Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

DxD Discord

Deal with the Devil is a Highschool DxD inspired roleplay. It is set in an alternate universe in which some events may run parallel to those of the series, but the story will not follow the set events of the series’ canon. That being said, players are likely to and (within reason) encouraged to take creative liberties. Use of canonical characters or items may be permitted. However, this will likely be taken on a case by case basis as we utilize what we need to build our own narrative.

The world as we know it is broken. Blissfully unaware to the truth of the existence of supernatural beings, humanity makes its way through the course of history. Unbeknownst to them, there was a war, long fought between three powers; God and his Heavenly Army, the Fallen Angels, and Devils. It raged for centuries with no end in sight. However, as time passed and each side suffered great losses along with the appearance of unprecedented intrusions on this great war, a treaty of sorts came to pass.

Humanity would be left to govern itself. No interference would be made by God or his heavenly army, though humanity would be free to choose who to worship and praise as they pleased. The fallen angels would be left to their own devices provided they refrain from any heinous activities. Devil would continue to rule over the underworld, although they would be able to play with the human world, much unlike the heavenly army.

This treaty, weak though it seemed, would come to uphold piece in the coming years for the three great powers. Still, this would do nothing to stop infighting among the devils. With so many of their royal and pure lineages having been destroyed or otherwise broken down, there was a struggle for power. Above the strife and anguish rose the Five Great Satans; Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Belphegor. Although not the originals, these five took up the positions, bringing order to the world of devils. In order to better manage their land and people, they split the world into five parts among them in which each Satan could assign smaller sections to peerages under their rule. And so order has been maintained, although for how long nobody can be quite sure.

Alright! So, moving on!!
This roleplay will primarily take place in the fictional Yatsushiro Town. A small town located in Japan, within driving distance of Tokyo, it is home to one of the Hanadate Academy high school branches. This town is also home to a budding peerage known as the Grimmond Household. The household is a devil clan which has been growing quietly for some time now.

Under the leadership of its young “King,” The Grimmond household will need to grow stronger and rise through the devil ranks. While facing various enemies, they must prove their worth and gain the recognition of the two Lords Belphegor and Asmodeus. However, the young King’s peerage has much to overcome if they are to succeed in their efforts.

While the fictional Yatsushiro Town will be a primary area of interest throughout this roleplay, it is important to note that if there is a town by this name in real life the two are not the same. All names and places as of this roleplay will be treated as fictitious with no connect to real world people and events (duh). Moving on, it will be the hometown of our characters (for the most part). Generally, they will each live somewhere either within the confines of the city or just outside of it depending on reasoning and all that good stuff. It may be attacked, but our characters will defend it. Still, it is not this story’s key location.

The key location of the roleplay will be that of Hanadate Academy. More specifically, its high school branch. This will be the primary battle ground and core area under the protection of the Grimmond household. It is the Grimmond territory, though there may be other beings or supernatural beings around as in the series. It is where meetings will be held and where most business will be conducted. It may also serve as this household’s primary battlefield when participating in rating games.

The uniforms of this school are as follows:
Male Uniform

Female Uniform

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, there is more.

In this roleplay players, myself included, will be taking the roles of the Grimmond Household. As you may have guessed, this peerage is comprised of the King, who has been tasked with gathering various evil pieces in order to build some sort of higher social standing. Together the characters must grow closer as well as stronger and traverse their new lives and find balance with their old lives. As such the core members of the family, revived through the evil piece system, take the roles of chess pieces; rook, knight, pawn, etc. Each holds its own purpose and abilities.

The Grimmond house hold in actuality is a lesser branch of the Asmodeus Clan, operating in under the watch of lord Belphegor. As such the King, Tsumiki Grimmond, is considered a candidate to inherit the Asmodeus title and power. He has also inherited an innate talent and proficiency for Lightning and Illusion magic like many others, particularly his Uncle Asmodeus, the current head, in his clan. This makes lightning and illusion magic trademarks of his and of his household by association. Still, they are in no way limited to only these two types of magic as is his preference.

Additionally, we have our two lords Asmodeus and Belphegor. Although seemingly forgotten by the other current Satans, generally have their own business to attend to. They keep watch over their respective areas and handle things in their own territories. They deal with branches of fallen angels and heavenly forces in their territories, keep infighting amongst devil to a minimum and generally live as they choose. Still they maintain great power as Super Devils, even if they generally keep to themselves and their own interests.

Rules of the Roleplay

  • First and foremost, standard RPG rules do indeed apply.
  • As the GM of this roleplay my word is law. As such, please follow the guidelines set by myself along with any, and all, Co-GMs.
  • No Mary/Gary Sue, Overpowered, bullshit tier characters please. While it is important to note that not every character will be on the same level, it is also important that nobody is immortal/untouchable.
  • No power playing, metagaming, whatever. OOC knowledge should not be utilized in the IC, you should not, in any major way, attempt to control, harm, or move another player’s character without permission.
  • Romance is, of course, allowed. However, please take any sexual content and other acts above the PG-13 mark to PM or fade to black or whatever
  • It is likely that there may be death, but all matters will be discussed beforehand. Still, there will most certainly be destruction and gore, within reason. So, please be aware of this.
  • Have fun and try to be as active as your schedule allows. I know it is tough, but please try to let someone know whether or not you'll need to go if you can.
  • I honestly don't mind cursing or other variations of coarse language too much. However, please do not go overboard.
  • Being that this is casual level roleplay I expect a paragraph per post. Understand that this is a MINIMUM requirement, lowballing at that, as I understand it can be difficult to slam out large posts on a regular basis for some.
  • Finally, as the Gm of this RP I reserve the right to add and/or change any of these rules as I see fit, although I will only do so within reason of course.

Possible Questions
In this section I’ll answer, or at least attempt to, any questions that you may possibly have. I may also update this over time to add any questions that come up throughout the RP.

  • Can we start our characters off as simple humans, or other species, who get turned to reincarnated devils later?
    I’m glad you asked! Yes you can do this. However, it is important that the choice makes sense as some humans or creatures would have no business being involved in the events of the roleplay. Thus, it might be more difficult to faze you into the family/plot.
  • How do we know how many Evil Pieces our characters need?
    To be honest, the higher level pieces should only need one on average. If it comes to pawns, after I look over your character I will tell you myself based on what I feel may be appropriate.
  • How do we get stronger? Is it simple training? Will there be any payoff?
    We will train, however as seen in the show other means may also be possible; a bad experience, trauma, anger, determination, etc. However, character driven instances such as these should be discussed with me and Co-GMs either in the OOC or through PM before sometimes before occurring. You don’t just magically get stronger, let’s face it. It takes work.
  • Can we use species not mentioned or introduced in the series?
    As long as you make it work I don’t see why this wouldn’t be allowed. Just play within reason.
  • Can I have this specific sacred gear/ability from the series?
    As much as I would be tempted to myself, let’s try to be original. I’m leaning more towards banning items like the Boosted Gear, and other prime selects from the anime because well… It’d kind of be unfair. Given the right proposal and argument though, I may allow something. Choose wisely.
  • We have seen instances in which characters are reincarnations or descendants of historic beings/figures in mythology. Can we do this?
    Well, if it’s something like this, I will generally be lenient. However, if I feel something is really bad, dangerous, or doesn’t fit with the roleplay, I am likely to call you on it.
  • Is this gonna be one of those things where your character is stronger than us just because?
    Well, Tsumiki won’t be stronger just because. He might be stronger because of experience and training for some. However, it is possible that any character may possible be able to match or surpass him throughout the roleplay. Still, that’s probably prompt him to just get stronger. I mean, what king would be cool with not being the strongest and setting an example for his/her family? Let’s be honest here. Nine times out of ten, nobody wanted to be obedient towards and listen to a person they can take out by themselves regardless of whether or not they saved their lives.

Character Sheet
Image/Face Claim

Race: {Your character, as a basic rule of thumb, is Reincarnated Devil. Still, here you should also indicate what your character was prior to joining the family. Human? Dragon? Ogre? Nekomata? Fallen Angel? Other?}
Ranking: {What is your character’s (intended) evil piece?}
Appearance: {Please provide extra information on your character’s appearance. If you find yourself having trouble here allow me to help you. How tall are they? How much do they weigh? Do they have any piercings, tattoos, or birthmarks that might not be included in the face claim?}

Skills: {These are things that your character can do that can typically be learned or practiced by just about anybody given time and effort. Nothing really magical or special about it.}
Sacred Gear: {Does your character have a Sacred Gear? What is it? What does it do? What are its limits? Keep in mind that as far as DxD lore goes, at least to my knowledge, only humans can possess Sacred Gear.}
Magic: {Does your character use any magic? What is that magic? What does it do? What are its limits? The criteria is essentially the same as a Sacred Gear. }
Strengths: {Give three strengths. That is NOT a maximum, but don’t go overboard. Be reasonable.}
Weaknesses: {Every good character is likely to have just as many weaknesses as they do strengths. Provide three, MINIMUM.}

Personality: {Who is (Charater Name)? What do they like? Hopes? Dreams? Likes? Dislikes? Insight into the deeper aspects of who this character is.}
History: {Please provide at least a paragraph, for this portion of the app. If you are having trouble consider the following. How was your character brought to the brink of death? How did they come to be a member of the Grimmond Household. How long have they been a part of it; a day, week, month, year, etc. I’ll generally be lenient and leave you room to work here, but honestly, it should be coherent and consistent with not just who your character is, but also who my character is. If you wish, feel free to work with me, at least on the how and why they joined the family part. Everything else is all you.}

Other: {Is there something not included in this app that you, the creator of this character, would like to add? Please feel free to add that information beginning with this section.}

Possible Arcs

  • The Case of the Stray Devil - a stray devil was reported to tsumiki as being the cause of a recent series of murders over the past 2 weeks. We'll need to find and kill said devil
  • Mock Rating Game - our first test of skill. The opponent will be a peerage of the asmodeus clan, tsumiki's cousin. Loser becomes the other's servant for a week. Boys will be boys I suppose. Devils will be Devils? A petty squabble all the same. How will the peerage and tsumiki himself deal with this.
  • The Loss of the King - when their territory is threatened by a powerful foe the peerage is brought to the brink of death. The attacker makes a simple request of tsumiki. Go with him/her in return for mercy for his peerage. How will this turn out?
  • Son of a... - Tsumiki's mother comes for an unexpected visit. Mere shenanigans? Or is something more sinister afoot?
  • Honor Among Thieves - There is a thief amidst the people of Yatsushiro Town. Most of what has been taken was of no concern. However, when a sacred artifact is brought to the town museum for a special display. Given the nature of said artifact the Devil Lord cannot turn a blind eye. It must be recovered, less the theif strike again.
  • Battle Hardened - Tsumiki often finds himself in a position to take interest in those around him. Lately he has noticed a student whom he believes would be a good addition to his peerage. Perhaps the group can get another person to join.
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hah! Never thought I'd see a DxD RP again.

Save me a spot will ya?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@PaulHaynekNo problem lol
Much as I hate to admit it, these don't always get the most interest. So if you want, invite a friend or two.

I don't dislike the character by any means. I like the idea of a vampire on our side and as far as abilities go I think he is fairly well balanced. And obviously as a vampiric reincarnated devil he'll have all the weakness any devil would have. However, there are a couple problems with his story and the continuity of the history.

In order to be reincarnated as a devil, to my knowledge, you can't have been dead for a long time. Judging by the lineage if he is the great great grandson of Vlad the Impaler the man would have had to live a VERY long time or still be alive. The way you're talking about it, it makes it seem as though he has been dead for a while.

Vlad's time was somewhere around the 1400s. If we say it was around the center of it, even as a vampire (considering eternal youth and possible immortality from natural causes), he probably would have died at SOME point. Same goes for his child and his child's child and so on.

Even if that weren't the case and your character were attacked and killed how would Tsumiki have known about him? How would he have reached him? Keep in mind Tsumiki is only 17. That's not just his age based on appearance, it's his actual age. You've got a European (I'm assuming) based character. It's possible that he may have traveled to Japan, and thus he would be in Tsumiki's vicinity for some reason, but you would need to make that reason clear. Additionally, this is modern day japan. Unless he were in an extremely rural area, it isn't like that he would have been lynched by a mod or anything like that. Maybe killed by a stray exorcist? A normal exorcist? fallen angel? stray devil? You've gotta make it somewhat more believable for the world of DxD.

Sorry if it seems like I'm being a dick. I want things to make sense and have recently begun taking my role as GM and the storytelling aspect of RPs much more seriously. I really do not mean to be a dick.

As for being a full blooded vampire, keep in mind that as per the series a vampire cannot go out into sunlight. Also they have set abilities. You can of course branch off and have your own, but you may need to consider these skills and traits. You may be able to get away with some by being a Dhamphir, hybrid of vampire and human, but that's up to you (keep in mind that being a Dhamphir would essentially make other vampires, probably including his family, hate him anyway). Also, I had to do some more digging into the series and Vlad the Impaler. While, to my knowledge, there's no exact bloodline related to Vlad or the original Vampire, or Dracular, it is important to note that Gasper's family line is said to be a reference to Vlad Tepes AKA Vlad the Impaler AKA the inspiration for Dracula.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

@Demon Shinobi

Honestly I just Wasn't sure what to go with. Obviously I don't know the lineage of Vlad and honestly I didn't know that your character was only 17 because then I would gave the lineage go MUCH farther. As for the part of instead being a descendant of Casper I cab change that.

So to be clear:
Must be much older past great great grandchild
change his cause of death to something more relevant then a lynch mob
then explain how you would have found him.

As for the vampire limits I know it will be difficult but that is part of the fun. I'll just hide in the club room all the time and avoid going outside. (I Honestly think it would be funny having my character war all black while complaining about the sun))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Jangel13you're more or less on the right track. Don't be related to gasper. It just felt like necessary information to know that there is a clan/lineage in the dxd world who's existence bares reference to a figure in history who you are utilizing. Still, this is an au. So you don't need to necessarily worry about them specifically. I do recommend you look up the vampires of the dxd universe, and learn as much about them as you can because that's what I will do myself to keep things to an extent in line with some of the lore and world built.

Still in order:
Yes, longer line of lineage.
Cause of death should fit the times as they are.
And it should make sense how or why tsumiki came across and reincarnated him, within I would say the first half hour or so of death as a devil can only reincarnate the living, dying or recently dead (to my knowledge).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

Alright ill change them tonight when im not doing homework.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

@Demon Shinobi

Alright changed up his history to long lost descendant, death by blessed bullet from stray priest, and you already nearby and heard the gunshots. how's that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, as it stands I can accept these two characters.
I'll probably add Argos into Tsumiki's CS sooner or later.
It'll be fun to see how Rin acts around him starting from when she doesn't know he is a devil compared to after. Color me curious

I figured with 2 or 3 more characters I can start us up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This message is partially a bump, partially an invitation and partially making sure @PaulHaynek is alright XD

So, @LostDestiny@Vongola_Hasayo@Lmpkio@TheHangedMan@Rin@Rune_Alchemist@RaijinSlayer
Any of you interested in High School DxD at all? Not like forcing it, just checking. And it's easier to do this than individually pm like I was going to XD
If I've already asked, I apologize. I'm just kind of you know. excited. Like I'm not rushing. Just want 2 or 3 more. I mean yeah i could accept more, but for now I just figured I should play the good GM game and scout. Since I've seen and/or actually rped with most of the people listed here before I can wholehearted invite no probs.

Regardless, apologies for the intrusion and apologies for bothering.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

So what's our chess piece? I chose rook but I don't know if you want something different for my character
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Jangel13Well if I were assigning pieces, I would likely make your character Bishop. You have a much higher reliance on magic than on actual combat, but the speed of a knight wouldn't help, and the strength of a rook doesn't quite fit with your abilities as it stands.

@SukuIf it were Suku, I probably would give Rin either a Knight or a Pawn. The knight because speed would be handy for a thief, plus fencing. BUT a pawn because disguise, adaptability, etc. So either of those could work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Demon Shinobi

Oh man

Highschool DxD

It's been ages. I actually remember abso-fuckin-lutely nothing about the anime xD

I watched season 1 a loooong time ago, but I never quite got around to watching the other seasons simply because college was a bitch back then.

Give me a bit to read over everything and maybe possibly read some things, and I could definintely be interested in this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Demon Shinobi

Oh man

Highschool DxD

It's been ages. I actually remember abso-fuckin-lutely nothing about the anime xD

I watched season 1 a loooong time ago, but I never quite got around to watching the other seasons simply because college was a bitch back then.

Give me a bit to read over everything and maybe possibly read some things, and I could definintely be interested in this.

Way more of a response than I initially thought I would get lol
So yeah I'll wait.

Plus that like from @TheHangedMan ;P
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 43 min ago

@Demon Shinobi

Fair enough, ill trust your judgement
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Demon Shinobi
Um well I mean I guess this is one of those series I always thought was vaguely interesting but was put off from actually getting into for... Reasons, although this does seem a bit random... I mean I guess maybe I can try and figure something out? We'll see how things turn out I guess.

Why do I keep getting invited to RPs about anime I've never watched I'm pretty sure I don't have that good of a reputation and all this just boggles my mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hey man, quite interested here. It's been a long time since I watched the anime but I should make a coherent enough character... in theory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Rinsorry XD

I don't have many people I think would be interested in this. No pressure really if you would rather not given the lack of knowledge. But still, I figured I should invite peeps who I've seem to make good cses at least. Thank you for your consideration if nothing else lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Polaris NorthI'm always happy. Plus wiki always helps. More about the world than the specifics anyway :D
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