Welcome to the official TZDL2017 sign ups. This thread will compile the useful information of tournament rules, ruling, B/R, and scheduling. This will pen-ultimately serve as the character sheet repository where characters will be approved before allowed entrance into TZDL. This tournament will mark the revitalization of the league from its 5 year hiatus and its 10th year anniversary from TZDL2007. This tournament, as described before, is a single elimination to prove whom among you is the best and whom will be worthy of receiving an invite into TZDL2017's winter season for the invitational event. So without further adiu..
TZDL2017 Changelog
---------- Rules and Conduct -----------
- You can only enter one character for a TZDL.
- You can only enter this tournament under a given name once. You will be immediately disqualified for aliasing.
- If you lose a round for any reason then you are eliminated.
- You can discuss, debate, or argue with a judge on a ruling. You cannot excessively tarpit a judge with arguments or you'll be disqualified.
- You cannot participate if your character is not approved of.
- You can only receive the cash prize if you win the finals. Do with the money as you like.
- If you are the winner of the tournament then submit the proper information for how I would wire the money to you (money order, paypall, or even steam gift cards)
- You can only fight where you are designated and thus it is only official to fight in your threads.
- I do not care how competitive it gets, but keep the toxicity to a minimum.
- The only ooc allowed is in the ooc side of the thread.
- A ruling can be rendered if a discrepancy warrants it whether observed by player(s) or judge(s).
- I will NOT accept any arguments or involvement from non-participating players.
- You cannot attack in your intro post nor introduce any permanents on the field that is not already there or not in your profile sheet
- Vertex members outside of Mobius is disallowed from judging positions in any TZDL nor can they apply
- You cannot trade your bracket position in this tournament.
- YOU must provide your availability each week as requested.
- Mobius, and by extension the judges, oversee all matches and has authority over them in terms of rulings and verdicts
- The B/R list, scheduling system, special rulings, and these general rules are subject to change at a given moment.
- All post must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs and must allow for adequate description
- If you do not under the nature of an action then you may ask your opponent or a judge. Players MUST explain everything clearly to an opponent if they ask for assistance in understanding an action.
- Mobius, and by extension the judges, are NOT responsible for the players in this tournament upon entry. We cannot or will not guarantee rulings and verdicts in your favor nor will we screen, examine, analyze, or evaluate your post before you submit in your fight. We MAY only do so for legality, but all discrepancies fall upon the player whether it is your profile sheet or any action you make.
- You CANNOT use any power, weapon, ability, item, or etc that is NOT stated in your profile sheet UNLESS authorized by a map; however, you may use or create byproducts of your abilities, weapons, power, items, etc through In Character creativity.
- For ambiguity: Your powers, abilities, weapons, armor, and etc must be adequately described or its behavior[How it functions and why] and properties[The metrics: how fast or strong] will Default.
Combat General
- You can only fight in the map itself. Certain maps may have boundaries and leaving the map or these boundaries will count as a ring-out.
- The first player to post will be the first player to attack. Each player must post their introduction before they can attack.
- Players will be assigned either Player1 or Player2 depending on who posted their introduction first.
- Maps will contain spawn locations from where a player MUST be during their introduction whether in the beginning or end of it.
- Player2 cannot attack Player1 before Player1 is allowed to attack as Player1 has priority to attack in his first turn.
- If Player1 fails to attack in their first turn then they forfeit their priory and the match proceeds as normal.
- Any form of attack Player1 unleashes in his post may allow Player2 to attack (Properties and Behavior withstadning:Be aware of your timing).
- A character unable to battle will be considered a loser (Death, KO, ringout, or Disqualification).
- Maps may have special items and gimmicks to them you may use when justified.
- Maps may have invulnerability to specific parts or in its entirety. Invulnerability implies that a portion or whole of a map cannot be destroyed or changed.
- Certain maps have terrain that may allow broad use its surrounding material. It'd be described thus in its format.
- Certain maps will NOT allow you to use foreign permanents outside of your control.
- All maps may have gimmicks to them.
-------- Ban/Regulation List 2.1.3 -------
Ban list
Autohit - Establishing a confirmed hit or contact in the same turn an action was initiated on an opponent is prohibited. Participating parties are allowed to react to any action when applicable, and recipient of a perceived hit is permitted options in response to the proposal of an enemy player in accordance with Play-By Post rules. Ruling An interception may infer an autohit if the receiving party is unable to respond to the action of the proponent.
Godmodding - Control of the opponent or their actions is forbidden. Negation and Immunities may full under this category.
Meta-Game - Using Out Of Character knowledge and information in character. Blatant unjustified actions is prohibited pertaining to precise disassembling of a character or ability/power they control. Retroactions and Precognition fall under this category. Information your character does not have access to constitutes as Meta-gaming.
Precognition - The power to perceive predetermined events is not allowed. Calculations and heuristic creativity is permissible.
Retroaction - To undo an action proposed by the original party in the next post is unacceptable. An action can be cancelled by a player with minimum committal when applicable, but the act of reseting or reversing a previously stated action is disallowed. Example: creating an action, and upon the enemy player's response, deciding that said established action never occurred. Meta-gaming with explicit intent in a Retroaction is forbidden.
Bubbling - Surrounding an opponent in an inescapable trap or attack is prohibited. Bubbling describes either the literal definition of creating an actual bubble or object around a character, or multifarious attacks from every conceivable direction whether or not literal. Manifesting an attack in extremely near vicinity of an opposing character constitutes as bubbling. Bubbling constitutes as Godmodding; exception, attacks that are limited in trajectory do not constitute as bubbling. To imply or otherwise surround your opponent on the instant an action was enacted constitutes as bubbling.
Regulation List
Mime - Copying or stealing the abilities or powers of a player is regulated. To mimic or copy a power requires intrinsic knowledge of an ability's mechanics or how it works, and MUST not violate Meta-game. The conditions to recreate or replicate a phenomenon must be respected and withheld. The exact cloning of an enemy player is prohibited.
Negation - To undo the action(s) of an opponent through direct control is prohibited with exception of mismatching properties of the propose riposte. If two characters share similar powers or affinities then proposed actions by either player cannot be neutralized and must be treated normally; however, an attack or defense may be negated or blocked by justification of arranged properties that could render a proposal ineffective. Example will be generic electricity seeking nearest ground or copious amounts of water withstanding fire. These are treated as defense in place of absolute negation.
Immunities - Invincibility to properties is regulated, but outright immunities to broad concepts is restricted. Resistance does not constitute as an immunity since it implies that damage is reduced. Invincibility or immortality does constitute as an immmunity. Immunity to a specific property cannot directly encroach broad ranges of other powers or abilities or indirectly confer soft invincibility (Schedule 2 or 1). Example: Immunity to poison may be permissible, but immunity to kinetic forces is not as the latter can confer almost extensive invincibility to all damage.
NPCs - Non-Playable or Not-Player Characters is a limited engine of any build provided it is permissible. The maximum number of NPCs a player is allowed to have are 2. Any permanent that is directly controlled by a character will not constitute as an NPC. A player character's abilities (powers and special) is inversely proportionate to the amount of NPCs they control; meaning, the amount of abilities/powers a player character has is halved by a singular NPC and then reduced further if their profile contains 2. NPCs may be Autohit in particular turns based on the amount of NPCs on the field (every other turn for 2 NPCs and every 2 turns for 1). The escalation of damage distributed to NPCs this way will start from an autohit non-lethal, serious injury, and fatal the latter being either a KO or kill before this counter resets and one NPC can only be targeted at a time. Escalation of damage may roll-back based on the amount of turns an NPC is not on the field. A profile sheet containing NPCs MUST have all their NPCs present in the start of every round.
Stacking - To place many different and/or unrelated powers/abilities on a character is regulated. There is no determined number of power(s) a character has access to, or how many different abilities a character can enact due to a specific power. An endless stack of limitless potential is restricted based on how wide of an application each power has in perspective to their potency; likewise, numerous applications of one power may also be regulated. This ruling will encompass any and all equipment too.
Teleporting - To relocate your character from one position on the field to another with near limited potential of interception, not being physically present, being intangible or partially corporeal will be regulated: Players cannot perform an attack in the same turn they teleport. Teleporting is restricted by range of 20 feet. You cannot teleport to another dimension as this will qualify as a ring-out.
Negation - To undo the action(s) of an opponent through direct control is prohibited with exception of mismatching properties of the propose riposte. If two characters share similar powers or affinities then proposed actions by either player cannot be neutralized and must be treated normally; however, an attack or defense may be negated or blocked by justification of arranged properties that could render a proposal ineffective. Example will be generic electricity seeking nearest ground or copious amounts of water withstanding fire. These are treated as defense in place of absolute negation.
Immunities - Invincibility to properties is regulated, but outright immunities to broad concepts is restricted. Resistance does not constitute as an immunity since it implies that damage is reduced. Invincibility or immortality does constitute as an immmunity. Immunity to a specific property cannot directly encroach broad ranges of other powers or abilities or indirectly confer soft invincibility (Schedule 2 or 1). Example: Immunity to poison may be permissible, but immunity to kinetic forces is not as the latter can confer almost extensive invincibility to all damage.
NPCs - Non-Playable or Not-Player Characters is a limited engine of any build provided it is permissible. The maximum number of NPCs a player is allowed to have are 2. Any permanent that is directly controlled by a character will not constitute as an NPC. A player character's abilities (powers and special) is inversely proportionate to the amount of NPCs they control; meaning, the amount of abilities/powers a player character has is halved by a singular NPC and then reduced further if their profile contains 2. NPCs may be Autohit in particular turns based on the amount of NPCs on the field (every other turn for 2 NPCs and every 2 turns for 1). The escalation of damage distributed to NPCs this way will start from an autohit non-lethal, serious injury, and fatal the latter being either a KO or kill before this counter resets and one NPC can only be targeted at a time. Escalation of damage may roll-back based on the amount of turns an NPC is not on the field. A profile sheet containing NPCs MUST have all their NPCs present in the start of every round.
Stacking - To place many different and/or unrelated powers/abilities on a character is regulated. There is no determined number of power(s) a character has access to, or how many different abilities a character can enact due to a specific power. An endless stack of limitless potential is restricted based on how wide of an application each power has in perspective to their potency; likewise, numerous applications of one power may also be regulated. This ruling will encompass any and all equipment too.
Teleporting - To relocate your character from one position on the field to another with near limited potential of interception, not being physically present, being intangible or partially corporeal will be regulated: Players cannot perform an attack in the same turn they teleport. Teleporting is restricted by range of 20 feet. You cannot teleport to another dimension as this will qualify as a ring-out.
-------------- Scheduling ---------------
TZDL2017 and onward will employ a scheduling system to determine the tier of an ability a character has (this includes their resilience and death conditions if any). It's encouraged that all powers and abilities have working mechanics that its user is beholden by. Special abilities and powers must operate with mechanism in mind that an operator of such a power must be held to and that implies its very weaknesses. The scheduling system determines the overall rank of a particular ability as is and what was described by the player. The order of the scheduling tiers will be descending where 5 is absolutely allowed and 1 being inapplicable. The greater potency a power or ability has the higher the chance it may ascend to a greater rank on the schedule. To clarify: Schedule 1 abilities/powers/attacks/defenses/evasions are forbidden. The following will elaborate on the qualification of a schedule to best determine where something may fall into. As a precautionary note that if an ability, power, item, weapon, equipment, etc does not have any extraordinary properties or behavior then it "Default" and may assume a lesser tier:
Schedule 5
The most basic premise of powers and abilities. Actions within this tier are composed of a fundamental function with little nuance and can be thwarted or evaded with proceeding escalation of powers or abilities. Punches and kicks without imbuing properties or seldom meaningful characteristics fall under this category. A schedule 5 power can be countered by natural forces exerted from the adversary or barriers that may be found naturally. Any ability, power, or object that has no alteration to its behavior or property.
Schedule 4
When abilities and powers undergo nuance and extremity in the power scale. Wielding the premises of elemental forces are common and are utilized with impunity, but their effects or properties remain wholly primitive or simple. A fire ball that destroys a building or electricity from its user fall under this category as though their scale of power and speeds may vary, the very construction and principles of these forces are basic as they devastating. A schedule 4 ability or power requires significant resources to mitigate, but does not require much effort or planning to defend due to simplicity. Examples of such feats:
Schedule 3
The pinnacle of permissible powers, attacks, defense, and abilities most fall under this category because of their high level of efficiency, power, or caliber. Schedule 3 powers involve subtle or outright complex powers, weapons, and abilities making it difficult for adversaries to manage though applicable to defend with proper justification and creativity when applicable. A schedule 3 attack may involve more intense properties coupled with modified behavior that may require more output than a simple shield, and some attacks may require more sophisticated compositions in the hopes of legitimately defending against them; thus, Schedule 3 powers and abilities may seem harder or impossible to defend against if the conditions are inadequate and requires special care when dealing with this threat level. Schedule 3 may still be countered by exertion of a foe and forces most common, but creating the necessary materials to properly defend or break a schedule 3 power may seem logistically illogical and require more resources than needed as an alternative may serve just as well. Examples involve:
Schedule 3 weaponry involve high powered projectiles and even more deadlier harder to defend properties that, though can be defended against, requires knowledge the enemy may not have and mismatching can be extremely fatal and common.
Schedule 2
A power, defense, or attack exceeds a particular sophistication or is described to have minimum drawbacks. Schedule 2 abilities and properties offset possible defense against them as to require specific conditions that may be outside accessibility one could control and thus even more difficult to manage. An attack from schedule 2 may have abilities that could bypass most defense with only designated weaknesses in place. An example will be a time phasing projectile that could phase through most if not all armor or out of reality or magics that may only be opposed by magics of different varieties. Powers and abilities that require much more specific powers of the same nature to fight it in any capacity fall under this category.
Schedule 1
The ultimate classification of extreme powers where only a power equal to or greater than can measure. Schedule 1 powers, abilities, attacks, and defense bypasses all capable means of measures that an opponent may use creatively to overcome and becomes a mandatory stable to counter others who uses a particular power. An Astral Flame that can only be defend against is a great power of the astral world, dimensional attacks that require dimensional protection, or energies with precise weaknesses that only certain people may have access too will fall under this tier.
The rating of a power or ability is based on whether it can be evaded, blocked, and attack(ed) versus how fast, strong, or reach it may have. The schedule system does not adhere to mismatch disparities between characters in the tournament, but what can theoretically oppose a feat despite the entrants of TZDL; If a fire character enters a tournament where the signups are a majority of water users than the rules will not acclimate nor accommodate. A character is not judged completely by how many schedule abilities they have but rather each ability is measured. It is encouraged that a player describes facets of their character in detail with much thought as TZDL does not cover gross ambiguity and will Default.
Schedule 5
The most basic premise of powers and abilities. Actions within this tier are composed of a fundamental function with little nuance and can be thwarted or evaded with proceeding escalation of powers or abilities. Punches and kicks without imbuing properties or seldom meaningful characteristics fall under this category. A schedule 5 power can be countered by natural forces exerted from the adversary or barriers that may be found naturally. Any ability, power, or object that has no alteration to its behavior or property.
Schedule 4
When abilities and powers undergo nuance and extremity in the power scale. Wielding the premises of elemental forces are common and are utilized with impunity, but their effects or properties remain wholly primitive or simple. A fire ball that destroys a building or electricity from its user fall under this category as though their scale of power and speeds may vary, the very construction and principles of these forces are basic as they devastating. A schedule 4 ability or power requires significant resources to mitigate, but does not require much effort or planning to defend due to simplicity. Examples of such feats:
- Draven's ice weaponry materialization(Profile: TZDL2012)
- Kaiten's Pisonic abilities(Profile: TZDL2012)
- Most small-arms fire including rifles and semi-automatics (The far latter may be a lesser Schedule 3)
- Mystic's elemental abilities(Profile: TZDL2012)
- Mimring's Natural Abilities to register high speed. (Profile: TZDL2012]
- Flamezone's Fire and Sword (Profile: TZDL2011)
Schedule 3
The pinnacle of permissible powers, attacks, defense, and abilities most fall under this category because of their high level of efficiency, power, or caliber. Schedule 3 powers involve subtle or outright complex powers, weapons, and abilities making it difficult for adversaries to manage though applicable to defend with proper justification and creativity when applicable. A schedule 3 attack may involve more intense properties coupled with modified behavior that may require more output than a simple shield, and some attacks may require more sophisticated compositions in the hopes of legitimately defending against them; thus, Schedule 3 powers and abilities may seem harder or impossible to defend against if the conditions are inadequate and requires special care when dealing with this threat level. Schedule 3 may still be countered by exertion of a foe and forces most common, but creating the necessary materials to properly defend or break a schedule 3 power may seem logistically illogical and require more resources than needed as an alternative may serve just as well. Examples involve:
- Mitsu Mazono's Railgun as the output exceeds simple ballistics in both power and speed (Profile: TZDL2012)
- Jhieten Matsunagi's telekinetic projectiles for their diverse properties, behavior, and output (Profile: TZDL2012)
- Jacen Blink's Prosthetic Eye for registering multiple natural forces and their composition (Profile: TZDL2012)
- Mimring's Spectrum Breath for its diverse range of abilities or power breaking application(Profile: TZDL2012)
- Vodin Kindra's plasma Aura for its extraordinary behavior and properties(Profile: TZDL2009)
- Tsubaki Isekiru's Demon Force Release & Demon Emperor Fist + Furious Demon Power as two were character multipliers and the other were a dramatic explosive of force that could be combined with all of her powers and abilities (Profile: TZDL2012)
Schedule 3 weaponry involve high powered projectiles and even more deadlier harder to defend properties that, though can be defended against, requires knowledge the enemy may not have and mismatching can be extremely fatal and common.
Schedule 2
A power, defense, or attack exceeds a particular sophistication or is described to have minimum drawbacks. Schedule 2 abilities and properties offset possible defense against them as to require specific conditions that may be outside accessibility one could control and thus even more difficult to manage. An attack from schedule 2 may have abilities that could bypass most defense with only designated weaknesses in place. An example will be a time phasing projectile that could phase through most if not all armor or out of reality or magics that may only be opposed by magics of different varieties. Powers and abilities that require much more specific powers of the same nature to fight it in any capacity fall under this category.
Schedule 1
The ultimate classification of extreme powers where only a power equal to or greater than can measure. Schedule 1 powers, abilities, attacks, and defense bypasses all capable means of measures that an opponent may use creatively to overcome and becomes a mandatory stable to counter others who uses a particular power. An Astral Flame that can only be defend against is a great power of the astral world, dimensional attacks that require dimensional protection, or energies with precise weaknesses that only certain people may have access too will fall under this tier.
The rating of a power or ability is based on whether it can be evaded, blocked, and attack(ed) versus how fast, strong, or reach it may have. The schedule system does not adhere to mismatch disparities between characters in the tournament, but what can theoretically oppose a feat despite the entrants of TZDL; If a fire character enters a tournament where the signups are a majority of water users than the rules will not acclimate nor accommodate. A character is not judged completely by how many schedule abilities they have but rather each ability is measured. It is encouraged that a player describes facets of their character in detail with much thought as TZDL does not cover gross ambiguity and will Default.
------------ Profile Format & Availability ---------------
All TZDL players MUST submit their character for the tournament. A character will then be screened before it is either approved Pending Denied. A denied character cannot enter the tournament as they may have exceeded the requirements necessary to join or failed to meet a condition set by any judge(s). A denied entry may submit another character before the deadline. The deadline for all character entrants is:
April 28th, 2017 at 11:59PM.
There is a 20 minute opening after the deadline. You cannot make alterations to an approved profile sheet under any circumstance or you will be denied entry into TZDL. You can only edit your profile after it has been screened or with approval by a judge. You must inform a judge WHICH part of the profile you'll be editing if you were not required to do so. Once a profile is submitted and approved of then your profile shall remain untouched by you or any judge of TZDL. Profile sheets can be submitted in any stylized format allowed on RPGuild, and if you do not have any particular format for a sheet then here is a template:
It is imperative you submit your availability along with your signup above the actual profile sheet. A truly acceptable format will be to submit your availability above the profile itself with the profile sheet using the hider tags, but it is only preferable; but, you must submit your availability above your profile sheet before entering. Accepted players in TZDL will submit their availability in the ooc of this thread when announced or asked. The format for an availability is
The starting week (Monday GMT -5) for availability will be May 1st, 2017. If you don't know your timezone or wish to know the timezone of another player:
Any player who do not post in the day and time of their availability will be constituted as an infraction and receive a penalty in their fight based on how many times they have not posted.
1st infraction will get a verbal warning.
2nd infraction will receive an autohit from their opponent (stun, not serious)
3rd Infraction will be a critical autohit (serious damage)
4th Infraction will result in the death-blow of the character
Players MUST update their availabilities every week for any changes. A player can be award a pardon for real-life circumstance but not out of habit. When both players availability in a match overlay means both are not only available to post but do so frequently if applicable. Chronic lateness will result in an infraction. When a player advances to the next round they must submit an update of their availability, but players eliminated from the tournament do not have to (duh).
April 28th, 2017 at 11:59PM.
There is a 20 minute opening after the deadline. You cannot make alterations to an approved profile sheet under any circumstance or you will be denied entry into TZDL. You can only edit your profile after it has been screened or with approval by a judge. You must inform a judge WHICH part of the profile you'll be editing if you were not required to do so. Once a profile is submitted and approved of then your profile shall remain untouched by you or any judge of TZDL. Profile sheets can be submitted in any stylized format allowed on RPGuild, and if you do not have any particular format for a sheet then here is a template:
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Weapons or items[/b]
It is imperative you submit your availability along with your signup above the actual profile sheet. A truly acceptable format will be to submit your availability above the profile itself with the profile sheet using the hider tags, but it is only preferable; but, you must submit your availability above your profile sheet before entering. Accepted players in TZDL will submit their availability in the ooc of this thread when announced or asked. The format for an availability is
[b]Availability:[/b] x:xx AM/PM Timezone from xday to xday
The starting week (Monday GMT -5) for availability will be May 1st, 2017. If you don't know your timezone or wish to know the timezone of another player:
Any player who do not post in the day and time of their availability will be constituted as an infraction and receive a penalty in their fight based on how many times they have not posted.
1st infraction will get a verbal warning.
2nd infraction will receive an autohit from their opponent (stun, not serious)
3rd Infraction will be a critical autohit (serious damage)
4th Infraction will result in the death-blow of the character
Players MUST update their availabilities every week for any changes. A player can be award a pardon for real-life circumstance but not out of habit. When both players availability in a match overlay means both are not only available to post but do so frequently if applicable. Chronic lateness will result in an infraction. When a player advances to the next round they must submit an update of their availability, but players eliminated from the tournament do not have to (duh).
--------- Accepted Profiles --------
- Xavier Bloodrayne - Xavier Bloodrayne
- Keileon - Jason Shaver
- Demon Lord Laser - La MÃ quina
- Dias Blade - Dias Blade
- Drifting Pollen - Lyra Gwynn
- DocDocter - Gonad Yaksplitter
- Melonhead - Tomas Kent
- LeeRoy - Shin Zhou
-------- Special Rulings & Changes --------
This section will contain special rulings not attributed or accounted for prior to the tournament. These will contain special rulings or verdicts only native to this TZDL to be referenced in other matches and in the future. This log will begin during sign ups and end after finals.
- None
------ Contacts ------
If you wish to speak to Mobius or a judge then PM Devil on RPGuild, reach as at Discord, or message me on Skype at i3r0k3nt0y.
Good luck.. I'm going to need it.