very first Tatiana post on page one)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bonny would have added something, anything, to the conversation if she felt she could. A lot of the time in school she was only half paying attention anyways; absorbing the rather mutantless history while daydreaming (not actually sleeping, heavens forbid) through the day. She never really questioned it, instead aggressively concerning herself with keeping her mind calm and happy so she didn’t suffer a nightmare. But now that her surroundings have changed from that of the norm to that of mutants, she was learning more and more. It felt a little embarrassing that she even suggested textbooks after Sally tore them down so relentlessly.

She watched the interaction between the librarian and Sally curiously. Sally asked where the books were, addressed a professor by a first name, and the librarian said at the end that Sally should already know where they were and called /her/ by a nickname. It was all awkwardly informal, leading Bonny to question who this person was more and more. Should she ask more about her? It would be rude of her to do so without wanting to provide an answer in response in some areas. But she was curious.

They reached the left side of the library, and Bonny looked up and down the hall. “Should we split up to look for books? We know the time period stuff is up front, and the specific stuff is in the back. If we split up it might be quicker for us to gather everything.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys nods, darting in. "Got it." Just dont use my powers then... Shouldn't be too hard... I mean, we shouldn't have... "Oh..." Today was that day. A Trial. Testing the limits of the powers the mutants had. It was only for Seniors only, as they had better control of their powers. It was a mandatory part of the class. And Chrys swallows, realizing that he might end back up in the infirmary...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Perhaps he could talk to Forge about making something to help. There was a girl a while ago, Surge, who has a similar power, but she just constantly generated electricity. She needed a device of some sort in order to use that electricity so she wouldn't explode. Shawn remembered her fondly, the second anniversary of her leaving was fast approaching.

He shook his head to himself. Shawn couldn't rely on gadgets to do what his powers already could. This wasn't a pride thing, he reminded himself. It wasn't that he thought that using gadgets to help him would make it seem as if he wasn't good enough to properly use his powers. It wasn't that he needed to prove to Heidi and his teammates that he could fix this problem without the help of others. It was... Shawn needed to be able to compress energy and fire it without the worry of it destabilizing. He could fire small beams, finger tip sized ones, but something as large as his hand and much more dense was his next goal to surpass.

Getting lost in thought, Shawn's hands shifted, and he lost control of the ball of energy. It flew forward and exploded. Shawn snapped back to reality, and attempted to absorb the dispersed energy. This resulted in no casualties other than himself, and shawn was knocked onto his back with a rather forceful thud. He was quiet for a moment, breathing softly and quietly for a good moment before groaning rather loudly.

"Damn." He let out a second, quieter groan. "I didn't even fire it this time."

"Language, please." Charles reminded Tatiana with a tap of his temple. "But yes, where did you find the pig? Tatiana seems to have rid the area of pigs before now." He wasn't oblivious. He knew a few things that his students did around campus, whether it he through his mind's eye, or through word of mouth.

Laura actually smirked at the boy and took a step back. Still, she said nothing, and went to looking st the books around the office to occupy her time while Charles dealt with other matters.

"Yeah. Peter, you're with me." Sally motioned him forward. "Dave!" She called out, but was quickly shushed by Peter, who didn't want to make a scene.

The man came by with a dry laugh and looked at Sally. "What's up? You can't tell me that even you forgot which was left is."

She laughed back, dryer and even more tired, as if it were a competition. "No, could you help Bonnibel here with finding the good Raegan Books? I'm taking Peter to get some translation and language books first."

David nodded. "So, looks like I'm your substitute partner for the President project. I'm David Alleyne."

"Okay!" Forge exclaimed to himself. "Everyone with me to the control room. You know the drill, one by one, you'll be tested to the limits of your body and mutation. Miss Darkholme will he in the Danger room with you all individually, examining you and grading you. Up first. Chrys Corriender."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She was grateful that Peter shushed Sally before she was able to react to her shouting, and when the librarian himself came over she braced herself for an inevitable scolding. There was no way shouting for the librarian in the library would be passed over without any form of a lecture. This was a library after all, there was supposed to be silence.

And yet, it never came.

Sally and the librarian had a casual conversation, as if it was commonplace. Heck, while she was going with Peter, Sally managed to hook her up with the librarian for this project. Bonny would have to be lying if she said she wasn’t more than a little stunned at this development. Either the employees here were very, very lax, or Sally had something… more going on. The two did seem to both sound equally exhausted. She regarded their conversation with mild curiosity before the librarian directed his attention to Bonny.

“Oh, yeah. Sup. I’m Bonny. Nice to meet you, sir.” Would it be too too impolite to ask the teacher what was going on? It felt like whatever Sally had going on was a personal, Sally problem, and asking behind her back to learn without offering a fair exchange seemed underhanded. But she was also incredibly curious on the matter. She mentally debated her options before deciding to drop it. She’d ask Sally herself.

“So, if Peter and Sally are grabbing general stuff… we’re heading to the back, right?” she paused for a second before adding on with a casual conversation starter. “Do you get roped into helping groups for projects often, or is this a one time, help the new kids adjust sort of thing?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys sighs. He is totally boned. The Trials for seniors have put people in the Infirmary before... He's done well enough, but this won't be like the last time... He looks at his hands. 'Let's do this nice and slow, eh?..' He heads into the Danger Room, eolling his shoulders. Most of the stuff he's used to is moving walls, speeding objects and traps... And a lot of them. He generally scores the highest but he's pretty sure he'll not fare so well...

As the room starts readying, Chrys drops into a ready stance. He's not confident, but he's got a steely look on that disguises his growing stress level. As the first wave begins, Chrys manages to get through without using his abilities, just striving on skill alone. He tries to push out Raven's insistence that he use his powers. The secind wave is much harder, as he has to use the environment to dodge traps and almost falls on a few spikes. His clothes are a little burnt from the lasers and he can tell that Raven is starting to get an idea about his current situation.

Then the third wave hits. While running along a wall, a panel pushes out suddenly, causing him to be shoved off, and directly into a spinning blade trap. At the last possible second his power flips on, causing a massive distortion field that causing the objects it touches to suddenly stop. Slamming against the now inert trap, Chrys groans as pain flares in him, an arm getting cut by the blade. The field shifts and Chrys appears on the outskirts of the feild, lying on the ground in a slowly growing pool of blood. The field seems to shatter noiselessy and the area it was around comes to life, traps whirring, lasers firing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The kid who messed his pants spoke up. "I borrowed it from my uncle." Tatiana rolled her eyes. "So you stole from your uncle as well as ruining my bed."

Rose Mary was becoming nervous, Miss Frost didn't answer the question. Timed seemed to drag unbelievably slowly. It was torture. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't pry."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Heidi stood over Shawn, and offered a hand to help him up. She'd watched his attempt. 'Carefully' wasn't really a word that applied to Heidi because as long as she saw anything, she could look back on the memory and pay attention to it in a much detail as she wanted.

"Your hand slipped towards the end, there. It was just a momentary lapse in concentration. Absorbing the energy was a smart move given the circumstances, but I think you should practice this in the Danger Room, not outside."

Once she helped him up, she just stood next to him awkwardly for a while, before saying; "You don't have to try and get this right all by yourself, you know."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm more like a tutor or assistant." David shrugged and walked to where they needed to be. "I'm psychomemetic. I learn what other people know when they're around me, and forget it when they leave. It really helps since I can easily figure out what people don't know, or have a hard time getting a hold of."

David always thought that his mutation was interesting. Had he been around someone like they Heidi girl more often, he would know just as much as her, but he also had a funny feeling that the surge of so much knowledge would knock him unconscious.

Just being around Bonny granted him some interesting information about Canada, albeit in a very casual way. The book of Bonny's information appeared to him mentally as a magazine written in the second person. Just like everyone else in the school, she had a story to tell.

"Anyways, Sally has always been hooked on stuff like Reagan, making mutants out of historical figures." Another shrug from his shoulders, his finger scaling the wall of books to find the ones that he wanted. Here and there he would pick out a book and sort of hold them out to Bonny, releasing them a moment later whether or not she actually grabbed a hold of them. "I'm sure she's already told you her theory on him, but I guess it would be possible. Are you a first generation mutant in your family?"

"Cut it!" Raven barked the order from inside the Danger Room, yelling at Forge to stop the machines as soon as Raven saw the blood. She should have known better than to keep him at the top of the list after his injuries from the day before. Caldwell wasn't going to be happy with her shoving another student into intensive care because of her own recklessness. "Call Clement and postpone Trials. Forge, you'll be in charge of the class until everything is situated."

Raven jumped at the machines still going on, fighting them with pure skill and athleticism. Punches, kicks, and grapples to fend off the machines from the wounded boy. It only lasted so long before the sounds died down and Caldwell came rushing in.

"Raven!" He groaned.

"I got it. Won't happen again." She knew that was a lie, he knew that was a lie. At least they both acknowledged the truth in that. "Any idea what happened?"

"Chrys's mutation was stunted in growth by an injected limiter. I removed it, but his body is still reeling from the massive power spike. I'm making physical therapy mandatory. I'll take him off the team if need be."

"Son, this will be your warning. You standing here right now is the result of your own actions. Our mutations and abilities affect us in many ways, some ways that we can't control. Tatiana was reacting as naturally as she could to certain stimuli, and you chose to react to that negatively, which led to her bearing her fangs. That should have been the end of it, with you now knowing not to speak to rudely to other students. However, you chose to elevate the sitaution by bringing something that would effect her personally. Your anger led to the pig, and you were caught red handed. You will be given detention for a month. If this happens again, a more severe punishment will be waiting for you."

Charles looked at Tatiana, almost feeling the need to scold her on some level, too. However, she did react out of defense to being called a freak, and reacted without touching him or harming him in any way. She was in the clear for now. "You both may go. Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

Her Warlocks. Emma sighed as she heard the name from someone else's mouth. She couldn't form words to explain everything, but still listened to the questions that Rosemary had about her group and her school. The Warlocks were her second team after the Hellions. The Hellions were her first group, formed by a collective hatred of the X-Men after the death of a family member. Soon enough, the group was slaughtered, and Frost had learned her lesson about adding kindling to the fire with little control.

The Warlocks were the second team, but the first family. Her Massachusetts Academy was much like the Xavier Institute. Xavier had his X-Men to command, and Emma had her Warlocks. This was a much more peaceful team, one that fought with the strongest Magnetokinetic the earth had ever seen. For years she trained them and watched them grow, only to have her home torn to pieces by an unseen assailant. A few of her students survived, she knew that much, only because she could not hear their thoughts among the handfuls of screams that were silenced like a breath to a burning candle.

She did not know who killed her students, or even if her Warlocks were alive. But she knew of their magical capabilities. She had a feeling that at least a few of them escaped. These children were like no other, both in the reality of life and in a sentimental value that Emma had not experience before.

A mutation, all would call it, simply due to the nature of the world, but Emma had seen much more than a mutation. It was beyond words, only images and feelings, all of which were transferred to Rosemary as she began to walk away. These weren't things she could say, but Emma could share these visions to a young girl who seemed open to Emma's words.

She didn't stop to see what Rosemary thought of it all. She continued on her way, knowing that their paths would cross at a later time.

Shawn took the arm offered to him and pulled himself to his feet. "Yeah." He let out, his voice tired. He had the time right now to try it again, so why wouldn't he take the opportunity to further his attempts at mastering his mutation? The danger room was nice and all, but it was too metal. Even with all of the fancy science stuff that Forge had loaded into the room, there was no escaping Shawn's constant generation of electricity.

"It's not that..." He was about to go on about how it wasn't about trying to do it on his own, but even he knew that was a cardboard lie. Another sigh escaped Shawn, nodding to Heidi as she stood awkwardly next to him. "Okay. It is that I have to get it right by myself. No amount of clearing my head of putting my deepest darkest secrets out for the team to hear are going to help me do this. Practice and skill alone are what allow me to ball up energy in the first place, and practice and skill are going to allow me to condense it into a smaller, sharper beam."

He didn't want to brush off Heidi so rudely, he really didn't, but Shawn didn't understand how being around people would help him in this situation. To him, it seemed purely skill and technique based. But maybe that wasn't the angle that Heidi was seeing.

Maybe that was it. "Sorry," He let out, looking at her with a touch of shame. "I just don't see it like you do. Maybe that's what's keeping me from solving this. It's not the principle of it, I don't think. I already have that down, it can be done. Technique and... flexibility, I guess, like in the mind. I only understand it one way, but others do a different way, and maybe that could help." He was probably talking slower than molasses on a sunday morning compared to how long it took Heidi to reach that understanding, but Shawn was just trying to come clean here and be honest with a teammate and friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Psychomimetic, huh? That was the new word of the day for her. It was an interesting power, she couldn’t lie, though it was a little disappointing to hear that he forgot the information soon after. She supposed that part was a blessing and a curse- there was probably only so much a person could handle remembering, and remembering it all seemed like a daunting task to her. “So, you know everything about me right now? Or just… knowledge I know?” she asked, trailing behind the tutor-librarian. “If you’re looking for pure knowledge, you probably won’t find much.” she chuckled quietly at her own joke.

She half listened as Mr.Alleyne plucked books from the selves and offered them to her. She briefly skimmed over the titles and covers to determine if they would help with their research, and if she did, she took them from the librarian and held onto them. She had gathered a few books in this way before she responded to what he was saying. “Mhm, she did. She put up quite the convincing argument; it’s got some good points to it. She makes theories about that on all the historic figures?”.

He asked about her family. “No, I don’t think I count as one. My parents aren’t, at least to my knowledge, but my grandparents on one side are mutants. Well, just my Grandma now. Though neither of their powers are similar to mine at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary wasn't quite sure what was happening, she thought Miss Frost's power was the diamond form. She began to wonder if it was her power adapting somehow, she sure as hell hope she wasn't becoming a telepath. She didn't quite know how to process it all. What she did understand was the pain of loss, missing those that you will never see again, she knew it all to well. She ran to her and hugged her. "I'm..." She didn't understand why people apologized for deaths they didn't cause. She heard it way to often after people find out her mother died when she was young, she hates the phrase to the point until now she would never consider saying it for any reason, but she lacked any clue as what else to say, so she just shut up.

Tatiana was sure the Professor was going to scold her for dragging the boy by the hair, he did have a small temporary bald spot. Not to mention every kid in school before the week was over was going to know he was not that well endowed. She wasn't going to say anything she was way more interested in what was going on between the lady and the Professor. She wanted to wait outside the room and listen in but his telepathy would give her away. Plus she needed to deal with the blood bath in her room. So she settled for having her cursiosity unfulfilled and to clean up blood.

She went back to her room. The matress was a lost cause it would never be fully clean again. The blood soaked linens she took to the laundry room she threw them in along with a special cleaning solution she was taught how to make. It would be quite a while before she could take them out. The mattress she took outside to a paved area far enough away from the house and set it on fire. Once there was nothing but ash she allowed nature to take over and blow it away. The bed frame and floor she scrubbed to get as much as blood as she could out. She left a window open to air the place out.
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