Sector: Alpha Centauri β
As one of the first space stations to have been constructed by the Earth Federation, Space Station Solus (Or "Triple S") is still an impressive space station to behold. It has a cool retro 2050s style, consisting of many sleek curvatures and elegant archways, with a romantic touch of fantasy added in. Already being active for a good 30 years or so, it's famously known as a major trading pub for the Earth Federation, as well as an entrance way into the vast networks of different solar systems in the Perseus and Orion-Cygnaus Arms. In return, it services as the last major stop until you hyperspace to the Federation's homeworld of Earth. This system is also known for the Ivirnius species, who have been the Federation's first and closest closest ally since their arrival.
Within Station Level 34b, just a little distance from Hangar K, lies the central Headquarters of the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge, also known as GAHL. Founded and directed by Richard M. Malkovich, the name basically speaks for itself. It's a legal hunting lodge that makes money off various deals, sunny or shady, by exploring new uncharted worlds and hunting for creatures desired by their clients. Of course, not many support their job hunting these creatures, but they're legal as long as they keep to several guidelines and restrictions. Regardless they aren't all about hunting as previously stated, it's just that its simply based around it.
Now having just hyperspaced on the west side of Solus, GAHL's personal transport ship, SC Sirius, has arrived right on schedule. It's coming back with a wide variety of hunter, both old and new, yet all unique in their own right. Onboard, is Commander Rickland, a human male who is one of the oldest members of GAHL. He has been tasked in collecting these (mostly) new recruits and is finally returning back to home base to meet up with the CEO. Traveling to the cockpit of the ship, he presses a button that directly contacts Mr. Malkovich on the station.
"Malkovich, this is Rickland aboard the SC Sirius," contacts the Commander in a slightly British-tone, "I've just returned with our new hunter recruits. Permission to land in Hangar K, over."
A short pause deafened the cockpit, until came a response.
"Roger, this is Malkovich. Permission granted to land in Hangar K. Welcome Back Commander Rickland." a deep, if slightly-raspy voice came on the speakers.
Slowly, the Sirius gets into position as it slowly lands in the Hangar Bay dedicated for them, with a low hum emitting throughout the ship as it lands softly in the hangar bay.
" I'm currently in the main office," Malkovich says on the speaker to Rickland, "So so just take them there. I'll give you all your assignment there."
"Roger." the Commander responds, "We shall be there shortly, over."
With that, he stands back up and heads to the passenger room, where he can see all the faces of the new hunters, all looking ready for their first missions. Rickland simply smiles as he claps his hands, getting their attention.
"Alright everyone," he says, "Here we are. Triple S station. Gather your belongings and follow me to the Headquarters. You'll get a brief intro first, followed by your first assignment there. All of your questions will be answered there if you have any, so let's go, on the double!"
He turns and exits the ship, waiting for everyone to gather their stuff and to follow him.